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Deep calls unto deep - Ps 42:7 |
As the Lord taught long
ago, what was meant to be evil against His people, He intended (had plans to
use) for good. The statement originated in ancient times, and was made by
one of His chosen [Hebrew/Israelite] people.
Since that time, it
has been used by millions, including myself. It could vary slightly, but it is
basically rephrased as: ‘…what Satan meant for evil, God intends for
good. I think the first time I used it was several years after Jesus delivered
me from legion.
The statement originates in the book of Genesis [50 vs 20], when Joseph is speaking with his eleven brothers who had sold him to slave traders/merchants on their way to Egypt.
years had passed. A famine had brought the estranged brothers face-to-face with
Joseph, whose authority in the land was second only to Pharaoh.
All the Israelite
tribes, including the patriarch Jacob (called Israel [El] ‘God fights’)
[Joseph’s father] were moved to Egypt once Joseph divulged his identity.
After Jacob died, the brothers were afraid that Joseph would become callous and
punish them for the evil they had perpetrated against him.
Let us back up.
Joseph loved God
first, yet he also loved his brothers, despite what they had done. When he
first saw them in Egypt, having come to the land to buy food, Joseph had to
process all that happened to him by the hands of his brothers. He had to
determine how he was going to react (handle it). He did not want to
dishonour God.
You can see that with
the various challenges Joseph presented to them. He was human after all, and felt
the stings of jealousy, hatred, rejection and betrayal. Yes, he gave his
brothers somewhat of a hard time. Given his level of authority and their
desperate need, Joseph could have exacted revenge, but it was not in his heart
to repay evil for evil.
He called them spies [Gen 42:9],
kept the ten men in prison for three days [vs 17], and finally released all but Simeon [vs 24].
He kept the one brother as a surety, thus forcing the other brothers to bring
Benjamin back on their return; that being Joseph’s younger brother, who was greatly
protected by Jacob as his only remaining child from his marriage to Rachel.
The money in the sacks [Gen 42:25], the silver cup hidden in his youngest brother’s sack by the order of Joseph [Gen 44:2], all these things brought the ten brothers (not including Benjamin) great remorse, believing God was punishing them.
After all, they did
sell Joseph for the purpose of slavery to the Ishmaelites, whose caravan was
headed to Egypt. Still, Joseph’s love for his brothers never dwindled.
However, love alone
was not sufficient; he also chose to forgive his brothers, weeping so loudly as
his inner pain was released that Pharaoh and all the Egyptians in the ruler’s household
heard him. This is recorded in the first book of the Torah. [Gen 45:1-2]
Joseph’s inner pain
was not only due to the betrayal and the loss of his family. It was the hatred
that provoked the great divide, the separation ignited by jealousy that took
place amongst the family as a direct result of such a murderous emotion.
Joseph’s suffering was
obviously great, festering all those years as he slaved away in a foreign land,
and in prison on top of it all.
It is a prime example;
Joseph’s own brothers hated him, spoke ill against him, murder was in their
hearts (but God stopped that intention). Instead, they ‘sold him out’
(literally), meaning they treated him like he was nothing, even reporting
him as dead.
They knew the truth,
but they concocted a story in their prideful anger and hatred, and spoke
convincing lies. Years passed. The Lord protected Joseph from death, especially
when Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him of attempted rape.
God also granted him
favour in the eyes of those in authority over him, such as Potiphar and the
captain of the jail guards. God worked it out according to His will, and not
man’s, not the will of Joseph’s brothers.
Joseph forgave...
The Sovereign Lord
God, even to this day, will work things out His way, according to His will. We
will not always understand (or perhaps, agree) why He allows what He
allows, especially if we think a wrong is not righted or an injustice has taken
place and has not been rectified.
That is where we have
to trust the wisdom of God whose perspective is far beyond ours. We see things in
a rather limited way because more often than not, we forget about God’s grace,
mercy and forgiveness.
Have you ever been
granted undeserved mercy? We all have, whether we see it or not. We all have
been granted undeserved grace, mercy and forgiveness.
But God commends (demonstrates) His love toward us, in that, while
we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. [Rom 5:8]
Does God Protect
Everyone from Danger?
What about them? Where are
you in those times for those Christians? His answer did not come to me directly;
there was no still, small voice that I heard deep within. Many Christians will
simply say God protects because His Word says so and that is final, they claim –
but is it?
Does the Bible say that God
protects everyone from every danger, or from sinful people? God’s protection in
terrorism, wars, natural disasters/cataclysmic events, accidents, or even from wicked people (murderers, torturers, rapists) has
been debated for centuries by theologians from various religions, particularly
Christian, Jew [Judaism], Muslim, Buddhist.
The Lord knows how each one
of us will die, and when. We do not know, nor do we often understand the deaths
of loved ones, especially sudden, unexpected death. Sin is still rampant in the
world, and it is increasing rapidly just as it did in Noah’s day, and in the
days of Sodom and Gomorrah.
We have been fairly forewarned
in the Bible. There will always be things we do not understand this side of
heaven. Not one of us on this earth have all the answers. I surely do not!
However, I would like to remind
the reader of something Jesus brought up when He was speaking to a group of
people. It had to do with the Galileans who were killed and whose blood Pilate
mixed in with their sacrifices.
