of Consequences – The Great and Terrible-Prt1
of Consequences-Prt2 – Anoint the Shield
(NOTE*: Updated Feb 4, 2023 to fix some errors in links, dates and writing, which hopefully are all addressed now. Also, editing was done by correcting some sentences, as well as additions made in my writing. Shalom in Christ-BP)
Judgment Comes but the Redeemed have a Blessed Hope
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly
lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious
appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:
Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us
from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people,
zealous of good works. These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke
with all authority. Let no man despise you. [Titus 2:14,15]
The blessed hope is Jesus the Christ, and the
waiting for His glorious appearing! We who belong to the Messiah/Christ
(Anointed One) are glad to say that we do not belong to this world, and
that it is not our home. [Jn 15:19; Jn 18:36]
Satan is Prince of the Power of the Air, But God Rules
Over All
We see written within the Bible how God used wicked
kings from heathen nations to invade a land, so that the people (particularly
His people who had gone astray) would repent and turn back to Him. One
example is when God sent the Assyrians to invade the 10 northern tribes of
Israel because His people would not repent, and turn back to Him.
Nimrod, who was behind the building of the tower of Babel, full of defiance and pride, and called the 'challenger of God' by some, wanted to dominate all nations, but many people since then have sought to rule and be king over all the earth.
Some kingdoms best known for seeking world dominance have been Babylon, Egypt, ancient Greece, Rome, France, Britain, Prussia-led Germany, United States - all were powerful at one time, whether economically or militarily, but none were ever dominate globally.
It is no different today. There is a group of people
who are doing their utmost to bring about a one-world ‘beast’ [Babylonian]
system today. They are determined that this time it will be a one world order (dominance). The books of Daniel and Revelation indicate success, even if it is temporarily (until Jesus/Yeshua of Nazareth's second coming).
One key player is the World Economic Forum [WEF] that seems to dominate the news with its plans and publicized agendas, with Klaus Schwab at the helm, and his sidekick, Yuval Noah Harari (dubbed by some as 'the prophet', but I doubt he is the 'false prophet' of Revelation that John wrote about.)
In his internationally best-selling book Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind, Harari wrote: "History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods."
Sound familiar? For those who may not know the Bible, allow me to introduce the words of the 'talking serpent' (Satan) in the Garden of Eden when he deceived the woman.
She had told the serpent that they had complete freedom to do as they (Adam and herself) desired, except to eat of ONE tree in the garden. They were not allowed to eat the fruit from the one tree; all other trees were permissible to eat from. (paraphrased from [Genesis 3:2, 3])
And the serpent [aka Satan] said to the woman, You shall not surely die: For God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. [vs 4,5] NKJV
Harari makes a more grandiose statement, claiming people will "become" gods; whereas the lying serpent said they would be "AS" gods. Four times Jesus made reference to deception when He was asked about the last days. [Mat 24] The world is drowning in deception now.
Tagging along are Schwab’s elect, which are the YGL (Young
Global Leaders) and GS (Global Shapers), but on a grander scale, there is: EU
[European Union], UN [United Nations], WHO [World Health Org.] and China (yes,
you read that right).
According to the National Intelligence Council [NIC],
who publishes Global Trends 2040, China is working with the EU. Under the title
of Tragedy and Mobilization, it is written:
[…] – "...a global coalition, led by the EU and China
working with nongovernmental organizations and revitalized multilateral
institutions, is implementing far-reaching changes designed to address climate
change, resource depletion, and poverty following a global food catastrophe caused
by climate events and environmental degradation.
Richer countries shift to help poorer ones manage the
crisis and then transition to low carbon economies through broad aid programs
and transfers of advanced energy technologies, recognizing how rapidly these
global challenges spread across borders."
[End quote] Source:
Global Trends
The National Intelligence Council is: “NIC is best
known as the organization that produces National Intelligence Estimates, which
are intelligence community-wide forecasts of issues and challenges facing the
security of the United States.”
The Global Trends 2040 is written out in a
PDF that is similar to the same eerie fashion as the script and actors that
was presented in a video for Agenda 21 (Oct/Nov 2019), where people got together to discuss
the “what if” scenario of a ‘hypothetical pandemic’.
The latest edition of the report details “five potential scenarios for how the world will look in 20 years”. The Director of NIC’s Strategic Futures Group is Maria Langan-Riekhof. Source:
Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy Fact?
For the Lord spoke thus to me with His strong hand
upon me, and warned me not to walk in the way of this people, saying: Do not
call conspiracy all that this
people calls conspiracy, and do not fear
what they fear nor be in dread.
But the Lord of
hosts, Him you shall honor as holy. Let Him be your fear, and let Him be
your dread. [Is 8:11-13]
One conspiracy recorded in the Bible is found in
Genesis, when Joseph’s brothers (children of Jacob), overcome with envy,
jealousy, and hatred, conspired to kill their younger brother. Betrayal and
deception became their reality.
No matter what plans Satan makes or who he influences
to carry out his plans, God is Sovereign and fully in control. The older
brothers had thrown Joseph down a deep pit, where he would die, they had thought.
However, a camel caravan just ‘happened’ to be
bypassing in the exact location where the men had thrown Joseph. It was swiftly
decided that instead of killing Joseph (and avoid blood on their hands),
they would sell him into slavery. [Genesis 37]
Another conspiracy was when King David carried out an adulterous affair with Bathsheba as her husband was away at war fighting on behalf of the king. When Bathsheba later informed David that she was impregnated during the one-night affair, David came up with a plan to make her husband Uriah think that the child was his own.
He brought the soldier home from the battle. Speaking with Uriah under the pretense of a report on the war, David told him to go be with his wife. However, Uriah was a dedicated soldier. He refused to enjoy the pleasure of his wife whilst his comrades were in battle, so he slept by David's house.
Once again David wined and dined the warrior, sure that Uriah would then go to be with his wife, but again, Uriah refused to sleep with his wife when the army was still fighting. At that point, David conspired to have Uriah killed.
He sent a letter with Uriah to give to the military commander, in which the king ordered Joab to withdraw his men and abandon Uriah in the midst of heavy battle, which they did. Uriah, ever loyal to his king David, was killed.
After Uriah's death was announced to Bathsheba, David took the then-pregnant, newly-widowed woman into the palace to be his
wife. [2Samuel 11]
Yet, the Sovereign God sent Nathan the prophet to
confront David with the truth. As soon as David realized that God knew and saw
all, he repented. The prophet told the king that the Lord forgave him, but the consequence
of David’s sin was the death of the child who had been conceived during the
Just as there is still to this day a plan for world dominance,
there are still conspiracy theories circulating; however, some have become
factual. Nevertheless, God is still on the throne and fully in control. He already has a plan, as surely as He did when Eve was deceived, and Adam disobeyed. The Holy
Scriptures tell us what to expect.
We do not have every detail given to us, but the Lord
does not want us to fear the outcome of conspiracies the same way the world [people] fear the outcome. We need to have the balanced, proper fear of the Lord, and grasp hold of
the knowledge of His power, and not fear as the world does.
We can see, and most are fully aware, that China and Russia are in the
limelight these past years, and that they have been taking great strides to
fulfill their goals. But more importantly, it will all work out according to Adonai’s written Word, according to His wisdom and His will.
Admittedly, I have had my own ‘fears’ about what is
going down, and as laws and the world change dramatically, but I do repent and choose
to trust God. I continue to spend that intimate time in His presence, and He
faithfully establishes me.
You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is
stayed on You: because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever: for in the
Lord YHVH is everlasting strength: [Is26:3,4]
It does not mean that we are to keep away from what is happening. On the contrary, we need to be wise as serpents, and be very aware. It helps us direct our prayers.
Yet at the same time, we are also instructed to be gentle as doves. Jesus warned us that we were going out (being sent forth) as sheep in the midst of wolves. [Mat 10:18]
So, when we have an opportunity, let us share the hope we have, which is the gospel and the good news
of Jesus Christ, our hope of glory. And if we are unsure how to go about it, ask the Lord for wisdom. [Jam 1:5] When motives are pure, it (wisdom) will be granted liberally.
Backbone is Broken
I am to repost the following prophecies as the Lord has
indicated that they are applicable now as well. Only the Lord can know the
future. It has been posted before on here in
Our world has become fragmented; the backbone of the
country that has been in power for 200 years is broken.
