Season of Consequences Part 2 Anoint the Shield
If you missed the beginning, you can find it at the link:
of Consequences – The Great and Terrible-Prt1
[Note*: Updated/edited Feb 2.2023 BP]
Therefore, brethren, stand fast,
and hold to the traditions which you have been taught, whether by [spoken]
word, or our epistle [letter]. Now our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and
God our Father, who has loved us, and has given us everlasting consolation
[eternal comfort] and good hope through grace, Comfort
your hearts, and establish you in every good word and work. [2Thess2:15-17]
This post will be lengthy. I suggest that you please use titles as bookmarks to continue reading if you must leave for a time.
“Hold to the traditions”: avoid doctrines of
devils; or a different gospel than what Jesus and the apostles taught
“stand fast”: stay on the side of Christ; do
not fall away (from the faith); it will hurt, but stand strong in
betrayals, accusations, persecutions, and you will have crowns to place at the
feet of our King
“consolation”: comfort, sympathy, empathy,
compassion, solace in our suffering
“hope”: our hope is in Christ Jesus the Lord
who, by grace, has granted the gift of salvation to all who believe
“comfort”: our inner wounds are healed by the stripes
of Yeshua (our Jesus)
Glory to God, in the highest. The name of Jesus (Yeshua)
is high and lifted up!
Shalom in Christ. His steadfast love [mercy], goodness
and faithfulness alone do glorify Him, but those who await Him also long
for His justice and judgment against the violent hatred, injustices and
lawlessness spread forth by the evil ones that hate God, and that has
spread into all the nations of the world.
Bless the one, true Living God. We long for Your
return, Messiah!
Anoint the Shield (Prepare for Battle)
Prepare the table, watch in
the watchtower, eat, drink: arise, you princes, and anoint the
shield. For thus has the Lord said unto me, Go, set a
watchman, let him declare what he sees. [Is 21:5,6] KJV
A partial prophetic word was posted for 2023 on
January 1 (first). I will be recapping what has been laid upon my heart,
but adding as led, as briefly mentioned in the first post.
Since much was already prepared (some written long (years)
ago [prophetically]) and ready in my files, I had hoped to post
again within days (I have learned now not to say when to expect the next
post, although I have been trying my best.)
These past three years have been a
flurry in every possible way, and over those years there were several
mentions, as well as warnings, about distractions, hindrances, witchcraft, and
dramatic happenings which presented themselves in order to affect faith (to
steal, kill and destroy) …and not just for me, but others.
Nonetheless, at the start, I was delayed by the Lord,
being prompted to hold back on further posting. As mentioned in the year’s
first article, earnest prayers have been to speak only what Jesus would have me
say, or else to speak nothing at all.
When I was first delayed, I thought it was that I was
not to speak further. The burden to pray fervently was heavy upon me. There was
much of this post already in the queue, but I had aforementioned the trembling;
the difficulty in sharing it.
The Lord had to assure me it is of Him alone, and none
else (not demon or flesh, or any other influence). Jesus had to equip me
through the Holy Spirit to bring the hard parts forth. The living God never
There are going to be some unwelcome things in this,
as I continue on with matters for 2023. It is crucial to me to be extremely cautious
(tread carefully) about what I attach the name of Jesus to: so
yes, prayers, tears, travailing, waiting, more prayer – delayed partially by
the Lord, and later, also by myself.
Then came an onslaught of negative thoughts… what on
earth is going on, Lord?
I learned from the past, and listening to the precious
Holy Spirit, and to many others along this journey who helped me understand,
that the onslaughts of negative thoughts that make one think they are going
crazy, or who have already crossed over the ‘sanity’ line, are most
often coming from demonic forces.
Yes, there are times that it can be from chemical or
hormonal imbalances, illnesses, or mental health issues. That is where the Lord
helps. Pray and ask Him to reveal the source to you. He will; He has His ways.
I remember hearing a famous preacher once say that he
got many letters from other pastors/preachers who were having personal troubles.
One pastor had written him to ask for prayer because his faith was shaken. He
did not know what was wrong with himself because he was experiencing the worst
kind of thoughts.
Thoughts, he had said, that had never even crossed his
mind when he was unsaved. He did not know what was wrong with himself, or how
he became so corrupted. He was even questioning his own salvation.
Of course, knowing the Bible, the troubled pastor had done his utmost to ‘cast down every imagination’ as 2 Corinthians 10:5 instructs, but he said the thoughts were too overwhelming (nonstop), and he felt like he had fallen into [mental] quicksand. He was sinking fast and needed a lifeline.
He confessed the only sins he could think of that he was
guilty of was a quick temper that was peppered with cuss words. It was
something he admitted to be working on, but was not doing well with.
The famous preacher called the telephone number given
to him in the letter. During the call he reminded the troubled pastor of the book of Ephesians,
chapter six, regarding spiritual warfare, along with the reminder of invisible enemies.
He also reminded him of the battle for the soul. The
famous preacher convinced the troubled man that he was experiencing an attack
of the enemy. He prayed for him. Afterwards, he counseled the pastor on
engaging in spiritual warfare himself, when and if the onslaught occurred again.
As for the temper and bad language, he gave him
scriptures, but more importantly, offered counseling to help him understand his
anger, the source, and how to deal with it in a positive way.
That is one possibility for the onslaught of negative
thoughts, if it is not a mental or physical issue. Put on your armour, particularly the
helmet of salvation, to protect your thinking, your mind. Pray and ask God.
Allow Him to reveal the source, whether physical (due to an illness, constant pain, thyroid (hormones), adrenal glands, toxins, parasites, tumors, side effects of medicine, [and more].), mental ([also can be toxins or tumours], chemical imbalances, various mental illnesses, etc.).
Or it may be the spiritual enemy [and his armies], or (our own spiritual enemy, our flesh/carnal nature), anger, bitter heart (unforgiveness), pride, self-pity, emotional stress or distress, grieving (loss), overwhelming problems, or some other reason.
The Bible makes it clear that we are not to allow ourselves
to justify (IF it causes us to sin, such as murder, various forms of abuse, torture, etc.); we are forewarned not to sin in our anger. All those things stem from anger, resentment, envy, unforgiveness, and other harmful emotions/feelings.
Anger itself is not a sin. Jesus was angry when He overtu [rned the tables of the money lenders and merchants in the temple. [Mat 21:12] There are other examples as well. Christ's anger was righteous anger (justifiable indignation). It is when we sin in our anger that it is wrong.Eph 4:26] There is a dark side to anger; unrighteous anger. It is a strong, powerful emotion, and if we lose control of our anger, it can become dangerous.
Hacking the Mind
There is also technology at work, folks; certain technology that only evil entities would introduce to mankind, which could be for good, of course, but also for nefarious purposes. The adversary and his demonic legions [occult, divination, spirit guides, demons] lurking in the shadows, guiding certain people in order to accomplish iniquitous, highly reprehensible goals.
These invisible, demonic forces inspire researchers, computer
scientists, neuroscientists, biotechnologists, developers, et al, to work with
AI (Artificial Intelligence).
