Sunday, September 20, 2015

This is Your Time and Season! - Part 3

This is Your Time and Season! Part 3

From the Lord and to His Glory Alone

(Excerpt from WAIT – December 4, 2008)

Hold fast to your faith, mighty warriors! Stand fast! Yes, stand fast and wait upon the Lord. I know you have been shaken strongly, even sifted as wheat. I know you feel weak spiritually (exhausted). Perhaps you feel spiritually disoriented.

Fear not, be strong in Me. Rest in Me. Quickly you shall be strengthened if you wait on Me. I am with you in this - yea, I am in all that concerns you. There are more battles fast approaching. War is coming.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. [Eph 6:12]

You have done well in all the tests (gold is tested and purified), and in the trials (silver is refined), and in tribulations (times of preparation).

[…]  You are My child, who has proven to serve Me with loyalty despite the attempts of the enemy to have you, 'Curse God and die.', (Job's wife to Job) or even in, 'Has God said?' (serpent to Eve)

Then said his wife unto him, Do you still retain thine integrity? Curse God, and die [the adversary wants you to give up] [Job2:9]

Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, has God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? [the adversary plants doubt to birth unbelief] [Gen3:1]

Yea, rest in Me, waiting upon Me and I shall give you rest. I shall quickly strengthen you, for the hour is late. As spoken to Joshua, Gideon, and David the king, so I say to you, I give you victory. You shall overcome the adversary and all the enemies of the cross, when you do as I command and go where and when I direct you (obey).

Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and You are exalted as head [Christ]above all [1Chro 29:11]

But thanks be to God, which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ [1Cor 15:57]

And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. [ the cross] [Col 2:15]

Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint [Deu 8:15]

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. [Lk10:19]


   […] This is not the time to give up with unbelief. […] With Me, nothing is impossible nor is My arm shortened that it cannot save. Yes, you do believe I can do all things, so would you allow unbelief to come forward to command you now?

Warrior, through My Son, you have all authority. Prepare for another battle. FEAR NOT, for lo, I AM with you. You shall walk by faith and not by sight. […]  Continue to trust Me as you rest in Me, waiting for Me.

    Strength comes. Unbelief dies as faith triumphs! Let all things of the past go now and trust in Me, and as you rest, I shall strengthen you.
Now is not the time to give up in unbelief or quit in hopelessness.

Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.
[Ps 27:14]

Do not look back. Know that you and all that concerns you is in MY most competent hands.

    I tell you the truth. Be wise and fill your lamp with oil. In Me, you shall find strength to overcome and you shall be given white garments. Your name will be found in the Book of Life and My Son Christ Jesus will confess you before Me and before My holy angels.

 When you are strengthened, go and strengthen (encourage) the brethren, and do not tire of speaking to those who are lost and to those held captive. Do not be concerned with the look upon the faces. My love in you must reach out to those in danger of damnation. The mercy I have shown towards you will grant you patience,

Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
And He shall send Jesus Christ, who before was preached unto you
[Acts 3:19, 20]

(Excerpt from – The Door of the Ark is About to Close – August 11, 2011)

Now write a word, for My very Spirit shall speak to you. Did you go astray?  Did you wander from the path? Did you slide backward, only to halt between two places, two opinions? Yet deep within, deep that calls unto deep, deep within, you shouted:

‘No!  I cannot halt between two opinions. I must repent and hope against hope that it is not too late; that though I am unworthy to be called by my Father’s name, perhaps He will let me serve in His house, the lowliest of the lowest, for I am not worthy to be treated as a son.’   

[…]  I come to you as the Father who ran to meet the prodigal son. I will remedy the situation just as I did with Abraham, just as I did with David. I accept your repentance and forgive you. 

I shall wash you clean with the precious Blood of the Lamb and exchange your filthy garments for a clean, white robe, just as I did for Joshua. Yes, I know the difference between the wheat and tares; the sheep and the goats. Yes, I know the difference between the wicked and a just man who falls seven times and rises back up. 

(NOTE: Abba speaks of His Son, Jesus/Yeshua--BP)

For just as David, your heart longs for the pure and the truth. You are willing to receive both correction and chastisement. Forgiveness is granted. Now walk. My word is sealed in your heart; the Blood of the Lamb has cleansed you. 

[…]  Now walk. Walk by faith and not by sight. Stand strong and bold, with your face set as a flint, determined to do My will, for My will is perfect in all that concerns you. Fear not. 

