For thus has the Lord said unto me, God, set a watchman, let him declare what he sees. (Isa 21:6)
(At this point, the watchman sees riders in chariots, men of war; some of the chariots carried necessary supplies.)
And he cried, A lion (as watchful as a ready lion): My lord, I stand continually upon the watchtower in the daytime, and I am set in my ward whole nights: (21:7)
But the end of all things is at hand: be sober (I heard in my spirit -- be ready therefore - continuously), and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity (love) among yourselves: for love shall cover the multitude of sins. [1Pet 4:7]
Be sober, be vigilant (keenly watchful to detect danger); because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished (experienced) in your brethren that are in the world. (globally) [1Pet 5:8, 9]
The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill and to destroy: I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
[Jn 10:10]
We are to watch and pray, and to do so with the love of God saturating our hearts and minds. The beginning of the last days began with the apostles. Over two thousand years later, how much closer are we to the end which was prophesied (foretold) by the prophets and Jesus the Christ himself? If so led, I will expound on this another time, but not at this time.
Be Ready - Christ is Approaching
I have heard people actually say to me that every generation, including the apostles themselves, were expecting Jesus Christ's return, but nothing has changed. Why even bother looking for Him, some shrug, He's not about to show up anytime soon. Little do they know that they are fulfilling scripture (or they have forgotten).
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lust, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. [2Pet 3:3]
Peter goes on to write about how a day is as a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years as a day. The Lord is not being slow about his promise, but he is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance. See verses seven and eight of 2 Peter 3.
Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Lord does come. But know this, that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken into.
Therefore, you also be ready: for in such an hour that you think not, the Son of man comes. [Mat 24:42-44]
Brothers and sisters, do not grow weary of the warnings or the reminders. We must keep each other aware, lest we become as the foolish virgins who fall asleep, thinking they will get more oil when they awake.
But when all the virgins slept, the bridegroom came. Yet only half of them (five out of ten spoken of in Jesus' parable - Matthew 25:1-13) had made sure they had enough oil in their lamps, plus a reserve, before they went to sleep. Only half of them were prepared and ready for his return. Let us not be caught without oil Make sure you are continually filled to overflowing (reserve) with the Holy Spirit.
Be on the Offensive, Not Defensive
Be ready, be prepared for battle. Remember the armour of God. Ephesians, chapter 6, starting at verse ten (10), cautions the brethren to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. We are instructed to put on the whole armour of God so that we can stand against the wiles of the devil (Satan and his hordes, enemies of the cross of Jesus).
We are told who our enemy is and it is not flesh and blood, but we wrestle (hand to hand combat) against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places. Without going into detail here, or splicing up the verse (because many say this verse is saying against wicked rulers, principalities, powers etc. of the world). Not so, remember the verse twelve emphatically states, "NOT flesh and blood".
We are to stand strong with our full armour on, especially (above ALL), taking the shield of faith (without faith it is impossible to please God [Heb 11:6]), so that we can quench the fiery darts of Satan and devils (demons), which will link up with casting down every imagination (every negative thought) that will place itself above what God's Words says, and what we have personally been told by the Lord.
We are to pray always (as often as possible and without putting it off, saying, "I will pray..."). Do it at the moment and be done with it. Get the prayer spoken and then repeat as often as led by the Spirit of God. The above is found in Ephesians 6, verses 10-18.
We must stay on the offensive, not defensive. Do not wait for the enemy to attack before prayer goes up. Yes, it is true that he and his armies carry out sneak attacks; that's a given, but we must do our best to put into practice all that we have been taught.
Lest Satan should get advantage of us: we are not ignorant of his devices.
[2Cor 2:11]
The adversary is coming against the Body of Christ fast and furious...his time is getting shorter and shorter. Those who are walking as close to God as they know how, abiding in Jesus and He in them, and walking circumspect (guarded) and willingly obedient are especially under attack/
If you are not yet experiencing this, get ready and keep in prayer, in spirit and in truth, for Satan hates God, and mankind (which He created), but especially God's people.
