Abiding Brings Peace and
January 11, 2013
There has
been much coming at me lately, but do not read this as a complaint! Although I
did not understand it as it began, it has been a full-fledged spiritual attack that
started suddenly.
It began
with only one arrow from an unexpected, non-threatening source, but it has become
an onslaught. We all go through our battles in this war. We can be shaken, but
we cannot be destroyed. The Lord holds
us steady; He keeps us.
We are troubled on every side, yet
not distressed; we are
perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not
forsaken; cast down, but not
destroyed; [2Cor 4:9]
The Lord is
gracious to allow me a panoramic view of the attack, which is coming from
several different directions. It is a
spiritual attack that involves itself in the physical realm, with fiery darts
to my mind, but more than that.
The target
is the heart, wherein lies my faith, love and hope, gratitude and will. It was the precious Holy Spirit that told me about the target. Books have been written that are titled, "The Mind is the Battlefield".
I have not read any, but Joyce Meyer wrote a book with that title. I do not follow Joyce Meyer. I used to listen to her back in'96, maybe '97, when I was seeking answers, desperate for God's help in a situation I was caught up in [wrong motive].
Following the philosophy of the WolF doctrine, I lost an apartment and would have been out on the street if it wasn't for a gracious woman who allowed me to stay at her place temporarily, in exchange for some light housekeeping and babysitting. I have always believed in God and Jesus since I was a child in the orphanage, but it is written that even demons believe and tremble. [Jam 2:19]
She teaches a false doctrine [prosperity, "name-it-and-claim-it", doctrine of error] called the Word of Faith [the acronym I invented contains an 'illegal' letter "L", WolF]. Wolves devour the flock with that teaching...greedy shepherds.
The very first church I went to as a young adult. I did not want to return to the Catholic church. In the orphanage I had spent seven years in the religion; I saw and learned many things in my time there. Some is best forgotten (already forgiven).
Not surprising that the book sold out and another batch had to be made.The Holy Spirit expounded a powerful explanation. He said, "The battlefield is the mind but the target is the heart."
Why? Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The Lord made a covenant with Israel. He put His law in our inward parts, and He wrote it in our hearts. He said, "I will be their God, and they shall be My people." [Jer 31:33]
Our emotions and our will is in our heart as well. These are some of the reasons that the adversary targets the heart - so great is his hatred. I will leave it there for now, as that is not what this article is about
[Side note: The church has NOT replaced Israel, but praise God for the opportunity, we are masterfully 'grafted in', adopted, now part of the family.They blend together and become ones family, united in love. BP]
The reason I write these things is to make the reader beware. spiritNo one needs me to alert them to the times we
are in, or even the very hour we are in, but we all need to be reminded that
our war is not against flesh and blood.
Any Emotion is Drama and
It is true
that some use emotions as a form of manipulation and control on a one-to-one
basis, but emotionalism is what charismatic leaders (from the pulpits, ‘crusades’
and the political stage) count on.
To deny
emotions is to become robotic, even insensitive. People have been becoming desensitized slowly,
and do not even realize it. Satan has
cleverly orchestrated the onslaught of events that affect our emotions, with
the hope of desensitizing the people, so that the hearts would wax cold.
There are sinister double agents. Charismatic, attractive, well-versed in scriptures, articulate, popular. They have dedicated followers who will defend them at all costs. Be careful who you allow to teach you. We have to practice taking all things to the Lord.
Satan is the author of confusion. Violence and riots are increasing. Trust is difficult to find, but we can definitely trust in the Lord with all our heart. He will not disappoint. He is an ever present help in trouble. [Ps 46:1]
Are people
shocked at the increase in robberies, accidents, suicides, murders, drug abuse,
diseases, nudity, promiscuity, sexual perversions (immorality), abortions,
protests, witchcraft, corruption, violence, idolatry, deception and apostasy
heard of in the ‘churches’ and in politics?
