(*note - This is a continuation of Part 6. Please read first, if you have not already done so)
Zombie Apocalypse – The Living Dead
There are rumors
circulating about scientists experimenting with the H1N1 and rabies
viruses. A forgotten story put out by the National Geographic Daily news
was called “New, Fast-Evolving Rabies Virus Found—And Spreading”.
The article was written
in 2009 and began by stating:
“Evolving faster than
any other new rabies virus on record, a northern-Arizona rabies strain has mutated to become
contagious among skunks and now foxes, experts believe. The strain looks to be
spreading fast, commanding attention from disease researchers across the United
Now laboratory studies
at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta appear
to confirm that the fox and skunk rabies viruses are mutated forms of the bat
strain.” “This sort of rapid evolution is exactly what worries public
health officials when it comes to all manner of viruses. Virologists haven't
seen such fast adaptation to a new species in rabies before.”
Further on:
“The risk of such a
virulent strain jumping to people "should be a major concern," said
Hinh Ly, a molecular virologist at the Emory University School of Medicine in
Atlanta, who is not involved in studies of the Arizona outbreak.”
There have been
mutations of the rabies virus that had a least one scientist concerned.
National Geographic Daily News wrote an article in 2010 called, “Zombie Virus – Possible through Rabies-Flu Hybrid?”,
where it is stated that a “highly improbable genetic tweak could create mutant
virus”. A hyperlink to the Rabies article is included in the
National Geographic storyline.
Supposedly, it was
written as a fun Hallowe’en story (much like last year’s Zombie Apocalypse propaganda
put out by the CDC), there are interesting details. The link that is
included below to the documentary ‘The Truth Behind Zombies’ has been removed
from the web.
The article states:
“Though dead humans
can't come back to life, certain viruses can induce such aggressive,
zombie-like behavior, scientists say in the new National Geographic Channel documentary The Truth Behind Zombies,
premiering Saturday at 10 p.m. ET/PT. (National Geographic News is part of the
National Geographic Society, which part-owns the National Geographic Channel.)
For instance, rabies—a
viral disease that infects the central nervous system—can drive people to be
violently mad, according to Samita Andreansky, a virologist at the University
of Miami's Miller School of Medicine in Florida who also appears in the
documentary. Combine rabies with the ability of a flu
virus to spread quickly through the air, and you might have the makings of
a zombie apocalypse.” (emphasis mine)
Keep in mind that the
‘new, fast-evolving rabies virus’ was not part of a story presented to hype up
The military training
drills last year involved the Russians carrying out an exercise with American
forces in Colorado.
The Denver Channel wrote:
“A Russian airborne
task force will "exercise with U.S. special service weapons," an
announcement by Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Col. Aleksandr
Kucherenko revealed. The official purpose of the joint training is to
practice airborne tactics and anti-terror operations, such as dropping into a
hostile area and conducting a "terrorist camp raid."
The article goes on to
discuss other military exercises that were taking place on foreign soil, such
as Philippines, which made China uneasy.
It all appears harmless
enough since Russian involvement in the training exercises concluded without
incident and the Russians returned home, all the wiser about American weaponry,
how the American soldiers operate and who knows what else. Sun Tsu, a
famous war strategist and warrior wrote about 'knowing your enemy'. If we can figure this out, then we can safely say that indeed the "governments" (of each country involved) know EXACTLY what they are doing.
However, another
article that was not overly-popular yet disturbing, was an article written by
the Herald Sun in April, 2012 called, “Russia working on electromagnetic radiation guns”.
“WHILE many believed it
to be an April Fool's Day joke, Vladimir Putin has confirmed Russia has been
testing mind-bending psychotronic guns that can effectively turn people into
zombies. The futuristic weapons - which attack their victims' central nervous
system - are being developed by scientists and could be used against Russia's
enemies and even its own dissidents by the end of the decade.
Mr. Putin has described
the guns, which use electromagnetic radiation like that found in microwave
ovens, as entirely new instruments for achieving political and strategic goals.
Plans to introduce the super-weapons were announced by Russian defence minister
Anatoly Serdyukov. While the technology has been around for some time,
Mr. Tsyganok said the guns were recently tested for crowd control purposes.
