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Do you see the wolf, or just the sheep? |
There is a Call to Unity and We Must, but Beware!
Putting this story together in order to establish the urgency and timing of this warning of the Lord was challenging. And that is an understatement. How much do I tell; how much do I leave out? What is important; what is not?
This testimony I am going to chronicle much, but not all that transpired since I began to prepare this article to warn people about the season we have entered into. Witchcraft and an obsession for the supernatural has continued to come in as waves, but noticeably building in popularity and exposure, particularly since 2012 (when Obama won his second term in the presidential office of United States).
November 7, 2012, the Lord had gently said, "Now it begins..." (He was referring to the rapid descent toward the Great Tribulation) Aztec shamans left Babylon [actual name in Suffolk County], N.Y. to travel across the U.S., holding private and public rituals to call up the ancient 'spirits' of the land.
Thousands of people from around the world came with their crystals to join the shamans in their ceremonies and rituals. Public meetings were held as the spiritualists 'blessed' Obama, Trump, and other leaders.
It has all gone downhill ever since, just as the Lord spoke: Now it begins...
There was a time that I was hesitant (dare I say ‘afraid’) to mention witchcraft, magic, and especially, the devil or demons. It was not the topic that frightened me or made me hesitant, it was the reaction of people – most chose to avoid the topic.
Believer or not, we should not allow the opinions of people to sway us if it goes against what we believe. I prefer to stay open enough to be teachable and reachable. And If I learned something that is incorrect, then I desire to be corrected. A mistake is not a lie, unless the lie is intentional.
Some Christians believe in the reality of Satan and his kingdom, but were [are] fearful. Others would say they believe in the existence of Satan, witchcraft, demons etc., but none of it touches them (just life hardships, no spiritual battles - is how they see it [Oct 23,2023]), so they refuse to ‘stir up the hornet’s nest’. And finally, others do not believe in any of it. Tabu!
I repeat what the Lord taught me years ago, which is this. We need to discipline ourselves to trust the Lord more than our logic [Prov 3:5,6], and more than the opinions of people. [1Sam 16:7] Look at the division between people these days. It drives some to violence, betrayals and rejection at the least.
We learn and we must practice bringing all things to the Lord. [Phil 4:6] How else will we make it in the days ahead? The secular, as well as Christianity are calling for unity, a necessity indeed!
Sadly, the world is quicker listening to the dark side as the counterfeiter, Satan, who is also calling out for unity, along with many world leaders and other influential people, (such as those he has placed in scattered pulpits/churches around the globe [ed. Oct 23, 2023).
Order out of chaos – Illuminati expression. Do we have chaos? Beware, watch and pray...
The stage is being set – chaos is already global. All the players are primed and ready. The dominoes are teetering. The restrainer has not yet stopped restraining, but his grip has loosened. Take heed... We stay close to the Sovereign, living God. The devil is working out the details, but the final say is the Lord’s.
Yet, whether we like it or not, whether we agree or not, and whether we understand it or not, Satan (the ancient serpent/dragon) has been given enough rope to cause further destruction, war, natural calamities and man-made catastrophes that bring innumerable deaths, as he spreads his evil globally. He has power, but he cannot override Jesus.
There is a call to unity and we must respond, but beware. When the Lord builds the house, it will stand. Satan is an expert counterfeiter; he is crafty. We pat ourselves on the back at our cleverness and ability to discern.
But should we? Are we wiser than the one-third of then-holy angels who were deceived by the most beautiful of them all? Are we more discerning, more obedient, or even holier than Adam and Eve were in their pure innocence, when they walked with God before the fall?
With the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and by abiding in Messiah Jesus, and He in us, we can certainly spot the enemy. And we shall see things in the spiritual realm as Elisha did, and then his fearful servant, when the Lord opened his eyes.
We need not fear. We need to trust and obey – stay united with our Creator first (our first love), and all the rest will fall into place. Our Lord does not expect flawless perfection. He is wise and sees the heart. It is when we compromise, or become lukewarm (neither hot nor cold) that we endanger ourselves. [Rev 3:16]
Carefully watch what you are uniting yourself with. There are many people who are not as they appear to be. Even the Lawless one that Daniel speaks of will be charismatic. He will win people over with flattery, smooth words, and of course, with the solutions to the problems in our chaotic, violent world.
There are those in the Christian circle who appear to be wise, but their ‘wisdom’ was gleaned from others trials and tribulations, those who considered the cost and went through. True, we learn from each other, but no one should build their ministry by stealing the fruit of others.
To call the work of another your own work is deceptive and pretentious, yet due to outward appearance and charisma, they have deceived the masses. After repetition and time under the belt, they even deceive themselves.
They are like an actor’s understudy, who after many live [dress] ‘rehearsals’, and continuous repetition of the lines (words), and getting to know the character they are studying that they can convincingly take over without a hitch, and few would be the wiser.
I refuse to unite with pretenders or thieves. There is no unity with compromisers, those who bring mixture, claiming to be Christian yet repeating messages from the Lord that were given to others not them, or worse, operating in or ‘channeling’ from a spirit of divination.
Shun plagiarists (deceivers, actors, false ones), impersonators (some have repeated words, expressions, prophecies, etc. of others so often, they have deceived themselves and their followers, but they have not fooled God.) Some play a character so long that they begin to convince themselves that is who they are, yet still they glean from others.
Even Wiccans, witches, Luciferians, Satanists ‘pray’,
fast, speak of the ‘lord’ (not the Lord of all lords, but a false god),
etc. When you listen to this group of people speak, one would think they are
Christian. Remember the damsel who followed Paul and Silas around?
“These men are servants of the Most High God, showing ‘us’ the way unto salvation.” [verse 16] [Those Christian-sounding words come through a python spirit – a spirit of divination. The story can be read in the book of Acts, chapter sixteen.]
If God has not yet moved to expose them, He has His reasons; His own timing – great is His wisdom. In their pride, they are sure God consents to their ways, simply because they ‘include’ the Lord in what they say (as did the young woman who followed Paul for days needed deliverance). Since lightning has not struck any of these pretenders, they are confident they have God’s seal or stamp of approval.
And what are we instructed to do? What does the Lord expect? When I say 'shun', I mean not to encourage them by 'following' them around. Do your own research so that you are sure.
Bad company corrupts good morals. [1Cor 15:33]
Then (most important): Pray for them – as surely as Job prayed for his accusatory, misguided friends. It is all we can do, then wait. It remains in the hands of the Sovereign God.