[Excerpt below]
From November 2012 (reposted as shown above in 2013)
On November 7, 2012, after the re-election of
President Obama, the Lord warned of great trouble coming and how it would
increase. The Lord said:
“Now it begins…brace yourselves for great evil. Nothing happens that I do not allow. I set kings up; I build and I pluck down. [see Jer 1:10]
Then said Pilate unto Him (Jesus/Yeshua),
Speak you not to me? Do you not know that I have power to crucify You, and have power to release
You? Jesus answered, You could have no power at all against Me, except it were given you from above:
therefore, he that delivers Me unto you has the greater sin. [Jn 19:10, 11]
The Lord further stated:
“There is a great divide amongst the people and anger and rebellion is stirred up as a troubled hornet’s nest. The divide shall also be upon the land – it will be a great divide.
There are plots against the ‘king’ to ‘take him down’,
for many see his disloyalty to Israel, and many feel he has
betrayed their country (United States). Plans to take him down will
seemingly be successful, but shall be overturned when least expected.”
[…] I awoke and heard, “The west shall be in great pain; they will be greatly hurt. The backbone of America is broken; it is severely fractured.”
In the post,
I toss around what the ‘backbone of America’ could be, such as economy, but
also, I had wondered if the ‘great divide’ could pertain “to the
Continental Divide, which involves the watersheds of Atlantic, Pacific,
Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, or whether the divide (backbone)
is the New Madrid, which would split the country basically in half.”
[* -: Further on in article at above [2014] link]
“My people have been pressing in and abiding.
I have heard your prayers. Do not walk in fear, walk in confidence knowing that
I AM God. I am the Creator of all the earth. Despite the doubts of many, My
Sovereignty (power, authority) rules over all the earth.
Now come the days of great woes, great sorrow, yet
also come the great blessings that many have patiently waited for. O America,
America …O Jerusalem, Jerusalem …I would have gathered you under My wing, but
you would not.”
In a 2014 post, I wrote the following. Scroll down to where you see the picture of the shredded American flag. Continue scrolling down to the subtitle: 'It is So' to read what is written below.
Just as the Lord said, there already is a great
divide in the land, but it is deepening as we come closer
and closer to the great tribulation, which
will affect all nations, all peoples, all tongues upon this earth. However,
this continent has been given over to idolatry and every abomination spoken of
in the Word of God.
All great kingdoms in the past have been shaken,
fallen and some [were] completely destroyed. All is in the hands of
our Sovereign God. Hold fast to our King, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
And we continue to pray and do His will…
(End of excerpt 2014 – with one side note: I had described a flu in that post where a cab driver (an Arab from Iraq) suffered with it and was treated with hydrocortisone and antibiotics. The landlord caught the bug and was thus treated. Then I got hit as well.
Point: the description sure sounds like the Covid-19 virus, and that was in
Winterville, Georgia in April 2014)
The prophetic part of the excerpt
was originally posted November 7, 2012.
[NOTE*- Well, this is embarrassing lol. It was NOT "hydrocortisone", which can be in the form of cream or tablets. The taxi driver was prescribed that as well as the antibiotics. From what I understand now is that hydrocortisone is typically a treatment for such things as inflammation (swelling), arthritis, skin conditions and other maladies but certainly NOT flues.
The proper word (treatment) was/is: "hydroxychloroquine". It was the first time I had heard of such a drug, and I forgot all about it until Covid-19, and it was blacklisted along with ivermectin.
Shake my head, one of those senior moments? Except it was in the original post almost a decade ago also - sigh). Proof that I am "not all that" and that I "have not arrived". Smile with me, we all need a smile! [End note - BP2023Feb])
Five months later, on April 9, 2013, I had another message [reposted in 2014 also; not sure of the link at the moment, as it is hard to find some things in the archives. Please bear with me - if I find it I will post it. I had copied it onto an external hard drive and forgot to post the link. Tsk...)
At any rate, I am led to repost for this time, as such is applicable now 2023...
[Excerpt -- Message begins]
The Lord spoke deep within my
“The strategies and tactics of
those who follow Satan (Lucifer) have been employed a long time. The
desire for a one world government and ruler did not expire when the building of
the tower of Babel ended, or with the death of Nimrod.
The plans have been carried out covertly. The adversary is patient to a degree now that he knows his time is short[er]. All has escalated. Although some things are happening covertly still, there is less concern about hiding things.
Satan (Lucifer) [and
his evil hosts] are proud and have lifted themselves up brazenly. They have
been called forth by evil people through rituals, ‘prayers’ and blood
sacrifices. This is a multilayered, multidimensional, multifaceted structure
that is being carried out by those on the dark side, both in the physical and
in the spiritual.
(Note*: I understood
the Lord to mean ‘unholy’ regarding prayers (Satan/Lucifer’s counterfeit). Multilayered
is understood to mean from the average person (young to old) to
oligarchs. The evil entities are established in all areas physically, from
politics, education, military, judicial, social, business, media, arts/entertainment,
religion – there is not one area that has not been infiltrated by the enemy’s
agents, enemies of the cross.
covers from the physical (mankind) to the spiritual and AI (Artificial
Intelligence), not limited to computers and satellites, but teleports,
remote viewing (occult kind), 3D, holograms, cyborgs, transhumanists
The days are grossly dark and
steadily growing darker. All My people see this who are abiding and cleaving to
Me. Do not walk in fear and unbelief; walk by faith and not by sight. [2Cor
5:7] Remember that I am for you and not against. [Rom 8:31]
Do not look around in terror and
dismay, for I have forewarned My people in My Word and through prophetic
messages that back up My written Word (Bible). I always have as you
abide in Me (and I in you). I reveal that which is to come, and that all
that you see is not as it appears to be.
Wait upon Me; trust My timing.
Hold fast to your faith. Stay strong in Me (Jesus/Yeshua). Remember your warfare
is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of
the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. [Eph 6:12]
Therefore, I urge you to keep on
the full armour that I provided that you may be able to withstand in the evil
day, and having done all, to stand. [vs 13]
What must be will be…
I lead one day at a time, one
step at a time. My glory is about to fall upon the body of Christ.
(Note: The ‘glory’ part fits in with "The Great and Terrible 2023 [Season of Consequences). End message from 2013 - Part continues below; yet, with my update added 2023, I end the 2013 message here: End note BP)
Wisdom of God
[I understood the Lord does not
mean (re: His glory) upon the false prophets, false apostles or
false brethren (or those who hide behind the shield of religion). But in
God’s eyes, it does not cover them (shield).
They covet fame, admiration, prosperity, and other rewards that the world or the deceived give (they call ‘blessings’). They love the glory (praises, compliments, followers), but say it is God’s glory.
He sees the heart. We do not. I do not state that such people are evil. Many are simply deceived. They may need deliverance from a python spirit (spirit of divination) or from a spirit of fear.
They may need to repent of idolatry, or false teachings, or of whatever caused them to be deceived. Such people are accepted due to the deception being cloaked in truth, and sounding quite Christian.
They could need some kind of healing inside; however, they may also need to forgive, either themselves or another. It will rest between them and Jesus.
Remember the maiden who followed Paul and Timothy around for days? Did she not speak truth (there was a ‘hint’ (twist) of a lie), and did she not sound like a believer in the Messiah that was being preached about?
She said: These men are servants of the most High God, who show ‘us’ the way unto salvation. [Acts 16:17]
The ‘hint of a lie’ or the twisted truth? She said “US”, when demons cannot be saved (the python spirit spoke through her; she operated in divination). Some false prophets may be deceived; some may be influenced by 'spirit guides', or speak through a spirit of divination aware or unawares.
They are either an oppressed Christian, or a possessed unsaved soul, and not know it. A Christian can be heavily oppressed to the point where it "appears" as if they are possessed, but that in itself is a deception because Christians cannot be possessed; only the unsaved or unbelieving can be.
Any person (any age, Satan does not care - he is evil) can be oppressed OR possessed and most people would not be able to tell. That is how convincing their 'goodness' appears to be.
It takes great discernment, even help at times from the Holy Spirit. It is written in the Word of God that if Satan can appear as an angel of light, how much more can his ministers appear as 'ministers of righteousness'. [2Cor 11:13-15]
I know firsthand because before I was saved, Jesus led me to a Christian couple's home. Seven people (which included the couple) were involved, with at least three men and two women holding me down (all 129 pounds of me, but the demons were strong), Jesus delivered me of legion.
(Side note: Oh, what I would give to be 129 pounds again - shhh lol)
God knows - that which was meant for evil, He intended for good. [Gen50:20]
He stamped that verse deep within my spirit. It has special meaning to me, and I have repeated it multiple times over the years because what He does for one, He will surely do for another.
