Thursday, January 16, 2025

War in the Air - Witchcraft in the Fog_PART 6

Shout Ahead - Echo Behind 

[NOTE*: Minor editing done - moved text, spelling -BP Jan28.2025]

parrot 1: "You go first" -
parrot 2: "You go first"

parrot 1: "I just said that; I will go first..." -
                         parrot 2: "I just said that I will go first [parrot squawks] oops..."

parrot 1
: "haha - you have to go first" -
parrot 2:
"You tricked me..."

Now – there is a great divide amongst the people, and anger and rebellion are stirred up as a troubled hornet’s nest. The West shall be in great pain; they will be greatly hurt. The backbone of America is broken; it is severely fractured. The days of great woes and great sorrow are coming, but also great blessings that many have patiently waited for.

Think not that I AM come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I AM come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be those of his own household. [Mat 10:34-36]

                                             [5 months later]

On Apr. 9, 2013, the Lord said, “The strategies and tactics of those who follow Satan (Lucifer) have been employed for a long time. The desire for a one-world government and ruler did not expire when the building of the Tower of Babel ended or with the death of Nimrod.

The plans have been carried out covertly. The adversary is patient to a degree now that he knows his time is shorter. All has escalated. Although some things are still happening covertly, there is less concern about hiding things.

Satan (Lucifer) is proud (as are his legions) and has lifted themselves up brazenly. They have been called forth [summoned] by evil people through rituals, ‘prayers’, and blood sacrifices. This is a multilayered, multidimensional, multifaceted structure that is being carried out by those on the dark side, both in the physical and in the spiritual.

[Note*: I understand the Lord to mean ‘unholy’ prayers (Lucifer’s counterfeit). I understand multilayered to mean from the average person (young to old) to oligarchs. There are evil entities on all levels in the physical (as in the spiritual): from the arts to politics, from judicial to religion and politics; and social, to family, friends to strangers.

I understand multidimensional to cover from AI to physical to spiritual realms [3-D prints, holograms, teleports, remote viewing [occult]]       End Note--BP Jan2025

 Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. [Jn 15:13]

The days are grossly dark and steadily growing darker. All My people see this who are abiding and cleaving to Me.

[above written April 2013 – nearly nine years ago today – March 5, 2022]

(the time I was writing it in the book that I am now typing from) End Note BP


Do not walk in fear and unbelief. Walk by faith and not by sight.

Remember, I AM for you and not against.

Do not look around in terror and dismay. I forewarn My people. I always have. As you abide in Me, I reveal that which is to come, walk. Wait upon Me, trust My timing. Hold fast to your faith. Stay strong in Me. [Yeshua/Jesus]

Remember your warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore, I urge you to keep on the full armour that I provided, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. [Eph 6:12]

What must be will be.

I lead one day at a time, one step at a time. My glory is about to fall upon the Body of Christ. Healing and restoration are about to occur within the body of Christ. Indeed, it has begun.

(NOTE*: I understand that He did not mean false apostles, false prophets or false teachers, or those who hide behind a large shield of religion for material gain and riches. The clash of the kingdoms is more intense than most realize. Satan will counterfeit what God is doing because he is the author of confusion.

Faithful followers of the false prophets and false teachers will think they are true prophets or teachers if they are prospering. Remember, Satan offered Jesus ‘all’ the kingdoms of the world if He would only worship him (the devil). That is part of the deception of Satan. Some people have deceived themselves and do not know it.

 His ‘ministers’ insist all they do is for God’s glory, but they covet admiration, prosperity, and popularity.  Being deceived hurts, but the precious Lord forgives the one who turns away from sin. He forgives the broken heart, broken with godly sorrow.

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.   [Rom 8:1]  


(I know many need mental, emotional, and spiritual healing - that of past traumas, betrayals, grief, and sorrow. Multitudes pray for physical healing for our loved ones, beloved friends or others we hear about, and even for ourselves.

The Lord makes people whole spiritually – it is needed.

Being confident of this very thing [confident dear soul – confident!] that He which has begun a good work in you WILL PERFORM IT until the day of Jesus Christ: [Phil 1:6] [emphasis and comment, mine BP2025]

People [walking in the carnal [fallen] nature - sinful nature], the world, Satan, sin – the damage done to people is astronomical. Praise God for healing and restoration…I know the Holy Spirit has led me to a scripture that I have prayed numerous times over the years BP2025]

Whether it be good or whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the Lord our God, to whom we send you, that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the Lord our God.

Be not afraid of the King of Babylon, of whom you are afraid; Be not afraid of Him, says the Lord: For I AM with you to save you and to deliver you from his hand. [Jer 42:6] (Apr 9, 2013)

April 11, 2013

Walk humbly with God… [Micah 6:8]

F.B. Meyer [Frederick Brotherton Meyer – (English Baptist clergyman: 1847-1929 [82]), as he once wrote:

“Few have known more sublime truth than Baalim [Micah 6:5], but he loved the wages of unrighteousness, and this eclipsed the divine radiance that became overcast, and finally overwhelmed.” [End quote]

Also be assured that much of what is going on in the headlines is a distraction from what is going on behind closed doors and within secret meetings. Indeed, you must be aware of all that is going on in the world, within your own countries, within your own neighbourhoods, and within your own households.