From Bethel Church in Redding, California to Salem Chapel in Clitheroe and Blackburn (UK), and many other “Christian” churches are offering ‘destiny card’ readings, prophetic leggings (so one is aware of God’s presence – that is deception), to glory clouds, healing rooms, fire tunnels – none of these things are in the Bible.
Such wolves in sheep’s clothing, false teachers and false prophets mislead the masses. It is wide open, not covert, but proudly displayed. Consider prayerfully…
Spend Time with Your First Love, Jesus – Stand on the Word of God
We are creatures that want answers, that ‘need to know’. If it were not so, would people rush to other sources (other than God/Jesus) to find out what the future holds? The Bible, by itself, does not satisfy many, nor does it answer all our questions.
We are met with silence in the written Word (logos) in many areas, which we find unsatisfactory and frustrating. I do believe the Lord has given us enough in the written Word, but has left enough unanswered in order to draw us to Himself, as we seek answers that only a Sovereign God would know.
That is where the key lies – just as it did in the beginning with Adam and Eve. The Lord created us, and desires that fellowship, that intimacy, with us. The reading of the Word must be coupled with time with Jesus/Yeshua. THAT is where the blanks are filled in mostly.
We have to accept the fact that we will not have all the answers in this lifetime. We could barely contain all the information anyway. Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit guides us, ever pointing the way to Jesus the Messiah (Yeshua the Christ).
And as Christians, how many run to their favourite prophet, instead of to the Lord. The Lord should come first – always. Then, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to brethren that are on the same page, for confirmation, news, encouragement, prayer…
But keep alert, having been forewarned by the Messiah Himself about false Christs, false prophets and their great signs and [lying] wonders. [Mat 24] They will show miracles, healings, and other very convincing signs and amazing feats.
Behold, I have told you before. [verse 25 – words of Jesus/Yeshua]
As for the others, psychics, palm readers, Ouija board
dabblers, tarot cards, et al., they are to be avoided at all costs (yes, their 'readings' and 'prophetic messages' costs money, but the cost I speak of is a spiritual 'loss'). Is it worth your eternal life, your salvation? Please avoid, unless you
go to them to share the gospel, as led by the Lord. [ed Oct 23, 2023]
Over a decade ago, approximately 2010, a message was given as a stern warning from the Lord that Satan did not stop at the doorstep of any church or synagogue. He has his double agents and infiltrators who have crept into the church.
Witches, wiccans, Satanists, New Age practitioners – call them as you will, but they are ungodly people who have crept into the church. It is not a new thing. Please see Jude 1:4.
However, Australia has many pagan practices and people who call themselves Christians; howbeit , they are not disciples of Christ Jesus, despite the deceptive name they have given themselves, which is “Christalignment”.
True Alignment is God’s Will, the Word, and Christ Jesus - Not Some Counterfeit
It was around March, 2016 that the Lord first put “alignment’’ upon my heart, but there were a few levels to the meaning. Meanwhile, at that time, the Lord was instructing His people to ‘align’ our lives up with HIS will.
Over the years since 2016, He prodded people to return to their first love [Yeshua/Jesus], and align themselves with Him. Many of us had strayed from quality intimacy or intimate time with Him. He was drawing people back with a gentle rebuke, as He did with those in the church of Ephesus. [Rev 2:4] I was one of the guilty ones as I readied myself to return to Canada (finally released by the Lord) after seven years in the U.S.
In February last year (2022), the Lord moved on me again
to speak of alignment. I am astounded at the consistency and steadfastness of
the Lord. I had not realized until the past year or so how much the Lord
repeats Himself through this vessel when He wants us to ‘get it’, which includes me.
He repeats Himself through others, as well as His written word. Similar messages from others at the same time are confirmation – He is marvellous to behold. (More on the Lord’s solid consistency and trustworthiness later)
In that article [2016], the message had to do with Abba’s people aligning with His written WORD, instead of drifting away from it, and reading it randomly. That is of grave importance to our King because His Word is not only authoritative and powerful, but it is the weapon of our warfare with the adversary. [Heb 4:12]
Nothing replaces God's Word, nothing - no prophetic message, no new translation, with added or deleted parts, nothing!
Another thing that He wanted us to pay heed to as well. Jesus wanted us to be aware of how things upon earth were aligning themselves with that spoken by the ancient prophets. It all had to do with Jesus Christ, and aligning ourselves with Him in all of the above areas.
I would like to start with this one excerpt which is interestingly placed in the article (2022) just before the small section on alignment. Many people are in a place of “crushing” right now, either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
This is affecting male and female, young and old, rich and poor – it matters not. It is a reality that cannot be ignored. Pressure and attacks (in any or all of the above-mentioned areas) by the adversary is strategic, in that the intent is to have people break down, give up, give in, be filled with doubts about their faith, their walk with God etc. - it goes deep.
[Excerpt on crushing]
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crushing agony-Garden of Gethsemane |
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crushing-olive oil press |
Crushing discouragement, baffling doubts about self, faith, and deeper. The adversary desires death (spiritual, physical) and utter defeat in you.
The anguish and travailing that many are experiencing at this time is no fluke. It is akin to the crushing Jesus went through in the Garden of Gethsemane – immeasurable pressure, the crushing like olives in the oil press.
[End 'crushing' excerpt]
• new beginning, major changes (Gods people will be put in positions where pressure is put on - do not fear- trying of the hearts continues but think of Jesus in Gethsemane - place of crushing, pressing/oil press) garden filled with olive trees) - pass this test - more coming up next article - pressure
[Excerpt about alignment under the subtitle: God’s Side]
• align – alignment (back in 2016, about six years ago, the Lord spoke of alignment, but at that time it was mostly pertaining to His people aligning our lives up with His will) [a cost to the walk]
*- now the Lord indicates that alignment pertains to prophecies foretold by the ancient holy prophets aligning with His will and with His word; the end time events are moving quicker into place – let us keep looking up, awaiting our Messiah; He is soon here
*-- the Holy Spirit has also impressed upon me how things will manifest in the nature realm and in the secular as well, in alignment with His will for these end times (because the prophecies in His Word must and will come to pass, so yes, like it or not, things are going to get uglier in the world (physical realm) as well)
[End Excerpt] It is an encouraging read and can be found in “You Will Rise – Part Two”.
