The Sleight of Hand In Deception
to them that are of a fearful heart, Be
strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with
vengeance, even God with a recompense; He will come and save you. [Is
that has clean hands and a pure heart; who has not lifted up his
soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully: He shall receive the blessing
from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. [Ps
sought the Lord and He heard me, and delivered
me from all my fears. This
poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps round about them that fear Him, and delivers them. O
taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusts in Him.[Ps 34:4; 6-8]
The purpose in placing these scriptures first, before I
get into more about deception, is to help the reader keep focus on the Lord, just
as He instructed us to do in a word over a month ago (a reminder later on), but it was not the
first time Father exhorted me (us) to
focus on Jesus.
It does not mean that we are consciously thinking about
the Lord 24/7, just as we do not think every moment about our most beloved ones
every second. They are with us in our hearts, always, but not every thought is
upon them. We get busy in our work or focused on something we are doing that is
important to us at the moment.
The Lord does not mean every single thought is only Him
when He requires us to keep focus on Him. He’s a realist. When the warriors in
the past such as Joshua, Gideon, David et al, were in battle, they knew they
would have the victory. The Lord would tell them aforetime and they trusted His
word to them. However, in the battle, their focus was on the fighting.
It is when our circumstances overwhelm us (as they did many of God’s people in the past),
such as Moses, Elijah, David, Peter and numerous others, the Lord exhorts us to
shift our focus from our overwhelming circumstances and to have faith in Him,
linked with trust.
Yes, it can be hard, especially when the waves of the storm
(hardships) are beating against your
face, the wind is whipping your hair around your face and your heart and soul
is filled with shock and astonishment. Fear (of unknown) pounds, without mercy, at the soul’s door.
God knows that when His people look at the
circumstances in the midst of a storm, fear and doubt will threaten to overcome
them, but when we focus on Jesus (with
thanksgiving and praise – just the fact that He is with us, as well as the
truth that He still calms the storms), the peace that passes all
understanding overtakes us. Astounding how it works!
I have not had much time to go through all the files
yet. It was back around 2010 that the Lord was teaching me about focus, and the
Holy Spirit took me through various stories in the Holy Bible. I remembered the
Lord urging His people (and me) to
focus on Him. Below are excerpts from that piece.
[Excerpt] 2010
this well – It is worth repeating. I have not given you a spirit of fear, but
of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. [2 Tim 1:7] Focus
on Me. Look to Me, for I will
gather you in My arms, My precious child. Though darkness looms all around, I AM the light that dispels it.
lessons and the tests are most intense, yet they are necessary to strengthen
you, for great evil approaches and shall soon manifest in grand measure. You see the signs. You know My signature. I
want you prepared and strong.
is why I tell you to cast off all fear, doubt and unbelief. I do not do My work
around fear and unbelief. These enemies are not from Me, nor are they sent by
Me. Do not allow these things to cause you to sin, but rather lift up your
shield of faith.
your two-edged sword and use it to come against the enemies of the cross and
the enemies of Christ, which are also your enemies, for you are My child. My blood conquers all. Stick to the
basics; keep upon the ancient path and follow [obey] My commandments.
ancient path is the narrow way; the ancient path is the path that My Christ
trod along. He is indeed the One who paved the way. He IS the way, the truth and the life. Few
there are who travel it to the end and fewer still enter in at the strait gate.
Do all you have learned through the Word
and by My Holy Spirit.
[End excerpt]
In an article called “Baptism
by Fire”, written February 2013, the Lord again spoke about
focusing on Him. I have already shared an excerpt from it in the last section
of this writing, but I will repeat one sentence here from that piece.
focusing on Me instead of the fire, instead
of the circumstances and those that threw you into the fire, then you
can rest, knowing that I AM indeed walking with you through this fiery time. [End]
We can lose our focus and be consumed by the
circumstances. It is not as easy as it sounds sometimes and the Lord knows
that, which is why in His grace and wisdom, He is ever reminding us.
I think all believers can be as Peter, all of us! I’ve
often felt a kinship with Peter. Of course, it’s possible that it is because my
last name (Petroff) means “Peter’s son”, when translated from the
original language. My last name is Bulgarian, but it is apparently also
Russian. (Don’t hold that against me; I
am brethren) Lighten up, my friend!
The scriptures also serve as a tender reminder to the
reader that we serve a Sovereign God who is for all us and not against. He will
keep reminding us through His precious and Holy Spirit to “be strong” and “fear
not”. It is really quite simple
– keep your faith in Him, trust His lead and obey it! (Many stop at faith and
trust – obedience rubs many negatively.)
We can complicate things, or rather, our flesh, aided
by the enemy, can and does. Yet, did
Jesus not say we are to be as little children? Little children listen, trust
their parents and obey. It really is that simple. O Lord, help us to be as
little children, and keep our first love. It’s okay. I have been learning right
alongside the rest of you who hunger for truth!
God our Father, the Great Spirit Chief has also
exhorted us to:
Trust in the Lord
with all your heart and lean not to
your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him (obedience) and He will direct
your paths (promise). [Prov 3:5, 6]
In revealing certain things in these articles, it is
most assuredly not to promote fear, but instead to promote trust in God and in
His Word, and to make the reader aware (if
they are not already) of the evil and deception operating behind the
scenes. Yes, we know that ultimately it is Satan and his fallen angels.
you would be surprised how many downplay the fact that we have a very real
adversary. “Resist the devil and he will
flee”, they say, never even acknowledging the fact that Jesus himself had
to speak much scripture to the devil in the desert wilderness. They also leave off the first and very important 'first' part of that scripture, which is written: "Submit to God". [Jam 4:7]
If you do not believe that, look at all the different
temptations (hunger, lust, suicide,
covetousness, greed, wealth, kingdoms) Satan presented to Jesus (Yeshua) before he ‘finally’ left
‘for a season’.
For a season means, “I’ll be back” – and he did come back through Judas, the one who betrayed the Lord, and through the Pharisees, scribes,
all the counsel and false witnesses that succeeded in crucifying Him, but
little did they know the God who would resurrect His anointed Son from the
clutches of death and the grave!
Indeed! But Satan is forever influencing, manipulating,
lying to and deceiving even those who are loyal to him and to his wicked, evil plans.
Remember how Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, if He would
only bow down and worship him? [Mat 4:9]
This is Yours, Just Bow and Worship Me
The devil is still making such offers (of kingdoms, wealth and power) to those
who heed his lies. All one has to do is to bow (in false humility) and worship Satan. He appeals to the carnal
nature and has the power to provide these things through trickery (deception), crooked ways (steal), murder (kill), and oppression (destroy).
thief comes not but for to steal, and to kill and to destroy: I am come that
they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
[Jn 10:10]
Wealth, or money in itself is not evil, but the love of money is indeed the root of all
[kinds of] evil.
the love of money is the root
of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith,
and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. [1Tim
Satan sets cunning traps to ensnare people and lead
them away from Jesus Christ through their pride, arrogance, various lusts (sexual, greed, power etc), and yes,
weaknesses (lust of flesh, lust of eyes
and pride of life). Wealth makes many friends… [Prov 19:4]
The real war is between God and Satan, and ultimately
as a result, it is now for the souls of mankind and where they will spend
eternity. The lake of fire was originally created for Satan and his fallen angels,
but since the fall of mankind through Adam and Eve, it is now also for those
who are not reconciled back to God (salvation),
only through Jesus the Christ.
All that the Holy Scriptures forewarned us of for the
last days is coming to pass now. Wicked and evil people are being used as pawns
by Satan to deceive the whole world, unaware that they themselves are deceived.
he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows
to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
[Gal 6:8]
Satan uses the pride, arrogance and greed of men (even sexual ecstasy or freedom from
loneliness fulfilled) to trap them with empty promises of their own
kingdoms, wealth, and even world dominance, along with the power and glory that
would come from such things.
