It would be
best to start at the beginning. If you missed it: 2022–PART 1
Forewarned To Prepare for Battle
The last time the Holy Spirit forewarned me about a
spiritual attack and warfare was in February 2021, just before I moved to the
home I am in now. The warfare was indeed intense, and I was also unwell then
The last two years (since May 1, 2020 and even more
so since May 25, 2020) have been an incredulous and unbelievable challenge
(many battles), but I am grateful. From listening to others as well as
some reports I receive, these ‘battles’ have been the norm for God’s dedicated
And despite what some might think, the increase in
battles does not automatically prove one is doing something wrong or is hiding
sin. In fact, it is more indicative of one doing everything right, and thus,
they are a threat to Satan’s kingdom.
The Lord has His army of saints…always has, always
will. And down through the ages, we encourage one another to be strong, and to
remember whose army we are in and the King we serve under (Jesus Christ/Yeshua haMashiach)
Onward Christian Soldiers! (version sung by Gaithers)
As the English hymn, written by Rev. Sabine
Baring-Gould (1865) encourages:
“Onward Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war, with the cross of
Jesus, going on before. Christ, the royal Master, leads against
the foe; forward into battle, see His banners go!
At the sign of triumph, Satan’s host does flee; On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory. Hell’s foundations quiver at the shout
of praise! Brothers lift
your voices, loud your anthems raise.
Like a mighty army,
moves the church of God. Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
We are not divided; all one body we. One in hope and doctrine, one in
Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng. Blend
with ours your voices in the triumph song: Glory, laud and honour unto CHRIST,
the KING. This through countless ages, men and angels sing.
“Onward Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war, with the cross of
Jesus, going on before.
It is said that the hymn was inspired by the following
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be
afraid of them: for the Lord your God, He it is that does go with you; He will
not fail you, nor forsake you. [Deu31:6]
You, therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of
Jesus Christ. No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life;
that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier. [2Tim
2:3, 4]
Jesus–Yeshua, Lamb of God, worthy, worthy is Your
name! (All Your children agree)
Enter into His Gates with Thanksgiving
The reason for thanksgiving is because the Lord, in
His wisdom, allows things to happen that cause growth, and purges the dross. He
has brought (and continues to bring) about solid changes deep within that
may not have happened otherwise.
It is through the worst of times, when it seems all
have deserted us, or we fear that those closest to us may not understand, that
our aloneness can consume us. But when we come to that place of unassuming
humility, crumbled upon the ground in utter brokenness, contrite in spirit, admitting
our need of Jesus and our helplessness, it seems then that His arms embrace us and
lift us up.
Rejoicing over the One Lost
It seems like an eternity and the little sheep has all
but given up, as he reflects on that which caused him to take his eyes off the
Good Shepherd and away from the safety of His care.
O the hard lessons learned when we allow the things of
the world, or that which is the created to become more important than the
Creator. Lying alone on the cold ledge, soaked in the tears of regret and hopelessness,
a weak cry sounds out in the darkness.
The little sheep finally sees the agape love the good Shepherd
freely gave, but now surely the Shepherd has forsaken him, and justly so. A roaring
lion lurks nearby and the sheep trembles.
“Please don’t leave me here like this…where are You? Come
to me…forgive me! I promise I won’t wander away again…” Staggered
sighing amidst many tears fill the darkness once again.
Suddenly, surrounded by gloominess, something lifts the little one securely from the cold ledge. The humbled sheep is lifted up, and a protective embrace holds him close to a warm bosom.
The rejoicing was real, and all the angels joined in
the celebration, for the Good Shepherd had left the 99 and had found the one
who had gone astray.
And if it be that he finds it, verily I say unto you, he
rejoices more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which
went not astray. [Mat 18: 12, 13]
I am the Good Shepherd, and know My sheep,
and am know of Mine. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father: and I lay
down My life for the sheep. [Jn10:14, 15]
O beloved, if you find yourself outside of the
sheepfold, and your heart longs to hear the Good Shepherd call them, so that He
may bring you too into His fold, hear the words of He (the Messiah, the Christ)
who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hear the Word of the one who is
the [only] way, the truth and the life.
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice; and there shall be one-fold, and one shepherd. [vs 16]
He always told me that first the inside of the cup
must be cleaned, then the outer… In fact, 10 years ago that is the title He
gave me for my testimony: “First the Inside of the Cup”. He does
this with all of us, cleans up the inside, purging, purifying, circumcising the
heart. He does His part, and shall continue until the day we join the Lord; however,
we have to be willing to do our part (work with Him).
Not only that but the trials, hardships and battles have
brought me closer to Jesus and deepened our relationship. Intimacy grows until we
become inseparable; not even a hair can pass between us; we become that tight
and close. Eternity will be amazing! All praise, respect, glory and honor to
King Jesus/Yeshua.
I will not delve into it here, but what I would like
to mention is that the ever-faithful Holy Spirit forewarned me not only of a
serious, very intense battle ahead, but also assured me of VICTORY.
Indeed, once again, every area was hit, and the flesh,
the world and the devil came against me with such an intense onslaught that
once again, I honestly did not know if I would make it through the battle. Yet,
the Lord remained with me every step of the way, often strengthening me.
Doors Were Closing (Slamming) Shut
Yet, less than a week after the Lord warned me of the approaching battle, He confirmed His promise of victory in an unusual way. I had been preparing to move, as the Lord had made me aware, deep within my spirit, even though I had only been living in the RV for a little over five months.
This was back in February, 2021. I had not been joyful with the news about moving because I had barely gotten settled in, but was once again, unwell. Yet, in my heart I wanted out of the RV. The constant stress and maintenance problems, not to mention the astronomical cost with heating bills and electricity, were only managed with God’s help.
The stress and pressure seemed to be continuous for 11
long months, having begun with my previous landlord. It was so constant that it
prompted me to move and take the first available place, which was the RV.
The previous landlord and I had gotten along
splendidly for the years I lived there, until she coveted my apartment to move
in. When I watched what resembled a “cross” being taking down from a property
seen from my kitchen window, the Holy Spirit let me know it was time to move.
My heart was heavy. I had enjoyed being in the little
home. However, with the Covid lockdown, the landlord decided to sell her
million-dollar acreage, with plans to move into my apartment in the building
she owned.
