[NOTE*: Edited with some revision- Oct. 11.2022 BP]
Looking to God
[NOTE*: Reader may need to take breaks from reading (choose a subtitle as a marker perhaps). This post is 26 pages long...just a heads up BP]
I started this writing nearly four weeks ago, a few
days after I posted the last article on the 13th of September (2022).
(Kept revising this part from two weeks, now to four).
Since arriving in Ontario [June 30-July 1, 2022],
things have constantly cropped up that must be taken care of, which delays my
work. It has been frustrating at times, and I need to pray more about things
Yom Kippur began for the Jewish people at sunset
October 4, 2022 until sunset October 5th …Day of Atonement [‘kaphar’
(atonement) – Hebrew]. It is considered the most solemn and holiest day of all
I was sure this would be posted on the day of the
feast, but in my desire to glorify Christ through my service to a family member
(trying to make my ‘actions speak louder than words’),
I am confronted with the weakness of altruism, in that things I need to do in
my personal life have become grossly delayed.
Could this be woven into some of the mental health
problems I am struggling with? That is part of my frustration, and I am not sure.
Again, I need to pray more about this so that I can have more balance…and
My concern is that if I do not prioritize in this
season of daily physical pain, and understand that it is ‘okay’ to say no to a
beloved family member, I risk becoming bitter – and the devil would enjoy that.
I think many can go overboard in this area at times.
There is a desire to be an example of God’s mercy and to reveal His patient
love, a hope of being a worthy vessel in His hands and an example that might
turn a lost soul toward the only one worthy – Jesus – the only
one who can save them.
There is a tendency to forget that God does not need
help, yet He does delight in making us useful instruments in His competent
hands! Sometimes, in our zeal, we get ahead of Him, or worse … lag behind. He
is the one with perfect timing, despite any premature protest or doubt we
sometimes have. He is always on time.
Like a pastor quipped one time: “God is the “latest, on time” God I know!”
Sounds like an oxymoron, but those of us who have
waited a long time before we suddenly saw a desperate prayer answered, with the
deadline only a minute away, get it. We totally understand what that pastor
God’s People, Israel
Back to Yom Kippur. I was hoping to show support for
the Jewish people (as someone NOT replacing them, but gratefully
grafted in), by respectfully acknowledging their high holy day, Yom Kippur.
And what one nation in the earth is like Your people
Israel, whom God went to redeem to be His own people, to make a name of
greatness and terribleness, by driving out nations from before Your people,
whom You have redeemed out of Egypt?
For Your people Israel did You make Your own people
forever; and You, YHWH, became their God.
[1Chron 17:21, 22]
There is a deep desire in me that those who are orthodox
Jews would come to acknowledge and know their Messiah, Yeshua (our Saviour,
Jesus). I rejoice for the Messianic Jewish believers who have been given
eyes to see and ears to hear, and who discern and realize the gospel truth
about the Saviour, Yeshua (Jesus Christ).
They accept Yeshua as their Saviour. They know that
Messiah’s sacrifice upon the cross (crucifixion), (death, burial and
resurrection), IS the Atonement [the pardon, the
forgiveness] of SIN that reconciles us [all who believe] back
to the true, living, holy God [YHWH].
Even the righteousness of God, which is by faith of
Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach) unto all and upon ALL
that believe: for there is no difference: For ALL
have sinned, and [all] fall short of the glory
of God; [Rom 3:22, 23]
Yet, as F.B. [Frederick Brotherton] Meyer once stated:
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[1847-1929] |
“Faith concerns itself with a person. We are saved and
blessed by the faith that passes beyond the fact of our Savior’s life to Himself.
We rest not on the atonement, but on Him
who made it; not on the death, but on Him
who died; not on the resurrection, but on Him
who rose, ascended, and ever lives to
make intercession; not in statements about Him, but in
Him of whom they are made.”
The Lord desires all to come to repentance, both Jews
and gentiles alike. For both alike, the apostle Peter stated:
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise as some
men count slackness, but is longsuffering (patient)
toward us, not willing that nay should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
[2Pet 3:9]
Confessing that we are sinners (and we ALL are),
and being humbled in our repentance (turning from sin) is important…understanding
that no matter what we have done, there is forgiveness. The ONLY
unforgiveable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
Paul wrote about his people:
Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for
Israel is that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a
zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and
going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves
unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for
righteousness to everyone that believes.
It begins right there – BELIEVE. It is not
complicated…enough faith to believe the truth. There is plenty of material
available both online and offline regarding this subject. I digress.
This article is not about that, but rather my desire
is to help someone, (aimed at brethren, yet gladly for anyone
who may be looking for answers) and to shine light rays of hope for people
who are struggling with mental health issues and suffering in dark silence.
This article (or mini-series) is NOT
intended to replace medical help, nor is it medical advice. There
are certified experts/professionals, outside of the tentacles and grips of Big
Pharma, who are qualified to do so.
My desire is to share interesting facts, both from a
secular and a spiritual perspective – to ignite hope enveloped in unquenchable truth
via Christ Jesus (Yeshua) [who IS the way, truth and life],
and reveal that there is a way through and out of a miry pit.
I will be sharing personal experiences only to educate
those who are unfamiliar with mental health issues the different ways that can start
or develop. It is a deep subject. Some dear souls are born with devastating
conditions, and everyone suffers
Each situation and every person are different, and
that is where experts – and God – come in. To me, the KEY to being helped with
mental health problems is (IF you are not too far gone), to
firstly, involve Jesus [God]. He is THE first one we should go to.
Secondly, pour out everything that is overwhelming
you; cry out from your heart to the Creator. He fully understands and will move
on your behalf. Do not doubt it.
King David was overwhelmed when he spoke out the words he had written in a song. He had been delivered from Saul and other enemies, according to Psalm 18:1. He began with praises, professing his love for the Lord and what God meant to him.
Then, the words he spoke confessed how the ungodly men
surrounding him (floods) frightened him to the point where he felt like
he may be killed. Trembling with fear and anxiety, David wrote:
In my distress I
called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: He heard my voice out of His
temple, and my cry came before Him, even into His ears.
David knew to involve God. His motive was pure and out
of the abundance of his heart he spoke. [Mat 12:34] He first professed his love
for Yhwh, and stated some of the things that God is to him (his rock, his
fortress, his deliverer, his shield and salvation, his high tower and refuge,
his Saviour) [2Sam 22:7]
And what did the apostle Paul write?
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation,
or distress, or persecution,
or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or
sword? [Rom 8:35]
To the glory of God – amen!
There is our example. At that time David had not done any
wrong to provoke such behaviour. Therefore, there was no need of repentance.
One would begin there IF one needed to repent, and make confession to
Speak the truth of and from your heart purely,
trusting God to hear your prayer. Then wait for God to move. He will, in
His way and in His timing.
False Prophets Have Risen Boldly
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Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ (Yeshua haMaschiach) is LORD |
Before I begin with the mental health mini-series, there
is a concerning matter which I had written about in several paragraphs and then
deleted them (envision wads of crumpled paper overflowing in a wastepaper
basket – same idea).
But time is getting shorter and the [spiritual]
trumpets are blasting warnings (trouble coming). This is not to initiate
fear, but it is a reality check. It is only common sense to stay alert to the
matter, as we see and listen, yet we can rest in Christ, trusting the Holy
Spirit to assist us in our discernment.
As we notice the fervour that the globalists are pushing
to fulfill their agenda, not only to harm and to deplete the number of people
globally, as well as to change laws so as to carry out their evil agenda,
fervent prayers have gone up by me, praying for ‘delay’ to their schedule (which
seems to be 2025, but cemented in 2030).
That time is rapidly approaching. Biblical prophecy WILL
be carried out to the letter; however, none can push it before God’s will. Not
knowing the day or hour of things, all I can do [or all 'any of us' can do] is pray. The rest is entirely
up to Him, and on His schedule.
But just like king David, we can praise our Sovereign
Maker, and echo David’s words. He is our rock, fortress, deliverer (in whom we
can TRUST); our buckler (shield), our strong tower, our Saviour.
