In 2021, I
posted an article and named it, “Rejoice Not against me, O my enemy”.
It was obviously written at a time when yet once again, Israel was surrounded
by those who hated Israel and sought to annihilate her, to steal from her that
which God had promised her through Abrahamic covenant. To this day, Satan still
wants to make God a liar, but he cannot.
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First things first. I will present each in the matter of importance. I am sounding the alarm [the shofar] – spiritually! Take heed and hear. The last time I heard the shofar in the spiritual realm was January 2020, just with the words, “It’s time” (not audibly – but spiritually).
I was given
a message to tell a church, the last one I had attended in B.C. (a group of no less
than 25-35 people, aged from youth to elderly, to share a meal at Hanukkah,
Sunday, December 22, 2019) that God (YHWH) was saying that a “spirit
of slumber” had fallen upon many of His people. He was telling us to ‘awake’
(3x), and then to, ‘rise up’.
People were
polite and listened, but they did not ‘hear’. I got the “deer in the
headlights” look. The WHO (World Health Organization) announced that
COVID-19, which had supposedly begun in China in December 2019, was now a
global pandemic.
It was announced
March 11, 2020. Still – few connected the dots between the Sovereign God
warning His people, versus the Luciferian crowd (Freemason, Jesuits) pushing
for their genocidal agenda. A great paradigm shift took place – and – things will
never be the same again.
I sound the shofar again – spiritually. Take heed and listen – take heed and hear! I have made a stand and have chosen the side of YHWH (El Shaddai) and His people.
• It is no time for pretense,
compromise, half-truths (a lie still – because truth is not partial), or
to be a people pleaser.
• It is time to show all who have eyes to see
and ears to hear what it means to truly fear Almighty God, El Shaddai – the healthy
kind of fear
• It is time to love the God of Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might
[strength]. This is the first and great commandment. [Deut 6:2;5; Mat 22:37-38]
• It is time to love your neighbour as
yourself – to love others, by snatching them out of the licking flames of fire.
How? By telling them truth, especially the hard truths that many
are slithering away from these days, and right into apostasy. For shame…
• It is time to be the examples that
I have exhorted us to be consistently throughout this blog, since the time the Holy
Spirit opened my eyes to this truth in the Holy Scriptures.
• It is time for the children of salt
and light, the children of obedience to take a stand.
that time is now. Gentlemen, take the lead please.
We overcome
(Satan, the world, Luciferians (devil worshippers), et al) by the
blood of the Lamb, and the Word of our testimony, and we love NOT our lives
unto death. [Rev 12:11]
This life is temporal anyway; eternity is what we look forward to. When Yeshua/Jesus ascended into heaven, it was with the understanding that:
[1] He was going to prepare a place for His Bride
[2] He will RETURN in the ‘same manner’ in which He ascended
Glory to the Saviour, Redeemer, King and Lord
If what we
stand for goes against popular opinion, but you know that you know that you
know that it is a stand for truth, then set your face like a flint, soldier, and
having done all – stand!
As for me,
I will shout my stand from the rooftops.
Yeshua (my Jesus) is King of kings, and Lord of lords. I am not Messianic, nor am I a Sacred Namer – but I do love all the titles and names of the living God! Thank You for the cross, Jesus/Yeshua.
He has
taught me much. He had to ‘dung’ my roots, cut as much rot as necessary [which was "all of it". He
convicted me of countless sins, accepted my genuine repentance with godly sorrow; washed,
cleansed me in His precious blood, forgave me, filled me with His precious and Holy Spirit. As a new creation, I received
the linen robe He placed upon me.
None shall touch
the glory of God. He alone is worthy; He alone is lifted up – exalted on high.
God of Israel – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I am a disciple/follower of His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ (Yeshua the Messiah) the antisemitism is appalling. Looking at famous quotes lists, I saw one that was paradoxically correct.
"How odd of God to choose the Jews: But not so odd as those who choose the Jewish God, but spurn the Jews." -- William Ewer and T.E Brown
Why are
those who call themselves Christians turning on Israel now? Why has Biden
turned his back? Biden has the ‘spirit of Judas’ – pretending
to be with Israel in all things, but now, there is no reason to remain ‘loyal’
because – he never was loyal…
Why has traitor Ahab—that is Prime Minister Trudeau cutting off Israel, to stop exporting arms to them?