And Jesus
answering said to them, Do you suppose that these Galileans were [worse] sinners above all the Galileans,
because they suffered such things? I tell you, No: but, except you repent, you
shall all likewise perish. [Lk 13:2,3]
He also brought up a natural
disaster, or rather, an accident that had occurred, likely due to human error,
but the Word of God does not disclose the details.
Or those eighteen [18], upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and killed them, do you think that they were sinners above all men that live in Jerusalem? I tell you, No: but, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish. [Lk 13:4,5]
I had remembered the story of
the towers and Jesus’ question to the group questioning Him, but I had
forgotten about Pilate’s wicked act with certain citizens. The Lord actually
led me to an article, written in 2018, that speaks of the debate over such things
that was previously mentioned. Instead, He led me to a couple of articles.
In fact, the article mentions
the three verses in scripture up above, so they were ahead of me on this. The
writer mentions God’s judgments and people’s opinions on certain events (earthquake,
tsunamis, plagues, etc.) as being God’s punishment.
The Bible does specifically
point out times of God’s judgment, but as Jesus pointed out, the people were
victims of a wicked leader (Pilate), or victims of a disaster (tower).
It was not God’s judgment, nor was it because they were terrible sinners.
The debate amongst Christian
theologians is touched upon in a small PDF, for anyone interested in reading a
few reasons God’s protection seems random. This is the link for the website.
The link to download the PDF will be at that site.
Personally, I know God
protects His people, but I have to agree that there are times that things
happen whether by accident or by the hand of wicked people caught up in sins
that gave me pause, and I too wondered about God’s protection.
We start to dissect the
situation and the people. Were they involved in secret sins? Is there
favoritism toward certain people on God’s part? If there is, none can question
Him. He is Creator of all things; it is His prerogative. But it is not that way!
We do not like to admit it, but there is much that we do not know or understand about the Lord. When asked certain questions, more speculation arises at times than sound answers. Some things, we simply do not know and the Lord does not tell us.
Not everything is God’s
judgment; nor is it because of the devil, or because of evil people. Sometimes accidents
happen due to people’s mistakes, misjudgments or miscalculations. Disasters in nature happen due to ever-changing
conditions in the earth, temperature, and atmosphere. Ask someone who has studied and is gifted in this area.
I do not have all the answers;
none of us do. Only God does, and like a loving parent, He withholds
information from us to further protect us. We could not handle some of the
things God knows if we were told, such as the date of our demise (for an example).
We are specks on a planet,
and the planet is a speck in a vast universe. We are like an ant trying to
comprehend it all. We have many questions and few answers. It comes down to
trusting God to handle the world(s) He made.
We have an idea of why and what, which is given to us in His Word. We know what is coming, and how it will end. We just do not have every fine (minute) detail laid out for us, or an absolute timeline. We can know the season; we can see signs as given us, but the date, the days or the hour, no, we do not have that down pat.
But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. [only] [Mk 13:32]
Adam and Eve both ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. To this very day, we still hunger for knowledge – it is a bottomless well.
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victory |
On this site, what is shared is what has been learned over a lifetime, both the sinful side (much to my chagrin), the awkward [embarrassing, humbling), yet harmless mistakes made (so others hopefully will not make the same ones), but most importantly, the glorious (merciful, forgiving) side of the Saviour [unmerited grace/undeserved mercy].
FAITH in Jesus/Yeshua (therein is our VICTORY!)
But thanks be to
God, which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. [Yeshua Moshiach]. [1Cor 15:57]
We have prophets today that promise everyone victory, and everything will be good. The Bible tells us things are going to get worse. These prophets do not speak for the suffering Christians in other countries being martyred every day.
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Martyrdom has always been, since the days of the ancient prophets. The book of Revelation reveals that many [Great] Tribulation believers will be martyred. [Rev 6:9-11]
We may not like it, but the end times are most seriously bloodthirsty, violent days, according to the Word of God. We cannot just cut out parts in the Bible we do not like, and cherry-pick the ones we agree with.
There are those who prophesy that people (God's people) will have health, wealth, and every good thing happening; and they might tell you to repent because they read somewhere that false prophets do not use that word.
False prophets have gotten wiser with
the birth of the internet, and the wealth of books and articles written on what
to look for are plenteous. In the days of Elijah, Samuel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel et al., they did not have such advantage, so their [false ones] tracks were not so easily covered.
And even still, the false prophets even then had followers. In fact, they were well-received, whereas people wanted to slay God's prophets because they gave hard words. They said things people did not want to hear or think about.
They (the actual false) will make sure not to ‘do’ those things the "false" ones do. (The ones they read or hear about; it's deception, whether intended or not.) Jeremiah had to deal with false prophets who stole the words of the true prophets. [Jer 23:30]
Do you wonder why Jesus/Yeshua stated that ‘if’
it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived? [Matthew 24]
We are not to despise
prophesying [1Thess 5:20]; some Bible versions translate it as ‘prophetic utterances'. We are advised
not to quench the Holy Spirit. [5:19] Notwithstanding, we are forewarned to test (try)
EVERY spirit to see if it is of God. [1Jn 4:1]
The Good Shepherd would not
give His sheep false hope (contaminated water), or lead us astray into
enemy territory. However, if one is enticed [tempted], or if they are purposely misled,
it would be because that one followed after the wrong voice (false teacher/prophet); perhaps the voice
of a misguided soul, or an imposter, or the devil, Satan, himself.