These experts develop and refine brain science (build
brain-interfacing technology), big data, biohacking and bioengineering to
such a degree of perfection that to some they will appear to be as
gods (the original lie from the serpent).
In my researching, the following was discovered: brain
mapping, brain imaging, building a genetic manipulation tool box (basic
techniques to manipulate DNA and RNA [genetic material]), genetic
engineering and gene editing (transformed by Crispr),
(tools to change the genome), and much more, to which I have absolutely
no education or clue about.
A good portion of the work with technology began
covertly, behind the closed doors of secret labs, as the Lord mentioned to me over
a decade ago. Although a portion was made known as it was intended to be used
for good things (stem cell research, bionic limbs, visual aid, hearing impairment,
Much of it was new to me, but God is faithful to forewarn. The movie called The Matrix, along with its sequels, got some people believing we are simulations in a computer program, and God is the programmer. It simply is not true, but Satan and those he has influenced with AI would like you to believe it is true.
God made all things beautiful and good; just look around. All of creation speaks of His existence; all of creation praises Him.
But sadly, it has once again been corrupted by sinful mankind, yet with help from sinister, invisible forces. Through extensive research, experiments, and extraordinary 'discoveries', progress was made by leaps and bounds; much (but not all) being hidden from the general public.
Over the years at times, there were experiments carried out through secret [occult] knowledge and otherworldly activities. There has been the bait of alluring temptations [power, fame, money], which an evil adversary, along with his legions of
demons helped to bring to fruition. In the end, God will restore and all the suffering, tears, pain and
sorrow that corruption produced will be know more.
Meanwhile, as time passes, we all tend to forget things. So again, the Lord’s unwavering loyalty in providing reminders down through the years is unmatchable and impeccable. Volumes of hidden wickedness, on many different levels, has now been revealed, and continues to be revealed.
People claim to be hungry for the truth, having been awakened (or are awakening) to the deception that has been promulgated down through time, starting again after the Flood, seeded and watered by Satan and his cohorts.
The fact also remains that not everyone wants full truth, and especially the harder truths. Some only want the truths that they comfortably agree with, which only sets one up for both folly and self-deception. I learned that one the hard way.
As with all things, there is good that can come from
advanced technologies. Yet the tragedy is that the reasons postulated for these
developments were said to be for the advancement and good of people in various
areas. Naturally, that is intriguing.
And the dastardly intentions to hack the brain in
order to manipulate and ultimately control the minds, emotions and will of people,
as well as the intent to decrease the earth’s population (or to “cull
the herd” as it has ‘jokingly’ been stated), was kept hidden from
the masses – but Jesus! He promised a decade ago that it was the “time of
Wherefore He says, Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light. [Eph 5:13,14]
Another thing that the Lord warned about in late 2012, the day after Obama was re-elected for a second term, was: “Now it begins…” It was understood then that things were at the precipice of a slippery slope that would soon slide the entire world into the seven-year great tribulation that is written about in the Holy Bible. Friends, it is fast approaching - buckle up [armour, with the belt of truth]. Anoint the shield! [Is 21:5]
In 2018, Yuval Noah Harari was recorded as saying: […]
“…the most important fact anybody who is alive today needs to know about the
21 century is that we are becoming hackable
animals”; and “If you can hack something, you can replace it.” 2018! Today he boldly claims it can be and is being done. (2023)
A scripture comes to mind, which would throw a monkey
wrench into their abomination:
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that
exalts itself against the knowledge of god, and bringing into captivity every
thought to the obedience of Christ, And having a readiness to revenge all disobedience,
when your obedience is fulfilled. [2Cor 10:5] KJV
If we are obedient to Jesus and keep the main piece of the brain covered in the blood of the Lamb and filled with the holy scriptures, would it make our mind ‘not hackable’? Would there be a "missing piece"? Yuval Noah Harari [historian] and Klaus Schwab [WEF - World Economic Forum] do not believe in God. They cannot stand competition; therefore, if they deny Him, no more competition...
Viola, missing piece!
Would it be as revenge against the
disobedience of the many antichrists who follow Satan’s agenda? Something to
Already, back in 2017, people like Bill Gates, Yuval
Noah Harari, et al, not only spoke of bringing down the population, as multitudes
are now aware of (whether they believe it or not), but they also revealed
the desire to control those who remain (“elite-dominated
global society”).
They said it would be through mind reading and various
manipulations, which is now an actuality, (to dissolve, if possible, each
person’s power or right to choose).
A couple of years ago, 5G and the electromagnetic
radiation it emits, as well as the reality of geoengineering (officially, aerosol
spraying, but also called chemtrails) was brought up in a few of my articles.
Some of the 5G EM radiation side effects, combined
with other factors are: fatigue, headaches, brain fog, memory loss, lack of
concentration moments, sleep disturbances, including sleep deprivation.
Of course, there are no ‘official’ records of any such
evidence, or any report that substantiates such statements as fact. Digging for
truth is tedious hard work these days. It is like searching for the proverbial needle
in the haystack.
Mainstream media reports that there are no health
risks to the public whatsoever from 5G, with the exception of a ‘few’, who
‘may be’ hypersensitive to radiation. Yet there are scholars who have
done investigative research and have concluded that even those who are not
hypersensitive, and who live close to several towers, have been suffering with
Some people have won court cases when suing due to the
death of loved ones who developed cancer from 3G and 4G EMF in the megahertz
range with long-term cell phone usage, smart meters etc. (More in upcoming
Yuval Harari, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros,
Rothschild, royalty in various countries, are all in agreement with a dark
agenda to bring about their long-awaited utopia, with a small global population
and a one-world system.
Since they do not know God, and (most) do worship Lucifer, they
are in for a rude awakening. However, for now, they believe they have the upper
hand. They are under strong delusion, as well as deception. God is Sovereign
and rules over all.
The Counterfeit
The powers that be are not foolish. Things may seem fragmented or disconnected (in fact WEF calls the world 'fragmented'), separate from each other, but in truth, all of it is interconnected. It is all designed to destroy God’s creation so that the adversary (Satan), aka Lucifer, can carry out his plan, rule the world and its people (whoever is left) and be worshipped as ‘god’.
[For better understanding, please read Isaiah 14:12-14
(vs 15 prophesies his end)]
Satan is the master counterfeiter; master illusionist; the ultimate imposter (pretending
to be someone (God), which he is not). He wants his own creation of 'people', which may very well be humanoid robots ‘possessed’ or ‘controlled’
by demons. They are very realistic looking, complete with facial expressions of
emotions. [More in upcoming article]
We know from the Word of God, and foretold by the
prophets Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and the apostle John in the book of Revelation,
that the “dragon” (Satan) is allowed a season, a ‘short time’ to
carry out his agenda. [Rev 12:12; 20:3]
His wrath has not yet been unleashed in full force yet. He shall deceive the nations, and bring about a horrific war, even warring against Christ when He returns. [Rev 20:7,8]
This ‘season’ has no length of
time mentioned, but we are told that no flesh would survive, if the days were
not shortened, which they will be – for the sake of God’s elect. [Mat 24:22]
Lucifer said, “I will” five times, as recorded
in Isaiah 14:13-14. Interestingly, only God could have orchestrated it by overseeing
the dividing up of books and verses, but what is interesting is that Lucifer’s words begin in verse 13
of chapter 14.