Be as wise as serpents, and as harmless as doves, for you are amongst wolves … [in the nation].

There are enemies in the camp. (April 11, 2013)


Fast-forward: Dec 24, 2022

No obscurities in the way…

“Now you shall prophesy purely for there are no obscurities in your way.”

(Note*: I had to dig to find out the meaning of the above, as it was rather obscure to me. Lol ]BP2025]


[1] as in ambiguity the quality or state of having a veiled or uncertain meaning being hard to see because of darkness or dimness

[2] obscurity – something that is hard to understand because it’s too complex or unclear

[3] the condition or state of being unknown, or unnoticed, not having fame or prominence

[4] God saw David’s heart that was cultivated in obscurity – his character and skills were developed when no one was looking  

[5] faithfulness in the little things when no one is looking       



You came under strong delusion because you would not receive the truth, but rather turned (chased) after a lie (an idol).


(It was 1983; I was 29 years old, and a very messed up young woman. I was not a Christian. When Jesus came to see me (I was in a badly beaten (unrecognizable physical state.) No fear of the Lord…a wretched sinner! He came to help me, to save me. (I always thought bad love was better than no love, but there is no such thing as bad love. That, in itself, is a deception.)

I chose idolatry – imagine choosing the created over the Creator. That day I not only became spiritually blind, but I also became …an idolator, and was spiritually dead. Steeped in rebellious sin, the season of consequences began. It was going to be a very long season, but little did I know at the time that the Lord was going to be with me, every step of the way… for the next thirty-nine [39] years.  Not 40 years – I was given one year of undeserved grace.

Now that you know the pain, sorrow, and harm that comes from false prophecies, and the false hope that is as a stillborn, guard your ears, your soul, and your mouth. Wait upon Me, and speak only pure words from Me. My Word (Bible) is pure; it is truth; it is alive.

Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Me. [Micah6:8]

Remember that to hate a brother is murder in the heart. [1Jn 3:15] Hate evil; shun sin, but do not hate a brother or sister who is still in sin.

Indeed, a storm is brewing. The enemy plans to heap fire (attack) the nation. They are hastening their plans to strike and destroy Israel. There is a calm before the storm. Your adversary, the devil, roams about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Stand your ground. Stand guarded.

Thank God for those who are speaking the truth! It is only gossip when a person is playing both sides, pretending to be on one side and then tossing them aside, and going to the other side. In war, it was called “turn-coats”. They wore the enemy’s jacket in one part, and then switched the jacket (turn it) and pretended to be the other side.

 We must watch out and help each other. We cannot be everywhere. So much is happening. Only God is omnipresent, and for decades, He has had me post to seek Him. Now people are getting more serious…but if only they would keep self-righteousness out of it.

It is one thing to be led by the Lord and know that He has placed things heavy upon your heart to share. He organizes things so well. Everything is done decently and in order.

But I am having a hard time with self-proclaimed prophets who have gleaned their work from others, and done a bit of ‘redesigning’ and repackaging. They go through work, and take expressions, and tone (personality) and make it their own – literally creating their personality as they go along. I have seen this happening for a few years (but videos disappeared – evidence).

Some have even taken down old videos and deleted certain articles. Picking up this idea, and taking that portion, and making it “thus said the Lord’’, when yes, He well may have but not to them.

I do my best to pray proper prayers for them, just between Jesus and I to the Father, but feelings are tough sometimes. It is not because forgiveness was not given and sincere, but it is pretty hard to keep up with 70x7. I am not a super-Christian, and I am speaking of other Christians, who are supposed to be keeping their own repentant heart, but do not see plagiarism as a sin.

Therefore, behold, I AM against the prophets, says the Lord, that steal My words, every one from his neighbour.  [Jer 23:30]

It is when a person pretends your experience and time with the Lord was “their experience’’ (when in the heat of a very real battle, not just spiritually, but when in the hospital fighting for your life because staff is angry that you are not vaccinated, and your health issue has nothing to do with lungs or flu or such).

Shelving from a storage closet was rolled out into the hallway to fit my single bed. They put the side up (and I could not get out because my legs were so swollen, one calf was 26 inches. My waist was about that size when I was younger (24-26”). No washroom, no commode, I could not get the sides down, but even if I could, I could not walk. No food, no drink, no washroom, no nurse, nothing – for 36 hours.

Thirty-six [36] hours, NOT due to testing, but further punishment because I refused a vaccine. I kid you not. Weeping before the Lord, the Holy Spirit led me to 2 Chronicles 20. There was an enemy [demonic who was influencing people] that had to be confronted, so the Lord led me to someone who faced an enemy, but it was a physical one.

King Jehoshaphat ordered a fast. (well, looks like the hospital did that for me). He prayed a powerful, sincere prayer. He was told the battle was not his, but the Lord’s. He was not to fear. Jehoshaphat bowed humbly to the Lord.

He was to appoint singers to go ahead of the army and praise God in the “beauty of holiness”. I understood. My “room” was at the end of a long empty corridor, so softly I made up a song and praised the Lord, the best I could. I was unwell; it is why I was in the hospital.

How long before someone came, I do not know. But a nurse came and brought me a couple of sandwiches, and milk. She brought a commode and a fresh gown, and a basin so I could wash my face. Then, breakfast came. It seemed I got extra but perhaps it just looked that way.