However, if one has been led
astray through a weakness, or a temptation, and if their heart is genuinely to
keep on the path of truth, but they roam off the path, the Lord may allow a
season of wandering in order to teach an important lesson, but He remains
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He will find you and rescue you |
In due season, He will deliver the one gone astray. Remember – He left the 99 (righteous) to go after the one lost, until he finds it and gathers it back to the flock. [Lk 15:4] In due season, and with corrective measures, He restores that one, if they do not resist.
There are still modern-day prodigals. I was one, but Jesus... did not leave me in that state. There was a "season of consequences" that had to be fulfilled, and it was.
There are prophetic messages
that the Lord gave me down through the years that often speak of victory,
but there are those who are taking the word [victory] and run in the wrong
direction (accepting false doctrines), stating things that God has not said,
meant, or approved of.
Many times, if a message is copied or taken [see Jer 23:30] very often the one who steals or copies also has the wrong interpretation of the prophetic word. They get their own interpretation, instead of what the Lord intended.
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I would like to ask the reader, are prophetic words divided? Are some meant only for God’s people in the West, and some [prophetic words] meant for His people in the East?
In truth, yes, it can be for a specific area, just as it was at times the ancient prophets prophesied against Babylon, or Israel when they rebelled, or Nineveh.
We must understand “victory”
in depth, in its fullness. A prophetic word must be for all of God’s people if He
says (in the message), “My people”. But what of the martyrs being killed by the thousands, hundreds? Will they enjoy wealth, health, all things good?
What about John the Baptist when
he was beheaded? Did he have victory? Yes, though he died, he had victory.
He is with the Lord, and today is still highly honoured, as the prophetic voice
who echoed Isaiah the prophet:
He said, I am the
voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight (prepare) the way of the Lord. [Jn 1:23]
Stephen, one man of seven who
was to oversee the food redistribution to widows, was the first martyr for
Jesus. He was murdered, stoned to death while Saul (later called Paul)
Though he ‘died’, Stephen had
‘victory’. God strengthened him. He looked to the skies and saw the
glory of God, and Jesus standing to the right of God’s throne.
That infuriated those who
were listening to Stephen. They took him outside the city and stoned him to
death. Yet, even as he was dying, he managed to kneel and asked the Lord not to
hold them accountable for their sin ([…] “lay not this sin to their charge”)
[Acts 7:59.60]
Stephen was stoned to death. Was he victorious? Yes, he was; even in the state of dying, he had faith in Jesus (“receive my spirit” [v.59]). His victory was in knowing he was in Christ, and that he would soon be joining him.
And falling to his knees, he cried out with a loud voice, 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them.' And when he said this, he fell asleep. [Acts 7:60]
Just before Jesus (Yeshua)
died on the cross, He used the last of His strength to ask His Father in heaven
to forgive those who crucified Him and were gambling over His garments:
Father, forgive
them; for they know not what they do.
[Lk 23:34] Christ died, but He still had victory, over both the grave and death.
He was resurrected on the third day, ascended into heaven 40 days later, and is
soon returning. Maranatha!
Both Jesus and Stephen spoke
words of ‘agape love’ and ‘forgiveness’
with their dying breath. Those are two examples of VICTORY over
All the apostles were
martyred, except for John. All these were victorious. Why? Faith in Jesus/Yeshua…
For whatsoever is
born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory
that overcomes the world, even our faith.
[1Jn 5:4]
So, be careful in how you
view victory when you listen to ‘certain prophecies’, promising wealth,
health, “your best life now” [name of a Joel Osteen book]. The wise do
not want their ears tickled; they want truth, not false hope, not smooth words,
not poisoned candy, not deception of the serpent. [Rom 16:17-18]
The serpent stole God’s Word (in the Garden of Eden) and with a slight twist, deceived the woman. He still deceives today, but he overlays his lies in truth.
False teachers take the truth and twist it ever so slightly, and if one is not strong in Christ's doctrine, they will fall victim to the smooth words. They cause divisions and offenses by straying from the truth with 'sleight of hand' or rather, smooth-sounding words.
As we can clearly see,
whether we live or whether we die, our victory is in Jesus Christ (Yeshua
Messiah)! It is our faith in Him that overcomes the world. And it is the Holy Spirit who will lead us into all truth - but we must sincerely want truth, not just the truth that pleases us.
Jesus taught some 'hard' truths, and many walked away as a result (rejected Him and His doctrine/teaching). One example is recorded in the book of John, when Jesus/Yeshua taught His disciples that unless they 'eat the flesh' and 'drink His blood', they will have 'no life in [them]'. [Jn 6:53]
He spoke symbolically, comparing 'His flesh' with the manna (bread) that fell from heaven in the wilderness, to feed the Israelites after their exodus.
The drinking of 'His blood' symbolizes the new wine. When a Christian takes communion, we do so in remembrance of Jesus and His sacrifice for us. It is symbolic, not literal. Our part is symbolic; Christ's part was literal - He paid the price for our sins with His blood, upon the cross.
