Time of Alignment
The end of the series “Need to Know Yesterday” regarding false prophecy, as well as the final parts of “Echoes Down Through the Corridors of History” have not been forgotten, only put on hold whilst I put forth other things that the Lord has laid upon my heart to share.
The end of the series “Need to Know Yesterday” regarding false prophecy, as well as the final parts of “Echoes Down Through the Corridors of History” have not been forgotten, only put on hold whilst I put forth other things that the Lord has laid upon my heart to share.
With all I
am, my heart is to do His will. This is a serious time, I believe, one of
miracles, but also judgment. It is a time of alignment, which means we as
believers best make sure that we are in line with God's will, obeying what the Lord has instructed us
personally. Remember the “Window
of Time” the Lord revealed? Ponder deeply and pay heed!
The article
was posted in September last year (2015), but I had seen the “window” in the
clouds about a month previously. I understood that the Lord was revealing to
His people that there is indeed a time and season for everything, and that as
His people we were being given a time period in which to get things right with
He has been bringing us through purging, purifying, sanctifying, trials and tribulations (a testing, as it were). There have also been attacks from the dark side. Yet, there is a much bigger picture. It is about the times we are in.
He has been bringing us through purging, purifying, sanctifying, trials and tribulations (a testing, as it were). There have also been attacks from the dark side. Yet, there is a much bigger picture. It is about the times we are in.
The first
warning was seven months ago. Then, in December, the Lord again showed me a
“window” in the clouds, but this time it was smaller. I understood that we were
Out of Time”.
It was confirmed by a sister in London (D.P.) who sent an audio clip from a brother in Africa, whose sister had also been given a dream regarding the short amount of time left to ‘get things right with God’. The second warning was three and a half months ago.
It was confirmed by a sister in London (D.P.) who sent an audio clip from a brother in Africa, whose sister had also been given a dream regarding the short amount of time left to ‘get things right with God’. The second warning was three and a half months ago.
That brings
us up to now, March 2016, and the window or door, whichever you choose to call
it is about to close. It is the time of alignment, the time of God choosing His
people (the Bride, as mentioned in
‘Running out of Time”), those who will do great exploits, but also a time
of judgments coming. Take heed!
That He might present it to Himself
a glorious church
(ekklesia – assembly, called out from the world), not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be
holy and without blemish. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning
Christ and the church (ekklesia). [Eph 5:27; 32]
God's people must make themselves ready, and also heed what the Holy Spirit is saying. There are things coming that we must be ready for. God is positioning His people. We want to be instruments in the Lord's hands, but can He trust us? Are we obedient? Are we sensitive to His leading? Are we in His will?
God's people must make themselves ready, and also heed what the Holy Spirit is saying. There are things coming that we must be ready for. God is positioning His people. We want to be instruments in the Lord's hands, but can He trust us? Are we obedient? Are we sensitive to His leading? Are we in His will?
God truly
is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Just as He was patient with the Israelites in the wilderness, He has
been patient with many of us (myself included). If you feel that you are in
alignment (God’s will for you) and
are just waiting upon the Lord now for further instruction/direction, be at
peace, but keep guarded, both in the physical and the spiritual.
However, if
you feel that there are still things in your personal life that must come into
alignment, you best move on it now! The
time for procrastination, excuses, doubts, fear and unbelief must cease
because I believe - no, I know that
things shall indeed come into
alignment. God’s will WILL be done, but which way His will is done (outcome) will completely depend on our
individual choices!
Righteousness and justice are the habitation
of your throne: mercy and truth shall go before your face. [Ps
For the time is come
that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us,
what shall the end be of them that obey
not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where
shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? [1Pet 4:17-18]
Blessings or Curses
God is a
God of love (He IS love), mercy and grace, but He is also a righteous God of
justice and judgment. I wonder if people
tend to read Deuteronomy 28, about the blessings and curses and think, “Oh that was for Israel, back in the days of
the law, but we are not under the law; we are under grace.”
