Truth and Deception - Clash of the Kingdoms
NOTE* (minor editing done December 2023)
This article is a repost from October 2018. A few pictures were changed. However, the reason for the repost, which was entirely UNPLANNED on my part (this is the Lord's leading) is for a couple of important reasons that I understand at this time.
I was working on "Waves Coming In" - the last part of the six-month series, Season of Consequences 2023. I was mentioning hybrids, clones, supersoldiers, AI, robots, transhumanism, when this article was placed upon my heart.
The Lord has been strongly and urgently getting the attention of His people. People crying out for revival, as they have for decades upon decades (which is a good thing); however, take heed (pay attention) to what the Lord has repeated more than once.
Revival begins in each individual. It begins with us. Restore unto us [me] the joy of our salvation; create in us [me] a clean heart, renew a right spirit within us [me]. REVIVAL! It's happening; it's happened in me, and I am not the only speck of dust on this eight billion or so membered planet!
Moving right along (keep praying about revival - its coming in small waves, moving slowly yet surely, splashing determinedly upon the shores of hope and belief) - however, all that we see as human is not necessarily so. The power of illusion is strong and convincing...
The Lord had me often post over the many years that which we see is not always as it appears to be. At times, I would post a picture of a harmless little dog whose shadow (when it casted) made the little critter look like a ferocious beast.
Another time I posted a picture of a house cat, sitting, looking in a mirror. The house cat saw the reflection of a strong lion in the mirror, staring back at him. It was not reality. These are the things that illusion can trick us with. Element of illusion - Satan/Lucifer is busy.
His human agents are busy as well, and have been for decades. Cloning (I wrote three articles in the past at least - 2013, 2018, 2021 - those are what I remember, but it is something I have silently followed for years. It has been an interest...and we need to pay attention.
Why? The book of Genesis strongly suggests that bloodlines were corrupted, and only eight were saved alive in the days of the deluge, the great Flood in Noah's day that purged the earth of all corruption and evil.
Do you ever wonder what happened to the red-haired giant in Afghanistan that speared one young soldier to death, yet ended up killed by shots to the face, and whisked off secretly by the army?
That was somewhere between 2002 and 2005. L.A. Marzulli interviewed a soldier who was there, but protected his identity by using a voice changer to distort his voice, making sure clothing covered him completely, and had the camera at the warrior's back during the interview. This was to keep the soldier's identity safe.
When one listened to the interview and the soldier's testimony, the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:37, describing what it would be like when the Son of man returns, come quickly to mind. Bless the Lord for prophecy; bless the King for His warning.
As in the days of Noah...
People, we have to open our eyes to reality. Do not listen to those who want to keep us from critical thinking, and replace it with critical racial thinking (Satan's counterfeit - who steals, kills, destroys).
Cloning, hybrids, chimeras, transhumanism, AI (which now created its own language that programmers cannot decipher; oh-oh), robots, and technologies that would stun you.
There is a reason the Lord has been prodding His people to spend more intimate, quality time - He wants to instruct us, corporately yes, but individually too. It is crucial. People cringe at unwelcome change, but like it or not, it's going down. We need the Lord's balance, His calm, His rational leadership, His instructions.
Spirit of war -- China and Russia, cozying up with Iran, Saudi Arabia, and - we are urged ...pray! There is a strong desire to bring the USA down; the US has made enemies over the centuries, with all their world policing and interference.
This repost will say much - then pray, my friends. Please pray.
Now to the article, which is part three of Clash of the Kingdoms, Truth and Deception. Any addition is noted so reader is aware. May God move on hearts and speak to each soul individually deep within their spirit man, so they know that they know it is Jesus/Yeshua. End note-BP
Truth and Deception
October 17, 2018
Most, if not all that I have written are things that many of you already are well aware of. That's means that you are awake and alert! However, there is a reason the Lord brought all these things to my attention again.
His repeat lessons are never wasted. That being said, please bear with me while I share all that the Lord had me go over, and what He has been saying over the past month.
Lest Satan should get an (take/steal) advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
For there shall rise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. [1Pet 5:8; 2Cor 2:11; Mat 24:24]
These are very sobering scriptures. They reveal to us that we have a very real adversary, clever, cunning and most subtle, whose main objective is to deceive all of mankind in order to keep us from salvation through Christ. We also see the word “false” repeatedly throughout scripture. The Lord gives us repeat lessons even after a thing is learned because in this busy world, we “all” need reminders, self included.
Such is the rising of the Antichrist, with loyal subjects (those who worship Lucifer/Satan), mirroring (counterfeiting, copying, mimicking) everything they witness God doing upon this earth through His obedient children. He is not yet, but he is rising. Think of an elevator coming up from the basement of a high rise or sky scraper (abyss, coming up from the sea). Slowly rising up (hidden); waiting for the height of destruction and fear.
They are also keenly aware of the prophecies that speak of a one-world leader, one who Satan embodies (Lawless one). The one who will appear in a time of great chaos, war and death is waiting behind the curtain, waiting for “his” appointed time, to establish “peace”…for a season.
So, what nation upon earth does not say “fake news” in their mother tongue? "Fake" is Satan’s counterfeit of “false”. Now we hear about “fake science”. I can see why Satan wants to substitute the word “false” (mentioned consistently throughout scripture) for the word “fake”, so far one of the top buzzwords of this millennium.
According to
False – untrue or incorrect; erroneous (a false statement) ---uttering or declaring what is untrue (a false witness) - unfaithful or disloyal; treacherous (a false friend)
Fake – to prepare or make in order to mislead (a fake report), pretend, make-believe, --- appear more attractive or valuable in order to deceive (fake jewel)
Most people instinctively associate the word false with lies, counterfeit, unreliable and untrustworthy, deception, dangerous, treacherous. Whereas the word fake is more associated with pretend, make-belief, imitation, copied, misleading or to trick (a softer way of saying “deceptive”)
One great deception of Satan’s is convincing people he does not exist, that he is not real. Fake fits that best because fake is ‘make-belief’ or ‘pretend’ (not real). For the longest time, I was convinced that statement (about Satan convincing people he does not exist) came from C.S. Lewis, but over the years, I came to find out he was not the originator.
Still, it is a mystery to me. Some state Martin Luther; however, the more popular answer seemed to be Charles Baudelaire, a Frenchman (1821-1867), known mostly for his poetry? Please do not quote me on that as the jury still seems to be out over who actually coined the phrase.
If people do believe Satan exists, they either downplay his power (see him as no real threat), or they go to extremes and see a devil behind every bush. Sometimes a believer might think that they are “under [spiritual] attack” when in actuality, they are suffering the consequences of sin, either their own or someone else's.
FALSE is the word God uses for Satan, which truly is the best word for what Satan does, and who he can appear to be, as well as for those who walk in darkness (doing his bidding), or hide sin in their heart. (updated)
The Lord speaks of 'scales' for a reason. Things have to be just, rightly divided, and balanced. The reality is that Satan despises all of God’s creation, especially mankind. He is the thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy. He is a very real adversary who is presently pushing the focus of the world to the dark side, seducing multitudes (witchcraft, sorcery), so that people will ultimately praise and bow to him.
He is powerful and he does have authority, over the lost, the backslidden, over the wolves (in sheep’s clothing), and the vultures (sharks – when in Rome, do as the Romans do), and to those who worship him through witchcraft, rituals that cite “prayers” and “praise”, complete with blood sacrifices (occult). He can easily tempt and sway those who compromise, or who walk after the flesh (carnal nature).
KEY: SUBMIT to God [freedom in Jesus/Yeshua]- resist the devil and he will flee. [Jam 4:7]
But one must be submitted to God. If God is not your authority, King and Lord over you, then why should the devil flee from you? However, with Christ (Messiah) IN you, yes, he will flee.
As stated before, Jesus made it clear that Satan and his armies will deceive all in the world, but will especially attempt to deceive, and even kill, those absolutely committed to God. We see evil glorified in the entertainment industry, in ceremonies and feasts, in fashion, in books (Harry Potter), in movies, sports, videos, music, and more.
Deception began in the Garden of Eden when the serpent deceived Eve. The woman was no fool; she was innocent. That is what Satan took advantage of, her innocence. (He still does that today.) She had never known evil or deception before. Remember, he convinced one-third of the holy angels, who knew God, lived with Him, worshipped Him - convinced them to follow him. Cunning, clever...
The birth of computers and the internet was a small part of Daniel's prophecy coming to pass (many shall run to and fro; knowledge shall be increased [Dan 12:4]).
With a computer (or device that can access WiFi), the internet is like a global library, with a wealth of knowledge. Truth is like nuggets of gold, but it will require a lot of digging, and sifting (and prayer), to find truth on the worldwide web.
Computers, along with the internet, and AI (artificial intelligence), robots, drones, etc., can also be weapons with unlimited abilities, one of which is deception to hoodwink the masses. Never has so much information been accessible in one place with a few keystrokes, clicks or scrolls, swipes, or touch of a finger, thanks to the development of search engines. No intent to go down that rabbit hole at this time. There are far too many connecting tunnels; end up in a maze.
In his conversation with the serpent in the Garden of Eden, God spoke prophetically when He made mention of His redemptive plan. [See [Genesis 3:15] Satan plotted immediately to thwart the plan of salvation.]
I am sure that many Christians have carefully considered the corruption, perversions, violence, hatred, murder, chaos and deception that is going on today and wondered why we are not wiped out like those who lived in Noah’s day?
It does not take a biblical genius to see that we are right now racing toward the “day of the Lord” (God’s wrath - Great Tribulation) mentioned in the book of Joel, Amos, Revelation, and other books of the Bible.
This article has been the most difficult and most challenging that I ever remember having to write. There was great hesitation on my part, mostly due to the crux of the message. I heard the enemy whisper to me, “People aren’t stupid. They know all this stuff. Who do you think you are to tell anyone anything?” (The adversary tempted me further with other strong words to dissuade me as well.]
I was a bit shocked when I heard myself say aloud, “I don’t want to write this article!” But deep within, my heart’s desire is firstly, to be obedient and secondly, that even if I can reach a few lost or wayward souls, it is worth the risk. When I confessed the struggle I was suffering in writing this article to a friend, he immediately acknowledged how the enemy tempts us in our weakest areas.