I gave pause in bringing it up here in this article
because I thought it should be separate from mental health issues, but with all
that is happening, and the stress, anxiety and depression people are
experiencing, not just [most] globally, but even on a more personal level, I have
reconsidered and decided there is “no time like the present”.
Asleep or Blind Watchmen
Therefore let us not sleep as do others; but let us watch and be sober. [1Thes5:6]
The true disciples of Jesus/Yeshua must refuse to be blind watchmen acting like sleeping dogs.
There will always be those who disagree with us in this life (always - that's a given, a no-brainer).
However, there are those who are blind watchmen (sleeping
dogs), who act on behalf of (or who are themselves) greedy shepherds and false prophets, who will be
the first to try to silence those who are alert (awake), watching and
praying...and speaking truth, with the motive being for all to look to and count on Jesus/Yeshua (first, above all)!
(I speak of the Jesus of the Bible, not the Jesus made in 'man's image'.)
But the end of all things is at hand: therefore, be sober, and watch unto prayer. [1Pet 4:7]
There are those who speak prophetically but are taking things out of context. In order to tickle the ears of their listeners, they give their version of what is going to happen futuristically, as a “thus says the Lord”.
Yet, when we listen to what they are saying and read (compare) scriptures such as are contained in the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah and
Revelation, the two conflict, even though they toss in things written in the
Remember, Satan first took scripture out of context in the Garden of Eden (to plant 'doubt' in Eve's mind).
Then, in the temptation of Jesus in the desert wilderness, Satan quoted scripture (spoke the 'written' Word to the 'living' Word [Jesus, the WORD come in the flesh]).
Satan and his minions are NOT afraid to quote scripture, and his 'ministers of righteousness' (again I refer to [2Cor11:14, 15]) will use scripture also.
Please compare messages (whether given as prophecy, or presented as a sermon - whether oral or written), compare all with God's Word.
This is how you try (test) the 'spirit' to see if it is of God. Our Lord will NEVER go against His written Word.
FOUR times Jesus warned of deception when asked by His disciples what they should look for as a sign of His return. [see the book of Matthew, chapter 24]
For the Lord to mention anything twice is enough to pay close attention. But when He repeats something four times, understand the severity of the matter. We can clearly see why He adamantly repeated Himself regarding the end times (last days) before His return.
We are in those times now. The world is soaked in deception.
If you listen carefully, you will see how they are ‘overriding’
what God has forewarned about the future. They do this by ‘decreeing’
and ‘declaring’ how the ‘church’ (‘God’s people’) will turn things all
around before Christ returns.
Confusion is dodged as truth is blended with error. I
adamantly disagree with certain slick prophecies that override God’s word and gives
people false hope. God (Yhvh/Yhwh) will never, not now or ever, go against His
It is established and shall be carried out just as He
foretold us through His ancient prophets and apostles. How many times did Jesus
(Yeshua) say: “It is written…” There is a reason He repeated Himself. It meant
it is accomplished (it has been, is and shall be) [past, present or future], depending on what He
was speaking about.
His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they
are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds
that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, everyone for his gain,
from his quarter. [Is 56:11]
Most of us know what it means to turn a ‘blind eye’.
It means to ‘ignore’ (or to be ignorant of) some wrongdoing that is
happening; to act as if it were not happening at all, and to pretend not to see
There are false teachers (shepherds) and false
prophets (prophetic watchmen) who are deceiving masses today. Yes, it is true
that there have always been such people. The scripture above (one of many)
teaches and warns us about them.
However, there are those who hear a prophetic message
that contains a rebuke (correction, scolding) or chastisement (rebuke
with punishment as a loving parent does) and determine that it is not for
them or [it must be] for rebellious, disobedient, wayward children of God, but strictly for
the unsaved.
We instinctively know if we do or have done something
wrong, unless we are in denial, have a callous (hardened) heart and a stiff-neck
(stubborn), or are deceived. Even a child knows when they have done
It was perhaps over a decade ago, a few years after I
committed to Jesus that He put [something] within my heart that I could not forget, as it
kept me in line as well. I have often said that the messenger gets the message
first, and we do well to take heed.
The Lord had said that many of His people
(Christians) today have replaced the daily horoscope with a daily
prophetic word. Instead of coming to Him, they run to popular prophetic
speakers to ‘hear’ what the Lord is saying.
I have heard those who consider themselves ‘prophets’
declare that the Lord speaks to them constantly (every day) because [they say] God
knows that people need to know what is going on in this ‘crazy’ world, so they
will not fear.
They rarely mention the ‘silence of the Lord’.
I believe God speaks to all of His children, all of His sheep. He speaks
through His written Word, and yes, He does speak through others. He has been
known to speak through children, and even unbelievers.
For a very stubborn ancient prophet, the Lord even
spoke through a female ass (donkey). God can do and does the impossible.
However, my heavenly Father (Abba) has been silent many times. It gets my attention, causes me to press in.
It tries my faith; teaches me to trust...and through it all, I have discovered my weakness(es), and just how much I need my Creator. Yes, there are 'good', positive reasons (and wisdom) behind the Lord's silence.
Some profess that God is always speaking...really?
If that is true, then why do we read scriptures asking the Lord why He stands afar off (at a distance), or hides himself in the day of our trouble? [Ps 10:1]
Job asked his friends that when God is silent, who can condemn? [Job 34:39] Zephaniah, Isaiah and Habakkuk, three godly prophets, all complained at some point about God's silence.
God Himself admits to silence.
These things have you done, and I kept SILENCE; you thought that I was altogether like you (such a one as you): but I will reprove (reprimand, scold) you, and set them in order before your eyes. [Ps50:21]
Let us not mention the 400 years of silence between the Old and the New Testament, shall we?
Dear friends, silence does not mean He has left or forsaken us, or
is hard to reach. He is ever-present and everywhere. There are times He desires [that] WE slow down and realize that HE IS GOD.
Be still and know that I am God. [Ps
In that psalm, the Lord of armies assures us that He
is with us, and we can take refuge in Him. [vs 11] He is saying that when the “heathen
raged”, and the “kingdoms were moved” (upheaval? violence? war?), He is still God (and 'we' can be 'still' in knowing that).
He reminds us that He alone is exalted above all heathen (and yes, we all 'started out' as heathen, sinners, all having fallen short of God's glory [see Rom 3:23]) and above all the earth, no matter what is happening.
He is
Sovereign. False prophecies are mingled with truths so that they are accepted,
but they lead people away from the [written] WORD of God and into false hope.
Please do not misunderstand me. God Himself tells us
not to despise prophecy, so please do not miss the point. I myself have given
prophetic words, but I can only hope that people line it up with God’s word
because we are exhorted to test EVERY SPIRIT to see if it is of
God. That includes me…
Just because a few things are in scripture that you
know of, do not assume the whole thing is of God. Instead, search the
scriptures. Please…make sure that the entire message (from whomsoever,
including me) aligns with the Bible.
And if ever I am wrong, or speak in error, I pray that someone will correct me. I never want to lead anyone astray; there are enough people out there doing so...and I surely will stand before God when my time comes, and will be held accountable and responsible. As I should be.
The point is multifaceted. God wants us to come to Him
first (our first love), Jesus/Yeshua. He loves us and desires we
fellowship with Him. We should go to Him first for answers, not another
person. That is how we got in the mess
we are in today with world leaders.
Give Us a King, A Leader
Israel, His chosen people, already had godly prophets, such as Samuel, prophets who were sent by God to hear what God would say to them to instruct and teach them.
However, when Samuel was old and soon to die, he made
his two sons judges to rule over the people. But his sons lusted after money.
They took bribes and perverted judgment. [1Sam 8:3]
The elders of Israel complained about the situation
and demanded a “king”, a ‘leader’ over them, not God. It is true that Samuel’s
sons were not men of God; they did wickedly. However, the fact that the elders
rejected the decision of Samuel angered him, so he prayed.