“When it was used for
dispersing a crowd and it was focused on a man, his body temperature went up
immediately as if he was thrown into a hot frying pan," Mr. Tsyganok
said. "Still, we know very little about this weapon and even special forces
guys can hardly cope with it,'' he said. Research into electromagnetic
weapons has been carried out in the US and Russia since the '50s but it appears
Putin has stolen a march on the US.
Precise details have not
been revealed but previous research has shown that low-frequency waves or beams
can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to
transmit suggestions and commands directly into someone's thoughts. Mr. Putin said the technology is comparable in effect to nuclear weapons but “more
acceptable in terms of political and military ideology''.
Mr. Serdyukov said the
weaponry based on new physics principles - direct-energy weapons, geophysical
weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons and psychotronic weapons - were
part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020.”
Meanwhile, in the other direction, it has also been reported
that a ‘strain’ of Mad Cow disease (brain parasites) could devastate humans if
it was airborne, spread rapidly by touch or through contaminated food.
Nanobot technology which involves microscopic computers can take over thoughts
and all muscle functions. It is said that it can be controlled by
parasitic devices, a technology that has already been developed and
The following link leads
to an article from Associated Press, written October 2012, about the Marines
and police prep for a mock zombie invasion. http://news.yahoo.com/marines-police-prep-mock-zombie-invasion-180541102.html
Personally, on my own (which I now truly believe is the leading of the Lord), I have taken
out the word ‘zombie’ and replaced it with ‘citizen’ (living dead) invasion
because it is quite obvious that the government is preparing for civil unrest
or better stated - civil war.
The American people are the ‘zombies’, the
‘living dead’ that will have to be taken down, with orders to ‘shoot to
kill’. It would certainly validate the 450 million hollow point bullets
plus that have recently been purchased by government agencies. But will that be all, or will it involve sicknesses like those mentioned above, or others?
It is not a 'Zombie Apocalypse that the government is preparing for, but a 'Citizen Apocalypse'. All the warnings, all the signs point to it.
This subject could be
turned into a book and this part is already quite lengthy. However, what
the Lord is opening the eyes of some of us to is the seriousness of the hour we
are in. Israeli authorities have granted the Pope a seat and a certain
amount of control over Jerusalem’s sacred site where it is believed the Lord
Jesus (Y’shua) shared the Last Supper with His apostles.
The lightning striking
the Vatican only hours after the Pope resigned was a sign as far as I am
concerned (time to wake up). President Obama visiting Israel to bring an “urgent
peacemaking agenda” on Nisan 10, the seventh day of tabernacles and 1260 days
after receiving his Nobel Peace prize certainly makes a true believer want to
pick up their Bible and seek the Lord.
I believe the things we are seeing are "signs" from God warning of more severe judgment upon nations (world), for rebellion, pride, treachery, abortions, murder...sins, even witchcraft (demonic forces influencing and perhaps in certain cases, possessing people). Greater judgment coming! Read Bible!
I believe the things we are seeing are "signs" from God warning of more severe judgment upon nations (world), for rebellion, pride, treachery, abortions, murder...sins, even witchcraft (demonic forces influencing and perhaps in certain cases, possessing people). Greater judgment coming! Read Bible!
The deception that is
being carried out ‘in plain view’ by the governments of the world, regarding
experimentation with diseases, global gun control and various, deadly forms of
‘crowd control’ certainly must make us stand up and take notice. They enter wars, lie to their people, betray their allies, bring genocide.
Yet, I
can assure you that that is only the tip of the iceberg. In the event of a civil war (or civil unrest), it will not be like days gone by. Foreign troops are already here. Sleeper cells exist.
Consider the fact that weaponry is far advanced from the days of the civil war of the 1800s. There are drones; sophisticated weapons; communication between leaders and echelons...all very different from the 19th century. We are to be
sober, watching and praying.