He is a good God, and His mercy endures forever. However, at the same time, He is not mocked; justice and judgment are also in His hand. We all will face Him one day, and that alone makes me tremble. I know how long He worked with me, and how extensive His work was.
That is why the transparency - to reveal His goodness, kindness, fairness, undeserved mercy and grace, but mostly, His agape love. I did not even know the love of parents, let alone a man. How could I possibly believe a 'God' or 'Jesus' would love me? I searched for true love almost all my life, well over six decades, until finally, I gave up (which 'some Christians' like to throw back at me).
The gratitude for God's love, and the depth of my love for Him is beyond measure. He not only taught me to love Him first, but also how to love others (first two commandments), and for that I am eternally grateful.
Remember, the person who has been forgiven much, loves much. That explains why my love for Him runs so thick and deep - I was a wretched sinner.
Let me assure you that it does not matter now what accusers say to me. Please believe that if the Lord's work takes five, fifteen, thirty-five or sixty-five years to complete, He will complete it.
He does not waste time. He sees the heart; He knows us better than we know ourselves, and He loves us anyway. You can be confident that He will complete the good work that He begins until the day of Jesus Christ. [Phil 6:1]
Wandering Soul
Some steal words from people who are less known [unknown]; (people who do not post videos, or post on well-known social media platforms).
"Has God passed me over and chosen to bless another? Is the mantle stripped away? Did I do something wrong?"
"Lord, I know you do not make carbon copies, how can they just pretend like that? Only you know the cost of all the lessons learned over the years, Father, and only You granted undeserved mercy, grace, and immeasurable forgiveness."
"Only You know the hard work You had to do in me, Lord Jesus. You alone taught me to trust, taught me what love is and how to love. You did it all, Jesus - how can they just rip it all away as if..."
"Did I not reach one soul for You, Lord... not one who could benefit from the fruit harvested from trauma and tragedy? In one fell swoop, the enemy uses another believer to steal, kill and destroy? Betrayal from a stranger. How am I to understand that...?"
Flawed thoughts, a wrestling in my soul, a real war of flesh versus spirit; fear versus faith, virtue and integrity versus deceit and hypocrisy, security versus insecurity, anger versus forgiveness.
Lessons, quotes or excerpts are not a problem. I think we all do or have done that; no harm there. We may take a lesson or testimony and use it to help another; again, no harm. We credit the source, or at least, we learn to do so.
Yet when volumes [years] of work are taken, or the violation of personality traits or ways, such as an imposter does; when that happens, it becomes serious. My imperfections, flaws, struggles, the stripping of pride to replace with humility, hard lessons, a tearing down, a sense of loss. Am I just a tare, so there is no good fruit? Not so, the Lord laboured at great lengths. So why does another reap where they have not sown?
Was everything for nothing? Should I not rejoice because they draw in and encourage souls, whereas I seemingly did not? Ah, it is for Your glory, Lord; forgive me, but it is hard... it is so personal, Father.
It is not so much about identity or who one is in Christ; it is more a violation of one's personality, that which God placed within. We are all unique because our Creator does all things well. The beloved Spirit lets one know when they have become God's child [once born-again, Spirit-filled] through Christ. It goes beyond who one is in Christ.
However, it is as a violent trespass; a trampling upon an intimate, personal relationship [one-on-one with the beautiful, majestic Creator, available to each person if they seek God]; things only two share together - a lifetime of treasures and hardships that only Jesus brings one through - personal, priceless, inexplainable. Every child of His has their own precious, intimate, private walk with their Creator, each one. But if trampled upon or trespassed, it wounds...
When truth is sought by us, God will reveal it, in His way and in His time. He may reveal truths that we were not even expecting. Could it be for the purpose of the trying of the heart, or the testing of faith and trust?
On the other hand, what if He does not reveal a thing to us? Then we must understand and accept that He has good reason. His wisdom must be trusted. He will not tell one person everything (our fleshly pride could not handle it rightly).
Neither does He desire to overwhelm us; He knows our boundaries and limits, even if we feel it is more than we can bear at times. With things we do not understand we must trust, and we must remember that the day of judgment will come for all, so either way, there is no escape for any of us.
We do not all sin in the same areas. I have often said that my sins may not be as your sins, or your sins as mine, but sin is sin. We cannot forget that we have been forgiven; nor can we think of ourselves more highly than we ought but consider our own faults soberly [lest we fall]. [Rom 12:3]
No matter what, I cannot pretend that at the onset, or upon such discovery, that it is easy to deal with. It feels like spiritual rape. A gamut of emotions sweep over, an injustice done, with understanding fleeing.
Pit the fleshly (carnal nature) against the spiritual; all the work Jesus did accomplish through a deep work that He began [and is still doing] as well as the fruit that has come as a result, and a more concerning struggle ensues.
It is the awareness, the knowing that the wise and good Lord will try the heart, test the work He has done. It will be proven in ways that we would never choose... and most certainly not in ways that one would expect.
There will be much to work through with the carnal nature, but more so with the spiritual nature. It has to be worked through to the point of forgiveness, which may come in waves until it is actually accomplished. The victory will come with the help of the precious, Holy Spirit.
The wise and Good Shepherd will seek out the one who wandered to a lonely and desolate place. Under the Juniper tree, Elijah wanted life to end because he was so discouraged, wondering if any of what he did meant anything?
The search is brief; the Shepherd knows the places His own may wander. He hears the wavering cry (bleats) for help. With gentleness and understanding, he will disentangle the ensnared sheep who was wounded either by one of its own kind [one either blind (deceived), covetous or hostile (root of bitterness/unforgiveness)], or by a wolf in sheep's clothing.
He wipes the tear-stained face, binds up the broken heart, reassures the sheep of His care, holding that one close to His bosom. The good Shepherd speaks words of comfort to the one shaken, alone and hurt.
To this very day, Jesus/Yeshua calms the storm, and stills the raging winds and tempestuous waters. Once the waves of emotion stop rolling in ...forgiveness comes.
Abba (heavenly Father) understands timing; He knows the way to every heart (yet He will not force Himself). He guides and instructs, reminding us to pray as His Son, Jesus/Yeshua taught us to pray.
Our Father, which is in heaven, hallowed be Your name [...] [Mat 6:9-23]
We tend to forget; Christ reminds us.
As the Holy Spirit taught me long ago, we do our part, God does His. That simply means that we are to trust [Prov 3:5] and obey [Jer 7:23]; that is our part. When we do our part [with the Spirit's guidance/help], it is called submission; it is known as surrender. God's Word does not return void. [Is 55:11] God is God, that is His part (Sovereign, Faithful, True).
Coming out of deception
will hurt, but the Lord forgives the repentant, the broken and
contrite heart. He is merciful. He will heal the
sincerely broken, and make that one whole again. Bless the Lord!
Whether it be good or whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the Lord our God, to whom we send you that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the Lord our God. Be not afraid of the king of Babylon, of whom you are afraid; be not afraid of him, says the Lord: For I AM with you to save you, and to deliver you from His hand [Jer42:6; 11]
Spiritually, Egypt and Babylon
represent different things. These are the differences according to my
understanding. There could be more, which would require your own research.
• Egypt: [symbolically]
tormented; place of affliction; enslaved to sin; bondage; held captive by the
- a place where one is oppressed
(in misery, even if one does not know it); place of suffering;
• Babylon:
[spiritually symbolical] a place of absolute corruption; idolatry, lusts and
every form of evil; worldly, sinful system; false religions/false worship, no
Christian dwells there; they flee (spiritual) Babylon; godless, lawless,
abominations plentiful
Hour of
Silent Suffering?
The season of consequences and hour of silent
suffering is twofold, both positive and negative. On the positive side for many
(you will know who you are), the Lord has indicated that your season (time)
of consequences and hour (a measure of time) of silent suffering is over
Our debt of sin was cancelled by Jesus/Yeshua the
Messiah when He sacrificed His very life willingly upon a rugged, harsh cross,
spilling His precious blood and water upon the ground.
The cost of our sins was paid in full by the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ (Yeshua). As the lyrics of a song state: “He paid a debt He did not owe. I owed a debt I could not pay.” The blood of Jesus cleanses us from the corruption, filth, shame and guilt of sins.
So, forgiveness is established once confession and repentance take place. The consequences of our sins are separate from the debt. The debt is cancelled to those who confess Jesus/Yeshua as Lord (understanding what He did (willingly, sacrificially, laid down His sinless life as ransom for our sins), and believe deep in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. [Rom 10:9,10]
There is a
season of consequences, which was also called the ‘hour of silent suffering’
by the Holy Spirit.