The number 13 is the number for ‘rebellion’, as I have stated a few times over the years. The first time the number is recorded in the Bible, it pertains to rebellion. [Gen 14:4]
Lucifer’s rebellion
against God, and his “I will’s” begin verse 13. It is also interesting how
superstitious people are of number 13, with some high-rises even omitting the
number in elevators; jumping from floor 12, then floor 14.
Satan has counterfeited/imitated all he saw in heaven,
and all that he sees God doing. He cannot create things as God does. He cannot
speak things into existence, out of nothingness like the living God (YHWH/El Shaddai).
He can only create things with that which God has already created.
We are fast approaching the great tribulation, after which will come the day of the Lord, the time of God’s wrath. Woe to those who are on earth in those days. [Amos 5:18; Joel 2] A great and terrible God, yet One who calls us to seek Him whilst He may be found, so that He can bless us. [Is 55:6]
Year of 2023
• PREPARE – a word strongly upon my heart for 2023. In the first part of the Season of Consequences, the Lord mentioned a “storm brewing”. Right now, we are in the time of the ‘calm before the storm’.
war - word keep returning to my heart (civilian and nation - international)
famine (many will go hungry)
digital currency (wallet) - there is a major push by many governments of the world
The ‘calm’ most certainly will not last out the year. How long I do not know, but as the Lord has requested, take intimate time with Him, pray and wait on Jesus/Yeshua daily for His guidance.
In doing so, late September comes to mind where I see a darkness. Late November and December, another wave of darkness (heavier, foreboding). I believe that is what the Lord revealed to me.
The Lord had me repeat words that He had given me in
2018 (October) about a storm brewing. It was written in:
and Deception, Clash- Prt3 - Don’t Give Up Just before the Finish Line
At that time (Oct 2018), being “shaken” was also mentioned, and
removing things that were not of Jesus. There was mention to warn those who
slept through the clarion call. Back then the call was about repentance, which
is why the Lord compared me to Jonah when I procrastinated in giving the
Then, there was the warnings of witchcraft (Oct 2019). Later, an open vision (written up in Once Upon a Mountaintop). But after the open vision, there was the sounding of a shofar in December 2019 , which was an urgent call to “Rise Up” (an alarm, a warning) to “Awaken from spiritual slumber”.
At a dinner of about 25 or so, I
announced that something serious was coming and we had to wake up. A spirit
of slumber had cloaked many, and back in Dec 2019, an urgent warning
went forth. Covid-19 was announced as a pandemic almost three months later.
But now the call goes forth again to awaken and arise.
Times have forever changed; there is no going back. Press onward, soldier of
the cross – seek the Commander in Chief (Jesus/Yeshua) for direction.
When things rotate, or go in cycles, we must remember
that people are at different stages in their journey, their own personal walk with the Lord.
We need GOD’s wisdom, the discernment of
the Holy Spirit. Our wisdom and discernment will fail us in these days that are
becoming pitch-dark!
For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment (understanding) of the discerning (prudent) I will thwart. [1Cor 1:19] ESV (English Standard Version)
(words in brackets in verse above are used in KJV)
In 2020, and continuing on this year:
• betrayals, deception (con’t),
python/divination, witchcraft, child sacrifice, promiscuity, changing laws to
allow abomination after abomination – greater darkness
• global persecution continues and will spread
to places once untouched
• diseases (resurrected); plagues introduced,
(2013 – vision of stagecoach and a team of horses speeding eastward from the
west: (I said back in 2013, and repeated in 2020 (January) and again now: (as
per the Lord: I understood that:
. – old diseases would be resurrected, and new plagues
See the list: Pivotal
year 2020
• FOCUS on: (that which the Lord has been
urging His people to do for over a decade, as different articles in the archives
bear witness to) Glory to Christ!
† Jesus
† Word (Bible) (God [Word] became flesh
and dwelt amongst us
† Spirit of Christ
† cross (willing sacrifice)
† blood [precious] of the Lamb (no wrinkle
or blemish – sinless; perfect in every way)
My desire as a disciple of Christ, following His lead as a child of light, is to serve readers
faithfully with truth, and to point them in the direction of the only one who still
saves souls from hell, Jesus the Messiah; if we believe (confess with our mouth, and believe that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved [Rom 10:9]). Jesus/Yeshua forgives and grants
us eternal hope.
For with the heart
man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth
confession is made unto salvation. [vs 10] Suggestion: Read chapter
Romans 10
The ‘Cross Road’ (Crossroad)
In a couple of recent articles, I shared pictures of how the Lord consistently kept the “cross” before my eyes, as a constant reminder of God’s sacrificial love, and the only way to salvation (through His beloved Son Jesus).
Christ further expressed that love when He willingly
laid down His life [was crucified] in obedience to His Father:
God raised Him up [resurrection] alive the third day after
His burial. Jesus ascended into heaven and is soon returning. Such love; such joy;
such hope!
For readers who may have missed it, on my trip to
Ontario, the Lord kept the ‘cross’ before my eyes. At the
beginning of my journey across Canada I saw three crosses all together.
Although it was obviously a memorial for crash
victims, it instantly reminded me of how the Romans nailed Jesus the Christ [Anointed
One] on a cross between two thieves, who also hung upon crosses.
It was the only time I saw three crosses together. It confirmed
to me, almost as a seal, to assure me that Jesus would be with me on my long
trip across Canada.
Whilst I was staying at the home of one of my daughters in Calgary, the entire two months were spent searching and applying for home rentals. Over the course of two months, over 100 places had been applied for.
Most of the time, there were no replies, as landlords
were overwhelmed with applications – such was the housing situation. One ad for
a rental had an interesting picture of the backyard.
On the fence were ‘three crosses’...
Nevertheless, when I saw the picture, I strongly sensed that as a sign that it would finally be the place to rent (notice the illegible ‘sign’ nailed up beside the crosses). I told my daughter so, as I sent in an application. Sure enough, it is where I now live.
Continuing on my journey after seeing the three roadside crosses, another ‘sign’ jumped out at me from the roadside that boldly stated: God is watching over you. It was like an exclamation mark after the three crosses. Only Jesus…
Then, of all places, there was a small, one room church with a ‘cross’ sitting on the side of a gas station parking lot that I randomly pulled into off the highway going through a small town. There was a pastor inside if someone wanted prayer or to talk, but I did not go in.
I had procrastinated, but the pain in my knees
dissuaded me. It was the third day of being in a constant sitting position, as
there were no motels or accommodation available due to the Canada July 1 long
weekend. The back of the SUV was fully loaded with all I owned. But again, God
continued to assure me: “I am with you.”
So, the start of the trip had the “three crosses” (off the highway) and the finish of the trip (the backyard fence of my new home) - to keep Christ Jesus in remembrance and as my continuous focus. That could only have been orchestrated as a sovereign providence of God.