Enter the Dragon – Satan the Counterfeiter
Back in 2022, Satan was busy with his own ‘alignments’ – then and now. He is relentless. Just as our Lord repeats messages so that we do not miss an important lesson, or something significant that He is showing us, Satan mimics with his own repetition.
[Excerpt from 2022 – above-mentioned article at link]
*-- the counterfeiter Satan has been calling for alignment in the secular, in various arenas - use caution and pray to find out which is of the enemy and which is of God - if it is of the enemy, God will reveal [it may take time, sometimes years, but in His timing, He will unveil hidden deception. He is all-wise; we are all-impatient]. [ed. 10.23.2023] And we can pray [what to do about whatsoever].
The end result is God's alone - it will remain if it is allowed in order for prophecy to align (but if it's more of Satan's rebellion and defiance, we can pray, God may very well intervene like He did multiple times in ancient times; He is the wise one who knows the end from the beginning)
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The above is to show how the secular world is using ‘align’ (and its variables) – but God alone knew this in advance.
[End excerpt from 2022]
Fast-forward to October 2023 (one year, eight months later) and we see the handiwork of the adversary again. He truly wants Christians to quit.
Howbeit, the copycat (impersonator/counterfeiter) Satan had to bring deception to what Jesus was saying several years ago, and create a group with its roots in Australia (Oz) approximately 2017, who chose to call themselves ‘Christalignment’.
This group claims to be Christian but they are compromising with the world. They are double agents. They are a counterfeit, false ministry and will lead people to a false Christ, just as Jesus/Yeshua foretold. He is the ONLY way back to the Father, as He explained to us, yet these people state that non-believers, Muslims, Hindus, and others are led to God first, so that they be comfortable meeting ‘Jesus’.
Deception blankets this ministry, and it is ‘anointed’ by the counterfeit, the unholy one. The ‘seers’ insist that the cards they use are not tarot cards, as there are five [updated to 15] different decks/types they use. Some of which are destiny, colour, Psalm [three cards-past, present, future], seer cards, and animal.
They are deceived, and the danger there is the deception will spread out to others, all in the name of 'Christ', the 'Gift Giver', the 'Spirit of Truth', yet none of these are those written about in the holy book, the Bible. They are counterfeits, false Christ,
It is a smorgasbord of New Age, wiccan, witchcraft, occult practices, all under the cloak of Christianity. They call themselves seers, spiritual consultants and healers. They offer readings that come from the ‘third heaven’. Their lingo (language) sounds Christian.
Beware of who and what you unite yourself with. Seek the Lord for wisdom. ASK - ask, seek, knock [Mat 7:7]
Do not be deceived. Some of their ‘festivals’ are called: “Rainbow Serpent”; “Sexpo”; “Queer Expo”; “Seven Sisters Festival” (whose origin began with pagans/witches). All they are involved with is advertised on their website, from embracing witchcraft to idol worship (false gods) to homosexuality – there is nothing that points to or aligns with Christ. The name is not simply misleading, it is deceptive.
The counterfeiter, Satan (the original plagiarist), copies God in order to deceive and draw people to himself, convincing them that he is actually the ‘good’ one, not God. He has convinced multitudes that Lucifer is actually the ‘beloved Christ’ [lie] and Jesus is the evil one [another lie] who has and is causing all the earth’s troubles [deception].
I can assure you that there is no ‘good witch, bad witch’. A witch is a witch; although many call themselves ‘prophets’ or ‘prophetic’. Tarot cards are tarot cards, even if they are called by another name.
pink rose-Left
pink peony - Right
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" - a line from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Deception wraps itself in truth to hide its poison.
Many are deceived by demons who pretend to be their dead loved ones, or angels/spirit guides, or aliens (from another planet), or angels. No matter what form the demons come through as, it is all deception.
And no marvel; for Satan himself Is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. [2Cor 11:14-15]
When I was a new Christian, I parroted what a majority said about giving Satan [an unpopular topic] the spotlight. Others stated (in various ways meaning the same thing), “I will not give the devil (Satan) any glory. He wants us to talk about him.” I knew enough that I did not want to allow any of God’s glory to go the enemy.
It took time but I have since learned that simply discussing the adversary is NOT giving him ‘glory’ (praise, honour), and ‘not talking about him’ does not make him disappear or lose interest in us. That is like sticking your head in the sand and telling everyone the world has disappeared. It is not reality, nor is it true. It is akin to shutting down all news sources and saying nothing bad is happening in the world.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour: [1Pet 5:8]
‘Seeking whom’ (whomsoever) – Satan is no respecter of persons; he is the father of lies [there is no truth in him]: he is a murderer from the beginning. [Jn8:44]
Who do you think stirred up Cain emotionally [firstborn son of Adam and Eve] and blurred his perspective toward his brother, Abel. Who do you think tempted Cain to commit the first murder? None other than the lying murderer and tempter himself, Satan (aka Lucifer).
It is true that jealousy and envy were in the heart of Cain. That was the way IN that Satan found to tempt Cain. Satan shot forth fiery darts into Cain's mind, as surely as he does with us.
He likely tempted Cain with thoughts that fueled his jealous rage and affected his pride until it exploded into the murderous blow that killed his brother Abel. But Cain did not know to cast down thoughts.
Instead he allowed thoughts to linger and take a hold of his anger, instead of quenching the thoughts and overcoming them. Sin was already at the door of his heart and it was allowed to overtake Cain. Abel lay dead. [Gen 4:4-8]
Take Heed Grabbing the Bull by the Horns
Lucifer became famous the day he rebelled against God and took one-third of the then-holy angels along with him in that rebellion. [Rev 12:3-4, 9] He became known as ‘hasatan’ [Hebrew], which is ‘the satan’. It took some years before I learned that Satan is not a name, but a title (some say office).
It means ‘the adversary’ or ‘the accuser’. Jesus/Yeshua called him the ‘accuser of the brethren’. [Rev 12:10] Lucifer/Satan’s fame became permanent the day his name and titles were written down in the Word of God and linked to rebellion and pride.
Some saints yell at Satan and throw accusations at him. Others loudly shout curses and decrees at him as if he were deaf, whilst dancing/stomping on his (invisible head) and as if louder words had more power. It is a soft answer that turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. [Prov 15:1]
The angel Michael did not think more highly of himself than he ought when dealing with Satan over Moses’ body, and neither should we think we are so much better because we did not rebel against God like Lucifer did.
Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, did not dare bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke you. [Jude 1:9]
Jesus (Yeshua) never ranted or railed against Satan or any demon. His voice sounded strong and firm (powerful and authoritative), undoubtedly, but screaming and theatrics such as dancing on his [invisible] head as if it were a game, he did not do. And none are more passionate than the Messiah.
Take heed, saint, if you plan on grabbing the ‘bull’ by the horns. If you are going to confront the adversary face to face, it is Christ in you that Satan fears, not you. It is the power and authority that Jesus has that the devil dreads, not yours. It is Christ’s power and authority in you, given by Jesus. Satan can never overrule the Sovereign Messiah – ever!
[Do no abuse or misuse that which belongs to God.] Selah
Remember, the Lord said this [particular] battle is His. Align with the Christ of the Bible, the carpenter from Galilee, the only begotten Son of God. Align with God's Word, then you are aligned with God's will.
Beyond the ‘Witching’ Season
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. [2Cor 2:11]
And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. [Rom 15:20]
When the paramedics showed up at my home (my son had called) after I had fallen for the second time and banged my head severely on the corner of wood furniture, the older paramedic presented as aloof; his mannerism passing judgment in cold, calculating ways. It did not take a rocket scientist to spot it. He was likely in his 50s, whereas his partner was in his late 20s, early 30s.
I had even asked the older one if I reminded him of someone he did not like, due to his attitude toward me. He quipped, “Excuse me?” (my question challenged him, as he was ill-prepared to be held accountable)
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.
[Mat 5:9]
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. [Eph 6:12]
The Holy Spirit has been working on me all along. Sensing the Lord’s nudging and switching gears, I made a remark instead about appreciation for their help, which defused any anger or self-defense that arose – at least, for the time being.
His negativity should have been a warning, but I was still baffled by what was happening to me, along with the incredulous swelling of my legs from the knees up (25 inches/66 cm at one point, and 27 inches/71 cm on the other leg by the knees). My waist was 24 inches at one time in my 20s. Movement was difficult. I could not lift them up onto the gurney without assistance due to pain and weight. What was happening?
There seems to be a new protocol in place, whether it is just in Ontario, or if it is something that has been implemented over the past few years. It seems that paramedics (always a team of two) stay with their ambulatory patient in emergency until they are seen by a doctor, at which time staff are released to move on to their next call (unless one call takes a whole shift).
In the old days, they would go to emergency, sign patients in, drop them off, and move on to their next call. Nowadays, they can spend an entire shift on one patient? Wow – no wonder there can be a shortage of staff.
There were about a dozen paramedics or so, and half a dozen patients in this large holding room. Security was nearby in small cubicles, with one or two standing by the doors (one by the ambulance entry doors, another by public entrance).
I do not know where the younger paramedic was, but the older one was chatting away for some time with a female coworker. I hesitated to interrupt, but my one leg was causing me great discomfort because I was unable to move from an upright position for five hours.
Finally, I asked the paramedic if he could move my leg for some relief, as I could not. The female he was conversing with stated that only a small strap was at the bottom, hinting that I could have moved it myself. It was not possible due to the swelling, excessive weight, and pain. Without stopping his conversation, the paramedic pushed my leg strongly inward. Instinctively, I cried out in pain.
You see, the swelling was so severe that my skin had formed multiple blisters, which then burst open from the pressure, in order to relieve my body of excess fluids. Some had raw skin exposed after days of weeping from water retention.
This added to the agony. It is why the paramedic had to be careful where he grabbed. The bone-on-bone osteoarthritis would protest with pain if the knees made quick, harsh movements also. It was all very humbling.
Still distracted by his conversation, he immediately gave my sensitive leg another push. My reflexes kicked in, and I quickly pushed his arm away. I did not plan it; it was an instinctive move to halt the source of pain. “Do not hit me!” he yelled at the top of his lungs. I just stared at him in shock.
Again, he loudly stated, “Do not hit me... I’m done!” By this time, he had the attention of the 20 or so people in the waiting area, including the security guards. Still in shock, I did not say a word. For a third time, he shouted, “Do not hit me! (Talk about drama!) Finally, I defensively blurted out, “I did not hit you; I pushed your hand away. You were hurting me.”
“I’m so done!” he emphatically stated as he walked away. I was completely embarrassed and in shock. The younger paramedic came back equally surprised. I explained that I understood his position, that he was his partner.
“But”, (I continued, almost justifying his action), “…he was talking and preoccupied. He pushed hard without thinking …and was rough with my leg. I don’t think it was intentional, but…I instinctively pushed his hand away.” … “Maybe I was wrong, but so was he. I acted on instinct. I’ll own mine, but he should own his part of being wrong too.”
(A dear friend of mine used the word ‘reflex’ when I was sharing the incident with her. That is the more appropriate word for what happened, which is why it has been used a couple of times here.)
Nevertheless, I felt like such a poor excuse for a Christian, not to mention feeling badly for ‘roaring’ like a turkey as pain struck. [Since when do turkeys roar?] Feelings can betray us.
The younger paramedic silently nodded. They had both made an assessment when they arrived at my home. The elder one was looking after me, in the back of the ambulance. However, the younger paramedic had not witnessed what had just transpired between his partner and myself. He had to work with the man; he had to be careful. And he likely thought, ‘Why would my partner make this up?’
Then the female supervisor came out, stating there was ‘zero tolerance’ for aggressive behaviour. I explained that I was not being aggressive but that I was reacting to pain because that paramedic had seen my leg and knew its condition, with the swelling and the weeping sores. He had been too rough with my leg. My head was buzzing.
Why is it we very seldom want to take blame for the things we do wrong? Why is it that there are rarely witnesses whenever someone needs one? Things really do happen quickly when everything goes sideways or upside down.
The supervisor reminded me that they strictly enforced ‘zero tolerance’ and that means ‘no hands on’ whatsoever. I did apologize for my part in the incident, but insisted that he should admit his wrong too. (He was nowhere in sight. His leaving surely added an exclamation mark to his words.)
Ephesians 6:12 quickly left my thoughts, and good old flesh silently announced, ‘I’m baaa-ck!’
It registered that I was in enemy territory, only I was the enemy. The entire room represented a team; they all worked together, from paramedics, to nurses, to security guards…then there was this …patient. The only patient out of about 10 that caused trouble (one of the Christians – oh great! … now I was the one bad apple that spoils the whole bunch.