In fact, he spoke the very words the adversary said to me. I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking through him. How else could he be so precise? Although I was somewhat taken aback by the exactness and accuracy of his words, I instantaneously had peace of mind and heart to hear another Christian with the insight and the understanding of how the adversary can speak doubt to us.
Thank you, my friend! (Yes, I repented for toying with disobedience, by considering not writing, but the proof to that remark is that I am now writing what I have been led to write). We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, and love not our life unto death. [Rev 12:11] updated
Innumerable times over the years, the Lord often had me boldly negate prophetic messages of others that were going viral at the time. No pleasure was taken in invalidating what others said, but the living God does not take kindly to false prophecies, especially ones that promote fear, spoken in His name.
One such fear was the Y2K event, when the new millennium began. Although I was not online in those days, I remember telling others that I did not believe anything would happen.
I have believed in God/Jesus (Yeshua) since I was six years old, but back in 1999/2000, I was not a committed Christian, so my words fell upon deaf ears. I do believe God begins drawing people to Himself before they ultimately surrender to his love and mercy. How could we repent if it were not for the love of Jesus and the conviction of the Spirit of the living God?
There was some concern on my part about Y2K at first, due to all the hype circulating and local friends making preparations. The majority of people were not online back in the year 1999/2000, as they are today, yet the fear of severe infrastructure interruptions was real.
In my heart I may have unknowingly asked God what will happen because I did occasionally pray to God (though in truth, it was (sadly) usually in desperation, when in a tough spot with nowhere or no one else to turn to). It was the Lord that gave me the insight that “nothing will happen” on Y2K because how else would I know? After all, He used a donkey once to get a man’s attention, and it was a female donkey. Sorry ladies, but it is a fact.
And the ass saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and the ass turned aside out of the way, and went into the field: and Balaam smote the ass, to turn her into the way. [Num 22:23]
God’s ways are so far above ours that it will take eternity to begin to fathom the depth and wonder of His thoughts and ways.
Nothing Will Happen
Late 2002, I was gifted an old computer and spent about six months online. After those months, the computer died and it was two years before I got a new one. It was January 2005 when my life was fully surrendered to the Lord Jesus/Yeshua, and I posted a couple of prophetic words He had given me.
However, it was not until 2008, when I began the blog that the Lord would begin to lead me to negate certain events that had people, including Christians, bound with a spirit of fear. Some of the prophecies that I was to disprove or nullify were the predicted “Judgment day”, May 12, 2011 (Harold Camping, now deceased), December 21, 2012 (the grossly misunderstood “end of the world” prediction of the Mayans), Planet X impact dates, Comet Ison 2013, martial law with Obama happening after a false flag event, and other like prophecies (overwhelming list) that gave specific dates or times.
Each time prophecies about cataclysmic events that contained exact dates (some of which included dates for the “rapture”, and specific dates for three days of darkness) had gone viral, the Lord would lead me to post, “Nothing will happen”, or "Not this day..."
Oh yes, I trusted the Lord enough to post the message, but admittedly, I waited just like everyone else with bated breath. I only wanted to say what the LORD would have me say, not my thoughts, or any other influence. There are prophecies that do not contain dates, but line up with scripture; I do not include these prophecies because God’s word is true and cannot be changed. God makes no mistakes.
Although a prophetic word can be imminent; it is most often futuristic. The prophecies of Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah, Jesus, John the Revelator, et al, are all proof of that. I cannot count the number of times I prayed not only that I would not be deceived, but more importantly, that I would not be someone who deceives or misleads others. “Let me not bring shame to your name, O Lord.”
There is no sane person who wants to be labeled a fearmonger, false ‘prophet’, religious nutcase or deceived. We all know that persecution, torture and death have been the reality for countless who love and follow the true living God. Even today, in numerous countries, we witness or hear of this stark truth. Ever since Cain killed Able, evil deeds continue to be carried out by sinful people, some of whom are demon-possessed or inspired by the invisible adversary, Satan and his legions.
The day fast approaches where all Christians will be persecuted and forced to make a serious choice to either deny the true Jesus Christ (and accept the Antichrist) or die. It is mind-boggling and difficult for those of us who live in peaceful nations or who have never seen war first-hand to acknowledge that we will indeed be persecuted, hated, tortured and killed (see Mat 24:9; Rev 7:14 for starters). That day is nigh upon us.
When is the Day? What Hour?
But oh, how we long for the return of the Messiah! We have entered into the days that the prophets of old and the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) himself spoke about. Yes indeed, I watched and waited prayerfully as each date came and went. You can imagine the sigh of relief and the thanksgiving to the Lord as each prophesied event that I had negated passed without incident.
That being said, it does not prove that I am infallible. All of us are fallible - (capable of making mistakes or being erroneous – Dictionary meaning). The fact that others who love God can “get it wrong” only proves that I can too. But best not call yourself a prophet if that is the case because God makes no mistakes. That reality in itself is significant and the perfect example of why we are to take all things to the Lord…and WAIT (waiting – one of the hardest things Christians are expected to do. Learning to wait is part of learning to endure).
Please do not misunderstand me. It was not with arrogant pride or vainglory that I watched the prophecies fail. Nor did I gloat in the fact that I “heard right” and others did not; no, not at all.
Many of the prophecies that were attached to particular events predicting fixed or specific dates or times were being spoken by well-known and well-liked people within Christian circles, in churches, on the internet, on television and radio, in books and more.
Knowing full well that I am no one of consequence (a complete unknown), yes, I watched and waited on the Lord. After all, I have made my own share of mistakes in my walk. But I do not call 'sins' mistakes, although they are serious mistakes.
Sins are making wrong choices, or giving in to temptation, or doing what we know is wrong, and not turning away from it. Some will say their prophecies were not 'false', but a 'mistake', because no one is perfect.
Then, I caution you to be very careful before you put a "thus says the Lord" to your statements. Again -- God never gets anything wrong, people do. Own it and repent. We can hear our own voice, or the voice of a demon, so we need to be careful when we speak on the Lord's behalf.
With all faithful disciples of Christ Jesus, if a prophetic word be given to them, the earnest longing is that it is truth, not only for the sake of the people, but for the glory of God alone.
I know all too well that all of us are held accountable, with a greater responsibility not only upon those who teach, but also upon those who give a prophetic utterance (whether a leader or part of the congregation). Word of God (which is unchangeable), a man is head over woman, Christ is head over man, and God is head over all. [1Cor 11:3] I had to add this because ... it is written. I do not have all the answers, nor am I a theologian or scholar.
Our prayer is patterned after Jesus, who humbly prayed, “[…] nevertheless, not My will, but Yours be done”. [Lk 22:42]
I also cannot count the number of times I wept when nothing happened. That is not an oxymoron. Many of those who prophesied are sincere believers, whose only desire is to be a faithful watchman and warn the people about impending danger and to urge them to believe and surrender to Jesus if unsaved or backslidden. However, I have no pity for the false prophets, the wolves in sheep's clothing, the greedy shepherds, divination or witches, who choose evil over good.
The desire is for all to get their hearts in right standing with Jesus if they have fallen asleep, or if they are church-day only (lukewarm) Christians, or prodigals. The burden is upon the watchmen to speak forth whatever message the Holy Spirit instructs any such one to speak.
It is said that the hard way (error, trial) is the best way to learn. I can assure you that I learned countless lessons (actually, most of my lessons) the hard way. There was no much guidance for me growing up. It is just a fact.
I do not weep for the false prophets or teachers, since the intent and motive is impure and who are an example that dishonours the living God and makes a mockery of the cross and the precious blood of Jesus Christ /Y’shua.
Even a young child soon learns that this life is temporal and that death is a reality. Eternity is forever, but the urgency is always the concern for the lost, backslidden, prodigal, and unrepentant souls who face damnation, heading for what is called the “second death” (eternal separation from God) [Rev 21:8].
Who but the lost or the deceived would laugh at being separated from God forever? Not only will they be separated from the Creator and Saviour, but they will be cast into outer darkness [Mat 22:13], weeping and gnashing their teeth.
It is a place where there will never be any more chance of salvation, no peace, no light, no mercy or grace, no hope, a place of torment where the worm never dies… Is it possible that the “worm that never dies” and the “fire that is not quenched” [Mk 9:48] will be the constant gnawing, undying knowledge of past, unforgiven sins and rejection of the Saviour Jesus/Y’shua that will forever burn in their memories, never to be extinguished or quenched – the ultimate torment?
It is no wonder that Jesus said that there will be a weeping and gnashing of teeth by those who glibly cast the opportunity for salvation aside, only to be eternally separated from the love and presence of our Creator. Jesus is the only way back to our Maker. He is full of grace and mercy, ready to forgive
Wise and blessed are you who abide in Christ and are awake and watchful, steadfast in prayer. Look at the signs that Jesus/Yeshua urged us to watch for that are happening around the world now. All past prophecies that gave specific dates failed to come to fruition; each event passed without incident.
Everything, including prophecies, must line up with the word of God, kept in context and in the proper order. All God does is done decently and in order. We are instructed to do the same [1Cor 14:40]. The Lord never contradicts His Word or His character. The Sovereign God states that His word is absolute.
So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where I sent it. [Is 55:11]
Yes, Jesus (Yeshua) distinctly told us what signs to look for, but He also made one point very clear, a point that cannot be forced, manipulated or changed, although multitudes down through the centuries have either done so or have ignored it. Why, o why do we ignore the King’s unmistakable words? Why?
So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that the end is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you: This generation (the ones who are alive in the latter days that He spoke of) shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. [Mat 24:33, 34]
We do well to keep reminding ourselves of the important words that Jesus spoke next.
But of that day and hour no man knows, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father (God) only. [vs 36] (Emphasis mine)
The Lord is always right. By myself, I know nothing more than the next person…only God knows all things (omniscient).
Beware Lest You Fall
Wherefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.