If a person cannot see
that we are at the brink of apocalyptic times, then it would be that they are
either blind, asleep or in denial. The Lord has been warning for so many
years, through countless vessels. He has been pleading
with His people to come out from Babylon, repent if there is need of
repentance, die to self and increase intimacy and abiding in Him. We need
to get clear directions from Him, but more importantly, to rest and trust Him
to keep us in the palm of His hand.
No matter which way it
goes...He strengthened Stephen the disciple, His apostles and many others to face what they had to go through. There were those who escaped persecution and death, as
He led to safety. It is appointed unto man once to die, but after that
the judgment. [see Hebrews 9:27]
And shall say unto them,
Hear, O Israel, you approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let
not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither
be you terrified because of them. [Deu 20:3]
Be strong and of a good
courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord your God, He
it is that does go with you; He will not fail you, nor forsake
you. [Deu 31:6]
Whosoever shall seek to
save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve
[Lk 17:33]
And they overcame him by
the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and
they loved not their lives unto the death. [Rev 12:11]
I would do well to heed
these very words myself! Let us prepare our hearts and be obedient to His leading. Shalom in Jesus, precious Y’shua.
Note* Update - February 2014 Link has been disabled as I have removed articles from 2008 - 2012, hoping to post on new website if ever I find the time) -
NOTE* - UPDATE 2015 - Sadly I could not afford the upkeep of the new website that I had called "Time of Revealing" back in 2012/13, so if you click on link, it will show "Time of Revealing" not found - or some such message.
Also, I have lost a considerable number of files that I had removed from this blog and put on an external. The Ransomware Trojan somehow was transferred onto the external and corrupted numerous files before I could remove what was untouched from the damaged hard drive. BP 2015)
Following are excerpts from some of my previous (archived) writings, as led.
2007 (this is also found in The Watchmen Repented post in 2009 - link is below)
There were two men walking. They looked
militant in that they both wore the same clothing; they seemed robotic; without
expression, staring straight ahead. Each held a chained leash in their hand,
which was attached to a collar that was around the neck of a two-headed dragon,
which was straining ahead, angry at the leash and breathing fire. The dragon
was being held back by the men who held it by the leash.
Beside the dragon, walked a third man, but
I could only see his legs from just below the knees and his feet. He moved
alongside the dragon, yet for the most part, he could not be seen, as most of
his body was cloaked in a fire-cloud.
They all were heading towards the East,
from a westerly direction. I sensed that when they reached their destination,
the dragon would be unleashed. The man cloaked with a cloud of fire moved at
the same pace as the dragon, yet did not touch the beast. Neither did the cloud
of fire touch the beast.
(End dream)
Could the above dream from so long ago have
anything to do with Obama going to Israel next month? I remember when I
re-posted this a year or so ago, one reader suggested that the two heads of the
dragon meant two nations. The dragon and men are heading east from the
Or could it be saying where trouble will
start (in America) and spread eastward? OR is it revealing that the West goes against two nations in the East (Middle East), OR is it that he aligns with two nations?
(End excerpt)
The two nations are linked with Satan (the dragon), whether controlled by him or worshipping him by either his name or some other name (a false god) (same) They are holding back the two-headed dragon on a leash, breathing fire (fire would mean destruction...war?) Who is it that walks in the cloud of fire?
Initially, I thought it may be Satan. One reader wrote to me and stated that he thought the one in the cloud of fire was God, who is Sovereign and in control; (guarding the dragon so it's not loosed yet) that it is part of God's plan (allowing this). He may be quite right!
The reader (thank you Stephen) gave me much food for thought. Still, I am unsure of the meaning. Any other input would be greatly appreciated. I had forgotten the dream, but it was recently brought to remembrance.
If the Lord gives understanding to others, please let me know. Thank you
(End excerpt)
The two nations are linked with Satan (the dragon), whether controlled by him or worshipping him by either his name or some other name (a false god) (same) They are holding back the two-headed dragon on a leash, breathing fire (fire would mean destruction...war?) Who is it that walks in the cloud of fire?
Initially, I thought it may be Satan. One reader wrote to me and stated that he thought the one in the cloud of fire was God, who is Sovereign and in control; (guarding the dragon so it's not loosed yet) that it is part of God's plan (allowing this). He may be quite right!