…the accuser of the brethren whispers loudly.
Solitary Confinement
I suddenly realized (seriously) that I was in a [spiritual] war zone, in which I entered unwatchful. Unprepared, despite being prompted by the Lord to warn and remind others about the dark season everyone is in globally, an important season to the occult, along with its worshippers and its witches.
Caught off-guard by the invisible enemy as surely as Israel was caught off-guard by Hamas. [How many of us wept and prayed? -- so tragic! We continue to pray. [ed. Oct 23, 2023]
The Lord had been faithful to stir up my
heart as a watchman to warn the people of the hour of the evil that we are now in. A reminder - the original warnings are written in the Bible. [ed. Oct 23, 2023]
When modern-day saints repeat warnings to repent, and to warn of that which is to come, we are the vessels the Lord utilizes to parrot the warnings of the ancient saints (brethren), as well as (at times) echoing the obedient [holy] angels.
It is not just the rise of wicked people with hard hearts, who thrive off of instilling fear, torturing and murdering people, such as the Hamas terrorists. It is the rise of Satan, his legions, and those who practice the craft that summons the ancient evil spirits that wreak havoc upon the earth.
Satan is a counterfeiter, an impersonator/imposter, which will be explained further on, as we see some of what the Lord is saying to His people in this unpredictable (pardon the expression) hour.
This article was begun just shy of 11 weeks ago (last
few days of July 2023). The tactics of the enemy are such as have not been
seen before, yet the Lord has been warning and doing what it takes to get our
attention. He forewarned - and always has. If we could just grasp the love of the Creator, even when not understood.
Will you be caught off-guard as well? I know that I did not expect to be, and I guarantee Israel did not expect to be. I have to go back and pull my boot straps up, in a manner of speaking because I found myself drifting. Not as someone who is going to give up, but as one temporarily drifting…there is no time for that, and it can get to a point of no return if one drifts too far.
I am not talking about drifting into sin, but drifting into hopelessness, or into things that take our mind off of the evil going on these days, such as entertainment (the flesh loves this kind of diversion).
The enemy is crafty and clever. You will have thoughts that you will think are your own thoughts and feelings, and never suspect the enemy has been working with your flesh (carnal nature) in your moments of weakness – which we all have.
Remember, it had been the last few days of July (2023), between the 28/29 to 31, when it was put upon my heart to give warning [URGENT reminder] of the dark season approaching. Why urgent if it has been every year for decades, centuries?
It is because of the increase in the interest and popularity of the occult (supernatural, magic, witchcraft), as well as the increase in the depth of evil, absolutely heartless, merciless, evil beyond description. [10.23.2023 ed.]
Within a week, August 4th, 2023, I fell as I was getting out of bed, striking my head on the hardwood floor. The next night, about 2:00 or 2:30 a.m., I fell again, this time striking my head on the bottom corner of a pine dresser.
That really hurt, and my son gave me an ice pack to apply to the area. Even with holding the pack there, the bruising came within the next day or so, slowly darkening. It took three weeks to leave.
A few hours later, still early morning, out of concern about a concussion, my son called an ambulance. I was somewhat disoriented (but then again, I usually am when I first wake up - paste a smile and blink once, do not ask anything that requires thinking until cobwebs are swept away [smile]), but I also kept nodding out like a junkie when trying to write.
With the way the one paramedic was when they first arrived at my house (his attitude), I wonder if that is what he thought, that I was on some kind of drugs, whether sleeping pills or whatever. Blood work at the hospital quickly cleared that up.
It came to mind that the adversary, Satan, had handpicked the older paramedic, just the way he took an immediate dislike to me when arriving. I had asked him if I reminded him of someone he did not like, but quickly quenched a possible hassle (thanks to the most Holy Spirit who placed scriptures upon my heart).
However, Ephesians 6:12 was forgotten, quickly moving into the shadows as my flesh [carnal nature] took over and went into self-defence mode. It was like I had armour on but could not move with it.
I was quickly wheeled away from the waiting area by two nurses, up a short hall to a tiny room, a cubicle… observation area, with a small camera above the door. I had been swiftly put in solitary confinement, an observation area. At least, that is the only reason I could see for a small camera to be above the door. Whether it was on or not, I do not know, but I suspect it was.
The female supervisor came in to continue her speech shortly after. I will not go into all the details of our conversation, but she started off by informing me that they had decided not to charge me with assault. Suffice it to say, she was his advocate, not mine. She was going by what he said, and not by any witness, and certainly not by what I said.
The whole thing wreaked of a setup (by invisible enemies), but due to all that transpired in a short time, I was in no position to be on any battlefield.
However, the young supervisor was very clever in her replies to me. I felt utterly defeated – outmatched, foolish. I could not believe it was happening. Emotions were running high on both sides, but she was restraining herself – that was obvious. Good call. She was well-rehearsed, meaning she had been down the road before. The city I live in is known for its violence. I did not know that before.
I was stunned to hear the decision not to charge me with assault had been made. Assault? Seriously? The thought had never even entered my mind. When does pushing a hand (or arm) away that is hurting you constitute assault charges?
Thirty-eight hours passed (approximately), with no doctor, no nurse, no technician, no one entered in, except for once, when I rang the buzzer and begged for a commode. No food, no water, no juice, and I was not ordered to fast. It was punishment for my "behaviour".
Solitary confinement in a makeshift room. Thirty-eight hours. It was a large closet, but small enough that even the medical equipment would not fit in easily. It had to be used and taken out immediately, for staff to walk around me. I had wondered if I was in my own personal lockdown.
Little did I know then that for the next four days (five nights total), I would sleep sitting up in a chair. No nurse helped me into bed, and I could not lift my legs due to their weight. Who would ever believe that at one time I was anorexic? Who would ever believe that no one noticed my constant upright position for five nights?
We are told that we are not warring against flesh and blood, which is true. But we still have to deal with sinful people, with pride, with those manipulated and/or controlled by the dark side. It is a challenging walk. It is why we are told to fight the good fight [1Tim 6:12]; and encouraged to endure to the end. [Mat 14:13]
Let the Shaking Begin
I had hesitated, wondering if I had actually heard from the Lord, or if I was losing it. As if to assure me it was God, thus began the falls, the nodding out, the chronic fatigue, the disorientation. Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually – it seemed every area was getting hit. The Lord allowed it…
1999 – April:
• Sifted as Wheat (a song given in a dream by the Lord), along with another:
• Give Me the Glory, Please Trust in Me
There were times over the following years that He reminded me of the shaking, even as recently as last year, and the early months this year. (It is also written in the Bible.) All that is not of Him shall break off. And sadly, there are people who will chose to fall away. Let that not be us, brother – sister; let it not be you or me.