These are those who believe Satan’s signs and lying
wonders. The deceived do not know that they are deceived until they are out of it. It helps to humbly pray
for “all truth – no matter what”.
Pride is powerful. Lies, misunderstandings, temptations and empty promises
are a few of Satan’s favourite strategies to divide God’s precious saints. “Empty” because there’s always a catch!
The Holy Spirit taught me (after I was given a dream, which I posted called, “The Two
Christs”) that everything, and every voice we hear in our spirit, must be filtered through the
precious and costly blood of the
Lamb. It is not some ‘magic formula”. Lies cannot penetrate
truth, any more than darkness can penetrate light!
Satan (the master
ventriloquist) knows how to counterfeit the voice of our Lord, and yes,
even our own mind can mimic Him. Ah, how we must truly and most humbly pray
that everything is filtered through Christ’s blood.
We must acknowledge the fact that Satan was once the
anointing cherub covering God’s throne before his pride (along with arrogance and hatred) caused him to rebel. His wisdom comes from the reality that he saw and knew
God, majestic and mighty Creator, face to face.
Mankind cannot see God’s face and live, for the
fullness of His power and glory (His holiness) would consume our flesh. When we humbly stand
on this truth, walking in His will in obedience, with gladness and
thanksgiving, God will indeed disallow deception. It comes right back to faith
and trust, as a little child.
HOWEVER, I am not God. What if He allowed Satan a brief season, or a moment, where the adversary (Satan) did manage to deceive us? Satan was allowed a season with Job. It was incredibly hard on Job and he did not understand; neither did his friends. ("Confess the sin you're hiding, Job and God will relent..." was their basic council to him. They were wrong.)
Look at Peter. One moment Jesus (Yeshua) was praising Peter saying that what he spoke was revealed to him by God in heaven alone, and then minutes later, Jesus was rebuking "Satan" who was speaking through Peter (when Jesus spoke of how he would die, and Peter said he surely would not die).
There is an exhortation to "try" or test every spirit to see if it is of God. Satan uses scripture. Satan mimics God and counterfeits things. He is the master of deception and illusion, the father of lies, a murderer from the beginning.
His hatred toward God, his pride and rebellion so strong, that he seeks to defile, corrupt and/or destroy all of God's creation, but most particularly, God's treasure, which is mankind. So great was God's love for mankind that He did not destroy us after the fall in the Garden. He did not wipe everyone out with the flood, but found eight to save alive in the ark.
To top it all off, He sent His Word, which became flesh (Jesus-Yeshua) and dwelt among us. [Jn 1:14] The enemy may be allowed to deceive us IF we neglect to try every spirit or go to God in prayer about things. However, IF it is allowed, it would be a quick lesson, a hard lesson, but God would bring us out. Deception's destructive. Satan came to steal, kill and destroy.
We have to start putting into practice what the Word of God says..."try (test) every spirit to see if it is of God" and "be instant in prayer". We all forget...I have, but with the way the world is going, we need to do this even more, no matter how insignificant or innocent a thing looks or appears to be.
If and when such happens, we repent, and learn from it. Our Father loves us and His instructions are to protect us. Some do not know better (new believers) and perhaps unknowingly walk into deceptive doctrines.
HOWEVER, I am not God. What if He allowed Satan a brief season, or a moment, where the adversary (Satan) did manage to deceive us? Satan was allowed a season with Job. It was incredibly hard on Job and he did not understand; neither did his friends. ("Confess the sin you're hiding, Job and God will relent..." was their basic council to him. They were wrong.)
Look at Peter. One moment Jesus (Yeshua) was praising Peter saying that what he spoke was revealed to him by God in heaven alone, and then minutes later, Jesus was rebuking "Satan" who was speaking through Peter (when Jesus spoke of how he would die, and Peter said he surely would not die).
There is an exhortation to "try" or test every spirit to see if it is of God. Satan uses scripture. Satan mimics God and counterfeits things. He is the master of deception and illusion, the father of lies, a murderer from the beginning.
His hatred toward God, his pride and rebellion so strong, that he seeks to defile, corrupt and/or destroy all of God's creation, but most particularly, God's treasure, which is mankind. So great was God's love for mankind that He did not destroy us after the fall in the Garden. He did not wipe everyone out with the flood, but found eight to save alive in the ark.
To top it all off, He sent His Word, which became flesh (Jesus-Yeshua) and dwelt among us. [Jn 1:14] The enemy may be allowed to deceive us IF we neglect to try every spirit or go to God in prayer about things. However, IF it is allowed, it would be a quick lesson, a hard lesson, but God would bring us out. Deception's destructive. Satan came to steal, kill and destroy.
We have to start putting into practice what the Word of God says..."try (test) every spirit to see if it is of God" and "be instant in prayer". We all forget...I have, but with the way the world is going, we need to do this even more, no matter how insignificant or innocent a thing looks or appears to be.
If and when such happens, we repent, and learn from it. Our Father loves us and His instructions are to protect us. Some do not know better (new believers) and perhaps unknowingly walk into deceptive doctrines.
God alone brings those who seek truth out of deception.
This sometimes takes a few seasons, as God desires to teach His children in
ways that will be long-lasting and fruitful. Oh, but don’t you see? We must
have faith first, and love and trust are birthed from that (faith). Truth = we love Him because He first loved us. [1Jn 4:19] We are not orphans!
The adversary is setting the world up for the [ultimate] wicked
one [the lawless one], the son of perdition (utter destruction, ruin),
the one known as the Antichrist of all antichrists. He is on the earth today. He is the one that Satan, not some demon, but Satan himself will possess.
We are fast approaching the time of his revealing. All
that is happening now is leading up to it, which is why deception (and hatred, rebellion and violence) is
escalating and manifesting in unfathomable ways. It will worsen the closer we get to the time.
then shall that Wicked be revealed,
whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of
His coming: Even him, whose coming is after
the working of Satan with all power
and signs and lying wonders,
with all deceivableness of
unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the
truth, that they might be saved.
for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a
lie. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure
in unrighteousness. [2Thes 2:8-12]
All that I share about the deceptions to not only expect,
but that are already all around us (which
began as soon as God mentioned his plan of salvation in the Garden of Eden [Gen
3:15] and is escalating exponentially in
these end times) is to serve as a confirming reminder to those who are
already aware, but also to alert those who may not be aware.
I cannot pretend to know all the deception that abounds
in this world, nor can any one of us. As I stated in 2013, in an article called Battle
above the Clouds-Part 1, no one wants to be deceived and most
believe that they will not be deceived. But be assured, Jesus told us
that ALL of us can be deceived, even His elect. See the need for His lead?
We believe that we are wise enough and able to discern
deception, no matter how it is packaged. It is dangerous to think that we are
above or beyond deception. That is why Jesus warned us that IF (so many leave out the word ‘if’) it were possible, even the elect (faithful disciples of Jesus Christ)
would be deceived. [Mat 24:24; Mk 13:22]
to the Vine, O Ye Branches
However, His true disciples will not be deceived IF they abide in Christ Jesus, trusting
and obeying God’s leading. He is more than willing to help us,
especially in our most trying times. He does not leave us stranded or abandoned.
am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides
in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.
[Jn 15:5]
We must know the Holy Scriptures (God’s Word), so that we can discern the truth from lies. We must
stay vigilant, sober-minded, watching and praying. We are to take all things to
God, petitioning Him to keep us in His truth and to guard us against lies and
We pray for increased discernment, knowledge, wisdom
and understanding, and however the Holy Spirit leads. We ache for truth, love and embrace it, but we must be patient.
Pray for strength when there is
none, and soon we will learn and see that in those desperate times, He really
is the Rock!