Within two hours I was moved up several floors to a private room (semi-private, but the other bed was empty). What a difference, what a view (from the seventh floor or so). Not long after that my son came with Tim Horton’s coffee (mm-mm) and a steak sandwich, and a donut. Sigh…

Yes, the LORD turned it around, and I will give the glory only to Him. However, a certain person (a week after the incident, and I was back home) took that experience and made it their own. I was horrified…should a person mock God?

That same person took a very precious word (one I am grateful for), but she messes around with it. In parts, she would “prophesy” how the Lord is, but she took His glory. I had snippets of the video, then she took down the video. But instead of saying that in our darkest hours or times, “her staff and her” are “here for you” and encouraged them to just call…

I could not believe it. Witnessing someone take the GLORY OF THE LORD And giving it to themselves and their ministry was unbelievable. Surreal! If there was any respect left, that quenched it…may God help us all.

This woman has plagiarized much of my work, which is why you hear truth. False prophets are NOT stupid. When Jesus said we would do greater works than He. I do not think He meant raising the dead, healing missing limbs etc. How can we outdo God in miracles? We cannot.

I think the greater works means we can travel around quickly, and reach multitudes via radio, social media platforms, podcasts, etc. That is just my thoughts. I cannot see us doing greater miracles than Jesus but our works can be a greater reach, and great multitudes of people.

Repentance and the WORD has always been threaded throughout my word – it is a constant. Go back through the archives and see…but do not touch the GLORY of GOD. I have always done my best not to ever come near to doing that.  Please repent, and stop. There is no need to glean from me and others. Is it just a habit now?

I will post: In Your Darkest Hour, I am With You  [from 2016] – but folks, this is GOD’s WORD to souls. It did NOT come from a person. I was merely the vessel who penned it, but I will not touch God’s glory…and neither should anyone else.

In Your Darkest Hour I AM With You

And about the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus (Yeshua) cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?
 [Mat 27:45-46]

O LORD, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear! even cry out unto You of violence, and You will not save! Why do You show me iniquity (injustice), and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention.

Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment does never go forth: for the wicked does compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds(justice perverted)  [Hab 1:2-4]

Many question My Sovereignty in this hour when faith is being tried as never before. "Where is justice? Why do you You stand afar off and allow such horrors to take place?"  Many of My people are crushed in spirit at all that is happening, yet I promise you that I AM with you, even now. I grieve with you; I collect your tears. In your darkest hour, I AM with you, even if it does not seem so.

You tell [record, track, know] my wanderings: Put You my tears into Your bottle. Are they not in Your book?  [Ps 56:8]

Hearts filled with sorrow, grief, anger, doubts; confusion abounds and the enemy whispers, "Where is your God now?"  Shut out the voice of the adversary, for only I know the reason behind all things. Sin abounds in this world; human error and choices between doing what is right and what is wrong is still a reality.


When things happen that do not make sense, you must trust that nothing has escaped Me. I DO work all things together for good [Rom 8:28], but in the midst of pain and sorrow, nothing makes sense. I know your frame; I remember that you are but dust. Yet, I say to you, will you trust Me through this?


Multitudes whisper, "Nothing happens that God does not allow." They readily lay even the consequences of sin at My feet, indirectly blaming Me for all that goes wrong in this world.


There is truth in the statement, yet does what I allow mean that everything is My will? Are abortions, murders, suicides, illegal drug use, incest, adultery, fornication, betrayals, false doctrines, witchcraft and much more...are these such things My will?  Consider c

If I intervened and intercepted every vile word, action or deed, most, if not all, would accuse Me of reneging on the gift of the power to choose. I promise you that justice shall be served in the end. My promises (including personal promises to My people) will come in MY timing, if you will but be patient just awhile longer. Stay abiding and obedient. I never fail nor leave nor forsake!

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great recompense of reward. For you have need of patience, that, after you have done the will of Godyou might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry. [Heb 10:34-37]


The hearing and knowledge of that will not satisfy most in their darkest hours, yet I assure you that if you will but trust Me through all situations, no matter how mysterious, unfounded, unfair or seemingly untimely, the day will come when you will see that in My wisdom and omniscience, I allowed what I allowed for good reason and purpose.

I can handle your outbursts of anger, frustration and all else that you may bring to Me in your emotional turbulence. It is better to approach Me in honesty than hypocrisy. When the storm passes and you calm yourself once again, you will repent if you truly love Me and I am ever ready to forgive.

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. he that goes forth and weeps, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him. [Ps 126:5-6]

And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for you: for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. [2Cor 12:9]

If you will find the strength to lay all your life down upon the altar (hopes, dreams, plans, emotions, feelings...your very life) and TRUST Me enough to WAIT upon Me, and OBEY My instructions in FAITH, then I shall indeed give you beauty for ashes. 

I shall turn your sorrow into joy and clothe you in robes of righteousness. You shall be as a tree planted by the waters...if you will but hold fast to your faith, despite all the outward circumstances. Indeed, I shall avenge. I AM a God of grace, mercy and love, but also of justice, judgment and righteousness. Selah

To appoint unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He might be glorified.  [Is 61:3]

Shut not your eyes as one blind, nor harden your heart against Me in your dark hour, for I will yet come and bless you if you will surrender all, lay it all down and trust and wait upon Me.

