This is a repost that goes back as far as 13 years [2012]. It is lengthy, even divided into two, which I have done with this posting. These messages were gathered over a year or so (it will say). It was NOT done in one sitting.
Please keep that in mind.
When I post the second half of Prayer Can Change Anything Part B, links to the original will be provided. As I typed that, I realized that some of it was posted in 2012, so the links will be defunct.
Prayer Can Change Anything - Part B
The next excerpts are originally from February 22,
2012. They were reposted November 6, 2013 in: Sovereign is Our God If you go
to the original, you will have to scroll for excerpts. They are in the proper
order, but portions have been drawn out, as led by the Lord, for the time such
as now.
February 22, 2012 - [02.22.2012] - 11:02 AM
Sovereign God
Pray for the people in all nations of the world. Do
not judge the people of a nation by their leaders, for the heart of the
government is rarely the heart of the people. A remnant of My people can be
found within every nation.
[New excerpt – same article, below excerpts- 2013
post (word from Feb. 2012)]
Many have been persecuted and suffered torment,
even death. Many more shall be persecuted and suffer likewise, but many have
been called unto this very hour to do that which I have foreordained. I AM Sovereign;
none can stay My hand nor counsel Me.
None know My thoughts or My ways, except that which
I reveal to whomsoever I choose. My people shall not be caught
off-guard. My people shall know and understand that which is
coming. They shall continue in holiness and obedience, for I abide in them
and they in Me.
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveals
His secret unto His servants the prophets. [Amos 3:7]
(NOTE: I interrupt here because too many
today believe only the “prophets” are hearing from the Lord and things (mysteries,
revelations, secrets, knowledge) are being revealed only to them. Do not
believe that lie. The scripture was written by the prophet Amos in a time when
only the prophets were known to speak by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Today, because of Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah, He
speaks to all who are born-again, Spirit-filled followers of Christ. Just look
at all that He is revealing these days. Even unbelievers are witnessing what
God is revealing. I will leave it at that for now, but please pray and seek
I had to add this because this was originally
posted in 2012 and 2013. We are in the end times. Much
is happening at exponential speed. Stay close to Jesus/Yeshua, it is crucial
-- End note-BP2025Jan.]
Behold the Hour
My judgment began some time ago, yet many are only becoming aware of it now. Persecution has begun and shall increase in countries unfamiliar with persecution in blatant measures. Behold the hour and the time you are in!
Many in nations that are considered peaceful are
beginning to see the start of persecution now, yet many other nations have
constantly lived under oppression and persecution.
The great persecution of disciples of My Son in the
peaceful nations is soon to begin, yea, for great tribulation approaches for
the inhabitants of the earth. There is no escaping, for I shall execute My
justice and judgment. Many shall perish.
Others shall go forth to bring in the harvest. Then
shall multitudes be in the valley of decision; then shall those who flee due to
great troubles, begin to mourn for their iniquity.
But they that escape of them shall escape and shall
be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, everyone
for His iniquity. [Ezek7:16]
Many shall flee into the wildernesses. Exodus soon
begins. I tell My people not to fear. Do not fear or
be dismayed; neither be discouraged. Be strong.
Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid
neither be you dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with you wherever you go.
[Josh 1:9]
Prepare, prepare ye the way of the Lord. Look up to the skies, yet pray for
discernment, for the enemy has plans of his own. He is the prince
of the power of the air and he shall use the skies to show forth signs and
wonders. Many shall be deceived, for they loved not the truth. I
shall allow this, for My judgments that were prophesied long ago shall come to
pass. It has begun.
Judgment versus Wrath
Do not confuse My judgment with My wrath, for My wrath shall be seen in that
which is called, the day of the Lord. All people will
come under My judgment, but the children of obedience shall
not experience My wrath. My wrath shall wax hot, in
fierceness, great indignation and righteous anger. It shall consume My enemies
and sinners, children of disobedience.
[New excerpt- same article 2013 – Sovereign
is our God]
Pray for a Spirit of Repentance
My people, pray for hearts to be turned to repentance, that they will see the
truth in believing in the Messiah, Jesus/Y’shua of Nazareth. Selah. Yea, for I
shall draw those with a spirit of repentance to My Son. Behold, obedience is
better than sacrifice and listening (hearkening) than the fat of rams. [1Sam
Watchmen, Sound the Alarm
Watchmen, speak forth. Write what I tell you upon tablets, so he who sees will run with it. Sound the alarm once again! Great waters come to destroy; heed My warnings. Listen and prepare, for when the earth is shaken and the ground opens wide its mouth, in the days soon ahead, great destruction and death shall be seen.