As I had mentioned on January 1, 2023, we were in the calm before the storm. There was mention of a storm brewing, but it would be later in the year that the darkness would fall, with no room of denial. Late September had been mentioned, with the latter months, November/December getting darker.
I was surely involved in a nightmare… but no, it is the time and season. I was so distracted by what was happening around me (got my eyes on the circumstances, or on the turbulent waters, violent waves and forceful winds like Peter experienced before sinking), and the deep level of pain that was in place, that I kept forgetting about the time Jesus had reminded of. That forgetfulness could have prolonged the battle.
That is where the enemy wants all of us – preoccupied, shocked, lack of focus, attention diverted – confusion or disorientation on the battlefield makes one an easy target.
Yes, thirty-eight hours passed before the paradigm shift took place, but take place it did. The glory goes to Jesus because during those hours, I had prayed, trying to understand what was happening. I had also been told that my license was going to be revoked for medical reasons. What is happening, Lord?
I prayed with tears. How many times must I be stripped of everything in this life? ‘Ah Lord’ (echoing one of the ancient brethren, Job): ‘Naked I came into the world, naked I shall leave. Who can question you?’
In my heart there was the knowledge of having been pressing in to do the Father’s will (due to the work of the precious and holy Spirit); strong effort made to remain faithful to the Word. Jesus/Yeshua hears and acknowledges all broken and contrite prayers of repentance.
By His Spirit, He moved me to read 2 Chronicles 20. Jesus brought the story of king Jehoshaphat, the king’s prayer for the people of Israel, and the humble plea for the Lord’s intervention to remembrance. I grabbed my Bible which my son had packed when the ambulance came.
When Israel was surrounded, outnumbered by her enemies, Jehoshaphat appointed singers to go ahead of the king’s army. “Praise the Lord; for His mercy endures forever.” [vs 21, 22]
Awkwardly, but obediently, I followed in the footsteps of the ancient king and decided to pray his prayer in my situation (I felt outnumbered and did not know what to do), and I quietly sang praises to the Lord. This was written about previously.
Paradigm Shift in the Atmosphere
Just a reminder than when I obeyed the leading of the Holy Spirit, and defied logic, praying Jehoshaphat’s prayer, and singing softly in the small hospital room, a paradigm shift took place. Suddenly, it seemed like every caring nurse was loosed upon me.
One nurse brought me an extra sandwich, fruit cup and juice. Another provided water so I could give myself a sponge bath, as well as change my clothes. Blood work, lung X-ray, ultrasound (leg), ECG were all done quickly, like rapid fire.
I was taken up about five floors and placed in a private room (mind you, the privacy part only lasted a day, but a nice older woman [like me 😊] was brought in. She kept to herself, except when she was leaving two days later, where she felt comfortable enough to speak with me for awhile.) Then I regained privacy.
The care, the attention, the change in the atmosphere was a complete about-face. Indeed, when the Lord says a battle is His, He means it. The stress and tension were cut off. It was surreal how the Lord changed the atmosphere from hostile to peaceful.
Glory to the King! It was all His doing, not mine. My part was simply to trust and obey. This is an important point in this testimony. When the Lord instructs you through His written Word (or deep within your spirit man, or by a way that you know it is from Him), and you obey, watch and see what He will do. He is called Faithful and True for a reason.
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon Him was Faithful and True, and in righteousness He does judge and make war. [Rev 19:11]
I cannot express my gratitude to the Lord enough for changing what was an incredulous beginning at the hospital to a stay that radiated tranquility; or from a confused bloody mess on the battlefield to an established victory.
Jesus is LORD of the battle; who upholds His kingdom’s blood-stained standard [flag/banner] of victory.
Unexpected Tactic
The enemy retreated from the battlefield at the hospital, but Satan was switching tactics, regrouping his troops for a surprise attack. Instead of a frontal attack that I would see coming, he hit me broadside, where I was weaker and ill-prepared. I had let my guard down (again), after the victory in the hospital.
Once home after my discharge, I was inundated with phone calls from various doctors’ offices or hospitals seeking to schedule appointments for further testing, as well as a coordinator for home care, followed by calls from nurses and a medical supplier. It was as busy as a hornet’s nest.
Two and a half months later and I am still getting calls from new places phoning to make an appointment. Still? I had not been informed to expect more testing. Some of the tests were repeats with different specialists, which was not understood since nothing was found wrong with the first results.
The stress level from the constant calls increased. I could not rest. Treatment of the weeping wounds and lower extremity swelling actually caused more pain at the knees and upper extremities. Holy Spirit, I have so much to be thankful for, but I don’t know how much longer I can go on with this daily pain; help me not to complain.
Prayer went up. All further tests have now been cancelled. No more repeats. As for the other two remaining tests, it has to stop. One is two weeks away, the other three weeks away. It feels like I am on some kind of medical treadmill. And why has no specialist called me for follow up from test results? Is it because nothing stood out on the tests?
Not to mention every day, looking in the mail for a letter from the auto license department. Nothing so far. Imagine having all these appointments and having to take a taxi or Uber, since a few are a half hour to one hour drive, one way.
After this much time, I am sure if there was something seriously wrong with me, it would have been discovered by now… If not, I would be dead. My health is now placed in God’s competent hands. I have two dear friends (one in Finland, one in the U.S.) that fully trust the Lord with their health.
Some of these tests were a two-hour round trip, for something that has already been done (cat scans etc.) If one was truly concerned, would an MRI not have been ordered instead of repeated c-scans? The doctor put me on a diuretic (water pill) increased that kept me going every five minutes on some days.
I was met with a stern, almost disgusted look when visiting one specialist in office when I told him that on the days I had appointments I did not take the water pills. He insisted I must. I emphasized that I would not or else I could never make the long drive to some appointments, nor would I even be able to sit and be assessed by him had I not stopped for the day. Conversation ended…
Seems no matter what, Satan wants me to look like the bad guy. Ever get tired of always being the one in the wrong? Thank God for His strength, His love, and His encouragement.