This is the time to turn your eyes toward Me and not away from Me. There is a very real adversary that hates all of mankind, but particularly My people, those who follow after Me and seek Me in earnest, willing to abide, even when their faith is shaken. 

Do not go by your feelings or emotions. Do not go by outward appearances, for in the twinkling of the eye, it can all change. Hold fast to your shield of faith. I AM your shield, your strong tower, your refuge.

If My people would only know what is around the corner, they would be stronger. Yes, horrific things are coming, as foretold, yet I say to you, the Bride is being prepared - and astounding things not heard of are about to take place.

For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither has the eye seen, O God, beside You, what He has prepared for him that waits for Him. [Is 64:4]

Set your face as a flint. Repent where you know you must. Keep on your armour; fast and pray, be alert! Give thanks and praise even when you do not feel like it, for great is the reward after humility is expressed. Above all, faith, trust and obedience!

But now, O LORD, You are our father; we are the clay, and Your our potter; and we all are the work of Your hand.  [Is 64:8]

God of the impossible-Red Sea miracle


thick walls of Jericho fell--
art credit -

spoke through a donkey in language
that was understood

artist_Walter Rane

Holy Spirit places a pure seed in a virgin
who would birth the Messiah/Saviour

I AM still the God of the impossible. Nothing is too hard for Me. Believe and have faith; trust and obey...WATCH and see what I shall do.  Selah

Jesus walked upon the water


Jesus healed the blind

And He said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Behold, I AM the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing to hard for Me?  [Lk 18;27; Jer 32:27]

For His glory alone


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

War in the Air-Witchcraft in the Fog-PART 5


Clash of the Kingdoms

(Note: Thanks to a beloved sister in Christ and a close friend, some editing was done. A couple of sentences were in need of repair for clarity, and a picture was added (truck with warlock print). Sometimes I post and have not properly edited. It is fixed now though. Thanks again, Donna L. - end note-BP-Feb15, 2025)

As promised, the second part of "Prayer Can Change Anything - Part B" is below.

Here is a heads up about what is in the queue. It will be moving rather quickly, just as everything else in the world is. I wonder if this is what the Lord meant when He said that unless He shortened "those days" there would be no man saved alive. [Mat 24]

He was speaking of the days where nation would rise against nation, there would be famines (states like North Carolina and California are suffering severe food shortages due to what they are enduring, and many other places globally due to war, earthquakes, etc.).

We are in the beginning of sorrows, but the birth pangs are increasing, and it hurts terribly. We cry out at all that is happening, yet not just with what is happening on so many different levels around the world, but with what is going on within the church.      

Right now, there is only speculation and conjecture; however, no one really knows how Jesus/Yeshua will accomplish that, but we can trust His wisdom and His ways - we can rest in Him.

There is a prophetic message after this that I am to repost. After that post, I am going to get into some real concerns about Donald Trump and Elon Musk. The title to this series which embraces war and witchcraft - air and fog came to me in the summer, but the first post of this series was October 8, 2024, preceded by "Coming Out of the Fog".

 When the Lord moved on me to sound a strong warning about witchcraft, back in early-to-mid July, things began getting crazy. It was overwhelming.

I had not realized it because it was so insanely busy with me, but my son confided in me that he could barely catch his breath between his work, his personal life (mother of his child etc), business-related matters, health, every area.

Then a dear sister in Christ and beloved friend expressed how she and many others were going through a dizzying business, health issues, and much more. When I took it to the Lord, it was as if "witchcraft" was stamped spiritually in the air. 

I was in my vehicle in the parking lot (handicapped spot) waiting for my son and grandson. Then, as if to put an exclamation mark to the one-word sentence, I looked over to my right in the parking lot. There was a white pickup truck parked there. One word was painted on the side of the truck.

click to enlarge


It could not be any plainer, and only God could arrange that truck, that word, that timing (parked there when I was praying, I reckon) because after prayer, I was reflecting and I looked to my right, and there was the answer. Thank You Jesus

(NOTE*: Special shout-out to Donna L, who caught edited for me lol - I had not put the word, or picture...Very much appreciated, my friend. Great catch! (I will consider you for spring's baseball season (smirks) -- edited Feb 15.2025-BP)

Believe that we are in a spiritual battle, as we have been since the Garden of Eden because we surely are. But know how short the time is -- we see the signs everywhere. Keep on the armour of God..Pray about everything. Keep the church in prayer, but also, do not forget our brethren that need to return to the living God of their fathers. How exciting. Jesus is coming back, but the war is ramped up as a result. King, our Messiah, Advocate, Saviour, Redeemer!

It is because of them that we Gentiles had opportunity to be grafted in. Praise be to the spotless Lamb of God, the soon-returning, resurrected Warrior King of kings and Lord of all lords.

If you missed the first half of this, go here: Prayer Can Change Anything – 1st Part

Part Two - Prayer Can Change Anything

This was originally posted in 2012 and 2013. It was reposted in 2023.

Hour of the Testing of Your Faith

testing of the faith
then - now

It is in the hour of the testing of your faith that the enemy enters yet another battle with you. He seeks to fill you with bitterness, frustration, anxiety, fear, and doubt (unbelief). Anxiety breeds fear, doubt breeds unbelief. He seeks to turn you in a direction that you should not go.