The reader (thank you Stephen) gave me much food for thought. Still, I am unsure of the meaning. Any other input would be greatly appreciated. I had forgotten the dream, but it was recently brought to remembrance.
If the Lord gives understanding to others, please let me know. Thank you
As for me, at this time, I conclude:
[1] God is Sovereign, all that happens He allows - overall, nothing takes him by surprise
[2] I do believe that it involves two nations and that the dragon (Satan) is definitely involved. There are truly evil people in the world who gladly serve Lucifer/Satan.
[3] It is written that horrific times are coming; the world has never seen such things
[4] God's judgment is coming (not to be confused with His wrath)
[5] Because the dragon with two heads was moving from the west and heading east, I believe it involves America and a (Middle) (East) place.
[6] I think I concur with Stephen that the "man in the cloud of fire" that is not touching the dragon but moves alongside IS the Sovereign Lord. Satan is a rebel, a dragon, ferocious, brutal, able to get "out of control" and do "as it wills", but GOD is GOD, fully in control.
I still lack full understanding - 2013
(UPDATE: ... still lack full understanding now as of 2015-2017 (although this dream is from 2007 and first posted in The Watchman Repented), in checking for another article, and coming across this in the search, I decided to update.)
Word from the Lord
Word from the Lord
Draw closer to Me – closer to your Lord and
cease evil doings, that I may give you victory. I, the Lord will work in ways
that you cannot even imagine, but be [ye] holy!
The sin of the great whore [mystery
Babylon] has spread throughout the world. The stench of her has reached My
nostrils. Many countries shall rise up against her, for I shall raise them up!
The day of terror will soon be upon the
people. I will have mercy then on those who obey now [today]: those who depart
from sin and draw closer to Me. I will give VICTORY to those who obey.
Study the word fervently. Write it upon
your heart for it is your sharp sword. I will cause your mind to drink
thirstily [as a dry sponge]. Then I will place My seal upon it and you shall
remember My word. I seal My children with My holy Spirit. I am Yhwh Elohim, the
Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
I, Yhwh call – who shall answer?
I command – who will obey? Who will trust?
Will I come and find faith amongst My
Also on The Watchman Repented (link further below), here is an excerpt:
On May 4, 2009 I awoke suddenly, for I had
seen great fire, great fire as rain – what I call ‘rain fire’, upon the land.
The danger [judgment] is fast approaching (these were the words in my mind).
I went back to sleep, but awoke suddenly
again. This time I had seen an army of fierce, angry skeletons upon horses.
These had weapons – guns and swords. Red light glowed from their eyes (either full of demons or seeing blood in their eyes, perhaps both). Blood is
what they come for –murderers! I fell back asleep and dreamt no more.
When I awoke in the morning, I remembered
the ‘rain fire’ and the ‘skeleton riders upon horses’ and that ‘blood is what
they come for – murderers’. I pondered it, thinking the rain fire may be from a
volcano or worse, nuclear war.
What kind of fire spreads over the land like rain - rain fire?
Would it be safe to conclude that it means war (guns/swords), as fire "rains" upon victims (rain falls from the sky, either from on high or close to ground)? If so, they will slaughter many, massacre, possible genocide.
Would it be safe to conclude that it means war (guns/swords), as fire "rains" upon victims (rain falls from the sky, either from on high or close to ground)? If so, they will slaughter many, massacre, possible genocide.
I sensed strongly that both short dreams
revealed war, and that the skeleton riders upon horses were spiritually dead [men],
and they were full of hatred. They would slay many. I do not understand the "rain fire", not yet. I opened the Word of God
and came upon the following…
And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the
earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden without the
city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the
space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. [Rev 14:19-20]
From there, I went to chapter 18 of
revelation and read.
And I
heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be
not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and
God hath remembered her iniquities. Therefore shall her plagues come in one
day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with
fire: for strong is the Lord God who judges her. [Rev 18:4-5; 8]
(A thought - maybe the skeletons represent those who are possessed, or a super-soldier, a manchurian candidate, or nanotechology, so much technology that it is almost unlimited what the government is capable of achieving...