She just had to figure out how. Well, in retrospect I
can safely say that the Lord allowed what He allowed to make it easier for me
to move, since He knew how I had cared for the place and the “comfort” I had
felt there. He was closing the door.
The Allure of Covetousness
A busted water pipe and mice infestation were the
landlady’s opportunity to try and get me out. Over the course of my five years
of residence, I had slowly invested money fixing things up, paint, rocky
tiles and numerous plants and flowers that made up five separate gardens that the
other four apartments could enjoy.
Five long months the landlady delayed repairs. The
place was small. The reality was that repairs could have been accomplished in a
week, two at most, but it was intentionally dragged out to frustrate me enough
to want to move.
It is a long story, but 2020 brought out the worst in
some people. Covetousness and greed were what overcame the landlady. There is
much to it. I was also dealing with Wiccans who were close friends of hers, who
also lived in the same building.
Delays in promised dates of repairs, excuse after
excuse, constant emails, phone calls and text messages added to the stress and confusion.
Suffice it to say that it was a constant battle from the end of April to the
beginning of September 2021, when I finally moved into the RV about a half hour
drive away.
The Great Dragon, The Ancient Serpent
And the great dragon was cast out, that old
serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceives
the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out
with him. [Rev 12:9]
Out driving one day, I had literally just asked the Lord what was going on, why was all this happening. It was July 2020. I had stopped at a light, and there across the intersection, in a small strip mall, the Holy Spirit drew my eyes to a vehicle that was parked outside a store.
The light was long enough that I was able to quickly grab my cell and take a picture. There on the side of a white car, a viper was painted. It was red with a black head, with stripes of white and black.
My heart was pounding. It was happened so
instantaneously after my question that the connection was unmistakable. How often
do I need to be reminded that we do not war against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in
high places?
The black head represented the latter two (ruler
of darkness aka Satan) and for the situation I found myself in at that time,
spiritual wickedness represented how sin opens the door for wicked ones in the
spiritual realm to step and influence.
My landlord called herself a Christian, but her fellowship with witches (self-professed Wiccans), as well as the allure of covetousness, had drawn her far away from Jesus. I had slowly watched our amicable relationship dissolving, but never saw what she was up to coming.
The serpent Satan does not give a warning when he is about
to attack. He strikes hard and fast. Satan seeks to divide in the midst of confusion
and chaos. That was exactly what was occurring. I was doing battle against the ‘unholy’
prayers and the word curses of the Wiccans too, who wanted their friend to live
where I lived.
A Test of the Heart
I was angry about the deceptive way the landlady went
about getting me to move, the undue stress, and constant pressure of texts and
calls. The suddenness of it all, and seemingly out of nowhere. It was all so
underhanded and unexpected.
I finally gave my notice at the beginning of August;
the stress, unnecessary living conditions, combined with the words, “You can
always move”, anytime I asked about repairs wore me down. The Lord had guided
me all along, which I saw more clearly “after” I moved.
I went through the gamut of emotions, as anyone would
in the same situation. Yet, it was precisely at the vulnerable emotional time
that the Lord asked me if I would pray for the landlady, as well as the Wiccans
who strongly influenced her.
It was not easy to pray because I liked my home; it
was affordable. But the stress, the “looks” the three would give me (all
part of the plot to make me move so the landlady could take over), the
cracked cement floor that constantly allowed bugs to come up from outside…yes,
it was hard to pray.
But once one begins to pray, it gets easier, a mercy
from God I’m sure. And obedience truly does move the hand of God. He honours
obedience to His Word. I saw that car again before I moved. It was a reminder
to who we really war against.
Covetousness Brings Yet Another Battle
At the end of the fifth month in the RV I had moved
into from the apartment, the Power of Attorney (POA) for the landlord wanted
out of the responsibilities of being a “landlord”, responsible for maintenance
repairs, real estate agents and more.
He was an elderly shop owner, a life-long friend of
the man who owned the RV. He lived six hours away on the coast, so everything
had to be done long-distance, either by phone or email.
The RV owner was not mentally capable of looking after
business. Alcohol had ruined yet another life. If the POA managed to sell the
RV, not only would he be free of the responsibilities, but a tidy sum of money
from the sale tempted him.
No in-depth details will be given here, but once again,
2020 was indeed proving to be a pivotal
year [and the world shall see s points from here on in], bringing about sudden changes and seemingly, covetousness in people. Was
fear the motivator?
But the beauty of this story is the way my faithful
Lord not only informed me that another intense battle was about to ensue, but the
way He confirmed a promised victory was outstanding!
In His wisdom, in the heat of the battle, when
emotions are high and anger is justified, the Lord calls me to pray for those
coming against me (and in that case, fraudulently). Though still weary
from the previous battle, I obeyed.
The Lord helped me to pray with a right attitude and heart condition. It was all rather astounding. Easy? No. The flesh longs to justify anger. Bitterness longs to take hold and embed a root deep in the soil of the heart.
It can be hard to remember at times that we are not warring against flesh and blood, but against dark forces. Yes, sinful people are instruments in the enemy’s hands, as he motivates them with the temptation of giving them what they desire, IF they carry out their sinful deeds.
But I was to remember two things. Firstly, we all have
sinned and fall short of God’s glory, and secondly, we war against Satan and
demons as Ephesians 6 states.
The Dragon Makes An Appearance
When I had been given a two-day notice to vacate the
RV, which the fraudulent papers were enforcing, I was driving and praying again.
I knew that I could fight the two-day notice since I had the original papers,
But with the Lord’s help, the two-days were extended
to month end. By this time, I had less than two weeks to find a place. So,
during a driving session to try and find a place, I was praying.
No sooner had I once again asked the Lord about the
situation, I pull into a parking lot. Lo and behold! Right in front of me was a
silver car with a dragon painted on the side. My mouth literally fell open.
click on any picture to enlarge |
After several red and white striped spiders came out
and I killed them, about four or five green and white striped spiders came out
from under the blanket. They met their demise with the shoe I smacked them
with. Then, a few more red and white spiders were coming out – I awoke.
I do not particularly like spiders (except Daddy longlegs; they're okay), but for some reason I did not
get the willies from the dream. What puzzled me were my words that asked where
they were all coming from. I did not see anyone else in the dream.