You therefore, beloved, seeing you know these things before; beware lest you also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness. [1Cor 10:12; 2Pet 3:17]
The above scriptures kept and keep me from pride or vainglory whenever the Lord had me negate certain prophecies in the past. I am ever reminded by the Holy Spirit never to touch God’s glory and I pray I never do, either intentionally or otherwise. We are exhorted to be cautious and alert.
It saddens me when people are so quick to pounce on someone who announces warnings of impending danger to the masses or a prophecy that should come with no set date, only to find out they were wrong – especially if they sincerely believed what they were prophesying as something that came from the Lord.
It grieves me even more to admit that there was a time that I used to be quick to judge or consider the whole lot of them as false brethren. Please do not misunderstand those statements either.
I do not sorrow over those who spit forth “prophecies” for money (having the audacity to do so in the name of Jesus), or those who speak out of the foolishness of their own selfish desires (popularity, reputation, history etc), or who prophesy lies in the Lord’s name, like the false prophets that Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel confronted. Nor do I speak of those who steal words from others who have spent time with the Lord; the ones the Lord spoke of through His prophet Jeremiah. It is deceptive.
Nor do I speak of greedy shepherds who lead the sheep without sincere prayer and direction from the Lord, but who are more interested in their own bellies (prosperity) than they are for souls [of the sheep], spinning scriptures to tickle ears for the sake of filthy lucre.
Neither do I speak of lazy shepherds who do not keep a watchful eye out for the adversary’s presence, or consider the sheep that may be straying or lost. I speak of those who are more concerned about quantity (numbers) than quality (truth).
Yet, just as pitiful are the sheep who seek after food (words) that will keep them comfortable and that keep them from acknowledging or even confessing their sinful ways, loving the pleasure of their sin more than they love God. Let that never be me, Lord. Stop me dead in my tracks if I go to the broad path! They run to people to hear what God would say, rather than running to God, or picking up the Bible.
Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things (truth); speak unto us smooth things (comfortable), prophesy deceits (illusions): [Is 30:10]
It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. [Ps 118:8]
We all make mistakes; God alone is infallible. We all have fallen short of the glory of God. However, that is no excuse for purposely giving false prophecies, or stealing the words of others. [Jer 23:30] It is no excuse for sin. If we sin, we must confess it to God, not excuse it as an 'oops'.
The Power and Allure of Darkness
For I say through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith.[Rom 12:3]
My brother, my sister, let us be careful least Satan uses pride and self-righteousness to ensnare us. As I said, there was a time when I was quick to judge those who gave false prophecies.
Some prophetic words, according to the Word of God, are obviously false to the genuine believer. However, there are prophecies that are so convincing that (as Jesus forewarned) they could well fool even the very elect.
The Lord God is a faithful Father, who will not hesitate to correct His children when they go astray. He reminded me of the beginning, when Adam and Eve were in the Garden, before Eve was deceived and before Adam disobeyed.
I used to shake my head at the story. How could Adam and Eve be so naïve, so blind, so foolish as to listen to the serpent? The first thing to remember is their innocence. They had no more knowledge of the devil, temptation or evil than a newborn baby does. The serpent knew that, but he also knew exactly how to seduce Eve. Although Satan chose to rebel against God, he still loathed Adam’s closeness to the Creator.
Adam walked with God daily in the Garden. He blossomed in the love and intimacy with his Maker. He feared God and walked in purity, holiness and freedom, as did his wife. They had need of nothing and were content with the Lord God and all that He had provided. Sin did not exist in them.
But the word of God speaks about the subtlety, cunning and cleverness of the adversary (Satan). These two people loved God and knew Him well [intimately]. Yet, keep in mind that Lucifer’s name was changed to Satan. Both are titles for the same angel, the very one who was the instigator and leader of the first rebellion.
It is easy to stand at a great distance and condemn Adam and Eve for disobeying God. However, going back further, one has to wonder how holy angels from all ranks or levels, who lived in the magnificent presence of a holy, loving God, serving, loving and worshipping him, could suddenly turn against Him.
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Lucifer |
One angel, Lucifer, was remarkably subtle, with words so powerfully convincing that one-third of Heaven’s holy angels chose to join him in a rebellion against their King, the very one who created them in the first place.
Some think that one-third was merely a handful, like 200 angels. However, in Daniel 7 verse 10, it speaks of ten thousand times ten thousand that stand before God and minister to him. Satan’s cunningly clever lies were likely cloaked in just enough truth to cover the deception. So irresistible was the temptation that a third of the holy angels did not even hesitate. Such corruption; so void of honour, love or truth!
One can be certain that if angels can smirk, Lucifer’s contented ego surely must have revealed itself in his countenance. I often pondered whether Lucifer’s darkness was gradual, or if he became darkness at the moment of his rebellion.
Those who united with him took darkness upon themselves like a cloak as well, and from then on, Lucifer’s (bearer of light, morning star) name was downgraded to Satan (adversary). I cannot pretend to understand how the angels who lived with the true, living God and tasted of His goodness would ever want to leave glory of His presence and breath-taking splendor.
They had thrived in the light and wonder of His pure and holy love. How was it that the angels who followed Lucifer in his rebellion could not see the deception? With their high intelligence, it is quite likely that they knew it was wrong, but they succumbed to the temptation and seduction of promised kingdoms, great power and counterfeit glory that joining his darkness and force might provide.
Satan Earnestly Targets Godly People
Be sober; be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour. [1Pet 5:8]
Above all, take the shield of faith, with which you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. [Eph 6:16]
Satan is indeed like a vicious lion, seeking all he can devour but particularly those whose lives are dedicated to the Sovereign God through Jesus (Yeshua). We are all prime targets for a merciless, ruthless adversary.
We have to guard our eyes, our ears, our mouth (every portal) and our hearts, keeping on the full armour that God provides through Christ. Satan was able to convince certain angels who know God to turn against him. We learn that man was made a little lower than the angels.
Yet knowing that, how often do we think that if we had been Adam or Eve, we would not have given in and eaten of the forbidden fruit? After all, they knew God and talked with Him face to face, so how could they be so foolish as to listen to the serpent?
Jesus warned, “[…] if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” [Mat 24:24] So, it IS possible for a godly person to be deceived. Not convinced?
We have the advantage to see all sides because of historical accounts, and because of the logos word of God (Bible). We also know what the outcome is when a choice was made. Yet, in our own lives now, when we do not know the outcome, how strong is our faith and our trust? Makes a difference seeing all sides and knowing the end result, doesn't it?
Think about King David. He was a man who loved God, was quick to repent if he sinned, and obeyed Adonai's commandments and statutes. In the first book of Chronicles, we read about the significant triumphs David basked in as God preserved him, granting him protection and victory over the many, mighty armies of his enemies. [1Chron 19:14 – 20:8]
David overthrew the Edomites, Moabites, Amalekites, Ammonites, Syrians and Philistines. Battle after battle, the God of Israel, the LORD of the battle, proved Himself to be an Omnipotent and Sovereign God. But Satan, that roaring lion, sought to devour David, to tempt him to defy God.
Seducing and Lying Spirits
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And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked (aroused, prompted) David to number Israel. [1 Chron 21:1]
Although David knew in his heart that all of his victories came only by the intervening hand of God, Satan seduced him into counting his men, speculatively to gloat in the fact (pride) that he and his armies overcame Israel’s enemies, who overpowered and outnumbered his men, plus the fact that a few of them were Goliath’s giant brothers. [1Chron 20:4, 5]
God’s word
is true. When Satan tempted, God offered a way of escape to David through Joab,
one of the captains in David’s armies. Joab tried to dissuade David to not defy
God and cause Israel to sin, but David would not listen to his trusted comrade,
thus shunning the way of escape God provided.
And Joab answered, The Lord make his people a hundred times so many more as they be (increase): but, my lord the king, are they not all my lord’s servants? Why then does my lord require this thing? Why will he be a cause of trespass (sin) to Israel? [21:3]
Displeased with David’s decision to proceed, Joab counted the men, but not those that belonged to the tribe of Levi or Benjamin, “…for the king’s word was abominable to Joab.” [vs 6] God’s judgment fell upon Israel and seventy thousand died from the pestilence that God sent [21:14], thereby further altering and decreasing the number of David’s people, thus making the counting of Israel's numbers redundant.
The above example reveals to us that a man who loved God and knew his voice fell into temptation once again, even after repenting and being forgiven for sins he had committed with Bathsheba. Satan has his watchers that report to him. He knows our weaknesses and it is those areas he targets.
Some believers might consider David’s wrongdoings with Bathsheba, as well as the counting of his men, as proof that he lacked faith or was spiritually weak, ever giving into temptation.
However, David walked obediently before God all his life. Yes, there were times he gave into Satan’s seductions, but David’s love for God and repentant heart caused him to humbly confess his sins and receive forgiveness.
If you are still not convinced that it is possible for Satan to deceive you because you are a man or woman who loves and obeys God through Jesus, I will share yet another example of how clever and ruthless Satan is, as well as being the “lion” that seeks to devour God’s people.
In the first book of Kings, chapter 13, we are told about a man of God from Judah who was also a prophet. He was a person who heard God’s voice and was obedient to His leading. He was told to go to king Jeroboam and prophesy about the judgment coming upon him.
The king had ordained a feast and persuaded the people of Judah to turn against the God of Israel and worship idols (two calves made of gold), offering up sacrifices to them upon an altar. I will skip over the details of all that transpired between Jeroboam and the (nameless) man of God, but the story can be found in the above mentioned reference.
Here is my point. The godly man was told not to eat or drink, or return home the same way he came. So, after he had completed his mission, he started back another way, even rejecting an invitation to refresh himself with food and drink. When the sons of an old prophet told him [old prophet] what had happened between the man of God and the king, the elderly prophet was moved to go and find the one who had seen Jeroboam.
He found the man of God resting underneath an oak tree. He invited him to come to his house and eat a meal with him. The younger prophet declined, stating that he could not do so. Whether or not Satan spoke through the old prophet of God as he did one time with Peter in order to tempt Jesus [Mat 16:23], I cannot say for sure.
However, it is clear in the scriptures that the old prophet was also a man of God, yet a strange thing happened.