[Note*: We all have doubts. The good kind can keep us from making poor choices, or from accepting false doctrines, or doubts that chair will hold us. Then there is the doubt that "doubts God", "doubts Jesus" and His ways, or His faithfulness, etc. It is the latter that the Lord refers to - BP2025]

He [Satan] will offer you all that you desire if you will only walk towards his ‘gift’ (your desires) and accept the gift (temptation). So powerful and seductive will be his offer, that it will take your faith to walk towards Me instead, and to cling to the Vine. Abide, abide, abide in My shadow.

Just as he tempted My Son Jesus/Y’shua in the desert, so he tempts My people. Remember Samson? He fell into temptation with Delilah; though I gave him victory in the end, he died. The temptation he fell into was the lust of the flesh, sex, Delilah’s seductions; yes, she betrayed him - the fangs of the serpent hid behind the lovely face.  

Remember Joseph? Joseph was sold into slavery, where he remained for 13 years, after having his prophetic dreams about his brothers and father bowing down to him. His brothers were filled with embittered rage and jealousy; his father, Jacob, was angry and perturbed.  

While in slavery, Joseph was strongly tempted by the wife of his master, but he fled from it. Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him. When Joseph rejected her advances, she became furious. She blatantly lied and reversed the story, claiming that Joseph tried to seduce her.   

Joseph was imprisoned on the basis of her false accusations, and it looked like Satan had the last laugh. Yet I was positioning Joseph to bring him to a place of honor to help his people and multitudes of others during a great famine that lasted seven years.

Tried with Fire

The time of testing will pass … will you? Forgive and let not bitterness take root when those close to you turn on you and speak evil against you, abandoning you and rejecting you. Forgive and have faith. Stand strong. Trust Me. Have I not told you? Without the test (trial), there is no testimony; without the battle, there is no triumph. Know that I am with you; I long to deliver, heal and restore you. Draw nigh unto Me, draw closer. Forgive and let the past go.

That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ [1Pet 1:7]

[New excerpt – same article, first post was October 2011, repost was April 2014]

I AM ready to perform the unbelievable, yea, but so is the enemy. Beware, beware. Cling to the Vine, stay close. It is a critical hour. Everyone senses it, yet not everyone knows what it is.  

The Whole Earth Feels the Foreboding Approach of Great Tribulation

It is nearing the time of the great tribulation – the whole earth feels its foreboding approach, yet many are set up for strong delusion. Even the very wise will be deceived if they have not continually sought truth and to those who long to satisfy their flesh, rather than to turn to Me with a repentant heart. In short, the key to not being deceived is to abide in Me.

Hear Me and draw closer, for I AM in control; My word has gone forth. Let go of distractions and suffer through the humility of silence and wait for My visitation. Wait for My still, small voice.

Quiet Confidence

For I shall come to you in the stillness of your humility; I shall inhabit your praises and lead you with My still, small voice. 

Wait patiently and quietly. You need to hear from Me, for all hell is about to break loose on earth. Judgment is coming upon all nations of the earth. Wait upon Me in quiet confidence, My child, for in quietness and confidence shall be your strength. Return and rest…

In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and His children shall have a place of refuge. [Prov 14:26]

For thus said the Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, In returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.  And you would not: [Is 30:15]

Let it not be said of you, My child, that you would not… Selah

Original: Posted as Led  April 2014


There is yet another to be posted. It is the ‘one word’ itself that has been posted twice already. The word is in “Masks of Sabotage’; [Nov 6, 2016]; the second time the Lord brought the word up was just over five (5) years later, in: You Will Rise – Part 2 [Feb 5, 2022]

As things continue to ‘escalate’ and ‘accelerate’ (two other words given to me years ago). The Lord does repeat certain words over time to keep us alert to whatever the words reveal. After well over a decade, I have less than a couple of handfuls or so of words in nearly two decades. The Lord does not overwhelm us.

Repeating these next ones, the Lord is alerting us to the realities of ‘sabotage’, and even a ‘trojan horse’.

I ponder a very recent report [March 2023 – see link below] that stated that the Trudeau Foundation received a $200,000 donation from the Chinese seven years ago, in order to “influence Justin Trudeau after he became Liberal leader”.  

Two hundred grand seems a lot, but it goes deeper. Apparently (same report) the Trudeau Foundation received $1 million in 2014 from two Chinese rich people (a billionaire and a wealthy businessman). The latter [businessman] added the 200 grand donation on top of the million. This occurred one year before the Liberals “came to power under Trudeau”.

click on any picture to enlarge

The news update is that no donation sponsored by a foreign country could be accepted. The 200 grand is being returned – no mention of the million. The person who ‘reported’ the news could not be reached for comment by Canadian Press. SOURCE: Global News Canada 2023

Conflicting reports state that Trudeau dismisses a public enquiry; another states he is ‘under pressure’ to call an inquiry, and yet another states it is unnecessary, as China themselves call the reports “rumours” and “hype”. SOURCE: BBC news

What is interesting though is that the inquiry has just been requested (2023), yet these ‘reports’ I speak of are all circulating around the 2021 race (the federal election where Trudeau won only 41 seats for a minority rule).