A great war is coming and the leaders of many
countries shall hinder their people and allow great destruction. They will look
out for themselves and those they care about, but not the people of the nation.
My people shall not fear. Comfort My people, love and pray for one another.
Assemble yourselves, fast and pray. I shall direct your steps. You shall not
walk in fear, for I AM your shield. Out of the seven churches shall come forth
those who walk in My commandments obediently.
If a man say, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that
loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not
And this commandment have we from him, That he who loves God loves his
brother also.
[1Jn 4:20, 21]
[new excerpt – same article 2013]
Rise Up and Pray
Lo! A fire shall be amongst the people in the areas
of My choosing. There is a great power of darkness covering the land and shall
greatly increase. The shroud is prepared for America. Pray for London; woe to
Britain for the sorrows coming upon her. Woe to the allies of America! Pray;
come to Me in humility and prayer. Pray, for the people of all
nations are in need of prayer.
Pray for North America! Woe to the nations of North
America if they do not repent! I AM calling all people, including My own, to
humble yourselves and repent of all that is not of Me. Keep a repentant heart
and walk holy. Be obedient to My leading so that you will be out of harm's
Lo! My angels shall go forth at My command. Let the doorposts and lintels of
your heart be sprinkled with the Blood of the Lamb, My precious Son, your
Savior! Those who weep and travail for that which is coming shall be sealed.
They are Mine.
(In the original post, scriptures given: [Rev 7:3;
Eze 9:5,6])
Rise up My people and pray. Yea, a shroud is
over America and it shall fall. The flickering light is about to go out. A
spirit of heaviness (discouragement and hopelessness) has pressed many
into a hard place. The wearing down of the saints has begun, but it shall
increase as the evil one arises, speaking great words against Me, as Daniel
The Weary Ones
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. [Dan 7:25]
There are those crying out to Me, who are losing
hope and are impatient in waiting. To My people who are weary in waiting,
losing hope, I say: I have not forgotten you. Why stand you there without hope?
You are as My Son, for you have learned obedience by the things that you have
Yet, as Job, you say, What is my strength, that I should hope? And what
is my end, that I should prolong my life? Yet I remind you: Behold, My
eye is upon them that fear Me, upon them that hope in
My mercy. [Job 6:11; Ps 33:18]
(In original is also [Is 54:11; 17])
Resist not My Spirit, for I have come to gather you
as a hen does her chicks, as a caring shepherd does his precious lambs and
sheep. I shall strengthen the weak hands, and establish the feeble knees.
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness (with your obedience) and put
your trust in the Lord. I am He who sees the end result from
the beginning. I believe in you, for I am He who knew you before
you were in your mother’s womb. I formed you in your mother’s
womb. Trust Me and do not listen to the negativity of flesh or
the enemy.
Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Call to Repentance and the Word
Understand the times you are in. Understand the call to repentance; the call to holiness and the call to obedience. Stand strong in faith. I am positioning My people. Those who obey shall take the forefront to speak to the multitudes.
This shall be the sons of God manifested; My Son
shall have His Bride. The Head and the Body of Christ shall be united. This
shall be My faithful and obedient ones, unashamed to walk in holiness,
maturity, wholeness, completeness (perfect) and in love.
Those who mingle the precious with the vile, the clean with
the unclean and the holy with the unholy shall weep,
as they are brought low and are passed over. Wood, hay and stubble is
burnt up. Repent and believe.
Fear not. Babylon is full of confusion and tyranny. Come out of her, My people.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people,
that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.[Rev18:4]
Wherefore come out from among them, and be separate, says the Lord, and
touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. [2Cor6:17]
Do not give up. Focus on your Savior, Redeemer and King and read the
scriptures. The light in many of the church leaders has become dim, for they
seek to satisfy the world and compromise the very gospel.
Yet even amongst the church leaders, only a remnant
walks in My ways, doing My will. I have always had a remnant, from the
beginning. They know the cost and lead the people in truth, far from the
traditions of men and the doctrines of demons. They do not compromise with the
world. They do not company with the harlot.