Offer up your life, dying to self (yes, a daily battle), but we are a living sacrifice, that obeys and trusts God. We are learning, we continue growing. If we fall down, we rise back up and keep going forward, fighting the good fight. Worship Jesus...and I tell you a truth, one of the purest forms of worship and love to God, is obedience to Him.
So many worship the Lord with their lips, but their heart is far from Him. [Is 29:13; Mat 15:8] These are those who sing unto the Lord, but walk in areas of disobedience. We honour Him with songs of praise and worship, but He delights in our obedience. For He tells us He prefers our obedience more than any sacrifice, for it shows that we love Him.
But the hour is coming, and now is, that the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship Him. [Jn 4:23]
It is the same M.O. (modus operandi - method of operation) with Satan and his minions. He is not just attacking believers with thoughts of failure or bringing doubt about hearing God's voice. When he knows God has spoken and given us a promise, he will try to dissuade the believer by suggesting that the believer heard his (Satan and/or demons) voice and not God's.
He repeats himself since the garden..."has God said?" To some, he is resurrecting old physical problems that were healed previously (symptoms, very real, but symptoms).
He will bring pain in any form (even new illnesses/diseases), financial problems, stress and distractions, severed relationships, targeting marriages, from young to old alike. He will inundate believers with fiery darts of doubt, fear and confusion, all designed to bring division, chaos and hopelessness.
We must rise up, in full armour, full of faith (shield) and love, trusting and obeying the leading of the holy Spirit, the Comforter Jesus spoke of who will lead us into all truth. We must wait on God.
Things will get very ugly looking as far as circumstances and our own personal situations are concerned. When God gives us a personal promise, more often than not, things seem to turn in the exact opposite direction.
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Joseph's dreams come to pass 13 years later |
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Joseph forgives his brothers |
If He chastens (disciplines) us, it is because we are His children. Let us receive correction with gladness. God is shaking us and the world, but judgment begins in the house of the Lord.
Word from the Lord
I am taking excerpts from old writings, as led of the Lord.
These are the days to prepare (be ready). No time to delay. Do not fear the days ahead, which you were forewarned would come suddenly and unexpectedly.
Trust Jesus/Y'shua, King of kings and Lord of lords. Keep watch for His return. Pray for others and all the Holy Spirit leads you to pray for.
Yea indeed, to walk by faith and NOT by sight, simple faith as a
child. It is they who understand the authority of His name,
the power of His blood and all that He did accomplish by
being crucified, buried, resurrected and ascended by the power of His
Father, the Most High Almighty God.
Things that are coming will be as unexpected and
as sudden, as a lost wallet that disappears immediately after
a purchase. No amount of searching will restore it, bring understanding or
closure. Many people will blame themselves. Most will blame others, but
the multitudes will blame God.
People will be suspicious of each other and accusations will arise beyond measure. Countless will feel helpless and without hope. Things will begin slowly and build momentum, like a domino effect.
Life will be frightening to people and they will not know where
to turn. Hard lessons will be learned. Some will cry out to God and
repent in spirit and in truth.
For there is now therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ and walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. [Rom 8:1]
But they who have prepared ahead have already repented and keep a repentant spirit in their heart, willingly and gladly obeying his leading. They who put their trust in the Lord shall be saved. The peace that passes all understanding will sweep over them and they will offer up thanksgiving, despite all outward appearances.
For they prepared their hearts for the 'suddenlies'
and the unexpected.
For He, who loves His children will teach them, discipline them, train them and then test them. He will lead them and guide them. He will forewarn and protect them.
For He, who loves His children will teach them, discipline them, train them and then test them. He will lead them and guide them. He will forewarn and protect them.
Yes, the true sons of God [those hidden in Jesus the Christ] are manifesting, the true brethren being separated from the false brethren, the true being united as one body [His body, His bride, the ekklesia (called out)] through the Holy Spirit of the Most High.
For the narrow road is difficult with many trials and
tribulations. Yet by not trusting and obeying the
King and Lord, the love of many has waxed cold and many will fall away. This is
already happening, it shall increase just as Jesus [Yshua] foretold.
The love that waxes cold not only leaves its first love [Christ
Jesus], but it also lacks compassion and love for fellow brethren and the
unsaved. They have become desensitized as daily reports of lawlessness and
brutal travesties fill their ears, and as sin increases (lust of eyes, lust of
flesh and pride of life). Their fruit has become corrupted; it is rotten.