Add to that
the wars, sinkholes, comets, sun flares, economic collapse, foreclosures, bankruptcy,
global debt, divorces and the rest of the nonstop events and we begin to fully
comprehend that the sins of mankind are out-of-control. Yet, through it all, we must keep our emotions
in check, or we are into drama and out of order (according to volumes of 'programmed' people).
Or have we
seen such increase in all arenas that we are moved only when tragedy strikes
close to home (involving us or people we know), or involves the masses? Jesus
forewarned that in the last days, love would ‘wax cold’.
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. [Mat24:12]
Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin
Sixty years
ago, if the news came that a church or preacher was condoning homosexuality,
pedophilia or abortions, people would see to it that the church was either
closed down, or the preacher removed from leadership. Now homosexuals are being ordained and
legally married, pedophilia is rampant, and believers are told not to judge because
Jesus loves them.
We hear
‘love the sinner, hate the sin’, yet it is not contained within the holy scriptures.
There was a certain man who wanted to unite all religions that has become
famous for coining the phrase.
The man’s
name was Mohandas ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi, who was considered the ‘father of India’
and the spiritual and national leader of India.
According to his biography, Gandhi studied law in London early in the
1890s. Understanding that politics had
to be grounded in religion at that time, he became interested in the Bible,
particularly the New Testament.
Since Ganhi
studied Christianity, it is most likely that he paraphrased words from Augustine,
who wrote a letter (211th, circa 424), which contained within it the
phrase “Cum dilectione hominum et odio vitiorum”. (Please don't ask me the pronunciation of that.)
The translation of that phrase has been recorded as: "With love for mankind and hatred of sins." (Augustine) Gandhi’s quote, “Love the sinner, hate the
sin”, likely found its origin in Augustine’s words and were rephrased (Gandi's udnderstanding and translation?)
studying Christianity, Gandhi embraced the religions of the Buddhists, Jews,
Muslims and Hindus as well. He was
famous for other quotes regarding Christianity also.
When asked
if he was Hindu, he once said, “Yes, I
am. I am also a Christian, a Muslim, a
Buddhist and a Jew.” Sounds like his
study in law and politics paid off. He
was said to desire a ‘unity of mankind’ under one God, and that people had to
be ‘tolerant’ of the beliefs of others.
He also stated:
“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” He was shot by a Hindu extremist in 1948,
during a prayer vigil. Sadly, the last
quote of his that I shared can certainly be applied to what we see today
amongst multitudes that call themselves “Christians”.
The attitude
in mainstream Christianity that has been adopted has been built on the terms of
non-interference, a laissez-faire attitude,
regarding homosexuality, abortions, 'new revelation' doctrines and other touchy topics that are
not ‘seeker-friendly’.
is translated to mean, ‘let do’, ‘leave it alone’ or ‘let them do as they will’. In other words, let it be and leave well
enough alone. The attitude is a far cry
from walking as Christ walked.
Compromise vs. Death to Self
Sixty years
ago, if someone was said to have died of cancer, people were horrified. It was practically unheard of. Today it is so commonplace that cancer has become
a dreaded enemy to be on the constant lookout for.
Sixty years
ago, if a teacher taught anything to do with the occult, most parents would see
to it that the teacher was fired in such a way that getting a new teaching
position would be difficult, if not impossible.
parents welcome the Harry Potter books, where the pages are filled with the
names of demons and witchcraft (actual rituals). The
material, which has been incorporated into the curriculum, has been presented
as entertaining (harmless), with the suggestion that it can be used for ‘good’. That is deceptions!
I knew
people who were attending churches where their pastors would encourage them to
watch the Harry Potter movies, so that they could study Satan’s ways
and see how ‘good’ triumphs over evil.
The same advice
was given in watching movies such as, ‘The Lord of the Rings’, ‘Fantasia’, ‘Inuyasha
(half-demon, half-girl), ‘Spirited Away’, ‘Hell Boy’, ‘Harry Potter’ and a myriad of other "spiritual" movies. Many Christians say that they
watch the movies to see the battle between good and evil, adding that God ‘sees
the heart’.
