For we know that all things work together for good, to those who love God, and are the called, according to HIS purpose. [Rom 8:28] (Emphasis mine - BP)
My son has a sweet dog. He is only 1 year and 4 months old, but he is big. His voice is bigger, and his curious nature is the biggest of all.
Many seedlings had been placed in starting pots and arranged carefully on an outside table until they would become big enough to transplant. First year with the 'pup' (his name is Noble). We were wanting even the dog to honour our Creator.
Well, he does - in a 'dog' aka 'puppy' kind of way. My son went outside one day and lo and behold! the puppy had jumped up on the table (unbelievable, I know!) and ate the plants. He was about nine months old at the time (big though).
I do not have the original picture of the leftovers from his feast (the thought of taking a picture came after the cleanup, but below is an example of his "love" for "fresh produce" lol
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branch had been pruned but Noble thought to 'uproot' it |
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deja vu - he doesn't understand why it is 'bad' what he did |
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I mean, seriously -- how can one possibly get angry now. He thinks this will fix it (did I mention that he is very observant?) lol |
When the mother of Zebedee’s children asked Jesus (Yeshua) to allow her two sons to sit on either side of him when He came into His kingdom, one on the right hand side of Him, and the other on His left, Yeshua answered:
You know not what you ask. Are you able to drink of the cup that I
shall drink of, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? (And
they said to him, We are able.) [Mat 20:21-22]
Then I heard the Holy Spirit whisper within me, “Do you
remember how you pondered those words, and then slowly, yet naively, you said,
“Me too, Lord. I am willing to drink of the same cup of suffering…”
But just as those men did not know, you too had no idea…no idea what you were saying. In this hour of your suffering, My child, I say to you, Do not grieve over those who gloat victoriously and secretly laugh at you in this dark hour. For what has been done in darkness shall be brought into the light. Remember, how My accusers prided themselves of righteous indignation and laughed at My defeat?
But for the hardness of their hearts, I did not seek
revenge. Instead, I looked up to the heavens and with the little strength I had
left, cried out: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do…
As My blood poured out upon the hard ground, I gasped, “It is finished.” In utter brokenness
and bearing the shame My accusers put upon Me, I breathed My last breath.
But the laughter ceased when on the third day, I rose up in victory.
(Note: No shame, only victory swallowed up all lies about shame and guilt, is what I understood the Lord to mean - BP end note)
And now, My child, hear Me and believe this:
Though you are surrounded in complete darkness and those who
hate you without just cause, secretly gloat at your defeat, I say to you precious soul that your shame shall be no more. Even though you lie in utter
brokenness now as one who is dead, hold fast to your faith, for the day
approaches that you too shall rise up again in victory.
You have not allowed bitterness to take root in your heart, My
child [forgiveness being the key]. You have not sought revenge. Do you think I
did not take notice of the struggle between flesh and spirit? I do not ask My
people to offer up their only son as I did My friend Abraham. But I do try the
heart to see what lies therein. The test is never as one expects, and it is
never something one would choose for himself.
You prayed and asked for undeserved forgiveness [your
words] …
Father, I cannot
pretend I understand. And I find that I am not as strong as I thought myself to
be, but You grabbed hold of me Jesus, and kept me from falling. You carry me, holding
me so close that I think I can hear the beating of Your heart.
Lord, my God, I have
fallen so short of your glory. Your lovingkindness and Your hand have been upon
Me, as it is upon all who abide in you. I am greatly humbled and I could see
the error of my ways. Forgive me, Father for the times I walked in the flesh
and not the spirit. I hear the laughter of those who watched me fall.
Their lies have hurt,
but worse Father, they deceive others. But because of the work that you alone
have done in me, and with great humility, I ask that you do for them what you
have done for me.
Pour out Your grace and mercy upon them; let Your
love consume them. Bless them, according to your wisdom and your will…and
forgive me my trespasses, as I forgive those who trespassed against me.
You have taught me
well, Lord, but even more, you alone have granted me the strength to carry it
out. Thank You for all You do for Your creation…thank You.
I pray this in the name that has been exalted above all names, Jesus the Christ (Yeshua the Mashiach). Be glorified Lord, for Your name is magnified by Your people - You are worthy forever and ever.
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red myrtle tree |
I beckon you – I am
calling, come deeper. I am doing a good work in you; for I am the Potter. My
vessels of honour are being prepared, as all things align to My will. Those who
heed My call are the ones who will do My will. Great shall be the reward. Selah
The season of
consequences has ended; it has been served in full. The hour of silent
suffering comes to an end. All these years I have encouraged you by reminding you that one day is as
a thousand years to Me, and that My timing is not as yours.
Now the appointed
time arrives. Yet as little children, My people are impatient. Let all unfold
decently and in order, for all My promises are true. Come deeper and stay in
the presence of My glory for a while, and the peace and power to wait
will be your portion, as I give it freely to those who trust and wait
upon Me.
Come to Me and I
will answer you in ways that you would not expect, but will know it is from Me.
you among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will
work a work in your days, which you will not believe, though it be told you. [Hab
1:5] NKJV
And do not fear those who kill the body but
cannot kill the soul. Rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in
And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah
Jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. [Gen
And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it, Jehovah Nissi: For he said, Because the LORD has sworn that the Lord will have war with
Amalek from generation to generation. [Ex 17:15,16]
Immanuel – Emmanuel
Isaiah 9 (garments rolled in blood – [vs 6] unto a child is born,
Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
My people, trouble comes from within the country, controlled by the 'greater' outside the nation. The harlotry and witchcraft of those who hide in darkness, who hide in secret, has not gone unnoticed by Me
for His glory alone