He said to him, I am a prophet also as you are, and an angel spoke to me by the word of the Lord, saying, Bring him back with you into your house, that he may eat bread and drink water. But he lied to him. [1Kings 13:18]
As they ate, the word of the Lord came to the prophet that had brought the man of God home to eat.
And he cried unto the man of God that came from Judah, saying, Thus says the Lord, Forasmuch as you have disobeyed the mouth of the Lord, and have not kept the commandment which the Lord you God commanded you,
But came back and have eaten bread and drunk water in the place of which the Lord did say to you, Eat no bread and drink no water; your carcass shall not come unto the sepulchre of your fathers. [vs 21, 22]
When he finished his meal, the younger prophet left, but a lion met him along the way and killed him. Passersby saw him and told the people in the city where the old prophet lived that the man of God who was disobedient met up with a lion and was slain, just as the Lord had spoken through the old prophet.
Despite the fact that judgment fell upon the man of God for his disobedience, the Lord did not allow the “lion” to devour His servant. When the old prophet went to retrieve the body of the godly man so that he could bury him in his own tomb, he saw the lion and the donkey standing by the dead body. The lion did not eat the carcass or attack the man’s donkey. [vs 28] “Alas, my brother…” the old prophet mourned. [vs 30]
We see how even a fellow believer can be used to try (test) our obedience. Shocking! We also see how a third of the once-holy angels that lived with God were seduced by Lucifer to rebel against Him and were thrown out of their prestigious positions in heaven. We see how the first man and woman who enjoyed intimate fellowship with God were deceived and seduced by Satan to disobey God.
Add to that the two examples of men who heard from God and loved Him, but fell into the trap that Satan set for them. The adversary’s lies and temptations targeted their weak areas, seducing them and causing both men to disobey the Lord
David's weak spot at that particular time was his pride. The (nameless) man of God's weak spot was hunger. He had traveled a distance, had completed the mission the Lord sent him on and was on his way home. He was in a weakened condition, hungry and thirsty. Indeed, Satan goes for the weak areas.
Satan is like a roaring lion, seeking to devour (steal, kill and destroy) whomsoever he can, but he especially goes after the 'obedient' people of God. Perhaps now, the warning of Jesus is heard with deeper understanding.
“[…] if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” [Mat 24:24]
Storm Brewing
Now that I have shared some of the serious things I was recalling in the word of God, and wrestling with the challenge of how to present it in this article, perhaps now when you hear the message you will understand why I was not excited about posting it. It is a weighty message.
There is much that needs to be said and knowing where to start has been challenging to say the least. I have been working diligently for the past couple of weeks to bring it all together under the Lord’s guidance, finally subduing the moments of pause (hesitation) that I struggled with.
The message is a serious and sobering warning of approaching corruption, evil [witchcraft], and chaos, but also one of hope, anticipation, promise and expectation. Almost two months ago (August 15, 2018), I distinctly heard two words of warning in my spirit, which were: “storm brewing”.
Aware, but not sensing an urgency, I set it aside. A day or so later, I heard a different word, “escalating”. The word “escalating” kept coming to me, but after a couple of weeks, it was joined by the word “accelerating”.
We see the anger, the violence, the chaos and confusion happening in all nations globally. We hear of reports where governments are arresting resistors and whistleblowers, even if they are government officials or representatives. We witness betrayal (just like Judas’) at all levels, and in all walks of life.
Countless are ending up dead, either by suicide (even though they were known not to be suicidal), or slaughtered by an “unknown” murderer(s). Sometimes their deaths include immediate family members or close friends. Others seem to disappear without explanation or qualifying leads.
As we see
and hear all the corruption and deception around us, there are times that we
find it all overwhelming. There is a longing, a travailing desperation for the
return of our Lord and King Jesus/Yeshua amongst God’s people. And though we
may cry “Maranatha” (our Lord has come), we echo the words of the
apostle John: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus (Yeshua)”. [Rev 22:20]
It is on the Horizon
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some pictures were updated on this post 2023 - foreboding darkness on horizon |
The words that I heard on August 15 [2018] this year were once again repeated near the end of August (I did not write the precise date, but it was between the days of August 28-30). I noted that it was the second time within two weeks that I heard the same thing, but still, there was no sense of urgency. I simply wrote, “seemingly a second warning”.
On separate occasions I would hear “escalating” repeated, with a couple of mentions of “accelerating”. On September 9, 2018, the Lord spoke into my spirit. For the third time, he repeated the same two words of the first and second warning, but this time more words were added. I wrote them down.
Nearly a month ago (mid-September) I was ready to post my next article, but was halted as a repeat of the words came for a fourth time. One thing I have solidly learned is that the Lord does not waste words. He already had my attention the first time, but now I was beginning to understand the seriousness and intensity of the matter.
As I waited upon the Lord, He wove it together. The warning that I heard my spirit:
● August 15, 2018 – “storm brewing”
● August 16 or 17, 2018 – “escalating”
An uncertain number of times in the couple of weeks between mid to end-August, before the second warning, the word ‘escalating’ kept coming before my eyes and echoing in my spirit. Sprinkled in-between, at least twice, I heard “accelerating”.
● August
28-30, 2018 – “storm brewing”
Repetition of the word, “escalating”; “accelerating” added)
● September 9, 2018 - “storm is brewing” – (and more words added) “…storm is on the horizon”
(Repetition of “escalating”, “accelerating”)
Confusion fell upon me when the Lord added the words about the storm being on the horizon. What, what was escalating? Was the storm that was brewing escalating? What is on the horizon; what is accelerating? I knew not. What exactly was I supposed to say?
Natural Storms
Was the Lord speaking about the hurricane? As I kept writing, days had passed. It was nearing mid-September. By then, Hurricane Florence, which was said to be of catastrophic proportions was all over the news because it was about to make landfall on the eastern coastline of the United States.
Therefore, it seemed redundant then to write the warnings that the Lord had given me. I was too late. I should not have put the message on the back burner, but I had. In my mind, I had determined that by my procrastination, I had failed my Lord. A strong temptation to ‘give up’ confronted me.
Yet, almost as soon as the thought came, the Holy Spirit urged me not to give up, but to ‘go through’. I was given the understanding that it was not about the hurricane. Only days after the Hurricane Florence warnings, alerts about Typhoon Mangkhut (called typhoon Ompong in the Philippines) were sounding.
Typhoon Mangkhut went on to wreak havoc in Hong Kong, southern China and Taiwan. Was the storm that the Lord mentioned the typhoon, if He did not mean the hurricane? Again, as soon as the thought flew across my mind, I immediately understood ‘no’, he did not mean the typhoon either.
I was befuddled. If the storm that the Lord was speaking of was not Hurricane Florence and it was not Typhoon Mangkhut, then what storm is he warning about? His words were becoming stronger in my spirit.
The Lord speaks once, yea twice, but man perceives it not. [Job 33:14]
God has spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongs unto God. [Ps 62:11]
The Lord deepened my understanding. This time my focus was drawn to additional words, which were: “darkness, darkness, foreboding, unprecedented”.
Piecing it together: “There is a storm brewing; the storm is on the horizon. Escalating, escalating…accelerating. Darkness, darkness; foreboding, unprecedented – it is escalating, accelerating. It is on the horizon.”
Now as I go over this article, I insert this fact. Yet another ferocious and powerful, record-breaking hurricane called Michael brought devastation and destruction to Florida. Three storms, two being hurricanes and one being a typhoon, tore through lands, bringing destruction and leaving thousands reeling in the aftermath. Be that as it may, the “storm brewing” that the Lord spoke of were not these.
For some reason, a time that Elijah the prophet experienced came to my remembrance.
And He
said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And behold, the Lord
passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and broke in pieces
the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and
after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the
And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire, a still small voice. [1Kings 19:11, 12]
God still speaks to all of His people today as surely as He always has. It does not mean that what He says to us is scripture, as some people postulate, because it is not. The Word of God (Bible) is written in completion. I thank God for His Word. But just because the scriptures are fully written does not mean that God no longer speaks to people.
Jesus paved the narrow path back to the Father. He sent the Holy Spirit who would teach us and lead us into all truth. Jesus/Yeshua said that the sheep know the Shepherd’s voice. The Lord has never asked me to sound the alarm as strongly as He is now.
Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come. [Jn 16:13]
You Are as Jonah
As it always is with the Lord, everything He says pieces together; it all comes together perfectly. He unfolds (reveals) things perfectly as He planned long ago. So, what did I do? Did I excitedly write down the message and post it as quickly as I could? No, I found a hundred things keeping me busy, sometimes to the point of exhaustion.
Distractions, self-appointed distractions! It was not intentional. In fact, I had not even realized that that was what I was doing until the Holy Spirit brought it to my attention.
If it was not the hurricanes or the typhoon, then what was the warning about? I did not know what I was to say. Besides, the Lord has innumerable earthen vessels speaking forth His words. I reasoned that He could just choose another watchman, or several, to give the message. He likely already has.
But I felt out of His will, and it affected me deeply. Is there any true freedom outside of God’s will? I know that it is only when I am in the will of the Father that I have genuine peace of mind, heart and spirit and absolute freedom. To avoid the unrest in my spirit man, I kept busy…so much to do.
Jesus is such an integral part of me that I still prayed every day, several times throughout the day (in spare moments), but kept on the move. The reading of the Word was not hours as before, but a handful of minutes that I could spare here and there throughout the day.
Now what? Should I be a hypocrite, telling people to read the word, pray, seek God and then do so sparingly myself? What is happening, Lord? I would break out silently sobbing sometimes as I went about my chores or errands. I am never happy outside the Lord’s will.
Then, in my spirit man one day came the reminding words: “Do not give up just before the finish line. Fear not. Press on, go through.” (Ah my Lord…what is wrong with me?) I could imagine the Lord saying, “It took you long enough to ask”, but at the time, He was silent.
About two weeks ago (very end of September 2018), I was minding my own business, looking out the window at the mountains and the lake as I often do when praying…thanking God for many things. Then suddenly, I heard the Shepherd’s voice, “You are as Jonah. Why are you running?”