And the Lord said unto Samuel, Listen to the voice of
the people in all that they say unto you: for they have not rejected you, but
they have rejected Me, that I should not
reign over them. [vs 7]
It displeased the Lord but He allowed it. After all,
the Israelites had rebelled throughout the wilderness, and still they were
complaining. Samuel spoke God’s words that warned the people about what a
‘king’ (man) would do, but still they insisted they wanted one to rule and
defend them.
The short version is that Samuel warned the elders
that a king would basically make servants or slaves of them. He would take
their sons and make them instruments of both ‘war’ and of his 'chariots' (transportation; military equipment).
Their daughters would serve him in the kitchen, in his
vineyards and gardens. Both would be made his staff to serve him. He would take
a tenth of their income (a tenth of their grain and vineyards. I
reckon that action is akin to people paying taxes today).
In other words, a king would take many freedoms from
the Israelites and they would ‘serve’ him as he pleased. Is that not what is
happening even today?
Are the people of the nations not becoming more
controlled by the governments as laws change or are ignored? Are the police and
military becoming more aggressive toward the people? Is violence, protests and
lawlessness not increasing globally?
Yet, there are those prophesying that God will set
everything right. “Good” kings (rulers/leaders) will be installed by God and we
can “take back” the world, or that which is “ours”.
However, Jesus reminds us that we are IN the world, but we are
not OF the world. We are aliens here. This world is not our home. And now that
we have what we asked for, it looks like the people in any given country are not happy; most
are protesting.
As people, we are fallible. God is not. There is not
one person alive today, prophetic or not, who does not make mistakes.
Not one!
The topic ends here, but I must put out a strong
reminder to please take everything to the Lord. And remember to try the spirit
to see if it is of God; see if it aligns with God’s word. I need to remind
myself of this as well because we all get so busy, so distracted, so inundated,
so --- everything, do we not?
We have watched things spin out of control globally.
We see injustices daily. Innocent people are beaten, tortured, jailed or worse.
Good is truly considered evil, and evil is considered good, even acceptable.
The whole earth is groaning. Nature groans. God’s
people groan. All is travailing. Remember our first love, Jesus. Determine to
start the day with Him and keep in the Word. Stay alert; watch and pray. And I
shall do my utmost to do the same…
Fragrance of the Healer
Who is Nuts?
Who are the least obvious sufferers amongst us? It could
be someone in your workplace, school, or church, or it could be a neighbour. It
could even be a spouse, some other close family member, or your best friend.
It could be a politician (although most have been
labelled insane already), or it could be police, firefighters, judges,
lawyers, teachers, farmers, truck drivers, construction workers, hospitality, warehouse,
sanitation, media, office or store staff, executives, medical personnel, homemakers,
students, et al.
It could even be a priest or preacher. Or it could be
a blog writer whose work you just happen to stumble upon (couldn’t resist)
It is obviously an exhaustive list, but in a nutshell
(pardon the expression), it could be anyone! (okay, okay, the pun was
Many people are unaware of those who are suffering with mental health problems because they endure quietly and alone, tormented inwardly (internalizing confusion, shame and hopelessness), hiding behind a pasted smile outwardly, afraid to speak out due to the stigma surrounding mental and emotional disruptions or disorders.
Millions, yes millions, are concerned with being
misunderstood, judged, labelled, feared (hence, shabby [unkind, snide],
intentional avoidance or aloofness), or shunned (utterly rejected).
It is time to proclaim liberty [freedom] to the captives,
and the opening of the prison to them that are bound. [Is 61:1] GLORY to
the King of kings and Lord of lords!
But God commended
[demonstrated] His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us. [Rom 5:8]
(Quick heads up: It is my intention to cover all that is on this list, but it may or may not be presented in the exact order as is shown in this outline BP)
In this
article, some of the things that will be covered:
• do ‘real’ Christians have mental/emotional issues?
• the stigma and fear that surrounds the words “mental
• the top mental health issues that are affecting MILLIONS
• are people
with mental illness or disorders demonically possessed or oppressed?
• every race, age, gender, culture has been or is
touched (affected) with one or more mental health maladies
• ancient TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
is credited with linking mental health with the major organs of the body (heart,
liver, kidney, spleen, gut/intestines, lungs). However, the Creator of
mankind revealed these truths long ago in His written Word.
When Job, David, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Paul
wrote about their “bowels”, they were linking deep-seated emotions and
illness to their inward parts. Jeremiah even mentions his ‘liver’. [Lam
• What are
some of the afflictions? – when to seek help
• as triune beings with a body, soul, and spirit,
discover just how interconnected all three are, and how mental illness and
emotional distress can make us physically ill
• There will be no gaslighting in this paper. Instead,
the gas is turned off and only the light of God through Jesus Christ will be
• Do Christians struggle with mental health disorders?
Discover how some pastors and counselors, strong leaders, have suffered
silently, fighting shame and guilt, questioning their own spirituality when they fell
into a dark season, yet [many, but sadly, not all] rose back up
• how to overcome shame, guilt, self-condemnation, doubts
and fear –- and stigma
• do Satan and his minions get involved, and if so, what strategies do they employ?
• false accusations, or vitriolic [sharp, bitter,
extremely biting] comments or behaviour; how should it be handled?
• Common mistakes suffering Christians make, and how
to correct them.
• Find out how global elites today use programming, mind
control and harmful technologies upon the unaware masses to purposely cause stress,
anxiety, depression and FEAR in order to control the masses, with intent to
depopulate (not a conspiracy; Bill Gates and Yuval Noah Harari are two out of the group of globalists that have admitted it - fact)
Most importantly …learn how Jesus can
This writing
will be broken down into parts.
My genuine
prayer is that someone who is feeling lost, hurting, confused, alone and
hopeless reads this and:
[1] seeks the
true Healer, Comforter and Helper, which is Jesus the Messiah (through the
Holy Spirit that He sent when He ascended into heaven).
[2] that
someone (preferably many) will be greatly helped and discover the inner
peace that passes all understanding (only in Christ), and choose to trust
and believe Him, and return to their journey confidently as they find answers
to some of their questions, and [may] all confusion disperse.
May the Lord repair
hearts, restore hope, direct souls back onto the road of recovery and restoration,
re-establish balance and stability …and above all, bring relief and rest. May the Lord make the shattered pieces whole again.
And therefore will the Lord wait, that He may be gracious unto you, and therefore will He be exalted, that He may have mercy upon you: for the Lord is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for Him.
For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem: you
shall weep no more: He will be very gracious unto you at the voice of
your cry; when He shall hear
it, He will answer you.
[Is 30:18, 19]
The Lord patiently waits for us, but we have a hard
time patiently waiting for Him.
Jesus Helps in Unexpected, but Solid Ways
So many true disciples of Christ are wrestling with chronic depression, severe anxiety, and overwhelming stress today that if you knew the number you would be astonished. Perhaps you, yourself, are wrestling with one or more of these things.
Multitudes are daily enduring chronic pain, including myself. It is sometimes difficult for any of us to fully understand what another is going through, unless we have gone through similar situations, or are going through them.
If we can see (have vision), we do not know what it is like not to see colours or shapes, or the faces of loved ones. If we can hear, we cannot fathom what a world would be like without music, without birds chirping, waves crashing on the rocks, without sound.
And if we struggle understanding or knowing what a physical disability is like that we can see, how much more difficult is it to understand that which we cannot see, such as a mental disability or disturbance?
Unless we have experienced these things, it is a great challenge to comprehend deeply or fully. We learn through reading material, videos, but mostly we learn by listening to those who are enduring such afflictions.
In fact, if you are one who is suffering silently,
then, it is my sincerest hope that what I present in this writing will blow
shame, guilt, condemnation, misunderstanding, loneliness, doubt, and fear right
out of your mind (soul)!
When you hear the words, "...if you want to take your eyes off yourself and your problems, help someone else."
OR, "...if you would like a
little joy to dampen depression, then reach out to help others in the same
boat, or more so helping those who have even gone overboard" – if you hear words like that, then, friend, do it!
In my struggle with mental health issues (I call it
wrestling – to overcome), the Holy Spirit indicated that many others
were suffering mentally these days too. As a Christian, a disciple of the
Anointed One, Jesus/Yeshua, I was further weighed down with deep emotions, feelings,
heavy thoughts… and a plethora of scriptures.