More good news is that it is now heading toward nearly two months since I have fallen, or even nodded out. Although no doctor has diagnosed it, since it has been rare for me to see the same doctor twice, the falling and nodding out (drowsiness, falling) were side effects from the rapid increase in Tylenol with codeine #3 usage.
The Lord brought my attention to it. I had been keeping tabs on my intake because one is allowed up to 12 tablets maximum per day. It is easy to forget when. Tylenol #3 has been taken since Tylenol #2s were discontinued, approximately five years now.
Like multitudes in Canada, I do not have a family doctor due to shortages of them, so various ones are seen at walk-in clinics or referred by a hospital (emergency) doctor. If notes are not thoroughly read by one physician to another, it would be easy to overlook a key component for proper diagnosis.
It also explains repeated tests when previous results were satisfactory. I was a guinea pig for the medical establishment for 11 years [1993-2004-journey on a misdiagnosis], nearly 20 years ago. It is not a road I care to travel down again.
So much more was happening on the home front, but I will spare the reader the details. This much in-depth information given was to present the hectic, stressful environment that took place almost immediately upon my release from the hospital.
It interrupted my rest, strained finances, added unnecessary stress, and quickly wore me down, as it had been less than a week that I had begun to recoup. I only had high blood pressure a couple times under extreme stress, but I was going through a bout where BP was 166/71 a couple of times. Never have I seen my BP that high.
A Flanking Attack
Reading the Bible began to slip, prayers were slowed down, but indeed, I could not stop praying. Flesh and the enemy work in cahoots when discouragement strikes us. It was the enemy’s doing, but I did not regard it as a re-attack. Instead, I began to think I had failed my Lord and King, failed in my walk.
It was more discouraging because all the interruptions, the chronic fatigue, visits daily from nurses, it all delayed my writing. Day after day, week after week passed – I wept. Lord, shall you take writing from me too? Have you chosen to pass the life lessons, the hard work, the fruit over to the plagiarist?
The enemy was beating me down mentally, emotionally, physically, and now …spiritually. Lord, what is YOUR will? I have to know the will of the Father. Yet, deep within, the Holy Spirit was countering all doubt and negatively.
Just as Jesus is repetitive in order for us to acknowledge and embrace something of importance, so Satan does the same. He comes at us with negative thoughts about our walk with the Lord, about the intents and motives of our heart, until we are deceived by him and fall into unbelief, or worse …fall away.
Expect surprise attacks, or a flank maneuvers – it is a war and Satan does not play by any rules. He is guilty of every possible war crime. He is the original rebel, who had the audacity to come against his Maker – a loving, holy and righteous God. How much more will the rebel and come against God’s own?
Earlier in this article there had been mention of expounding on the Lord’s consistency, as well as His way of repetition when He wants close attention paid to a matter. He understands how difficult it can be to retain important information in these fast-paced, overwhelming times.
About a month had passed, perhaps a bit longer, since the short hospital stay August, when I felt convicted in my heart about not spending time in prayer, in the Word, or in my Lord’s presence, like I should be (as I have exhorted others to do in my writings).
After a time of confession and prayers to the Lord, a whisper was heard in my spirit: “Rise.” I was not sure if I heard correctly but before I could question further, I heard the word two more times. ‘Rise’. Our Saviour does not want us discouraged, nor does He want any of His children beaten down.
As far as repetition goes, there were too many to ignore or to push aside as coincidence, as we skeptical creatures tend to do sometimes. I will show the reader what I mean fully, in a few moments. Firstly, a little notepad was placed in the mailbox.
It was a promotional gift to inspire the home owner to consider listing with the real estate agency that gave the gift, which was ReMax in this instance. I took a picture of the bottom of the writing pad, leaving out the agency’s address, and the picture and name of the agent who left the promotional item.
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agents picture, phone and agency address | removed |
Of course, the agency just happened to be called ‘RISE’.
Excerpts were taken from articles posted in March 2016 and Feb 2022 regarding ‘alignment’. In the Feb 2022 article, one thing that dazzled me was what followed after the ‘alignment’. I had felt led to speak of the infiltration of occultic, pagan practices in the ‘church’ that people are accepting, even embracing.
It is impossible for me to remember where I wrote what, and even to remember all that I wrote about over the course of decades. But Jesus…
Below is the paragraph posted after ‘alignment’ in Feb. 2022 article, appropriately named, You Will Rise (Part 2) [and yes, I truly had forgotten that I wrote a mini-series about rising.]
[Excerpt below: two short paragraphs]
*-- the counterfeiter Satan has been calling for alignment in the secular, in various arenas - use caution and pray to find out which is of the enemy and which is of God - if it is of the enemy, God will reveal, and we can pray [what to do about whatsoever].
The end result is God's alone - it will remain if it is allowed in order for prophecy to align (but if it's more of Satan's rebellion and defiance, we can pray, God may very well intervene like He did multiple times in ancient times. He is the wise one who knows the end from the beginning)
[End of preceding paragraphs]
Okay, here we go with the consistency of Jesus: the Lord led me step by step through this process, just as He has always done in times past. Many Christians are unfamiliar with “Destiny Cards”, barely differentiating from tarot cards.
It is important to know Satan (mankind’s enemy, but especially saints of God). He is that roaring lion who often lurks in the shadows, lying low, silently observing his intended prey, looking for that opportune moment to attack.
The thief (Satan and his demons) comes not but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; but [Christ Jesus] (came that we) may have life, and have it more abundantly. [Jn 10:10]
• Rise and speak forth, saints! – this is repeated because not enough of us are standing on His word and speaking it forth. Pray, find the Lord’s will for your life and get personal direction regarding all that is happening, then boldly stand on the Word (salvation, healing, deliverance, however the Holy Spirit directs you, speak the Word)
Please understand. This does NOT mean to speak forth 'decrees' or 'declarations' as the Word of Faith (WolF) and NAR members speak forth the Word. We are not God. We cannot create, manipulate or order things into existence. God is Sovereign.
Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to pray a prayer that is in the Bible. (Don't forget the Lord's Prayer is a prime example of speaking forth the Word. [Mat 6:9-13])
• breakthrough and OPEN doors
(All battles, all trials, and all tribulations (troubles) come to an end, and when they end is the moment of 'breakthrough'. God is there. In Revelation, Jesus said He opens a door that no man can shut. Wait until He opens one.