And it shall come to pass, if you shall hearken (take
heed – to listen and follow) diligently
unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all His commandments which I command you this day,
that the LORD thy God will set you on high above all nations of the earth:
And all these blessings shall come on you, and overtake you, if you
shall hearken unto the voice of the LORD your God. [Deut 28:1-2] NKJV
But it
shall come to pass, if you will not hearken unto the voice of the LORD your God,
to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes (law or
decree) which I command you this day;
that all these curses shall come upon you, and overtake you: [Deut 28:15]
A wonder,
an amazement, a shrug perhaps…”That was
then, this is now”, yet I would caution the reader that it still holds true
today. We are either children of obedience or children of disobedience. If you
are anything like me, we can come dangerously close to the precipice, making
excuses, justifying our ‘why’s’, or even allowing fear to hold hands with
unbelief, and walk right into disobedience aka “rebellion”.
Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world,
according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in
the children of disobedience:
Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts
of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by
nature the children of wrath, even as others. [Eph 2:2-3]
How often
do we hear that Jesus took the curse upon Him on the cross; therefore, they
negate the verses in Deuteronomy. The ‘curse’ our Messiah Jesus (Yeshua) took
upon Him was ‘sin’, the breaking of the ‘law’; man’s alienation from God due to
our sins.
It is time to get all our ducks in a row. If we continue in sin, it is disobedience (rebellion). In ancient Israel, those who broke the law were killed and then often hung up on a tree, not only as a sign of humiliation, but as an example to all of what happens when God’s laws were disobeyed.
It is time to get all our ducks in a row. If we continue in sin, it is disobedience (rebellion). In ancient Israel, those who broke the law were killed and then often hung up on a tree, not only as a sign of humiliation, but as an example to all of what happens when God’s laws were disobeyed.
I will
explain this more fully further on when I go into more detail with something
that I wrote nearly three weeks ago. That is how long this piece has been in
the works and then put on hold, as I went through more.
It is true that our walk is a process, yes, but there comes a time for each and every single one of us that we must make hard choices. With the right choices (God’s will), Abba will bring about radical changes.
It is true that our walk is a process, yes, but there comes a time for each and every single one of us that we must make hard choices. With the right choices (God’s will), Abba will bring about radical changes.
We will
either truly die to self or we will refuse our cross and walk right into
rebellion. We will either cross the Jordan or we will die in the wilderness. If we choose the latter, then woe to us if we
do not screech to a stop.
We must see what we are doing, fall upon our knees in genuine repentance, with a brokenness at the reality of what we allowed ourselves to do or believe (sin) and ask for forgiveness! Oh yes, it is absolutely all about choice. We choose this day whom we will serve.
We must see what we are doing, fall upon our knees in genuine repentance, with a brokenness at the reality of what we allowed ourselves to do or believe (sin) and ask for forgiveness! Oh yes, it is absolutely all about choice. We choose this day whom we will serve.
One time I
was listening to a sermon where the preacher said that we can tell how free we
are by the amount of choices we are allowed to make. When God created man, He
gave him the power to choose, to make his own choices – a wonderful gift of
freedom. God will not force our choices,
but He definitely forewarns us if we are going down the wrong path.
Trust in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not to your own understanding. In ALL your ways, acknowledge
Him, and He SHALL direct your paths.[Prov 3:5, 6]
If someone
gives you directions to a certain destination and you ignore their instructions
and choose to try and go a different way, chances are you will get lost and end
up in the wrong place. One has to follow (obey)
directions or instructions given in order to reach the right destination.
He will
melt our hearts with His love and draw us to repentance with His goodness, but He
never has and never will force us to love Him, believe Him, trust or obey
Him. Even though we know that we love
Him because He first loved us, it does not mean that we will believe what He
promises us (in His word or to us
personally), trust and submit to His leading and obey His directions/instructions.
There are
plenty of examples in the Word of God that reveal to us those who made choices
that were out of God’s will. The Israelites are an excellent example of God’s
patience, His willingness to forgive, His love, provision, protection, mercy
and grace.
Yet, it
also reveals to us that we cannot go on indefinitely with thoughts filled with
doubts, drenched with fear (which opposes
faith), unbelief (which opposes trust)
and ‘doing our own thing’ (which opposes obedience). The end result will be rebellion.