Listen up, Americans; listen up, Canadians. God always sends ample warnings with room to repent. We see this throughout the written records. Nevertheless, we also are aware that His judgment upon an idolatrous, evil nation could include [and often does]:
[1] evil leaders being allowed in places of leadership to shake the people of the nation and to prompt godly sorrow that leads to repentance
[2] evil men to invade a country so the people realize that none can help but God. In other words, it is to draw a wayward, idolatrous, rebellious nation back to Adonai, through His beloved Son Jesus (Yeshua) - repenting with a broken and contrite heart - the Lord draws close to those with a broken, contrite spirit [Ps34:18; Ps 61:17]
Why is everyone turning on Israel? They were the ones who were surprisingly attacked by Hamas militants [terrorists] on that infamous October 7, 2023 at the Tribe of Nova Trance music festival near Kibbutz Re’im in southern Israel.
WARNING: Graphic content in 'Hamas militants' video
Men, women,
children (these groups were all assorted ages), innocently attending a
music festival, who were savagely slaughtered, tortured and kidnapped. Videos that
Hamas took themselves of what they did to innocent little babies was so evil
and so graphic that even secular news stations refused to show the footage.
I have gone over this before, and do not have the time here and now to do it again. Nevertheless, just briefly, last summer, a free badge was being offered if you are a Canadian who stands beside Israel. That is me.
I will always stand with Israel. What I am about to say may
sound harsh, abrasive even, but is it any harsher than the following:
You serpents, you generation
of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?
[Mat 23:33] KJV (Jesus)
But when
he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto
them, O generation of
vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath
to come? Bring forth therefore fruits in keeping with repentance:
[Mat3:7-8] NKJV (John the Baptist)
If you call
yourself a Christian, and you are turning against Israel, the ones who were attacked
by Hamas militant terrorists (at the
cheers of anti-Israel activists who see the attacks as a victory/celebration), you may want to search your heart to find out ‘why’. Israel are God’s chosen people still, whether
some refuse to believe that or not, it matters not. Feelings do not change facts – the Israelites are still El Shaddai’s, the
living God.
The next
smart move would be to go to Jesus/Yeshua, and ask Him if you are right in your
decision. He will not tickle your ears, or tell you what you want to hear. If
He is formed in your image, and agrees with everything you say and do, then you
have a false Jesus – a counterfeit.
The Creator of all will speak truth – you know, the one who is Jewish, not Palestinian, the one from Israel, not Palestine. Yes, Messiah was born in Bethlehem but check out the country's history. Bethlehem History:
The One who was the spotless, gentle Lamb who willingly sacrificed His life, bearing the weight of mankind’s sins, spilling His precious blood upon a rugged cross that must have burned His torn, raw flesh, that tree that many are convinced was an olive tree because the Garden of Gethsemane was filled with olive trees.
You do know
that Yeshua (my Jesus – the name I was personally saved under; English version)
was a Jew (and IS a Jew), and that the Israelites are still El Shaddai’s
chosen people, right? As stated, I am not Messianic, or a Sacred Namer, but I was
a wild branch grafted in to the olive tree – and I am so grateful.
I bought the book Jesus was a Jew, either last year or the year before – long before this last attack. Catchy title, don't you think?! I understand what God promised His people: nothing He says returns void. The God of Israel makes no empty promises – He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Jesus ascended into heaven 40 days after He was resurrected. He walked around and saw folks for a little over a month before He headed home to see His Father. He is the Jewish Passover Lamb. He is returning (soon – cannot give day or hour, but can give a season – hint: >> read Matthew 24 and look around.) He is returning as the victorious warrior King, the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
We keep
looking up – anticipating that moment that in the twinkling of an eye, we who
are alive will be ‘caught up’ (raptured) – I used to be post-tribulation
rapture, but there seems to good evidence for a pre-tribulation rapture. Glory!