BUT the more pressing thought: who has guns and swords? who rides upon horses? The symbolic skeletons upon horses means that whoever they are - they bring much death! I believe it also means that they are spiritually dead - they do not follow after Jesus/Y'shua)
JUDGMENT? Could the "rain fire" be fire that rains upon the land as judgment, to turn hearts back to God when people realize their powerlessness? In Amos, chapter 1, the Lord said, "For three transgressions...for four"; then FIVE times..."I will send fire upon [...]". It would rain down on places.
Amos mentioned Damascus, Gaza, Tyrus (Lebanon), Temon (ancient town, Arabia Petraea, in Edom - Middle East) and Ammon (east of the Jordan)...then Amos chapter 2, fire upon Moab (ancient Palestine) and Judah. Will fire fall on these lands (again) or other lands, or both, as it is an example that God sends fire upon lands as part of His judgment?
And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire and brimstone. [Ez 38:21]
Great fire upon the lands would bring death, hence 'skeleton riders'.
I still do not have full understanding of all of this; it has not been given me yet. There are different ways that it can be interpreted.
BUT the more pressing thought: who has guns and swords? who rides upon horses? The symbolic skeletons upon horses means that whoever they are - they bring much death! I believe it also means that they are spiritually dead - they do not follow after Jesus/Y'shua)
JUDGMENT? Could the "rain fire" be fire that rains upon the land as judgment, to turn hearts back to God when people realize their powerlessness? In Amos, chapter 1, the Lord said, "For three transgressions...for four"; then FIVE times..."I will send fire upon [...]". It would rain down on places.
Amos mentioned Damascus, Gaza, Tyrus (Lebanon), Temon (ancient town, Arabia Petraea, in Edom - Middle East) and Ammon (east of the Jordan)...then Amos chapter 2, fire upon Moab (ancient Palestine) and Judah. Will fire fall on these lands (again) or other lands, or both, as it is an example that God sends fire upon lands as part of His judgment?
And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire and brimstone. [Ez 38:21]
Great fire upon the lands would bring death, hence 'skeleton riders'.
I still do not have full understanding of all of this; it has not been given me yet. There are different ways that it can be interpreted.
Skeleton Army and Exodus (below is from a lengthy report on dreams and visions posted in July 2009 - The Watchman Repented
Note* Update - the link has been removed for above article February 2014. All articles from 2008 - 2012 have been removed to put on another website.
May 24, 2009 I had a dream. I heard a great thundering. As I turned and looked
in the direction of the sound, I saw an army riding horses; skeletons [yes,
again] riding towards me. In the dream, I thought I was done for, but they rode
right past me.
heard more thundering. Looking, I saw more horses with skeletons riding them,
but these ones were armored. Their faces were seen through their helmets or more like some kind of covering on the face. These
too rode past me.

a possible friend appeared, grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a vehicle. Driving,
I asked, ‘Where are we going?’ ‘Shush’, my friend said. I noticed all
the traffic was going in the opposite direction, yet somehow I knew I was being taken in the right direction, the way was clear of traffic and obstacles.
(Ponder - How often does the Lord direct our steps in a way that is the exact
opposite of what the world is doing, or in a way that seems foolish to
most people?)
But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to
confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound
the things which are mighty; And base things of the
world, and things which are despised, has God chosen, yea, and things which are
not, to bring to nought [nothing at all] things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence.[1Cor 1:27-29]
now brings me up to the 7th day of June, this year of 2009
[I have shared dreams, visions, words which I was led to share in this article]
On the 7th day of June, this year, I was looking out the window, taking a break. It was my 7th day of a fast. In my spirit man, I heard the Great Spirit Chief, the Almighty Lord God, Yhwh Elohim say, ‘I AM the Lord God of Israel. I am here. See the stone rolled away? I am risen.
overcome by My BLOOD and the WORD of your testimony. [Rev12:11]
I AM the Word, come in the flesh and I live in you. Obedience now is crucial.’
