Sunday, January 1, 2023

Season of Consequences - The Great and Terrible -Prt1


2023 Season of Consequences – The Great and Terrible

Who led you through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought you forth water out of the rock of flint; [Deut 8:15]

Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty (terrible) things, which you know not. [Jer 33:3] 

This is a jam-packed message, and may or may not be well-received, but earnest prayer has gone up over this for weeks, trembling at the very thought of saying anything that is not of the Lord. There is already plenty of that [false teachings, false prophecies] going on.

The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever, indeed – so true. Yet keep in mind that He is also a holy God who rules with judgment and justice. He is truth and thus despises deception. El Shaddai sees the motives of the heart and judges accordingly. He subdues the proud and exalts the humble.

The Lord repeats Himself for good cause. That cause is us. He does not waste words, but the repetition is due to His agape love, His steadfast love – His desire is that all should come to repentance, although it is known that not all will.

The past two weeks every morning, and whenever I could find “quiet” spare time (which was incredibly challenging), I would seek the Lord. It is better to say nothing than to mislead people.

This article will have to be divided into two portions, but it will be as led.

Look Up – Divine Providence of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

It has been a few weeks since I began to seek God more intensely each morning. The past couple of weeks I asked about 2023. It was upon my heart and mind as I drove out on a Saturday, the 17th of December.

Remember, 17 in Hebrew means “victory”. I had to check the details that come with each photo to check the date because I could not remember when I saw the following pictures in the ‘Gallery’ on my cell as to when I took them because other pictures were taken also.

I am not sure what part of town I was in or where exactly this was, as I was picking up my grandson and he lives a couple of towns away. I did not see a church building per say, but I was stopped very briefly (barely got the picture). 

Yet, upon a closer look, it seems there is another cross atop a building, so it is possible that it was a church, although I had thought it was stores. The golden arrow points to it.

second small cross - almost missed it

Even if it was a church, I have never seen any church that put the cross atop a tall tower like that, have you? It spoke volumes to me. That we are to keep expectant (looking up for the return of the Messiah), and that He has His ways of reassuring us (each individually) that He is fully in control.

Sharing is a way to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ to stay close to Him. He will speak to you in very creative ways, for He is the Creator.

Making Things Clearer         

Before 2023 is delved into, there are a couple of matters that need to be made perfectly clear, as there seems to be misunderstanding with some. When a prophetic word is given, from the beginning (and it is due to the teaching of the Holy Spirit), people are encouraged to take it to the Lord.

Because: the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. [Rev 19:10] John fell at the feet of an angel but the angel exhorted the apostle not to do that, as he (the angel) was a fellow servant of the Lord as well.

Multitudes of people worship angels today, but it is wrong to do so. An angel is known as a holy messenger of God. However, those who give a prophetic word and are born of God and Holy Spirit-filled are messengers as well, but  certainly not like a holy angel.

It is the Lord Jesus/Yeshua who people should seek (He who sends the message…). We worship the living God ONLY, not angels or people.

It is understood that I have been repetitious about certain things over the years, but if they are repeated, it is because the Good Shepherd has made it a point to be remembered.

Repeatedly I have exhorted the readers that all prophecy (but especially if something troubles you about it), should be prayed about. If a prophetic word contains judgment unto destruction (which is scriptural), pray and ask God if it can be changed in any way, shape or form.

God’s word does not return void, but think upon Nineveh, how they were given opportunity to repent OR then judgment would fall heavily. They repented. Then there was Abraham pleading for Sodom, if any righteous were found… 50, 45, 30, right down to 10 [Gen 18:32] – none were found.

Even that woman Jezebel, who called herself a prophetess, which Jesus mentions in the book of [Revelation 2:21], was given room to repent. Of course, she did not; however, it proves beyond question the fairness (just) and goodness (mercy/grace) of God.

Sodom was destroyed, along with Gomorrah, but only after the destroying angels made sure Lot, his wife and two daughters were safely out of the city. [Gen 19:24, 25]

Please believe that prophetic messages should be taken to the Lord, and do it. Be patient (which can be difficult for all of us at times – we are the ‘instant’, ‘now’, ‘need to know’ generation.)

Jesus may not answer you immediately, but by His Spirit, He will lead you to truth. There are also times that He wants us to simply trust Him, without explanation.

There are other times that He may reveal things to you (to use a popular example) layer by layer, like an onion. He does this sometimes so that our understanding is in-depth, accurate and full, which the Holy Spirit will lead you to and through.

The words Jesus spoke are written: Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come. [Jn 15:13]

The Way is Clear

When the Lord places a message in my heart, I do not always understand it. Sometimes I speculate, but I have been taught over time to ask and wait. Most times I do understand, but I do not divulge the information at the time of release.

Why? Because it is important for all of us to take things to the Lord, and that is one of several things the Lord has had me repeat over the years. He had me do that because I myself had to learn. I would take some things to Him (the deeper things), but not all things, since I thought I could discern well enough myself, due to all the drama and heavy experiences I have known in life.

We may have a gift of discernment, but times have changed. With the internet, wolves, false teachers, false prophets, and enemies of the cross are much wiser in their ways of deceiving.

We can also (unknowingly) deceive ourselves. I fell into self-deception in a certain area for an appointed ‘season’. When I say that people do not know they are deceived until they come out of deception, I know firsthand.