With the stripes, again, I understood it meant
division, and I understood that it would be by the enemy’s hand. The spiders appearing
from under a blanket showed me that though they were hidden (undercover),
they were made to come out from under the ‘covering’ (blanket), and thus
be exposed.
It would make more sense if I told the story, but
police (incident was out of their jurisdiction), government officials,
wealthy leasers, members of First Nations and others were all contacted, but
all said they could do nothing.
Were the spiders representative of all the people I would be in contact with trying to get the pressure off to move so quickly? There definitely was division. It was right about that time that I had been out driving when I looked up to the skies. It had only been a few days since I had seen the dragon car again.
The clouds immediately made me think of the dragon. The way the clouds were formed made it seem so eerily like the dragon painted on the side of that car I had seen. It was as if the Lord was keeping me focused and calm, remembering that my warfare was not against flesh and blood. Bless the Lord!
Despite having solid evidence (documentation), and proof of a myriad of lies in my hand, I found myself literally in a “lawless” loop. It was then (March 2021) that I understood that prophetically we were now in a time of lawlessness.
But thanks be to God, which gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ. [1Cor 15:57]
A few days later (March 2021), I read a promising scripture: For
whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory
that overcomes the world, even our faith [1Jn 5:4]
I was packing up some things when I happened upon a
candy dish. I had not remembered it, but when I lifted the lid, it was filled
with mints. But there amongst them were two coins. The coins were Canadian souvenirs
that had been minted in 2020 to commemorate 75 years since the end World War II
There were TWO coins, and this was the SECOND time the Holy Spirit was assuring me of victory. I had also seen the dragon car twice. Once again, I was sick with pneumonia again. (Yes, I know. I am almost positive that I have had Covid that went undiagnosed possibly in 2019, which would explain the recycling).
All the symptoms, including the ones that are sometimes
long-lasting in the aftermath, are identical. Once again, Satan seemed to hit
every area. Yet, not only did the Lord forewarn me, but He graciously granted
me signs and confirmations.
I am not a coin collector, and each coin is a tooney ($2
coin), why would I tuck them away inside a wooden bowl? It matters not. How
often have we heard other people try to explain the unexplainable, or try to
reason out matter?
Notwithstanding, I am happy to report that just days
before I was to vacate the now-sold RV, the Lord provided a home for me. The
Father’s signature is recognizable to His children, and I give Him thanks. The
promised victory did take place.
• lawlessness shall increase
and be more “in the face” (multitudes to be personally affected by the actions
of the rebellious; those holding hands with the [spiritual] forces of darkness)
• witchcraft continues to be carried
out covertly (plots and agendas), but also [proudly] displayed in the open, even
glorified by the world
•division will increase in
numerous areas (hence: where are they all coming from)
• exposed – many things that have been
kept “under cover” will be brought out into the light
• victories – for
those keeping in the will of the Lord, for every battle will be a victory. How
long a battle lasts is never known, but Jesus (Yeshua) will stick with
us through them.
These things will be handled calmly as we keep the
Lord as the captain of our ship.
Another Test of the Heart
Once again, after many tears and frustrated prayers, Jesus
urged me to pray for all involved. I wanted justice, to expose the lies and the
fraud. There was sufficient evidence, but it was not the way the Lord wanted me
to go. Prayer was His request.
He also had another request, one that took careful
consideration and was most difficult to release the opportunity and trust in
the Messiah Jesus. After several phone calls and investigation, I found that I
could gain a minimum of $5,000 from the first landlord that had pressured me in
underhanded ways to move.
Suffice it to say, pictures of damages done by the mice,
receipts and other documentation would solidify the judge’s decision in my
favour. How very tempting to carry this through. I had lost a great deal
financially due to her antics.
The first request was to pray for the POA, his friend
and all those who turned a deaf ear to the truth, thus allowing the injustice
of being forced to vacate the rented RV, with less than one month’s notice (it
had originally been two days, but God…)
The harder request, after much struggling, more tears
and prayer, I told the Lord that I would not pursue justice from the courts to
recover provable losses, despite the advice from pro bono lawyers.
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give
place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the
Lord. [Rom 12:19]
We can be sure that just as God handled us when we
walked in our old ways and sins, He can handle those who come against us. He does
not see as we do, nor does He respond as we would. His wisdom and understanding
are beyond us. He rains on the just and the unjust.
He has given me the peace that passes all
understanding, and I can honestly rejoice in His love for me (and yes, for
others). Like I said before, we will not understand everything the Lord allows.
We will not receive all the answers, but we learn to trust, and
we can rest in Him!
When our hearts are tested, we will not always know
it. And it is guaranteed that we would not choose the tests that God chooses,
but what is important is whether we pass the tests or not.
Will the Lord find love and good fruit? After all the
work, time and patience He has invested, I truly hope so.
Satan Desires the Spoil after the Battles (Steal,
Kill, Destroy)
I once knew a man (who turned out to be a pedophile),
who often made the wisecrack, “The devil made me do it.”
(justifying his sin through blame; mockery).
The thief comes not, but for to steal,
and to kill and to destroy: I
am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more
abundantly. [Jn 10:10]
The sense of evil was so overpowering
that I myself trembled and was fearful. I was not saved, but since age six, I
had always believed in God and Jesus, and loved what I knew about
them – still, I was unsaved back then. Yet, trembling, I prayed!
The foreboding presence stood (in the dark of night)
at the foot of the bed, on the side I slept on, for what seemed to be an
eternity, but was likely only two minutes. My (then) husband was in a
drunken sleep.
What caused me to open my eyes I do not know, but I
saw the night-darkened room literally grow even darker, much like a rolling
wave, before the demon manifested. It took a few moments before I could see
I was married at the time with three children, ages
being nine, almost ten months, four and seven years old. My (now long-ago ex)
husband had refused to pay the rent (long story, short time). The landlord
kept placing a Ouija board (with the word “goodbye” stamped on it),
where it could be easily seen in the basement.
There was a pantry in the basement for our canned
goods and a root cellar for potatoes, onions etc. The landlord kept one room in
the house that was off-limits to us, meaning we could not use it.
It was an office that he used during the hiring and
harvest season on the 100-acre vegetable farm. Twice I threw the Ouija board
back in the office. The third time he placed it, I broke it over my knee and
threw the two pieces back into his office.