Many times, people who have shared similar situations
in sinful choices, or who have suffered similarly in trials, tribulations, or
in life experiences itself (tragedies, death of loved ones, diverse forms of
loss [financial, material, relationships [various types], spiritual, etc.]) can indeed
relate to each other.
It is a blessing when we find another who understands and can empathize with what we have suffered. We do not feel 'judged' by those who have suffered the same consequences, or similar ones due to wrong choices (sin).
However, there are many things
that all of us will suffer alone, where no one understands (and only Jesus/God will), and we do not know how to
explain the matter.
That is what is being called the "hour of silent suffering". That is the time
when no one, indeed, can possibly understand or comfort satisfactorily …except
God, except Jesus (Yeshua) – no one. It is a lonely suffering; we long for
someone ‘in the flesh’ to comfort us.
“Lord, can you come in person to me in this moment? I need You just to hold me,” OR “Lord, I need You to come in the flesh, and counsel me, face to face.”
There are times that it is difficult to speak even to Jesus, due to sin or fear; both separate us from the Lord. We sometimes forget Jesus came in the flesh, and we wonder if He truly understands, since He is [now] Spirit. We long for Him to make Himself visible, even physical, to
us, but most often, during those moments, He does not appear in the flesh - yet He IS with us (even IN us). Remember that... and I will also, especially in those overwhelming times, times of inner crisis.
He wholly understands. He is with us in the time we spend with Him privately,
undistracted. He speaks to us deep within, and through His written Word. Sometimes we may not (spiritually) hear His words, but we have what we affectionately call 'a knowing'. He strengthens
us but most of the time we only realize it in hindsight.
He is compassionate, loving and an ever-present help in trouble. [Ps46:1]
Some, as stated previously, have paid the consequences
(painfully, sorrowfully) in full. It was as the furnace of affliction,
but they have come out purified through the process – not a hair singed, no
smell of smoke. Indeed, it was not a literal furnace, but the fire in the
spirit man is purged and purified by the precious and Holy Spirit.
When ‘turnarounds’ and the ‘time of
reversals’ were impressed upon me and written about in “Deep
Calls unto Deep” December 29, 2022, the “season of consequences”
is intertwined with it. It is two-fold in meaning.
In the “Deep Calls […]” article,
I began with a story of Joseph, as also mentioned here, at the beginning of this
section. I have shared the story many times over the years for various reasons.
God’s Word is plentiful and abundant, with enough (spiritual)
food [bread of life] and drink [living water] to satisfy
every hungry and thirsty soul. Who is called the ‘Bread of
Life’ and ‘Living Water’?
Bread of life and living water always refers to none other than Jesus Christ. Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be fed. Jesus/Yeshua is the Word of God who became flesh (born of a virgin; therefore, pure in every way).
If we hunger and thirst, we ‘feed’ on the WORD of God. Our righteousness is as filthy rags. But when we are born-again, the Lord gives us a new heart (because the old heart [carnal heart] is deceitful, and desperately wicked [incurably sick], and we cannot know it. [Jer17:9]
F.B. Meyer (pastor and evangelist) said that when Jeremiah wrote those words it was because God's people were always looking to the arm of flesh, rather than to the living God.
Our righteousness is as filthy rags because we have the fallen nature to contend with, but when we are born-again, we are clothed in Christ Jesus' righteousness.
For He has made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God IN HIM. [2Cor 5:21]
In Ephesian 6, we are told to put on our armour, which includes the "breastplate of righteousness". Whose righteousness? The righteousness of Jesus.
Every piece of armour pertains to Christ. Did anyone ever tell you to "put on Christ" and you had no clue what they meant? That happened to me, but the Holy Spirit revealed it to me. Jesus said He would teach us the truth in all things.
• helmet = salvation
• breastplate = righteousness
• belt = truth
• feet shod = gospel (gospel is good news, of Jesus, the cross, resurrection, forgiveness of sins, ascension - He will return)
• shield = faith (in Christ)
• sword = Word of God [Bible] (Jesus IS the Word who came in the flesh)
*- Jesus/Yeshua is the ONLY way to salvation.
*- We put on Christ's righteousness (He clothes us).
*- He IS the way, the truth, and the life.
*- the gospel is all about Him; His crucifixion, burial, resurrection - forgiveness of sins - His ascension, His soon-return.
*- shield is our faith in Jesus the Christ/Messiah; without faith it is impossible to please God [Heb 11:6]; faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God [Rom10:17]
*- sword = Word of God
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. [Heb4:12]
It always irks me when people throw the scripture out about the heart being wicked to a born-again believer because they negate what the Word of God says later.
It is that cherry-picking scriptures and taking them out of context that bothers me. Why Christians do that to other Christians, or to the unsaved, I do not know, but it is wrong.
Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A "new heart" also will I give you, and a "new spirit" will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. [Ezek 36:25,26] (Emphasis mine)
The point of presenting that story
first was to reveal where our heart ought to be, which is a heart full of mercy
that is moved toward forgiveness, even forgiving brethren who have
tragically inflicted much harm, including betrayal, rejection and deception.
We ourselves need mercy and forgiveness for the things
that we have thought, said and done, which is why all of us need a Saviour.
On the negative side, for others, the 'season of consequences' and 'hour of silent suffering' is just about to begin or has just begun. When we make wrong choices or sin, there are consequences.
Some of this [consequence] will be by the hand of the adversary (Satan and his legions), through human agents. Sin is rampant in the world. The day will come when all will be judged, but for now, God does not intervene every time a person is about to commit a sin(s).
Scores beyond measure of Christians have been murdered, tortured or maimed by sinful people since the beginning, when Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy and envy. We ourselves have sinned in the past, and we know that God did not intervene to stop us.
I cannot pretend to understand why the Lord intervenes with some things, but not others. All I know is that He does protect His people, and I have not heard one person alive today, or who wrote in the past, who can explain why some die and others are protected.
Scripture gives hints, but none of us has all the
answers or explanations. There is much in this life that happens that we do not
understand, and no one can help us to understand.
That is where we either trust God or we do not. In due time, all will be brought under His righteous and just judgment. Patience, faith and trust are key.
What is the Season of Consequences?
On the positive side, 2023 will be the year for many souls that marks
the ‘end’ of a season of consequences that resulted from sin(s). It will
mark the end of a season of consequences that resulted due to the sin(s) of
others…also called a ‘turnaround’ by the Lord in a different article.
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Think things through before acting or suffer the consequences - ouch! |
• the “season of consequences” are fulfilled for many (is what the Lord impressed upon my heart). It began as a personal message. I unknowingly served 39 years in my own 'season of consequences', where in one area I was self-deceived. I made a major wrong choice - major!
For years I prayed not to be deceived, but in one area I already was, and the consequences were being carried out in that ONE area. I was protected from deception (prayer answered) in all other areas, but the consequences of a terrible choice in one crucial area, where I chose wrongly had to be fulfilled.
And I had no idea at the time, but deception in an area will keep us in sin in that area. The Lord says in His word that He would answer us according to our idols. An idol can be a person, place or thing.
When the season is up, God, in His grace and mercy, begins to reveal the truth to us, if that is what we sincerely desire. He always gives people an opportunity to repent. The Israelites (His chosen people) are a prime example. All throughout the Old Testament, we see God giving opportunity for repentance before He passed judgment, and we read of His forgiveness when people repented.
Some will be spared the consequences of other's sins (sex slaves, abortions, those who drink [or do mind-altering drugs] and drive, violence, torture, abuse [domestic and otherwise), war - the list is exhaustive).
Yet sadly, some will be victims or suffer the consequences of other's sins (actions). As stated before, none of us understands everything, the 'why's', or have all the answers. There are countless times where no one knows what to say, and all we can do is silently comfort (be there) and pray. We are limited beings.
The righteous perish and no man lays it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.
He shall enter into peace: they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness. [Is 57:1,2]
My season of consequences and hour of suffering were finally served in full. I repented with bitter tears, as I had no idea - for 39 years, I did not know the 'why' behind some of what happened, or what my hidden sin was. In fact, I was sure that I had no hidden sin, that I had confessed all. That is the severity of [spiritual] blindness. We are left in the 'dark'.
But when the good Lord did reveal the matter to me, I truly repented. It hurt, but I was glad that I could finally see. Not only will you be healed, but you will be forgiven.