It stings; it hurts, because firstly, we think we are too smart to fall for deception. That may not necessarily be pride. We may think that due to the life experiences and hard lessons we have learned along the way that sharpens our discernment.

Ah, but the adversary and his ‘ministers’ are wise as serpents, and tricky as foxes. Secondly, it will take a hunger for truth and seeking God to come out of deception if we are tricked, or if blinded. Jesus is faithful to deliver people to this day.

However, it may be that humility is necessary, an acceptance that sin was involved that took us down the broad road. A heartfelt repentance must embrace humility. It may be that the sin of pride, idolatry, lust, or any number of other things tempted you to follow. Blindness fell…and deception held you captive for a season. But God…

Jesus still delivers; He still sets the captives free. Forgiveness always follows repentance because of our Saviour, Yeshua/Jesus – the ‘only’ way to be forgiven and reconciled back to God.

Now to the points I am led to explain.

Look to the skies – this is something that the Lord placed upon my heart for two distinct reasons, both spiritual and physical, the latter being more dominant in these dark, deceptive days

[1 spiritual: [Representative of TRUTH]:

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up [look up] your heads; for your redemption draws near [nigh]. [Lk 21:28]

And for those looking to build the third temple in today’s Jerusalem, I sincerely urge you with all the love I can muster to pray harder for truth because the Messiah [your Messiah] has been here, was crucified, buried and resurrected the third day; ascended to heaven after 40 days and IS soon returning.

His name is Yeshua; we Gentiles call Him Jesus, although more of us realize His proper Aramaic name now (thanks to the internet and certain Messianic teachers; who are born-again, Spirit-filled Israelites).

Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His OWN [precious] blood He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. [Heb 9:12] (Emphasis this author)

We watch Israel, the land that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob gave to His chosen people. We Gentiles are grafted in (what a privilege to be adopted – hallelujah!)

Ah, and just to prove the providence of God. I had read an article written by Jan Markell that spoke of the replacement theology. I do not believe the ‘church’ has ‘replaced Israel’ (God’s chosen people) and I have written about that a few times over the years because it troubles me.

I have not had time to search all the archives; it would take hours. (I need a better filing system lol) We should be grateful to the Israelites because if they had not rebelled against God, I do not know where we (Gentiles) would be. Our being 'grafted in' was to provoke God's people to jealousy. [Rom 11:11]

[Note* Edit added here: I did not make it clear in my writing that Jan Markell, according to an article she wrote, does not believe the church has replaced Israel either. Google Jan Markell: Doctrine Matters and you should find the article, if you are interested. BP]

Just have to throw this in here. I had been pondering many things, such as what 2023 would bring because I am sick in my heart over false prophecies and people smiling and accepting them.

Where is the fear of the Lord? Where is the hunger for Him, and I must ask, have any left their first love? Jesus has been calling for some time: “Come deeper, come closer; wait in the presence of My glory.”

As stated, it has been a few weeks seeking the Lord, firstly because He mentioned “first love”, and I realized that I was fitting prayer, bible reading and worship in, every day, yes, but whenever.

The Lord reminded me of our personal, intimate relationship. Do we put our loved ones last? 

No, so why did I allow myself to slip? Why should my Creator/ Maker, the One who is my very heartbeat, my very breath, be given a place "wherever" in my schedule? 

Instead, why am I not running to Him first thing in the morning, happy to belong, overjoyed at being 'one' in Him, and He in me; grateful for yet one more day to praise Him, to live for and be with Him?

I made it personal, so as not to point fingers. But realistically, I am not the only one He is addressing here; not the only one He is calling. Do you hear His still, small voice beckoning?

So yes, I heard His call. In fact, I trembled, and began to DO. What a difference. Everything falls into place; my countenance, my heart is changed just by being with Him. But look at this beautiful providence. Truly, only God…

The cross is the only way back to God, the Father. On the way home from work on December 21 (2022 – Wednesday), my son had to stop at a store to pick up a few items. As I waited in the parking lot, Jan Markell’s letter came to remembrance.

I am not sure the exact question I asked the Lord, as I cannot rightly remember. But I think it had to do with the replacement theology being a false teaching. I believe Israelites are still God’s chosen people. After all, the Messiah Yeshua, Jesus the Christ came through the bloodline of the tribe of Judah.

However, I do know what I saw was what I am sure was the absolute answer from God. NO ONE could plan this. Looking up, I broke out with a huge Cheshire cat grin. AMEN, Lord! A vehicle pulled into a parking spot just to my right in the parking lot, with an answer that only God could arrange.

Israelites - God's CHOSEN

Identifying information (company or phone number) has been blocked out with golden lines to protect the privacy of whoever it is. Glory to God! Sovereign, indeed.

The Lord loves Israel, but He chose to provoke them to jealousy to return to Him, and He did that by adopting us (Gentiles), grafting us in. Do adopted children replace the natural children?

An emphatic NO! We become one family, there is no separation, competition or hatred. Yet today there is so much antisemitism, it makes me ill. We were told it would come to this (the hatred); hearts would wax cold. [Mat 24:12]

For Jesus/Yeshua also forewarned of wars and persecution; all the things we are to look for that He patiently foretold, which are recorded in          Matthew 24 and Luke 21.

But after warning of the upheaval, Jesus urges us to look up, for we will see Him coming in “great glory” and “power” [vs 27], lift up your heads, look up [vs 28], our redemption is near. All of His children today earnestly long for the Messiah’s return!