Then, when driving in December, six months after moving to Ontario, I saw a ‘cross’ high up on a tower as yet another consistent reminder to keep Jesus as my focus; to keep Him ‘high and lifted up’. He will draw men to Himself. [Jn 12:32]
Two days after I posted the first part of the prophetic
word for 2023, I had to get an oil change for my vehicle (Tuesday, January
3, 2023), as I was well overdue. The service man stated it would take about
one hour, so I sat in the waiting area.
Faithful and True, the Lord has creative ways to
remind us to keep our focus singular regarding both our future and our main
purpose in this life. And the beauty is that it can be in the most unexpected,
yet natural type of expression. After all, He is called the Creator!
Whilst I was waiting for the mechanic to finish my vehicle, I happened to glance up, only to see a car in the parking lot with a ‘cross’ on the side. I just managed to grab a picture before a truck blocked the view.
![]() |
click on any picture to enlarge |
It was an overcast day, so it was surely no reflection.
The Lord God wants us to keep our eyes upon Him from
this point on. Reminding us of the ‘cross’; reminding us that His sacrifice upon
the cross was complete. The perfect Lamb of God (El Shaddai – the God Who is
more than enough) was sacrificed, His blood poured out for the atonement of
our sins, and the penalty for sin is death.
Christ paid the debt of our sins in full when He died
upon the cross. With His last breath, the Saviour bravely gasped: “It is
finished.” Jesus’ resurrection from the dead was God’s stamp of
approval and acceptance of His payment. Yeshua took upon Himself the punishment
that we deserve.
We must spend that intimate, quiet times with Him. We hear
it rather consistently now – With all that is coming, we need to cleave to Him
like grapes to a vine. Jesus is the Vine, and we are the branches. He is the ‘only’
way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father, except through Him. [Jn
So, dear reader, the Lord has brought you here to
remind you of His sacrificial, agape love, and that He is indeed watching over
you, whether you ‘feel His presence’ or not. Our feelings betray us; just trust
that He is with you.
Remember that, especially if you are a weary,
discouraged saint. Run to Him in the spirit, and enjoy quiet, intimate time
with the one who never rejected or abandoned you; who never gave up on you;
never quit. Wait upon Him, so that you can be refreshed and allow Him to fill
you with strength and fresh anointing of His Spirit.
If you do not know Him, He is calling out to you by
landing you right here on this little grain of sand, here in cyberspace, where
you can read these words. You do not have to keep searching for truth.
The Anointed One is right here, waiting for you to
come and speak your heart to Him. He IS the way, the truth and
the life, and no one goes to the Father (God) except through Him. [Jn
Turn from things you know that are not good for you, that
are crushing you spiritually, that are a heavy burden to you; sins that are
against Him and His ways. Reach out and He will firmly grab hold of you, and
you will be secure in Jesus.
The cross is the way to have the burden of sins cut
loose from you, and to be free from the crushing weight and pain of it, and to
be forgiven. Jesus IS our eternal hope and glory.
If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (Yeshua),
and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be
saved. [Rom10:9]
A Time of Silence
I hear the Lord when He instructs us, stating there is
“a time to speak and a time to be refrain from speaking”. [be silent]
[Eccl 3:7] Sometimes that can be challenging for any one of us. There are times
we do alright, and other times where we just have to speak our mind (trigger
reaction to something; emotion overriding logic).
However, if we let Him, the Spirit of Truth calms any
unsettling within, with that indescribable peace that passes all understanding,
available to all who seek Jesus and trust Him to still any inner storm.
Life is hectic these days, fast-paced. We have become
accustomed to convenience, instant, quick (microwaves, cell phones, computers,
tablets etc.). Patience is becoming noticeably rarer.
Violence is global. Sometimes though, waiting is plain
difficult …especially in times of great trouble when we need to hear from God
urgently, quickly, even instantly.
Is God watching? Is He listening? Why are we held back
from doing a thing at times, especially when it seems important? He certainly
is watching and listening. He holds us back for our own good many times.
Other times it is for the good of others. Whatever His
reasoning, it is wrapped in wisdom. Abraham, Sarah, Joseph (son of Jacob),
Daniel, numerous children of God were challenged to wait – obediently – wait.
As stated earlier, at first, after I posted the first
part of the prophetic word for 2023, I was held back by the Lord. I knew the
reason was to earnestly pray even more, and then to wait – to hear what Abba had
to say.
Then I held myself back. I trembled at pressing in, to
shut down flesh and keep out the adversary’s voice, entering into that holy
place, humbly hushed and waiting with anticipation.
There have been a couple of times in the past where I
mention how some things are not easy to put forth, including at the beginning
of this month. Things can overwhelm even the strongest.
I am flesh and blood, so naturally prone to emotions, but as a child of light, I can relate to Jeremiah, who wept at the sins of the world, but also the judgment of God that was coming – which he had to prophesy.
So, firstly, delayed by the Lord to have that
important time alone with Him; then, by myself, having to be sure – then the
adversary with an onslaught of negative thoughts. I have learned that any
onslaught of negativity is most often from the enemy, especially when what one
has been watching and listening to has been carefully guarded, and no doors are
Within myself, admittedly, as day by day passed, the
delays got to me, until the Holy Spirit made things very clear. Thank You Lord,
for Your faithful counsel, comfort, wisdom, and help.
Need to Know Yesterday
To the Lord, it is not a race to see who says the
right thing first for the more immediate time ahead of us. It is not about who
will comfort us with their prophetic words. It is about Jesus and where we will
spend eternity.
No matter what is going to take place in the world, it
still is temporal. We know mostly what to expect by reading the Word of God, the
Bible. He does give other prophetic utterances outside of the Bible through
various vessels (messengers), but we need to take things to the Lord.
We can trust Adonai. There are certain things that I
am not the most patient with, but I am doing my best – and the Holy Spirit has
often helped me.
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. [Rev
19:10] Truly, it is about drawing people to Christ Jesus so they can be free (forgiven)
from the burden and torment of their sins, and be anchored in truth (Jesus
– [Jn 14:6]), as the deceptive, evil days rush over the world like a
It can also be an exhortation, reproving, a rebuke –
to keep us on the straight path, away from harmful things or people, to open
our eyes to sinful ways – either individually, but more often as the body of
A prophetic word can also be an uplifting message to
realign any hopelessness, weariness or disheartening with the hope, strength,
encouragement and edification that is found only in the Lord Jesus/Yeshua.
It must be emphasized clearly and strongly that it
truly is about eternity with our Creator. There is no horoscope, fortune-telling,
or soothsaying in God’s kingdom. We are a “need to know yesterday” people,
but there will be much that no one knows but God. He can handle anything; we
cannot say that about ourselves. We all have limits.
From the beginning, people would run here and there,
trying to find out what the future holds. He will reveal things to us as He
sees fit. Back in 2012, He had me post that it was ‘the time of revealing’.
I heard it first through one other person.
There were people causing dissensions and factions
within a person’s group, and the one speaker said it was the time of
revealing, so that those who were found guilty of causing such discord would
be rebuked, given a chance to repent or asked to leave.