I listened to His voice within, I looked up into the sky, at the clouds and I
began to see things. Following the prompting of the most Holy Spirit, I grabbed
paper and a pen.
is coming to America.’ I saw in the clouds women and men wailing,
full of confusion and fear. I saw many being wrongly
imprisoned. I saw a woman huddling with a child in a protective manner (children murdered) and I
saw great death, and a famine.
who wear black will soon become a common sight all over the place. They are as wolves; men
who are possessed or controlled by demons.’ There were multitudes
homeless and being ‘rounded up’; grouped together.
saw the death rider with a scythe in his hand. ‘He shall sweep over
the land.’
saw great waters coming. I saw smoke of massive volumes. I saw angry,
disgruntled leaders filled with hatred. Soon there shall be the
manifestation of the leader who appears as one of ‘light’ [appears as Christ],
yet he is opposed to Christ.
He is arising. He is here. He is not white-skinned (neither is he black, more like olive skinned or tan). He will give fair speeches and seem as a ‘god’ to many.
He is arising. He is here. He is not white-skinned (neither is he black, more like olive skinned or tan). He will give fair speeches and seem as a ‘god’ to many.
saw great masses of people fighting amongst themselves, betraying
each other. I saw chaos and mayhem. It seemed as though there were two
separate wars; one amongst people within the same nation;
and another where ‘nations’ were coming against ‘a
I sensed the USA will come under attack; but it broadened, spread into Canada and southerly into Mexico, and beyond (South America? not sure, just that it spread further in some direction). It most assuredly consumed (greatly affected) North America.
I sensed the USA will come under attack; but it broadened, spread into Canada and southerly into Mexico, and beyond (South America? not sure, just that it spread further in some direction). It most assuredly consumed (greatly affected) North America.
were places of safety, shelter. There were angels commanded by God to
lead and protect His people…some appeared as mere men. Many will die - there is an appointed time for us all. We will be protected up until the appointed time.
within me, I heard, Give up all forms of lust [lust of eyes, lust of flesh,
pride of life] and frivolous spending. Do your part and I will do Mine. Look to
Christ. My angels are all around you.
Me as I direct your steps. My angels go forth at My command. It is time to
arise in willing obedience and DO. Lo, I am with you. Trust and hold fast to
your faith, for without faith, it is impossible to please Me, for he that comes
to Me must believe that I AM, and that I am a rewarder of those who diligently
seek Me. [Heb 11:6]
written in
service to the King †
And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under
the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I
saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sits upon
the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.[Rev 5:13]
My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart makes
a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because you have heard, O my soul, the
sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war [Jer4:19]
July 19, 2009 – 11:14 am
The Word of the Great Spirit
Chief, Yhwh Elohim, speaks strongly to those who have an ear to hear. How great is the faith and love of their
King: beyond human scope and comprehension.
With all the ‘warnings’ sounding
in the ears, and ‘wonders’ and ‘strange happenings’ before the eyes, which
causes all, (all encompassing) from the greatest to the least to be
perplexed and murmur. Those who hear;
those of the true Body will not fear, for the Head (the King) speaks words of
wisdom, understanding and counsel.
He confides secrets to His (saved, Holy-Spirit filled) people, speaking of that which is (now) and that which is to come. He utters wise
counsel; He speaks forth direction and guides their steps by what He
commands. The wise and obedient give ear
and obey. Their faith goes into
action and their strength is in the high and holy One, who is their Chief; their
Commander, Jesus. (Y'shua)
April 5, 2009 [04/05/09] 11:11 am -- A Word from the Lord
The trying [testing] of your FAITH will come in many
forms. Just as Abraham, it will seem
more than you can bear at times, but obedience came through all you
Now comes a trial to see if it
is pure. Yea, at times, you may wonder,
‘Did the Lord really ask that?’ Your
flesh will bring doubt; Satan would join in with adding fear…’What if it wasn’t
God, won’t I be a fool?’ I speak once,
yea twice, but men perceive it not. Ask
me to confirm and I shall, for I tell you to test the spirit to see if it is of
Me or not. I will not go against My
written word.
It is being [and has been] drilled into your spirit to seek
Me in all things, no matter how trivial.
Come and STAY in My presence, even if the flesh screams a hundred
reasons why you can leave. You will know
when it is time to go about your business.