The Lord will lay bare His holy arm in the sight of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God. [Is 52:10] KJV

[2 physical: [Beware; representative of DECEPTION]:

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine [teaching]; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. [2 Tim 4:3,4]

In November 2016, I wrote an article called: Look to the Skies. In that year things were going on that the Lord indicated were precursors to the grand deception planned. At that time, governments of the world pooh-poohed any talk of UFO’s [Unidentified Flying Objects] as conspiratorial.

The hoopla has been fairly steady since the 50s, at which time Area 51 came into existence and became ‘off-limits’ to unauthorized personnel. Apparently, back in 2011, the government admitted to Area 51 being a testing ground for nuclear weapons (it became anuncensored” topic), and a training ground for military aircraft of various purposes.  

However, according to Britannica, the only ‘confirmed use’ of Area 51 that US officials admitted to is the testing of reconnaissance aircraft, not the testing of weaponry. To this day the site remains inaccessible to public, heavily guarded and under 24-hour surveillance. No extraterrestrial activity or beings has ever been admitted to, and such things are still called ‘conspiracy theories’.

Fast-forward a little over a decade from 2011, and now UFOs are called UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), although the former is still used most often.

In 2016, there was a message that I know is applicable now, a little over six years later, which I will share again shortly. The Lord has led to post past prophecies because not every prophecy is immediate. Just ask John, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah et al.

Be aware of the lateness of the hour – The deception that is planned in these last of the last days that the Lord speaks about will be presented by evil people who honour Lucifer, their ‘god’. We were told that the devil (that ancient serpent, the dragon, Satan) will come down having great wrath, knowing his time is short. [Rev 12:12]

So, accept the fact that God Himself is allowing Satan an allotted time to wreak havoc. We may not understand why or any other reasoning, but that is where faith and trust in our Creator, in our Saviour Jesus, must be unbendable and strong.

To be distinctly clear, the ‘first’ and more important reason the Lord had me write “Look to the Skies” is to remind people that as we see all the things coming to pass that Jesus (Yeshua) forewarned us about, to look for HIM returning for us.

If we can remember as we look up to the skies that our redemption is near, we will keep calm because we trust in Jesus’ return. If we reflect upon the ‘cross’, we would have had to ‘look up’ to the Saviour.

When we ‘look up’, do we remember Jesus’ ascension, and how He will return the same way?

Two men in white (angels) spoke to the men who witnessed Christ’s ascension.

Which also said, You men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into heaven. [Acts1:10,11]

We must be aware of what is going on around us and not be as ostriches, burying our head in the sand. We do look up with hope, but the second reason the Lord wanted us to look up is to NOT be deceived by anything usual or unexplainable.

Deception is peaking and shall continue as the ‘lawless one’ waits in the shadows until the ‘restrainer’ (Holy Spirit) is removed. Holograms, unexplained, fast-moving aircraft, unexplained phenomena – much has been accomplished with technology.

The Lord wants us to stay alert and not be tricked by things seen. Below are two pictures out of numerous ones (see link below please) from an article I wrote in 2010, but used in the 2016 article.

The 2010 link is defunct due to loss of articles from ransomware that wiped out countless articles on a hard drive (external). I had unfortunately removed five years’ worth of articles to transfer to another site, but did not have the funding. Hundreds of articles were lost, yet many were unscathed.

Norway Lights - May 21, 2010

The Lord does not want us to be deceived by anything in the skies that would make you doubt Him. With holograms and far-advanced technologies that we likely have no idea about, how easy would it be to deceive people with the return of a ‘fake Christ’ – perhaps even a hologram, teleporting (3D teleportation) or a delusion of several spacecraft with our “creators’’ returning to ‘help’ us due to all the chaos and evil upon the earth?

We must get into the habit of taking things to the Lord. We have been ‘independent’ since the fall of Adam. We need to be dependent upon the Lord. From the onset of this blog back in 2008, one of the repetitive messages is to seek God, to press in, to abide, to cleave, to cling to Jesus as grapes cling to the vine.

Now the Holy Spirit makes God’s people aware of the urgency, the necessity of doing this now. We must face the fact that evil abounds and is increasing, just as the Bible warned us regarding the last days.

Jesus gave a strong outline which is recorded in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. I am sorry folks; it is on a slippery slope. Yeshua makes no mistakes, and His agape love forewarned all generations about what to look for.

We can leave no part out. A key pivotal point was when Israel became a nation in 1948. From the time of the apostles onward, saints have thought Jesus was returning in their generation. How we who are His groan for His return.

However, Israel was still scattered and not a nation. There were other factors too that had to be in place before the Lord’s return. Ah, we are in those days, saints.

In the 2016 article, I wrote: “Those in high positions do believe they rule the world and that their plans will carry out accordingly.”

And also: “Yes, those in high places have plans that would stagger the mind of the average person.

Although the Sovereign God has allowed much to transpire, which those of us who love Jesus may not understand, we know that the final outcome shall end in God’s victory.”

Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else: I am God, and there is none like Me; Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel (plan) shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure. [Is 46:9,10]                          

Here is the message the Lord put upon my heart in 2016. As I was re-reading the Lord's message from not quite seven years ago, I decided to see if I could find a recent picture to prove what the Lord was saying.

I found one from September, 2022. A YouTube video posted by Geoscan Drone Show displayed China's recent presentation of a light show, all with drones and other technology.