Love and forgiveness for our enemies, or for those who come against us, or hurt us in any way (whether intentionally or not, whether they realize it or not):
Can we do that, by faith in Jesus
the Messiah? Can we forgive them, and with agape love, release them into the hands
of a just and merciful God?
What If…
To be real, there are situations that anger us (certain things people say about us, or that they do to us that is deceptive, and sometimes it is theft). We will go through various [a gamut of] emotions and feelings, especially when an offense defies logic.
If it is deceptive in nature, and it most certainly is unbecoming to one who calls themselves by the name of the
Lord. Notwithstanding, we are flesh and blood, with a carnal [fallen] nature.
Indeed, but if we are
born-again, Spirit-filled children of the Most High God, then we are instructed
not to sin in our anger. We are also taught that we are not wrestling (battling,
or at times, struggling) against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high
places. [Eph 6:12]
We have to work through, that is, process an offense or a wrong-doing, and see it from God's perspective. We need the Holy Spirit to do so. If we are seeing it from God's viewpoint, and we are justified, we need to muster our all our strength - and wait. We may need God's strength.
Then, we need to step back, and wait for the Lord to handle things His way, and in His time. Like it or not, it may be judgment day before He deals with it, but deal with it He will. Remember, it is always about repentance and forgiveness with God - but our flesh wants vengeance. That is where trust (in Jesus) comes in.
Commentaries define the
original meaning (Hebrew and Greek) of scripture, and are helpful in
broadening our understanding. For the warfare chapter (Ephesians 6), some
commentaries mention false teachers, false prophets and those who have been
seduced by evil entities, but the real warfare is with the invisible realm.
What if someone was “targeted” by another ‘Christian’? Is that person a false teacher or false prophet, an imposter, a fraud, pretending to be someone they are not, copying whatever will be some form of gain for them?
Are they foxy tricksters with smooth words and convincing ways? What if the work of a Christian is plagiarized, what would a disciple of Jesus do?
First would come shock, with
denial right on the heels. One would halt abruptly, as one who slams into a
wall, and becoming confused about what to do. In a short time, days, perhaps
weeks, emotions stir up, anger, confusion, frustration.
If one graduates to hatred, STOP
right there and cry out to God. Yes, it is that serious. Why?
Whoever hates his
brother is a murderer: and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding
in him. [1Jn 3:15]
What if someone filled you in
on a situation that happened years ago. They provide material that goes into
detail about how someone accused, mocked, brought up sins, twisted words, even injecting
words that were fabricated and not spoken as stated, essentially lying straight-faced.
Would those two things not be
akin to stoning you to death or crucifying you? (on a spiritual level; not a
physical one). How would someone even prove such things?
What if the correct answer comes
when the matter is taken to the Lord?
He sees all, knows all and
understands all. He is wise and judges justly. He is the Advocate for the
accuser of the brethren, but also the wise judge to decide between two of His
children, or two people.
What if we do not agree with God’s
final decision, will we continue in trusting Him without becoming bitter, or
allowing it to be an excuse for falling away?
Most assuredly and
undeniably, Jesus knows all things, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the
End. His judgement, His final decision will be the wisest.
What Would You
Have Done?
Do you remember the two women who went before king Solomon, each claiming that the other woman’s baby had died, and they were the mother of the child left alive? Back then, with no methods to establish DNA, wisdom was imperative.
After listening to both
sides, the wise King Solomon ordered the child to be divided and each woman
given a half. One woman agreed, indicating neither one should have the child.
Yet, the other mother cried out for the child to be spared alive and given to
the other.
The king immediately judged
rightly, commanding that the baby be given to the woman who was willing to go
without her baby in order for the child to live. He judged her to be the true
mother. [1Kings 3:25-28]
If Solomon, a mere man who
had been granted wisdom as a gift from God, was able to judge righteous
judgment in a very difficult situation, how much wiser is God who granted that
same king such keen wisdom in the first place?
Choose Wisely
Prayer is crucial at such a point, taking the situation to the Lord, especially if a person deems it as an urgent concern. And then the question comes:
“Will you lay the matter into
My hands and trust Me with the outcome, even if the outcome is not seen or
known on the earth?” (Twice the question was asked in a still, small voice,
not audible, but deep within the spirit.)
What a question! Then, a million
questions arise, countering the question with questions. A struggle to do what
is right in God’s eyes ensues because the flesh demands justice and for truth
to prevail.
It is almost as if an
invisible second hand can be heard echoing down the corridors of time. What
shall be the answer? When you decide, choose wisely.
It is not a matter of earning
‘points’ or favour with the Father. The struggle to do the right thing and to
make the wise choice is birthed from a pure motive. The driving force is a strong
desire to be all we were created to be, and the fact that we love Jesus (because
He first loved us).
Yet again, it comes down to
that intimate, personal relationship with our Creator. Even on a natural level,
we long to please the one we love. How much more should we long to please the One
who gave us our very breath, and the One who holds our very life in the palm of
His hand.
Years of learning to seek, to
draw near, to receive His love and thus quench ungodly fear, and especially to
go deep calling out to deep.
Ah Lord, You ask a hard thing…
all the years… all the bonding (brokenness): still, it goes back to the
personal relationship. The words of John the Baptist come to mind: He [Yeshua]
must increase; I must decrease. [Jn 3:30]
More dying to self [denying
self] must take place.