That saying now is used to cloak sin in such a way as to make the person who 'sees' the deception beyond the statement is made to feel guilty for 'judging' and 'playing God'. It grieves me to even say it. It goes back to the Garden. When sin was questioned, Eve blamed the serpent. Adam blamed the woman and God..."the woman that You gave to be with me [...] [Gen 3:12]
That saying now is used to cloak sin in such a way as to make the person who 'sees' the deception beyond the statement is made to feel guilty for 'judging' and 'playing God'. It grieves me to even say it. It goes back to the Garden. When sin was questioned, Eve blamed the serpent. Adam blamed the woman and God..."the woman that You gave to be with me [...] [Gen 3:12]
The ways
the nations have been desensitized slowly (methodically) over the years, which could be
expounded upon further, but suffice it to say that sexual perversions,
immorality, violence, drugs (especially pharmaceutical), guns and particularly witchcraft,
have increased.
It has become
like the snowball that is rolled down a cliff, slowly building in momentum and force. From movies, music videos, sporting events,
video games, television, magazines, store checkout stands, and the internet with its pornography and vast sites on the occult, weaponry etc,
people are inundated with every form of imagery, as an invitation to debauchery
and violence.
I have established the fact that normal emotional reactions are either
discouraged today (critiqued) or emotions are depended upon to manipulate and control (form of witchcraft). How often do we hear people being told to ‘quit the drama’, or a person is called a
‘drama queen’ (not gender specific at
times, but usually (not always) directed at women).
Yet, from
the pulpit to the political arena, emotions are exactly what are counted
on. “Woo,
glory! I fee-eel the Holy Spirit!” (religious) How often have we heard that? Did Jesus or the apostles or the prophets ever say that? Or, how about..."We will put an end to racism for the future of our children!" (politcal)
Or, how often (not always) is a pastor or evangelist praying over you and you hear, “Here it comes, here it comes…the Holy Spirit is coming
upon you” (the Holy Spirit of the Most High is not an ‘it’), or “Did you feel anything when you
received your healing?” (Is that in scripture?)
No Bells and Whistles
Where is
the reverence and fear of God? Where is
the stillness before God and the united prayers of the congregation? Where is the waiting upon the Lord for Him to
Waiting upon Him as one dead; He comes to give us life. Waiting upon a
holy God, in humility, understanding His Sovereignty and majesty, whether in tears (as David and others), or in reverent anticipation, He will come
in the silence, without all the bells and whistles.
Is it not strange that when we are praying alone, hidden from the world, He comes in all His glory, with peace that surpasses understanding and omniscience, yet when we are congregated together as one body, He must suddenly prove His arrival with all manner of manifestations? Selah
(Selah has been best interpreted as either 'stop and listen' or 'pause and think upon that') It is true that sometimes we are overwhelmed by the purity and holiness of the Lord, but what did people in the Bible do? They usually fell on their face, trembling and in awe...
Is it not strange that when we are praying alone, hidden from the world, He comes in all His glory, with peace that surpasses understanding and omniscience, yet when we are congregated together as one body, He must suddenly prove His arrival with all manner of manifestations? Selah
(Selah has been best interpreted as either 'stop and listen' or 'pause and think upon that') It is true that sometimes we are overwhelmed by the purity and holiness of the Lord, but what did people in the Bible do? They usually fell on their face, trembling and in awe...
emotions are moved by music, so the churches have incorporated and invested
much money into praise teams, star “Christian” singers, extravagant sound systems, lighting (similar to concerts), etc.
behavior such as shaking, jerking, uncontrollable laughter, counterfeit
tongues, and more continues to come in waves throughout the churches. It stimulates the emotions of onlookers, so
that they too want to be a recipient of ‘a touch from God’.
Either that, or it pushes the person away from God. Is God not a God who doese everything decently and in order? Is not one of the "fruits" of the Holy Spirit "self-control", so where does "uncontrollable" laughter come from?
Either that, or it pushes the person away from God. Is God not a God who doese everything decently and in order? Is not one of the "fruits" of the Holy Spirit "self-control", so where does "uncontrollable" laughter come from?