I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My Word, and have not denied My name. [Rev 3:8]
The Lord was speaking to the church in Philadelphia, but right there we can see the Sovereignty of God, and that it is Jesus that opens and shuts doors. (see verse seven also)
Stay close to God. Whenever fear threatens or knocks loudly at the door of your heart, speak the WORD [2Tim 1:7 as ONE example]; intimate relationship with the Lord, prayer and the reading the Word will keep us balanced. The Holy Spirit is faithful, and will remind us of the Messiah’s promises and words
[End excerpt] SOURCE: You Will Rise – Part Two
Second Witness
Last month (Sept. 2023), I had spoken with my eldest daughter (who lives in Alberta) who was fully aware of what all transpired at the hospital, the season of evil we are in, and how through the Holy Spirit the Lord reminded me that He is the LORD of the battle.
The story of king Jehoshaphat and how he travailed in prayer before the Lord, as Israel was outnumbered and overwhelmed by the enemy was shared with her. It really is an impressive story of how God uses the simplest feats to show forth His mighty miracles.
The king proclaimed a fast and to “seek” God, which signifies not only worship, but also that the nation’s leader led the way as an example of humility, the laying down of pride (as king) in order to find out God’s will. Jesus often fasted and prayed. How often do we pray, but do not humble ourselves with fasting?
As part of the conversation, I also shared with my eldest how the Lord placed one word upon my heart when I was so heavily depressed that it was crushing everything out of me. I had been so torn, striving to come out of a pity-party and battling a relentless spirit of heaviness.
“Rise!” The word stood tall in my spirit; it sounded crystal clear. “Rise.”
I explained that we face a real enemy who wants us to fear and not trust that God cares when His people are suffering. She had been very quiet, but suddenly became obviously moved by the Holy Spirit.
She told me that she had come across an old letter that I had given her in the year 2000. Although I had long ago forgotten about it, when I saw it in the email, I instantly remember the time. Even though I had yet to commit to the Lord, I believed in Him and everything spoken about Him in the Bible.
The letter was written almost a year after my children were finally returned to me after a seven-year custody battle. I had had a few beers too many the night before (even though it was at home, not out at some bar).
The children were involved in a court case as witnesses against their father for what he had done to them whilst they were in his care. It was an intense and heartbreaking court case. We were due in court in two days (about seven months into the case, which would take another four and a half years before he was found guilty and sentenced).
The Lord had been patiently drawing me to Himself for quite a long time. I was feeling guilty over having gotten drunk on five beers. The Lord was rebuking the guilt-trip, and encouraging me to draw nearer, to be strong.
It was a difficult time for my children as well. The adversary had lost a serious fight when the Lord returned the children to me. Now, he sought to try and destroy a tender, young 15-year-old teenager, who had hurt herself in order to override the pain and guilt she had been carrying around for some time. She had nothing to feel guilty about, but the devil is a liar, thief and murderer.
See the consistency and steadfastness of the Lord? He knows the end from the beginning, our Sovereign Maker. The letter is 23 years and seven months old. It is called: RISE UP: BE OF STRONG COURAGE
When I typed up the letter and printed it to give her, I added friendly pictures because she was a young teen. It must have meant something to her to have kept it almost a quarter of a century. Only Jesus…
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screenshot of YouTube movie |
So, later I thought I would check the local news to get updated. Two headlines stood out…
Went to a doctor’s appointment. Stopped whilst waiting for the
traffic light to change.
Nearly two weeks later, I decided to watch a documentary and catch up on the progress of humanoid robots.
The point is...
RISE, dear saint… THAT is the message from our King. Do not let Satan, or any of his evil army, or any person (including yourself) condemn you and keep you down. You are here right now, this day, because God has seen to it that you are. We have purpose - keep close to Jesus and (as you can see by all the ways He showed me 'RISE', He will see to it that you find out that purpose). Trust.
If you have been inundated with thoughts of discouragement and defeat, intimidating you, making you feel “less than” (unworthy), it is a scheme of the enemy, Satan.
Or if you find yourself drifting slowly from reading the Bible as often as before (remember, the Word is food (Bread of Life) and drink (Living Water) (aka Jesus/Yeshua) for the spirit man. We cannot survive without food and drink for long, not physically, and most assuredly, not spiritually. Selah
We were warned about the wiles of the devil in Ephesians 6, but Satan is clever and crafty. He knows our weak spots, having had his watchers observe us since birth, but we have a strong Advocate, and one greater than Satan.
Many of us are suffering in different ways, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Some are burdened in more than one area. God knows, and Jesus has not left you.
Witches and Luciferian practitioners are on the 'rise' as well. Satan runs parallel (although slightly behind) God because he counterfeits what God is doing. He is the author of confusion, and the aim is to confuse Christians with the intent to deceive them.
The occult is attracting people like never before, but what is worse is that it is now flaunted, openly displayed in opening ceremonies such as the Gotthard Base Tunnel ceremony, Birmingham Commonwealth ceremony, entertainment award shows, the Super Bowl, et al.
It is more common now to see folks in costumes representing the dark side and holding actual rituals, but people who do not know better are hoodwinked into believing it is extravagant 'entertainment'.
Witches, whether male or female, Luciferians, New Age, often do not let people know they participate in rituals or sacrifices, or cast spells, and they are not always easy to discern.
Most talk like Christians, speaking of love, unity, forgiveness, and even speak of God or Jesus (not all speak of these two, but some do). Only keep in mind, it is a different ‘god’ and different ‘Christ’ that the one written about in the testaments. Wiccans worship goddesses as well as gods.
The rituals and secret ceremonies have been carried out covertly for a few weeks now, and shall continue on past Halloween. However, have you noticed how much is no longer done covertly, but after waters were tested, more and more is coming out in the open, being flaunted in the public arena?
There is also Winter Solstice coming up; another pagan time of celebration with their idols (goddesses/gods). The darkness keeps increasing, and shall continue until the unveiling of the Lawless one – the Antichrist of all antichrists.
If God be for us, who can be against? [Rom 8:31]
Rise up, dear saint. You are stronger than you think, for greater is He (Jesus) who is in you than he that is in the world [1Jn 44] – and even in your weakness – you can draw your strength from Jesus/Yeshua. How consistent is our God, how faithful. Temptation is not a sin – only giving in [action, responding] to the temptation is a sin. God makes a way out of temptation.
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Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: |
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. [Is 40:30, 31]
(Earlier I posted a message that may encourage you. You can find it here:
In the presence of His glory
Bonita dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com