Love, Mercy and Judgment
There comes
a time when, indeed, we see that God will not be mocked; that there comes a
time when His judgment goes forth and it goes forth in righteousness and
justice. Woe to us if we do not see!
If we show mercy, we will receive mercy. The Lord delights in mercy,
which is why He sent His Son, Jesus the Messiah. The Ark of the Covenant had a
lid, a covering, which was called the mercy seat, where the blood of the
sacrificed animal was sprinkled for ‘atonement’. Jesus (Yeshua) became our
covering; His blood was spilled out as atonement for the sins of mankind.
And the
cherubims spread out their
wings on high, and covered with
their wings over the mercy seat, with their faces one to another; even to the mercy seat were the faces
of the cherubims. [Ex 37:9]
be the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy has
begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from
the dead, [1Pet 1:3]
Yet, I
found it difficult to put that love into perspective, meaning to believe that
Christ loved me. Sure, like most of us, I had heard that if I was the only one
on earth, Jesus would have died for me. Yet, it was challenging to get my head
around it, to truly believe that I was loved, despite all I had done.
So, God
sent someone physically into my life who taught me what love meant, someone who
showed me that man being made in God’s image was a good thing. The men I had
known in my life, from my fathers (biological and step-father), to the
orphanage and onward, for the most part were liars, deceitful, abusive, even
I believed
that God would be ever watching me, swift to punish me as soon as I made one
mistake, love me one day and despise me the next, or beat me down over any
small error. I have come to learn by listening to others that I am not the
first one who thought perhaps God was somewhat of a tyrant, a harsh
But through
one person (as imperfect and human as that person is), God showed me that man was made in His image, a fine creation,
a superb plan of our Creator. He allowed
me to meet and be friends with a man who could be close, without belittling,
degrading, beating, unfaithfulness or inconsistency. [platonic relationship]
My eyes were opened. If a mere man, with all
his imperfections, quirks and shortcomings himself, could reveal such tenderness (respect), how much more does God Himself love me, and all of His creation? In my life the men I knew from birth right
thru were seemingly anything but made in God’s image. I do not say that for
sympathy or out of bitterness, or to be cruel (judgmental), or any such thing, not at all. It is simply a fact.
I always thought
love had boundaries and always ended, that when mistakes are made, love
punished severely, that as soon as love was known and accepted, love would walk
“Look, I am not
going to walk away. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will never leave or forsake
you. Nothing you do will shock Me. I am not
going to desert, abandon or reject you. I ask that you receive My love, for in
doing so, My love will cast out all fear. In loving Me, you will obey Me and
follow My commandments.”
“In My love, yes I will correct you,
even chastise you by allowing you to reap the consequences of your sins. There
will also be times that My grace and mercy will spare you the consequences”, (like when Moses murdered an
Egyptian and Abraham lied about Sarah being his sister, rather than his wife, in order to
save his own life).
God proves
to us that He will be with us through every trial every tribulation, but quite
often we do not see it or are aware of it until further up the road. Then, one
day in retrospect, we come to realize that He was with us through the hardest
times. Yet, quite often, we simply are unaware at the time.
When Spiritual Attacks are Meant to
Test Us
First, a
message came up saying the files were unreadable and corrupted. After closing the folder and reopening it,
the folder showed “empty”. No matter what I tried, the folders said empty. I
have multiple folders on the external, such as music, books, PDFs, recipes and
the list goes on.
Yet oddly,
the ONLY folders that were showing up empty were the ones that contained the
writings that I had removed from the blog and my testimony. Thousands upon
thousands of hours of research and writing, years of work – gone! It was due to a virus, a virus that had hit my desktop articles.
Unbeknownst to me, when I found a few of the "scattered" articles, the virus was contained in one or more. It spread similar to "ransomware". So tragic! Needless to say, I wept off and on that night
and partway into the next day. So much work - lost, all because of a hit on my computer by a disgruntled soul who wanted their 'feelings' known (a "boot" from a social platform). Ah, but what is done is done.