Some walk with praise on their lips, but their hearts far from
God, whilst others are fooled by delusion for they did not seek
truth (strong delusion comes
[2Thess2:9-12]), and others still just simply abandon their faith. Dark, dark
are these days, but they are only a shadow of the greater darkness that
soon covers this world. Sin overwhelms the world.
God’s (Yhwh) children walk by FAITH and not by sight. They have learned not to fear man (what he will do), but to only fear [revere, honor, respect, be in awe] their Father God, [fear/know] understanding His great power, authority and might. They walk in the Spirit of LOVE - His Spirit, His love.
It is a narrow path; a narrow way. Few find it because few want
to let go of all sin, all unrighteousness that the Father reveals to us (a humbling, painful process).
Repent whilst we still can. There is a way and
that (one and only) way is through
Jesus Christ (Y’shua Ha’Masiach) of
For the strait gate, where few willingly enter in, can only be entered in by through Jesus the Christ (Y'shua the Messiah), and by the OBEDIENCE of those who TRUST their GOD. Get ready. It time to prepare for the suddenlies and the unexpected that shall come soon enough (more than ever). Time is almost up. Abide in Christ and He in you.
Word of the Lord (from Sept 27, 2007)
Great Darkness
NOW is the TIME! We are to press in like never before; be obedient to what He asks, no matter how foolish it looks to the world or to man. Be prepared. It may cost you everything. You know this though, don't you?
But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; [1Cor 1:27]
Winds are Changing
The winds are indeed changing and greater darkness is soon upon us...
The darkness of great evil is encompassing the world; its foreboding shadow is cast. Believers and unbelievers alike sense evil coming. We are already witnessing the chaos that comes from sin, but also from God's judgment.
Word from the Lord – September 2007
Beginning of Sorrows
The beginning of sorrows already has started and many, many there are that do know this, but many of My people are becoming confused, frustrated, beaten down. Walking in love and faith are challenged like never before.
This is happening in all nations and its people these days, including My people. Countless numbers are experiencing things coming at them in every direction - onslaughts increasing - they bear heavy burdens which weaken them, taking their inner strength. [1Pet 5:8; Rev 12:9;17]
The beginning of sorrows already has started and many, many there are that do know this, but many of My people are becoming confused, frustrated, beaten down. Walking in love and faith are challenged like never before.
This is happening in all nations and its people these days, including My people. Countless numbers are experiencing things coming at them in every direction - onslaughts increasing - they bear heavy burdens which weaken them, taking their inner strength. [1Pet 5:8; Rev 12:9;17]
This is a time to obey My instructions. I
am a God of order and surely I shall direct the steps of those who put their
trust in Me and do My will.
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. [1Cor14: 33]
There are events coming that will cause many to fall into complete and utter confusion IF they are not abiding and being obedient to Me. Controlling, mocking, seducing and tormenting spirits are being sent out by the enemy, the prince of the power of the air.
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. [1Cor14: 33]
There are events coming that will cause many to fall into complete and utter confusion IF they are not abiding and being obedient to Me. Controlling, mocking, seducing and tormenting spirits are being sent out by the enemy, the prince of the power of the air.
Witchcraft is increasing (it is gladly accepted, seldom opposed by many - BP), embraced by the world; the enemy is becoming bolder. Great fear and unbelief will abound. Love is waxing cold, people lying to each other and deceiving one another and many shall fall away from their faith in Me.
Do not fear as you hear this.
Judgment has Begun
Countless people have been enduring onslaughts like never before, and in all the nations of the world – wars, wars, destruction, calamities, chaos, chaos, confusion, confusion, deception, deception.
The onslaughts are effecting every area of
their lives, such as personal relationships, (amongst family, friends and
associates) finances and health. Even amongst believers, division is being
seen. For judgment has begun in My house...
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? [1Pet 4:17]
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? [1Pet 4:17]
Daniel forewarned that one will raise
himself up, that is different from the rest. He will speak against the Most
High and will WEAR DOWN THE SAINTS of the Most High Lord God of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob.