Think upon Jesus your Messiah in the Garden of Gethsemane.
He left only to see if His disciples were obeying Him to watch, and pray, yet
he found them asleep three different times.
Disappointed but not undaunted, He returned to cry out alone to Me. His flesh resisted so profoundly; so great
was His travail and earnest that He sweat drops of blood. To bear all the sins of the world - who could bear it, but He? For this reason, Christ came.
Have you come to that point in My presence, where flesh
cries out for release? It is true that
many of you have perspired as you travailed, but not to the point of sweating
blood. Wait upon Me and your flesh will
be in awe in My holy presence.
Perseverance has its rewards.
Some of the hardest battles that a warrior endures are those he fights
alone. To pick up your cross and die to (deny) self is one of those lonely battles. Cry
out to Me. I will strengthen you to
endure in the crucifying of fleshly desires and sin.
My resurrection power will not only restore you spiritually, but
indeed, I shall be glorified through you, as Christ Jesus takes His proper
place upon the throne of your heart and soul. Yes, Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Who calls out for repentance, warning of the
second death in the lake of fire?
Who tells the wicked to forsake their ‘way’ and the unrighteous man his ‘thoughts’, saying, Turn to Me and I will have mercy on you; and to your God, for I will abundantly pardon [Is 55:7] In this (My mercy, My cleansing and sanctifying), I shall be glorified in you.
Who tells the wicked to forsake their ‘way’ and the unrighteous man his ‘thoughts’, saying, Turn to Me and I will have mercy on you; and to your God, for I will abundantly pardon [Is 55:7] In this (My mercy, My cleansing and sanctifying), I shall be glorified in you.
If you are now hearing to seek Me, then there is still
time. Woe unto those who seek Me NOT,
whilst there is the call sounding so loudly. For when judgment comes, they shall
fear, for they shall be found wanting. Their idols will not save them.
The (spiritual) death angel will bypass only those with the blood of the Lamb [Jesus
the Christ and Messiah] – yea, His holy blood upon the windows of their souls and the doorposts of their hearts.
For the time of a new exodus is here. Multitudes will begin exodus spiritually [to
come out of Egypt, [and] Babylon], whilst many [but not all] will begin a physical
exodus (this word shall be upon all the nations of the world). How will you know what to do
unless you seek Me, willing to obey?
Diligently seek Me while I may be found; call upon Me while I am near
[Is 55:6]
Shake yourself from the dust, arise and sit down, O
Jerusalem: loose yourself from the bonds of thy neck, o captive daughter of
For thus says the Lord God, My people went down aforetime into Eygpt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause.
For thus says the Lord God, My people went down aforetime into Eygpt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause.
Now therefore, what have I here,
Says the Lord, that My people is taken away for nought [nothing]? They that rule over them (My people) make them ‘to howl’ (great anguish and sorrow);
says the Lord and My name continually every day is blasphemed.
Therefore My people shall know My name; therefore they
shall know in that day that I am He that does speak: Behold, it is I. How beautiful upon the mountain are the feet of he that
brings good tidings; that publishes peace; that brings good tidings of good;
that publishes salvation, that says unto Zion, thy God reigns.
Your watchmen shall lift up their voice: with the voice
together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall
bring again Zion. The Lord has made bare
His holy arm; in the eyes of ‘ALL THE NATIONS’: and all the ends of the earth
shall see the salvation of our God.
God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship Him in spirit and in truth[Jn 4:24]
God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship Him in spirit and in truth[Jn 4:24]
Listen carefully to Me and you will know in your spirit
what is required of you to do. For as with
the old, so with the new, for I am the same yesterday, today and forever. First the inside of the cup must be cleaned,
then the outside. First the beam must be removed from your own eye, then you can
see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother’s eye.