I was not part of their group. They held global conference
calls every week where anyone was welcome, and participants listened to a
sermon and prayers. All mics were muted unless invited to speak, or if someone
had a question after the sermon. That was about 11 years ago. Someone had sent
me an invite in an email, so I decided I would check it out. It was the only
time I did so.
Somehow, I think of Pharaoh’s cup bearer and baker,
whose dreams Joseph (son of Jacob) interpreted. When it is time
for a thing to be revealed, it will be. If God so chooses not to tell us because
we could not bear it at the time, then He will withhold it until we can bear
Some things the living God will not reveal at all, not
even about people, or give details. That is His privilege, His prerogative. Would
you want the Lord advertising all your sins? Most of us would say an emphatic ‘no’!
YHWH is a good and wise God.
We learn to trust Him as our faith grows, and as we
become more intimate with Him. It is true that some things are harder to trust
for than other things; such as healing from terminal illness, or healing a quadriplegic,
or restoring a missing limb.
Some have prayed for years, maybe decades. Yet, look at
some of the titles throughout the archives that urge you: Don’t
Give Up! Countless articles repeat those words: “Don’t give up”; “don’t
give in”; “don’t quit just before the finish line”.
We cannot. This life is temporal. None of us have all
the answers, nor can we explain everything. However, the saints of God are told
to trust. The Holy Scriptures amply alert us to how things will escalate
and become more sinful, evil, and overwhelmingly deceptive, violent, rebellious,
and lawless in the latter days, which this corrupted world is in now.
In various books in the Bible, it speaks of the
tribulation of those who love God and belong to Him. But that kind of
tribulation means trouble and suffering, which happens to all of us if we live
long enough.
It could be anything from the death of loved ones to divorce,
from accidents to illness, financial difficulties or poverty, persecution, slavery,
betrayals, addictions; long list. These are the trials and tribulations that come
from life in a fallen, sinful, corrupted world.
We are not in the great tribulation that the Word says
will last for seven years. There will be no question when that happens, for it
will be a time like no other time before, nor shall ever be again. It will be
that ugly, that horrific, that unbearable. [Mat 24:21]
What Kind of Revival Do People Expect?
Jesus is the one who saves, heals, and delivers …and
this year 2023, we will continue to hear of salvations, healings, and
deliverances – and miracles – rarely by mainstream media, but more so through
alternative news reporting, or through ministries, or through personal reports
or happenstances.
Many of us will experience these things ourselves,
within our own families, or circle of friends, or a group we belong to (whether
church or?). The Holy Spirit continues His work faithfully, and always has.
I do not see revival as a massive global wave (like a tsunami), sweeping over the earth that causes even the Luciferians to take notice. I sense something different will be taking place in 2023 and on, even now.
Revival has begun. Firstly, a revival is happening
right now inside many of the born-again, [Holy] Spirit-filled children
of God. Back in 2012, when I shared my testimony, it was titled, “First
the Inside of the Cup”. Jesus revealed to me that He most often begins
His work on the inside, although at times, it can begin with a visitation, a
dream or vision, or a healing.
The Holy Spirit has been moving on the hearts of many
of God’s people. More and more saints have felt the gentle nudging, and heard
the quiet call of their King and Lord. Many are purposing in their heart to
obey and are making more time with the Lord, putting Him first,
remembering that He is indeed their first love.
The Lord is not a tyrant who cracks a whip. There is a
revival, a refreshing, a renewing going on amongst the dedicated saints. It is
happening now; it has already begun. There has been a stirring, a ‘new’
Revival has begun within each committed, surrendered
saint – apparently Wycliffe Bible translators are transcribing bibles into languages
in parts of many countries where the people have never read a Bible because
there is none in their language.
As a result, remote villages and their tribes are learning about Christ and confessing Jesus, whom God raised from the dead, as their Saviour. Small groups in remote parts of the world, prisoners, religious people from other faiths converting (Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, et al). God will be moving amongst even the hardcore people, who will convert.
He is offering His strong arm to backsliders. He is drawing
the prodigals homeward. His hand is upon those shackled by addictions, unable
to free themselves. He is the one who holds the key to set the captives free.
[Isaiah 61]
Choices – choose wisely!
2023 – Revival and Falling Away
• As mentioned, the Holy Spirit continues to draw people into the Kingdom of God through Jesus (Yeshua)
• Simultaneously, a falling away – as people see
injustices, violence, corruption and lawlessness abound; hearts of love waxing
cold – Jesus foretold this. It is written:
And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one
another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and
shall deceive many. And because iniquity [lawlessness]
shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. [Mat24:10-12]
Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times
some shall depart from the faith [falling away], giving heed
to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; [1Tim 4:1]
Indeed, I tremble within my soul at times these days. The Lord
has done a work in all of us, as we yield to Him in humility. We are not the
same as we were even a year ago. I know I am not. I have made many mistakes in
my walk with Christ, but as we grow in Jesus, the time comes where we shun sin,
and avoid it at all costs.
This cannot be done by our own efforts alone. The
carnal nature is something we fight against as long as we are in these bodies.
But these vessels are temporal. Yet, the Holy Spirit helps us to be more than
conquerors in Jesus Christ.
O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from
the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then,
with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.
[Rom 7:24,25]
Thank You Jesus for all that You accomplished upon the
cross, and with Your resurrection.
I believe revival begins within each believer first.
As we mature and grow, we need a time of refreshing, more oil needed in our
lamps…a refining, a re-tuning, a work only God can do, but we must be willing
and wholly submitted (we love Him because He first loved us). [1Jn 4:19]
• revival has begun is what I believe…small groups,
reported by alternative media and not mainstream news – remote villages,
unexpected nations (that previously worshipped idols or false gods), groups - prisoners,
prodigals, returning/change of heart. This is in other countries, China, India, et al... (places that have suffered much 'persecution'/violence) - the Lord spoke of it years back.
In one of the next articles, I will post excerpts, but must search archived posts where the Lord speaks of revival for the world, including west. I actually had forgotten even writing about it. Hopefully, more later (after search) – there have already been some reports about those (above) places, so this (revival) about them is more of a report, not prophetic. Only God knows the end from the beginning, none else...
Smooth Words or Hard Truths
I make no claim to be a prophet or prophetess, but the
Lord has given me prophetic words over the years. However, it is not just me He
gives messages to. People of all ages, from young children to old folks have
spoken prophetically.
Some speak truly, as moved by the Holy Spirit. Some speak
from a spirit of divination [python spirit]. [Acts 16:16] Some speak from
their flesh (we can all do that IF we are not careful or prayerful), and
sadder still, others speak by taking ideas, material, words from others. [Jer
If guilty of the last two, one should not call
themselves a prophet(ess). [Most just call themselves a 'prophet', whether male or female.]
These are the latter [last of the last] days.
Jesus warned us about the false, and He warned us about deception: but we are
told not to despise prophesying. We are to take things to Him. He will not
mislead us, but people can. We NEED the time alone with Jesus. It is very
obvious, especially given the times we are in.