To those who are holding fast to their faith, trusting God for personal promises and impossible miracles for healing, deliverance, salvation, restoration and even full restitution are hearing in their inner man, 'Has God said?'
Trust and Obey
Know your enemy, who is satan the adversary and his evil army and know all their wicked schemes and devises. In Christ Jesus, you are more than conquerors. Take My strength for when you are weak, I am strong. Rest in My love.
Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who has declared this from ancient time? who has told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside Me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside Me. [Is 45:21]
Fiery darts are penetrating the minds of people, seeking to steal their peace, destroy their faith, kill their love, hope and trust in Me. Those who abide in Me and know My word will quench the fiery darts of the enemy.
Stand fast. Do not flinch or give up. Look to Me, focus on Me for I AM and in Me is your strength to endure to the end.
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time. [Rev 12:12]
Believe My Word, believe My power, believe
My love just as a child would do. Believe My promises in My Word, but also
believe My personal promises to you. My sheep know My voice and another they
will not follow.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your steps.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your steps.
Every word of God is pure:
He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him. [Pro3:5,6 - Pro30:5]
Do not trust in the things you see, for the things you see are temporal. The adversary works in the realm of the flesh and works with the weaknesses of the flesh. Often things are not what they appear to be, for Satan is the master of illusion, the father of lies, one who can appear as an angel of light.
On one hand, he is presenting great signs and wonders, as I foretold in My word. On the other hand, he is stirring up confusion, fear and unbelief by presenting circumstances that defy My word and personal promises to those who are trusting Me for answers to their prayers. Now is the time to simply trust with childlike faith and obey as one who loves Me.
A new start, new level...breakthrough is here. Come to Me...abide, trust.
Do not trust in the things you see, for the things you see are temporal. The adversary works in the realm of the flesh and works with the weaknesses of the flesh. Often things are not what they appear to be, for Satan is the master of illusion, the father of lies, one who can appear as an angel of light.
On one hand, he is presenting great signs and wonders, as I foretold in My word. On the other hand, he is stirring up confusion, fear and unbelief by presenting circumstances that defy My word and personal promises to those who are trusting Me for answers to their prayers. Now is the time to simply trust with childlike faith and obey as one who loves Me.
Winds Keep Blowing
You have heard of reports and testimonies of trial and tribulations and of
great evil. Do not fear, but discern the hour and the day that you are in. Time
is short. Winds are
changing; greater darkness is coming and shall increase.
Come... Come to Me and let us sup together.
In humility, pray, pour out your heart in brokenness, for I AM still the God who binds up the brokenhearted. I AM still He that comforts those with a broken and contrite spirit.
[Repentance, turning away from sin (change your mind and ways) and turning back to the Lord God has ALWAYS been what it is all about. Now through the Christ Jesus, the Messiah [Y'shua], we can go to the Father.]
If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. [2Chr 7:14, 15]
He shall call upon Me, and I will answer
him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him My salvation. [read Ps 91: 1-15]
To the true, who daily seek My face, who abide and cling to Me, the great darkness will not frighten them. They have had eyes to see its approach. They are being prepared and lay down their lives to follow Me.
They are being taken to depths of intimacy so intensified that they do not desire to leave My presence. They have and are entering into new levels that are beyond anything they have experienced.
Continually they learn that I AM the unsearchable Father and Creator. Deeper and deeper and closer and closer, they come unto Me, knowing Me in an increased intimacy that strengthens them and increases their faith.
They despise religious spirits and pride. They are humble before Me, ever eager to learn; ever searching their hearts, ever willing to be chastened if they are wrong, ever repentant if they fall short in word, deed or thought, ever pressing on to the mark of the high calling, ever obedient, desiring My will and not their own will.
Their praise for Me is continually upon their lips as thanksgiving pours forth from the secret chambers of their heart. They worship Me in Spirit and in truth. They pray instantly, bearing each others burdens and crying out, with My passion for a lost and dying world. They do not consider themselves better than another, but are meek and humble, having often had a broken and contrite spirit.
They have allowed Me to put within them a
pure (clean) heart and I have given them clean hands. This is a process, be
patient. The purifying fires have been removing every spot and blemish,
for I will have a holy Bride. These are My precious sons and daughters, in whom
I delight.