Be determined now not to compromise, not to make excuses or procrastinate, for now is the hour and the time.  Now walk in the spirit, for there is therefore now no condemnation to them who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.  (Rom 8:1)

Have I not told you?  Did I not forewarn long ago that the day comes when I shall separate the holy from the unholy, the clean from the unclean, and the precious from the vile? The day has arrived.
(NOTE: He is calling people to repentance, or be separated. BP)

Cling to the true Vine, o ye branches, for the tares and the dead branches shall be gathered up and burned. Destruction shall come from the north, yea; the east and the west shall know My judgment and the south shall cry out for mercy.

Return unto Me and stand before Me. Separate the precious from the vile and you shall be My mouth. Let those who wrongly judge, mock, and reject, return to you, but do not return to them.  

Though they hate (persecute) you, those who endure to the end shall be saved. I will make you as a fenced brass wall.  (You will be bold and unashamed. Abide and endure, yea again I say, endure to the end; obey as I direct.)  

Those who come against you will not prevail, for I am with you to save you and deliver you. I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked and I will redeem you out of the hand of the terrible. [Jer 15: 19-21] 

The adversary caused you to doubt, even stumble, yet with My hand, I rescue you, for My arm is not shortened that it cannot save. Abide and endure to the end.  Selah

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  [Ps 91:1]  Thus it is written, thus it is true. 
You shall be hated of all men for My name’s sake, but he that endures to the end shall be saved. [Mat 10:22]

Our personal covenant stands; for I AM faithful.  When genuine repentance is with godly sorrow, I forgive. Hold fast and do all that I ask you to do, for the days are darker, and great destruction comes upon the nations. 

There will not be one nation left untouched. Be ye holy for I AM holy. Make your calling and election sure. Be determined to walk upon the narrow path that comes increasingly narrower.  

Remember the Israelites and those before you who chose to rebel against Me. I AM still the same, yesterday, today, and forever. This will keep you upon the right path if you truly do fear Me. 

(NOTE: fear-- honor, revere, awe, respect --BP

As Peter was once asked, I now ask you. Do you love Me? Consider carefully.  Choose wisely. Be faithful and obedient, for now is the time for that which I have foretold.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.  
[Hab 2:3]

Though you have wearied of waiting for all that you know that is coming; know this. It is about to come forth! Remember this and remember this well. After Noah finished building the Ark, he and all with him, waited in the Ark for seven days. 

Seven days more, the people had time to repent; to change their mind and turn from their wicked ways. Then I Myself shut the door, for the door that I shut, no man can open!

As in the days of Noah, so it is today. Heed My words. The door to the Ark is about to be shut.  Come and abide now; abide, abide! Delay will mean sure death. Hold fast to your faith and obey!  Selah

(Excerpt from Time to Do what You Delay in Doing – June 26, 2011

When all around you seems chaos, think hard upon times when I helped you in the past. Did you not feel I had left you? Did confusion try to overpower you? Did you not feel then that it was more than you could bear?

What did you do?  You pressed in, you sought Me and you found Me. I strengthened you to endure. I directed you to praise Me for the spirit of heaviness. I directed you to pray for your enemies and to pray without ceasing. I directed you to My word to strengthen you and to feed you.  I comforted you.

This is what you must remember, for I foretold it. […]

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about, seeking whom he may devour  [1Pet 5:8]

[…]  You do well to remember this:

I allow the tests, the trying of your faith. I allow the trials and tribulations. Did I not warn you of the fire and the water? Did I not say that you will not be burned, nor will the waters overwhelm you?  Beware, lest you are filled with pride, or anger, or bitterness.  

Those who die to self will not give into temptation. Those who stay humble and seek My wisdom and direction will not be seduced or fall into pride about the good works they are doing, or allow division amongst those whom have stood by them in dark days, those whom I have ordained to be – those who are Mine. 

Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Who has saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,  [Eph 2:9; 2 Tim1:9]

I have orchestrated your life, as you surrendered to Me. You do well to remember that I AM Sovereign. 

(NOTE: He reminds me of His providence as well - BP)

My child, be guarded as you take your steps. Wait upon Me to be sure it is time to take a step at all. Wait upon Me to see if it is time for you to move out. Yea, deep within you will know, for I AM He who puts within you the wisdom when you seek truth. 

Wait upon My timing, but do not run ahead. More importantly, do not lag behind, for you know the darkness and you see the time. In your desire to do My will, be sure that you are not going on your own will.