I called a
company that claims to recover lost data. Nearly six weeks passed with the
external being in their hands. All data recovered was sent to me late yesterday
afternoon on a new external; however, I have not had the opportunity to see if
the missing folders were recovered.
All the
data has to be reviewed. If it was recovered, it will be on the disk. If not,
it is forever lost. When I have time, I will begin the process of going through
it, which in itself will take days. All is in God’s hands. Yes, at first I wept
at the loss of hard work, the initial shock, but I came to grips with it.
Either the Lord wants me to have it, or it served its purpose.
Before I
left the United States, I typed out all the writings that I had written in my
dollar store books and placed them in the folders on the external hard drive.
This was to cut down on the baggage that I was to bring with me on the bus.
The United States charged by the pound if one went over the weight allowed. Therefore, I was trying to cut costs. All I owned was in two suitcases and an over-the-shoulder computer bag. If the writings are not on the external that was recovered and returned to me, it truly is lost.
The United States charged by the pound if one went over the weight allowed. Therefore, I was trying to cut costs. All I owned was in two suitcases and an over-the-shoulder computer bag. If the writings are not on the external that was recovered and returned to me, it truly is lost.
recovery process will cost me over $600, which will be the money that I have
been saving for over a year to get my teeth fixed. Also, the starter on my car
went, which cost $350. The starter I have paid for; the recovered data, not
yet. All is in God’s hands.
Not "all" was lost, as previously stated... (correction) -- but after taking time to scroll through the hundreds of articles, files etc, countless were lost. Hours upon hours of hard work destroyed. Well, it served its purpose at the time. I cannot grieve. In this world of sin, look at the hard work of our Creator that has been destroyed by us. There is no comparison. BP
There were
other things happening also, in relationships and more. You name it, it seemed
like it was going wrong. It was as if all hell had broken loose. It was during that time that I wrote the
following (approximately six weeks ago).
prevailed, even in the midst of trouble.
When I went to get water at the Water Depot, my car would not start when
I came out. Not even a three minute walk away, there just “happened” to be an
automotive repair shop that specialized in starters, alternators and electrical
problems ONLY.
The men at
the shop drove a forklift to my car and pulled it up to the shop. Yes, I had to
leave it there for four hours, but it happened at a time that I just “happened”
to have the money. It is true that God goes ahead of us. He did not promise
that we would not have troubles, but He promised to go ahead of us, that He
would not leave or forsake us. Therefore, He tells us not to fear or be afraid.
And the Lord, He it is that does go before thee; He will be with thee, He will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. [Deut 31:8] KJV
I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: [Is 45:2]
And the Lord, He it is that does go before thee; He will be with thee, He will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. [Deut 31:8] KJV
I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: [Is 45:2]
Behold, I send an angel before
thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I
have prepared. Beware of him, and obey
his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for
My name is in him.
But if you shall indeed obey
his voice, and do all that I
speak; then I will be an enemy unto your enemies, and an adversary unto your
[Ex 23:20-22]
[Ex 23:20-22]
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and
be content with such things as ye have: for He has said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we
may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear
what man shall do unto me. [Heb 13:5, 6]
Denying Christ Jesus
10, 2016
Last week,
I did something I have never done before. I was lying in bed, my heart just
raw...and for the first time I ever remember, anger stirred up in me towards God. Now I had often heard other people say they
had gotten angry at God, and I never would say a word to them, just listen to
Yet inside,
as His child, I would feel slightly indignant, perhaps even defensive toward
the Father, as if He needs my defense. I also wondered just where the fear of
the Lord was when I heard the testimonies, that reverent respect, that awe of a
holy and powerful God.
On that
particular day, lying on my bed, this anger stirred and I heard myself saying
things like, “Why are you allowing all
this to happen? What have I done so terribly wrong? (I had a Job moment; you know, some self-righteousness).
I said
something like, “...all these
heavy trials in the physical, and the mental torment. You’ve seen my life. Why all these
trials targeting my heart? Why would you crush my heart so many times? How many times do You need to smash the clay
to make something worthwhile? Haven’t I passed enough times?
Why are You doing this, allowing
this? This is love? If so, then I
don’t want to see Your hate, or is this Your hate? And if it’s Your hate, why,
why do You hate me now? I'm strong, but I can't take much more...It's been years!”