I love the Word of God, but at times, scriptures were
getting jumbled and going through my mind as weapons of condemnation. Was I
taking verses out of context, or was the very real adversary, Satan, or one of
his minions, shooting fiery darts at my mind so fast that I could barely keep
up with casting down and sorting out?
I was shackled with shame (what is wrong with me?),
guilt (it must be the consequences of past sins); self-condemnation (some
warrior, I cannot even endure this pain, when ‘others have it a lot
worse’; ’if only I measured up’)
That spirit of fear kept knock, knock, knocking on the
door of my soul. Thoughts could be fast and furious, too foolish to repeat, yet
convincing enough to keep me fearful and unsure of my standing with God, and shaking
my faith at its core.
(‘Is bitterness in me?’; ‘Who did I miss;
who haven’t I forgiven?’; ‘do I have a plank in my eye?’; am I
hiding sin somewhere’; ‘Have I unknowingly trampled the blood of Jesus?’)
Indeed, there were difficult challenges, trying to
discern which thoughts were from my flesh and which were fiery darts shot by
the enemy, who aims hoping to find a chink [weakness, vulnerability] in my
armour. I continued to cry out to the Lord.
“Father, like others that I read about in the Bible, I cry out to you as they did; and as they said, I too am in great distress – I need You, Jesus. Please hear me. I will keep coming to
you like the widow woman did before that wicked judge. He finally granted her
request, just to be rid of her. Jesus, You are my Advocate…please help me,
Lord. Show me where I am wrong – or grant me the strength to endure. I just
don’t understand…”
In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my
God: and He did hear my voice out of His temple, and my cry did enter into His
ears. [2Sam 22:7]
In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and He heard me.
For You have been a strength to the poor, a strength
to the needy in His distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heart,
when the blast of the terrible ones (the enemies of the cross) is as a storm
against the wall. [Ps 120:1; Is24:4]
He hears us; I know He hears us. Thank God for His
written Word and that we have access to it. Online bibles have search engines
to help us find the appropriate scriptures when we do not know how to express
the turbulence going on within and around us.
How privileged we are to be able to get the Word down
deep inside, to write it on the tablets of our heart. But there is no way that
I know the addresses for each verse. I do know if a verse is Old or New
Testament, and many times I do know where to find them.
But there are 66 books. There is no way I know where to find all the scripture verses that I do know off-hand. And there is positively no way that I have the whole Bible, or even half of it memorized.
But I do know enough of the Bible to know false doctrines. Yet again, we must keep in the Word. It is easy to forget things, but also, Jesus (Yeshua) warned us about how even the elect would be deceived, if possible.
We need the Word of God, the precious and Holy Spirit, who always exalts Jesus. That said, I do believe that it pleases the Lord when we speak His written Word back to Him.
We can praise Him for His
lovingkindness and truth because it is written that He has magnified His Word
above all His name. [Ps138:2]
After nearly five years, with the last two and
two-thirds being most intense, little meltdowns were manifesting in me. How I pressed
in to the Lord; how I cried out to Him. Then, on a particularly rough day, and
with a flood of tears and a sense of shame, I finally confided in a close Christian
friend. Praise God for solid family in the Lord!
I am unsure how long ago it was now, but I would say only
a matter of ‘weeks’, and not many at that. Therein is the starting point. Cry
out to the Lord – secondly, brave up dear soul and tell someone, someone you
can trust!
That faithful friend confirmed what the Holy Spirit had indicated deep within my own understanding, which is that many in the Body of Christ are suffering physically, mentally, and spiritually; multitudes struggling in various ways.
We weary of waiting, but refuse to give up or give in; although sadly, many are falling away. The number of apostate and reprobate has grievously increased, just as prophesied in days of old.
Countless are weary
from pain and physical illnesses and hindrances, whether chronic to mild, whether daily or randomly, whether long-lasting or newly developed. Multitudes suffering with depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, imbalances, and more.
All of the above affects people globally.
Then there are the times that all of us weary from the spiritual battles, as well as the ones in the physical realm, with the flesh and with the world.
The latter is due to the fallen world and sinful nature of people (including our own sinful nature which we must daily crucify; easier said than done).
Yet how often do we blame 'Murphy's law' on everything that goes wrong, including that which is obviously the result of sin?
Hang on, and hold fast to Yeshua, our Jesus. We are NOT
alone. Understanding and help is coming. The aforementioned fear, shame, guilt,
self-condemnation will go.
The Stigma and Fear Surrounding ‘Mental Health’
Where does one even begin when it comes to personal
issues regarding mental health? How often does it happen that as soon as those
words are mentioned [mental health or mental illness] that
negative attitudes or extreme images of people often flash through the mind?
There is still stigma that surrounds the topic
of mental issues, most often resulting in bias and prejudice rearing their ugly
heads. The images that crop up may be as simple as a mental snapshot of a
forlorn soul laying on a couch, or sitting rigidly in an oversized chair, sharing
their woes to a somber-faced psychiatrist (“shrink”) hastily taking
Or perhaps we think of someone in a white
straitjacket, strapped to a cold gurney, either too sedated to even blink, or desperately
trying to escape. Or perhaps we envision an eccentric man who is constantly
seen talking to a six-foot-tall rabbit, invisible to everyone except him. [“Harvey”
by playwright Mary Chase – 1944]
Acts of violent extremists, or a naked madman running
out of a cemetery, blaspheming God and shouting obscenities might come to mind.
Or lastly, the image that presents itself may be that of a lonely soul, whether
medicated (under the influence of [prescription or street] drugs, alcohol,
or both) or completely sober but utterly depressed, involved in self-harm,
or toying with suicidal thoughts.
Sadly, multitudes carry out the latter (suicide),
in the throes of sorrow, grief and heavy thoughts that have imprisoned them on
an emotional rollercoaster, traumatized by the depth and intensity of inner
pain, and unable to bear it any longer.
For others it may be to end years, perhaps decades, of pain that just will not quit. No medicine prescribed brings relief, and there is little to no enjoyment in life for them due to physical limitations.
There are so many possibilities and reasons that cause a person to choose to end it all. It can be difficult to fight off anger and bitterness. Some don't want to because they feel justified in their anger and bitterness, and it can become a place of 'comfort', but in truth, it is no comfort at all.
They can see no end to the complexity of piercing
problems, no other satisfactory way out to end their misery. They desperately
seek relief, and death seems to be the only viable answer, the only solution.
A couple of times in the past I mistakenly quoted a
phrase that has gained popularity, which is: Suicide is a permanent
solution to temporary problems.
I used to think it would help someone struggling with
thoughts of suicide realize that their problems are ‘temporary’, and actually
promoting a ‘solution’, a way out. I am not always right...
The phrase may cause some people to refocus and
hope that the heavy cloud of darkness will lift. They may abort the idea and
not carry out the act of suicide.
Yet here is the reality. Whether Christian or not, not
all mental health issues are temporary. I also was mistaken that way as well.
Ignorance is NOT bliss. Ignorance can hurt people, even ‘push’ them over the
edge or further into darkness.
Yet another soul may be crushed by the lack of
understanding or compassion for their situation, and the word ‘temporary’
brings them mixed emotions, and the words, ‘solution’ or ‘permanent’ may shine
brightly as ‘the answer’ that will put an end to their suffering.
And still another suffering soul may be angered by the cliche, considering it callous, void of understanding and rude. It may infuriate them enough to cause a violent reaction (or thoughts).
We do not all think the same. We live separate lives and have different experiences. There may be some similarities, even some experiences or things in common, and therefore we can relate, or at least empathize.
However, we cannot expect others to be like us. We are truly all unique and individual. Even identical twins have differences.
My own situation has not seemed 'temporary', [as it is] going on six years now. I wait patiently on the Lord. O how He has done a work in me though. Pain drew me closer to Him, and I thought it was not possible, but it was, and is. Perhaps that is 'why' He has allowed it for so long... yet I believe the end of it is near.