Why are we
not like the publican who revered God so much, he beat his chest, head hung in
humility and brokenness, saying, ‘Lord, forgive me…a sinner’
Why are we not looking to God, instead of looking to others for
Where is
the cross? We should be as Lazarus, waiting for the Lord to say, ‘Come forth!’ That is when we know that we know, we have
had a ‘touch from God’. If each of us could be as Lazarus, coming forth at the command of our Lord, then shall we
rejoice as one, giving glory to the Alpha and Omega. (He speaks quietly, deep wiithin our spirit man.)
people’s emotions are manipulated by the media and eloquent speeches,
‘dramatic’ (yes, I used the word) testimonies of witnesses of crime, news
anchors or families of those involved, directly or indirectly, in either criminal tragedies and horrors, or natural calamities.
are counted on during political campaigns and debates on serious matters,
political speeches preceding election, or following after catastrophic events
(whether natural or manmade). Quiet protests can escalate to violence.
There is no
need to continue on about the various ways emotions are manipulated in the
religious and political arenas to further promote hidden agendas and evil. My point is made, I am sure.
Yet, when
those who love the Lord are moved with righteous anger and grief in their
spirit by the evil that they witness in any sinister events, or as we witness the
apostasy, idolatry, false doctrines, reprobate, witchcraft, manipulation, control, and every manner of sin that is prevalent
amongst countless who call themselves Christians, emotions are shunned, even
We are in
this world, but not of this world [Jn 17:16] It does not mean that we will not be moved by
what is going on around us. We will be moved, by good and by evil alike. Jesus showed emotions and feelings. Compassion
and love fill us, for Christ lives in us, and when Christ Jesus lives in us, we will hate what the Father hates and love what the Father loves.
It does not
mean that we will not go through different emotions, either due to spiritual
attacks, world events, the increase of evil and sins, or things occurring in
our own personal lives, good, bad and in-between.
when we seek Jesus amidst the storm, looking to Christ alone, He reaches forth
His hand to hold us, as He commands the storm, 'Peace, be still!' Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and
forever. We walk by faith, not by sight. There will be times, most assuredly, that each and every one of us will need the Lord to order the storm in our life to "be still" and order, 'peace'.
Groaning within, Jesus Wept
Let’s take
a look at some ‘drama’ in the Bible and see what normal emotions occurred as a result. Bear with me; it will all make sense soon
enough. I am going to use DE as an abbreviation for Dramatic
shortest verse in scripture, yet to me, one of the most powerful and
thought-provoking is found in the book of John.
Mary (Lazarus' sister, not Jesus' mother) had just run up to Jesus, falling at his feet weeping and said, “Lord, if
You had been here, my brother had not died.” [v.32]
When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which
came with her, He groaned in the
spirit, and was troubled; [v.33]
the Lord was moved by the grief and
sorrow of Mary and the others who were there. He felt compassion and shared their
sorrow. He then asked Mary where
they had laid Lazarus and she told him to come and see.
Then one of
the shortest, yet most powerful and meaningful verses found in scripture was
written. Jesus wept. [Jn 11:35]
The world
brainwashes males into believing that ‘real men’ do not cry. I think it reveals a compassionate and honest heart when a man weeps. Yet another lie propagated by the arch
enemy. If men were not meant to weep,
they would not have been created with tear ducts. Our mighty warrior King and
Lord, Jesus the Messiah (Y’shua) wept!
Some of the
Jews were saying, ‘how He loved him’,
whilst other ones were murmuring, ‘Could
not this man that opened the eyes of the blind have caused this man not to die?’
[v.34, 35]
However, He
acknowledged amongst them lack of trust and faith because they
did not know Him well enough yet to comprehend that He was capable of raising
Lazarus from the dead.
He also
heard the remarks of those who murmured about Him healing the blind. He heard the unbelief and He groaned again (grieved).
therefore again groaning in Himself
came to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it. [v.38]
He had
emotions, even though He knew that He was going to raise Lazarus up to life
again. He was moved by their great
anguish because He loved them, but He was also troubled over their lack of
knowledge regarding His power, as well as unbelief.