[Is 28:16; Rom 9:33]
Yes, we are to search out a matter, pray and wait upon
the Lord to reveal that which He
chooses, when He so chooses and how He so chooses to reveal a matter to
us. His thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and ways. [Is 55:8] They will delight us. Patience!
secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our
children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.
[Deu 29:29]
Yes, the Lord will reveal secret things, as He chooses.
During the process (of learning),
there may be times of failure (by us),
but by God’s grace and mercy, and especially His help, we rise back up and
continue forward, IF we love Him with all our heart, soul, being.
We have been learning obedience by the things we have
suffered, just as our Saviour did. [Heb 5:8] Some laps of a race are harder
than other laps, but no lap is as important or as strenuous as the last lap. Some battles in this war are lengthier than other
battles, but victory is ours through Christ Jesus, as we trust in Him. He is
the Lord of the battles. Not every battle that we see is ours to fight, but
rather, the Father will tell us the battles that are His alone (war in the heavenlies).
He is Sovereign and we must spend time in the secret
chambers (holy of holies) of the King
to hear His counsel and His command in every matter. We wait humbly for the
King. Jesus Christ IS
our hope, our safety net, our refuge. In Him, we can place our trust. Apart
from Him, we can and will be deceived. He warned of deception, especially religious deception. Remember,
Satan, embodied in the Antichrist, will demand worship.
The world is being prepared to receive a false Christ,
a false Messiah, one who will ‘save the
world’ from wars, from sickness and from evil (blasphemous), and establish
a [false, temporary] peace, but it is a lie. He will make great promises to
mankind – “your eyes shall be opened, and
you shall be as gods”…and…”all this [kingdoms]
I will give you, if only you bow and
worship me”. [Gen 3:5; Mat 4:9]
We must continue
in the Word of God so we know the truth, worship and pray in the Spirit to
express our love [first love]
(because He first loved us), simply
trust – and stay obedient to the Lord’s leading. This is how He will keep us free
from deception.
For deception such as we could not even fathom has been
going on right before our eyes. How clearly and how deeply we perceive it, I am
convinced, can only come by abiding (remaining,
enduring) in Jesus (Yeshua) and
waiting for Him to reveal to us: we must know God’s Word, be humble in heart, prayerfully
spending that time in the secret place in Spirit and in truth. He is so worthy,
so good!
It is there we meet with the righteous King and holy
Creator, where no evil can enter in.
There He counsels us; the mighty King corrects, chastens (if need be) and establishes all who are
willing to hear, who faithfully and trustingly obey Him in grateful servitude.
We must be committed to God. How can He guide us if we
will not obey His leading and His commandments to us? We must know and do the
will of God.
brethren, stand fast, and
hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word, or our epistle. Now
our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which has loved
us, and has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, Comfort
your hearts,
and establish you in every good word and work. [2 Thes 2:15-17]
His love for the faithful has depths and reaches that
cannot be fathomed or explained. It can only be received with humility, as His
abundant love and merciful grace is acknowledged. Our righteous King has a
governmental order, over which He rules, for He is the Sovereign God.
We often hear that Satan can do nothing without God’s
permission. While it is true that God can stop any action of Satan’s or of any
of His fallen angels, we must also realize that Satan is temporarily ‘god of
this world’ (with boundaries).
whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not,
lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God,
should shine unto them. [2Cor 4:4]
He has been given a season. Yet, war is war; therefore
understand that Satan rarely asks permission.
Remember, pride was the catalyst that led to his downfall. He is ‘the original
rebel’ and remains in his state of rebellion and contempt.
He dared to defy God (and took one-third of the then-holy, but equally rebellious angels with
him in his defiance), but he will not succeed in the end. I do not believe
he deceived the one-third. They too lived with God. They knew Him in all of His
glory, yet they “chose”, willingly,
to follow another. Thus, they fell along with Lucifer.
Yet in his rebellious hatred, his desire is also to see
us (the joy of God’s creation) destroyed,
to see souls weeping and gnashing their teeth when they are condemned to the
lake of fire. His hatred is against a holy God and all of His creation.
As deception increases and manifests in the most
compelling, intriguing and seductive ways, so will the fear of those who are
not safe in Christ Jesus. Once the sting of the grand deceptions strikes hard,
those who believed a lie will be horrified and gripped with fear.
It will crush the spirit; the wound will be deep, almost unbearable. Depending on the damage the deception did, the one deceived will be shaken to the core, not understanding how or why they were deceived...and why they did not see it.
God is a good God. When we repent and cry out to Him, He will embrace us, forgive us (thank You Jesus/Yeshua), heal us. He will right the wrongs, but we have to be patient. That's a hard call, but we have no choice. We have to wait on the Lord to do His work in the background, as He holds us steady in Him.
The pain, anguish, shock and horror of deception can run deep. God WILL heal. It may seem...correction! It will seem like a long time (even if it is only a week or two, or a month or two), but if we stay close to Him, crying out with a broken and contrite spirit, I can promise you that our Lord WILL strengthen us one day and sometimes, one moment at a time.
This is where we learn many things - it's a purging fire; it's a pruning. It is as uncomfortable as the furnace was for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; and as heart-pounding as the lions' den for Daniel. Talk about trust being tried! We have to keep our focus on Jesus.
We have to shut down fearful imaginations, and the voice of the enemy. The only way to do that IS by focusing on Christ, not the circumstances, or the possibilities (negative ones), but trust, putting faith into action. We all continue to learn and put things into practice. We cannot give up or give in.
It will crush the spirit; the wound will be deep, almost unbearable. Depending on the damage the deception did, the one deceived will be shaken to the core, not understanding how or why they were deceived...and why they did not see it.
God is a good God. When we repent and cry out to Him, He will embrace us, forgive us (thank You Jesus/Yeshua), heal us. He will right the wrongs, but we have to be patient. That's a hard call, but we have no choice. We have to wait on the Lord to do His work in the background, as He holds us steady in Him.
The pain, anguish, shock and horror of deception can run deep. God WILL heal. It may seem...correction! It will seem like a long time (even if it is only a week or two, or a month or two), but if we stay close to Him, crying out with a broken and contrite spirit, I can promise you that our Lord WILL strengthen us one day and sometimes, one moment at a time.
This is where we learn many things - it's a purging fire; it's a pruning. It is as uncomfortable as the furnace was for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; and as heart-pounding as the lions' den for Daniel. Talk about trust being tried! We have to keep our focus on Jesus.
We have to shut down fearful imaginations, and the voice of the enemy. The only way to do that IS by focusing on Christ, not the circumstances, or the possibilities (negative ones), but trust, putting faith into action. We all continue to learn and put things into practice. We cannot give up or give in.
But we who are His and abide in Him, can rest in our
faith and trust. We have no need to fear as unbelievers do because we know
where we will spend eternity – with our blessed and magnificent Father and
Creator. God will keep us. This life is temporary. Oh how we long for eternity
with our Maker.
has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of
you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? [Micah 6:8]
any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be
of God, or whether I speak of myself. [Jn 7:17]
There is the key right there! When we have faith in Him and trust Him, we will humbly and gladly do His will, rejoicing in His love and marveling at His
splendid grace and mercy.
Ah, but let us be careful. Even the godly men in the Bible had times where they strayed. Abraham lied, not once, but twice to save his own life. Moses killed another man, and also disobeyed by striking the rock twice instead of once, and another time, struck it instead of speaking to it. David took a census and counted his men when he was told not to. The victory of the battle was God's alone and not due to the arm of flesh.
We can all mess up, and typically, we do; not intentionally, but it can and likely will happen from time to time. We are not perfect, or without flaw. To be perfect as the Lord instructs means to be made whole, be complete and mature in Him. So, we must admit our dependence on God because without Him, we can do nothing (of eternal value), and we can all err. Thank God for the chance to repent and for the forgiveness He grants. Bless the Lord; worthy to be exalted and honoured!