We speak of
the great tribulation – the devil has been keeping people in tribulations and
trials since Cain killed Able. The persecutions, martyrs, famines, violence, sex-trafficking,
human sacrifices, witchcraft, the list is endless – we keep watching and
praying; we keep looking up. We encourage others with the blessed hope.
We do not
know the day or the hour, but do we know the season? Nod affirmative! His
imminent return will be as a Jewish Lion of the tribe of Judah…Judah = Jew tribe
(nods affirmatively) I support Israel…and am praying for them. The Lord will
have His remnant that accept Him…already guaranteed that 144,000 (12,000
from each tribe) will be telling folks about His second coming (not to
be confused with the rapture).
Because of Israel’s rebellion, idolatry, and other sins, we Gentiles had the privilege of being grafted in. I am eternally grateful. I do not believe in the replacement theology. This has been mentioned before on this website.
For example, one time I was in a parking lot, waiting for my son. I had prayed about the 'replacement theology' and who the Israelites (ancient Hebrews) were to Him now. Honestly, I cannot remember the exact wording, but it had to do with His people and replacement theology.
No sooner had I prayed and I looked up and this vehicle pulled up into the lot.
Here is an excerpt:
Identifying information (company or phone number) has been blocked out with golden to protect the privacy of whoever it is. Glory to God! Sovereign, indeed.
The Lord loves Israel, but He chose to provoke them
to jealousy to return to Him, and He did that by adopting us (Gentiles),
grafting us in. Do adopted children replace the natural children?
An emphatic NO! We become one family,
there is no separation, competition or hatred. Yet today there is so much
antisemitism, it makes me ill. We were told it would come to this (the
hatred); hearts would wax cold. [Mat 24:12]
For Jesus/Yeshua also forewarned of wars and
persecution; all the things we are to look for that He patiently foretold,
which are recorded in Matthew 24 and Luke 21.
But after warning of the upheaval, Jesus urges us
to look up, for we will see Him coming in “great glory” and “power” [vs
27], lift up your heads, look up [vs 28], our redemption is near. All of
His children today earnestly long for the Messiah’s return!
[End of excerpt]
It seemed antisemitism was noticeable then, and that was in January 2023, and now it is even worse since the Hamas attack. Source of excerpt:
Season of Consequences, the Great and Terrible (Jan 2023)
So, how will it end for God's chosen people? For good, of course.
Who is a God like unto You, that pardons iniquity, and passes by the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy.
He will turn again, He will have compassion upon us; He will subdue our iniquities nd You will cast all their sins into depths of the seas. You will perform the truth to Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham, which You have sworn unto our fathers from the days of old. [Mic 7:18-20]
I do not watch the Chosen series. The are several reasons, but I will give you a couple, but ultimately, it is up to you and the Lord.
[1] It is more entertainment than it is scriptural. Dallas Jenkins himself states that 95% is "made-up"; it is not in scripture. So, people are moved by a Jesus that people have invented for the screen. Think about it...
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed. [Gal 1:8]
It is immediately repeated, albeit slightly reworded:
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel to you than that you have received, let him be accursed.
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. [Gal 1:9, 10]
[2] Jonathan Roumie has publicly admitted that he is now a Knight's Templar. He said: "I'm wearing a mantle and a cross with a little crown on it, a knight's cross. Five years ago, I was knighted by the Order of the Solemn Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, essentially the Knights Templar, which is what that is."
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Knights Templar - same step as 33 degree mason |
Roumie shows his rings.
Lonnie Frisbee was the person that the Jesus Revolution movie was about. Jonthan Roumie has testified to going over to Christ Cathedral to sit by Frisbee's grave and praying the 'rosary' with him. Then he even "lied down because I thought it would be kind of interesting to try to connect in some way..."
The Bible: There shall not be found among you, anyone that makes his son or his daughter to pass through fire, or that uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a with, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. [Deut 18:10-11] (these are abominations to God-vs12)
Christians today are "showing the love", "loving the sinner, hating the sin" - and justifying why they do what was once considered 'taboo'. Of course, that last statement was facetious on my part. It is not love; and the second statement, which people constantly use to defend something is not even in the Bible.