So yes, that well-meaning phrase can prove to be counterproductive, a
travesty. As stated, someone may consider it an uncaring cliche, when in truth the person who quotes it may deeply care,
but if they have never been in the same state of mind, or in a desperate enough place so as to understand why one may contemplate suicide, then they might handle it ignorantly, or at best, awkwardly.
I speak for myself when I quipped the expression a couple of times in the past out of ignorance, before I myself experienced deeper suffering. In fact, when I was in my 20s, I knew a young woman who completely lacked any compassion for people who even 'thought' of suicide.
If anyone used improper coping mechanisms, such as cutting themselves, getting completely inebriated on drugs or alcohol, or beat their head or fist against a wall until they bled, or any other extreme measure, she criticized them harshly. No mercy or compassion was ever extended toward such people by her.
Having suffered the despair of long-lasting depression and the turbulence of anxiety myself now, as well as long-lasting, chronic pain, I abruptly stopped using the "permanent solution", "temporary problem" statement. I am glad it was only used a couple of times, albeit two times too many.
Because you do not know how someone will take such a platitude. It could be destructive, and it could also come across as heartless and cold.
How often is mental health associated with insanity (craziness), incompetence, or with people whose cognitive skills are mildly impaired, or worse, grossly depleted?
Do we judge someone’s situation as [if we are] one who is
all-knowing or all-wise? Do we minimize their problem or invalidate their emotions,
feelings, reasoning or conclusions?
Do we consider them as weak individuals? You would be
surprised at the backbone, the fortitude or courage that it takes to endure
constant, or long-lasting health issues, whether they be mental or physical.
What if someone’s state of mind is due to terminal
illness and continuous or repetitive treatments for it, or as the result of a
loved one’s death? What if it has come about as a result of trauma/drama, such
as some accident with fatalities, or kidnapping or rape?
What if their mental state came as a result of
physical loss (a limb, blindness, deafness) or from a career or job
loss, or financial ruin?
The list of possibilities is endless. What if a mental
health or emotional problem was not an unexpected result of a sudden tragedy,
but the result of some long-term incident, such as weeks, months, years in
physical battles as a war veteran, or years of a dragged-out court case?
What if it developed after years of physical therapy,
or years of being in and out of hospital, or years of physical, emotional, or
mental abuse at the hands of someone in a position of trust (family, police,
clergy etc.)?
And what if it IS hereditary, passed down through
genetics? Did you know that a hormonal imbalance will affect moods, or blood
sugar (insulin) issues, or problems with your adrenal gland?
The Physical Affects the Soul Realm
How many are suffering mental health issues not
realizing that it is a direct result of a diagnosed or undiagnosed physical
I stumbled across a well-written article posted on the
Clinics site, with content that surprised me. A couple of years ago, sometime
during the announcement of a COVID pandemic (about November 2020), after
two separate MRI scans, I was informed that a ‘cloud’ was noticed on one of my
adrenal glands, as well as two cysts in my thyroid.
I began noticing that certain things such as fatigue,
irritability, depression (for starters) cropped up, but never connected
the dots. The doctor who ordered the scans suddenly left town.
Doing research for this article in order to present facts and bring understanding, and perhaps answer some questions people may have, I have been getting answers myself. God is so wise in how He leads...
Between her patients getting divided among several
doctors (of which I was one), things became lost in the shuffle and were not followed up
medically. Then, a swirl of serious, unavoidable personal events began taking
The Spiritual Affects the Soul Realm
Dramatic events began in 2017, when the Lord
instructed me to speak to the pastors (a husband-and-wife team) at the
church I was attending. They were heavily involved in gossip, false doctrine,
and Christian witchcraft (praying ‘curses’ upon those who opposed them).
After a 31 day fast, I did confront them. I was rejected, along with my message, even though I was led to open the conversation by announcing God’s love for them.
That is how the Lord instructed me to start, by speaking of His love (for God is love). [1Jn 4:8] It would be much later that I learned that most of the small congregation left around that same time. The [store-front] church closed and was sold less than six months later.
I took no joy or delight in it, as I liked them both, and prayed several times for them, but ultimately only God sees the heart. We are told to pray for our enemies, those who oppose us.
It was the Holy Spirit that led me to pray, otherwise I may not have. Obedience was not difficult because I know how destructive a bitter root of unforgiveness is.
As a result, I do my utmost to avoid [harbouring] it and have often asked the
Holy Spirit to help me over the years, just to be sure.
In 2018, about a year after that incident, I ran into
someone whom I liked as a person, but considered to be a double agent. She informed
me that there was someone who was going to build that same couple a church in a town about
50 km. away.
It was my hope that they had repented and were truly
following the Lord because they were both quite gifted, not only in speaking,
but musically as well. She did confide that they still felt hostility toward me
and had ‘prayed’ against me.
It turned out that for reasons unknown to me, the man who was going to generously build them a small church withdrew his offer (or halted the project). Where the couple went from there was unknown [to me], as two different places [possibilities] were mentioned.
I wanted to hear no more of any gossip. It is a slippery slope, and something that is very easy to get caught up in. The hope is that they repented so that the Lord could forgive and cleanse them.
I could sense the opposition (witchcraft) in the spiritual realm at that time, but I had no fear. [1Jn 4:4] The Lord was allowing hearts to be tried (tested), and I had posted an article about that very important trial (for ALL of His, self included).
Around that time, I had also joined a Friday night meeting at the home of a couple who had left the same church somewhere around the same time that I had. Surprisingly, several people from that congregation were now fellowshipping in the home.
Much went on over the next three years, but everything
escalated exponentially from January 2020 onward. Talk about soul-searching! I
was torn between trying to discover ‘why’ everything was coming against me so steadily and strongly, while at the same time trying my best not to be ‘self-focused’. That was a juggling act, I daresay!
It was not just the Prime Minister’s (Justin Trudeau)
of the COVID-19 pandemic (and consequential actions) on March 16th,
2020, but shocking changes were suddenly being seen in people as well.
For two years (2020-2022), I bore witness first-hand
to the covetousness and greed of three landlords, lawlessness, three corrupted
businesses committing theft, willful blindness, compromise, sin and betrayal
amongst “brethren” and friends, and an onslaught that affected my physical
[body], mental/emotional [soul] and spiritual wellbeing.
The first business got away with the theft before I noticed, but the next two were thwarted, and I thank the Lord for both, but what an eye-opener to the times we are in.
As in the days of Noah, and as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah...
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord ponders the hearts. [Prov 21:2]
There was also three distinct times that the adversary tried to take me out (kill me) by causing an accident with a tractor-trailer, 18-wheeler.
Three different 18-wheelers, three different times, over the course of three weeks on the same highway. Only the second time had a second witness, as I was giving a friend a ride home.
It was around the same time that I saw a white car painted with a cobra on it, and later, a silver car painted with a ferocious-looking dragon. At that time, I posted articles and provided pictures.
Up until then, like most, if not all disciples of Christ, I had had my share of spiritual battles, but these battles were off the chart! I know that I know that God intervened. He ordered His holy angels to assist.
These personal battles in the overall war against
mankind come with the loud clattering of many voices, as well as confusion.
Bitterness, unforgiveness, anger and hopelessness must also be fought and
conquered, least they find a place to take root.
How many other people went through similar battles in
the past few years, since early 2020? These intense battles do not only wear us down, but they are discouraging
and disappointing; they can and do affect mental health, especially when they come as an onslaught.
For every battle of
the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in
blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and His name shall be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of
Peace. [Is 9:5, 6]
Stress Can Make You Ill
Pressing legal matters that cause stress can affect
your mental health. For some, they will even become physically ill as a result. I remember
spending seventeen years caught up in the judicial system, which seemed as
though it would never end.
But the upside is that not only did those years cause me to start drawing
closer to Jesus, but every single time, He brought victory. It was not until a
year after the seventeen years ended that I finally committed to the Saviour.
Back in August, in an article called, The
Lord Waits Patiently, I shared some of the work done by others down through
the years, which I discovered in my research.
