Friday, July 19, 2013

Who Are the Chosen Ones of Satan and What is Their Purpose?

July 19, 2013

Who are the Chosen Ones of Satan and What is Their Purpose?

BTR (Blog Talk Radio) tonight - Friday, July 19, 2013 - 10:00 PM EST

Jason Pillow, former Satanist is the guest tonight.

In the time of revealing truth, guest Jason Pillow will be covering the 'chosen ones', who serve Satan. It is a continuation on the subject of spiritual warfare, with the topics of split personalities, as well as the infiltration of Satanists and other servants of Satan in the Christian churches.
Manchurian candidates (a government mind control program, although the CIA denies such exists, at least not by that name), super-soldiers (genetically modified transhumans) have become more obvious, yet solid evidence is difficult to find.

Mind control programs on the other hand are more well-known, particularly from the 1950s onward.

Jesus Christ can break through any man-made program or demonic deception and influence.  He came to set the captives free, heal the sick and to reconcile sinful man back to the Creator, if one would believe and repent.

for His glory

Monday, July 15, 2013

To the Weary

July 14, 2013

To the Weary

Satan has beaten down many saints, but the Lord is ever ready to pick the wounded back up, heal, strengthen. and restore. He is faithful to give hope and encouragement.  

Just as the Lord gave me the dream with three revealing words – test of endurance (which was a warning for the Body of Christ). He had also given me and how the Lord told my guest Jason Pillow about it being the time of the sealing of His people…the Lord spoke to another of His children, a godly woman, Latshia Smith, Prophetic Wind Ministries up in Buffalo NY, who was a guest on my show two weeks ago.  

To her, He warned about His remnant and how Satan was not just out to attack the prophets (in the 5 fold ministry), but just as Jezebel did in days gone by, and just as many did down through history, the plan is to not just attack, but to literally kill the prophets.

Who were the prophets of old? They were GOD's chosen messengers, filled with the Holy Spirit. Satan wants to kill those in the five-fold ministry (and all dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ/Yeshua). In fact, the targeted are all who are true to Jesus, in every way, His- He being their first love.-not just LIP service, but HEART service.

(*NOTE* - The Lord promised in the last days, by the prophet Joel (2:28, 29) and repeated by Peter (Acts 2:17), that he would pour out his Spirit upon all flesh and sons and daughters would prophecy, I believe that every born-again, Spirit-filled believer in Jesus/Y'shua can prophesy. The prophets of old were filled and spoke by the Holy Spirit. Now, we today have opportunity, all because of what Christ Jesus did. Satan came to steal, KILL and destroy [Jn 10:10] - every believer is now targeted! BP2013)

Multitudes of God’s people are going through incredible trials at this time. Hold fast to the Lord and do not fear. It is time for spiritual warfare as never before. (Do not expect this to lessen. It will increase the closer we get to our destinies, but more so, the closer we get to the Lord's return.) We must absolutely be abiding in the Lord as never before. He must be our constant companion.  

In the book of 1 Kings, chapters 18 and 19, we hear of Obadiah who hid 100 prophets of the Lord; he divided them into two groups of 50 and hid them in a cave. If you have ever seen pictures of caves in the east, some of them are huge and very beautiful…quite capable of hiding a great number of people. 

click on any picture to enlarge

We see where Elijah told Obadiah to warn Ahab that he was coming, which Obadiah did. Then we see where Elijah told Ahab to gather all the people of Israel, along with the 450 prophets of Jezebel who worshipped Baal.

A sacrifice was placed upon the altar by Jezebel’s prophets, who called out to Baal to consume the sacrifice, but nothing happened.  Elijah mocked them, saying that their god was either away talking, pursuing something, on a journey or asleep and needed to be awakened.  

They were so upset about Baal not responding, they cried out and cut themselves until they bled, just like many people do today, not only in the east, but also amongst the youth (and others) around the globe.

Then he ordered that a sacrifice -a perfect bullock, be cut up and placed on the altar, a trench built and water to be put in the trench three times to fill it and to saturate the sacrifice. Three times; that means everything was drenched!

Then, he called down fire and the Lord, the true living God, consumed the sacrifice.  At that point, when the people of Israel saw that the living God accepted the sacrifice, they were strengthened and at Elijah’s order; they rounded up all of Jezebel’s prophets and slew them.

There was a famine in the land, so Elijah climbed to the top of Mt. Carmel and prayed and asked his servant [to go and see] if he saw a cloud.  After some time (seven times Elijah sent him), the servant finally saw a little cloud.  He told the servant to tell Ahab to go before the rain caught him.  Ahab took off and told Jezebel that Elijah killed her prophets.  When Jezebel heard of this, she put out a death sentence (threat) on Elijah.

Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.  [1 Kings 19:2]

This true prophet of God took off when he heard her words through a messenger.  He was likely very weary, having slain all the prophets, having called upon God for the consuming of the sacrifice, and the rain for the drought that caused the famine in the he fled from Jezebel.