Ah, but let us be careful. Even the godly men in the Bible had times where they strayed. Abraham lied, not once, but twice to save his own life. Moses killed another man, and also disobeyed by striking the rock twice instead of once, and another time, struck it instead of speaking to it. David took a census and counted his men when he was told not to. The victory of the battle was God's alone and not due to the arm of flesh.
We can all mess up, and typically, we do; not intentionally, but it can and likely will happen from time to time. We are not perfect, or without flaw. To be perfect as the Lord instructs means to be made whole, be complete and mature in Him. So, we must admit our dependence on God because without Him, we can do nothing (of eternal value), and we can all err. Thank God for the chance to repent and for the forgiveness He grants. Bless the Lord; worthy to be exalted and honoured!
End Times
There are a couple of points that I would like to make,
so that the reader understands where I am coming from. There are some who emphatically state that all
those who warn about the end times are false prophets and false teachers, the
very ones Jesus warned of regarding the (shall
I say it?) “end times”.
Whilst it is true that none of us (no, not one) knows the day or the hour (please wisely avoid set dates), Jesus (Yeshua) clearly answered the disciples’ questions about “when shall these things be?” and “what shall be the sign of Your coming”?
None of us knows the day or the hour, but we can surely
see the signs of the times. Jesus did not leave us helpless, to walk blindly
and hopelessly. In Matthew 24, He clearly answered the questions of the
learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth
leaves, you know that summer is nigh (near,
close by): So likewise you, when you
shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be
fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. [Mat
Immediately after that Jesus warned those listening
that no man knows the day or hour, not
even the angels in heaven, only the
Father knows. [Mat24:36] Christ’s answer is two-fold.
When we read the Holy
Scriptures, it is very important to keep things in context. In chapter 23 of
Matthew, Jesus had been in the temple, speaking with the religious leaders (Pharisees and scribes, particularly the
former) and upbraided them about their handling of the law, and burdens
they placed upon the people, and admonished them for their hypocrisy.
Somehow, I do not think Nicodemus was included in his
rebuke. He was a Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin that sought truth, even
coming to Jesus at night to learn more. [Jn 3:1-21] Do you remember when he
sought justice on Jesus’ behalf?
our law judge any man, before it hears him, and know what he does? (Nicodemus) [Jn 7:50]
He is the man who brought embalming spices for the body
of Jesus. He also aided Joseph of Arimathea in preparing Jesus’ body for
burial. Joseph, the one who was a secret disciple of Jesus (for fear of the Jews), was a member of the Sanhedrin, rich
and well-respected.
Yet, after all that secrecy, and despite the fact that
his fellow members of the council and court just had Christ crucified, he requested
permission from Pilate to be given the body of Jesus, to place Him in his own private,
new sepulcher.
The Pharisees negated the positive qualities of the
law, but instead burdened the people with the traditions of men, nullifying
rather than teaching them to obey the commandments of the Word of God (the simple truths), nor did they lead
them by example.
They looked good on the outside (whitewashed sepulchers). They knew the Holy Scriptures and they
talked a fine talk, but inwardly they were filthy with corruption, pride and
uncleanness. They were filled with pretentiousness and hypocrisy. Jesus named
the woes (seven in total) that would
befall the Pharisees and scribes for continuing in such a way.
to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you
tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier provisions of
the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness; but these are the things you
should have done without neglecting the others.
blind guides, who strain out
a gnat and swallow a camel! You blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is
within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. [Mat
23:23-24; 26]
False religion is despicable to God and brings severe
consequences. Ye serpents, you generation
of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell? [Mat23:33]
Jesus (Yeshua)
prophesied that they would persecute, afflict, cast out (of the synagogue) and crucify people. He harshly, but rightly,
rebuked them before He left the temple, and he even lamented. Then, after
exiting the synagogue, His disciples were pointing out all the buildings of the
Noting their fascination with the grandeur and beauty of
the temple’s buildings, Jesus informed them that not one stone would be left upon
another; every stone would be thrown down. [Mat 24:2] He forewarned the apostles, not only about
the destruction of the temple, but also of Jerusalem’s carnage.
He gave them signs to watch for and urged them to flee
Jerusalem when they saw them. After He prophesied about Jerusalem, He went on
to speak of the end times. Many postulate that the signs Jesus prophesied at
that time spoke only of the impending destruction of Jerusalem.
It is true that Jesus warned that the end times would
be as in the days of Noah. People would be marrying, drinking, eating, just as
they normally do, right up until the day...that Noah entered the ark, or for the very end times, right up until the day of the coming of Christ. People will continue on doing business as
usual, partying and “living the good
The parable of the fig tree was symbolic. When the leaves
are tender (beginning to bud), we
know summer is nigh (near/close at hand). When we see the signs
that Jesus warned us about, we know that His return is nigh (near/close at hand).
tribulation, He spoke of the sun being darkened and
the moon not giving her light, and the stars
falling from heaven, and the powers
of the heavens being shaken. [Mat 24:29] (Note* - Further on, the reader will
understand why I highlighted the above words.
shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the
tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the
clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather
together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
[Mat 24:30, 31]
Those who say that only the false teachers and the false
prophets speak of the end times and last of the last days would have to negate
the words of Jacob in Genesis 49, Moses in Deuteronomy 4:30, Jeremiah, Daniel,
Ezekiel, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah and Joel.
The following would have to be ignored: John in the book of Revelation. Acts, 2 Timothy, Hebrews, James and 2 Peter, all of which also mention the last (latter) days. Do you see the spirit of error operating when teachers make such bold and sweeping accusations?
The following would have to be ignored: John in the book of Revelation. Acts, 2 Timothy, Hebrews, James and 2 Peter, all of which also mention the last (latter) days. Do you see the spirit of error operating when teachers make such bold and sweeping accusations?
We understand that the last days began in Jesus’ time. It’s
a no-brainer, but how much further along are we now? Were all the prophets of
old false prophets? God forbid! Do you see why it is dangerous to say that
those who warn of the last days are false? One would have to ignore volumes of
scripture and most of God’s anointed prophets and apostles.
is not a man that He should lie; neither the son of man that He should repent:
has He said, and shall He not do it? or has He spoken and shall he not make it
good? [Num 23:19]
and His False Prophets Perform Miracles
Born-again believers soon learn that Satan mirrors,
counterfeits and creates. Understand this next part please, as it is important!
Satan cannot create as God does (out of
nothing, or by speaking it into existence with a word). There is only one
true Living God, who is the Creator of all things.
can only create things out of that which is already created,
just as we can. He himself is a created being, as the Lord God created the holy
angels. One-third fell, along with their leader Lucifer, whose name is now
Satan, which means “adversary”.
Satan has the power to perform “miracles”, signs and
lying wonders. Think upon the magicians in Pharaoh’s court who copied (with their enchantments or [magic] dark arts) the miracles God performed
through Moses. Yet also remember, even at that time, Satan was only allowed to
go so far in his deceptive counterfeiting. The book of Exodus explains it all.
In Matthew 24:24, Jesus warned of false Christs and
false prophets who will “show great signs
and wonders”. These miracles (supernatural:
unexplainable by science, logic or the natural) and lying wonders have been
and will be so convincing, so powerful that if believers are not firmly anchored
in Christ Jesus, we will be deceived. [Mat 24:24; Mk 13:22]
The reason they are called counterfeit is because these
false Christs and false prophets will not point to Jesus as the only way to
salvation, but rather lead them away from truth. They will seek the glory for
themselves, and lead you to accept a false Christ, a false god.
there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and gives you a sign
or a wonder, And the sign or the
wonder come to pass, whereof he spoke unto you, saying, Let us go
after other gods, which you have not known, and let us serve them;
you shall not hearken to (listen/heed) the words of that prophet, or that dreamer
of dreams: for the Lord your God proves (tests/tries) you, to know whether you love
the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul.
shall walk after the Lord your God, and fear Him, and keep
His commandments, and obey
His voice, and you shall serve him,
and cleave (cling/abide/hold
fast) unto Him. [Deut 13:1-4]
Clash of Good versus Evil
Many of us have
been aware for some time now of dross being purged, as well as a call to
holiness. Wisdom is granted by God to those who ask. There is also a sense of
urgency and a foreboding being felt amongst the brethren globally.