I do not remember how long after the board was broken
that this demon (a principality) appeared, how many days, but it was
less than a week or two afterwards. I only remember because everything fell
apart in the family then too, never to be repaired.
Even still, not being saved, I never connected the two
(board and demon). It was quickly that an onslaught of horrible events
began to happen. The (rented) house was lost, obviously, due to eviction.
Less than a month later, the marriage fell apart, my
husband and I separated, which ended in divorce three years later (he
divorced me; he had found another woman). The baby boy, my son,
almost died of double pneumonia, and I will not say here what happened to my
two daughters, but Satan used sinful people to come against two innocent little
The Thief Returns
Not to be easily swayed, I asked what this “demon”
looked like. What the young girl described was identical to the demon that
manifested itself to me, long ago. (This was still four years before I was
committed, but God was working with all of us.)
She was never told the story of the demon that
appeared 10 long years ago. I asked where he was and she said he was standing
by the kitchen door. In truth, I did not see him that time, but by description,
I knew the principality was back.
The only “open door” I could see at that time was the
fact that I had been heavily medicated by a doctor who misdiagnosed me. (That
doctor eventually lost his license to practice medicine anywhere. The news
report was sent to me.)
It was in that weakened and broken state, combined
with me not being saved, that the enemy saw a way in. I could tell my daughter
was afraid, and I do not know why I said what I did, but it had to be the
leading of the Lord.
I said, “Don’t worry, he’s not here for you. He’s
here for me.” When she asked why, all I could say is that I did not know,
but that I was not afraid, God is watching over us. My children were attending
church (I always gave them the choice because I knew it was not something
that could be forced.)
As for me, my attendance was not regular. My children willingly
attended; perhaps at that young age it was for social reasons, nevertheless,
seeds were being planted. I had no hesitation in driving them or picking them
up. We lived far out in the country and social interaction did them good.
It was approximately six to eight weeks after that demon
was seen by my daughter that I died from an accidental overdose. I had taken
one too many muscle relaxants to try and dull the pain of my broken heart.
My children were involved in a court case against
their own father, and watching their suffering broke me. I was well aware that
the Lord had appeared to me (22 years earlier) in my first-ever vision,
to let me know the man (their father) was not my husband.
Even though I was beaten beyond recognition at the
time, fear filled me and I re but rejected the Lord and what He showed me. That
was when I became blind (spiritually) and fell into self-deception. It was so
very difficult to forgive myself.
A close friend promised to watch the children as the
ambulance took me away. Apparently, my death was only for a minute or so, but
the doctor had informed my daughter by phone of the death. I do not remember
it. I had no heaven or light at the end of the tunnel experience.
However, I do remember seeing myself in black (likely
my filthy rags since I was yet unsaved) standing looking at myself (perhaps
it was a dream). But I heard a voice behind me saying, “No more will you
touch this temple…”
I understood that some enemy (the dark
principality??) was being addressed, and he was forbidden to kill me before
my appointed time.
All this was shared to reveal how serious I take the
matter of spiritual warfare, and how careful I am about placing blame on the
devil. We fight our flesh, the world and Satan and his armies, so our battle is
in any one of those three areas.
Yes, spiritual warfare is indeed a reality, and Satan
is really ramping it up these days against mankind.
Messiah is our Victory!
It is no game; it is a bloody war with endless battles,
countless left wounded and many casualties left upon the bloody battlefield! It
is not something to deny, nor is it anything to exaggerate. And it most
definitely is not something to toy with.
The spiritual realm is more real than the physical
realm. All things existed there first, and it is where our Creator lives. The
angels are spiritual beings of fire, first created before us. It is the realm
they exist in.
Satan and his armies are brutally evil, without truth,
compassion or mercy. Indeed, as the Good Shepherd stated, Satan comes to steal
and to kill and to destroy. His main objective is to kill (physically
[body], emotions, will, mind [soul], spiritually [spirit]), but
Messiah (Jesus/Yeshua) comes that we might have life (salvation)
and that abundantly. [Jn 10:10]
Satan and his minions have done their work covertly,
preferring to do their evil undetected, where others are blamed openly. Howbeit,
as surely as the Lord’s return is imminent, and the onset of the great
tribulation hovers over the horizon, the accomplishments of the dark armies are
displayed more openly these dark days. Even witchcraft is glorified openly now.
The Word of God not only balances both sides, but we
learn about the adversary from God’s perspective, beginning with their
creation, the rebellion of one-third, led by Lucifer, and their consequential banishment
from heaven.
Knowing his season is short, Satan (aka Lucifer)
is enraged, violently tearing at everything with strong jaws like a lion or a
dragon, full of hatred, and longing to destroy all of God’s creation,
especially mankind, who was made in God’s image.
Worth repeating, a gentle reminder:
But thanks be to God, which gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
We are at a time in history where everything is
aligning according to the Holy Scriptures. It is all happening very quickly. It
is hard to keep up with the ever-changing daily news, and we are not even in
the great tribulation. Be strong!
The division amongst the people globally is broadening
and shall continue to widen. The clash of the kingdoms is most evident. Yet,
fully armoured, we stand!
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, unmovable,
always abounding in the world of the Lord, for as much as you know that your
labour is not in vain in the Lord. [1Cor 15:57]
These things I have spoken to you, that in
Me you might have peace.
In the world, you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome
the world. [Jn 16:33]
Another “Dragon” Appears
Remember, the Lord warned me yet again about an
intense battle. It is happening with me now, but again, He has promised the
victory. It all began near the end of December 2021, which is why I realized it
pertained to 2022.
Just as He revealed the “viper” to me,
and the “dragon”, both on cars, He also revealed the “VICTORY”
coins. Incredible – the creative Creator!
After the spirit of heaviness left me (around the Jan 11th),
I wanted to finish organizing things so that I could post, but fatigue kept
hindering me, so I prayed again. ‘Why Lord, why all the battles, when will
it stop? I’m not young anymore.
It’s been a bloody long haul it seems, but I refuse to
give up. The Lord fought on my behalf too many times; I just cannot keep up
like I did when I was younger. Yet, I know that each day, every day, the Lord
gives me strength to continue on.
But I do want it to end, should I pretend so I can
appear as a super-strong warrior? I am a simple woman, a mother and grandmother
who loves the Lord and does my best to love others as commanded.