God said through Joel [2:28], (and Peter, who repeated
the prophet’s words, [Acts 2:17]) that in the last days, He would pour out His
Spirit on all flesh: and “your sons and your daughters shall prophesy” (scripture
speaks of the old with dreams, and the young with visions)).
Yet, the seriousness of a prophetic word caused me
great delay. I lean on the Lord wholly; trusting that He is guiding me, trusting
that He will keep me from saying anything not of Him. Prophetic messages from
the past are being brought forward.
It is only God who can say a thing, and it becomes
clearer to see and understand the closer we are to the time it pertains to. And
yet, the same message can be applicable at various times – it is so profound
that only God Himself and no other can orchestrate such a thing, and to Him
alone goes all the glory!
I already shared about trembling at the very thought
of saying something that was not of the Lord (even on the first of January,
I wrote it in the post). The message has very sobering parts, which are
difficult to share because they are not “smooth words”. But when
we are in the Lord’s service, obedience is our reasonable
The message came over the course of much time in
prayer in December, and much was placed in my spirit then, not only through
prayer and waiting on the Lord, but also through the written Word of God (Bible).
God is faithful and true, but we can wander. We can
listen to the wrong voices. We can err, but let us not use our ‘humanness’
as an excuse to justify our errors.
Heavy on My Heart
As much as I hoped otherwise, this message kept coming
before me, either in articles in my archives, in file folders on an external
hard drive, or handwritten in one of my older books.
It came to me on the last day of a seven-day fast [June
7, 2009]. It has been placed upon my heart to give it again, now in 2023.
The Holy Spirit impressed the following upon me (it
was not an audible voice, but a still, small voice deep within my spirit).
[excerpt of message below]: Link will be at end of excerpt
‘I AM the Lord God of Israel. I am here. See the stone
rolled away? I am risen. You overcome by My BLOOD and the WORD of your
testimony. I AM the Word, come in the flesh, and I live in you. Obedience now
is crucial.’
[End excerpt]
In the article, I had shared how I had looked up at
the clouds; a vision unfolded. Taking hold of a note pad and a pen – wrote the
‘Death is
coming to America.’ I saw in the clouds women and men wailing, full of confusion and fear. There were many (people) being wrongly imprisoned. There was a woman huddling with a child (children murdered) and I saw great death, and a famine.
‘Men who
wear black will soon be a common sight. They are as wolves; men who are possessed or controlled by demons.’ There were multitudes homeless
and being ‘rounded up’; grouped together.
I saw the death rider with a scythe in his hand. ‘He shall sweep
over this land.’
There were great waters coming;
and also seen was smoke of massive volumes.
ere were angry, disgruntled leaders filled
with hatred. Soon there shall be the manifestation of the leader who appears as
one of ‘light’ [appears as Christ], yet he is opposed to Christ. He is
arising. He is here.
He is not white-skinned. He will give fair
speeches and seem as a ‘god’ to many.
I saw great masses of people fighting amongst
themselves, betraying each other. There was chaos and
It seemed as though there were two separate wars; one amongst people within
the same nation; and another where ‘nations’
were coming against ‘a nation’. I sensed
it was the USA under attack; but it broadened, spread into
Canada and southerly into Mexico. It consumed North America.
There were places of safety, shelter. There were angels
commanded by God to lead and protect His
people…some appeared as mere men.
Then within me, I heard, (My people) Give
up all forms of lust [lust of eyes, lust of flesh, pride of life] and frivolous
spending. Do your part and I will do Mine. Look to Christ. My angels are all
around you. Obey Me as I direct your steps.
(NOTE*: A personal relationship is just
that. Sometimes when the Lord says something I thought people would
automatically know what is meant. That is not the case. This note was not part
of the original post.
"Do your part and I will do Mine." [words of Lord] "Your part" (meaning
my part or yours) means 'obedience' to what Jesus
instructs. "My part" (meaning the Lord's part) is whatever He has
said He would do (in any given situation). He is God. His part is already done;
'my' or 'your' part is to simply 'submit' or 'obey'. [end
note] BP)
My angels go forth at My command.
It is time to arise in willing
obedience and DO. Lo, I am with you.
Original post: Time
to Arise
What the Lord placed on my heart for understanding for 2023:
PRAY, as Nineveh repented, there is opportunity for our nations to repent (globally, let people pray for their own nations). God stayed His hand on Nineveh when Jonah finally warned them. We can hope - He is still the God of the impossible, as I often encourage people to remember.
I need reminding too...the same as the next person. We all have our 'moments', but we can and will endure to the end. The Holy Spirit helps us, and our King and Lord Jesus is still our Advocate.
These things begin later in the year, with hints
becoming noticeable, but not overly concerning ‘yet’ – last third
of year, prepare (NO date given because we are to PRAY – Nineveh had a chance
to repent; if righteous were found in Sodom, God would have spared it, and
Gomorrah. Nineveh repented; judgment was delayed – until Nineveh eventually
returned to its wicked ways and judgment fell upon it
We are given these things to pray, seek God. Pray our
nations will repent. See what happened when nations repented, when leaders prayed
to God – we must pray
• 2023: another pivotal year (the
Lord called 2020 a [1st] pivotal year in January 2020 – two months
before a pandemic was announced globally)
Keep in mind that we are in the CALM before the
‘storm’; by third part of year end (2023) it will get heavier
• deaths from vaccines globally – continues
• faltering America – violence, changing laws
continues, homelessness continues increasing
** USA losing the power it had, powers that be priming
China as new dominate power – 2023 will see this shift more predominately starting
near year end
• ‘war’ (heavily in my spirit): – Russia
and China – (seems to be held back, more prayer – people need to pray) – I have
tried to shake it a few times but it will not
** Iran has a heart for war
In 2010, when in Georgia, USA, I had an open vision: (the picture I found is identical to how the ships looked in the vision [older ship]. The picture below was from Jan 10.2023, heading toward Atlantic-Arctic.
![]() |
Russian ships look exactly like my vision 2010, except warships were side by side and the sub was on the outer side |
• two warships and a surfaced submarine – they were Russian (halfway down continent – off U.S. coast – western Atlantic waters) -- Later, I understood Chinese to be off the coast of USA (Pacific waters) (this has been written in a couple of articles over the years; I have to find the articles)
Now reports are that Russia, China and [surprisingly]
South Africa are participating in naval drills set to begin in February 2023 (fast
However, what I found of interest was the very recent
news (January 26, 2023) that Russia
has sent a warship (the Zircon), equipped with a hypersonic cruise missile
to Western Atlantic. (That is us, folks – Western Atlantic is North America,
east coast Canada and USA.)
It is being downplayed as posturing, or as a “strategic
chess game”. Be that as it may, saints need to pray because:
• the Lord presented the open vision 13 years
ago, even showing the three water vessels off the east coast of USA (halfway
down the continent, basically nearby the border dividing Canada from the U.S.)
in the Atlantic
(13 – the number of ‘rebellion’ –
and Russia is rebelling against WEF and the Great Reset (which I believe is the
New World Order renamed).