I think my mouth literally fell open, not only at the suddenness of the words, but at the very question itself. I asked within, “Jonah?! I’m running?! Running from what?” The Holy Spirit was silent, provoking me to think. So, I thought about the story of Jonah. Only - this was personal.
He was a simple man who loved the Lord, but one day the Lord gave Jonah a message, a very stern warning of judgment that would come upon the people of Nineveh unless they repented. Jonah had his reasons for running, such as his hatred for the Assyrians who had committed vicious atrocities against the people of Israel and Judah.
Built by Nimrod, Nineveh had an infamous reputation, as did its rulers and people, who were known to be ruthless, lawless warriors, without mercy, whose violent, brutal savagery (barbaric) made nations threatened by them tremble in fear. Nineveh’s people were prideful, for the wealth and military power of it were well-known. But the Lord called it a “bloody city” (full of bloodshed), “full of lies and robbery”.
Those that they had been slain were so numerous that it is written that they “stumble upon their corpses”. They were known for “dashing the children to pieces”, and ravaging the women”; slaughter was their joy. To the Assyrians, the more vicious and inhumane they behaved, the better. The wrath of God was about to befall Nineveh in Jonah’s day.
Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before Me. [Jonah 1:1]
The Lord rebuked them for the “multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts that sells nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts.” [Nahum 3:1-4]
Yes, Jonah had valid reasons to hate Israel’s malicious enemy, Nineveh, but God had His ways of getting Jonah’s attention. The Lord also has ways of getting our attention, and my attention. But the Lord was not asking me to confront anyone like Hitler or Daesh. He simply was leading me to write a serious and pressing warning to Christians, and anyone else who might wander onto my blog, or who allowed the Lord to lead them.
I surely did not see myself as running, but if the Holy Spirit asks why you are running, then there is good reason for the question. The Lord did not have me swallowed up by a big fish. However, His few words that contained a question overwhelmed and consumed me. I feel like a drowning soul when I am out of the Father’s will, akin to being swallowed up into the belly of darkness.
When a child of light is in the belly of darkness, the Lord does not leave the child there. As soon as repentance is made, darkness vomits that one out as surely as the great fish vomited Jonah.
God raised Jesus alive from the darkness of death. He is resurrected, ascended and soon returning. He will bring anyone out of darkness when that person cries out to Him for help.
With a little research, it is easy to find whether the word “whale” was in the original Hebrew and Greek.
Greek: ketos – a
large sea creature
Hebrew: dahg – sea creatures of undefined species
This is added only to point out that it matters not the kind of sea creature it was. The point is that in God’s mercy and wisdom, Jonah was swallowed up by a great fish, cloaked in darkness for three days.
I was swallowed up by guilt and a nagging conviction. A cloud of darkness enveloped me because I was delaying the giving of the message. Was it the fear of naysayers, fear of those who mock anyone who says, ‘I have a message that the Lord placed in my heart’, or fear that what I was led to present to the public did not come to pass?
Truth be told, it was likely a combination of all of the above. The “busy” distractions carried on, but do not think that I was not ever aware of the message because the Lord had his ways of keeping a thing at the forefront of the mind.
A Gentle Reminder
When we ignore what God has asked us to do, or run in opposite direction, are we not being disobedient? The awareness of that fact was the “cloud of darkness”. In my heart I felt shaken. Whether hidden from my brothers or sisters in Christ or anyone else or not, grieves me because I love him.
As per usual, the Lord’s timing is impeccable. He led me to a word that I had written down years ago, October 2010. Below are excerpts; each bullet point indicates portions that were selected by me from the entire article.
For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing,
whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. [Eccl 12:14; Mk 4:22]
● Do Not Fear the Darkness
When the darkness comes upon you, as you go through the dark season, I shall
shine My light upon your heart and reveal the secret things that you have not
known are there. Fear not; neither be dismayed or confounded. Be strong and of
good courage. I work in the darkness; I work in ways you cannot see.
Your emotional condition is not necessarily your heart condition. Allow this
piercing of the heart, for out of the wound shall pour forth all that festers
and infects you. Surrender it into My hands with genuine repentance, believe
and I shall heal you; you shall have a new heart. I shall shine My light into the
darkness, and shall shine light upon your heart. Then shall you see clearly;
then shall you know my glory in the face of My Son.
● For this is the hour
this is the time
birth forth that which is within you
warrior, a soldier, does not entangle himself in the affairs of life (the
will desire to please the one who chose him to be a soldier
it is written
So it shall be
No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier. [2Tim 2:4]
Those whom I chastise are Mine
if they choose the way of disobedience, satisfying self
so be it –
those whom I love, I chastise
And those
who love Me, obey!
And great shall be their reward
Many shall be their crowns
They who humble themselves in My sight
I shall lift up!
● Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer.
● Who has not gone through these dark times? All My people have
gone through great darkness; yet in great travailing, weeping and praying, they
persevere and go through. In the shaking, your eyes shall be opened and you
shall see all that is not of Me. Will you trust Me through it all?
All that is not of Me shall surface and nothing shall remain secret. Let
it go in repentance and believe in Me. Submit yourself to Me, resist the enemy
who seeks to keep you in bondage and he must flee. I have chosen this furnace
of affliction for you, yet it is for good, as you cling to Me and follow the
leading of My holy Spirit in you. Submit to the work I AM doing and fear not.
(End excerpts)
And that is exactly what the Lord did. He shook me, exposing that which was hidden even from me. He shone his light into the darkness that was keeping me in bondage (from doing His will). It could no longer remain secret. He corrected me (ouch!) Repentance followed. I confess it to my brothers and sisters in Christ so that I may be healed. [James 5:16] Now you know.
So do not be concerned when this happens to you (if it has not already) because it is a good work for good reason. Believe me when I say that right now God is trying the hearts of His people, to prove us, as He always has. [See Deuteronomy 8:2] So, for two weeks, I have been doing my best to get the message together, with the Lord’s help.
(Excerpt below)
● You will feel shaken, horribly shaken, but fear not. Have I not said
that all that can be shaken will be shaken? Yes, you have heard this often and
you have read it in My word.
This is a good work, if you understand the purpose. The dross must be shaken
loose, so it will surface, for dross is skimmed as it surfaces. Your faith must
be immovable. Labor and travail, for it shall not be in vain. Let your labor be
done in fear and trembling. Trust Me.
(End excerpt)
Thus says the Lord, Stand you in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken (listen). [Jer 6: 16, 17]
When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman: If when he sees the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; Then whosoever hears the sound of the trumpet, and takes not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.
He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that takes warning shall deliver his soul.
But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand. [Ezek 33:3-6]
Yom Kippur falls ten days after the Feast of Trumpets. This year I acknowledged Yom Kippur for the first time in my life. I had heard about it before but never knew what it was and never searched it out. However, this year I spent time searching my heart for all that I needed to repent of.
Wouldn’t you know that it was after Yom Kippur and my repentance that the Lord made me aware of my “running” (as Jonah did)? Yet, it was during that time of Yom Kippur that I heard a trumpet sound spiritually. It was a sound of warning.
Many are aware, with their very spirit stirred because they are watching and praying. Those cleaving to the Lord God have eyes to see and do indeed see the signs of the time. The faithful are beginning to discuss it more quickly with each other, thus confirming one to another that which the Lord is speaking.
Now, we must be brave and warn those who slept through the clarion call. It is a time to make our sure choice. There is a separating amongst the flocks of sheep that is taking place, not to be confused with the division in the true Body of Christ that Satan has been responsible for. Yet, we are not ignorant. We are also aware that Jesus said he came to bring a sword.
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. [Mat 10:34-36]
There is division that is the Lord’s doing. He is the original peacemaker and He authors our spiritual peace. But even in the house of God, there is wickedness, apostasy, false doctrines, false teachers and prophets. The truth will bring division. It separates.
It separates the precious from the vile, the holy from the unholy, and to discern the clean from the unclean. [Jer 15:19; Ezek 44:23]
Jesus IS the truth (the way, the life). Yet, even in our own families, there are those who do not believe in or serve God or Jesus. That truth divides families, brings a separation.
There may be those not only in our own household, but those in the house of God (brethren) who follow false doctrines, or go after false signs and wonders. The truth divides. Yes, Jesus did indeed bring a sword.
For the word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow (body, soul and spirit), and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of heart. [Heb 4:12]
(Side note* - Some say that the soul and spirit are the same thing, but the Word of God makes a clear distinction between the two, as seen in the scripture verse above (and joints and marrow are the body). We are a triune being, just as the Lord is. That should help us to see how three completely separate parts are still one. BP2018)
For then shall be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until now, no, nor shall ever be [again]. [Mat 24:21]
For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created to this time, neither shall be. [Mk 13:19]
If we thought the persecution of Christians in Roman coliseums, or the heinous, abominable actions carried out in the Crusades, or the merciless slaughter of millions in the Holocaust were wicked, according to the Word of God, we have not seen the worst yet.
I cannot downplay the urgency, yet, not wanting to be tagged a fearmonger or a ‘doomsday’ alarmist, I did hesitate. It matters not what I want or think. What matters is that God’s will is done.
Obviously, He has more than one voice speaking to a world of over seven billion people, but one voice cannot reach all the people today, even with the internet.
What exactly is going to happen, I cannot say at this time, but I can assure you that we had best be prepared, prayerful and alert, listening carefully to what the Lord speaks to us individually and corporately. That which is coming will shake the nations of the world.
Search the scriptures, both Old and New Testament. See the warnings of what to look for before the terrible tribulation starts. I emphatically believe that we are in the times that Jesus/Yeshua called the “beginning of sorrows” [birth pangs - travailing - pain, sorrow]
Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many. And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation
shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be
famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers (different) places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows. [Mat 24:4-8]
the Restrainer holds back |
“A domino effect” was the expression the Lord used back in 2008. Things will begin slowly, then build momentum (escalate, accelerate), until it all comes crashing down and blows up in our face.