The Lord will take the burden of shame and guilt away too. Others may try and put it back on you, but you can be confident in Jesus. You can move forward to help others, without looking back, without condemnation.
It is a matter of having the plank removed from our own eye first, before we can effectively, and without hypocrisy, truly help others. When my time was up, the Lord spoke to my heart during deep prayer time.
Such joy to be set free; what a merciful God. After all was said and done, it was understood that the 'season of consequences" was upon others too, either for release, or for the time to serve (face) them.
It was made known to me by the Holy Spirit that the season now was also for others, and it would play out over the year of 2023, spreading throughout the nations globally, as the Lord moves on individual lives.
There are consequences to our actions, our sins. Some
have been suffering the consequences of their sins for years, even decades (such
as myself). For some, the Lord is saying, "the season is fulfilled".
There will be a noticeable change in different areas. Example: Spiritual blindness is most often the case when a person falls into idolatry. They have been deceived.
If they willingly chose an idol over Jesus, they
become self-deceived. It means they have denied Christ and lusted after a substitute.
Whether a person is deceived by a doctrine of demons,
or whether they became self-deceived by making a wrong choice, such as choosing something else over Jesus
Christ, it is idolatry. It comes at a cost. Deception is deception and it will blind an individual in that area.
If a person was self-deceived through idolatry, and their sin was veiled by instant blindness, their eyes will be healed by Jesus and the person will then have ability to ‘see’ that they were deceived in ‘whatever’ area the idolatry was, once the season is over. (This is between God and each individual that it [idolatry, or spirit of error] pertains to, which does not include all saints.) Not everyone has fallen into deception.
Consider Paul on the road to Damascus. He was later healed of his "blindness".
[With the utmost humility I confess that it happened
to me, and when it is time, as led, I will explain so that others can STOP
doing it themselves, OR AVOID it altogether – the latter being
Some may rejoice and say within themselves: “I knew
it! I just knew something was ‘off’ with her.” Be careful, friend. I caution you to keep in
mind that one does not know they are deceived until, by the grace and mercy of
Christ Jesus (Yeshua), they come ‘out’ (are delivered) of the deception. We are judged by the measure with which we judge.
Some will not be delivered because deep within, they do not want truth. They lust after that which has deceived them. However, those who do hunger for truth, but were deceived, will be delivered once the ‘season of consequences’, determined by God alone, is fulfilled.
Others may believe they have gotten away with a thing, and in this life they may well have. If so, with all humility, give thanks! It is all up to God's wisdom. But be careful because we will all stand before the Lord on judgment day.
If you have truly repented, it will not be in any of heaven's books of records - the ultimate mercy. Forgiven sins are cast into the depth of a sea (of forgetfulness). Selah [Micah 7:19]
I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. [Jer17:10]
Once the scales fall from blinded eyes that had been
deceived, conviction should automatically produce repentance in the heart of
the seeker of truth, once they learn that they were in their own ‘season of
Out of the mercy shown to reveal the truth, and
from ‘seeing’ (thus understanding), true humility comes forth.
The Lord is close to a broken and contrite heart; He does not despise it. [Ps
Please believe that when the reality of idolatry hits
home, and Jesus is now your first love, that reality of idolizing someone or
something else will break (crush) you.
Confession is sacrificial, but necessary. This is
where second Chronicles 7 and verses 14,15 will be powerfully applicable in the
life of any who strays and worships someone or anything other than God, or puts that person or thing first in their lives.
If My people, who are called by My name shall humble
themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn
from their wicked way; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive
their sin, and will heal their land.
Now My eyes shall be open and My ears attentive to the
prayer that is made in this place. [2Chron 7:14,15]
Forgiveness and agape love will be poured out by the
Redeemer. He will heal you and make you whole (restore).
However, if pride produces denial and keeps a person
from repenting (turning away) from any sin that caused self-deception (strong delusion)
in the area where one is idolatrous, and a haughty spirit makes light of the
reason for deception by finding excuses to justify the sin, I caution such
a soul to humbly receive conviction as an act of mercy. Be wise and quickly receive
the Lord’s correction.
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit
before a fall. [Prov16:18]
Reprove (rebuke) not a scorner
[mocker], lest he hate you: rebuke (reprimand) a wise man and he will
love you. [Prov 9:8]
About eight years ago, or a little less, the Holy
Spirit placed words in my spirit that I shall never forget, and words that I
thank Him for. I repeat them often because it is for the children of light. These
were the words that He wanted me to accept and to walk in:
• the “season of consequences” is just beginning for
multitudes of people; how long will depend on what they did (this pertains
to smaller offenses), and then it is up to the Lord, righteous judge
• there are those who have done greater wrongs than some, seemingly
without consequence. The season of consequences is about to begin for
many; and has begun for others.
• the season of consequences will vary from person to
person: some will find a measure of mercy in the consequences, instead of
paying the full measure, albeit, the consequences will still be painful – sin
stings, and the consequences hurt
• there are churches that are compromising, and others that have apostate or deceived leaders, who are operating under strong delusion because they refuse truth:
They have brought sin into the church and are
ordaining many who are still practicing or are heavy into their sin, refusing to agree with the Word of God and repent. Those in the congregation who choose to remain in such
churches will suffer the consequences. Come out, come out of Babylon; flee from
the harlot!
• some are
suffering consequences because they are trapped in abusive homes; pray to God
for safety and deliverance. Some are held captive as slaves or sex slaves; some have been kidnapped by terrorists and held hostage - PRAY for these, ask the Lord to intervene
[NOTE*: Be sure to offer up thanksgiving when brought out from captivity; (I have no doubt hearts will be grateful and relieved). Give thanks for deliverance, the way God did it, for protection in the escape, safe travel and for a place of refuge.
Saints who are safe need to pray for the persecuted, tormented and held hostage, in fear for their lives because such things will be spreading globally, even in countries that have not seen this for a long time. BP [end note])
• Sadly, many in abusive homes will die as a result of remaining due to fear crippling (paralyzing) them, or they have no way to escape. Pray God makes a way where there is no way - God still works miracles; He still does the impossible!
-* If you know someone held captive, or in a place of abuse or torment, I urge you to seek help for them and also PRAY. Pray for wisdom; pray God raises someone up or leads you to a place where you can safely get help for them, if you are unable to do so yourself. Never go into a dangerous situation alone.
Remember, there is no 'formula', no 'special way' to pray. Simply pray from your heart; be yourself; it is okay. He knows us better than we know ourselves and He hears the cries of the desperate soul. He is closer than you know. Do not go by feelings or emotions, they betray you. Go by faith and trust; those are true.
Pray and ask for wisdom – leave the way and who He uses to accomplish this up to Him. Leave every detail up to the Lord, and trust that He will put it in your heart what to do. We, as people, can unintentionally fail you, but Jesus never fails.
It is time for many to come out of this abuse and be delivered.
Prayer is Crucial
• For some, it will be an ‘exodus’ from the bondage of a cruel taskmaster (whether spouse, parents or ‘other’), and it may well require leaving in haste. For many, their ‘pharaoh’ (ruler over them) will pursue them; pray for a miracle: TRUST and OBEY when He shows you the way
God is the one to direct the steps of people. We all have what we believe is sound advice, but only the Lord sees the whole picture. Only He sees the hidden dangers and traps, those who would betray, or stumbling blocks in the way.
Pray, wait for the Lord. You will know what to do as you wait, and trust in God.
• God is God; if He chooses to show mercy, He knows
the hearts that will respond best to that mercy and do mighty exploits that
glorify Jesus/Yeshua due to that mercy. They will repent, be granted
forgiveness, and out of deepest gratitude, serve the King faithfully, bearing
good fruit.
Some would argue that God does not lessen
consequences. Friends, God can do whatever He wills, and no one can counsel
Him, for our wisdom [wisdom of the world] is foolishness to Him.
We all need wisdom given through the Holy Spirit. It
is written that if any of us lack wisdom, we are to ask God, and He will generously
give it, without fault-finding. [Jam 1:5]
Both Moses and David were guilty of murder at a time
in history where the death penalty was the automatic sentence (no court, no
trial, simply death sentence by law). Death was the consequence of murder
back then.
Pharaoh wanted to see Moses dead for killing an
Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew. Moses had hidden the body by burying him in
the sand. The next day he tried to stop two Hebrews from fighting, the Hebrew
in the wrong asked Moses who made him judge and ruler over them.
Then he asked Moses if he was going to kill him like
he did the Egyptian. Fear struck Moses and he fled because when Pharaoh heard
the news, he wanted Moses dead.