Jesus, I know all my own
faults, shortcomings, mistakes…but this is – (sigh, what can be said?) Lord,
you invite us to plead our cause, to reason together with you. The imposter
took what is not theirs, Jesus. It represents all the years You were with me, even
while I was yet a sinner.
It’s my life with You; it is
personal, intimate. One hates without cause (fabricating, lies, twisted
truth); the other took much for vainglory and self-promotion, all the time
pretending it is for Your glory.
How much are we to endure?
If one is going to answer the
question, one better mean it. So, yes, the process was sped up, but time is
short. And finally… the realization hits home. How foolish I have been - it was always about God and His Son Jesus/Yeshua, never about me.
The laying down of one’s reputation,
if there be any honour in it, it belongs to Jesus. Lay it into God’s hands, for
all glory, honour and praise are (and always was; always will be) His. Flesh weeps at its own death, mourning the
loss of pride and all else that steals glory from Jesus and exalts self.
Spiritual versus
Carnal Nature – Which Side Wins
The spirit wrestles against the flesh (carnal nature). “It is so hard, Father!”
But God! Through Jesus
Christ, as the flesh is struggling to win, wrestling against the spirit man, it
is eventually subdued. I must be willing to become a person of no reputation,
no consequence.
Is God in control, or am I?
Is He the wise Counselor, or am I all-wise? No, I do not see the other side. I
cannot understand it; it is too close to home, and I am emotionally involved.
Better to leave the situation
in the hands of the wise and Sovereign Creator, than to trust myself who has
blown it more times in this life than I care to even try and count. When I pass
from this earth, what will it all matter anyway?
Pride was part of it, but in
truth, it had more to do with who I am in Christ, our personal relationship,
the trials, the fires, the loving corrections, the repentance, forgiveness, the
testing, the putting it all into practice.
Pushing past lip service and
down into the heart where action is the result. So hard sometimes… it has taken
months. Then finally, finally, truly remembering where the Lord brought me from
and the times He has shown me great (undeserved) mercy --with a
trembling heart, a whispering echo:
Thank You Father, for Your
Word. Thank You Jesus for not just your example, but the very laying down of
Your perfect, sinless life, spilling Your precious blood and water upon the
ground. You are more than an example; we are to be molded into Your image.
Nothing compares to You, Lord.
Jesus is Victorious
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He conquered death - Jesus/Yeshua is risen! |
The flesh is on alert, but overcome. I echo the words of the Messiah, who is braver than I could ever hope to be, and in truth, I could never do or speak such things without the help of the Holy Spirit.
“Forgive ‘them’ Father, for they know not what they do, and if in fact they do…I will remember the mercy and grace you showed me...
...but forgive me - it just seems so surreal. Our life together Lord, all You walked with me through, the lessons, the brokenness, gone - but...
Thank You for the strength to carry this out…I could not even come near to laying it all down if it were not for Your precious and Holy Spirit, Father.
Jesus, please
wipe away my tears. Thank You for all the ways You have taught me to trust you. I receive Your strength. Thank You for Your guidance and comfort. You are
worthy of all the glory.”
I am done with worry, trying to prove myself right in the two situations I found myself in; one that is covered in lies and manipulation to save their reputation, or to what, Lord? I don't know the reasons some do what they do -- and the other (taking what is not theirs)
It is one who takes
what is not theirs to take for self-promotion and gain. But there is a cost to it all; we have to give up everything. May You, Lord, have
mercy upon them in judgment...as You did for me. You granted me undeserved mercy.
I concern myself with what they have gotten away with in what they did, but again, was Jesus not merciful with me? Ugh, it is hard, yet they will have to face the Lord one day, and no excuses will do.
Knowing that I too will stand before Him one day is in
part, what gave me the strength to make the right decision, which is letting it all go into the competent hands of the wise King and Lord.
The other part is that Jesus
the Messiah IS my very strength. Otherwise, I could not do it without Him.
These things I
have spoken unto you, that in Me you might have peace. In the world you shall
have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. [Jn 16:33]
There does not have to be understanding, only trust. I can just keep going forward, not looking at 'what might have been'. Christ Jesus WILL help; it
took time (months) to get through to me (past the flesh), but these lessons
must be learned quickly these days because of the time we are in. The
processing must be sped up which can only be done with, by and through the Lord.
These threads are throughout
the articles I write, and it is all meant to point to Jesus (Yeshua), the
ONLY way back to a holy and just God. The Father protected His Son from the
crowds that wanted to throw Him over the cliff head first. [Lk4:28-30] He will
protect us from those who want to throw us “over and out”.
Again, Jesus escaped when the
entire city came out against Him when He cast the demons that were possessing
two men, into a herd of swine (pigs). That was the livelihood of many
families in that particular city.
Many were herdsmen who made
their living off the pigs, whilst the others in the city were dependent on the
swine for food, or for the pigskin (leather) etc., yet the entire herds
were lost, due to Jesus casting the demons into them.
The pigs went mad and rushed
over the cliff’s edge, drowning in the water below. So, the entire city came
out angrily, yet fearfully, against Messiah, but they did not (could not) touch Him.[Mat 8:32-34]
Yet, when the appointed time
had arrived for Jesus to fulfill His destiny, God allowed the brutal whipping,
torture, mocking, ridicule, and ultimately, the crucifixion of His beloved,
only begotten Son. It was for our good, but for His glory.