But I could sure use – a super long furlough or
something. But again, not long after the prayer, I open up an article that yet
again seemed to be answer to prayer – AGAIN, yes, a dragon.
2022 – the dragon cannot wait to
appear, and like the illusionist he is, Satan pops in and out randomly, like a
magical appearance and disappearance. But God will not let him deceive us as we
cling to our Lord.
He is trying to remain hidden so knowing that the
element of surprise contains power. But the Lord exposes him as He so chooses.
Back in July 2020 when I first saw the viper car, I was in the heat of the
battle with my landlady. Any time I mentioned the repairs she would tell me
that I could always ‘move’.
I knew the Lord was showing me that the real
instigator was the serpent Satan. I saw the viper car again at the end of
February 2021, just before the nonsense with the POA and the RV began (just
about 4 days before).
Then I first spotted the dragon car in the first week
of March 2020, just after I had notice given to me that the RV was up for sale.
The timing was always after prayer.
The other day, I was not understanding all the things going on, but when a battle goes on for a length of time a person gets frustrated and weary. No one can go on indefinitely. I cried out to God again for answer.
Awake (Genuine) – Awoke (Counterfeit)
Even those half-awake can sense the evil spreading
speedily over the world, but they do not want to be fully awakened to it or
made to rise up to face it. Several years back, the Lord repeated His word to
Awake, awake; put
on your strength, O Zion; put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem,
the holy city: […]
Shake yourself from the
dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem […] [Is 52:2,3]
Throughout the years, His Word spoke to us:
Awake, you who sleep,
and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.
Ever faithful to warn us of that which is coming, down
through the years, through many voices (including mine, and through many
long before any of us were born), Messiah urged His people to awake,
to arise.
The Lord urges His people to stay awake (alert)
and strong, prepared and ready for that which is coming, for that which was
written (prophesied) thousands of years ago. It is to unite His people,
to move as one unit, one Body, in His love and in (one) accordance to His will.
If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if
any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit,
if any bowels and mercies, Fulfill my joy, that you be like-minded, having the
same love, being of one accord, of one
mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of
mind let each esteem others better than themselves. [Philip2:1-3]
Not to be outdone in his mind, Satan the
counterfeiter, decided to “awaken” the people too, only he calls it “awoke”.
To me, this was another cunning and crafty strategy of Satan to not only mock
God by having people say they are “awoke”, but it is to promote an evil
agenda to stir up strife and hatred and division. Awaken vs Awoke
He introduced the Critical Race Theory which
does nothing but promote racism, anger and hatred. Yet, lest we get sidetracked
and forget, Satan is a thief, a murderer from the beginning, the father of lies
(Eden and beyond) [Jn 8:44], there is no truth in him. He is out to
destroy all He can. [Jn 10:10]
The devil knows he has a short time that he is
allotted by God. [Rev 12:12] We will not understand all of God’s ways or reasoning,
but we can trust that He knows what He is doing. Satan’s dress
rehearsal gags all. Steer clear of his devices. Don’t get caught up in the
things that were created to divide and bring hateful rebellion.
Sharing of Burdens
Many people have been experiencing the very things I have
shared thus far. Many have lost loved ones in the past two years, but there are
those who are sure that things will return to normal as soon as everyone falls
in line and obeys all the mandates and line up for their vaccines and boosters.
Never have I seen so many people walking in fear,
anger and paranoia. Of course, I was not around for the Spanish flu, smallpox,
polio or other horrendous plagues. But it is certain that things are not going
to ever return to how they were.
We have to face facts. The watchmen sound the alarm,
but it is not to make the people panic. We are to assemble and pray, but the
powers that be do not want us to assemble. If we do, we may risk being fined or
jailed; it is hard to say which.
We remind each other of the faithfulness of God and
the reasoning behind certain events that take place and must take place.
Firstly, not one of us is told everything by the Lord, as stated previously. But
what is not publicized very much is the goodness of many people in reaching out
to help others.
The true saints of Messiah are recognizing each by the
love and fruit we see. I strongly believe the clash of the kingdoms is more
evident than ever. Whilst God is separating the precious from the vile, the
clean from the unclean and the holy from the unholy, it is to bring His remnant
together to move as one through Him.
It is the counterfeiter who is dividing the people
globally, leaving a trail of confusion and chaos behind. We should not be
afraid, concerned or moved by his work. We will stay balanced as we keep close
to our Lord in prayer and His Word. As we rest in Him, we will walk in that
peace that passes all understanding.
I always reason that it is mercy that the Lord does
that. We are not God, and we could not handle things if we knew it all. But
more importantly, it is to keep us from pride and from thinking we are more
esteemed than others. It just is not so.
Little children have received prophetic words, teens,
young adults, middle-age, elderly – it matters not. The Lord can, will and has
spoken through whomsoever He chooses. How many times have I mentioned how
Balaam’s donkey spoke in the language of a man?
It is unfortunate, but should be no surprise that
false prophets have given false prophecies, promising all kinds of wonderful
things, when instead the Lord is calling for repentance, to come to the cross.
The blood of Jesus was spilled at great cost. It is only
through Him that any can be saved from the sin trap they are in, and be
forgiven, reconciling them back to the heavenly Father. The spirit of prophecy
is the testimony of Jesus. [Rev 19:10]
That means that all prophecy should draw people to the
Lord, not to a person. The Lord wants us to pray about prophetic words,
especially if they speak of things to come. It is true that there are times
that prayer can and has caused God to intervene.
There are plenty of examples in the Bible, such as
Moses, Esther, Nehemiah, Daniel et al. However, the heartbeat of all of God’s
judgments is that people will humble themselves and pray, for God hears the
prayers of those who sincerely repent. His desire is that all will come to
repentance but not all will.
We cry out for mercy, yet the God of love and mercy is
also the God of justice and judgment. He shows mercy to the merciful, but not
to the merciless. The Lord is impartial to outward appearances; but rather He
wholly sees the thoughts and intents of the heart. [1Sam 16:7; Heb4:12]
For He shall have judgment without mercy that has
shown no mercy; and mercy rejoices (triumphs) over judgment.