Though it grieved the Lord so deeply that the lack of faith, understanding and unbelief caused Him to groan, why did Jesus (Y'shua) go about raising Lazarus from the dead as He did? The word of God explains:
Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.
And I knew that You hear Me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that You have sent Me. [Jn 11:42]
DE: death of a loved one
Jesus wanted the people to come out of their unbelief and trust Him, even in the worst of situations.
Though it grieved the Lord so deeply that the lack of faith, understanding and unbelief caused Him to groan, why did Jesus (Y'shua) go about raising Lazarus from the dead as He did? The word of God explains:
Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.
And I knew that You hear Me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that You have sent Me. [Jn 11:42]
DE: death of a loved one
Jesus wanted the people to come out of their unbelief and trust Him, even in the worst of situations.
Is Anything Impossible to God?
Sarah had doubt and even unbelief when angels told Abraham that she would have a son. Therefore
Sarah laughed within herself, […] [Gen 18:12]. Yet the angels confirmed the promise further.
Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto you, according to the
time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.
DE: promise of a miracle (a child in old age, when womb is unfruitfufl)
DE: promise of a miracle (a child in old age, when womb is unfruitfufl)
himself experienced doubt and was impatient, or else he would not have
been persuaded to go into Hagar, a concubine, so that she could give Abraham a
son. It was unheard of for such old
people (90 and 100 years old) to have children.
Physical Restoration
bodies would have had to been restored in many ways. Parts of Sarah’s brain would have had to been
restored, so that it would produce and release the necessary hormone, which in
turn caused her ovaries to begin producing hormones.
reproductive organs would have had to been restored, in order for her to
produce estrogen, progesterone and even testosterone (sex hormones), in order
to develop the necessary eggs to become impregnated. Other hormones necessary in pregnancy would
also have had to have been restored.
such as the pelvic floor muscles and bones would have had to have been restored, so
that she had strength to carry a child full-term and for the baby to pass
through the birth canal.
Her muscles,
ligaments and tissues (such as glandular) in her stomach, pelvic area, breasts and
milk ducts would have had to been restored, so that she could nurse her child.
Her bones and leg muscles would have had to have been restored, in order for her to carry the extra weight of a child and all that sustains the fetus in pregnancy.
Her bones and leg muscles would have had to have been restored, in order for her to carry the extra weight of a child and all that sustains the fetus in pregnancy.
The list
continues on, the more one considers it. Great miracles occurred in order for
conception to even take place than most people realize or even consider. Physical restoration would have had to occur
within Abraham’s body as well. All the Creator of mankind had to do was speak it forth.
No wonder
Sarah laughed at the thought of
pregnancy, knowing that first a miracle of healing and complete physical restoration (not necessarily outer youth restored, but certainly within) would
need to occur in her body.
Such things were unheard of! Old people are incapable of having children; the vital parts are no longer fruitful or capable. This is why the angel asked Abraham if anything was too hard for God, the Creator of all things.
Such things were unheard of! Old people are incapable of having children; the vital parts are no longer fruitful or capable. This is why the angel asked Abraham if anything was too hard for God, the Creator of all things.
experienced fear when he ran up
under the Juniper tree when he read the words of Jezebel that she sent through
her messenger, stating that she would kill him. And when he saw that, he arose, and went for his life […] [1Kings 19:3]
He was
sorely discouraged, ready to give
up, to the point where he said:
[…] he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my
DE: fatigue, spiritual and physical exhaustion, fear, stress, threat of death
DE: fatigue, spiritual and physical exhaustion, fear, stress, threat of death
Yet what
did the Almighty God do for Elijah? He
sent His angel two times to Elijah, (allowing Elijah to sleep in-between), who fed him, and then Elijah was strengthened to continue on!