Even to this day, there are
people who do not understand why Satan is allowed any time at all, or why God
allows what He allows without intervening. Yet, if He interfered in everything
we wanted to do, we would complain about that.
We will not understand
everything. There is great evil in this world, not just Satan (aka Lucifer) and
his legions of demons. There are horrifically wicked people, devoid of
compassion or mercy, thoroughly evil in all they set their hands to. They do
not believe in repentance, or the Son of God, Jesus/Yeshua.
You can be sure that God gives
all [Luciferians] opportunity in their lifetime to humble themselves and confess their
wickedness and turn from it, but they are not interested. They are reprobate.
Even in the New Testament,
there are examples of wicked souls who will not depart from evil; they take
pleasure in their sins. The lake of fire awaits them. Let us be about doing
justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with our God. [Micah 6:8]
Now is the Time
The following message
was given to me nine days after I came home from the hospital, which was November
28 2022. I felt it was private, so I kept it to myself all this time... but then I realized it was for others as well.
Therefore, I present it for your discernment, and your opportunity to take it
to the Lord.
[Message begins...]
Now is the time of
turnarounds, the time of reversals – a short [time] span, yet one
indeed. You have been tried in the fires, in the furnace of affliction and have
come forth as purified gold. You have faced the accusers, the mockers, the
betrayers (those with a Judas spirit aka a turncoat aka double agent). The time of revealing increases.
You fought your
flesh, your emotions – naturally. Then you had victory when you gave it over to
Me. Your heart was tried; the adversary was sure you would fall and turn away.
But he does not see
the work I do in My people, those who surrender, those who truly
desire My will, those who are obedient to My leading, those who daily crucify
the flesh, battling and coming to Me for help when needed.
My people struggle
with My will versus their will, for the carnal mind [flesh] wars against
the spirit man – flesh [the carnal mind] is enmity against Me.
[Yet] …a just
[righteous] man falls seven times and rises up again, but the wicked
[shall] fall into mischief. [Prov 24:16]
You did not
understand when again, and again, you were thrown into the furnace. It was not punishment,
nor was it judgment against you. Do not confuse the consequences of sin that
people typically face with [fires in] the furnace of affliction. Those are two
separate matters.
Yes, there are times
you suffered the consequences of sin, as surely as David bore the consequences
of his sins though he was forgiven. (He did not die.) You are not alone.
Many of My people suffer their own consequences, but I bring My people through
it all, when they trust in Me.
And David said
unto Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord. And Nathan said unto David, The
Lord also has put
away (forgiven) your sin; you shall not die. [2Sam
Yes, I forgive, and
when one is broken in spirit and contrite [repentant], I am close to
that one. I save, I heal, I bind up the wounds. [Ps 34:18; Ps 147:3]
Just as Satan spoke
to My Son through Peter (where Yeshua – Jesus rebuked him), so
there are (and have been) times that Satan spoke to you through
brethren, through loved ones, through colleagues, through acquaintances, and even
through strangers.
Prayer Most
Often Precedes Forgiveness
There are those who
will dredge up your past. I do not condemn My people; I convict to bring them
to repentance so they may be forgiven. There are those who hide stones in their
hands. I have seen your struggles within, as your flesh (carnal mind)
did war with your spirit man.
There are times that
you only see your failures, whilst I only see your victories in Me.
Yea, but you did rise
up with the armour that I provide for My people [Eph 6], and not by might, nor
by power, but by My Spirit [Zech 4:6], you prayed for those who came against
You were taught by
Me, and you have put it into practice. This was a trying (testing) of
the heart. Be of good courage; be strong in Me, and in the power of My might.
[Eph 6:10]
For it is I who
teaches your hands to war and your fingers to fight. [Ps 144:1] You do not
wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in
high places. [Eph 6:12]
You prayed for your
accusers, for those who betrayed you, for those who rejected you, for those who
walked away. It pleases Me to see the fruit of My work.
Set Free
Fear not. Satan tried
to shackle you again, but when I loosed you from your captor (strongman,
prison guard), when I broke the chains that held you, when I opened the
door of your prison, you chose to walk through victoriously, once you fully
realized that you were set free. I AM Truth.
You are free from
Satan’s grip; free from the past, free from the sins that you have been
forgiven of; free from the accusers, mockers, naysayers, free from all who come
against you. Beloved, if they came against My Son, do not be surprised when
they come against you.
Stay on the narrow
path humbly, wait upon Me. Leave all in My competent hands for I AM more than
able to take care of all things.
Yea, when you walked
out of your prison, the adversary stood afar off, cloaked in darkness, angered
at your release. He could do no more. Yet stay vigilant, watch and pray. Satan
hates to lose. I AM and always was the LORD of the battle.
Love is Ever a
Safe Zone, But Not Necessarily a Comfort Zone
You removed the plank
from your own eye long ago, yea, but it was done with the help of My Spirit.
When healing surpassed hope and became reality, your heart has always been to
help others, even snatching some from the threat of fire – to keep the blood of
others from staining your hands.