China used 1000 drones to make up this dragon
- Screenshot from YT vid posted by 
Geoscan Drone Show

All that I have stated can be found at Look to the Skies.

“Look to the skies. Keep in mind all the technology and all the deception that man is capable of, yet in all his wisdom, he will foolishly even attempt to war against Me.

Keep in mind that mankind has a very real adversary, though many are willing to serve him. Satan works with the flesh, in the physical realm. Be sober, be vigilant, watch and pray.

That which is coming is not that which is expected. Fear will grip the hearts of multitudes and their hearts shall fail them. My people were forewarned by My Son that in the last days, deception would be so strong that if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived. [Mat24:24] That which is coming shall also be at an hour and in a way least expected.”

[End message]

Continuing on; explaining certain prophetic words:

Storm brewing – These words have come across my eyesight too many times in the past month or so to be ignored. I stumbled upon it on my site when looking for something else; then, I found those same words in an old book I journaled in, dated almost five years ago; and then, a reference I had added in an old Bible (I have several bibles; a couple are 15 years old; got them in U.S. when I first arrived).

I know people do not want to hear this now, but I know it pertains to now 2023 as well. Prayer, tears, and desperate prayer to only present truth or keep me silent went up on different days as I took time to seek God and be in His magnificent presence…

Keep in mind that the Lord is Faithful and True; He has always given people fair warning before something happens. That is evident all throughout the Holy Scriptures. So, when we hear something is “on the horizon”, it could mean six months, a year, two years…but not ‘far away’, as in decades or centuries (as we recognize time, God is not caught in the space/time continuum).

A message [October 2018]:

A trumpet has sounded. There is a storm brewing; the storm is on the horizon. Escalating, escalating…accelerating. Darkness, darkness; foreboding, unprecedented – it is escalating, accelerating. It is on the horizon.

Then scroll down to near the bottom of the page (link below): (You will see two pictures at sunset, with a silhouette of a man blowing a shofar over the seas.)

In the Bible, seas indicated ‘nations’. A second picture is a silhouette of a man bowed humbly with bent knees, praying. There you will see the above…then further down, what is written below.

If the call is going out to the nations, then it makes sense that we should bow our knees, and humbly pray to the Sovereign living God.

The Lord had me repeat, but explain some things. The emboldened words are the ones the Lord placed upon my heart, then the explanation is in regular font, as He caused me to understand it.

There is a storm brewing. It is on the horizon. [What is coming] …darkness, darkness, foreboding, unprecedented.

The instigators (adversary) are in the spiritual realm, but their deeds will be carried out in the physical realm by deceived people with an agenda, people in power.

They will carry out Satan’s plan, but only as God allows. Biblical prophecy warns us, telling us what signs to look for and what we can expect. We have not been told every detail, but we are aware of the tribulation that the nations of the world will suffer.

We will hear and see things that have never been before and shall never be again. It is coming and we see the signs of it beginning now.

The Lord reminded me to look to the skies, adding that there we will see both truth and deception. It will ultimately be our choice what side we choose and what we believe. There is a valid reason that He allows the trying of our heart.

[End of excerpt]

One last excerpt from this article that I am to post here, for it pertains to now.

[Begin new excerpt]

Given Sept. 9, 2018

You keep looking at the outward appearance, instead of focusing on what I tell you to do. Focus on Me and not the outward …remember Peter when he walked upon the water? Trust means no doubt.

Can you not see? Do you not hear? A storm is brewing – storm is upon the horizon. Things are about to unfold in the natural realm. There is acceleration; things are escalating, escalating exponentially.

It’s time to make a change. You know what to do. You need to follow My instructions for they have purpose and meaning. [see Prov 3:5,6] Those who hear My will and do it are My mother, brother, brethren. [Mat12:50] Do you understand? To do My will is the only way for you to succeed (victory). It is the way of true freedom, resting and trusting in Me.  

 [Please read: 1Sam 15:22 [obedience]; 1Jn 5:2,3 [love God, keep His commandments]]

[End message] Source: Truth and Deception – Clash of the Kingdoms

• Exodus – In 2009, the Lord mentioned ‘exodus’ to me, but it was not until some years later [three and a half - 2012) that I gave it serious thought.

Exodus: a mass departure of people especially emigrants (those LEAVING country of origin – not ‘immigrants’, which are those ARRIVING in a country).

The Lord was speaking of a ‘global’ transitioning; people being forced to leave their country, or fleeing due to persecution, war or some other urgent situation. So, it was not the same as the Israelites leaving Egypt.

He also put upon my heart that I would have my own personal ‘exodus’. At first, I thought it was when I left the United States, having just begun my seventh year there (ninth month into the seventh year).

But no, that was the Lord bringing me back to my own land (Canada), and to B.C. (the home of my heart), but not where I was born. Interestingly, I left BC in 2021 (end of March). That was where my personal exodus began, where I was returning to my home province.

However, before I left B.C. [home of my heart], I was unsure if I was to stay in Alberta (where my two daughters live), or to continue on to Ontario (where the youngest of three, my son, lives). Ontario is home [place] of my birth. That is why the trip from BC to Ontario was my 'personal' exodus - returning to land or place of my birth. It was a step of faith, and I felt torn.