And he
arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the
mount of God. [1Kings 19:8]
in Fear
When David
heard that Saul was in pursuit of him, he went to Ahimelech the priest to ask
for a spear or sword. The priest had
only the sword that David beheaded Goliath with, so David took it and fled in
And David arose, and fled that day for fear of Saul, and went to Achish the king of Gath
The situation went from bad to worse and David felt threatened even by
And David
laid up these words in his heart, and was sore
afraid of Achish the king of Gath.
So, what did David do when he was afraid for his life and seeming
cornered? He acted as a madman.
And he changed his behaviour before them, and
feigned himself mad in their hands,
and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and let his spittle fall down upon his
beard. [1Sam 21:10, 13-14]
DE: fear, stress, bewilderment, confusion, threat of death
DE: fear, stress, bewilderment, confusion, threat of death
Tears for
the Unrepentant
Jeremiah has become known as the weeping prophet, not only because of
what he knew was coming, but because of his compassion for the people. He wept as he saw all that was happening
around him.
He knew and saw the idolatry, the hard-heartedness, stubbornness and unbelief
of the people, their unwillingness to repent, as well as the destruction that
came upon the land and all that was contained therein.
For the
mountains will I take up a weeping and
wailing, and for the habitations of
the wilderness a lamentation, because they are burned up, so that none can pass
through them;
neither can men
hear the voice of the cattle; both the fowl of the heavens and the beast are
fled; they are gone. [Jer
DE: awe of God’s judgment, overwhelming grief and sorrow, brokenness
DE: awe of God’s judgment, overwhelming grief and sorrow, brokenness
After much lamenting and weeping, the word of the Lord strengthened
Jeremiah – words that encourage people to this day.
But let
him that glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD which
exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight,
saith the LORD. [Jer 9:24]
DE: Judgment of God was coming upon the land and
its people; the people would not listen to the messenger. Those that love the Lord understand that it is His love and righteousness that brings forth judgment, desiring that people yet repent when they finally understand His power, when they see their sin, as well as their own inability to stop what He has ordained.
Anger at
Hypocrisy and False Teachers
Jesus displayed righteous anger when He spoke to the lawyers, the
Pharisees, Sadducees and other false teachers. People admired them and put them up on
pedestals, but Jesus saw beyond the deception of their eloquent words,
their religious prayers and the way they twisted the scriptures.
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but
within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish
the sepulchres of the righteous,
[Mat 23:28, 29]
Ye serpents, ye
generation of vipers,
how can ye escape the damnation of hell? [Mat 3:33]
Jesus was both angered and grieved at the Pharisees when they
challenged him about healing a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath.
And when
He had looked round about on them with anger,
being grieved for the hardness of
their hearts, He said unto the man, Stretch forth your
hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was
restored whole as the other. [Mk3:5]
DE: the
hypocritical false teachers (Pharisees) came against Jesus for healing and
restoring the withered hand of a man on the Sabbath. Righteous anger (fair, just/justifiable, honest) and grief was the reaction of Jesus towards hypocrisy, unbelief, sinfulness of the religious zealots at that time.
We are warned even further:
I marvel
that ye are so soon removed from Him that called you into the grace of Christ
unto another gospel: Which is
not another; but there be some that trouble
you, and would pervert the gospel of
Christ. [Gal 1:6, 7]
DE: righteous anger, disappointment, astounded
False teachers were amongst the brethren resulting in division, unbelief and a straying from the word of God. Perversion (distortion and corruption) of the meaning of the gospel, twisting the truth.
False teachers were amongst the brethren resulting in division, unbelief and a straying from the word of God. Perversion (distortion and corruption) of the meaning of the gospel, twisting the truth.
The Bible is full of examples of emotions in mankind’s dramatic
situations, as well as in circumstances that pertained to faith, the Word and
teachings (doctrines) contained within the scriptures.
Drama means sudden, striking, conflict, highly effective, startling
Drama means sudden, striking, conflict, highly effective, startling
awaking, there was a scene on my mind that troubled me. It was a picture of a man with a gun, dressed
as a military man. It was as if the
scene was a snapshot, such as one a person might see on the news.