On and on I went, at times biting my tongue and other times just groaning. Even if I was wrong, I poured out my heart to the Lord. Understanding and relief was needed and I wanted God to know that I could not bear more...it was enough! That is what Elijah said, and it was how I was feeling.
On and on I went, at times biting my tongue and other times just groaning. Even if I was wrong, I poured out my heart to the Lord. Understanding and relief was needed and I wanted God to know that I could not bear more...it was enough! That is what Elijah said, and it was how I was feeling.
I felt
hesitant to admit all this, but if my confession helps another, then so be it.
We are to lead by example, and that example may well include leading by
confessing the more uncomfortable, pitiful parts of ourselves. (I since repented...unsure of what is acceptable. I do not believe I dishonoured the Lord, or was blasphemous in any way, but self-righteous and ungrateful perhaps?
Those words are very close to what I said, even if it is not verbatim.
It was a genuine cry out to the Lord and yes, anger. When we go through a lot over a long period of time, it can get the better of us. But we cannot give up or give in!
Sometimes it is tests and trials; sometimes it is purging. Oh, all the dross that came up to the surface. It was most uncomfortable, and at times, it felt ugly. After all my emotions, feelings and thoughts were spent, when I had nothing more to say, it was not long before all my words resounded in my mind like a loud drum or howling wind.
With the
stark realization of what I had just done, I began to feel guilty. The reality stung, yes, hurt, but the hurt
was not about me anymore. It was about how I just came against my Father, and how I just grieved His Holy Spirit. Was I being ungrateful for all He had done for me throughout my life? The thought was crushing. It was such a mixed bag of emotions.
I never
wanted to show God disrespect, or murmur or complain, but that’s what it seemed like I had
just done. I rolled off the bed and fell
to my knees, and in repentance, I wept bitterly, like Peter did, with shame and
great sorrow, confessing my sins to Him. I covered my whole head and face under
a blanket; I felt so ashamed.
Lord, forgive me. You owe me nothing. I owe you everything. Please forgive me, but thank you...THANK YOU for allowing me to vent, to cry out in my pain and brokenness. You truly ARE good and your mercy DOES endure forever (not that I meant to test it, Father).
I do not
know how long I stayed in that humbled, anguished state, but I do know that the
Lord forgave me. All glory to God alone! You see, God is not a tyrant. He
understands our frustrations and our limits. Even if my thinking was wrong, God
prefers an honest prayer from the heart, than a hypocritical prayer that hides
what we really feel or struggle with.
I had gone
on in my writing back then…(below)
How many of
us will get caught up in the good things He does and forget to thank Him? How
many of us get caught up in our own plans without consulting the Lord and
asking Him if such are His will for us? And then if it is His will for us and
we know it, do we grow impatient, like Abraham and Sarah did?
We may ask
ourselves why God is not moving; why all the hindrances; why all the delays;
why, why, why when, when, when and how, how, how. We can be an impatient people.
We have come to expect everything instantly, from instant coffee to warming up soup
and the convenience of fast foods, and right on through to the fruition of our
plans and God’s personal promises to us.
We have
become a throw-away generation. If something or someone has imperfections or if
we grow tired of it, or if it is not we hoped it would be, we toss it away. We
are ready to throw away jobs, marriage, friendships, family, clothing, you name
it, if it fails or disappoints us in any way. Do we stop and ask God first?
Do we pray
about everything and wait for His answer, or do we just move on a thought or a
plan and say that if it was not of God, it would not have been in our mind or
heart? How often do we hear, “It is God’s will or it would not have
happened, or I would not have the keen desire to do this (or to go there).”
The Bible
is full of examples from beginning to end of God’s people who acted on a
thought or desire, only to face the fact that they were completely out of God’s
will. Jesus said that in the end times, false Christs and false prophets would
arise, showing signs and wonders to SEDUCE, if possible, even the elect. [Mk
We can deceive ourselves, and so can others. There will
be those who are very convincing people with very persuasive words, showing deeds that are
most impressive. They may not claim to belong to any religious group, but
perhaps call themselves humanitarians, or some noble cause. Their words will sound as words of
divine inspiration, seducing many to follow them.