Love warns. Love
covers a multitude of sins. Love is not always found in a comfort zone, but it
is ever in a safe zone, for I AM love.
Long ago I taught you
that judgment begins in My own house. [1Pet 4:17] I deal with sin, but I will
not force people to choose wisely and to forsake sin (do not look back like
Lot’s wife [Gen 19:26]). Be holy (separate) as I AM holy, yet it
remains the choice of each individual.
Though I desire that
none should perish and that all should come to repentance, not all people will.
The wicked will never forsake their way, for pride, greed, power, all that the
adversary offers them is too delightful to them to refuse. They keep their name
out of the book of life and condemn themselves by choice.
Multitudes have felt
the sting and betrayal of deception, fully persuaded by the master of illusion
[and delusion], whose dark power goes beyond smoke and mirrors, sleight of
hand, and eloquent dark sayings with their smooth words.
Sadly, people do not
know they are or have been deceived until they come out of the deception. It
stings to know deception had blinded you temporarily, but rejoice that your
eyes were opened to it.
And the great
dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was
cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. [Rev 12:9]
(But God –
hallelujah! I got excited here, added this after the fact, of course…BP)
And I heard a
loud voice saying in heaven, NOW
is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom
of our God, and the power of His
Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down,
which accuses them before our God, day and night. [Rev 12:10] (Emphasis
mine BP)
Deception leads down
a road where the bodies of many are strewn; bodies of those who rejected Me in
anger, accusing Me of not caring, or of leaving and forsaking them. From the
beginning, it has been said that I shall never leave or forsake you. Yet, those
[who departed and were strewn amongst others] along the broad road lost
faith, hope and love.
Others fell away,
being seduced by deception, and falling into unbelief. Pride was also Satan’s
downfall. Others still did not come to Me at all (for help), but [instead]
gave up, being persuaded by the enemy’s lies. And the stench of senseless death
blankets the broad road.
Furnace of
I bring you again to
the knowledge of the furnace of affliction. You did not understand the
repetitions, the long process, the sense of aloneness, the pressure from others
who did not understand either. Yet you were ever aware of the presence of My
glory, for you have always known and believed that I would not leave or forsake
Yes, you have
questioned My silence, but down through the ages, many of My people have. My
Word gives many examples. My Word teaches, comforts, strengthens, rebukes,
exhorts – it is all-encompassing.
As silver is refined,
you entered the fires for purifying. The encrusted dross held stubbornly in
areas, but nothing overrules My strength. Again I say: love is not always found
in a comfort zone, but it is ever in a safe zone, for I AM love.
My love is balanced
between grace and mercy, and judgment and justice. Selah
Seven times silver
goes through purification; gold too must be purified. I shall have My vessels of
honour. As with the three Hebrew men, the fire intensified. Each entry into the
furnace of affliction brought an increase in intensity and discomfort.
At times, you felt
that you could not bear it, and you cried out to Me for strength to endure.
Your tears did not quench the flames of affliction, yet You clung to Me.
There were mocking
voices suggesting to you that you were being punished for your sins, yet these
same harsh judges did not realize that the accuser was speaking through them.
They had gladly received My grace for the forgiveness of their own sins. How
soon some forget where I brought them from.
Each time I delivered
you out of the furnace of affliction, and each time a purification took place.
Many are the
afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him out of them all. [Ps 34:19]
Christ’s Robes
of Righteousness
Rejoice, for I have
removed any filthy rag. You stand before Me as Joshua, with a clean robe placed
upon you.
As I took the hand of
the woman the Pharisees brought to Me, at the end, when they had to walk away
because not one of them was without sin, I raised her up to stand, saying, “Neither
do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.” [Jn 8:11]
There will always be
those who condemn you for your past. Leave them in My competent hands. I have
heard your prayers for them, as surely as I heard Job’s prayers when he prayed
for his three accusatory friends – friends who were wrong. I honour your
This purification was
necessary; it is necessary for all My people, as surely as the waters of
separation are necessary. Whether by fire or by water, My people shall come
forth clean and purified. Selah Step by step, it is a process.
Everything that
may abide the fire, you shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be
clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all
that abides not the fire, you shall make go through the water. [Num 31:23]
Sweet Surrender
Rejoice, My people.
Those who have held on, those who have clung to Me as grapes to the Vine, those
who willingly surrender all to Me, things are about to change for you. Now is
the time for many (not all, but many).
Indeed, great trouble
is coming, but fear not. Throughout My Word you see where I protected My
people, even when surrounded by the enemy, and even if they played the fool,
fearful of the adversary.
When David was
recognized by the servants of king Achish (king of Gath), he became
He pretended to be
mad, scribbling on the gates, and letting his spit run down his beard. The king
Achish wanted the ‘madman’ out of his house, saying he had enough mad men to
contend with. [1Sam 21:12-15]
Come to Me in sweet
surrender and wait, for I AM He who holds the future. I AM Sovereign. Have I
not always shown you that trust quenches fear?
This I taught you as
you learned to trust Me, for there was a time you did not trust, although you
were sure that you did. I proved My faithfulness to You, something you had
never known.
All you have been
through has not been for nothing. You had to wait for the appointed time. Look
to My Word and see how My people, yea, even the ancient prophets, as well as My
only begotten Son, suffered hardships.