Depart ye, depart ye, go you out from there, touch no
unclean thing, go ye out of the midst of her [Egypt and Babylon], be ye clean that
bear the vessels of the Lord. For you shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight
[flee], for the Lord will GO BEFORE YOU (when you leave), and the God of Israel will be your re-reward. [Is 56:8, 10-12]
Behold my servant [Jesus the Messiah] shall deal prudently,
He shall be exalted and extolled and held very high. So shall he sprinkle MANY NATIONS; the kings
shall shut their mouths at Him; for THAT which had not been told them ‘SHALL
THEY SEE’’ and THAT which they had not heard, shall they consider [read Isaiah
chapter 52]
The ways of Babylon have invaded My ekklesia; yea, but they
who seek Me, them shall I save for I have called them out, as they sought
Me. My ekklesia, My people will assemble
in chosen places.
Letter of Instruction - Sealed by the King
Letter of Instruction - Sealed by the King
The righteous perish, and no man lays it to heart; and
merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away
from the EVIL TO COME. [Is 57:1] … Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way,
take up the stumbling block out of the way of My people.
For thus says the high and lofty One that inhabits
eternity, whose name is Holy, ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, with him
also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the
humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
For I will not contend forever, neither will I be wroth,
for the spirit should fail before Me and the souls which I have
made. I have seen his ways and will heal
him; I will lead him also and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners. [Is 57:14-16]
Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice as a trumpet, and
show My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. Yet they seek Me DAILY and delight to know My
ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of
their God: they ask of Me the ordinances of JUSTICE: they take delight
in approaching to God [Is 58:1-2]
Is this not a fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands
of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and
that you break every yoke? Is it not to
deal your bread to the hungry, and you bring the poor that are cast out to your
house? When you see the naked, that you cover him, and that you hide not
yourself from your own flesh?
Then shall your light break forth as the morning, and your
health shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you,
the GLORY of THE LORD shall be your rereward. Then shall you call, and [I] the
Lord shall answer and shall say, Here I am.
If you take away from the midst of you the yoke, the
putting forth of the finger [pointing fingers] and speaking vanity, and if you
draw out your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul: then shall
they light rise in obscurity and thy darkness be as the noonday [Is 58: 6 -10]
And I, the Lord shall guide you continually and satisfy thy
soul in drought, and make fat thy bones, and you shall be like a watered
garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.
And they that shall
be of you shall build the old waste places, you shall raise up the FOUNDATIONS
[Yhwh, the Rock - Christ Jesus the cornerstone] of many generations, and you
shall be called, the repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
[Is 58:11-14]
Repent of all that is not of Me, and delight in seeking Me,
so shall you call your walls Salvation; and your gates Praise. I
the Lord shall be to you an everlasting light, and I shall be your glory.
I say…Go through, go through the gates, prepare ye the ways
of the people, cast up, cast up the highway, gather out stones, lift up a
STANDARD for the people.
Behold the Lord has proclaimed to the end of the world, Say
you to the daughter of Zion: Behold, thy salvation comes; behold His reward is
with him and his work before him. And
they shall call them redeemed, The holy people, The redeemed of the Lord and
you shall be called SOUGHT OUT, A city NOT FORSAKEN. [Is 62: 10-12]
I have stayed with you through the false labour. Now is the time to bring forth.
Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, o daughter of Zion
like a woman in travail: for now shall you go forth out of the city and you
shall dwell in the field, and you shall go even to Babylon and there shall you
be delivered, there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies. [Micah
Now also many NATIONS
are gathered against you that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look
upon Zion. But they know NOT the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand
they His counsel, for He shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor [wheat
into the barn]
NOW is the time to bring to fruition all that I have told
you I would do. It is simply a matter of obedience fulfilled. You know what has been required of you. Delay no longer; thus I command you.
April, 2012 -
For a warrior cries many
tears in silent seclusion, far from the battlefield. Yet, the warrior will rise up again,
strengthened by time with Me. How long
is the steel forged and beaten to make sure that the steel is not too soft or
too brittle?
The hammering drives out
impurities. From the making of the
steel, to the proper time to remove it from the fire, to the forging and
hammering, to the cooling in the waters at just the right time, indeed, much
goes into the making of a fine sword.
(The WORD of God [YHWH/YHVH] is a mighty weapon when used as it was meant to be, and for the purpose in which it was lovingly forged.)
for His glory
penned by Bonita dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com