The above is the Exodus version found in the holy
Bible, but did you know that the Egyptian historian Artapanus recorded that
Moses’ killing of an Egyptian was part of a military campaign against the
Ethiopians, and a jealous Pharaoh (Chenephres) plotted to have Moses
murdered by a man named Chanethothes?
That was the Egyptian Moses killed, according to writings
by Artapanus, which were found on fragments of parchment preserved by Eusebius,
and also mentioned by Josephus in his writings, Jewish Antiquities. Click the
link if you would enjoy an interesting abstract that has collected several of
the historical narratives on Moses and the Egyptian, (link
here: ePub): submitted by Dulcinea Boesenberg, Ph.D.
However, the living God made sure Moses’ escaped.
Moses was shown mercy and escaped the consequence of
death. Yet, there were consequences that he did serve in future events in the
King David’s consequence should have been a death
sentence for more than one offense (the law of Moses, given to the
Israelites). Not only did David commit adultery with Bathsheba, but he had her husband set up on the battlefield so he would die.
Due to David’s repentant heart, death came upon the
child conceived, and not upon the king.
This was mercy shown toward the child because it is
written: Howbeit, because by this deed you have given great occasion to the
enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto you shall
surely die. [2Sam 12:14]
The Lord spared the child from a lifetime of ridicule,
accusations and slander; but He also removed the ‘occasion’ (reason) for God’s enemies to blaspheme Him.
Although the Lord showed great mercy to David in that
the king did not suffer the order of the law [death penalty], due to the consequences of his
sin; nevertheless, the king still suffered painful consequences.
Rebellion and violence arose in David's own house, as God declared through Nathan the prophet. Four of the king's (David) sons rebelled against
their father, and were known for their violence. [2Sam 12:10,11]
King David’s own son Absalom, took his father’s
concubines and lusted with them as surely as David lusted with Bathsheba – it
was upon the same ‘house-top’, where David stood and desired Uriah’s wife. He
further dishonoured David, his father, by doing these things in front of all of
Israel. [2 Sam 16:21,22]
I said all that to say this:
The RECAP: In Conclusion of the Season of Consequences
Christ Jesus (Yeshua Messiah) is God's grace and mercy given to us.
When the Lord put the message upon my heart about the hour of suffering being ended, and the season of consequences being fulfilled, it was about nine days after my discharge from the hospital. The message came on Nov.28, my birthday.
Even though it was personal, there were parts that
stood out as being for more than just myself. Later on, I will explain the
season of consequences I [unknowingly] served. Please understand that the ‘hour of suffering’ is
metaphoric, meaning a space of time that could mean days, months or years.
The sharing of my season of consequences, and hour of suffering will also prove the mercy of God, Jesus as Advocate, the power of sin to deceive, being blinded by our choices and falling into self-deception in an area, wherever an idol may rule.
When I share this, and how much, will be up to the Lord. There are many wolves hungry to tear God's people apart if they can, but God is greater, and healing is thorough. Fear not.
It will also make the ‘great’ and ‘terrible’
very easy to understand, and it will cause one to tremble, unless their heart
is waxed cold and hardened.
• Many will be surprised to learn their ‘season
of consequences’ are ‘fulfilled’ (paid in full). The Lord will
let each one this pertains to know; they will suddenly ‘see’ and understand.
• The “hour of silent suffering” comes
to an end. Many have been suffering
mentally, physically and spiritually without understanding why; not realizing
it was consequences of sin(s).
For some it has only been months, some years, others
for decades. It will all make sense as He opens eyes, healing them of
[spiritual] blindness. Joy will replace sorrow as understanding takes hold, and
the realization of “great” mercy and love occurs.
It also will clearly reveal that the same God of mercy
and grace is also the God of judgment and justice. With the living Almighty
God, everything is equally balanced.
The fulfilling comes when humility and repentance sweep
over a soul whose eyes have been opened, and complete, irreversible (by
choice/free will decision) surrender is given. It will not be what you think,
but it will cement understanding.
The selfless prayers for others, and willingness to
forgive wrongs done to you by others catapults the beginning of the season
ending. Mercy concluded it and brought forth the ‘fulfillment’. All of
it is the long, yet progressive work of the precious and Holy Spirit, just as
Jesus promised.
• Many are just now entering into the season of
consequences, but will be shown mercy, meaning they will not face the full
consequences deserved (just as David and Moses did not face the death
penalty but still suffered consequences), but will still face consequences.
This is for a turning from sin not to be repeated, a purging.
How long the season lasts depends on the Lord, the
severity of the sin and the condition of the heart. Is the heart looking to the
Saviour? Or is the heart softening, turning toward repentance, ready to turn
from repetition of the sin?
There are times that no consequence occurs, but it
reveals the “greatness” of God, and glorifies Him for His agape love, grace [leniency]
and mercy [price paid].
But Jesus –
• Multitudes are going to see God’s hand upon them,
judging that their “season of consequences” to begin – masses will be shocked
who felt justified, or who denied or hid any wrongdoing. Not all will see this season of consequences.
This will cause some to criticize God and wonder where
is the justice of God, but do not forget the day where all will stand before
Christ’s judgment seat and give an account. [Rom 14:10]
• There are those who will face full consequences for
their deeds in past days, and shame shall cover them. Some will lose their
place of power and wealth, whilst others will be exposed for who they really
are, and what they have done in secret.
I am not speaking about those in the limelight and make the news. Much of that has already occurred. Nothing prophetic about that. No, I speak more of the common person, not in the news - they may have power and wealth in a company, or from some corporation that is not in the news. Such as these will face their season of consequences now, and shock coworkers, friends, family.
• There are those in megachurches who pay to cover their ways, but underestimate God. The season of consequences may well be postponed for them past 2023, but will come at a very inconvenient time, and that which they coveted will mean nothing. There will be opportunity to repent, as all are given that chance. Woe to those who fall into pride and/or denial before a holy and omnipresent God.
• Some have done things openly, yet in pride, were sure none could touch them. Their haughty spirit will cause their fall, and pride will be stripped, along with their reputation and honor.
Now please, do not misunderstand or twist the meaning
of this. For many, the season of consequences are fulfilled or ‘paid in
full’. Consequences are not to be mistaken for ‘sins’. I have to reiterate this because it is that important.
The Messiah, Jesus/Yeshua paid for our sins ‘in
full’; the wages of sin is death.
However, the penalty of our sins was purchased by the
precious blood of the spotless, unblemished Lamb (Jesus never sinned).
His blood redeems us and through Christ Jesus alone, we are reconciled back to
God. Jesus the Messiah paid the full price for our sins upon the cross.
Sins have consequences. It is the consequences of sin
that is being dealt with. Repentance always brings forgiveness, but the season
and consequences are in God’s hands alone. The Lord desires that all should
repent, but not all will. [2Pet3:9]
• Great and Terrible – When this
was impressed upon my heart, it was with the understanding that this will be a
year of undeniable miracles (the “great” work of El Shaddai). It is the
power of God by His Spirit. There shall be answered prayers.
People often think of a miracle as something as grand as the waters of a great sea being held back, or thick stone walls falling and crumbling like sand.
However, a miracle can be a restored relationship, a prodigal son or daughter returning home with a changed attitude and heart. It can be an unexpected bill paid, or a sudden place available to live.
It can be a clean escape from an abusive person, or it can be forgiveness from someone who was hard-hearted for a long time. It can be deliverance from an addiction, or it can be a good supply of food and clothing.
It can also be a baffled doctor or specialist who holds unexplainable test results, X-ray or scans that defy a previous diagnosis of a severe or terminal illness or disease. It could be unexplained funds deposited in the bank, or zero balances with loan sharks -- err-- that is agencies or banks.
Never underestimate what a miracle is. It is the unexplainable...and the glory to God alone!
Jesus cautions:
• This clash of the kingdoms (the enemy, Satan/Lucifer and his evil legions, in pride and rebellion, versus God's holy warring angels), the spiritual warfare manifesting upon earth.
• The kingdom of the adversary (Satan and his minions) continues to run up against God's power, refusing to admit defeat and thus continue to war and clash against God's loyal holy angels. The dark forces are doing their utmost to keep people from the truth of the true Saviour, to deceive them into accepting a substitute, the lawless one and his beast system.
They endeavour to keep people from the truth of our Creator, and the victory He has in the final outcome. Satan and his legions will tempt and cause many to fall away from the faith. They also continue to try and bring division into the body of Christ, or have us turn on each other like a cancer.
