Monday, January 27, 2025

Not a 'Hand-out' lol

No Handouts 

I could use a hand over here...

I have spent two nights up doing researching, mingled with sincere prayers, and yes, tears. Sleep has been a distant stranger, although I have caught myself snapping out of a 'nod-out' (oh no, a Biden moment?!) Squeaks out a 'help'...

For someone who went through their street life and countless years through young adulthood NOT crying because I was told 'strong girls don't cry', and other times being called a coward if I did cry, it seems like these past dozen years [especially past seven, give or take], some hidden reservoir has been emptying out of me. It is a good thing - a healing thing.


A pressure cooker can only take so much pressure before it blows! The blowout can hurt, and may require healing time, depending on the damage done, and the reason behind the 'blowout'. Blockage to the 'vent' was my reason. Washing with pure water (the WORD of God) began the healing. 

How the true living God puts up with everything happening is beyond me; I cannot fathom it. The world's condition, the hearts of so many—the rage, hatred, cruelties—the list is too long.

Yet the astounding reality of God's love in that He has not wiped out the entire race is even more mind-boggling. It is a very good thing that we were made in HIS image and not the other way around. Thank You Yeshua!

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
  [Is 55:8-9]

My deep and sincere prayers have led to much in-depth research, and I am blown away. Back in 2009, which was posted, the Lord (not me) said, "That which you see is not as it appears to be."

The reminder was needed - I remember that I used to overhear my stepfather saying things like: Don't believe everything you  hear, and only half of what you see." I did not understand it then, and it took decades before I did, and I give the Lord much thanks for that. (He has been most patient with me...)

What my heart desires now is to be and to do what He told me through scripture. When I saw the 33 (the number) that a news site had put up regarding the hostages, and the thought to fast and pray, I did ask the Lord about it.

It is important, crucially important now more than ever before in my life, and I say it without reserve and without shame. I pray that whatever I hear I would not be deceived [but able to discern]; that I would know if it comes from flesh, the world, or the enemy...His voice must be clear, and never do I want a 'copy' or 'imitation' to be mistakenly accepted.

With that being said, after the prayer, I opened a new Bible that I have rarely read. It opened immediately to 33 Ezekiel. I broke in tears at God's goodness, wisdom and omnipresence. It was last week, but I marked the [previously] unmarked Bible; I was so amazed.

click to enlarge

More pictures next time, but it is after 6:00 am and I need to lie down for a few...but what I have researched is heartbreaking. I ask every person who may read this to please pray about seeing clearly through any veil the enemy may have placed before the eyes - that it be removed - no deception.

Then, please pray that the Lord guide you regarding Trump. Do you remember about two or so weeks ago, prayer about Trump had gone up and a question as to why? If he is a deceiver, why?

First of all, the Bible is clear that the Lord takes no joy over the death of a sinner. His desire is that ALL should repent (we ALL have fallen short of His glory). No, I am not saying he is the antichrist. There are multitudes of antichrists today, just as there were in the Apostle Paul's and Apostle John's day [the time of Jesus].

But his agenda is not the one most people think it is. "O," the people say, "Look at all the executive orders. He is getting 'order' back. He is keeping his promises.
Do you mean he is 'making order out of chaos'?

Those words will draw enemies, but God is revealing hard truths, but for those who do not want truth, (and HE is truth, so take ALL to Him, or the consequence) He will send strong delusion [2Thes 2:10-12]

He is a friend of Israel. Is he? I will leave it at that. I can already see the steam rising out of the ears of certain people. Please...all I ask is that you pray about it. I have been searching long and hard two nights...and days. I am fatigued, plus my grandson (7 years old) has been here.

God is so good. He is the one who keeps His promises. With the way things are going, we have MUCH to look forward to with great HOPE and GLADNESS.
Maranatha. Hallelujah

Yeshua keeps all His promises

Look up - our redemption draws nigh.

As soon as possible I will get more up, but it will take time. The desire is to be accurate NOT anything else.

Ezekiel 33 was very important to me. The Bible I opened was a gift. The translation is New Living Translation. It had been unused. I have about 6 Bibles, some very old (well 1971 -- there is a story behind that one, which was originally a gift that was stolen - but recently replaced).
Ezekiel 33: 1-3 speaks of the watchman.

So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where I sent it. [Is 55:11]

for His glory alone