With three children, there is no favourite. I always told them that if a parent was to have a favourite child, they best only have one child. Because each child is a gift, unique - perhaps with some similarities, of course, but each separate and special in their own individual ways.

Lake Ontario (northern shore)

So, I spent two months in Alberta (Calgary) before moving on to Ontario, to a place nestled on the shores of Lake Ontario.

It came suddenly, with little forewarning. I only knew that I was to obey. I have been back in Ontario now for six months. 

It was not until about three and a half to four years later [first mention was 2009 when in Georgia, USA],  in February 2013, that the Lord had me post again about exodus.

In that article [Battle Above the Clouds], the Lord urges us:

“Study the word fervently. Write it upon your heart for it is your sharp sword. I will cause your mind to drink thirstily [as a dry sponge]. Then I will place My seal upon it and you shall remember My word. I seal My children with My holy Spirit. I am Yhwh Elohim, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I, Yhwh call – who shall answer?

I command – who will obey? Who will trust?

Will I come and find faith amongst My people?”

[2013] End excerpt


(Scroll three-quarters of the way down at the link below: Battle Above the Clouds – Prt 7 : look for the faceless person in what appears to be a burning lake of fire.)


Who calls out for repentance, warning of the second death in the lake of fire?

Who tells the wicked to forsake their ‘way’ and the unrighteous man his ‘thoughts’, saying, Turn to Me and I will have mercy on you: and to your God, for I will abundantly pardon. [Is 55:7] In this (My mercy, My cleansing and sanctifying), I shall be glorified in you.

If you are now hearing to seek Me, then there is still time. Woe unto those who seek Me NOT, whilst there is the call sounding so loudly. For when judgment comes, they shall fear, for they shall be found wanting. Their idols will not save them.

The ([in the] spiritual) death angel will bypass only those with the blood of the Lamb [Jesus the Christ and Messiah] – yea, His holy blood upon the windows of their souls and the doorposts of their hearts.

(Note* - Father God was speaking of His only begotten Son in above message from 2013- end note BP2023)

For the time of a new exodus is here. Multitudes will begin exodus spiritually [to come out of Egypt, [and] Babylon], whilst many [but not all] will begin a physical exodus (this word shall be upon all the nations of the world). How will you know what to do unless you seek Me, willing to obey? Diligently seek Me while I may be found, call upon Me while I am near. [Is 55:6]

[End excerpt]

Message from April 2012 on same page (Battle Above the Clouds – Prt 7)

Jesus wept too [Jn 11:35]

For a warrior cries many tears in silent seclusion, far from the battlefield. Yet, the warrior will rise up again, strengthened by time with Me. How long is the steel forged and beaten to make sure that the steel is not too soft  or too brittle?

The hammering drives out impurities. From the making of the steel, to the proper time to remove it from the fire, to the forging and hammering, to the cooling in the waters at just the right time, indeed, much goes into the making of a fine sword.

The sword is a mighty weapon in the hand of the qualified warrior.

The WORD of God [YHWH/YHVH] is a mighty weapon when used as it was meant to be, and for the purpose in which it was lovingly forged.

[End of excerpt] There is more prophetic message; I just grabbed snippets.

Source: Battle Above the Clouds – Prt 7

Expect turnarounds, reversals [on Dec. 29.2022 post – Deep Calls unto Deep]

This may not be what people fully expect because it is going to work in two opposite ways. What I understood from prayer is that with ‘turnarounds’, it will come as answer to prayer. However, there is another side to it also.

On the side where the turnaround comes as an answer to prayer, there are those who have encountered seemingly impossible situations, where an injustice or a wrong has occurred. These turnarounds will be for a short time span only.

Despite all their efforts to prove otherwise and to make things right, it is as if they have been climbing uphill against a forceful wind that has made their [the faithful] attempts futile. Prayers have gone up with seemingly no response from the Lord. Many have wearied, but hung on.

However, it came to my understanding that there are those who will see His intervention and the situation will suddenly turn around.

There are wrongs that are going to be righted. Relationships that seemed to have had impossible walls standing tall which caused division are going to see the walls fall like the walls of Jericho.

There are certain financial situations that are going to turn around, some after years of giving, yet still struggling. The strongman that has been holding back the harvest has been removed from the field.

It is time for multitudes to reap what they have sown!

Many will see a turnaround in their health, and reversals of diagnoses (no one will be able to explain it outside of it being a ‘miracle’).

Reversals are something that the Lord has spoken to me about for years. It felt very strange speaking it forth back then (because I did not hear others speaking of it 17 years ago), but that is where trust in the Lord enters in. I spoke with great trepidation. 

But for some, ‘reversals’ were part of a personal covenant. I remember the Lord saying, “You do your part, and I will do Mine.”

Those words were not just for me, but for others as well, but were His words understood? My (our) part is 'obedience'. God's part is His will, meaning this:

So shall My WORD be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. [Is 55:11] KJV

That is God’s part. His part is simply being God! He carries out His will; He simply speaks whatever He so desires forth and it is done. He is the living God. He is and always has been God of the impossible.

For with God nothing is impossible. [Lk 1:37] (the words an angel spoke to Mary)

Loved ones who have been going in the wrong direction are suddenly going to “reverse” and go in the Lord’s direction (salvations – as well as return of prodigals)

Now here is where an explanation gets a little challenging. This is going to work two ways. For some, it is going to work in a positive way, whilst others it will work against them. Why?