Justin Trudeau and Xi Jinping seem to be on amicable terms in the photos provided by MSM. What happened to the 2014 donations? Guess they became ‘dust in the wind’; ‘rumours of the camels’

And as He sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the world. And Jesus answered and said to them; Take heed that no man deceives you. [Mat 24:3-4]

With Canada receiving reports (although unconfirmed at the time of this writing) that Justin Trudeau received money as a ‘donation’, there are now news reports that Joe Biden’s finances are being linked to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).

So, did China pay huge dollars to influence potential leaders of North America (Canada and United States)? Are rumours of Canada’s elections being rigged true? Trudeau is doing much damage to Canada, and losing respect along the way.

[Note*: On January 6, 2025, Justin Trudeau resigned as Prime Minister, due to pressure from within his own cabinet. Interestingly, his father, Pierre Trudeau resigned on June 30, 1984-BP]

World Tribune reports: “The Biden family’s former top financial lieutenant Eric Schwerin is expected to “soon” provide requested documents to the committee. Schwerin, who shared bank accounts with Joe Biden and was dubbed the family’s “moneyman,” was also the president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, a fund created by Hunter Biden and several associates that spawned business deals in Russia, Ukraine, China, and Romania.

“Kathy Chung, Joe Biden’s former executive assistant, is scheduled on April 4 to sit for a requested transcribed interview with the committee’s investigation into the Biden family business and Joe Biden’s classified document scandal. Chung was hired as Joe Biden’s assistant when he was vice president after a recommendation from Hunter Biden. Chung appears in numerous email threads on Hunter’s “laptop from hell.””

SOURCE: WorldTribune 


Sabotage’ comes to mind with the February 3, 2023 East Palestine, Ohio toxic derailment [50 cars-11 toxic], the Springfield, Ohio derailment [a mere 5 weeks apart], followed by a 37-car derailment in Birmingham, Alabama. See links for full report. Interesting, Birmingham, England.

There are other incidences also, such as the rash of food processing plants destroyed, the bizarre weather breaking records, when there is proof of weather manipulation going back as far as 1800s, amazingly. Were the ‘spy balloons’ over Canada and the United States a distraction from something else? Many questions and theories have been circling around North America since then.

SABOTAGE is the word strongly placed upon the heart by the Lord, shared with me in November, 2016 (I sense the Lord gave that word to a sister in Christ in Virginia, Donna L., when she was given a dream that had a cat named Sabotage. Back then, she also gave permission to say her name; it is in original post) – Her dream influenced the title of the post I was preparing (Nov. 2016) called “Masks of Sabotage”.

The Lord led me to speak of “sabotage” again in “You Will Rise – Part Two” [Feb. 2022]

The following is due to a concern about genocide, since Gates, Schwab, Harari speak freely of the ‘depopulation of the masses’.  All of us need to be prayerful about all information, and ask the Holy Spirit to align things with the Word, or else show us what to reject as ‘not of God’.

Let us continue. Keep in mind the next portion was published (posted) Feb. 2022. That was the year the Lord called, Year of the Giant and Year of the Righteous (a two-part series). The Spirit of the Lord has impressed upon me that He has not lifted the ‘season’ of the ‘giant’ or the ‘righteous’ yet.

[The following is an excerpt from: You Will Rise – Part 2]

Sabotage is a serious one to take before the Lord. 

This clash of the kingdoms is a reality. Anything peaceful can be sabotaged to turn it into evil. People with an agenda can infiltrate peaceful movements and flip it upside down. It has happened countless times throughout history…along with false flags. May the saints of God around the world join in with each other to pray to Jesus (Yeshua) to intervene.

Jesus said to watch things become intense
[intense, intensify, intensity]

INTENSE is another word that has been heavily impressed upon me as well. I had to go out for a few supplies yesterday. I do not have a coffee maker so I went to grab a jar of instant coffee. Amazingly, one brand had the word INTENSE on its front…and it was the last jar with that word on it.

UNPRECEDENTED - another word placed heavily upon my heart - adjective: never done or known before - unprecedented times (unequalled, unmatched, without parallel) - never having happened or existed in the past - See > Cambridge Dictionary

I continue to pray about famine due to the vision of the woman with the hungry (starving) child at her feet keeps recurring, as does the time I saw the smoke rise up into individual, racing horses, (and I understood ‘war).

We need to pray about the situation in Ukraine. The bear running across northern Canada with three arrows in its mouth comes to mind. In the next article, there will be mention of 1933 (the year of genocide [man-made famine]), and specifically the numbers 33 and 3. Astounding.

• closed doors – for some it is judgment due to compromise, disobedience, apostasy etc, - for others, it is a blessing (divine protection)

• DIVISION continues – the counterfeiter Satan is dividing because the LORD is separating

• [stronger] continuance of GOOD being called evil and EVIL being called good – the clash INTENSIFIES

• two years ago, 2020 the Pivotal Year (see Jan 29, 2020 blog archives), the Lord mentioned dormant volcanoes awakening; to watch volcanoes and earthquakes

*- continuance of “giant” proportion (catastrophicvolcanoesearthquakestsunamis, devastating floods

(NOTE: Posted 2011, 2012, 2013, 2023, and now 2025 - All throughout the Word of God, He repeats Himself because we are creatures that have a need to be reminded.  There is a tendency to forget, but more people are reporting an increase in memory problems, from young to elderly BP2025]