The vision of the
bloodstained banner – the victory flag is flying high, for My Son, Yeshua (Jesus)
is the Victor, always was, is and shall be. My people overcome by the blood of
the Lamb and the WORD of their testimony, and they love not their life unto
death. [Rev 12:11]
But thanks
be to God, which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus
Christ. [1Cor 15:57]
For whatsoever is
born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. [1Jn 5:4]
Need to Know
Versus Trust
Do you truly need to know all
things or will you simply trust Me? Come to Me daily. Be instant in prayer.
Feed upon My Word, for it will feed your spirit man and strengthen you. It will
guide you.
I do not tell My people
everything. Pride would interfere. Since Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil, mankind has had an insatiable hunger
and ‘need to know’, especially when it comes to the things of the
My child, I am your future (if
you continue abiding in Me). Trust holds hand with faith. My Word tells you
what to expect and how this story ends, yet to many it is not detailed enough,
so they go to ‘man’ (or woman) FIRST to get more details. Come to
Me. Trust Me when that which you wait for is not yet seen. Trust and keep the
faith. Selah
[End of message given November
28, 2022]
Just so you know – It was my birthday.
What a gift from the Lord, but is it not just like our King? He still takes the
‘little’ to bless the multitudes. He fed thousands [5000] with just five loaves
and two fish. [Jn 6:9-13]
The vision with the flag came
to me at the end of 2019. I wrote Once Upon a Mountaintop, which contains the vision
of the bloodstained banner
The following came to
me early this morning, about 4:30 am (fourth watch). I needed time with the Lord to wrap up and
put to an end a matter that was troubling me. Now, to the glory of the Lord
alone, I can rest again in Him.
[message again for
your discernment – we are to try every spirit to see if it is of God; it is
important to obey what He instructs us to do]
Given in the morning of this day:
December 29, 2022
I have been calling My people to come deeper and deeper
still, to spend a hushed moment in My presence. I have been calling you, and
you keep hearing the call. I beckon you still, come. In the hushed moments as
you wait upon Me, a work is being done in you that goes deep, so deep that you
will be well-grounded no matter what storm blows against you with great force.
I am preparing My remnant, and yes, it will be a remnant
that respond and continue pressing in. The presence of My glory will envelope
you. The more you hunger and thirst for Me, the easier it becomes to stay and
Your prayers will not be hindered by your lack of focus
or concentration as it is when you first begin to seek Me with the purpose and
intent to go deeper and deeper still.
Your spirit longs for Me, but the flesh desires the things that satisfy and give it pleasure, whether it be eating, drinking, sleeping, reading, writing, anything that satisfies (I do not speak of things that cause you to sin – temptation is seductive but it is not sin in itself.)
You will need to be unshakable when the shaking becomes stronger (the shaking began some time ago; there was also the sifting as wheat). Some cannot tell the difference between the sifting as wheat that the adversary does (a violent shaking), and the shaking that I do as My judgment begins to fall. It shall increase and is increasing, despite what many say otherwise.
You are not yet ready, not as ready as you will need to
be. For that which is coming is not as anything seen before. I know how
difficult it is; I understand how the mind can wander. Yet I promise you that
your desire to grow closer and to go deeper in Me will win over such things. I
am here to help you.
The adversary will try to hinder you; he knows how to get
a person’s attention. You have been learning about the wiles of the devil and
are becoming stronger in avoiding his pitfalls and traps. He is master of
illusion, delusion and deception.
A foreboding is upon the horizon. A storm is brewing, and
greater trouble threatens. Prepare now for what is coming by spending the time
waiting in My presence. I hear your prayers and am answering. Do not doubt My
ways, for they are high above what you would think or do. Trust
I beckon you – I am calling, come deeper. I am doing a
good work in you; for I am the Potter. My vessels of honour are being prepared,
as all things align to My will. Those who heed My call are the ones who will do
My will. Great shall be the reward. Selah
The season of consequences has ended; it has been served
in full. The hour of silent suffering comes to an end. All these years I have
encouraged you by reminding you that one day is as a thousand years to Me, and
that My timing is not as yours.
Now the appointed time arrives. Yet as little children,
My people are impatient. Let all unfold decently and in order, for all My
promises are true. Come deeper and stay in the presence of My glory for a
while, and the peace and power to wait will be your portion, as I give it
freely to those who trust and wait upon Me.
Come to Me and I will answer you in ways that you would
not expect, but will know it is from Me.
Behold you among the heathen, and regard, and
wonder marvelously: for [I] will
work a work in your days, which you will not believe, though it be told you. [Hab 1:5] NKJV
Deep calls unto deep in the roar of Your waterspouts (waterfalls); all Your waves and billows (breakers) are gone over me. [Yet] the Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song [shall be] with me, [and] my prayer unto the God of my life. [Ps 42:7, 8] KJV
[End of message]
NOTE*: Message upcoming for 2023, not sure of exact date but new year January 2023... there is a prophetic message coming. It is a "season" ... Selah
in the presence of His glory,
Bonita dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com
Wow, just wow. Sobering and encouraging at the same time. Much confirmation here as I too hear the Lord calling me to just sit and talk a while with the King of the Universe. Who are we that the Great God Almighty desires to talk with us? He is so very merciful and gracious to His (wayward) children. Love you my precious friend