One fascinating article on the biblestudy.org
website explains that in Hebrew, the number 17 means “complete victory”
and “overcoming the enemy”. I can attest to the fact that after
17 years of battles, the meaning proves true.
Every one of those battles had intense moments, even moments where
it seemed as though the invisible enemy was laughing, shouting “defeat”.
(Imagine Goliath standing before David, laughing, taunting.)
In retrospect I can clearly see the hand of God and
testify to the fact that He did not leave or forsake me, even though at times it
“felt” like I was all alone (because in the physical realm I had no
support with me in the courts).
Jesus Shines Through His People
However, although she could not attend physically (for valid reasons), there was one faithful sister who prayed often and fervently on my behalf over the course of those many years.
She met me when I was messed up, unsaved, yet desperately hoping that Jesus somehow…just maybe truly cared, and maybe, just maybe, would forgive me...and help me win the battle of custody for my children (long story, short time, but I did get the victory.
However, first the Lord had to draw me to Himself - and in the seventh year from the time the battle ensued, my children were returned to me) Hallelujah, God's glory alone, through Christ Jesus, His beloved Son!
That friend was the only one in the whole church (that's where I met her, where I went when I had nowhere else to turn) who saw through the mess; and the
only one who believed in me. It was years later that I learned that she had
defended me several times when even the church pastor condemned me.
He had no desire to pray for me. Whether he did or not
to save face with the elders, I know not, but I do know the day came years
later when that pastor and I spoke one on one.
He had no idea I knew what I knew, but when I told him
that I genuinely forgave him, he was sincerely moved. We all fall short of God’s
glory. So it is written, so it is true.
The beautiful sister who faithfully prayed for me all
those years (even after I had moved far away [States] – we kept in
touch by phone) was a true child of God, a Proverbs 31 woman.
She was like a mother to me. She passed away in 2019
at the age of 98 years old. How I loved her, but how much more was she faithful
to Jesus, whom she served.
We can be quick to judge, and slow to understand or
show compassion. Yet the surprising reality is that the people who are burdened
with mental health issues come from all kinds of backgrounds, cultures, and
They can be young or old, male or female, educated or
uneducated, rich or poor, religious or atheist. You catch my drift – there is
no ‘respecter of person’ when it comes to mental health.
Sufferers are most often undetected, labouring in a
state of unrecognized silence to protect their dignity, honour and worthiness.
How often are the people who exhibit the more obvious signs
of mental or emotional issues discriminated against, avoided, whether by
family, friends, or strangers?
It is frequently because most people do not know how
to help, or what to say.
People need a listening ear. A little compassion goes
a long way, and acceptance can come like a much-needed life buoy. It has always
been said that people fear the unknown, but nowadays, people even fear the
known, especially as chaos and deception become more prominent.
Real Christians Do Not Have Mental/Emotional Issues
Some of the most solid and godly people have suffered with mental and/or emotional issues. Countless Christians suffer in silence unnecessarily, at times feeling ashamed, guilty, and that they have somehow failed God.
O that God will send help to them, either through
something they read, or through whatever way God sees best; may He lead each
soul that looks to Him for help.
And may You draw close to those who are NOT looking to You necessarily, but who 'are' looking for help. Be there for them, Lord, I pray, and reveal Yourself to them as only You know how to do best. And through it all may Jesus be glorified. Amen.
The majority feel quite alone when they struggle with
mental health and/or emotional upheavals, as well as using up energy sorting
through fast-moving or jumbled thoughts.
Some wonder, who could possibly understand? I know
that when we ourselves do not understand what is happening to us, we find it impossible to think anyone can. Who
will not judge? Will avoidance or bias bring separation or division? So many
questions…so few answers.
It is understandable why anyone dealing with mental
health problems would consider such things. Some folks in the church mistakenly
think people with such issues lack faith, are hiding secret sin, are demon-possessed
or think that such may even be ‘false brethren’.
Prejudging is often misjudgment laced in error. The
stigma is that ‘real’ born-again Christians do not suffer with mental or
emotional problems because Christ is in them, and therefore, they have a ‘sound
Do you doubt solid, godly people suffer with mental or emotional issues, even if it is temporary?
At different times and for different
reasons, there are four men of God that I have mentioned before (in previous articles, off and on over the years), regarding their ‘humanness’.
Job, Elijah, Moses, and Jonah are merely four people
who suffered discouragement, fear, anxiety, and depression, so much so that
each one asked God to take their life.
Anxiety and fear overwhelmed Elijah [1King 19:4] so strongly that he ran a great number of miles just to escape Jezebel's threats.
Finally stopping by a brook, and heavily burdened with weariness and depression, he slept deeply, awakening only a couple of times to
be given food by an angel.
Moses so overwhelmed with anxiety and depression that
he angrily stated that if God was not going to forgive the Israelites, then the
Lord could “blot him [Moses] out of the book.”
Jonah the prophet experienced such fear and anxiety
that he tried to sail away as far as he could in the opposite direction that
God was sending him to (Nineveh). He asked God to ‘take my life; it is
better to die than to live.’
And last, but not least, Job also asked God to take
his life. [Job 7:16] The prophet Jeremiah, who wrote Lamentations, became
known as the weeping prophet. He suffered depression throughout his life.
Kings such as David, Abraham’s wife Sarah, the women who could not conceive and numerous other godly saints throughout the Bible reveal how God’s people do suffer in this fallen, sinful world.
At one point in time, David was greatly distressed, deeply depressed and desperate for God's intervention, due to a 'burning' physical disease in his loins.
He earnestly pleaded with God for deliverance, declaring the wrath of God in allowing the disease was too heavy a burden for him. He could not bear it.
His petition was desperate, yet humble. He knew God was righteous and just in all He did, and in all He allowed. [Ps 38]
The Lord helped each of these people, according to His timing and to His wisdom.
Scriptures are often thrown out, such as ‘be
anxious for nothing’ [Phil 4:6-7]; or ‘casting all your care upon Him’ [1Pet
5:7]; or ‘why are you so fearful, O you of little faith? [Mat 8:26]
These are good and solid scriptures when kept in their
proper context and not used as weapons aimed at an already wounded
soul. Cherry picking scriptures to use against someone is gross error and only
adds to the afflictions that multitudes are already silently suffering.
Satan twisted God’s Word in the Garden of Eden to
plant a seed of doubt in Eve’s mind. The devil also cherry-picked scripture and
manipulated the context of the Word when he tempted Jesus in the desert
wilderness during Christ’s 40 day fast.
With Moses, God promised health to the faithful, yet
sickness if they strayed from the law. [Deut 28] The Mosaic
Covenant is possibly one place where people get the idea
that sickness is due to a lack of faith, but what they fail to realize is that
was the only ‘conditional’ covenant God made (but this article is not
about that).
Anxiety, depression, emotional disruptions, compulsive
behaviour, self-harm or thoughts of suicide, panic attacks, PTSD
(post-traumatic stress disorder), bipolar are only some of maladies of the soul
that people may struggle with.
There are several. There is no shame in ill health.
Yes, sometimes mental health problems are brought on by substance or alcohol
abuse, but addiction itself is something multitudes fall victim to.
The Lord God created us as triune beings, made up of a
body, soul, and spirit. Any part can become unwell. Our Maker cares about each
part of us, not just the spirit. None of us want to be sick in any area, but
ultimately, we must trust God, and believe Romans 8, verse 28.
Truth is that we will not understand all things in
this life, including why some are healed and some must suffer through their
afflictions. Trusting God takes faith AND courage.
In this corrupted, chaotic, evilly-influenced world
today, where people are overwhelmed with the daily bad news and happenings, anxiety
and depression are at an all-time high GLOBALLY.
Things that have never happened before in history are
beginning to be heard and/or seen. Violence, crime and lawlessness are
increasing. The world is being seduced by the occult, and multitudes are
embracing darkness before light, calling evil good and good evil, just as was
foretold by the prophet Isaiah. [5:20]
We are already beginning to see Jesus’ prophetic words
of warning come to fruition as we hear about or witness many falling away,
betrayals, and hating one another.