We get
caught up in the trials and the testing of our faith. We are crushed by false
brethren and those who act like Judas. We despise those who imitate or copy us,
and anger at those who turn on us for their reason of their own hidden motives
and intentions (what we classify as agendas).
We hate what is going on around us. We may take matters into our own hands with out consulting God. Never a good idea!
How about those who come against us, or treat us wrongly? Are we willing to show mercy, so that we can receive mercy? Are we ready to forgive so that we can be forgiven?
We hate what is going on around us. We may take matters into our own hands with out consulting God. Never a good idea!
How about those who come against us, or treat us wrongly? Are we willing to show mercy, so that we can receive mercy? Are we ready to forgive so that we can be forgiven?
Will we
allow doubt to be seeded in our mind and take root, or will we cast down every
thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and take every thought
captive, bringing it into obedience in Christ? [2Cor 10:5]
How many times do we shake our fists at God and either ask Him to take us out of here or even consider just walking away? God knows. He understands, but we are accountable for our words and deeds. We must confess our sins to God and repent.
How many times do we shake our fists at God and either ask Him to take us out of here or even consider just walking away? God knows. He understands, but we are accountable for our words and deeds. We must confess our sins to God and repent.
Nothing Wrong with Crying Out
when he heard all the people crying in their tents because they had no meat, it
became overwhelming to him. Moses cried out to the Lord, with honesty.
And Moses said unto the LORD, Why have You
afflicted your servant? and why have I not found favour in your sight, that You
lay the burden of all this people upon me? Have I conceived all this people? have I
begotten them, that You should say unto me, Carry them in your bosom, as a
nursing father bears the sucking child, unto the land which You swore unto
their fathers?
From where should I have flesh (meat) to give unto all this people? for they weep
unto me, saying, Give us flesh, that we may eat. I am not able to bear all this
people alone, because it is
too heavy for me. And if You deal thus with me, kill
me, I pray [to] You, out of hand, if I have found favour in Your sight; and let
me not see my wretchedness. [Num 11:11-15]
The Lord
told Moses to choose seventy elders before Him and they would help Moses bear
the burden of all the people, so that he would not have to bear it all
alone. God was not angry at Moses, nor did he discipline him harshly. No. The Creator understood and helped Moses, granting him a solution and relief to his prayer and his grievous (personal) situation.
In 1 Samuel 30, David and his men
returned to Ziklag, only to find that all their wives and children were taken
captive by the Amalekites and the city was burned down.
They all wept
until they could cry no more, then, they became angry at David and were ready
to stone him, blaming him for what had happened. In David’s distress, he cried out to the Lord
and the Lord instructed him on what to do. When David obeyed, they got their
families and possessions back.
We know
that Elijah, when threatened by Jezebel, ran a long ways to escape. He had done
many mighty feats by the power of God, but Jezebel’s threats proved to be a
breaking point with him. Once Elijah finally rested under a juniper tree, he
cried out to God that it was “enough” and said God could take his life. God was not angry. He sent an angel to minister to Elijah with
food and drink to strengthen him.
When a
decree went out to kill all the Jews, Mordecai tore his clothes, and wept and
wailed before God. We know the outcome of the story of Esther and
Mordecai. God is faithful. He is used to
people crying out to Him and He is more than able to handle it. Better an
honest prayer than a hypocritical one.
Now is the Time
There are
those of us who have been struggling with something, some for years. God has
told you that you can overcome, even giving clear instructions. For multitudes,
the Lord has said to come out of the wilderness and cross your own Jordan. Yet,
how many of us stand on the shores and allow doubt, fear and unbelief hold us
It is time to come out of bondage; time to walk out from the chains that bound you, which the Lord has delivered you from. The Israelites had been in Egypt so long that they longed to go back when things got rough.
It is time to come out of bondage; time to walk out from the chains that bound you, which the Lord has delivered you from. The Israelites had been in Egypt so long that they longed to go back when things got rough.