[Jam 2:13]
2022 – Battles Continue but the Victory is in Christ
Stand your ground, pilgrim, fully armoured. Hold high
the shield of faith and wield the sharp, double-edged sword. We learn to
endure; we learn perseverance. Some battles we will be ordered to fight, but in
such cases, He promises victory. [Josh10:8; Prov 21:31]
At times, reinforcements will be sent in (either
fellow praying disciples or heaven-sent spiritual backup). [Ps34:7] And
there will be times when you will be told to stand strong, but you will not
need to fight the battle, for the Lord will fight for you. [Deut20:4]
And we can shout, we can loudly sing
these words of truth: (to the glory of God through Jesus the Christ [Yeshua
the Messiah]): “It is well with my soul!” Hallelujah, glory!
Ezra spoke to the Jews who had gathered to hear the
words (the reading) of the law, and all of them wept when they heard the
words. Afterwards, he instructed them what to eat and drink, and to share with
those who had nothing prepared.
Then he gently reminded them:[…] the joy of the
Lord is our strength. [Neh 8:10])
But let all those that put their TRUST in
you REJOICE: let them
ever shout for joy, because You defend them: let them also that LOVE
Your name be JOYFUL in You.
REJOICE evermore. Pray
without ceasing. In everything, give THANKS:
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
[Ps 5:11; 1Thess 5:15-18]
This year shall bring the righteous VICTORY
in many areas that have been a hindrance, a delay or a long-awaited prayer. GLORY!
Keep the focus on Christ Jesus, no matter what GIANT you face.
It does not mean that this year will be without trouble
because that is not so; there will be trouble in giant measure this year 2022.
It means that we do not need to be easily shaken, for the Lord has promised
that through Him we will have victory.
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through
Him (Jesus) that loved us. [Rom 8:37]
This is the year for the righteous to shine forth as a
beacon of light in the darkness. We must not succumb to offenses thrown our
way, but overcome with forgiveness, being ever mindful that the Sovereign God,
who sees all things, is not only much wiser in handling the final outcome of
things that we shall ever be, but He just. We can rest confidently in Him, for
His ways are perfect.
Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous:
[for] praise is comely for the upright. [Ps33:1] Enter into His
gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise:
be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. [Ps100:4]
The Righteous Rejoice
For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so
that IN Him (Jesus/Yeshua) we might become
the righteousness of God. [2Cor 5:21]
This involves purging, cleansing, purifying –
circumcision of the heart (cutting away of excess flesh). He creates in
us a clean heart and renews a right spirit in us, through and in Jesus the Messiah.
And Yeshua/Jesus, in His wisdom, sent us the Comforter, the precious and Holy
Spirit of God (Adonai).
Create in me a clean heart, O
God; and renew a right spirit with me. Cast
me not away from Your presence; and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore unto me the
joy of Your salvation; and uphold (confirm/sustain) me [with
Your] free spirit. The will I teach transgressors Your ways; and sinners shall
be converted unto You. [Ps 51:10-13]
Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and you
shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from
all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also
will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you:
and I will take away the stony
heart of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of
flesh. And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk
in My statutes, and you shall keep My judgments and do
them. [Ezek 36:25-27]
Yet, we who love Jesus/Yeshua can REJOICE,
knowing He is for us and not against: and He defends us. We love Him because He
first loved us (indescribable, agape love) [1Jn 4:19]
Jesus (Yeshua), holy Lamb of God without sin,
You who spilled Your precious blood upon that rugged tree when
You offered up Your life freely (willingly) as a sacrifice of atonement
for our sins, upon that cross of wood, so that through You
we could be forgiven. (Thank You for Your mercy
and LOVE, blessed Creator. You are exalted above all
I will greatly REJOICE in
the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the
garments of salvation; He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a
bridegroom decks [himself] with ornaments, and as a bride adorns [herself]
with her jewels. [Is 61:10]
Why would anyone rejoice in times like these? It is
because we who know, love and walk with Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) know that
this world is not our home. We have much to look forward to.
There is the blessed hope of the return of Yeshua
(Jesus), the Marriage Feast, the first resurrection and living with our Saviour
forever. These are some of the things that grant us the peace that passes all
understanding during the least like times of hardship.
For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a
shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead
in Christ shall rise first: Then we
which are alive and remain shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds, to meet the LORD in the air: and so shall we
ever be with the Lord.
Wherefore comfort one another with these
words. [1Thess 4:16-18] Hallelujah!
Praying Without Ceasing
Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, you which
are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering
yourself, lest you also be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill
the law of Christ. For if a man think himself to be something, when he is
nothing, he deceives himself. [Gal 6:2]
REJOICE evermore.
Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks:
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. [1Thess
In 2022 – doors will be opened that cannot be shut;
others will slam shut
Open Doors 2022
Such goodness and holiness, such mercy, tenderness,
compassion and consistent faithfulness, such patience and steadfastness, such
purity and holiness…qualities of excellence that the Lord alone possesses.
He and the love that He is in fullness are impossible
to adequately describe due to depth and vastness of Him. No other love known to
mankind compares…none! Praise and bless Adonai and His beloved Son above all
2022 Doors will slam shut
There are doors that will slam
shut in 2022 that will be an act of mercy on God’s part, for He will
save many from dangerous or toxic situations. Many are (and have been)
going down a path that the enemy has tricked into believing was of God, but it
was deception.
Others unknowingly deceived themselves, but God who sees
the heart knows those who have sought God, prayed and turned from
unrighteousness. They seek to do what YHVH requires of His people – do
justly, love mercy and walk humbly before God. [Micah 6:8]
Do not be saddened if you were self-deceived. Rejoice
that He intervened, brought you to a place of repentance and then forgave.
He who sees and knows all things intervenes
when He so chooses, at a time He so chooses and is bringing many OUT
of self-deception. He is wise, faithful and true. Everyone who has been alive
long enough has been deceived (tricked) at some point in their lives.
PRIDE will keep others from taking Christ’s
hand to be pulled out of deception. They will refuse to believe they are wrong,
after all, they are teachers and preachers. They know the Word of God and have
given much into God’s kingdom.
So did the Pharisees. Seek God in
all humility. Those who genuinely seek truth will find it, and Christ is
ever-willing to forgive and RESTORE.
So yes, doors will slam as a merciful act for many,
but for others, a slammed door will be an act of judgment against them.