We can only speculate, and yes to some, such a
statement seems vague, even evasive, and seems to be a fearmongering ploy, but
it is not. There is an urgent warning of the necessity for the sincere and dedicated
believer to abide (cling) in the
Vine, Jesus.
We are to hold fast the faith, obey His lead and trust
Him in all and everything! The lukewarm fence-sitters with one foot in the
kingdom and one in the world, do not want to hear such ‘religious talk’. The urgency
(I believe) is the lateness of the
hour we're in.
The foreboding
(danger) that multitudes are sensing is
due to the chaotic and violent upheaval, uncertainty and confusion in the world
at this time, but also an alert from the Holy Spirit. There are things now
manifesting and about to manifest that will astonish the vast majority.
Habakkuk the prophet spoke of a very dark time and how
the violence and sins he saw aggrieved him. A wicked people that would arise,
but God promised to do a work that he (anointed
prophet Habakkuk) would not believe, even though it was told him. The Word of God
said it would be so. The Chaldeans sound very much like ISIS (Daesh).
you among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a
work in your days, which you will
not believe, though it be told you.
lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march
through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling places that are not
horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are fiercer than the evening
wolves: and their horseman shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall
spread themselves, and their horseman shall come from far; they shall fly as
the eagle that hastens to eat.
shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and
they shall gather the captivity as the sand. And they shall scoff at the kings,
and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong
hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it. [Hab 1:5-10]
The book of Habakkuk is a short read, and well worth
it. The Holy Spirit will quicken your spirit, and open your eyes to see and
your ears to hear. What a mighty God we serve!
God’s faithful people, who are sensitive to the leading
of his Holy Spirit (who does not alarm us,
but alerts us), know that we know that all is coming to pass quickly
now, just as prophesied in the Holy Bible.
In 2008, the Lord first mentioned how things would
happen “suddenly”, which would begin a “domino effect”, given in
a word which was released in the post called: “We Overcome”.
Has Been Preparing His People
However, that which is irrefutably being sensed in the
spirit of God’s people is global amongst the brethren. It is not the time to
fear (except for the reverent fear of the
Lord), but it is a time to watch and pray.
I sense that indeed our eyes will be looking to the
heavenlies, but it will not yet be due to the coming of the precious Warrior
King Jesus (although His time is near),
but to a deception so seductively
powerful and such a convincing wonder that the saints must guard wisely by
clinging mightily to the Vine.
It is a time to cleave to Christ in faith and trust,
and obey the Holy Spirit’s leading in all things, no matter how small or trivial
it seems. STEP by step He leads us! This must be so, for that which is coming will
otherwise deceive us, as Jesus forewarned. The dragon, that ancient serpent, is
clever and cunning.
Lucifer (Satan) was the anointed cherub that covered the
throne of God [Ezek 28:14]. Hence, his wisdom, knowledge and understanding of
God and His ways surpasses our intellect. Yet, even with his colossal wealth of
knowledge and wisdom, he does not know the mind of God and he cannot overpower
God. Pharaoh’s magicians, under demonic influence and knowledgeable in the dark
arts which they openly practiced, are proof of that.
Therefore, with the power he has, his ability to change
his appearance, produce miracles, signs and wonders, it is no wonder that he
deceives the whole world. We have not yet seen all he is capable of, but we
will soon see things we could never imagine. That is why it is imperative we
walk with God, in His will. He is our protector, our refuge.
God is purifying His people, so we will be without spot
or blemish, and He has been all along. We have been and are being tried. It is
urgent, or to express it in another way; it is crucial, paramount that we go
through the process. As referenced before:
shall be purified, and made white,
and tried; but the wicked
shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
[Dan 12:10]
Daniel was being given the interpretation of his
vision. He was told that in the end time, many will run to and fro, and
knowledge (awareness) would be
increased (in abundance).
[Dan 12:4]
Daniel said he heard, but did not understand. He was then
told the words were closed up (kept secret / hidden) and sealed until the time of the end. [Dan
12:9] It would be in the latter times that his words would be understood. These
are those times. Yes, I repeated myself, but it is to quench any doubts about
the lateness of the hour we are in.
any of you lack
wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives
to all men liberally, and reproaches not; and it shall be given him. [Jam 1:5]
God sees our motives and intent of heart, so asking for
wisdom for the good (and not for evil
purposes), God will then grant it. The Lord is making us ready for what is
coming. We are being tried (all we have
been taught and all that is in our heart).
Do we love the Lord God more than all; is Jesus (Y'shua) the
Messiah our first love, before all else?
Do we have faith, as Abraham
did, to believe and do (obey) that
which we may not or do not understand? Do we walk in love, and do justly and love mercy? [see Micah]
Will we obey
God as Abraham, even if it defies logic, and grips the very core of our heart?
As trained warriors (spiritual),
these things must be tried and proven. God already knows because He looks upon
the heart.
He formed us in the womb. He knows us better than we
know ourselves, but we need to know and this testing will reveal to us our true
heart condition.
The Lord has also been teaching us deeper things and
new ways of warfare (new to us, but in His Word - we keep learning). This must be because of the things that are manifesting
and will manifest are like nothing ever before, nor shall they ever be again.
It will and must all line up with His Word and His character.
then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world
to this time, no, or ever shall be. [Mat24:21]
Even when John the apostle wrote the book of Revelation
(the testimony of Jesus Christ), the
vision that he saw must have impoverished his imagination. How challenging it
must have been to put what he saw in the spiritual into mere words, so that it
could be understood in the physical realm by people who had never seen or heard
of such things.
It took hours upon hours of research, combined with
prayer, to try and put this part together. It is an amazing journey, which I
had no idea of the depth of it when I began with what I thought would be one or perhaps two articles. Yet, years later...
I was sure this portion of writing would be posted over
a week ago. It takes time, and frankly, I had no idea how much time. I
would write and God would increase (expand/expound)
in certain areas, revealing more to me, even as I proceeded forward. Yes, time is required to do a thing properly.
In a fast-paced world, people want to keep moving and
don’t have time to ‘take time’ (patience to wait, and in some cases, to
spend time alone with God). There have been times that would describe me
also. Things can just get so hectic, so busy that rest can become a stranger, but
should it come, it will be welcomed.
How hard it can be to wait for God to move, challenging
our very faith and trust! How easily distractions, busyness and life’s events
can rob us of our time alone with God, but Jesus said that apart from Him we
can do nothing (that glorifies God
through Him).
However, with all I shall share, I believe it is only a
small glimpse, a small part that is understood by me. Many before me have done
much work and put in great effort in piecing it together, to inform people through
their expertise, experience or hidden truths they stumbled upon through their research
and resources.
God reveals different things to others, yet it all
blends together. In that togetherness, as we unite in Christ Jesus who is the
Head of the Body, we put the pieces of the puzzle together. He wants us to be a
light to the world and walk in love and unity, not competition. Yet all that God asks, the deceiver copies.
Loves “Unconditionally”
Yes Satan, the counterfeiter, is also calling people to
come to the [artificial] “light” and
to come into “the love of God”, and to UNITE. Yes, but their ‘god’ rejects any form of
justice and judgment (or discernment to
differentiate between good and evil).
Their ‘god’ even demands that they love the sinner who habitually
practices wickedness, never repenting because - "God understands", they say. You will hear them quote “God loves the sinner and hates the sin” – a saying that Ghandi made
popular by rephrasing words originally spoken by Augustine.
