Thursday, March 6, 2025

Woe to the Shepherds of Greed


She said what!??!

Awaiting the Return of the Bridegroom

What a beautiful family in Christ Jesus we have!  May we pray one for another, and be grateful to God for His infinite wisdom and for the ways He accomplishes His will. Great is His love toward us all, and His faithfulness and mercy endure forever. 


God is good, and everlasting love, and His truth endures through all generations.  [Ps 117:2; Ps 100:5]

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. [Eph 5:16-17]

To Those Who Have Cried Out 

(a message from the Lord shared) [Sept 2017]


Many have cried out to be purged, to be made clean. Many have wondered what is wrong with them, and why they have not been able to trust, why they struggle in their mind.  They thought they had let go of the past, but they have struggled with their moods, their emotions and feelings. 

They have questioned their very sanity, battling constantly, not knowing if they fight Satan or their flesh. In desperation, they have cried out to Me, seeking truth and desiring to be free. 


To those who have sincerely cried out, I have now opened the eyes to see, and broadened the understanding. This I have done by opening ears, so that hearing is no longer distorted.

When My people do not fully trust Me, they cannot truly trust others, especially those who have suffered various forms of abuse (physical, verbal, emotional, mental, spiritual). There are times that I must allow the rug to be pulled out from under the feet of My people. When there is nowhere else to turn for help or answers, multitudes will indeed cry out to Me.

Did I not foretell that I would be shaking all that could be shaken, and the things that cannot be shaken will remain?  [Heb 12:27] This pertains not only to the physical realm but to the spiritual realm as well. This is not something to fear, for I have also said that all things work together for good, to those who love [Me] and are the called according to My purpose. [Rom 8:28]

Many have repented, but there remains still more to repent of. Lo! I am doing a quick work for the times that are at hand are dangerous times, though many make excuses and explain away all that is happening globally.

Others laugh at the warnings, often because of the false prophecies that have been told down through the course of history. People will continue eating, drinking and carrying out business as usual, uninterested in what I would say to them. They have no time for Me in their busy schedules; others do not even believe I exist.

Few are searching their hearts to see what is hidden there. Fewer still cry out to Me to help them see all that is not of Me, hidden away in the deep crevices of their heart – crevices that are covered over, hidden from sight.

I, the Lord, will uncover that which covers the deep crevices. An opening shall be made. There are hidden things unseen in the crevices, due to the depth and darkness. Many have built strong and high walls, even placing a covering over the walls, to ensure nothing disturbs the hidden things.

It is as a vault of steel, protected and impenetrable. Yea, but I have come to destroy the covering and to tear down the walls, to crumble every carefully placed brick to dust. Then I shall burn up even the dust (chaff) so that when one looks for evidence of the walls that once stood so strong and bold, none will be found.

I will shake the very foundation in order to bring to the surface that which was hidden in darkness and secrecy. I will break up the hard ground of the heart, and pull up the mighty root with all its taproots. I shall reveal that which was hidden so that it may be seen and acknowledged.

I have opened the blind eyes to see and unstopped the ears that the enemy has hindered and halted. Humble yourself and pray, seek My face (and not My hand).  Turn from all that is not of Me. Do not be surprised at that which is revealed, for the building of the walls and the covering took many years to build.

When you humble yourself and pray, and seek My face, and turn away from that which is revealed (repentance), then I shall hear your prayer and forgive your sins, and heal your land.  [2Chron 7:14, 15

For I sent locusts into the land devouring, until in your desperation, you would humble yourself and cry out to Me.  So many are into idolatry and they are completely unaware, totally blind to it.  Yea, but when you come to see, you discover that you must turn away (repent) from the idolatry of “self”.

Smash the idol of self, then I the Lord will destroy the debris left behind; burning it up, so that not even the ashes remain. I am close to a broken and contrite spirit and I hear the plea for help when you cried out in distress, not understanding, completely oblivious to the core problem. (The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Selah]

[Note*: Let us put down the cell phones and quit taking "selfies" in this year of 2025, even though this was written in 2017. Our idolatry can be our own selves. Let us practice picking up our cross and dying to our selfish desires and wants, and thank the Potter for all He has done, and is doing (and will do) in us, for our sakes but for His glory. Hallelujah! BP2025]                                                      

Hear the prophecy spoken: You are as one trapped in a cage, not realizing that the door is wide open. But when you humble yourself, pray and repent, your eyes shall be opened to see that I, Jesus (Yeshua), provided a way out. The door is open eagle; it is time to fly and be made free.

I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. [2 Tim 1:7] 

Overcome fear with faith; let go of unbelief and replace it with trust.  Move to the open door. When you repent, I strengthen you as you look to Me, for I have risen from the grave to set the captives free.  My blood was not spilled in vain (for nothing), for there lies the victory!


Your (spiritual) armour is covered in  My blood and the glory of the Father is upon My blood. The Father’s glory blinds the eyes of the enemies of the cross and sends confusion into their camps.

Now rise up!  Leave the past behind; leave Egypt; leave Babylon. Forgive yourself, yes, truly forgive yourself. Are you greater than Me? You say, “Lord, I have forgiven myself…long ago.”  Yet, I say to you, if you had truly forgiven yourself, you would not have had hidden things deep within.

Satan is the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning [Jn 8:44], who will shoot forth fiery darts at such speed that one feels they are losing their mind.  When one has not forgiven themselves in fullness, the result will end up in idolatry, constantly thinking about self, and your circumstances, not  [this is a key for many!]  others.

Years have not been wasted! Nothing gets wasted by Me. It is not too late; You are not too young or too old. Trust. Receive My love, so that fear which has torment, will leave.  Much has been purged, yet just a little more, for I shall have a holy people. Trust Me and you will find that you can offer trust to others.  Receive My love and you will find that you will see others through My eyes, and love with My love.

Rise up with wings as eagles, for I am indeed the wind beneath your wings. Rise above the world, for it is not your home.

And I will restore the years the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, My great army that I sent among you.  

And you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that has dealt wonderously with you: and 
My people shall never be ashamed. [Joel 2: 25-27]                      


\Some things are hard to admit to, but those who desire to be fully purged will humbly acknowledge all sin and allow themselves to be completely cleansed and set free.  Behold, great is My love. The time is now; rise up My people.  Eagles, as you wait upon Me, you shall see the open door. It is time to fly, for dangerous are the days.  I am making My people ready.

And shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit.  
[Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 2:17]

for His glory alone

penned by


The above is an excerpt extracted from the tail end of an article posted in September 2017. It can be read in its entirety at: Rise Up-Woe to the Shepherds