The Lord will not reward the unfaithful, or will He reward the compromisers
of His Word – those who praise Him with their lips but their heart is
far from him. [Is 29:13; Mat 15:8]
At times it may seem like the wicked have gotten away
with their wickedness (sins), but only for a season. In the end, God
will punish that which has not been forgiven by and through His beloved Son,
Jesus the Messiah (His precious blood spilled upon a rugged cross (sacrificially
offered up) for the forgiveness of sins and the redemption of souls).
Warnings Repeated (warning shofar sounds again, spiritually)
• Betrayers will rise
up bolder and at a faster pace than has ever been seen before. Betrayals
shall strikingly increase in 2022,
both in secular and religious arenas. What happened to our Lord
Jesus with Judas was a prime example.[Lk 22:3-6] How appropriate that it is
chapter TWENTY-TWO (22) in Luke and this is the
year 20-22…Only God!
• Persecution has trickled
slowly into the western hemisphere; however, in 2022 with increasing
momentum as the speed in which it spreads
picks up, particularly in countries that have been accustomed to religious
liberties, such as Canada and America. It will increase to giant
• Division (the great
divide) shall continue to spread to depths and widths comparable to the
Grand Canyon. The giant division will be (and is) on a
global scale and cannot be ignored.
Later on, I will share some examples of what I
recently experienced that surprised me but did not throw me off. In other
words, the Lord had prepared me for these things a couple of years ago, and
also instructed me to warn others.
I posted these things on the 29th of
January, 2020 at 4 am approximately, an article called: Pivotal
Year – 2020 – Baptism of Fire
God speaks once, yea twice, but man perceives it not.
[Job 33:14]
It was not until the following day, January 30, 2020
that the WHO
announced an outbreak that was of concern internationally.
On March 11, 2020, the pandemic SARS-CoV-2
aka Covid-19 was announced and the world began going into strict lockdowns. ONLY
GOD knew these things because on my own, I know nothing... to God alone be
all glory!
[1] The spirit of Judas (betrayers) [Mat
27:4] this will keep recycling until the time of the beast system and its ruler (false Christ/Messiah)
Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed
the innocent blood. What is that to us? [You] see
to it. -- (Judas, disciple and apostle of Christ speaking to the Pharisees
after he betrayed Jesus/Yeshua)
[2] spirit of Jezebel (fornicator, idolater,
self-professed prophetess) [Rev 2:20]
Notwithstanding, I have a few things against you
because you suffer (tolerate) that woman Jezebel, which calls
herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce My
servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed
to idols. [Rev 2:20]
In the book of Revelation, there is mention of Jezebel
hundreds of years after her death. Therefore, John must refer to a woman (whether
she shared the same name matters not) [Rev 2:20] who shared the very ‘spirit
of Jezebel’, just as surely as Jesus spoke of the ‘spirit of Elijah’
when referring to John the Baptist. [Mat 11:14]
[3] spirit of persecution (antichrist spirit)
[a] And he shall speak great words against the most
High, and shall wear out [persecute] the
saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: […]
(Daniel speaks of a ‘beast’ that will rise up in the
end times; this is a precursor, or as I’ve been calling it for the last
year, a ‘dress rehearsal’.)
[b] Little children, it is the last time: and as
you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many
antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
These three ‘antichrist’ spirits are all boldly rising
in 2022 and shall stand tall in the lands, just as giants
None of these are new things. We do not need
interpreters to understand the prophetic messages. The warnings resound
throughout the Holy Scriptures. However, what we do constantly need are
reminders. We are all easily distracted, especially these days of bizarre and
disorderly events, where information of all kinds comes barreling toward us.
The Holy Spirit will always get us back on track…if we let Him to lead us.
The Good Shepherd Speaks to Us
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they
follow Me: [Jn 10:27]
I am a firm believer that Jesus/Yeshua speaks to all
who are His. He is called the Good Shepherd (a shepherd gives his life for
his sheep) [Jn 10:11]; we (his followers/disciples) are His sheep.
These are symbolic or metaphorical expressions, just
as Messiah was called the “Lamb of God” [Jn 1:29, 36: Rev 22:1], the
perfect and unblemished sacrifice. Yeshua does not mince or waste words. If He
says His sheep (those who are His disciples and are in the family of God)
hear Him, He means exactly what He says.
Repeatedly throughout scripture, God confirms that He
speaks to people.
For God speaks once,
yea twice, but man perceives it not. [Job 33:14]
Did ever people hear the voice of
God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as you have heard, and
live? [Deut 4:33]
Call unto Me and I will answer
you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not.
[Jer 33:3]
So, beloved saint, if you are not hearing God, take it
to Him in prayer. He speaks to us, all of us, of that I am convinced. Find out
what is hindering you from hearing His voice. He sent us the Holy Spirit and
via His Spirit we hear Him.
If one does not hear Him, then ask for healing of your
spiritual ears, and rebuke unbelief, repent of it. Yes, we all have different
gifts. So it is written; so, it is true.
Entire sermons can be and have been taught on this, so
I will not go into great lengths here. But if you are one who does not hear the
Lord, I strongly urge you to ask Him to let His voice be heard deep within your
spirit. Pray to hear ONLY His voice and not that of flesh (self)
or any demon.
(I pray that for myself too) Then believe
He will answer your prayer because He will, in His perfect timing and in His
wise way. I know. There have been a few times that I think He’s late too…like
that time with Lazarus…
Is God ever silent? Absolutely! He has every right to
be – He is GOD after all. He does not speak at our command. He
speaks out of His love for us. He often speaks unexpectedly and in the most
unforgettable ways, endearing, astounding, both.
Yet Another Battle
Now, here I was once again (December 2021) being forewarned of yet another battle, but with assurance again of victory.
• will bring intense battles
for many of God’s people
• remember who is behind the spiritual
• remember the full armour,
especially the SHIELD of faith and the SWORD of the Lord (Word of God)
• keep Ephesian 6:12 and Proverbs 3:5, 6 in mind
• CRUCIAL - keep your eyes on the Commander
and King
Jesus (Yeshua) goes ahead of us, yet still covers our back. We can go forward
confidently, and when we grow weak, He will be our strength.