• in another vision (2011 – Winterville GA), one small
part of the vision was:
** - a bear with three arrows in its mouth, running from the east toward a westerly direction, above Canada (Arctic – North Pole) - USNI News [United States Naval Institute] reports the Arctic as “a ‘unique domain’ for security and military operations’ -
Apparently, neither NATO or United States see it as an
immediate concern
Since the Lord revealed it long ago, I urge saints to
pray and seek God on the matter; He always forewarns – we see it throughout
scriptures in the holy book
• look up to the skies – asteroid or meteor activity –
also forewarning again, about deception (UFO now called UAP), holograms, etc. –
pray over all things
• ‘pestilence’ (new virus) is
understood – this pertains to the ‘death rider with a scythe’ sweeping
over land,
• in 2010, I wrote about the open vision I saw whilst
lying awake upon my bed – I saw a great water and understood it was an ocean.
There were:
• people wailing (full of confusion, anger
and fear) – due to loss of freedoms, loss of life, but also persecution
and betrayals
** (not just betrayals of those in various positions
of authority (individual agencies, and government), but also amongst
family, friends, and “brethren” (those of same faith group)
• ‘wrongly imprisoned’ – self-explanatory
• ‘men who wear black’ – is a common sight now
in many countries (but not so much in 2013 when this was first posted) –
governments may bring in armies or police who are foreigners, therefore not
compassionate toward the peoples
• humanoid robots – a reality that is happening
(further advanced than public is told), slowly replacing people (even
making arrests and enforcing laws); killer robots in 2022 four robots killed 29 humans
in a Japanese lab (YT vid); killer drones
• undesirables [homeless, elderly, disabled,
physically or mentally challenged, terminally ill] – governments are going to begin
‘rounding up’ – homeless are only ‘ONE’ group
• North America (United States and
Canada) already saw massive volumes of smoke with the wildfires over two or
three years (this was written in 2013)
However, smoke from violence, whether riots, protests,
or war I do not know, but it comes from violence (also more drought comes)
Strong sense of WAR upon North America
• great waters (coastal) I understood due to
earthquakes – volcanoes (dormant once dormant) and others known as active will
cause trouble
• earthquakes North America west coast/Cascadia - pray - Madrid PRAY; the Lord warned a year and two ago, watch dormant volcanoes; watch regarding earthquakes - He still warns due to last days as Jesus forewarned
• corrupt leaders are angry, disgruntled [this is
already a reality now] – smiling leaders outwardly are as wolves inside (pray)
• internal wars amongst people within same
nation (self-explanatory) – riots, protests continue (violence)
• nation against nation [as Jesus/Yeshua
forewarned) however: (watch and pray for Israel, but also the West, which is
hated – by Russia, China, Iran, N.Korea – China is a threat to North America –
Canada’s leader [PM Trudeau – young global leader of
Schwab] admires the Chinese communist regime (he has openly admitted such)
North and South America – western hemisphere – great upheaval
(this is already obvious)
• God has been beckoning (urging) His people to
spend more intimate time with Him so He can speak and give direction to our
steps – we need to take our petitions to Him for our individual countries; we
strongly need direction, all of us
• prayer is crucial – we are not to fear
Satan Has a Short Season (see Revelation
I do not know how the Lord will lead each person in the days ahead, but for now, I pray that the Lord blesses each individual who visits this site, in the ways that they personally need – for your good, but for God’s [Elohim] glory through Jesus.
The days are so dark, violent, chaotic and unpredictable
because the adversaries (Satan and his legions of demons, and all enemies of
the cross, whether spiritual or physical) are pushing hard, preparing and
setting the stage for the entrance of the one called the ‘lawless one’;
‘man of lawlessness’; ‘man of
sin’ or ‘son of perdition’.
No preacher that I have heard has ever mentioned how
long Satan’s time is (mentioned in the book of Revelation), when it
begins or when it ends. The world has seen his evil influence and wickedness
upon this earth for a long time.
The devil is called the ‘prince of the power of the
air’ – temporary ruler. That is how he was able to offer all the kingdoms of
the world to Jesus during the time Satan tempted Him in the desert wilderness.
• this time period is merely the ‘calm’ before the
storm (as the Lord impressed upon me; and posted previously a couple of
times); we need to be careful that we do not let the calm lull us back to
• the Illuminati are Luciferians; the planned agenda
is going forward – the governmental resignations and removals that have been
happening the past year or so are all part of the plan – they plan to divide
the nations, and only those who bow to Lucifer will remain in leadership; that
is why the world is seeing a rearrangement going on in every country
Yet, as powerful as they believe they are, they can
only do what God allows. In the Bible, we can read the outline of what shall
transpire. We do not have every detail, but we have what God saw fit to reveal
to us. He wants us to trust Him, and allow Him to lead us.
Is It a Race?
At one time a great delay may have bothered me, as I
would have been pulling at the bit [as a previous ghostwriter, I faced many
deadlines [no pressure there lol]), but the Lord assured me that He is in no
It was not distraction, hindrance, obstacle or any
such thing that delayed me, simply normal life. But being one person (no
team), it takes time to get things done, as everyone of us knows. Putting
the Lord first these days is critically important. Be prepared for what is
coming. Listen to the Spirit of God.
• prepare – a word that is continuously before
me; the Lord repeats for the purpose of reminders; ‘prepare’ was a word given
several years ago, and three years ago, the world went through a complete
global shutdown
Were any of us prepared? No – yet the Lord had
forewarned to ‘prepare’ for what was coming – now again, to ‘prepare’ is
repeated; there is a plan to release a deadly virus that will bring down more
numbers (more on this in next article)
Hint: Gates has warned twice about a
worse virus. Once in 2021, once recently in a meeting in Australia
As ever stated, the messenger gets the message first.
The Lord, in His longsuffering [patient] way, has been inviting people to seek Him early
in the day, and more deeply (closer), and wait in His presence. Now His
beckoning is urgent.
Deep calling unto deep… do you have a stirring in your
spirit? – a longing to be known by Jesus, to be understood, to be accepted, to
be heard, to be loved? Christ has already done all that. He proved it when He
willingly laid down His life. Can you hear your name being called? He is
waiting… ready to gather you unto Himself.
We need that quality private time with our first love,
Jesus/Yeshua. He desires to minister to us, to replenish afresh with His
Spirit, His shalom… He desires to ‘prepare’ us, to direct our
steps in these precarious days.
He will not force us, but He woos us; He created us to
fellowship with Him. Run, run, and do not stop until He gathers you close to Himself,
as a Good Shepherd does. He wants to lead, and for us to follow.
Slow But Steady
Every year, multitudes post about the year coming. If
the Lord moves upon me to say something I will, but if not, I am fine with that
as well. For this year, I liken my late posting to a popular story – for all
those who have already posted about 2023.
My friends, I present to you the hare and the tortoise
(the rabbit and the turtle) analogy. With both of my knees needing custom-made
braces (due to bone-on-bone arthritis), it takes a tad longer to
get things done – rather like the tortoise watching as the hare ran speedily by
him, laughing (hoppity-hop-hop).
The rabbit compared his speed and sureness of foot to the slow, clumsy steps of the turtle. The hare challenged the turtle to a race, stating he would surely win. (In the original story the turtle challenged the rabbit, but I was too slow in the asking.)