It comes down to what the Lord put upon my heart and I wrote above. It is time for multitudes to reap what they have sown.

Many who have seemed weak are going to rise up bold and strong (in the Lord).

Some need deliverance from familiar spirits, or spirit of divination (python). A reversal will take place in the deliverance. Literally, what Satan intended [plotted] for evil, God will use for good.

(Keep praying and doing warfare, secret intercessors. God is moving.)

Many of the proud who seemed strong are going to see reversals in their influence, and turnarounds in their numbers. Many [lip service only] are going to start to see decline; others are going to tremble as their foundation begins to shake and begin to slide. (not built on the Rock) [Ps127:1]

In 1999, approximately two or so weeks before the return of my children, after fighting in family court for [just entering] seven years, I awoke with two songs in my heart that the Lord had sung over me whilst I slept.

The first was: Sifted as Wheat; the second was: Give Me the Glory (Please Trust in Me). Little did I know then that the first song was a warning, and there was great sifting that happened, a great shaking (off and on over the years from that time).

The second song, which I also did not understand at the time, was an exhortation because “trust” was a serious issue with me. The greatest sifting (tossed to and fro, up and down – a great shaking) occurs in the final refining in the process of harvesting wheat.

We are brought to a ‘type’ of threshing floor, but not the final one that separates the wheat from the chaff [Mat 3:12] The apostle Peter was sifted like wheat by Satan. Jesus told Peter that He had prayed that his faith not fail him, and it did not.

It must be understood that there is a difference between being ‘sifted as wheat’ (violent shaking), which is the testing of Satan, allowed by God, versus the shaking God does.

The Bible clearly establishes the differences. There was the great shaking on the day of Pentecost when the people were gathered and shaken, filled with the blessed Holy Spirit. [Acts 4:31]

There was the great shaking that caused the chains to fall off of the prisoners, including Paul and Silas, and the prison doors flew open. [Acts16:26]

Check the books of the prophets, Ezekiel, Amos, and John [Revelation] when God will shake the heavens, and the stars will fall. Yes, there is a difference, saints.

Separating Sheep from Sheep

There are those who have been reaping where they have not sown…reaping in fields that did not belong to them. The fruit of the harvest that they brought home was not theirs to take but they did, and pretended they were blessed of God.

Some things are so difficult to put forth; my heart aches and I weep, finally beginning to understand Jeremiah, who was called the 'weeping prophet'. I am not a prophet, but the Lord has given me prophetic words to share. I do say that I am a watchman because I believe we are all meant to be.

But to speak forth a prophetic word, even if one is not a prophet, is still a big responsibility - and some messages are difficult. Some would say not to speak such [right] things, prophesy smooth words, speak deceits. [Is 30:10]

This grieves the Lord, for He has to be able to trust us to speak what He wants us to speak. He will forgive, if one only repents and asks.

Why glean from fields that are not yours, when the Lord has plenty He is willing to provide. Why steal from others? If you take from others for personal gain, it is the time when turnarounds and reversals are going to occur. Repentance always grants forgiveness, but perhaps mercy will be added, so that what you did remains between you and God. I pray He grants mercy...

There are those who will shake their fists at God because of the suddenness of it all. For the past few years, He warned about being 'sifted as wheat' (sifting involves a great shaking; tossed to and fro, up and down, every direction).

This is what is meant by the negative side. There will be those who resist, not desiring to lose their standing with people. As stated, repentance and a ‘turning away’ from wrongdoing will be forgiven by God. [2Chron 7:14,15]

Where it goes from there regarding “stand” is wholly dependent upon God; between Him and each individual. He alone knows hearts. But remember, God is not a tyrant. He is gracious, good and His mercy endures forever. [Ps 136]

The separating of sheep from sheep comes from a slow process, as the Lord has given many opportunities to repent, and still again. Yet, many are in denial; blind to their own ways. Pride makes people stand tall; humility esteems others greater than themselves. Such as the latter are the ones the Lord will honour.

He has tried hearts, proven His work, and knows who is trustworthy in these dark times. Humility, love, forgiveness, mercy – those who walk in these shall be His vessels unto honour in this time.

Hopefully that clears up the positive and negative side of ‘turnarounds’ and ‘reversals’. Some of the sifting info:

Source: Don’t Quit

This is a time of intense spiritual warfare - be on guard against spiritual double agents, wolves in sheep's clothing. Temptations will appear as something from Me, but it will not be. Remember how Satan offered My Son all things in the desert wilderness; the adversary can only offer things pleasing to the flesh - lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life.


      Cover yourself in a canope of love and offer up praise and thanksgiving, worshipping Me in spirit and in truth. Keep on the full armor that is provided and stand in the gap. Rise up and stand.


I     I gave you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, not to pick them up and play with them. Now is not the time to weary. Now is not the time to doubt, fear or follow after the lusts of the flesh and pride.


     Come away from the entanglements of the world and allow Me to prepare you as a vessel unto honor - or hold fast to your life and be prepared for a vessel unto dishonor. My people are urgently alert in the spirit. I AM preparing the inside of the vessels. This purging is necessary - it is a good work. Wait upon Me, be strong and of good courage. Again I say to those who are going through the brokenness, the purging and cleansing, I say, wait patiently and trust Me.


I     I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. [Ps 27:13, 14]

Source: Dangerous Ground

I will end this portion of the 2023 prophetic message after this part, as there is plenty here to take to the Lord, yet it all fits together decently and in order. That is how the Lord does things – decently and in order.