2010 vision I had, UFOs were mentioned
with reports in
NW territories (Yukon) and
that reports of sightings would increase

• watch the skies (asteroids - alien deception - holograms -) signs and wonders (pray, do not accept everything - Satan can appear as an angel of light)

When the Lord said to 'watch the skies', it was two-fold. One due to deception such as a fake alien invasion, said to be New Age belief, to deceive people into acceptance of a 'united' world to fight the aliens - others claim a fake raptrue is part of the plan to cover up or explain the real rapture

• the other reason we are told to 'watch the skies' is to be ready for when Jesus/Yeshua returns to gather us up in the 'twinkling of the eye' [1Cor 15:52]

• the hunger for power and control; watch for release of pestilence [worse - deadly] not just genocide [depopulation - "cull the herd"], but to bring the people into submission to government restrictions, rules, mandates…(Satan is on a ‘time’ schedule)

• mishandled AI (rise of artificial intelligence, transhumanism, technology misused)

Be aware of the Biblical prophecies, watch and pray. Stay balanced in the Word and in time spent with Jesus/Yeshua.

God’s Side

God's view_credit

Deep calls out to deep – go deeper – these are also words heavy upon me, as are:

• victory (it began with the coins discovered)

• year of strength and hope for the righteous (please refer back to Part 2, scroll down list)

• salvationhealingdeliverance (backed up by literal experiences over the past two years) Testimonies will be plentiful…

• separating – the Lord impressed upon my heart and strongly presented in 2018 [January] the separating, and I saw it begin, as one church that operated in witchcraft was closed down after being confronted. He was and is separating sheep from the sheep, (cattle and cattle, rams from he-goats – see [Ezek 34:17])

• separating (by the King and Lord) of the precious from the vile, the holy from the unholy and the clean from the unclean

The separation is escalating as time speeds up, and the return of Messiah is nearer

*- the separating of those who offer lip service VS those with a heart of servitude  (remember, a closed door may well be divine protection-pray)

The clash of the kingdoms is a war, not a time of pretense – the Lord has RISEN from His throne

• time is now (time, time - this keeps showing up – too often to ignore)

• new beginning, major changes (Gods people will be put in positions where pressure is put on - do not fear- trying of the hearts continues but think of Jesus in Gethsemane place of crushingpressing/oil press) garden filled with olive trees) - pass this test - more coming up next article - pressure

• speaking forth (this is imperative! God’s people need to speak forth His Word more – find out His will in times of prayer and ALIGN it with His Word, and SPEAK it FORTH! Some of the false doctrines like the prosperity movement halted many from standing on God’s Word and speaking it over that which they are led to speak it over)

(NOTE*: Some of us are not gifted with photographic memories, so there is nothing wrong with reading scriptures out loud, even as a prayer. God honours His Word. He knows the level of our intellect; our strengths, weaknesses, even the number of hairs upon our head (yes, I chuckle when bald men tease us with that scripture. Old saying: Laughter is good medicine.) - End note -BP

• align – alignment (back in 2016, about six years ago, the Lord spoke of alignmentbut at that time it was mostly pertaining to His people aligning our lives up with His will) [a cost to the walk]

* aligning our lives with the Word

I will worship toward Your holy temple, and praise Your name for Your lovingkindness and for Your truth: for You have magnified (exalted) Your Word above Your name. [Ps 138:2]

*- now the Lord indicates that alignment pertains to prophecies foretold by the ancient holy prophets aligning with His will and with His word; the end time events are moving quicker into place – let us keep looking up, awaiting our Messiah; He is soon here

*- the Holy Spirit has also impressed upon me how things will manifest in the nature realm and in the secular as well, in alignment with His will for these end times (because the prophecies in His Word must and will come to pass, so yes, like it or not, things are going to get uglier in the world (physical realm) as well)

The above is to show how the secular world
is using 'align' (and its variables) - but
God alone knew this in advance

*- the counterfeiter Satan has been calling for alignment in the secular, in various arenas - use caution and pray to find out which is of the enemy and which is of God - if it is of the enemy, God will reveal, and we can pray [what to do about whatsoever]. 

The end result is God's alone - it will remain if it is allowed in order for prophecy to align (but if it's more of Satan's rebellion and defiance, we can pray, God may very well intervene like He did multiple times in ancient times; He is the wise one who knows the end from the beginning)

•  Rise and speak forth, saints! – this is repeated because not enough of us are standing on His word and speaking it forth. Pray, find the Lord’s will for your life and get personal direction regarding all that is happening, then boldly stand on the Word (salvation, healing, deliverance, however the Holy Spirit directs you, speak the Word)

• breakthrough and OPEN doors

Stay close to God. Whenever fear threatens or knocks loudly at the door of your heart, speak the WORD ([2Tim 1:7] as ONE example); intimate relationship with the Lord, prayer and the reading the Word will keep us balanced. The Holy Spirit is faithful, and will remind us of the Messiah’s promises and words

[New excerpt – same article- You Will Rise P2 – Feb. 2022]

Sovereign God Rules

God of wonders- You are holy

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The Lord REIGNS[1Chron 16:31]

Saints, remember there are TWO in the clash of the kingdoms.

[NOTE*There are two in the clash of the kingdoms; God is immovable. He cannot be pushed around. Satan is the resistor, clashing against the solidness of God's kingdom. 