The majority of the true ministers are not well-known by the world, but all of
My true ones are hated by the world. They have tasted of (suffered)
persecution, rejection, misunderstandings, slander, ridicule, mockery,
accusations and loneliness.
They lead by example and encourage the entire [true] Body to come together as
one, allowing each to do their part and operate in their gifts. For this
reason, they are rarely noticed, for as each part functions in unity, no one
part is exalted above another part, for it flows in harmony, just as the
physical body works as one unit. Pray for one another.
(NOTE*: It is understood that the
Lord has made it clear, even in scripture, that not everyone who says they are
"the body of Christ" are His. Pray about it; some need to repent and
the Lord will forgive, if they let go of their wrongdoing, and humbly turn back
to Jesus, and trust Him. Read: [Mat 7:22-23] - BP)
Yea, I shall rise up those who shall lift their
sword in one hand and a torch in the other, so that those who stumble in
darkness can see. Those who desire truth will hear truth. Lift high the torch (light)
and the sword (Word of God spoken through you by the Spirit of truth).
Days of My Spirit
Do you see the signs? You know My timing is near;
the sons of God await My command and My blessing (anointing) to go
forth. Selah. My Bride is making herself ready; so painful, yet necessary has
been her purification.
My people are holy (the remnant is a nation unto themselves), a people
set apart, a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, who show forth praise to Me,
for I called them out of darkness and into My wonderful light. [1Pet 2:9]
(NOTE*: Con't excerpts from November 2013 - Sovereign is Our God BP)
Spiritual Darkness
The day is here when seven women (churches) will take hold of one man (they
grab a hold of Y’shua/Jesus, yet it is He who chooses the true Bride). They
eat the bread of deceit and they cloak themselves with robes of
The power of many leaders shall be shattered. The dragon desires to shatter the
power of My people who walk the highway of holiness, but he shall
Rise up and take the kingdom, for from the days of John the Baptist
until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, but the violent shall take it
by force.
[NOTE: This is NOT as NAR or Word of Faith (WolF) teaches. The Lord is saying that His people will not fall away into apostasy. They will stand strong for the kingdom (and love not our lives unto death - Rev 12:11 - but sadly, we will see those who call themselves Christians fall away. We are seeing it now -- End note-BP]
Great spiritual darkness has fallen upon the land, and the days are fast
approaching where the hearing of My word shall be as a famine upon the
people. Darkness gets darker; foreboding - evil flaunts itself
boldly, PRIDE arises! Be not deceived when those who speak of ‘no
falling away’ whisper in your ear. [see 2Thes 2:3 to avoid deception]
Shout from the rooftops…remember Cain, King Saul and Esau; so it continues,
even unto this day. I shall rise up shepherds who will gather the
scattered sheep and bring them to the Good Shepherd (Jesus/Y’shua).
Repent, for the Time is at Hand
Prepare, prepare, prepare ye the way of the Lord! Temptations have come abroad and into the grasp of many, who took the bait of the silver-tongued devil.
They shall fall, they shall fall. Satan has lured
them away, offering them what they thought they needed. He has taken time to
learn the weaknesses of My people. Repent, for the time is at hand…
He will slice them through as a knife through butter and many will become
divided and the division shall be swift. ‘Now you have all that you need and
desire’, he whispers, and they fall as did Samson, as did
Balaam. Repent, for the time is at hand…
How much she has glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment
and sorrow for her: for she says in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow,
and shall see no sorrow. [Rev 18:7]
He will present himself in a man or woman, if they
are not walking in My commandments and abiding in me. ‘You shall be accepted
and respected’, he lies. He offers power and riches to the greedy and
wicked, yet the cost is their very souls. Repent, repent, repent, for the time
is at hand!
Yea, but I shall rise up those who are considered the most unlikely. The wise
shall be confounded by the foolish things and the mighty shall be abased by the
weak. They shall be a shock and a horror to the enemy and to all who
oppose them, for I have brought them through hard trials and testing.
Vessels Unto Honor
Yea, I have been preparing My people. My warriors have been in training,
overcoming hard tests and trials. The Bride is making herself ready. Be ready,
prepare! The glory, light and magnificence of My (Son) Christ shall fill My
vessels of honor and their beauty is comparable to none.