That is why we must stay very close to Jesus/Yeshua, obeying the commandments (love); to be instant in prayer, to do what is right, to love mercy [and thus forgive] and walk humbly with God. [Micah 6:8]
• The counterfeiter has greedy shepherds (robbing the flock), as well as false prophets (imposters, wolves) that deceive the people with smooth words and flatteries. Time is coming where they will also show great signs and wonders at massive gatherings, but this is not the ‘peak’ of it yet – that will come in the great tribulation, which is fast approaching.
• Prepare - be prepared. This is a
major reason why the Lord has been calling His people to seek Him (for years
that I know of – simply go through the archives to see this is true). The
Lord does not want His people deceived [remember Mat 24:24: please re-read it, memorize it to recognize the times, and be on
Draw close to Messiah; stay in the Word. This has been
my repeated message for 17 years, going on 18. Search the archives and see that
it is so: repentance, the cross, grace, mercy, love, forgiveness, trust, obedience, salvation, deliverance, healing –
all of this is surely recorded, as testimony to the glory of God. Consistently
repetitive because the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. Glory!
More of God’s people must AWAKE (NOT to be confused with WOKE [Satan's counterfeit]); time to ARISE, and STAND FAST. Again, search the archives and see the years of God's faithfulness [YHWH] to people. Now many are speaking these things forth now; please pay heed.
The Good Shepherd is calling His sheep:
The call:
“Come closer. Stay very close to Me. Hear My Word…get it down into your heart. Some say I constantly chatter, forever speak, but I say there is a time to keep silent and a time to speak. At this time, I say judgment is upon the lands, upon the nations, for they are filled with a rebellious people, with many wicked rulers strutting themselves like proud peacocks with their fanned plumes.
Judgment is upon the lands and shall fall one by one.
None shall know where the next one falls. Few will be able to discern My
judgment from the devil’s wrath, but My people, who seek Me and call upon Me,
and wait upon Me, these obedient ones shall know.
It is written: Behold, the
days come, says the Lord God that I will send a famine in the land, not a
famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:
[Amos 8:11]
I am the Good Shepherd who calls out to the sheep.
Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him
while He is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his
thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him;
and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are
My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. [Is 55:6-8]
[End of message]
• those who fear the
Lord (the terrible – awe, respect, honour, tremble at His greatness,
power, Sovereignty) will see His goodness, and know how GREAT the living
God is; none can compare
• many are going to come to know the fear of the Lord;
things that are going to happen will leave nowhere to turn but to God – the
“terrible” (all-powerful, all-consuming God)
Fear of the Lord
The recap continues after this, but there is something
of importance that is being placed here. It goes along with the “great
and terrible”.
Why is it that few today ever mention the “fear of
the Lord’’? It is as if to mention fear suggests that He is a horror, or
terrifying, or too terrible (tyrannical) to face? Or is it that multitudes
in these last days do not have the fear of the Lord?
It is the “lovers of self” generation (from young
to old) – how many today take countless “selfies”? how many strive to
become YouTube celebrities? …and there are thousands.
Please do not twist my meaning here. Platforms such as
YouTube are used by God also to draw people into the kingdom by teaching them
about Jesus and the gospel. But like every good thing God made, Satan will take
hold of social media platforms as well to promote his agenda, false teachings
and wickedness.
There are many Christians today who speak only of
God’s love, but refuse to speak of His judgment and His justice, or the sins
that He sent His Son to die for, in our place because of His great love for
mankind. Read the famous John 3:16 verse.
To negate the latter is to negate the fullness of God.
It represents a false god, one who is molded into our image, one who goes along
with all we want, say, and do. It is not reality. God is righteous and holy.
It is true that God is love, but He hates sin because
it separates us from Him. Jesus took sin upon Himself (He knew no sin),
suffered, and died in our place, so that all who believe could be reconciled
back to God.
Should we not tremble at the God who created us; He who
created the worlds, including our planet? He who created everything we can see,
and everything we cannot see? Are we so prideful that we think we can stand
before God like we can stand before a mere man or person? I think not… I surely
hope not.
Not all, but many of this last days’ generation have
lost all trust in those who rule over our countries. There is little respect or
submission to royalty. We will bow and bow to someone who sings with a
fascinating voice, but to bow to anyone to a king, queen or prince does not
come easily, particularly in western society.
Multitudes, including leaders of countries, bowed a
knee for “Black Lives Matter”, but the same would not even consider
bowing a knee to pray to the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus the
Anointed One of Nazareth.
Idol worship. Fear of man, rather than fear of God. Think
upon all those who bowed to the statue of Nebuchadnezzar, with the exception of
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Idolatry.
These are not meant to be blanket statements, as they
do not cover all people, but they do cover a vast majority. How easily many bow
to a mere person, group or cause, idols, but to even consider bowing a knee to
the King of kings, Jesus/Yeshua, is discomforting. How far have we fallen?
But the day is fast approaching where, indeed, all
will bow their knee to Yeshua – known as Jesus the Christ among billions. Every
tongue will then confess that Jesus Christ [Yeshua Mashiach] is Lord [King
of kings and Lord of lords], to the glory of God the Father. [Phil 2:10,11]
The fear of God that the Bible speaks of is not the emotional
or biochemical [‘fight or flight’ physical response] type of fear
that arises when we face great danger, or a serious threat, or pain that could
harm us or end our life. That is instinctive, a warning alarm that God placed
inside of us, in His wisdom.
God could end our life if He so chooses. He breathed
into Adam, so that the man became a living being. He surely could end a life
with a word, but He does not because of His love.
The knowledge and understanding of the fact that God
could end any life with one word should strike ‘dread’ in people, but for a
vast number, it does not because they do not believe God exists. To others, if He
does exist, they wonder why He allows what He allows, convincing themselves and others that He either does not care or that He lacks power.
Reverential fear of God is adoration, worship, to
respect and honour, acknowledging His authority, purity, holiness and power. It
is one that willingly, gladly submits to the living God, the One who created
We stand in awe of Almighty God, Creator of all things, including mankind. The prophets of old, and godly kings bowed humbly when they became aware of the presence of a holy God.
O God, You are terrible
out of Your holy places: the God of Israel is He that gives strength and power
unto His people. Blessed be God! [Ps68:35]
God is so holy and pure that if He appeared before us,
we would die. It is why He hid Moses in the cleft of a rock and passed by him,
so that Moses could only see His backside. The Lord knows our flesh could not
handle the purity of His presence, or the brilliance of His glory. We would
surely die. Proof is recorded: Exodus 33:18-23.
No flesh could handle the fullness of God’s glory.
No Fear of God - The Disconnect is Sin
Sadly, today, for many Christians, there seems to be a
disconnect, and there is no fear of the Lord. The reason they do not fear God
is because they do not know Him. Many today lack understanding of God’s
character, His nature or His power. They mold Him into an image that conflicts
with what the Bible reveals.
We are told that sin separates us from God. We saw it evidenced in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve hid from God after disobedience occurred. Sin is what disconnects us from God.
I learned of Jesus in the orphanage at six (not
from teaching but from a short, open vision I had of Him). It was many,
many moons after I had that first vision of Jesus that I heard a random radio
preacher speak of people who knew OF Jesus, but did not KNOW
Him and many who did not know Him were on their way to hell.
I was in that crowd at one time, being aware OF Christ,
but not KNOW Him or have any fear or reverence for Him. People might
think they know God, but like that preacher of long ago taught, many only know OF
Him (what they have heard from others, or what they have read). It is
like many of us know OF earth’s royalty, but we do not KNOW them.
How it pains me now to even type the words that I did
not fear Jesus/God. Decades have passed, and many lessons, tribulations and
trials have passed. Humility replaces pride; denial is replaced by confession
and repentance.
I now fear the Lord, and am humbled by His steadfast
agape love, mercy and grace. I also understand His justice and judgment, His power
and authority, and know that my very life is in His hands.
He is trustworthy, and the only one worthy – how we
long for the return of our King! Although I have learned firsthand the shame of
displeasing the Lord, even grieving His precious and holy Spirit, I also
learned firsthand the chastisement of the Lord.
It can be uncomfortable, even heart-pounding
discipline. Yet, now that I know the Lord and He knows me, I tremble at just
the thought of displeasing Him, let alone tasting of His wrath. Never do I want
to be under His wrath [wrath = vengeance against sin and evil, righteous anger, His
indignation; His “terrible” power that wields justice and
judgment, and the “greatness” of His presence and glory].