There comes
a time when fear must be exchanged for faith, unbelief must be exchanged for
trust, rebellion must be repented of, and doubt must be silenced by trust. The oppressor is Satan, along with his armies
of dark forces.
Indeed, he
comes against all upon this earth, but particularly against God’s people. But
God is greater; Christ Jesus in us is greater.
It is written: Greater is He that
is in us than he that is in the world. [Jn 4:4] We know that God is the
same yesterday, today and forever. We can trust Him.
I, even I, am He that comforts you: who are you, that you should be afraid of
a man that shall die, and of
the son of man which shall be
made as grass; And forget the
LORD your maker, that has stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations
of the earth; and has feared continually every day because of the fury of the
oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? and where is the fury of the oppressor?
The captive exile hastens that he may be loosed, and that he should
not die in the pit, nor that his bread should fail. But I am the LORD your God, that divided the
sea, whose waves roared: The LORD of hosts is his name. And I have put My words in your mouth, and I have covered you in the
shadow of My hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the
earth, and say unto Zion, You are My people. [Is 51:12-16]
One of Satan’s great
devices is psychological warfare. It is very effective. That is why we must cast
down thoughts that are negative and the good thoughts we must take to the Lord,
to see if it is of Him. Satan will also bring such an onslaught of thoughts
that it hard to keep up. Pray to God,
but also reach out to brethren to stand in and pray for us.
God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of
a sound mind. [2Tim
1:7] I used to think that the scripture
meant that we do not or should not go crazy with fear, hence, sound mind.
However, the Hebrew and Greek meaning for ‘sound mind’ is “disciplined”, “self-control”.
There are times that the
enemy is used to test us, as was the case with Job. Yet, there are times when
it is our disobedience (not doing as the Lord instructed) that gives the oppressor
a doorway in which to enter and do his best to establish a stronghold.
It is time now to choose
to do all God has instructed (only you and
God know) and lay all down, or choose to continue on your own way. Either
go ahead with your plans, or do the will of the Father and wait upon God. Your
will or God’s will – which shall be chosen?
Not everyone that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter
into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does
the will of My Father which is in heaven. [Mat 7:21]
One of the most popular idols today is "self". We will do anything to make our 'self' happy, whether food, drink, warmth, cooling, sex (including masturbation), drugs, entertainment, whatever our flesh, our 'self' desires, we will do all we can to please it.
We must lay down our addictions, wants, and anything else that keeps us from walking in God's will, whether it is lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes or pride of life. If we are serious about our walk with God, we have to stop making excuses and finally...just let go.
It has been over three months since I saw the last 'window' in the clouds. Yet today, on a cloudy day, there was a little patch of blue sky among the gray clouds. Then, the sun shone through, brightening up the opening.
It only lasted briefly before more clouds began to open up. My cell camera is not the best, but below are the two pictures I managed to grab.
it was the smallest window I had seen out of the three that had caught my attention since last August. Some might call it a door. Obedience brings blessings. If the Lord closes the window, He will open a door....so we have been told by many preachers and teachers, evangelists and lay people.
One of the most popular idols today is "self". We will do anything to make our 'self' happy, whether food, drink, warmth, cooling, sex (including masturbation), drugs, entertainment, whatever our flesh, our 'self' desires, we will do all we can to please it.
We must lay down our addictions, wants, and anything else that keeps us from walking in God's will, whether it is lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes or pride of life. If we are serious about our walk with God, we have to stop making excuses and finally...just let go.
It has been over three months since I saw the last 'window' in the clouds. Yet today, on a cloudy day, there was a little patch of blue sky among the gray clouds. Then, the sun shone through, brightening up the opening.
It only lasted briefly before more clouds began to open up. My cell camera is not the best, but below are the two pictures I managed to grab.
In Buchanan Michgan a sign of the cross was taken from three different distances. It had so many hits online that Fox News highlighted the phenomena.
Picture was taken January 13, 2016 of the cross. It had been shared over one million times.
In Valparaiso, Chile, clouds broke in the shape of a cross. Then below, on March 13 2016, in both St. Peter's Point, in Cornwall, UK and in Koloa Kauai, Hawaii, a winged sun was seen.