Your faith is being sifted as wheat [a great shaking], just as Peter. I forewarned you. You may feel pain, anger, confusion, frustration - or you may feel justified, righteous - emotions of all kinds.  Beware of flesh. 

Do not surrender to the negative, yea, but neither be swallowed up in pride and self-righteousness. Be meek, be humble before Me. Surrender your life; lay it down and truly die to self.  

With great love, I correct.
In mercy, I discipline.
Lay it all down now.  

Quit saying, I'm not perfect. 
Quit saying, I'm struggling.
Quit saying, I can't right now because...
Quit finding excuses and reasons.

Trust in your Lord with all your heart and lean not to you own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Me and I shall direct your steps. [Prov 3:5, 6]

How can I direct your steps if you will not obey or justify your reasons to delay? What of habitual sin?  Shall I let you go on in your ways, if I did not allow the Israelites in days of old to go on in their ways?  Have I not shown you mercy?  Have I not been longsuffering?  

I will break the chains of bondage when you cry out to Me and trust in Me. Be careful and guard yourself against any sin of presumption. I AM the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Focus on My Son, Y'shua (Jesus) and the end result. Pick up your cross, My child - death is not forever. There is a resurrection that comes after death. Be found WORTHY of Me and let Me prove that I can trust you. 

I am working, not you. Do not look at what you are doing. Look at what I shall do when you truly die to self. Give thanks. It is almost time! Do you not know and do you not say... it shall come suddenly. 

Yea, so it shall. Do not be caught off-guard. Do not delay any longer nor continue on with excuses or reasons.  

Babylon shall fall and the harlot will fall with it. Come out from amongst them.  You are not their Savior; My Son Jesus (Y'shua) is the Savior. (Again, I say) Do not look at what you are doing; look at what I shall do when you truly die to self.

 I speak once, yea twice, but man perceives it not. [Job 33:14]

Press through and onward!  It is almost time for you to see it in the natural. Have joy in your sorrowing. Trust Me in the fire and water, for I will bring you through.   Yea, I am with you. Great tribulation soon begins. Lay down your life now, for you have asked that you be considered worthy to escape that which is coming.

My grace is with you.
There is hope in your despair.
Have faith to do.
Have faith to move.
Love Me enough to obey.

Trust Me enough to do.
Know that I am with you...
As you obey...
As you lay down your life...
As you trust in Me.


(Excerpt from – The Vision Approaches – Be Strengthened – Dec 7, 2011

Do not weary now; do not give up! That which you have waited so long for is soon upon you. 

[…]Did I not warn you that many (false teachers) false Christs and false prophets have gone into the world, deceiving many – deceiving, if it were possible, even the very elect?

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. [Mat 24:24, 25]

The operative word is ‘if’. IF it were possible – it will not be possible if you spend intimate time with Me. Read the word. Get it down deep within your spirit. Listen and obey Me in all that I instruct you to do.

[…] That which must come will soon manifest. War will no longer be a rumor and great tribulation will fall upon all the nations of the world. Now is not the time to give up. If you are weary, come to Me and I will strengthen you. Now is not the time to doubt or give up hope.

My people are urgently alert in their spirit. Prayers go up from their hearts and lips and reach My throne, for I hear their cries. Faint not. My ear is not deaf.  Stand fast a while longer, for soon you shall have the specific details and specific direction that you long for.

Many are not understanding why they have not been given clear direction yet.

It It is written: 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones [Prov 3:5-8]

I have been preparing the inside of the vessels. Yes, first the inside of the vessel, then the outside. There shall be vessels unto honor and vessels unto dishonor.

Has not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? [Rom 9:21]

Prepare yourself, for I have not forgotten you. The preparation has not been easy on My people, but they have not given up. They have and are learning obedience through the things they suffered, just as My Son did. [Heb 5:8]

     The hour of visitation is soon upon the faithful, the children of obedience. They shall go forth, empowered by and filled with My Spirit, to do the greater works. Do you understand now why the enemy seeks to destroy your faith, to render you helpless and seemingly hopeless?  Faint not. Stand in faith. Be strong, yea, be strong!

This world is crying out for truth. Multitudes cry out for a miracle in their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Just as My Christ, Y’shua/Jesus of Nazareth did, the remnant will have My Spirit upon them (and in them), because I have anointed them to preach good tidings to the meek.

I will send them forth to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.  They shall proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of their God.

They will comfort all that mourn. Those that mourn [in Zion] shall be given beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called trees of righteousness, that which I have planted.