I wrote an article titled, We Overcome on May 26, 2008, but unfortunately, I removed 2008-2012 from my blog and put all the articles on my external. Many articles were lost when the device somehow became corrupted. Yet, the good news is that I still had a written copy. Here is an excerpt containing the first two paragraphs:
Things that
are coming will be as unexpected and as sudden, as a
lost wallet that disappears immediately after a purchase. No amount
of searching will restore it, bring understanding or closure. Many people
will blame themselves. Most will blame others, but the multitudes will
blame God.
People will be suspicious of each other and accusations will arise
beyond measure. Countless will feel helpless and without hope.
Life will be frightening to them and they will not know where to turn.
Hard lessons will be learned. Some will cry out to God and repent
in spirit and in truth. Some will fear for their lives, and betray each other.
(End excerpt)
People will blame and betray each other, with multitudes shaking an angry fist, with a mouthful of curses toward God. The Lord had also spoken about a “domino effect” that slowly begins with just one right push. This is already happening [alignment]. Look at the betrayals of people written about in the daily news.
Look at the whistleblowers, the upheaval in government and public and private sectors filled with accusers, false witnesses, misleading, inaccurate information and lies. Look at the increased hatred toward Christians, as well Muslims and Jews, but also various races (people, not religions).
Witness the division increasing amongst professing Christians. For example, the ordination of homosexual preachers (male and female in many denominations); the music in churches that are becoming more like concerts; the repetition of lyrics, like a mantra, speaking more of ourselves than praising and exalting God or Christ.
Where are we in the ‘domino effect’? We are watching things 'line up' or being positioned. Have skirmishes and outbreaks not been ‘slowly’ keeping us occupied, as one affects the next until one is overpowered?
These violent outbreaks, riots and protests have always been, but the escalation and acceleration of them, the dividing of the people, the racial division being done purposely by government officials - it is all preparation, a precursor to the greater trouble and division coming.
We are heading for the Great Tribulation (the foreboding on the horizon), paradigm shift in the nation that will become the dominant one; the loss of sovereignty, the rise of robots and AI, the coming and revealing of the lawless one that Satan will end up possessing, as the beast system rises up and the Luciferians rejoice that their time has come, and their leader has appeared.
The time is upon us. It is fast approaching. The Lord is revealing. We cannot be apathetic or hard-hearted, but rather we must watch and pray and ask God for increased discernment and direction.
That will mean not leaning on our own understanding and trusting in Him, acknowledging that He is God (Sovereign). That is a tall order for us, since we always have a “need to know” when we do not understand a matter.
We need to warn others of the dangerous and evil days. We must warn them of God's judgment because when it hits, it will be frightening, but the purpose is STILL to have people fall upon their knees in repentance, finally seeing their need for a Saviour and a righteous and holy Leader.
Many are mocking; many are beginning to fall away (it begins with compromise, then deception, sin is a choice; temptation is not a sin - it is a strong effort to make people choose wrongly.) Selah
Repentance and a Testing of the Heart
Adonai has been doing a work in us all along and shall continue, but we are in a season where He has been shining the light on things that may have been hidden or on things that we hid from others [even ourselves], in order to bring us to repentance so that we can be an earthen vessel unto honour.
The purpose of trying the heart at this time is because the Lord is positioning His people. He wants us to know the condition of our own heart, and He is revealing it to us thru hard testing. Just as Gideon’s army had to do, we must trust God despite outward appearances.
Trusting God often means defying logic. Gideon’s straggly remnant of 300 men were the least likely ‘warriors’ chosen for the task, yet they all had the willingness to obey Gideon’s orders. Even Gideon had to defy logic in order to trust in the God of Israel who promised him victory. Obedience...
That was the secret for Gideon and his army of a mere 300 men. Obedience enveloped in trust. They had to go through the motions, convinced that God was the LORD of the battle – so He was and He still is. He gives victory to those who trust in Him, obeying His instructions, despite how strange they may seem, despite outward appearance.
Appointed Time
We have to go through and do whatever the Lord is asking us in this hour. Some of the things He may ask of us will not be easy, but we must believe and trust that He will see us through, that He is Sovereign. I cannot count the number of times that I have had to remind myself, or be reminded, of this very thing – even still.
We are not to do as Jonah did, or as I did, which was to justify within ourselves a reason for going in a different or opposite direction. For me, I was sure that the Lord would just find a more willing and brave messenger. But God’s ways are not my ways; neither are His thoughts my thoughts.
Just as Jonah learned, I had to learn, as we all do. God has a way of getting our attention and teaching and revealing to us not only His Sovereignty, but also the seriousness and importance of doing as He asks us to do.
If only we could fully understand that yes, it is always for His glory, but for our good and the good of many others! Adam and Jesus are two prime examples.
For as by one man’s disobedience (Adam) many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one (Jesus/Yeshua) shall many be made righteous. [Rom 5:18]
He gives us plenty of time to change our mind, with ample warnings, although there will be times that a warning of His alerts us and our action must be immediate. As we see with Adam, our disobedience affects others, but so does our obedience to God’s will, through Jesus the Christ.
Obedience could very well save our life or the lives of others. For whatever reason, if we have run in the other direction as Jonah did, as long as we have breath we can change our mind and repent.
God is not capricious; He does not instantly bring forth His wrath upon us. He is not strict or a tyrant. No, His understanding far surpasses ours and His wisdom sees and knows things that no person has even thought of. May we never take advantage of His grace and mercy! He knows how to reach us, but, as Jonah did, we have to humble ourselves, confess (admit) the error of our actions and obey.
It is we ourselves that find excuses, reasons to delay or justify why we think we cannot accomplish His will or go through that which Abba has planned. I know. I have been guilty of this at times – doubts, fears, “what if”, “how”, “why”… Yet, I strongly caution you that we do not make a habit of such ways. We all have doubts, and that is okay. We need to ponder things and not take everything up on face value.
If we remember what Jesus went through for the sake of mankind and cleave to our Lord during this incredible time of testing of our heart (faith, trust, obedience, love), we will not only overcome that which is not of Him, but we will be rightly positioned to fulfill the destiny He planned for each one of us.
For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the earth. Watch you therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. [Lk 21:35, 36]
Only each individual knows what the Lord is personally instructing them to do. He has all things organized, done in order, and with many things at appointed times. We all have something that we know we must put an end to, to lay down, to let go of, for the glory of Jesus/Yeshua.
[We] can do all things through Christ who strengthens [us]. [Phil 4:13]
When you are strengthened by the Holy Spirit [Eph 3:16], stand on the Rock and offer up the sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise [Psalm 145]. Worthy is the Lamb slain! Speak forth what the LORD has revealed to you through prayer, through scripture, by His Holy Spirit. His will revealed, not ours.
Speak the things the living God tells you to speak, speak His Word - NOT in a manipulative, overriding God's will kind of way, but speak the Word in the Bible as life-giving words, as meat and drink, as flesh and blood. Speak life. Speak healing. Speak restoration. Speak the words written in the Bible as they are written and meant. God's word does not return void. Read the Word aloud - let God handle the rest. Don’t be afraid; be still and know that He is God, not us -- no pressure.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it because it will surely come; it will not tarry. [Hab 2:3]
We are at an appointed time. None of us knows exactly what, or how it will present or how God works it all out, but it is fast approaching and countless are hearing the sound of the trumpet.
Sound the trumpet…and it sounded (spiritually) during the recent Feast of Trumpets, (Rosh Hoshanah), “Days of Awe”. Yom Kippur (which was September 19th this year, 2018) was a serious time for searching the heart and repentance. Let us keep on abiding in Christ and holding fast to love, faith, trust and obedience.
Great Deception and Death
Every word we speak has power when we speak it (NOT as taught by the “prosperity” doctrine [doctrine of devils] teaches). We must believe in Jesus for salvation, being filled with the Holy Spirit, staying in God’s word and prayer, to know His will for us, which never contradicts His word or His character. What we speak has to be God’s will, and it has to line up with scripture (in proper context!).
But for every truth, there are most convincing counterfeits and subtle deception. Discernment must increase in these foreboding days, and we cannot discern to the necessary and keen levels without the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, otherwise we are in danger of being deceived, as Jesus (Yeshua) forewarned.
In this fast-paced, busy world, we need constant reminders, as well as encouragement. When asked by His disciples what would be the sign of His coming (return), and what they should look for in the end days, the very first words out of the Messiah’s mouth were to “take HEED that no MAN deceive you.” [Mat 24:4]
It is understood by all believers (in most, but not all, religions) that we have an adversary, a powerful adversary in the spiritual realm who has all the abilities of manifesting in the natural. That being said, to my understanding, when Jesus warns us not to let anyone deceive us in the evil days (days just before His return), it is because the days will be so filled with darkness that people will be deceiving and killing each other without a second thought.
This is happening now. Many people are in danger of becoming desensitized (some already are) and have a hard time trusting anyone or anything. Horrific crimes do not have the same impact on people as they did even twenty-five or thirty years ago. This has been part of the enemy’s plan all along.
Take heed no man deceive you. It is bad enough to have a strong opponent such as Satan (aka Lucifer) and his armies to contend with, but now we must sharpen our discernment even more so regarding mankind and the spiritual realm. Whether people want to admit it or downplay it, the reality is that we are not just facing some very angry, bitter, untrusting people, (many of whom are already deceived), but now there are creatures that are on this earth that pass as human, but are not.
We not only have to recognize and discern witchcraft (even in many churches), but also discern those possessed by the devil, or Satan who can appear as an angel of light. Now we are aware of those in power messing with genetics, making hybrids, pushing transhumanism, and God knows what else!
Cloning and Hybrids
Remember the hybrids that we read about in Greek mythology or see in movies or carved in stone in many archaeological finds? The word of God says that nothing is new under the sun?
That which has been is that which shall be; and that which has been done is that which will be done: and there is nothing new under the sun. [Eccles 1:9]
Yet, we are convinced we are so advanced. Do you ever wonder why God considered all of His creation was utterly corrupted, so that He saw fit to bring judgment with a flood to cover the earth and destroy everything upon the earth except for eight souls and the animals, birds etc. that were kept on the ark?