What about King Saul, when God no longer spoke to him
through Samuel because of his continual sinning and disobedience? What about
the prophet who believed a lie and disobeyed God, and was killed by a lion? Some
would say that God loved them “unconditionally”,
so Satan must have attacked them both.
What about the idolatrous people of Nineveh? Oh right, Jonah
was wrong. God loved them “unconditionally”,
so He changed His mind and did not destroy them as Jonah prophesied.
They repented! God planned forgiveness, and to stop His judgment IF they repented...and they did.
Let’s go back further. What about all the sinners in
Sodom or Gomorrah? God may have hated their sins, but He loved them “unconditionally”, right? Since God is
love, He would never destroy the cities and everyone in them. It must have been
Satan that killed them, the one who walks about seeking whom he may devour.
What about the sinners who were alive in Noah’s day? Of
course, God hated their sins, but He loved them all “unconditionally”. It must have been Satan (that murderer) who hates God’s creation who brought the flood. They
quote Isaiah 59:19.
So, when Satan came in “like a flood”, he killed
everyone so quickly that by the time God lifted up a standard against him, it
was too late and only eight (including
Noah and a bunch of animals and birds) were saved.
What about Adam and Eve after they disobeyed God and
sinned? God loved Adam and Eve “unconditionally”.
Who sent them away from Paradise? Oh, that’s right – it was that lying
serpent’s fault! The couple just angered God because they disobeyed Him, and in
His emotional state, God hastily sent them away.
Perhaps someone should have explained to Ananias and
Sapphira, just before they both dropped dead. After all, according to certain
Christians, God may have hated their sin, but He loved them “unconditionally”, so much so that He
would never pass judgment on their lying to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Satan
must have taken them out.
I realize that I exaggerated on the “love the sinner, hate the sin”
statement. It is called being facetious, but saying that love covers all (period) is an erroneous doctrine. It is truth taken out of context, which the enemy and his minions love to do (twist and distort the Word of God).
Do you
see the foolishness, as well as the danger in teaching people that God is love, and God “loves the sinner but hates the sin”, but
never balancing it out with the full
Word of God, or with His character, or keeping God's word in context?
This is the “love”
message that is supposed to bring “unity”
to all of mankind, even uniting all the religions of the world. After all, many
preach that we are God’s creation and He loves us unconditionally. According to that doctrine of devils, there is no
need to be concerned with repentance, the purpose of Jesus’ crucifixion, God’s
judgment, justice, the Book of life, or the lake of fire (second death) [aka hell-fire].
According to that doctrine (teaching), God even loves the practicing witches, idolaters, murderers, thieves,
adulterers, rebellious etc; even when they defiantly continue in such things. He
just hates what they are doing, but He loves them “unconditionally”.
They parrot each other: “God understands”; “God is
love”; “God loves the sinner, hates
the sin”; “God sees the heart”,
which sweeps sin under a ‘magic’ carpet,
where it remains hidden and undisturbed. Dangerous, dangerous teaching!
Speaking of counterfeit, Frederick Goodman, the occult
author who wrote “Magic Symbols”,
stated in that book: “…all occult traditions insist that the
cohesive and unifying element in the
created world is love. It is the spiritual realism of man which binds
man to God and it is man’s
unconscious love of God which binds God to man.” (“unconditional”,
universal love - occult)
Notice Goodman’s key
words: God, love, spiritual, unifying, occult (seducing, unclean spirits).
However, take note of the sleight of hand in the words.
According to the occultist Goodman, it is MAN’S love of God that BINDS GOD to man, rather than us who love God because He loved us first!
[1Jn 4:19]
Also note that his statement also reveals that God’s
love is unconditional, even for practicing occultists and universal (“unifying element in the created world” – “love”). No
mention of Jesus or repentance, just love.
We could delve into all kinds of belief systems
(religious) that claim a “universal”, “unconditional” love God has for people.
The scope of this series is not to expound upon God’s love in-depth, but to
point out a dangerous belief, a false doctrine, preparing the world for the
Antichrist system.
There are many religious beliefs that do teach that
unconditional love is Antichrist,
such as Mormonism, or those who teach we were “pre-selected” (certain Christian denominations) and therefore,
only those “predestined” will believe.
Do you see why I cannot delve into it too deeply? There
is such a spirit of error flowing through the world that it is no wonder that multitudes
(including certain Christian
denominations) are confused, but we know who the author of confusion is, and it is most assuredly not God the Divine
Creator of all, but Satan.
However, I will give a few more quick examples just to
make my point, if you can bear with me through this part, as it illustrates
briefly how such confusion is an
important element of Satan’s overall deception.
Confusion lies not only within certain sects or
denominations of Christianity, but also within the faith of Islam. For example,
out of the seven Surahs in the Quran, the second one (al-Baqarah or Al Imran),
namely 2:165, it basically implies that the love of idolaters is merely
misdirected. “Hubb” is the word used for love.
Yet there are men who take others besides Allah, as
equal (with Allah): They hubb (love) them as they should hubb (love) Allah, but those of faith are
overflowing in their hubb for Allah.
If only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would
see the Penalty: that to Allah belongs all power, and Allah will strongly
enforce the Penalty. [2:165]
Yet in the Qur’an, specifically 3:31-32, one
must believe in Muhammad (the apostle/prophet)
as well as Allah, in order to receive God’s love.
Say [O Muhammad]: If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will
love you and forgive you your faults, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Say:
Obey Allah and the Apostle; but if they turn back, then surely Allah does not
love the unbelievers.
Sahih Muslim [English] 39.6757, it reveals that Shytan
(Satan) became Al-hamdu Llah (Muslim) and has a relationship with the Muhammad,
the prophet of Islam. In the book ‘Sifat al-kyama wa al-janna wa al-nar’ (part
of Sahih Muslim), under ‘Tahreesh Al-shytan o Baa-thehee sarayah L-Fitnat
al-nas…’ (Bab section):
It is stated that: ..."the prophet of Islam (Muhammed) was
talking to a crowed, who said that ‘all of you have Shytan (Satan)’. And the crowed asked Muhammad, “You
too?” and he said, “Yes, me too!” but Allah helped on Satan and Satan became Al-hamdu
Llah (Muslim)"
(Note* - the above spelling errors were left in, as how it was in the original. It is quoted verbatim. I suggest that "crowed" means "crowd". - BP)

The Hindu religion has many [false] gods and goddesses, but two prominent ones are Kamadeva (god of love, sexual desires) and Rati (goddess of love and sexual passion), or Parvati. There is more but I do not intend to delve into it. My point is to point out that every religion has their "'god' or 'goddess' of love". (idolatry)
(Note* - the above spelling errors were left in, as how it was in the original. It is quoted verbatim. I suggest that "crowed" means "crowd". - BP)

The Hindu religion has many [false] gods and goddesses, but two prominent ones are Kamadeva (god of love, sexual desires) and Rati (goddess of love and sexual passion), or Parvati. There is more but I do not intend to delve into it. My point is to point out that every religion has their "'god' or 'goddess' of love". (idolatry)
Much can be said about the New Age because it is a belief system made up of many different religions, but discussing it all here is not my intent. New Agers believe in love, compassion and unity, the world "becoming one", but the love that is promoted in New Age doctrine is mostly focused or centered on self.
Some quotes: "When focus goes, energy flows." - "We start loving God, not for his sake, but ours." - "Love yourself because God is within."
Apparently, God’s love is even towards Satan, according to the above. I will only give a few more examples out of numerous ones.
Briefly, Albert Pike was a 33rd degree Freemason, who was also a self-proclaimed Satanist, who would summon Lucifer via a bracelet he wore, and would communicate with him constantly.