Yeshua warned about those who tickle ears, teaching
people things that they want to hear (supporting the doctrines or errors
that they love and cling to), and about the false prophets (who appear
as ministers of righteousness) leading many astray; as well as about the increase
in lawlessness (which is now global). [Mat 24:10-13]
Is Mental Illness a Sign that a Christian is Demon-possessed?
Demonic possession and demonic oppression are realities. Having been delivered of ‘legion’ myself, I am of the mindset and emphatically state that Christians cannot be possessed, but they can be heavily oppressed, hindered (either by people [Lk 11:52; 1Pet 3:7] or Satan [1Thes 2:18; Gal 5:7])
I was NOT a Christian at the time of my deliverance, nor was I even looking to be delivered. My deliverance happened at the home of an older Christian couple, not at a church. It was not planned or expected. I was merely going to visit them to ask questions -- or so I thought.
It is rarely mentioned by me (it is not something to brag about; Satan deserves NO glory), but it was twenty-nine years ago.
I am eternally grateful to the Deliverer, Jesus (Yeshua), and will forever give HIM 'all' glory, honour and praise. Bless the Messiah Jesus.
Still it is not understood that although it was an incredible deliverance, it took me another 11 years to
commit my life to Christ.
That would be an easy area for the enemy to condemn me
in, or for me to steep in self-condemnation, but when we genuinely repent, we
are forgiven, and that sin is no more remembered.
Satan already has tried, and for a season, his guilt
trips worked, but the work of the Holy Spirit within me, transforming and
molding me into Christ Jesus’ image is stronger than any work of the devil. That goes for anyone who is born-again and Spirit-filled.
Jesus is the Anointed One, and all glory is His alone.
But because of Christ, I am set free! It is with confidence that I say that born-again,
[Holy] Spirit-filled believers CANNOT be possessed by a demon(s).
Yes, I believed in Jesus at the time of
my deliverance.
I always did believe – at least, ever since I was a
child in the Catholic orphanage (I remember being six and seeing the “eyes
of Jesus” – another story, another time).
But ‘believing’ in Jesus/Yeshua did not make me a
Christian. Lucifer took one-third of the holy angels with him when he fell from
the glory of God. Lucifer became known as Satan, which means adversary, and his
minions are called demons.
You believe that
there is one God; you do well: the demons also
believe, and tremble. [Jam 2:19] (Emphasis
Is demon possession a reality? Scripture always
outweighs both opinion and personal experience. Thus, according to the written
Word (Holy Scriptures/Bible), demonic possession, as well as demonic
oppression, is a reality.
Jesus/Yeshua delivered many tormented souls from the
clutches of demons. The Good Shepherd protects His flock, and the adversary (Satan)
knows it. Why else would he work so feverishly to deceive Christians, and tempt
them to abort their faith in Christ and turn to idolatry, or become apostate (fall
away), or reprobate?
Yet I have always stated, and adamantly believe, that
as long as we have breath (are alive), we can humble ourselves and
genuinely repent, and be forgiven. Such is the grace and mercy of God…
However, if one hardens their heart, or if they choose
to delay their repentance (turning away from sin), it may be too late.
In His wisdom and mercy, God has not allowed us to know when we will die. Any
delay could be too late.
People with severe mental health issues such as
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dissociative identity disorder (DID),
obsessive/compulsive disorder (OCD), and many other maladies of the mind are
often labeled as demonically possessed by church goers who are uneducated in
the two ‘separate’ topics.
Mental health is a deep and intricate subject. It is
not my intention to delve into it deeply here, as there are many well written
books and articles by psychiatric experts and knowledgeable religious leaders
who know how to identify and differentiate between the two realities (mental
health versus demonic activity).
But this will be a mini-series, with hopefully enough
information to help people. The main motive in my heart is to gently turn
people toward the one who can help, the one who can guide you in the direction
you should go.
Talking about your problems is very difficult for
countless souls, but so crucial. Pouring out your heart to a God that listens
AND cares is the perfect starting point. I sincerely believe, and know, He will
guide you step by step from there.
Let trust [be the] water [for] a mustard seed of faith.
There Is No Shame
There is no shame to be had when one struggles or wrestles with these issues, yet shame is a reality that affects most people globally. It is important to know that not only does Jesus understand, but He is there for us every step of the way.
Unbelievers mock and ridicule the situation by asking
why a ‘loving God’ would not just ‘heal’ the person who is suffering, but such individuals
rarely offer solutions. They merely find much to complain about.
I am not going to pretend to have the answer as to why
some people are healed and some are not. No one who has ever walked this earth
has the all the answers, except Jesus (Yeshua), and He owes us no
He suffered immensely when He did not have to, but He
did it for us, all of us. Scripture says He learned obedience through that
which He suffered. That is not to imply that the Messiah was disobedient
because He was not.
He was obedient in all things. But what I have come to
understand through reading is that Jesus ‘learned’ or came to understand fully
what we go through because He experienced fully how obedience can involve
Howbeit the suffering that is learned through
obedience is a ‘perfecting’. We are ‘made perfect’ through consistent
obedience. In the Greek, to be ‘perfect’ in this instance means to be ‘complete’
or ‘made whole’.
In order to fully experience humanity (although
being Divine), Jesus/Yeshua suffered through hunger, thirst, fatigue,
physical weakness, temptation, abuse of body, soul and spirit, mockery,
ridicule, false accusations, abandonment, rejection, betrayal, extreme physical
injury, and gross pain…
There is nothing that He did not suffer. He became
known not only as the Anointed One, but as the suffering Servant. It is even
written that He had no place to lay His head, indicating homelessness.
That would have been during His ministry, when He
traveled around from town to town, healing, delivering, bringing salvation, and
teaching multitudes of people about the kingdom of God.
As mentioned in the previous article, the Messiah (Christ
Jesus) even experienced weakness to such a degree that He needed help
carrying the cross, and a Roman soldier ordered Simon of Cyrene to carry the
cross for Him.
Who can comprehend the kind of love that motivates someone to willingly
give up their life in order to save souls? Yet this is the love that perfects
us, protects and guides us, and [He who] is our Advocate [1Jn 2:1] against a very real
enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy us. [Satan, adversary] [Jn
10:10; 1Pet 5:8]
You Are Not Alone
The above title is not a patronizing statement. It is a fact that people need to hear, to know, and to believe. Yet, even if we do realize it, it does not take away from the fact that millions feel alone, facing chronic pain, either stuck in what seems like a bottomless pit, or forced to go through alone, with some believing that few, if any, understand or care.
We have to be careful not to allow anger and bitterness to become our portion. Every day Jesus helps me. It is true that everyday I ask for help, and at times I just do not think I will make it through.
But I bear witness to the fact that even if my prayer for strength to do what I have to do is prayed with tears, it never fails that the Lord did (and does) indeed give me what I need(ed) to make it through.
How can I stay angry? How can I allow bitterness? I cannot. Jesus has been too good to me, and never failed me. And the plain truth is that God owes me nothing -- I, on the other hand, owe Him everything!
King David experienced despair in a spiritual sense. He
wrote of being in a horrible pit, in deep distress [Ps 40:2; Ps 69:1, 2]. He spoke
of a pit of miry clay, which is a pit of thick mud, or swampy or boggy ground.
Suffice it to say, a place where we do not want to be stuck in.
Jeremiah the prophet was thrown into a literal pit.
[Jer 38:6] His prophecy was hard to hear and thereby rejected. As a result, he
was thrown into a cistern so deep that after a while, the king had to order men
to go and pull Jeremiah out with ropes, lest he should die.
The cistern held no water, only mire. Yet, both men of
God cried out to YHWH/Yhvh, and He delivered them. Jeremiah was delivered
literally, [Jer 38:10] but David was lifted out spiritually. [Ps40: 2, 3]
My dark season has gone on for a few years (with small breaks in-between), but I
reckon I endeavoured to shorten it by suggesting that it really struck
strongest when the world went upside-down and inside out for everyone in the
year 2020.