My people, the remnant, shall build the old wastes.  They shall raise up the former desolations and repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.  [Is 61:1-4]

Yea, I shall deliver, save, heal and restore.Call forth restoration!

But this is a people robbed and spoiled; for they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivers; for a spoil, and none say, Restore.  [Is 42:22]

For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, says the LORD; because they called thee an Outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeks after. [Jer 30:17]

Only by My Spirit will you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, for My Spirit will quicken the word within you. Yes, many of My people are weary, having lost heart, yet I say, Come close to Me and wait upon Me awhile longer.

You shall rise up with wings as eagles.  You shall run and not grow weary; you shall walk and not faint. [Is 40:31]  I shall strengthen you.
Gird up your loins like a man.  Wait upon Me; again I say, I shall strengthen you.

If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how can you contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein you trusted, they wearied thee, then how will you do in the swelling of the Jordan? [Jer12:5] 

The enemy has his armies in the spiritual, from the foot soldiers to the princes (principalities and powers), and he is raising up his ‘remnant’, his earthly armies.  Yea, he counterfeits all that he sees Me doing, for I am gathering My remnant, and gathering My armies.

Lean on Me. Walk by faith, not by sight.  Keep on the full armor, so that you will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil – so that you will may withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Above all, take up the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. [see Eph 6]

I AM the LORD of the battle. Learn to not look at the circumstances, as hard as it is. Trust Me. Is My arm shortened that it cannot save, or My ear heavy, that it cannot hear? [Is 59:1]

Cast your cares upon Me, for I care for you. [1Pet 5:7] Enter into My gates with thanksgiving and into My courts with praise [Ps 100:4].  A broken and contrite heart I do not despise. [Ps 51:17]  If I am for you, who can be against? [Rom8:31]

Daniel forewarned that in the last days, there would be a wearing down of the saints. [Dan 7:25] The wearing down has only just begun. Gird up your loins; set your face as a flint.  

Overcome (by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony) - greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world [1Jn4:4]

My remnant is scattered throughout the world. In a world of seven billion, My remnant is in the millions. Think upon Elijah who wearied and ran far to sit under the juniper tree when Jezebel threatened to kill him. He had been warring all along against Jezebel and her false prophets, yet he wearied.

It was there, under the juniper tree, that I strengthened him and instructed him.  He had felt all alone, yet I assured him that there were still 7,000 prophets of Mine that had not bowed their knee to Baal. [1Kings 19:18]

Indeed, I AM gathering My armies, yet the enemy is gathering his army also.  He has selected his remnant, those who will be loyal to him.  The battles continue and shall escalate.  

Rest in Me and I shall strengthen you. Every soldier grows weary of the battle. Rest is imperative, in order to be strong enough to enter another battle of the long war. 

The strongest onslaught is just before the victory.

Hold fast to your hope in Me. The time of your vision is upon you. Wait upon Me, for surely, it shall be right on time.

There is an open door, which you can already see through. Take authority. Ancient spirits (familiar, unclean, seducing et al) fight you. I will rebuild the ancient ruins. I will rebuild all that was destroyed and I will restore the long devastated waste places that the enemy left behind. I will restore the years the locusts ate. Trust Me just a little while longer, for surely and truly, I have not forgotten you.

And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, My great army which I sent among you. [Joel 2:25]

For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. [Hab 2:3]

Rain fire is coming... RAIN FIRE shall fall...

Whether it be war or whether it be of the elements; concern not yourself. Cling to the Vine... hear and obey and surely I shall direct your steps.

NOW is the time; NOW is the day of salvation. Do you hear? Do you hear the sound of the shofar? Come, rise up and go forth at My command. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Fear not – simply TRUST.

There is a time and season for everything under the sun. This is your time. This is your season! Be patient – wait.

Lo, I say to thee, Look up, look up... look up! for thy redemption draws nigh.

And Samuel said, Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken (listen) than the fat of rams. [2Sam 15:22]

for His glory alone alone



  1. Dear Sis Bonita,

    Thank you for your articles and thank you for your obedience to JESUS. They ministered to me and I received them. Thank you for your honesty.

    I am led to say this: I forgive you and appreciate you.

    I also want to confess to you of my sins of fear and intimidation, laziness, doubt and unbelief, procrastination. I am sure there are more sins and secret faults in me.

    I am blessed to count you as a Sister in Christ and a friend.


  2. Thank you brother Mike! May the Lord be honoured and glorified for His mercy and fair warnings...


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