These are those who look to Me; daily picking up their cross, considering the cost and choose to live holy as I am holy. They understand the difference between being imperfect and walking in perfection (maturity). They know Me and I know them. They are Mine for they were bought with a price.
They feel beaten down, desperately alone, grossly misunderstood, grievously torn - the strength of their heart poured out - in a dry place [drylands] - a wilderness. People are becoming impatient with each other and many relationships are being destroyed. The work of flesh and the enemy increases.
Hear this carefully. The adversary is roaming as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, for the beasts are arising... the dragon is near.
He counterfeits every good work I do but the fruit of his work leads to corruption, division, destruction and chaos.
These are those who look to Me; daily picking up their cross, considering the cost and choose to live holy as I am holy. They understand the difference between being imperfect and walking in perfection (maturity). They know Me and I know them. They are Mine for they were bought with a price.
They feel beaten down, desperately alone, grossly misunderstood, grievously torn - the strength of their heart poured out - in a dry place [drylands] - a wilderness. People are becoming impatient with each other and many relationships are being destroyed. The work of flesh and the enemy increases.
Hear this carefully. The adversary is roaming as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, for the beasts are arising... the dragon is near.
He counterfeits every good work I do but the fruit of his work leads to corruption, division, destruction and chaos.
Obedience leads you
along the right path and strengthens you to endure to the end. Did I not tell
you that things often appear in the exact opposite of what one believes for?
If I have brought you
this far, be assured, I will be with you the rest of the way, as you abide in
Me. All I ask is that you trust and obey. I instruct you that this is My
battle, as surely as it was when Daniel fasted and prayed three (3) weeks.
Keep obeying. Keep
praying. Praise and sing, even as tears roll down your cheeks. I know how hard
it is not to look at the circumstances, as opposition (to what you believe
Me for) increases.
I know the frailties
of the flesh. When the storm rages, fear will rise up in front of you, taunting
you. The adversary and his
minions fight furiously against mankind, but especially the children of
I hear the words
spoken and the desperate cries to relieve the hurt and pain of the heart and
the fatigue of the spirit. Push through, for I am helping you.
Follow My instructions. All is in My competent
hands. This battle is Mine. Hold fast to your faith, trusting Me,
despite the circumstances and labour of the spirit.
Stand back in faith
and trust, as surely as Daniel did, as My angels fought against the adversary.
Daniel prayed long and hard, waiting: O Lord, hear: O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken and do; defer
not, for Your own sake. O my God […] [Dan 9:19]
And said, O man
greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto
you, be strong, yea, be strong.[vs 19]
My angels go forth at
My command. I AM the Lord of the battle. I do move suddenly. Be patient. Be strong and of good
Rise up, LORD, and let
Your enemies be scattered; and let them that hate You flee before You. [Num 10:35]
I have declared the
former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of My mouth, and I
showed them; I
did them suddenly,
and they came to pass.
They are created
now, and not from the beginning; even before the day
when you heard them not; lest you should say, Behold, I knew them.
[Is 48:3, 7]
I, the Lord your God,
have gone before you. All I have spoken to you shall be so, if you
continue in faith and obedience.
(End of word I have been led to share)
To be a true disciple of Jesus (Yeshua), we have to carry a cross as He did. We have to die to self, all the old ways, our old man (sinful nature) must be crucified, and we learn obedience. As Jesus, we too will learn obedience by the things we suffer.
Remember, there is no resurrection without first, a death.
Take everything to the Lord in prayer to see if it is of Him, including this writing. Shalom in Christ Jesus.
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord your God, He it is that does go with you; He will not fail you nor forsake you.
[Deut 31:6]
To be a true disciple of Jesus (Yeshua), we have to carry a cross as He did. We have to die to self, all the old ways, our old man (sinful nature) must be crucified, and we learn obedience. As Jesus, we too will learn obedience by the things we suffer.
Remember, there is no resurrection without first, a death.
Take everything to the Lord in prayer to see if it is of Him, including this writing. Shalom in Christ Jesus.
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord your God, He it is that does go with you; He will not fail you nor forsake you.
[Deut 31:6]
for His glory alone