Did you ever wonder why God wiped out whole tribes or nations, including men, women, children and animals, if He is a God of love? I know many down through the centuries have asked that question, including myself.
But if
hybrids and clones were being created, thus corrupting creation and making a
mockery of God, it would stand to reason why the Creator of all would carry out
such a severe judgment. “ […] ye shall be as gods,
knowing good and evil.” [Gen 3:5] The
serpent lied, but many still believe him in this day and age.
But why do we need to pray for increased discernment if we are filled with the Holy Spirit? We know that scientists have been secretly making hybrids and clones for longer than we are aware of.
The first publication of a cloned creature was in 1996, when Dolly the sheep was born at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland. Since then 13 other sheep (that we know of) have been successfully cloned.
![]() |
click any picture to enlarge |
First bred in 2016, 4.5 tonnes of salmon were shipped to Quebec, Canada from AquAdvantage© Salmon in 2017. The GM salmon grow twice as large as wild salmon. (profit, profit, profit)
What is interesting is that the news reports all claim that the genetic modification of the salmon did not occur until 2016. However, this video posted by Al Jazeera (English) was posted on YouTube in September 2010, in which it states that one company had been working on it for two decades (late 90s, the same time period Dolly was cloned).
So, we now have ‘fake news’, ‘fake science’, ‘fake food’…next?
mutant cow and pig |
From February 2018, an article was posted on Life News, written by Wesley J. Smith J.D. (Doctor of Jurispurdence – [a graduate-entry professional degree in law; one of several Doctor of Law degrees]). According to the credits at the end of the article, he is a special consultant for “Bioethics and Culture” as well as a bioethics attorney.
The picture posted on the article (posted above here) is described:
"Image is a likeness of a human pig hybrid, not the actual created
Imagine that! It is only a “likeness” (resemblance, similarity) of the
hybrid, but not the actual picture of the one created. (Cameras are likely
forbidden) It certainly looks real enough, ah, but it is “fake”.
Right Person, Wrong Body
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God is NOT the author of confusion-Satan is |
The adversary is blurring the lines and mocking God’s creation with transgenders (transsexuals), bringing about more confusion and angst amongst the multitudes.
Satan wants people to believe that God has stopped being God, that He makes mistakes by putting people in the “wrong” bodies. Satan is the father of lies; the thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy, but God (through Jesus Messiah) came to give us life in abundance. [Jn 10:10]
As of August 31, 2017, Canada introduced passports with a third gender, where a simple X will indicate “unspecified gender” (gender neutral or non-binary gender). However, travelers are warned that not all countries will accept the “X” and urge people to check with officials in the country they plan to visit.
Some of the
countries that accept unspecified gender identity are:
[in alphabetical order]:
* Austria
(Nov 2017)
* Australia
* Canada
(Aug 2017)
* Germany
* India
* New
Zealand (2015)
* Pakistan
(third gender 2009)
* Thailand,
UK (2015)
* USA (it depends on the State).
Travelers have to do their own research.
The technology that exists now is mind-boggling, but I will not get into that here and now. This is only a hint of why we need to pray for increased discernment. The alarm is sounding; the trumpet has been heard in the spiritual realm.
I was in the United States when Obama was elected for his second term. At that very time, the Lord said to me, “Now it begins…” I knew that He meant greater darkness, increased witchcraft and demonic activity, rise in occult followers and much more was coming upon the world, and it surely has. Yet, all that has happened since 2012 is nothing compared to what is coming. It is a Biblical fact.
There is a sense of urgency in the hearts of God’s people, one that demands that we pay attention, to warn others and to keep very close to Jesus in prayer. If it is indeed as in the days of Noah, days that are upon us now, then we can expect that there will be few who pay heed to any warnings or alerts, and carry on with life as usual despite the very evidence of impending judgment being right before their eyes.
It is due in part because of widely-announced failed (dated) prophecies, but it is all part of Satan’s strategies to prepare people for coming of the false Christ, simply known as the Antichrist. After all, he is the author of confusion. His plan is to deceive the entire world so that all will worship and bow to him.
Spirit of War
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Please pay attention-- and pray on this... I am adding these words as of this day, June 9, 2023 - Pray about the 'spirit of war' because there is a desire to bring DOWN North America. The USA - has dominated the world for over 200 yrs. Canada and Mexico are her allies - we are [Canada and the States] seen as one and the same from the East [although we are 'very' different from each other; it matters not to those East]. Pray and ask for the Lord to delay, if He would consider it. Check your lamps for oil; ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart. Because... prophecy in the Bible WILL come to pass but all is in the living God's hands. Revelation tells us one-third of the earth's population dies; [Rev 9:18; Ezek 5:12; Rev 5:9] that could be the West [<< conjecture] - only God knows. I look forward to our Messiah's return - keep looking up to the skies Deception will take place in the skies, but when Jesus returns, people will finally SEE TRUTH... everyone will know - every knee will bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ (Yeshua haMashiach) is LORD - BP |
It troubles me when I forget to put a date on things that I write, but below are words that I wrote sometime last year [2017]. It was brought to my attention in mid-September.
A spirit of war; a spirit of war; a spirit of war… (a spirit of war is upon the nations of the world [physical], but it is also upon all who are committed to Jesus [spiritual]).
*NOTE: I have added 'physical' and 'spiritual' after the posting, so people can differentiate. BP2018
Some of us may feel that others are leaps and bounds ahead of us. They seem so strong in their faith and their walk. They shine as fine specimens of light. Some of us, such as myself, feel like we are so little, awkward sometimes in our standing. But God does not see things as we do.
The clash of the kingdoms has escalated. It is all around us. Not long ago, the Lord led me to an article from November 2016, almost two years ago. This is what He drew my attention to (which is an excerpt from an article written in February, 2013):
As you trust in Me, holding fast to your faith, I shall bring you through. Despise not this furnace of affliction, for again I say to you, this is My will and My great love for you, and I shall bring you through. Though others may think they know the end of a matter, fear not, for they know not My mind, nor can they counsel Me.
Yea let him who is without sin cast the first stone. Now you go deeper, pressing in closer to Me, along the narrow path, learning further obedience by the things you suffer, even unto death. Those whose intentions are pure, will surrender to My hand which does the shaking and they shall endure.
Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered. [Heb 5:8]
I have seen the intentions and motives of your heart, fear not. I love the awkward foal as much as the strong horse.
But He
knows the way I take: when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold. [Job 23:10]
(End of
Did You Feel a Raindrop?
For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. [Mat 24:38, 39]
There is something with the velocity of a storm that is brewing and is on the horizon. It is foreboding and unprecedented. Darkness, darkness…when a thing is repeated by God, we need to pay attention. Is it increased spiritual darkness?
That seems to be a given. Is it increased spiritual warfare? It seems to be sure that it has to do with something that will be perpetuated by man (people), but instigated by Satan. Every nation in the world will be affected, either directly or indirectly.
Daniel mentioned the wearing down of the saints. We certainly have been inundated with warnings the past decade, but they seem to be increasing. But when do the warnings stop?
In the days of Noah, the warnings stopped the day that Noah had all the animals and his family on the ark. Yet even then, it is recorded that God waited seven days before He shut the door Himself, and not even Noah could open it when he heard the desperate screams and cries of the people.
They all carried on with their daily lives, eating, drinking, building, buying, selling, marrying and being given in marriage. It took so long to build the ark that no one paid attention anymore. It is certain that the mockers and the ridiculers laughed heartily at the crazy man who said God told him a flood was coming that would wipe out the entire world.
Then, the day came that a raindrop fell, and another, and another…and all the laughter stopped.
Whatever is coming may be blamed on man, but evil spirits (Lucifer/Satan himself) will be the ones behind it all. I do know that God is trying the hearts of His people now, as stated some time ago. He has been shaking things to expose all that is not of Him, but He is also allowing the testing of our faith, trust and obedience. He will continue; expect increase.
We can be just as those in the days of Noah and turn a blind eye to what we see, and a deaf ear to the warnings we hear, but that would not be wise. If there is something Abba has been leading you to do, do it, even if your flesh resists.
If there is something you need to let go of, let it go. God knows best. Jesus came to set the captives free. If there is anything to repent of, we would be wise to humble ourselves and confess to God, asking for forgiveness.
For a month now, the Lord has kept this warning upon my heart. Now I share it. He instructs us to bring all things to him. He is omniscient (all-wise, all-knowing, all-seeing). His desire is that all should come to repentance. He has always warned people of impending danger or coming judgment.
The urgency and intensity of the matter is to alert God’s people to come into alignment with His will because whatever is coming is going to require faith, trust and obedience. We have a very real adversary walking around, seeking to devour whosoever he can. He comes to steal, kill and destroy.
He targets our weakest areas and brings the strongest, cleverly cunning and most convincing temptations, custom-made for each individual. Satan has been around too long for us to underestimate his wit or downplay his power.
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. [1Jn 4:4]
We are ever learning truth, including the truths of God’s word. But sadly, there are those who call Jesus Lord, but carry on teaching the doctrines of devils, leading many astray. In these dark and perilous times, the Lord is dividing sheep from sheep.
Even among Christ’s dedicated believers, there is a separating going on. This is not about favouritism, or about one being more important than another, not at all. Rather, think about it as Gideon’s army. More will be shared later, in greater depth.
A trumpet has sounded. There is a storm brewing. It is on the horizon. [What is coming]…darkness, darkness, foreboding, unprecedented. The instigators (adversary) are in the spiritual realm, but their deeds will be carried out in the physical realm by deceived people with an agenda, people in power.
They will carry out Satan’s plans, but only as God allows. Biblical prophecy warns us, telling us what signs to look for and what we can expect. We have not been told every detail, but we are aware of the tribulation that the nations of the world will suffer. We will hear and see things that have never been before and shall never be again. It is coming and we see the signs of it beginning now.
The Lord reminded me to look to the skies, adding that there we will see both truth and deception. It will ultimately be our choice what side we choose and what we believe. There is a valid reason that He allows the trying of our heart.