They bear much fruit and move in the power and authority of Y’shua/Jesus,
which shall and does infuriate the oppressor. It is the last of the last days,
as the evil in the end of this age escalates. The horror of calamities shall
become unbearable, yet is it not written that the time would be shortened for
the sake of the elect? [Mat24:22]
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! He who torments the people and destroyed
much over all the ages with his own evil armies (demons), coupled with
his own evil people, is filled with great wrath, for he knows he has but a
short time. [Rev12:12]
Satan, his evil armies and the workers of iniquity, who follow after and obey
him, shall be brought to judgment, and justice shall be carried out.
The enemy seeks to come against My people with fury, accusing them always, for
he knows that they are Mine. He would seek to destroy them, yet he is not
allowed to, as they remain in faith and obedience.
They are hidden under the shadow of My hand. He cannot touch their spirit nor
do anything that I do not allow. Hold fast.
I will send forth just the right ones, anointing their words, by which I will
draw many to Me. Satan does not see the heart, but he has watchers, an army,
and a government. They work together to tempt My people in their weaknesses, in
an attempt to seduce them away, when they least expect it.
He tempts My people to sin, endeavoring to convince them that it is My will.
Yea, but I do not tempt My people, nor would I ever direct them towards
By Faith, Overcome and Endure
I am not capricious nor is discouragement ever from Me. Overcome My people,
overcome the flesh and its lusts by dying to self; overcome and endure! Those
who hold fast to their faith, clinging to My Son, walking in obedience to
My word and doing My will shall be overcomers and receive the crown of
See [Jam 1:12-14; Rev 12:11]
In justice, judgment and wrath, this war shall
end in victory, for I AM the LORD of the battle. My armies are being
positioned and rising up to go forward into battle. Yea, again I say, I
AM the Lord of the battle. Selah
End Times Are Here
There shall be no strains of harmony amongst My
people, for they shall walk with one mind, in one spirit and in one accord,
despite the blackness of night and the evil around them. They
shall plumb the depths of My word and I shall reveal hidden treasures to them.
They shall walk in the realms of brightness, coming through the
darkness victoriously.
The winds will fight together with a dreadful blast. With the exaltation of
each ocean wave, the shores of this nation shall be overcome, as a great wall
arises out of the waters and pushes inland with no mercy.
These Things Must Be
Fear not the earth changes, or pole shifts, or the stars and constellations, or
the earth reeling to and fro as the seas rise, for the earth shall vomit and
spew forth destruction. I have forewarned in My word; I am Sovereign. These
things must be. The winds of war shall blow across this nation, as well as
other nations and great shall be the death and destruction.
Keep the Faith – Trust God
Everything I do contains wisdom and knowledge, for I am not the author of
confusion. Fear not, My people, for I lead you as you trust in Me. [Jam
1:12; 5-6]
As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the
LORD is tried: He is a buckler to all them that trust in Him. [2Sam 22:31]
(the above excerpts) Original:
Sovereign is Our God (reposted
The following is from: (ironically
called): Posted as Led. It was
published on April 16, 2014; however, some of the excerpts contained within
that article are from 2011.
October 19, 2011 [10.19.11]
Consider further My people, the cost (the price),
that must be paid in total commitment to Me, for all that I do is done decently
and in order.
Great Chaos and Destruction
For when great waters overtake your shores, moving inland, and great chaos, death and destruction comes, will you curse Me, or will you finally see the war that has been waged for millennium over the earth and its inhabitants? When the day comes when money is of no value and gold and silver are tossed into the streets, will you then turn to Me in repentance? None shall stop My judgments.
When your land shakes and the earth rips open, will
you raise your fist in defiance against a holy God, or will you finally see
that the enemy is cruel and wicked? When great fire spills forth in raging
fury, will you curse hateful words, or will you see the one who is a curse and
an evil creature of hatred, both he and his evil armies? Will you then turn to
Me in genuine repentance?
When men who have been taken over by greed and by
evil entities war upon your land, showing no mercy and doing as they desire,
will you finally cry out to Me in desperation, or will you be as Job’s wife
saying, ‘…curse God and die’? [Job 2:9]
War for Souls
The war for souls and for destruction of this earth
is real, yet I shall be victorious. When the sun is darkened and the moon does
not show its light; when the stars fall from heaven; and the earth reels to and
fro like a drunkard, will you cry out for the mountains to fall upon you? Or
will you fall upon your knees and cry out to
your Creator to forgive you and save you?