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Koloa Kauai Hawaii - January 2016 |
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St. Peter's Point, Cornwall, UK - Mar 17 2016 |
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Just clouds on a rainy overcast day. |
There are other intriguing signs in the skies, such as two suns, UFOs and other oddities. Indeed, we are seeing signs already, yet it is not the signs that we were warned of yet. The incredible hologram images that have been exposed to us are also very impressive. It is said that the holograms are seven-dimensional.
As all of this unfolds, it is not yet what Jesus (Yeshua) warned us about. The signs will be so strong that IF it were possible even the elect would be deceived.
All the world senses a foreboding, yet what exactly will happen next or when, we do not exactly know, but we all feel that something is about to break loose. God's judgments are coming upon the earth. He is positioning His people.
The true Living God is aligning things according to His WILL and according to His WORD. HalleluYah! The King of the universe is aligning His people, positioning them, preparing to bring multitudes into their destinies. Do not think INSTANT (although it could be), but at times, it is gradual, until one day, one suddenly realizes, "whoa and wow", it is done. However, other times, YHVH (God Almighty) "does" do things suddenly and unexpectedly.
The parting of the Red Sea, the walls of Jericho crashing down, Joseph brought out of prison and placed into a position of second highest in command (second only to Pharaoh), a virgin impregnated with the Messiah, the Holy Spirit poured out upon 120 people in an upper room...oh yes, the Lord can bring forth and accomplish His will progressively, a process, or he can do so immediately. It is all for His glory!
Meanwhile, Satan the counterfeiter is aligning his people, to deceive, if possible, God's remnant. Satan will have his false prophets and false 'ministers of righteousness' (intruders/infiltrators) speaking of an alignment that is not of God and is not scriptural. Oh that the Holy Spirit guards all of us who seek truth and protect us from the deceivers who boldly deceive.
This is an admonition to get into alignment with God's (YHVH) Word, obeying his commandments and faithfully and gladly doing his will. If we do not, if we rebel and refuse his will, or make light of his commandments, we will face the judgment of God. Yet, even in his judgment, His desire is to bring people to repentance. Come into alignment with the Creator's will and His Word.
Everything God does is done decently and in order, but no one can say that He does not warn. He has His voices all over the earth, and many means at His disposal. His love is so great and his longsuffering (patience) beyond all understanding, but he is no fool.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go: I will guide you with My eye. Be not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto you. [Ps 32:8, 9]
I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name. [Rev 3:8]
Below I share a word given to me last Monday.
March 21, 2016
I have told you what to do, yet you have still resisted. I
warned you that there was a window and now you see that it was not cruelty, but
in fact, a warning with grace. There is still time but very little. Will you do
as I have instructed? You quote Proverbs
3:5, 6 very often, yet do you heed the words?
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not unto your own
understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He SHALL direct your paths. [Prov 3:5, 6]
Fear, unbelief and rebellion – these are the very things
that must go. These are the very things that hinder you. You say you believe in
miracles, yet when I tell you what I will do for you, you fall into unbelief,
allowing doubts to stop you.
The seeds of doubt, when watered by fear will branch out, and the harvested fruit is disobedience…the fruit of distrust
is unbelief; and the harvest reaped from both is rebellion. Believe and have
faith…trust and obey.
Fear you not; for I am with you: be not
dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yea, I will help you; yea,
I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness. [Is 41:10]
Yes, you seek answers,
how, why, when. Suffice it to say that I have told you…suddenly (how); I have
told you why... ministry, (why) and I have shown you the window (when). You have
brought it down to the fine wire, which I knew you would.
Now I have told you.
Now it is up to you. Believe Me. Cross the Jordan…walk into My arms and unite
with Me so that in turn, I shall do all that I promised. Selah
Your King
Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh;
is there anything too hard for Me? [Jer 32:27]
for His glory alone
Bonita dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com
(Addendum: I understood that the Lord has instructed some people to let go of certain things, or given instructions in other personal matters, but they are afraid they have "imagined" it, or have fear about whether God will do as He says or not.
The Lord does not want any of us to fear, but to simply "trust and obey".