We hear of UFOs and 'aliens' more these days. Why is that? Is it part of a plan for a false flag event, an event that looks real due to holograms, or 3D teleportation? The Lord wants us to be aware that deception will appear in the skies as part of the 'signs and wonders' of the false prophets.
Yet, remember that our Messiah is returning - with the blink of an eye, there will be a 'catching up'. The hearts of God's children beat excitedly whenever we think upon the return of our Saviour, our Redeemer. Check the lamps, dear saints - do you have need of oil? Replenish now - and keep looking up (to the skies) for our redemption draws nigh.
Do you feel that you have been going through intense times, beaten down spiritually, physically tired? Do not think the Lord has abandoned you, or left you in such a condition. He is with you. He promised that you would not be alone (and yes, we do feel alone at times, and at times feel that no matter how hard we try to explain something, no one would understand). But Jesus..
When a sword is being made, the steel is forged, beaten and put through intense fires, only to be immersed forcefully and suddenly in frigid water. The extreme difference in temperature immediately cools the metal. Then it goes back to the fire, more beating and shaping.
This procedure is carried out repeatedly. Upon completion of his work, the blacksmith will put that sword through severe testing, in order for it to be proven dependable and strong enough to be used in the hand of a skilled warrior in the fiercest of battles.
The work God has done in us must be proven if we are to stand strong in the darkness of the approaching storm. We have to be proven as trustworthy and dependable warriors in Christ. Let us be found worthy to the glory of God! The trumpet is sounding, and the sound is certain!
For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? [1Cor 14:7]
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. [Eph 6:13]
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting (excess), and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
Watch therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. [Lk 21:34-36]
In Closing
Given Sept.
9, 2018
You keep looking at the outward appearance, instead of focusing on what I tell you to do. Focus on Me and not the outward…remember Peter when he walked upon the water? Trust means no doubt.
Can you not see? Do you not hear? A storm is brewing – storm is upon the horizon. Things are about to unfold in the natural realm. There is acceleration; things are escalating, escalating exponentially.
It’s time to make a change. You know what to do. You need to follow My instructions for they have purpose and meaning. [see Prov 3:5, 6] Those who hear My will and do it are My mother, brother, brethren. Do you understand? To do My will is the only way for you to succeed (victory). It is the way of true freedom, resting and trusting in Me.
And Samuel said, Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken (listen) than the fat of rams. [1Sam 15:22]
By this we know that we are the children of God, when we love God and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. [1Jn 5:2, 3]
There is an upside to the message…the “appointed time”. Remember, this is about what the Lord called, “the clash of the kingdoms “ (about five years ago). The next portion of this message is written, but I will leave it for now so that I can get this part posted. The warning has to go out, but the Lord is ahead of it all. Nothing takes him by surprise. It is us that need to be prepared.
He has been warning us of very dark times for years, but remember this. In Noah’s day they were warned daily as the man of God continued building the ark. It was a daily witness, a daily statement. God has always revealed things to His people so that we are not caught off-guard. Look at how long ago Jesus warned us about the very days that are upon us.
The Lord is
good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knows them
that trust in him. [Nahum 1:7]
One last thing before I close...and I am unsure what it means. Two numbers have
not left my mind. They were seen the second time after I heard the warning of
"storm brewing".
After writing about dates and how God never gives me such, it is with great
hesitancy that I bring this up, but I feel that I am supposed to. The two
numbers are 11.15
I tried going to a few books in the Bible that had 11 chapters and at least 15
verses, but after about four different books, I put it to rest. There was no
verse that jumped out at me or seemed to link with the message that was upon my
heart. Mind you, as stated, I only looked at four out of the 66 books
What it means I do not know, but I'm just putting it out there. Whether it is a
Bible verse or some other meaning remains a mystery to me at this time. Whether
it is meant corporately or privately, I am uncertain as well.
Perhaps it is personal, but in case it is not, I have now presented it. It
is something that I will continue to ponder, seek the Lord and pray about
Don’t Quit – Part FOUR (4) Just One Stone - Don't Give Up
for His glory
(In reposting this article on June 9, 2023, and in retrospect, since this article was first published on October 17, 2018, I had a strong suspicion that it was a date (November 15).
However, the Lord is not one to give me dates (personally), so I went about looking up scriptures, at the time, but found nothing that jumped out at me. So, I set it aside and forgot all about it, until repost.
When I w the numbers again, and moving on a hunch I searched out the first reported Covid-19 case, which was November 17, 2019 [11.17], not November 15 [11.15].
However, in both reports, it was stated that it was possible the first case was earlier (mid-November – which the 15th is), but both stated no earlier than that.
If that is what those numbers meant, only God knew because I was not given the foreknowledge or understanding of the numbers, only the ‘faith’ and ‘trust’ to post them. So, all glory would belong to God alone.
Two articles spoke of the November dates back in 2020.
[Excerpt from first article]:
Almost 81,000 of the cases occurred in China, mostly in the province of Hubei.
Official statements by the Chinese government to the World Health Organisation reported that the first confirmed case had been diagnosed on 8 December. Doctors who tried to raise the alarm with colleagues about a new disease in late December were reprimanded. Authorities did not publicly concede there was human-to-human transmission until 21 January (2020).
Jonathan Mayer, professor emeritus at the University of Washington’s
department of epidemiology, said it was “entirely conceivable” there were cases as early as mid-November.
(2019) [highlights and emphasis mine: BP]
He said there were three possibilities: that cases weren’t detected at
the time, that they were detected but not recognised as a new disease, or they
were detected and recognised but reporting was suppressed.
“I have no way of knowing which of these possibilities in fact
happened,” Mayer told the Guardian.
[End of first excerpt - SOURCE:]
[Start of second excerpt]:
By fitting an early part of the epidemic curve with the exponential and
extrapolating it backwards, we could estimate the day-zero of the epidemic and
calculated its confidence intervals in Italy and China.
We also calculated how probable it is that Italy encountered the virus
prior 1 January 2020. We determined an early portion of the epidemic curve
representing unhindered exponential growth which fit the exponential model with
high determination >0.97 in both countries. We conservatively suggest that
the day-zero in China and Italy was 8 December 2019 (95% CI: 3 Dec., 20 Dec.)
and 22 January 2020 (95% CI: 16 Jan., 29 Jan.), respectively.
Given the uncertainty of the very early data in China and adjusting
hence our model to fit the exponentially behaved data only, we can even admit that the
pandemic originated through November 2019 (95% CI: 31 Oct., 22
Dec.). [highlight and emphasis mine: BP]
With high confidence (p <0.01) China encountered the virus prior
Italy. We generally view any pre-pandemic presence of the virus in humans
before November 2019 as very unlikely. The later established dynamics of the
epidemics data suggests that the country of the origin was China.
[End of
second excerpt - SOURCE:]
So, the
closest date appears to be either ‘mid-November’ (11.15 [fifteenth of November
2019]), but stated as 11.17 (seventeenth of November 2019, according to
Again, I
had no idea what the numbers meant at the time, although I had thought it was a
date. However, since the Lord never gave me dates in the past, I overrode that
possibility and looked for scriptures with 11:15, but could find nothing that
seemed to fit. I did not search long.
In the
reposting of this article (due to hybrids, cloning, chimeras, and the times we
are NOW in), I remembered what was posted at the end of the article and
searched it out again…as a possible date.
I would now say that the Lord ‘did’ give a date, and that I would trust His date as opposed to ‘officials’, especially since the majority (but shockingly, not all) know the truth about Covid-19. [End update—BP-06.07.2023]
Post – October 17, 2018
in the presence of His glory
Bonita (
UPDATED DELAY ***** I have changed the day two times (of when I will post next).
My apologies -- I have been unwell (two weeks now, but God continues to be my daily strength. He is faithful to remain with us during hard times. Bless the Lord; I exalt our worthy Saviour and Redeemer.
This is Friday, 16th June 2023. Please give me until Sunday, 18th now. I will post the next article. That will end the six-month long series of:
Season of Consequences 2023
Your understanding in the delays, as well as the length of time it takes to write an article is greatly and humbly appreciated. May that understanding be returned to you in a time that you need understanding. Amen
He knows when to be gentle, and He knows when to say: "You are of your father the devil." Some would say that is not love, but I would then say to those who would even have the audacity to think such a thing, let alone verbalize it, that they know not the living God, for He is love.
But He is no milquetoast or trembling people-pleaser. Honesty, integrity, truth - everything good - that is El Shaddai. He knows each person's heart and the best way to handle them; all is between God and each soul. But be forewarned...
God does not play games!
May the Lord minister to every soul that drops by and whether it be encouragement, or whether it be a rebuke, it would be for that person's good, but for the glory of Jesus/Yeshua!
Shalom in Christ
Somehow, some of my articles have been altered by Google's 'bots' (Google owns blogger; it owns this 'free' website), or an American has been hacking into my articles. Why do I say an American?
As an editor and writer, the first clue is spelling. Americans and Canadians spell certain words that are the same, such as 'endeavour' - 'endeavor'; OR 'recognise' - 'recognize'.
Now here is a little trivia that those who know me well enough. "Recognise" is the way most Canadians spell the word with an 's' (British English). However, I have always been an odd bird lol - and I have always spelled recognize with a 'z' (American English).
If you search the sentences up above, you will find the word and the 'wrong' spelling (according to me, Bonita)
This addendum has fractured sentences, added or misspelled words, or words missing from a paragraph. I would not have noticed except that I am using excerpts from this article for a post May 19, 2024. This truly grieves me, as I had just made a decision not to quit writing - after weeks of prayer.
I am beginning to think that either someone really wants me to quit, or my work is being sabotaged to discredit me. May God intervene and allow truth to be bold, and for any deception to be halted, I humbly ask Father, for my sake, but for You to be glorified. Thank You Lord. Amen
Still in shock...this is one of several articles that I have stumbled across (usually when I plan on getting excerpts), where I see dates manipulated, sentences fractured, jumbled words (so that the sentence makes no sense) etc.
Thank the Lord that He has never given me 'dates' in prophetic message. The 'dates' mentioned above would be errors in dates where something is corrected or added to. Can a 'lock' be put on a website, akin to a locking gas cap? lol -BP May 19,2024