Multiple times over the years it is explained that Ghandi paraphrased something Augustine stated that was similar, but again, worded differently. It sounds 'righteous, but it is not a written in the Bible. It is time to be real instead of 'fluffy buffy'. It is compromise; it is saccharin, not even real deal - and the road gets wider.
The choice, of course, is yours…
Back to - Yes, I Support Israel
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click any picture to enlarge Canadian-Israeli flag top right beside 'Jew' |
If you are not happy that I support Israel, and that I pray that they turn from their evil ways, just as we once had too, then, welcome anyway. Be blessed and shalom in Christ/Messiah. If you prefer to leave, I pray God helps you as He did me, for your good, but for His glory.
Despite the fact that Tel Aviv hosts the largest PRIDE parade in the Middle East, we do have Messianic Jews, brethren there, who are evangelizing, and doing all they can to bring more of the Israelites to the truth about their Messiah.
God is not done with His people, as surely as He is not done with us. What part of I will never leave or forsake you is meant for us 'adopted in', 'grafted in' children only?
When Plagiarism Goes Laziness
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stealing words - Jeremiah 23 vs 30 |
The second thing I wanted to address, which is angering me now because it is almost like it is becoming a mockery – but I serve a fair and just God, whose wisdom far surpasses mine, whose timing is impeccable, and whose ways are as high above mine as the heavens, and as far as the east is from the west.
Those who claim to belong to Jesus Christ – who dare to speak against deception, have the audacity to speak against deception straight-faced, whilst they ‘deceive the people’. The Lord has revealed four plagiarists now.
Three women, one man – only one is clumsy, awkward even in the handling of
their plagiarism, sloppy work, easy to discern. The other three are a little
more practiced in deception it seems, but they forget that greater is HE that
is in me than he that is in the world.
The spirit
of divination is no match for the precious and Holy Spirit.
Someone has been copying many pages in the last two days. Google tracks visitors, as well as pageviews. I have not gotten thousands of visitors in a day, but lately the page views jumped 4,692 in three days. Those were not visitors. Those were pageviews. Heck, I have 57 followers for years now, but I still do as the Lord leads me to do. It is for His glory, not for my reputation or any such thing.
[NOTE*: Update - Some may call it 'coincidence', but sometime between this post and now (which is one month to the day), I lost another subscriber, so I am down to 56. The dividing line is going to get wider the closer we get to Yeshua's (precious Jesus') return.
Some might say, "What a joke! You are not even on the map; no one knows you even exist. Why bother?" My answer would be, "Because every soul needs salvation, and if I can point just ONE to the Saviour, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to be saved, that is better than none. To God be all the glory!"
And...what I mean by 'coincidence' is that the person may not have unsubscribed because of this article (because of me standing with Israel). It could truly be some other reason, but the timing is uncanny. Nevertheless, none of us is promised tomorrow, including me, so yet again, I shout it from the rooftops:
I stand with Israel, and all the TRUE BRETHREN [not the false too] who actually DO believe the entire WORD of God (the Holy Bible), and who understand God truly is the same yesterday, today, and forever - and His word does not return void; His promises are not empty, and God cannot lie.
He made promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (the Patriarchs). There are some people who are asking if the Israel today is still the Israel God made promises to in the Bible? Why would it not be?
Say it was some other country...Rome, for example. Would the Rome today still be the Rome God made promises to in the Bible (hypothetically speaking - I am trying to make a point, even if it is awkwardly).
The people have passed from this life and new people born; however, Rome is Rome -- or -- Israel is still Israel. So yes, the promises God made to Israel back in Abraham's time still stand today.
I stand with Israel. Too many voices are antisemitic, and those voices are the loudest these days.
However, the Lord El Shaddai did warn us of this happening in the last days. Bless the Lord for preparing us. So, 56 or 0 - I stand with Israel, and the living God and His Word. Amen -- End note. BP2024.May25]
Do these preachers and so-called prophets not fear God? I have prayed good for all of you, not evil. (You or someone on your team is reading this, so you ignore the mercy and grace extended by Jesus - it is He who leads me, so it is His doing)
I am not pretending it was not easy...I went through emotions. I have physical things I am dealing with (please do not send me emails saying, no one was saved through hearing about people's sicknesses) (rolls eyes - critical spirits are plentiful, but you fail to understand what the Lord is doing. That is okay - I miss things too and need lessons or repeats) But please do not justify a critical spirit.