Getting into the Word of God [Holy Scriptures],
and getting it deep down in our heart, with a prayer for understanding, eyes to
see; ears to hear is essential. In doing so, we begin to familiarize ourselves
with our Maker. We learn about God’s perspective of sin and His ultimate plan,
not only of salvation, but judgment.
Jesus Came to Save Us
A broken and contrite heart is a result of genuine
repentance; when we see our sins for what they are. Seeking God, and calling
upon Him sincerely is the first step, the beginning of a personal, intimate
relationship with the Creator. Jesus came because He was sent by the Father.
While we were yet sinners, He died for us. [Rom 5:8]
Time is so short. Admonitions are repeated due to the urgency of the hour we are in. Can you see this? Please do not join the unbelievers:
And saying, Where is the promise of His coming? For
since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the
beginning of the creation. [2Pet 3:4] God calls this willfully ignorant.
True humility, love coupled with mercy to do justly,
forgiveness to others, receiving forgiveness (from Jesus), prayer,
thanksgiving, praise – and – waiting upon the Lord, it all will fall into place
as we continue to seek God and go deeper with Jesus.
The Holy Spirit will instruct us in the way to go,
lovingly guiding us along the narrow, ancient path. Pray, ask for wisdom and
knowledge. The Lord will grant it. Guard it carefully. He shines a light upon
our path always, but most patiently one step at a time during our darkest
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge:
but fools despise wisdom and instruction. The fear of the Lord is the beginning
of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. [Prov
1:7; 9:10]
Woe to those in days ahead who will be subjected to
the wrath of God on the day of the Lord!
Let no man deceive you with vain (empty)
words: for because of these things (sins) comes the wrath of God upon
the children of disobedience. Be not therefore partakers with them. [Eph
5:6, 7]
And to keep us in check; to keep us from thinking more
highly of ourselves than we ought, the next verse reminds us where we came from
and what is expected of us.
For you were sometimes (once) darkness,
but now you are light in the Lord: walk as children of light. (For the fruit of
the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth); Proving what is
acceptable unto the Lord. [Eph 5:8-10]
People cannot even look directly at the sun more than
mere seconds, due to its brightness and intensity. It threatens to ‘partially
blind’ temporarily with dark sun spots if we stare too long.
Our flesh would likely burn up if we looked into the
magnificent, majestic, superior face of our Creator. No adjectives describe the
glory of God to the proper degree. We can only imagine – but if that does not
make one tremble in awe and wonder, perhaps these words will.
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not
able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which
is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. [Mat 10:28]
God’s love in proper perspective is this:
But God commended (demonstrated)
His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. [Rom
The uprising of the people and their protesting is global today. One of the least violent national protests that took place was the Freedom Convoy (truckers) that moved from the west coast across Canada, with the majority of the nation showing support.
Despite the lack of violence (consider the crowds), Prime Minister Trudeau brought in the Emergencies Act, which resulted in the towing of trucks, arrests of participants, freezing of bank accounts, threats to take children from parents and euthanize pets.
around the globe respected the protest due to lack of violence, despite the few
“infiltrators” who tried to sully the event.
Nearly every protest taking place these days has become violent and
destructive. We are seeing rebellion married to lawlessness, as if to set the
stage for the very one the Bible calls ‘the lawless one’.
Protests have increased exponentially since 2020 (with
2017 beginning the more noticeable uptick, it exploded globally at once, three
years ago). According to Carnegie
Endowment Org. over 400 significant antigovernment protests
worldwide have occurred, involving 132 countries, with 23%
lasting more than three months.
Anger, rebellion, violence, death and lawlessness is
at such a height globally that even a child of six in
the United States is in the news for shooting a teacher. Children in over 50
countries are being forced into training
for war as young as eight, although some as young as four,
not including terrorist groups. Their roles cover everything from fighting to
sexual exploitation.
This know also, that in the last days perilous times
shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural
affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of
those that are good,
Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more
than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:
from such turn away. [2Tim 3:1-5]
Freemasons or the Illuminati are words that are rarely
heard these days. It is all about the globalists or the global elite. However,
you can be sure that Freemasons, Illuminati, Luciferians, call them as you
will, are the globalists. They quite enjoy being called the ‘elite’, the global
As the Lord spoke of several years ago (posted in a prophetic word up above), although there have been covert plans and secret meetings behind closed doors in the past, and now the proud 'global elite' are brazenly doing more in the open, they still have secret meetings to discuss covert operations that they plan to carry out. Not everything they cunningly plot is made known. They do not want to be stopped.
I will be posting a
message from 2011 in an upcoming post. The Lord has been warning for years, and many more
people are finally waking up, but now also rising up. Sides are being taken; people are divided.
It has been a repetitive message given for decades.
The Lord is faithful. Many are now listening, but ironically, there is also a
falling away, more compromise. The separating, and judging between sheep and
sheep. (cattle and cattle: Ezek 34:22]
But God intends to save His flock (the true sheep).
He will judge, and His sheep will not be a prey (target). He is raising
up shepherds who will feed the flock. Many of the greedy and lazy shepherds are
being exposed; others are being removed.
But there still will be false prophets, false
teachers, and greedy shepherds amongst us, as Jesus forewarned (see Matthew
24). The Lord does not want the ‘very elect’ deceived, so the
Good Shepherd has been patiently calling His sheep to draw closer, and closer
still, so He can guide them away from such.
Keep your eyes on Israel and the Eastern countries
moving strategically. Watch and pray. Search the Word to note the time we are
Rhyme and Reason
Perhaps now, the title for this year makes more sense,
but if not, let’s break it down a tad more. 2023 is God’s Year. Please
do not misinterpret or grab hold of the wrong understanding.
Every year, every day, every moment, every nanosecond
belongs to God – period! He is the Sovereign, Almighty living God. This is the
year that:
• those who have hungered for greater closeness with God will witness things that others only hope to. These are those who heard the call to return to their first love; the call to come closer, more intimately, and who gladly are obeying, out of their love for Jesus/Yeshua, and not for any impure motives.
He beckons His people; He wants us to know Him better, and so that He may give important
instructions to each one, corporately yes, but just as importantly, individually. His desire is to help us stay on the ancient, narrow path, and help us to
endure and to navigate these incredibly overwhelming darkening days.
Abba knows every language, every dialect, and understands all the different clans and tribes in diverse nations,
with their various cultures, values, laws, ways [traditions] and rules. Not all
people within the nations have access to a Bible. Some have never even read one
yet in their own language. Wycliffe translators are working on solving that issue.
Yet, God has His ways of communicating.
As hard as it can be at times, we must wait upon the
Lord and His timing. We may not understand, but God’s timing is always perfect.
There are moments or periods of time where we do not have to wait at all, but
gain instant access to understand.
Call unto [seek] Me, and I will
answer you, and show you great and mighty things,
which you know not. [Jer 33:3] (there alone is 3, 33 and 333 – only
For over 10 years now, the Lord has impressed upon me
that it is the “time of revealing”. It was first used when I wrote an article
(July 2013) warning about strong delusion, alien deception in a time
of revealing.
I briefly had a website called: Time of Revealing
(lost due to funding).
• 2023 – the Lord will continue to reveal (expose)
things, as He has been speedily doing the past three years - much of which has been in the news
• watchmen will see more to report; those who
seek God and wait in His presence will know which direction to look
The adversary’s stratagem (ploy) of distractions
is to interfere and disrupt our determination to carry out God’s will. In the
case of the watchmen, distractions could lead to untimely warnings by the
watchmen, especially if their attention is diverted (redirected).
If when he sees the sword come upon the land, he blows
the trumpet and warns the people; [Ezek 33:3]
Several articles that I have written mention
watchmen, scattered over two decades until the past couple of years,
where the Lord has made a strong impression for His people to: Watch
and pray!
There is more regarding the 3’s, a number that is on God’s
side. Believe me, numerology is not of God. I must emphasize that, and
make it perfectly clear. Numerology, astrology, and the like are strictly
forbidden. Astrologers, stargazers, mediums all rely on such things, with
horoscopes, charting, tarot cards etc.
Do not fall into the trap. Yet again, I must state the God is the Creator of all things. It is just the devil to take the good from God's creation and twist meaning and intent. God gives Satan leeway, but in his pride and rebellion, if he gets an inch, he will take a mile.
See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools,
but as wise, Redeeming the time because the days are evil. Wherefore, do not be
unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. [Eph
5:15-17] NKJV
[to be continued…]
for His glory