He structured a plan for a New World Order in the late 1800s and also predicted three world wars. He was known to practice Black Magick. In his book 'Morals and Dogma', Pike wrote about God and his love:
is once more taught to look upward to his God, a God, good, kind…a Father loving the creatures He has made with a love immeasurable and exhaustless…” “Jesus of Nazareth, the ‘Son of man’, is the expounder of a new Law of Love.” [pg
309 – “Morals and Dogma”, Albert Pike, Knight of the Sun, Prince Adept Degree]
Notice Pike’s key
words: Father, loving, love, Jesus, new law (spirit of divination, unclean
spirit, lying spirit)
Remember the woman who followed Paul around for several
days? I have written in times past that if Christians today heard her words in
their ears, many would think that the woman herself was a disciple of Christ.
same (woman) followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the
servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation.
The woman was a fortune teller, who made a fortune for
the men she served. She had a spirit of divination, which was cast out of her
shortly afterwards. Occultists,
Freemasons practicing the dark arts, Satanists, Luciferians and others, have no
problem quoting scriptures or speaking as one who follows Jesus.
I will stop at this last example. In 2013, Pope Francis met with representatives from other religions, urging all to unite (even those who had no church or belief because he says they are "precious allies"), in order to bring peace, unity, justice and reconciliation to the world.
He was quoted as saying: "Do good and do not do evil. The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! Even the atheists. Everyone! Blood makes us first class children of God!
We are all created children in the likeness of God and the blood of Christ has redeemed us all. And we have a duty to do good. And this commandment for everyone to do good, I think, is a beautiful path to peace."
So, according to the pope, unbelievers are "precious allies" and "all are redeemed", even atheists, by the blood of Jesus Christ. Pope Francis has taken the truth and twisted it, just as the serpent did in the Garden of Eden, just as Satan did when tempting Christ. Dangerous doctrine, dangerous!
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. [2Pet 3:9]
It is true that God has patiently waited for us. It is true that He is not willing that any should perish, but He does not force or coerce us to believe in Jesus and receive the gift of salvation. But the pope omits the need for us to repent.
I will stop at this last example. In 2013, Pope Francis met with representatives from other religions, urging all to unite (even those who had no church or belief because he says they are "precious allies"), in order to bring peace, unity, justice and reconciliation to the world.
He was quoted as saying: "Do good and do not do evil. The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! Even the atheists. Everyone! Blood makes us first class children of God!
We are all created children in the likeness of God and the blood of Christ has redeemed us all. And we have a duty to do good. And this commandment for everyone to do good, I think, is a beautiful path to peace."
So, according to the pope, unbelievers are "precious allies" and "all are redeemed", even atheists, by the blood of Jesus Christ. Pope Francis has taken the truth and twisted it, just as the serpent did in the Garden of Eden, just as Satan did when tempting Christ. Dangerous doctrine, dangerous!
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. [2Pet 3:9]
It is true that God has patiently waited for us. It is true that He is not willing that any should perish, but He does not force or coerce us to believe in Jesus and receive the gift of salvation. But the pope omits the need for us to repent.
Satan himself quoted the Holy Scriptures to Jesus, who
was/is the Word of God, who came in the flesh. God’s love is unconditional in
that He while we were yet sinners, He sent Jesus Christ to die for us. [Rom
Jesus, both divine and human, both God and man, loved us enough to lay his
life down willingly as atonement for the sins of mankind, so that we can be
reconciled back to God through Christ.
We cannot earn salvation, as it is a gift to all who
will receive Christ Jesus and believe the good news of His death, burial and
resurrection. Salvation is available for all, for all have sinned and have fallen
short of the glory of God. [Rom 3:23]
My point is that many religions, including some sects
or denominations of Christianity, teach that God's love is toward every sinner,
and He will forgive all (but to them, it is without the cross, without genuine acknowledgment
or repentance of sins). This is a lie, a false doctrine, a spirit of error.
Others teach that the lake of fire is akin to
purgatory. After a certain amount of time in the lake of fire (dependent on the
sins committed), all will eventually be reconciled back to Jesus
(universalism). Also a false teaching [doctrine].
Some sects of universalism include Satan and the fallen
angels as being reconciled and returned to their original state; other sects do
not. Division everywhere! This too is Satan’s work of deceiving the masses.
Faith in Christ Jesus and repentance is only the
beginning of the walk with God. But as I said, it is a whole topic in itself,
which many solid teachers have written about. Please do search the Word of God
and balance all scripture together, keeping them in context, and not pulling
apart the message, or selecting only scriptures that tickle the ears of the
listener (aka cherry-picking).
There will be a great, white throne judgment [Rev 20:11-15]
for those who rejected salvation through Jesus Christ. Books will be opened,
and all those not found in the book of life will be thrown in the lake of fire
(second death); a separating of sheep from the goats (a judgment of all
nations). [Rev 17:8; 20:12; 20:15; Mat 25:31-36]
Believers face a different judgment seat (bema), where
rewards and crowns are given, but bowing before Jesus, the faithful will gladly
cast their crowns at the feet of our glorious, worthy King Jesus. [2Cor 5:10; Rev 4:10]
Hopefully, I have said enough to reveal the deception
in the doctrines of many false teachers, including teaching from occultists. May
it inspire readers to do their own research and line up their findings with the
Word of God.
Lust of the Eyes, Lust of the Flesh
and Pride of Life
All deception has been and is being orchestrated by
Satan and his army of demons. He is not omnipresent; therefore, he carries out his
wicked schemes by commanding demons, principalities and powers, and spiritual
wickedness in high places.
He also employs wicked people to lay traps to ensnare
people and lead them astray, and particularly God’s people. He will reward (pay) the wicked with whatever they
desire in the physical realm, but it is not without cost. They will lose their
very souls in the lake of fire if they never repent. [Eph 6:12-13; Ps 119:110;
140:4, 5; 142:3]
He will provoke Christians as well, if he can. He will
stir up jealousy and envy, cause strife, debate, contention, division, and tempt people
to gossip and slander each other maliciously. Satan will seduce Christians and
tempt them to sin in their [individual] areas of weakness.
Remember how King David lusted after Bathsheba,
impregnating her? In a panic, he tried to ensnare Uriah by getting him drunk
and then commanding that he go to home to bed with his wife. But the loyal Uriah refused, and so Plan B was
implemented by David, wherein he had Uriah killed by sending orders for the
soldiers to retreat from the battlefield, leaving Uriah alone to fight the
enemy army. David was not the
apple of God’s eye at that point and he was in danger of being thrown into the
lake of fire.
But wait! Nathan the prophet came and spoke with David. By the time Nathan was finished speaking, David was convicted and knew that Nathan was speaking of him. He confessed his sin, repented, humbly broken before God. THAT is why David was the apple of God's eye. He took ownership of his sin, and repented before God.
Do you remember Saul’s jealousy over David, and how he
sought to kill him? Saul never repented, whereas David did with genuine godly
sorrow. He was forgiven, but did suffer many consequences from that choice. I
have written about it in the past. There are many examples of people who knew
God, yet fell into various temptations, sinned and fell away.
Then, on the other hand are those who fell (and those of us who may stumble and fall), who do seek and turn to God with confession and in repentance (godly sorrow, turning away from the sin), to be forgiven and restored.
God keeps all His promises...and He proves (though He owes us nothing) His mercy, goodness and faithfulness. He proved it with David...and He does with all who repent with godly sorrow. He IS truly a good, just and fair God.
Then, on the other hand are those who fell (and those of us who may stumble and fall), who do seek and turn to God with confession and in repentance (godly sorrow, turning away from the sin), to be forgiven and restored.
God keeps all His promises...and He proves (though He owes us nothing) His mercy, goodness and faithfulness. He proved it with David...and He does with all who repent with godly sorrow. He IS truly a good, just and fair God.