The soldier
was running through a hall, a chaotic scene (I understood that it had been a
scene of a shooting). Running, gun in
hand, uniform, seemingly halted; as though time had stopped and he was frozen
in mid-action, just as a snapshot.
after that scene (whilst I was just arising from my bed), I saw another scene
of two soldiers, same building, but in an open area as opposed to a
I sensed that the pictures of the two soldiers and the one running in the hallway looked like pictures the media had taken to be released publicly. My first course of action in this matter was to seek the Lord. Was it from the Lord or was it due to recent events?
I sensed that the pictures of the two soldiers and the one running in the hallway looked like pictures the media had taken to be released publicly. My first course of action in this matter was to seek the Lord. Was it from the Lord or was it due to recent events?
Another shooting
will likely take place. There have been
shootings in theaters, malls, schools and churches. I sensed that the scenes I saw in my
dream were in a hospital. If it is not a
shooting, then it is war … whether from civil uprisings or WWIII.
Whenever we have a dream or vision, it may not always be from the Lord. It could come from flesh or the enemy. If it reveals evil things occurring, I believe that we should pray against them, not just accept it. No matter what, God is sovereign.
Look at Jonah; he did not want to speak to the people. He knew if they repented, the Almighty God would turn things around and he would look like a fool, so he ran the other way. Jonah learned the hard way, as many of us do.
Yet, we should be like Abraham, Moses and many others, who prayed when they were forewarned of God's judgment. They spoke to the people of impending judgment, as revealed to them, but they did not leave it there.
They prayed for the people, including themselves, acknowledging the sins of the nation and themselves. They did not concern themselves over their reputation (to be correct in their prophecy), but rather, they prayed before the Creator of all things, knowing that He is a God of justice and judgment.
The rest (they knew) was up to God, but they did not just accept the warning, saying 'whatever'. They feared God and prayed, hoping that He would accept their repentance and change His decree, but understanding if He ruled otherwise (as forewarned).
Whenever we have a dream or vision, it may not always be from the Lord. It could come from flesh or the enemy. If it reveals evil things occurring, I believe that we should pray against them, not just accept it. No matter what, God is sovereign.
Look at Jonah; he did not want to speak to the people. He knew if they repented, the Almighty God would turn things around and he would look like a fool, so he ran the other way. Jonah learned the hard way, as many of us do.
Yet, we should be like Abraham, Moses and many others, who prayed when they were forewarned of God's judgment. They spoke to the people of impending judgment, as revealed to them, but they did not leave it there.
They prayed for the people, including themselves, acknowledging the sins of the nation and themselves. They did not concern themselves over their reputation (to be correct in their prophecy), but rather, they prayed before the Creator of all things, knowing that He is a God of justice and judgment.
The rest (they knew) was up to God, but they did not just accept the warning, saying 'whatever'. They feared God and prayed, hoping that He would accept their repentance and change His decree, but understanding if He ruled otherwise (as forewarned).
The Lord gave
scriptures that reminded me of His rule over all things. Plans of any man or any devil, including Satan himself, will not bring finality because God (Yhwh) has the last word. Quite recently,
He tried my faith, while also reminding me of the depth and reach of deception.
Admittedly, the testing shook me initially; however, the Lord is faithful to make Romans 8:28 come alive.
Admittedly, the testing shook me initially; however, the Lord is faithful to make Romans 8:28 come alive.
He is like a man which built
an house, and dug deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat
vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a
But he that hears, and does not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house
upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately
it fell; and the ruin of that house was
great. [Lk 6:48, 49]
The testing of my faith has not stopped there, it is being tried in many arenas at this time. I must look to the Author and the Finisher of my faith, the Alpha and Omega, despite all outward appearances.
The testing of my faith has not stopped there, it is being tried in many arenas at this time. I must look to the Author and the Finisher of my faith, the Alpha and Omega, despite all outward appearances.