It behooves us to realize the Holy Spirit can be grieved, and rightly so...and I can only speak for myself.
There was some wrestling keeping the flesh on the cross...daily. Flesh can be stubborn, strong, and ...selfish, but we must overcome, and we have an incredible helper we call the Holy Spirit. He is dependable, reliable and strong.
There were moments.. I am no super-Christian, that’s for sure. The one who has gleaned
right through the archives, even taking on some of my personal experiences as
their own, using the truth to cover their false doctrines – where poison is 98%
good food, and 2% poison, and it is the 2% that kills (that deceives)... you do know what you are doing. Given your position (and your associates), you are treading on dangerous ground, testing the Lord's patience and mercy...Take heed - consider all aspects carefully, woman.
Yes, as the Lord witnesses my words here; I have prayed good, remembering where God brought me from, and the mercy He showed me. However, God would not continue to condone my sin, nor can yours be condoned.
I will not cover it with a cheap veil of imitation love; that is a fraud, no such thing. There comes a time where we repent, or we are not serious. I will pray no more for the lot of you, unless
led of the Lord.
I cannot
force your repentance, and Jesus /Yeshua will not. Way back in 2005, the Lord said
to people through a prophetic message: ”Choose wisely.” I think there are those who need to heed His
That is all I am saying here for now but keep in mind, since 2012, it has been the “time of revealing”, and it has accelerated, escalated and intensified in the past few years. It is between each of you and the Lord now.
When you saw this as a Year of Fruition and Isaiah 5 vs 20 Intensified, did you think 'fruition' only meant good things? I continually mention the spiritual battle, particularly ramping up as the time for the son of perdition to appear. Fruition can mean the fruits of deception manifesting, as the Lord reveals much hidden.
He is merciful, but He is not foolish, and He is no pushover. He is no 'magic genie', or a "My will is your will" kind of God. He is El Shaddai, Adonai, YHWH, He is I AM that I AM; He is Almighty God- we should tremble in His presence as we breathe in His holiness; His power; all that He is. We can barely handle a wisp...
I do not even get it – you are all so gifted in your own ways, charming - perhaps; charismatic. Surely, the devil has deceived you, or have you a form of godliness, but denied the power of it? Have you underestimated the ‘power’ of the Holy Spirit?
that, or reputation, popularity – and money – have been the strong arm. This
life is temporal. Be careful. Love speaks the hard truths, so I will end with
this – your soul is worth it.
Of how
much sorer punishment, do you suppose, shall he be thought worthy, who has
trodden underfoot the Son of God, and has counted the BLOOD of the covenant,
wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and has done despite unto the
Spirit of GRACE?
For we know
Him that has said, Vengeance belongs unto Me; I will recompense, says
the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge His people.
It is a fearful thing to fall
into the hands of the living God. [Heb 10:29-31]
I will be
returning by tomorrow. Remember when I said that what I am going to present is
now “old news that has not happened yet”? (smiles)
Well, I am going to be discussing the eclipse. What others have stated will be recapped, with links to their work provided. However, I did much on my own in past couple of months, off and on, in-between hindrances and interruptions. This will be challenging to present before Monday…no pressure here.
And two
out-of-town guests are arriving for a day visit and dinner. It is all in God’s
hands. Let me say this. Throughout the years, Y2K, December 2012 (Mayans date),
Planet X, Nibiru, ISON, three days of darkness, major earthquake off the coast,
rapture dates, the Puerto Rico asteroid and FEMA body bags, the blood moons –
the list is exhaustive and that is just since 2005.
All along
the Lord would have me negate them, meaning it seemed I was always going
against the popular grain. The Lord would have me even speak things on the
radio; things like: there will be no three days of darkness; Planet X will not
hit – etc. Yes, I was always glad when the dates passed with nothing happening.
This time
though, the Lord God Almighty wants people to “pay attention”. The entire world needs to repent... A Call to Repentance - Repent, Be holy, A Warning
Shalom in
In the
presence of His glory
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