- The Lord promises VICTORY We see throughout the Word of God, mighty warriors praying and seeking God (paraphrased): "Shall we go up to fight or shall we stand down?" (The Lord will direct the steps of each individually.) Wait upon Him.
Do your best not to go ahead of Him or lag behind. The Holy Spirit helps us; none of us is perfect. If we make a mistake, we pray, and rise up again. We have to heed what He says, not others. Trust and obey.
This will be brief. But, let's face it. It seems like a lot of battles, three very intense ones in a year and a half. The pressing in, the prayers to see if I am bringing this all upon myself, the casting down of false accusations and condemnation, the soul searching and the fighting my own fears and doubts.
Praying in all sincerity and truth; getting balanced with the Word, more prayer:
"[...] Father, I'm me to be all You would have me be in this...strengthen me to endure because I'm so weary. I cannot give up; I WILL NOT give up, but I need You, Lord."
I was not out driving. With the fatigue I have not ventured far or often. But, in opening an article, what did I see right after prayer? (Now, the Father has His unique ways of speaking to all of us. I shared a couple of experiences with you.)
The article read: Excavating the Rutland Sea Dragon Fossil
Two words jumped out at me. [1] dragon [2] Rutland
click to enlarge |
Why? Well, I had just finished praying and decided to shift gears, check emails and what am I greeted with? So again, the Lord reveals to me that the 'relentless' enemy, that ancient serpent, the dragon (Satan) is behind this again.
The reason Rutland stuck out is because that is the name of the subdivision I live in. So, there is a "dragon in Rutland"...that is the message I understood, given my history with the Lord, as shared earlier in this article.
He has divided brethren and friends (more on that in upcoming articles), stolen finances and personal items (as mentioned with the first landlady (burst pipe and mice infestation for five months), my home (twice) and my health.
What are the odds that the word Rutland (my subdivision) and the word dragon would be linked together and be in the first article I opened in mail.
The "sea" dragon was found in the United Kingdom; I live in British Columbia. And Rutland just happens to be significant, and link to 'dragon'. I grabbed a picture of the Rutland Park here, but it is not from now - winter. I have not gone out due to feeling unwell.
So, I understand yet again, what is happening. Prayers would be appreciated...very much appreciated, like liquid gold. Pray for strength and pray the enemy does not steal my honor. Father promised that as those who wait upon Him will not be ashamed. [Ps 25:3]
Apparently the fossil of the sea dragon was found when the Alglian Water Team, who manage Rutland Reservoir, were doing maintenance when they spotted what they thought were protruding pipes. Article can be read by clicking the above link.
Above here, is the picture of the local Rutland Lions Park here. So, now I prepare once again for battle. I'm not as young as I once was; Lord help me :)
God is good and His mercy endures forever...
Great is His Love for You
Understand His great love for you, believe it and
embrace it.
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith;
that you, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all
saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of
Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the
fullness of God. [Eph 3:17-19]
And the next verse is something we ALL do well to get
down deep inside of us, especially during those times that Satan or any other
condemns us, reminding us of our past, or reminding us of sins that were long
ago forgiven.
Greater love
has no man than this, that a man lay down his
life for his friends.
But God commends His love
toward us, in that, while we were YET sinners, Christ
died for us. [Rom 5:8; Jn
With the next scripture, far too many quote only the
first part of the scripture, especially if they are protecting a secret sin.
But the second part of the verse MUST go hand in hand with the first part. We
cannot justify things done in the flesh rather than the spirit.
Most say:
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which
are in Christ Jesus
But the whole scripture is:
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which
are in Christ Jesus, who walk not
after the flesh but after the
[Rom 8:1]
See the difference? It makes a big difference.
So, I encourage you and challenge you, that if you are
one who thinks God does not speak to them, set aside all doubt, all unbelief (repent
of these if it burdened you), and ask the Lord to speak to you deep within
your spirit.
However, if He so chooses, whether through His Word (which
He never contradicts), or by His Spirit speaking deep within your spirit,
or through another person (or a donkey!) He will speak; be patient,
expectant and trusting.
If He is silent for a season, keep waiting. It may be
that your faith and trust are being tested. Persevere. You can do it. It is
expected of all the children of light; children of obedience. Wait patiently in
His times of silence.
Please do not give in to the temptation to give up. We
all go through these thoughts, emotions, doubts, fears, frustrations – all of
it. It’s part of growing; part of learning; part of learning how to die to self
(fleshly things). There are plenty of examples to validate that in the
Holy Scriptures.
If you can think of anything that may hinder Him, such
as disobedience, turn from it, repent and ask forgiveness. 2 Chronicles 7,
verses 14 and 15 promise us that He will hear us in those times.
Even Adonai’s own Son, Jesus (Yeshua) [ who had
NO sin] cried out loudly (in great physical pain) upon the cross
when His Father’s silence deafened him in His last moments of great agony and suffering:
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?
(My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?)
Even the Messiah, who was ONE with the Father, found His silence
unbearable in that hour of great need.
Yet, even Jesus was known to be silent at times. We
see it when we read about His arrest, and when He stood before Pontius Pilate
[Mat 27:13, 14] and Herod [Lk 23:8, 9]. Observe and take note, as you read, the
number of times that Jesus did not answer when questioned, then,
notice the times He did speak.
Then, think about the times that people have asked
something of you, and you chose not to answer. It simply meant that at that
time, you preferred not to answer. It’s is very likely that it has been that
way with all of us at times.
In these dark days of misunderstandings, offenses,
betrayals and lack of trust, our discernment has to be keener. We all may
consider ourselves pretty clever at discerning, but Jesus Himself warned us
that if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived. And it is
I am praying for increased discernment, but also
wisdom, and to know when to speak and when to refrain from speaking. I have not
perfected that yet; it may end up being the thorn in my side to keep me humble,
but it is worth praying about.
On a Lighter Note
Those who know me can attest to the fact that I am not
a politically correct person, and my foot has landed more than a few times in
my mouth. Even Adidas considered using me once as an advertising tool…
(Fictitious voiceover: [”…looks like she’s still in
the lead, running off at the mouth with Adidas footwear.”
(Okay, realistically, not everyone will appreciate my
odd sense of humour – but, I think we all could use a big smile right about
now, even if it is accompanied by rolling eyes and a shaking head…)
Right; this could well be a paramount example of when
to refrain from speaking.
for His glory