I digress and (already admitted) that the
season began [slowly] around 2017. I had briefly suggested that year as the ‘possible’
beginning, but then drew the focus to 2020, a year everyone can identify with,
as that historical year changed lives dramatically -- forever – globally.
Retrospectively, I see that dark seasons have been
sprinkled throughout my life due to the dramatic life I have lived (though not desired), but it increased once I
was born-again.
It might be said that in 2020 my dark season took a
nosedive, a rapid descent, but it would be because 2020 began a series of [more] dramatic events that were brought about due to the sinful nature of people giving
into temptation.
It seemed that they were seduced by demons, who took
advantage of the confusion, anxiety, stress, depression and more that weakened
the masses worldwide during the global lockdown.
Top Mental Health Issues Affecting Millions Globally
When I state, ‘you are not alone’, it is
not intended as a glib statement. It is doubtful that any of us outside the
psychiatric field had any idea of the enormity of mental health issues that
global populations are suffering.
Although I found the numbers staggering, I must say that
from a spiritual perspective, and given the fact that we are in the end times, I
should not be surprised at the statistics.
With the grievous condition this beautiful world God
created is in, and with the increase of evil, deception and sin, it is no
wonder people in general are suffering. With understanding compassion, I pray - I have been there; I am there...
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God's people see what is coming |
Here are some figures that confirm ‘you are not alone’.
I could not understand why all-of-a-sudden “Mental
Health” articles were popping up everywhere, precisely when I am led to
write about it, to be of some encouragement to others who are wrestling with some
of these same issues.
Ironically, it turns out that “WORLD MENTAL HEALTH
DAY” is October 10th. Astounding! I had no idea such a day
existed, but I should not be surprised. There seems to be a ‘day’ for
everything now, does it not?
One of the local papers reported that a new Ipsos poll
revealed that three out of every ten (31%), or 3.5 MILLION adults
in Ontario alone, suffer with mental health issues.
The poll shows that 75% claim they struggle with ‘anxiety-related’
disorders. Nearly half of the 3.5 million (45%) feel that they cannot discuss
their mental health problems with those close to them.
I think that the majority feel that way. It is a
tender topic, and no one wants to be shunned on top of all their suffering. And
as a Christian, it can be even more difficult to find someone to discuss these
problems with.
There is stigma in the realm of religion amongst some,
especially evangelicals. “Faith as a mustard seed can move mountains.” (I’ve
used that scripture hundreds of times over the years, but I do not think I’ve ever
used it regarding healing.)
God gave us a “sound mind”; God won’t move when
there is “unbelief”; the Christian scriptures used as cliches are
endless. People call it ‘sword fighting’, but the Lord takes no pleasure in His
Word being used for the wrong reasons.
The plain truth is that people of all races, all
cultures, all ages, all incomes – every class can experience a dark season in
the area of mental health. This life is unpredictable, and every person has a
breaking point.
The Ontario Mental Health Sciences’ CEO
(Karim Mamdani) states that demand for mental healthcare services has
increased exponentially, and believes that this is “only the beginning.”
The Canadian
Mental Health Association claims that one in five amongst children and youth
in the province (Ontario) struggle with anxiety or depression, whilst
others: [quote] …”may exhibit aggression, become involved with the justice
system, or have difficulties with substance use.” [unquote]
They state 30% (Ontario), aged 65+ have a mental
health issue, and evidence shows it increasing. They further state that
“everyone experiences periods” of mental wellness and unwellness throughout the
duration of their life.
(Note*: I agree – it’s a matter of common sense
in this chaotic, disturbed, sinful world -BP)
On April 6, 2022, Plan Street Inc. reported on their website
that a whopping 20% or 50 million Americans were diagnosed with
some form of mental illness – anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar and
personality disorders – with these categories linked with substance abuse
issues also.
That data was from 2019, but the figures only include
those diagnosed. How many suffer daily without help or without being diagnosed?
They slip through the proverbial cracks, unnoticed.
During COVID-19 pandemic, as of June 2020, a survey conducted
by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) concluded that 31% of American
adults reported at least one symptom of anxiety or depression.
Data showed 13% of adults began or increased substance
abuse, and 11% considered suicide. 42% of “essential” workers suffered symptoms
of anxiety and depression (30% of other Americans).
Stats revealed symptoms of anxiety
and depression affected 41% white American adults, 48% black
American adults and 46% of Hispanic American adults. I wondered at the
percentages, but the CDC went by “communities of color”.
Accordingly, the numbers continue to creep up each
year. This alone should reveal to people how the state of this fallen, sinful
world is affecting people globally.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
claim that in any given year, 1 in 5 Canadians experience mental illness. By 40
years of age, 1 in 2 (half the people) have or have had a mental
A survey three years ago (2019) taken among working
Canadians reported the following data:
• 75% would be reluctant – or refuse – to disclose
mental illness to an employer or co-worker
• respondents were 3X less likely to disclose mental
illness such as depression than a physical one such as cancer
• 76% stated they would be supportive and comfortable
with a colleague with a mental illness
Top reasons for reluctance in telling others:
• the belief that there is a stigma around mental
• no desire to be judged or treated differently
• fear of negative consequences, such as job loss
China, 35% of respondents experienced anxiety, stress and
depression (with the onset of COVID-19) in 2020. In some categories (UDD
– unipolar depressive disorders), China ranked number one.
This was followed by INDIA,
with the U.S. being third in the UDD category, but the number one overall
depressed country (US) in the world, according to WHO (World Health Organization).
reported 27.8%, 21.7% and 18.3% respondents suffer from extremely severe or
severe depression, anxiety, and stress, respectively.
reports mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse and
job stress are common. The Zambia government website claims that over 400
million people worldwide are suffering with “mental or neurological
disorders, or from psychosocial problems”.
reported over 300,000 Finns experienced mental health issues, such as anxiety
and depression. An ARAB
site claims 792 MILLION globally suffer from some form of mental health
In Arab countries, nearly 30% are reportedly suffering
from depression, with even higher proportions among ‘IRAQIS,
BRITAIN [between
1 in 4, and 1 in 6], SCOTLAND, IRELAND
report 1 in 4 suffer from depression and/or anxiety, with stats fluctuating,
depending on reports.
There is no need to cover every country to reveal that
mental health issues are an international concern that affects the people in every
There are those who might relate to whoever wrote this psalm. The pain of the darkness surrounding the writer is obvious. The loneliness of depression, the despair that comes with affliction, and the heaviness of the heart as one suffers alone.
How often do cry out asking God for His intervention,
to help with all that is coming against us? He knows all that we are feeling,
despair, fear, even anger. An prayer spoken in honesty He does not despise.
Why stand afar off, O Lord? Why do You hide Yourself in
times of trouble? [Ps10:1]
(The writer of this psalm obviously feels alone, as he
faces God’s silence. BP)
The wicked in his pride does persecute the poor: let
them be taken in the devices that they have imagined. [vs
He lies in wait secretly as a lion in his den: he lies
in wait to catch the poor: he does catch the poor, when he draws him into his
net. [Ps 10:9]
(This seems to speak of the enemy, Satan, and how he
lays in wait to ambush the weak and weary. BP)
In Psalm 38 (next psalm), David is wracked with pain,
and is crying out to God for relief.
My wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness.
I am troubled; I am bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day long. [Ps
38:5, 6]
For my loins are filled with a loathsome disease: and
there is no soundness in my flesh. I am feeble and sore broken: I have roared
by reason of the disquietness of my heart.
Lord, all my desire is before You; and my groaning is
not hid from You. My heart pants, my strength fails me: as for the light of My
eyes, it also is gone from me. [vs 7-9]
Sure Guidance
Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in
whom there is no help. His breath goes forth, he returns to his earth; in that
very day his thoughts perish.
Happy is he that has the God of Jacob for his help,
whose hope is in the Lord his God:
Which executes judgment for the oppressed: which gives
food to the hungry. The Lord frees the prisoners: The Lord opens the eyes of
the blind: the Lord raises them that are bowed down (humble): the Lord loves
the righteous: [Ps 146:3-5, 7-8]
To be con’t…
for His glory