The turtle, whose only goal was to eventually arrive
at his destination, agreed. A fox was the judge in the original
story. I have left out the fox. There are enough little foxes spoiling the
vines as it is.
Ah, but the confident rabbit took a nap, having left the slow turtle far behind in his dust. The old turtle kept a steady pace, one step at a time. He prayed, unrushed, along the narrow path.
The Lord encouraged the turtle not to be so concerned
about any race.
“It is only a race in the rabbit’s mind. It is no
competition. Keep going forward with eyes on Me, one step at a time. I am with
you all the way. Follow My lead. Remember, there is no fox ready to judge, for
I am the Judge. Do not be troubled or perplexed; leave the timing and the
results up to Me.”
So, the turtle (tortoise) kept going forward,
slowly but steadily. When the rabbit awoke, he looked down the path. Still no
sign of the turtle. With a satisfied and confident grin, he hopped toward the
finish line.
He imagined himself chomping on a crunchy carrot in the lush grass, watching as the turtle slowly crossed the finish line, glistening with sweat. But his proud smirk instantly vanished.
There, up ahead of him, was the turtle on the other side of the finish line, with a juicy carrot in its mouth to give to the rabbit. “For being such a good sport!” the turtle said with a warm, sincere grin.
And there is your daily smile, folks.
I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not
to the swift, nor the battle to the
strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches
to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time
and chance happens to them all. [Eccl 9:11]
Regarding the Message of 2023
[Message begins – Given December 24, 2022]
Speak forth the words I put in your mouth. Some will
not be comfortable, for they will be hard to deliver. Some of the things I ask
of you will be difficult, but I ask that you [trust] do what I ask.
Seek Me and My words to you will come as you wait,
wait. Now that you have discovered the pain, sorrow and harm that comes from
false prophecies and false hope, [1 I will heal the wounds [2 I will give only
pure words from Me when you obey and as you wait upon Me.
I have shown you what is good; and what do I require
of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with Me.
[Micah 6:8]
Remember, to hate a brother (in the heart) is as murder. [1Jn 3:15]
This can be and is a hard call for people, especially
when evil wreaks havoc on their lives. But remember where I brought you from,
and from where you were delivered. Remember also that no one escapes the day of
judgment. Justice follows My judgment. Patience and trust…
Indeed, a storm is brewing. The enemy and his agents (both
spiritual and in the physical) plan to heap fire upon (attack) the
nations. They are hastening their plans to strike, not just Israel, but other
‘troublesome’ sovereign nations.
There is a calm before the storm. Stand
guard. Pray! Prepare spiritually first.
Why o why do I urge My people to seek Me, to come closer, to come deeper, to stay in My presence awhile – to become more intimate? Is it not to strengthen, to grant boldness, to equip (courage) for the times you are in, to direct your steps?
You have eyes to see and ears to hear. Do not deny
that which is obvious, but pray. Seek Me and bring all that concerns you to Me.
Then, trust and wait. If you cannot trust and wait in the time of peace, what
shall you do in times of war? – for many suffer these things and that time is
Your adversary, the devil, walks around as a roaring
lion, seeking whom he may devour. [1Pet 5:8] He longs to rule, to control, to
have the ‘season’ that is written, for he believes he will conquer his ‘short
time’ [Rev 12:12] and long rule upon earth ‘as god’.
His pride has deceived him and he and his legions
operate under strong delusion. Satan/Lucifer’s intent is to rid the world of a
majority of My creation, for his hatred begins with Me.
Behold, I shall lead you, as you listen and obey.
Stand your ground. Stand ready. Do not fear! I AM close to those who wait upon
Me and draw nearer. And to many in the world today, Isaiah the prophet’s words
apply, even as they cover their ears.
That this is a rebellious people, lying children,
children that will not hear the law of the Lord: Which say to the seers, See
not; (away with visions); and to the prophets, Prophesy
not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things (tickle the ears), prophesy
Get out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause
the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us. [Is 30:9-11]
(NOTE*: I realize that I have written about
this a few times with other messages the Lord has given over the years. Yet
again, with this message, I broke down and wept profusely here. For even in my
own land of Canada, we see corruption in leadership, in certain churches, violence
in homes and in the streets, and rebellion against God and our Messiah Jesus by
at least half the people.
Although we have a large country, we do not have a
large population compared to other countries. That is quickly changing as
Trudeau brings in more immigrants. He plans to bring in over 450,000
by 2024, and half a million [500,000] by 2025, and 1.45
million altogether by the end of 2025.
I think of all the religions that will oppose Christianity,
and for some reason, I think of Solomon, who disobeyed God and married foreign
wives, and built altars and places of worship for their ‘foreign’ and ‘false’
A major exodus from other countries to Canada is (and
has been) occurring. There is no way that many people can be properly
screened for security reasons, in such a short time. This is part of the
Illuminati’s plan (Satan’s plan); it is happening to many countries around the
This was what I understood the “exodus”
to mean when the Lord mentioned it a second time in 2012. The Lord meant
multitudes from all nations would be leaving their home countries, due to war,
persecution, etc.; however, I did not understand what it meant when He first
mentioned it to me in 2009.
If God’s judgment fell upon other nations, including
His chosen, Israel, in days of old (written throughout the Old and New
Testaments), why do we think we shall escape today? Do we really understand
the evil of Noah’s day, or in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? I am only
beginning to… [end note] BP)
(Message from the Lord con’t…)
But My people (those who seek Me and draw closer,
deeper, waiting upon Me) shall be confident (not to be mistaken for
pride). I will hold them close in times of fear, as they cry out, trusting
It is only instinct to fear when war is upon your
land, or the land shakes beyond man’s control, or turbulent winds and rising
waters rage and threaten lives.
Show Me one person standing calmly, smiling, and
saying, “I trust the Lord”, when an earthquake rips apart a building
next to where they are standing. Trust is a matter of the heart, not the flesh.
Naturally, flesh will fear in the face of danger.
Show Me one person who is not fearful as a bomb is
falling close range, or a raging flood is coming toward them. I urge people
this day, in the first month of 2023:
Seek Me while I may be found. Call upon Me while I am
near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Return to Me, and I will have mercy upon you; I will abundantly
pardon. [Is55:6-7]
My people, cry out to Me. I AM still the God who
delivers – still the God of miracles.
Whether I sweep you away as I did Enoch and Elijah, or
translate you as I did Philip, or whether I grant you the peace My servant
Stephen knew when he looked up and saw My Son at My right hand.
Hold fast to the faith that the apostles had as they
continued their mission in times of dangerous persecution, which resulted in
the death of all but John. TRUST My way with you, and do not fear as the
unsaved do.
Judgment shall fall upon the lands. Indeed, it has
begun. It is time. Be at peace, fully trusting that I continue to care for you,
as surely as the little sparrows.
Open the gates, that the righteous nation which keeps
the truth may enter in. You will keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on You: because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord
forever: for in the Lord Jehovah [YHVH] is everlasting strength: [Is
[End of message]
for His glory
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