Many mock and say, ‘If this is your
‘loving’ God, keep Him. I don’t want Him’ ─ yet they turn to
believe a strong delusion which I send forth that ultimately will destroy both
them and their pride, for they did not love the truth.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because
they received not the love of the truth, that they
might be saved. And for this cause God (Yhvh) shall send
them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: [2Thess
So consider, My people, that which is so very soon
coming upon the earth. All the nations are in an uproar. Peace has left and
sorrow and destruction reign. Yea, but beware of those who offer false peace
and an answer to all your questions. Selah
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes
upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. [1Thes5:3]
Consider, those of you who have
laid down your lives completely as a living sacrifice unto Me; consider the
reward coming to you. For I shall have a people to show forth My glory and My
power in these last days.
Harvest is Ripe
The harvest is ripe and laborers are few, for many
are called, but few are chosen. Multitudes, multitudes shall be in
the valley of decision in the days that come. Many shall run to the
mountains grieving for their sins and grieving for their blindness.
To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness
to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive
forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith
that is in me. [Act 26: 18]
But they that escape of them shall escape, and
shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning,
every one for his iniquity. [Ezek7:16]
Flee Lust and Pride
Let Me prepare you now for that
which is soon ahead. Beware of the enemy, the seducer, who has
already implemented his strategies, as a final assault to those who call
themselves by My name, to distract the remnant through lust of the eyes,
the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. [1Jn 2:16]
The death (dying) to self destroys lust and pride,
for in the state of death, eyes do not see flesh has
no life, and pride has no rule. Lose your life in order to
gain it. It is a critical hour! Choose wisely.
To choose foolishly, you will keep your life (refuse
the cross), take the bait of the enemy, and succumb to the lust of
the eyes, the lust of the flesh and pride of life.
I urge you, consider carefully and choose wisely.
Turn from your own ways. Press in and hear
Me, My child, come to know Me in a deeper, intimate way. You will hear
Me in the quiet, with a still, small voice, NOT in the distractions that occupy
the places that attract your flesh.
Poisoned Water versus Living Water
Wait upon Me, you of little patience.
Lay down your cares and anxieties. Be still. Why are you looking for love
everywhere, except by looking to Me? Come away from distractions that occupy
the places that please your flesh. Do not drink from fountains where water
looks lovely and pure, but is filled with bitter poison.
Why look at the outward appearance? Drink not from
the fountains that offer the water of life, yet truly is water of death. Run
from those who say, Peace, peace, when there is no peace. [Jer
Come unto Me and I shall give you living
water. Come away from the distractions that occupy the places that attract
your flesh.
For God speaks once, yea twice, yet man perceives
it not. [Job 33:14]
I have loved you. I have blessed you. I have been
most patient as you struggled, yea, I have even helped you to carry on. Do not
throw it away in bitter pride, desperate to satisfy the flesh. Run into My arms
and lay not at the bosom of a stranger (physically or spiritually) who
allures you in a charming way, for beneath the lovely face are the fangs of the
serpent ─ the grand illusionist, father of lies, the counterfeiter – a murderer
from the beginning.
[...] He was a murderer from the beginning,
and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a
lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. [Jn
Harden not your heart, but be moved by My grace,
mercy, and love for you. I have labored long with you. The trying of your faith
has been hard, yea, and is to strengthen you and to draw you closer to Me.
Part TWO of Prayer Can Change Anything PART B...
to be posted later today
for His glory alone
Bless the Lord this is conformation and reassuring to keep your eyes on Father. Thanks, I love you in Christ Jesus.
ReplyDeleteThank you for thinking of me, sis...I call u buggy, and another sister pesky - my TWO younger sisters, both of you bugging and being pesky. sigh what would I do without you both...
ReplyDeleteI know I know...sitting in some corner having a pity party and eating my third box of chocolates and sipping on a diet 'something' lol - be much blessed, sis -
Actually, old things are passed away, and all things new -- a new creation in that would mean that it is my third batch of carrot and celery sticks, and nice cold ice tea lol (sounds good hey?)