Satan is like a battering ram, clashing against a thick, impenetrable wall. God is steadfast, immovable. Satan keeps clashing against the Sovereign Adonai, but his day is coming where he will be forever stopped - BP2023]

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. [1Jn 4:4]

Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens. [Lam 3:41]

[New excerpt – same article]


There will be giants that will be seen this year (both in the spiritual and the physical) << Giant events in nature, in political arenas, in cataclysmic events around the world, in the spiritual realm. 

When these things happen, don’t look at the natural and say we are but grasshoppers and can do nothing. Look at the spiritual and say our God is beyond measure, none can compare. He is for us and we can stand strong and brace, as He leads us.

(NOTE*: Remember these are excerpts from FEB 2022, the Year of the Giant […], but the Lord has not ended the season (or lifted the burden from my heart – for prayer), so it is still applicable. May the Holy Spirit faithfully remind me to pray – BP2023)


This next excerpt is from Pivotal Year 2020 – Baptism by Fire


These are some of the key words for 2020:

• alignment: (The Lord has always given ample warnings and a fair time slot to repent and turn from wicked unrighteous ways.) This is one word that the Holy Spirit first put upon my heart in early 2016, then again around, October 2018 – repetition increasing in 2019 and now 2020.) The Lord is aligning things both in the spiritual and the physical – so is Satan and his legions (counterfeiter, imitator, illusionist)

 • accelerate and escalate – repeatedly these three words presented themselves: over the years these words have presented themselves, naturally; however, the repetition of these words in frequency and seemingly in nearly every topic and event globally certainly gets one’s attention: alignmentaccelerateescalate (this pertains to what God is doing, but also what’s going on around the globe)

forgiven-washed in the BLOOD 
of Jesus - Yeshua


Good Shepherd Jesus
an ever-present help in trouble

● balance - the Lord is balancing things on His scales of justice; do not be found wanting; Holy Spirit will help you with the lost, the prodigals, the wayward and by God's grace and mercy help lead them to repentance, forgiveness, cleansing and freedom in Christ Jesus (Messiah Yeshua

● deception - illusions - lying signs and wonders

• betrayals (Judas spirit), treachery, sabotage, spirit of Jezebel (evil spirit, python/divination, seducing spirits (leading people to doctrines of devils), idolatry (occult rituals, "Christian witches", spirit ‘guides’, false gods/goddesses, spirit of divination)), child sacrifice (endorses abortion, ritual sacrifice), manipulating and controlling multitudes (feminism, abortions, homosexuality, promiscuity and sexual perversions); homosexuality (gender lines blurred, abomination, confusion, dominance, control); promiscuity (immorality nakedness)  

● witchcraft (exalted), child sacrifice (rituals, molestation, blood drinking) cannibalism, greater darkness (embraced), [people now calling good evil and evil good], increased persecution globally

• diseases (resurrected); plagues introduced, biological warfare (in 2013 when living in Georgia, I saw a vision of a stagecoach and a team of 6-8 horses (in silhouette) speeding eastward from the west. I understood that:

old diseases would be resurrected, and new plagues introduced.)


● AI, invisibility, weaponry, military aircraft/spacecraft (Artificial Intelligence; certain technologies (holograms, lasers, invisibility, zero gravity aircraft, space stations and more), used as part of deception, signs and lying wonders)


HELIOS- High Energy Laser with

Integrated Optical-Dazzler and Surveillance

Lougheed Martin

● locusts (literal, demonic, weaponry), earthquakes, volcanoes (that which lays dormant; sleeping giants awaken globally - I have a strong sense this is physical and spiritual) – great eruptions, toxic

● poisoned waters; famine

● sword upon the land

● civil unrest increased – more deaths via militarized police, martial law

● spirit of slumber, spirit of fear

● illusions – the counterfeit will appear real – Satan is the prince of the power of the air; keep it in mind – that which is seen is not always what it appears to be; the father of lies and the master of illusions is busily at work; stay in prayer, repent if deceived, ask protection, increased discernment and wisdom

● Sovereignty of God - remember WHO is in control of all things; remember WHO leads you in the way that you should go; remember WHO has brought you this far, strengthening you in the furnace of affliction; remember WHO has shown you signs as confirmation, even when you did not ask (whether a timely word, a special sign in nature (rainbow, dove, and Father know); creative answers to your prayers)

- bringing the true ones together all around the globe (groups (family in Messiah Yeshua/Jesus)

- For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His (Yeshua/Jesus) shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father,, the Prince of Peace. 
[Is 9:6]

● shofar (ram’s horn) 

– call to repentance 
– call to obedience
– call to holiness 

This is a very serious wake-up call; more important than any other in past times– the HOUR IS LATE!

Jan 29, 2020 – ORIGINAL:  Pivotal Year 2022


Toonie - Canada's two dollar coin
VICTORY coins that I never knew I had
found in candy dish March 2021 as I was
packing up to move


click to enlarge
Canadian VICTORY coins

On God’s side, remember the victories He promises amidst it all. Our victories are in Jesus the Christ (Yeshua the Messiah).

ORIGINAL: You Will Rise - Part Two

We see and know that all ends in VICTORY with Jesus/Yeshua, saints. Glory to God in the highest.

In the presence of His glory