But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.  
[1Kings 19:4] 

Have you not done that?  Have you not said ‘It’s enough Lord, take me home…I have failed you, I’m no better than my relatives?’  (or something along those lines?)

I have…I have been so weary as to ask the Lord to take me home and I most certainly did not do anything near to what Elijah did, but I have had my share of spiritual warfare and my own trials and tribulations…yet the Lord strengthened me every time, just as He did Elijah. Listen to others. They will say similar. Our Creator is very faithful.

When you were at the end of your rope and you cried out to God, did He not strengthen you?  Yes, he did and that’s why you…and I…are still here. (proof)  The Lord sent an angel to strengthen Elijah with food and after he slept awhile, the angel fed Elijah again.  That food kept Elijah for 40 days and 40 nights as he journeyed to a cave on Mt. Horeb.

There the Lord asked Elijah what he was doing there, so he spoke about throwing down Baal’s altars and slaying Jezebel’s prophets, but he felt that he alone had escaped from Jezebel.  Then, the Lord not only instructed Elijah further on what He wanted him to do, but He encouraged him, when Elijah once again stated that only he alone was left.  He must have felt discouraged and quite alone to repeat it twice, but the Lord said:

Yet I have left Me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which has not kissed him.  [1 Kings 19:18]
So the body of Christ has been warned about a test of endurance, have been told that it is the time of sealing God’s people and have been warned that the  remnant in the five-fold ministry (actually, not just the five-fold, but, all of God's remnant of obedient, repentant believers - and I must add; there are wolves amongst the sheep, so, be guarded no matter who a person says they are!) and particularly the prophetic (see Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17), will not just be under attack, but that the adversary seeks to literally kill them.

Many are suddenly having serious health issues. Keep strong. It has not all been for nothing; the Lord is on our side…I share this word that He put upon my heart today. (07.14.13 - July 14, 2013)

(To God the glory alone)

How heavy is your heart, My child, for the battle has been hard and long. Hold fast to Me, for awhile longer and you shall see the victory. The time of sealing, the test of endurance belongs to the remnant who are Mine and shall endure to the end, coming through victoriously, having been well-trained by previous tests and tribulations, having been purged and purified, in the fires and through the waters.

Yea, hold fast to Me, for I AM your refuge and your strong tower.  Yea, the cross is heavy when it is being carried, and excruciatingly hard to the flesh to stay upon, dying to self and all that is in the world.

Yet only after death can My resurrection power go forth to raise you up to a place where the enemy cannot touch you. Healing and restoration are in My hand. Look up, look up for your redemption draws nigh. Chaos and destruction are coming upon mankind and the world, yet I AM the one who shall create the new [Is 65:17; 66:22; Rev 21:1], when all is said and done. 

Keep on your armor; pray without ceasing, abide in Me and do that which I ask of you to do. (*Note* 0bedience is the word that came to mind as I wrote this, and keeping a repentant heart. BP)

Great blessing is about to fall upon My obedient children; but great judgment also is falling upon all nations and all peoples of the earth. Yes, and the wrath of the devil, the prince of this world is coming, but he has nothing on Me.
His wrath has been loosed for a time, yea, but he knows that his time is short. [Rev 12:12] Look to Me and abide, for I AM your strength, your wisdom, your discernment, your all in all.  My peace I give you, not as the world gives, but the peace I give passes all understanding. [Phil 4:7] Let not your heart be troubled [Jn 14:1]; neither be afraid.

Glory to the Lord alone for encouraging His people, so faithful and true is our King and Lord.

for His glory

penned by

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Two Sides of Spiritual Warfare

 July 14, 2013

The Two Sides of Spiritual Warfare

Blog Talk Radio (BTR): July 14, 2013 - 11:00 PM EST

The show has been rescheduled to 11:00 PM, due to an unforeseen delay on the guest's side.  Please tune in at 11:00 PM EST.  Thank you.

Ex-satanist, ex-vampire Jason Pillow will be taking the time to reveal both sides of spiritual warfare.  Having been on the dark side and serving the one who is the adversary of believers in Christ, Pillow well understands the strategies of the enemy and the ways he targets believers, playing by no rules.
Many believers do not fully understand the power and authority given to them by Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Many are stopped by fear (which is one of the powerful weapons in the enemy's arsenal).  Deception is another powerful weapon.

Many believers allow the enemy to intimidate them, lie to and deceive them into believing they have no power over him, or that they 'cannot do it alone', especially if the enemy offers resistance, as he did in one case with the apostles (and to a point - JOB).

And when He was come into the house, His disciples asked Him privately, Why could not we cast him out? And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. [Mk 9:28, 29]

Jesus Christ took the keys of hell and death.  God raised Him from the dead and He is victorious.

That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.  [Rom 10:9]

 I am He that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I AM alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death [Rev 1:18]

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.
[Lk 10:19,20]

for His glory,