This (deception),
as we well know, began in the Garden of Eden when the serpent deceived Eve. Satan, the tempter has involved mankind in
his wicked schemes from the beginning. He succeeded in deceiving the whole
world once before, and people were wicked and every imagination of their heart
was continual evil. [Gen 6:5] And then the flood came...
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. [1Jn 2:16]
This resulted in the Great Deluge (catastrophic flood/God’s judgment), where only Noah, his wife, his
sons and their wives were saved. Some today refute the Biblical version of the
flood, stating that every culture has a story of it (records older than the Bible).
Multitudes of skeptics and atheists make reference to
the Epic of Gilgamesh, a Sumerian/Babylonian story of the flood written on
tablets of stone (found in Ninevah, Iraq
region). As stated earlier, I do not
intend to delve deeply into everything mentioned in these writings, only what I
am led to expound on.
Satan is clever, crafty and cunning. He has been doing
all he can to destroy the validity of God’s Word (as in the Garden of Eden) and in His written Word today. Has his strategy
changed much? He still brings doubt and twists God’s Word. He still twists the
truth and sugarcoats his lies.
the serpent was more subtle (crafty) than any beast of the field which the Lord
God had made. And he said to the woman, Yes, has God said […] [Gen 3:1] Read it all.
There are several skeptics who have opposed the Bible
account of the flood, but one well-written
article that defends the Biblical version was authored by
Christian apologist, Rich Deem. We either accept the Word of God or we do not.
is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Has not
God made foolish the wisdom of the world? [1Cor 1:20]
Satan continues to tempt, deceive and involve mankind,
using the rebellious and disobedient, those who gladly do his bidding. He is ever
mirroring what God does, Satan selects those who believe they are his “chosen remnant”, his “illuminated [enlightened] ones”. He will reward them by
fulfilling their desires, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of
life. [1Jn 2:16]
These wait for their ‘Christ’ [Antichrist], the one who opposes (against/instead of) Jesus the Christ, and who will rule the world with his
ungodly system. The wicked also believe they have been chosen to set the world
up to receive their ‘leader’ that “all
that dwell upon the earth” (those not written in the book of life) will
worship him. [Rev 13:8, 12, 14]
it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and
power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall
worship him, whose names are not
written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world.
[Rev 13:7, 8]
Those dedicated to the “beast”, the Antichrist, believe
they will survive all that is coming and rule the world. They believe a lie.
They are deceived. They choose to worship Satan (Lucifer).
the great dragon was cast down, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
which deceives the whole world:
he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
12:3, 4, 9]
Since Satan counterfeits, he knows that in times past
(and present), God has used the wicked to pass judgment upon His people, so
that they will repent, and thus turn from their wicked ways. I will not get
into that, but one can look at such books as Exodus 15 and 32; Number Judges 8
and 9; 2 Samuel 22; Habakkuk, and other books in the Bible.
God is holy and will not accept sin (or corruption,
rebellion, injustice etc) to continue. His indignation against such things will
be expressed. He is a holy God. He also has been and is most patient, but there comes a time when
enough is enough. So it is written, so it shall be! Amen.
Wrath is God’s judgment against wrongdoing, injustice
and sin. In the New Testament, judgment will be upon the wicked and rebellious,
upon those who refuse to believe and receive Jesus Christ as Saviour. See Matt
3; Luke 3; John 3, Romans 1 and 5; Ephesians 2 and the book of Revelation.
Again, everything I touch upon is a whole study in
itself and is not within the scope of this writing. All can be found within the
Holy Scriptures, as well as found in the teachings of many godly people.
Jesus prophesied that when the signs He spoke of begin
to happen, we are to ‘look up’
because His return is nigh (close at hand).
He will return, unannounced, like a thief in the night. So many today, even
brethren, say that every generation, since the time that Jesus ascended into heaven, think it is their generation that will witness his return. So it is true...but just as in the days of Noah, THE DAY must come!
saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep,
all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. [2Pet
It is true that down through the corridors of history,
many have postulated that the end of the world is about to take place. I do not
believe that Christ’s coming and the gathering up of the saints will be “any day or any month, so we must look up
now to see Him coming…”!
No. All
of scripture must be fulfilled; all the prophecies foretold by God through His ancient
prophets as well as the apostles, as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance. Yes, the prophecies that are being fulfilled
in our time are happening astoundingly fast, which will be covered later on in
this series. It never ceases to amaze me how I think I am writing one article
and it turns into a small book.
When Jesus spoke to his disciples, telling them that
when they see these signs begin to appear, to “look up for your redemption draws near”, it means to “watch”
[Mat 26:41] and “occupy"(busy yourselves - military terms) till I come”. [Lk 19:13] We are to watch, yes, and to be about the
Father’s business until our Lord, our Master, our King returns.
Please bear with me, if so led by the Lord, and please, I exhort every reader, obey
God’s Word by testing (trying)
every spirit to see if it is of God because many false prophets have gone out
into the world. [1 Jn 4:1]
So that means you must try (test) the spirit of the words I write as well. And when a person
says “test the spirit, including mine”, please do not make the
mistake in thinking that since a person says that, they must be for real, so
you continue on listening and don't bother 'testing'.
No! Satan and his cohorts operate with sleight of hand
(illusion) and a mastery of words to
deceive (deception) God’s people. The deceiver sends false brethren (those into all forms of occultism) to infiltrate the Body of Christ.
The adversary has false teachers and false prophets, and just like their [false]
‘god’ and ‘lord’ Satan, they too know the Holy Scriptures well and speak it forth.
We are warned that his ministers can transform
themselves (appear as) ministers of
righteousness, also known as wolves in sheep’s clothing. [2Cor 11:15] Remember, the spirit
of truth and the spirit of error. Keep in mind that love is united with truth
as one and cannot be divided.
Born-again believers are filled with the Holy Spirit,
the anointing received through believing and receiving Jesus (Yeshua). [1Jn 2:27] Christ said He would send the Comforter, the
Holy Spirit, so that he may abide in us. [Jn 14:16]
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will teach us all
things, and even bring things to our remembrance (reminders), the things Jesus taught. He will lead us into all
when He, the Spirit of truth
is come, he will guide (lead) you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever
He shall hear, that shall he speak: and He will show you things to come. [Jn 16:13]
I mentioned at the beginning of this section that over
a month ago to keep our focus on Him. He also warned of something else - (a
to the skies. Keep in mind all the technology and all the deception that man is
capable of, yet in all his wisdom, he will foolishly even attempt to war
against Me.
in mind that mankind has a very real adversary, though many are willing to
serve him. Satan works with the flesh, in the physical realm. Be sober, be
vigilant, watch and pray.
which is coming is not that which is expected. Fear will grip the hearts of
multitudes and their hearts shall fail them. My people were forewarned by My
Son that in the last days, deception would be so strong that if it were possible,
even the elect would be deceived. [Mat 24]
That which is
coming shall also be at an hour and in a way least expected.
[End excerpt]
The key words
that stood out to me from the above are: skies, technology, deception Also: sober, vigilant, watch, pray
sober: not
a drunkard, sober judgment; sober senses, sound-minded, level-headed,
self-control, good judgment and discernment
alert, awake, watchful, guarded; on the lookout for danger or temptation
Since Jesus forewarned His disciples to “look up, lift up your heads” [Lk 21:28]
when they saw the signs begin to come to pass, Satan the counterfeiter also
wants people to “look up”. People
have been “looking up” for centuries,
but not quite so much as they are these days.
Next I discuss the astounding advancement of military
aircraft, even as far back as the 40s. UFOs are also discussed, and then
comparing the two side by side. There are many pictures and links that I have
However, it was necessary to separate the information
into two separate posts, as it would be far too long for one entry. That which
God has revealed and is revealing is astounding. The next part on military
aircraft and UFOs will soon follow.
for His glory alone