Return to Ancient Paths, Abide Continually
He has been
speaking (once again) about returning to ancient
paths, the necessity to abide continually, pray without ceasing, stay with what we first learned (not to
what was supposedly ‘hidden’ from true believers since Christ’s day), keep on your armor and read and stand on the
Word of God (not adding to it, or taking away from it).
The deception is beyond what we could
ever imagine, yet it is right in our face, mostly undetected, not discerned. If we were told, we would not believe
deception is not only in current events, it is within the community of
believers. Therefore, the Lord is graciously
and urgently calling His people to
spend even more intimate time with Him.
this is something that we all must do; Father is calling all of us. It requires
time and other things may fall behind, but if we put God first,
everything else will fall into place. He
rules over all.
We must
prioritize. Jesus, our first love, must be first!
The time we are in is extremely critical.
Such a statement is not to induce fear, but rather to alert people to
the importance of the message to abide, pray and wait on the Lord.
The Lord
does not want us to embrace the deception, nor be consumed by it. However, He does want us aware, to be on guard; to wait upon the Lord and listen.
the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are
open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. [1Pet 3:12]
He has made
this clear to me, as our own discernment is not going to cut it in the days
ahead, we need to be grounded in the Word and we need the Holy Spirit of the
Most High.
The Lord, in His faithfulness, mercy and grace, is
allowing tests and situations to take place so that we can see where our weaknesses
He has
heard our prayers to ‘be strengthened’
and to ‘increase discernment’, so
that we can ‘avoid deception’. He wants to find faith when He returns; He
wants to see us ‘endure to the end’.
He will help us, as we abide, hear and obey! Glory, bless our Father and King! In staying with what we were taught by the Lord, the true gospel of Jesus Christ, we cannot go wrong. He promised to lead us into all truth.
What the Lord is saying is clear. He led me to the following:
He will help us, as we abide, hear and obey! Glory, bless our Father and King! In staying with what we were taught by the Lord, the true gospel of Jesus Christ, we cannot go wrong. He promised to lead us into all truth.
What the Lord is saying is clear. He led me to the following:
us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts
sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. [Heb
saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and you
shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
Also I set watchmen over you, saying,
Hearken (listen) to the sound of the
trumpet (warning). But they said, We will not hearken.
Hear, O
earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the
fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened unto My words, nor to My law, but rejected
it. [Jer 6:16-19]
Regarding things that are put before the Lord and His Word:
speak unto them, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD;
Every man of the
house of Israel that sets up his idols
in his heart, and puts the stumblingblock
of his iniquity before his face, and comes to the prophet; I the LORD
will answer him that comes according to the multitude of his idols;
That I
may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged
from Me through their idols.
say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your
abominations. [Ezek
the turbulence caused by the enemy and even certain people:
If you
have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend
with horses? and if
in the land of peace, wherein you trusted, they wearied thee, then
how will you do in the swelling of
Jordan? (great tribulation; overwhelming circumstances)
For even
your brethren, and the house of your father, even they have dealt treacherously with you; yea, they
have called a multitude after you: believe
them not, though they speak fair
words unto you. [Jer 12:5, 6]
And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work,
and will preserve me
unto His heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. [2Tim4:19]
Warning against pride, invasion and captivity:
Hear ye,
and give ear; be not proud: for the LORD has spoken. Give glory to the LORD your God, before He cause darkness, and
before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and, while you look for
light, He turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross
darkness. But if
you will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for your pride; and mine eye shall weep
sore, and run down with tears,
because the LORD'S flock is carried away
captive. [Jer 13:15-17]
Spiritual and Natural Battles:
For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire. [Is 9:5]
of the Lord
because the LORD loved you, and
because He would keep the oath which He had sworn unto your fathers, has the
LORD brought you out with a
mighty hand, and redeemed you
out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
You shall
not be afraid of them: but shall well
remember what the LORD thy God
did unto Pharaoh, and unto all Egypt; [Deu 7:9; 18]
Beware of dogs, beware of evil
workers, beware of the concision.
For we
are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have
no confidence in the flesh. [Phil 3:2, 3]
for His glory
Bonita dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com