Season of consequences – This completely surprised me, but it is understood. We all know that sin will carry with it consequences. Adam and Eve bore the consequences of their choice to disobey.

They lost the glory they walked in, and the fellowship with the Creator was broken. They had to leave the Garden of Eden, which was guarded by cherubim with flaming swords, so that it could not be re-entered. And finally, death was the final consequence, which fell upon all of mankind.

Saul bore the consequences of a broken relationship with God when he chose to disobey him, not just once (not waiting for the prophet Samuel’s return), but also when he disobeyed God’s order to kill everyone and everything (livestock) of the enemy.

He kept the Amalekite, King Agag alive, as well as the choicest selection of his livestock (oxen, sheep, camels, donkeys), and killed what he considered useless. [1Sam 15:3-9]

Samuel no longer came to King Saul with messages from the Lord due to Saul’s disobedience. In desperation, Saul made an even worse mistake than disobedience when he went to a witch (of Endor) in disguise, so she would not recognize him. He wanted her to raise Samuel from the dead so he could speak to him.

The consequences of Saul’s sins were his death and the death of his sons on the battlefield. They were beheaded and their heads hung outside of city gates, as a mockery but also as a sign of victory.

What does the season of consequences mean?

When we sin, there is a ‘season’ where we face the consequences of our sinful choices. Depending upon the sin, it could be a short season, or a season of decades, or a life-ending consequence. It is ultimately up to God.

Just as ‘turnarounds’ and ‘reversals’ happened to me most recently (December 30, 2022 and January 1, 2023), so it has been with the ‘season of consequences’.

How Long is the Season?

For me (and I had no idea that I was even paying the consequences of a choice until the blindness was healed and I could see clearly), my ‘season of consequences’ that resulted from denying Jesus, lasted 39 years.

Once the Lord made that clear (and yes, my ‘season’ just ended weeks ago [beginning of December 2022]). I was astounded, but suddenly, so much of the suffering over the years made sense.

(Note*: Edit: Keep in mind, saints, that the Lord forewarned about many things out of His agape love. Back in 2008, when I 'suddenly' lost a wallet, the Lord shone forth in His power. 

"We Overcome" was the result of His agape love. The original post was lost, but thankfully I had reposted it more than once, as moved by the Spirit of God.


But they who have prepared ahead have already repented and keep a repentant spirit in their heart. They who put their trust in the Lord shall be saved. The peace that passes all understanding will sweep over them and they will offer up thanksgiving, despite all outward appearances.

They who keep a repentant heart and trust in the Lord will not fear nor be soon shaken. They will rise up in His power and might. In the time of trouble, He draws them closer and delivers them.

For they have heeded the warnings and have received chastisement and correction, as obedient children of the most High Almighty God and One TRUE Holy Father.

Preparing for the Passover and the Exodus

For they prepared their hearts for the 'suddenlies' and the unexpected.

For He, who loves His children will teach them, then test them. He will lead them and guide them. He will forewarn and protect them.

Things that are coming will be positioned like dominoes, with intent, strategically placed, with precision. For He, who loves His children will teach them, then test them. (This was repeated in the original, so I just left it. BP) Things coming will have the 'domino effect', but God prepares His people.

[End of excerpt]  SOURCEWe Overcome

[End edit - BP 01.02.23]

I will give you this much of a spoiler alert. When I denied Christ (my first open vision at age 29), I became blinded and fell into self-deception in one area.

Praise God for freedom! I had no idea all those years, but now I understand. When I share how it went down, you will see what a merciful, GOOD King and LORD we serve. Undeserved mercies and grace; this He does for so many that we have no idea at this time.

In the next portion, more will be shared but for now it must be said that 2023 is going to be the END of the season of consequences for many, but the BEGINNING of a ‘season of consequences’ for many more.

It is not for me to say how long anyone is going to be in their season, having to face the consequences of their choice(s) [sins]. That is only determined by God because there are some others still who will be shown grace and mercy and not face any consequences at all. And some would shout, “Unfair” [unless they are the ones who get the 'break'], but God has His reasons, and they are always WISE and good.

Moses was not executed when he killed an Egyptian, nor did David die when he had Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, killed when David ordered the soldiers to desert Uriah in the midst of heavy battle. However, the child conceived from the adulterous affair died as a consequence, despite David’s pleas for the child to live.

The Lord made it clear that the season of consequences and hour of silent suffering (not a literal hour, but to show a ‘determined’ amount of time) has been served in full for many who have gone a long time, some decades.

It is to be understood that it was not punishment from the Lord, but the natural and direct result of choosing to sin. Some sins bear horrific consequences. People have even died as a consequence of sin.

Do not confuse the fires in the ‘furnace of affliction’ (which are for purification), with the consequences of sin we face as a direct result of sin. Again, these are two entirely separate happenings.

There is more to 2023, and surprisingly, the Lord is bringing up past prophetic words that will be applicable to this coming year. We need to hear what the Spirit is saying to the people.

We must prioritize and seek God like never before. We are in for very turbulent times. I realize this is not going to be a popular message, but God wants His people prepared. According to the very words of Jesus (Yeshua), we knew these days would come because He carefully detailed what to look for.

Yet, He also reminded the people listening that when we see these things, remember He is returning. When we see these things begin to happen, LOOK UP, for our redemption is near!

[Short message begins]

Wait upon Me. A work is being done in you that goes deep, so deep that you will be well-grounded, no matter what storm blows against you with great force. You wonder how will it become easier for you to stay and wait upon Me, without your mind wandering.

Hunger – thirst. When people are hungry and thirsty, their only desire is to be quenched and filled.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. [Mat 5:6]

As evil, violence, corruption and perversion increase, so does the hunger and the thirst for righteousness increase. We will be filled and satisfied in the secret place, in the holy place, waiting in the presence of His glory.

Christ Jesus (Yeshua) is exalted on high!



What an amazing, glorious, unpredictable God we serve. I am overjoyed, and I would like to bless all readers. This is now about sixteen (16)?? hours since I posted this piece regarding 2023, but something came in my mailbox that I am eager to share.

Jesus guards us as a Good Shepherd. He leads us. His sheep know His voice, and will obey Him. In this prophetic word is mention of a STORM BREWING on the horizon. It is strongly emphasized, yes?

The God I serve is my joy, my Rock. He wants us to NOT look at the storm, but to LISTEN TO HIS [still, small] VOICE!

I am but one messenger, but get ready to be blessed! The Lord does not want us to fear the storm, or even focus on it. He wants us to LISTEN to Him, and OBEY His voice. It is that simple!

Hallelujah, glory to God.

Get ready to be blessed (yes, I am repeating it, and you will agree.)

You Must Know His Voice!    [<<click the link]

credit: (for the link)

This is a bit less than an eight (8) minute video. The Lord speaks in many creative ways, and has many vessels unto honour.

Please seriously consider that quality time with the One who is our first love, Jesus (Yeshua) - be blessed in the Lord

PS: [added 01.03.2023]

 About the crosses at the beginning of this section - to me (which I share with all who read this because it is then meant for you too), the CROSS is consistently put before the eyes. For what cause?

Jesus (Yeshua) came and willingly laid down His life upon a rough, rugged cross. With His torn (violently ripped) and raw flesh burning up against rough wood, excruciating pain with every breath He managed, He hurt more over the separation He felt from God, His Father due to the sins of mankind He bore upon Himself.

Of course, the Father never left Him, but sin separates us from our Holy Creator. That was the greater pain, sorrow and grief Yeshua felt upon that cross.

But the good news is that three days later, He was resurrected from the grave. [Mk 16:6] Death [was conquered] had no power over Jesus, and Christ (Messiah) rose with the keys of death and hell [Rev 1:18] in His hand. Is that the key to the bottomless pit the angel receives later? [Rev9:1,2; 20:1-3]

Remember Jesus hung between two others

I saw three crosses when I was traveling across Canada - true, those crosses represented a 'memorial' for accident victims, but I only saw "three" together once the entire trip.

What Jesus/Yeshua did for us is something to be remembered (memorial). At His crucifixion, He hung between two thieves, also on crosses, one of which asked Jesus to remember him (the other thief was too proud and did not 'see').

Yet another a random gas station

Then, well into my trip across Canada, I pulled into a random 'Shell' gas station. Never in my life did I see what I saw. There was a small church, about the size of a large backyard shed. It was open with a pastor waiting inside.

I sat in the parking lot for about 15 minutes, thinking to go in for prayer, procrastinating. I chose not to get out, but it was due to the pain my body was already in with the long trip in a sitting position, even through the nights. 

However, pictures were taken due to the 'rarity' of seeing a church huddled on a small strip of land at a gas station (of all places). 

Yet, the one thing I did notice was the "CROSS" at the top of the church (look up, redemption draws near). Jesus' message was clear - focus on Him and what He has accomplished, and that Yeshua/Jesus is soon returning. Believe it!

Also, to be remembered is that my cross to bear is a daily thing (to keep fleshly desires, appetites [carnal nature], sins, nailed to the cross) - a daily 'dying to self'.

The Lord knows that it is not always easy, especially when provoked. Satan knows our weak areas, but the Holy Spirit will help us. Humility required; no room for pride.

...another cross

3 crosses at a rental that was viewed
it is now home

The very day I arrived in Ontario, I had to meet the landlords at a potential rental (after nearly two long months of looking; vacancies went fast). THREE crosses were on the fence. I told my eldest daughter that I sensed this would finally be the place to rent. It was. 

...another THREE crosses

And finally, just a couple of weeks ago, driving across a couple of towns, on a different route, there - high up in the sky, placed at the top of a wiry tower was another cross. All four sides bore a cross, so that it could be seen from every direction.

Would you begin to think God was making a point? Look to the skies - our Messiah is soon returning. Seek Him each day early; He is calling us.

And we must try to keep in mind that the counterfeiter, Satan (adversary) uses deception as his special weaponry.

No weapon formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. This IS the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me, says the Lord. [Is 54:17]

The WORD of God is our sharp, two-edged sword; powerful against the enemy. Satan has nothing to match the Word of God.

So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. [Is 55:11]

Anoint the Shield - Part 2

for His glory


1 comment:

  1. The Great and the Terrible...I wholeheartedly believe this is coming to all nations. I pray that I and anyone who loves the Lord will be prepared and be worthy of the Great side and not have to endure the Terrible side. I believe God will use His chosen worthy children to help and minister to those who were not prepared.
    The video on Listening to the Voice was excellent! Thank you for including it in your post Bonita! Love you sis


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