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Lily of the Valley |
Update: Edited and updated March 22.
It is now Saturday, March 22 [2024] - I have no words - trying to explain is redundant. Keep trusting Jesus, He NEVER FAILS.
Aiming for (shake my head) weekend to post... (may the Lord bless the patient ones and those of understanding...) Thank you!
And praise God, indeed, for His Word is true...
Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God. [Mat 5:9]
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. [Prov 15:1]
Sometimes people are upset over something that has nothing to do with us, but we may end up being the sounding board or where someone may aim at, as a target ('safe' territory). We are in a real war, and our adversary is not flesh and blood.
The Word of Adonai is knowledge, and to speak and to pray it is wisdom. Trusting God's Word and putting it into action -- the wise counsel of the Creator of all things never returns void!
This the Holy Spirit taught me years ago, and I have shared it as often as led over the past 16 years on this blog. People come and go on the net (understandably), so the Lord has often had me repeat things. He is wise, knowing the end from the beginning, and seeing all things, even that which people think are hidden.
(The WORD is LIFE; it is alive - the WORD is Spirit and it is truth!).
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the WORD is Spirit and Truth |
It is how we behave and who we are with those closest to us, and also how we act when no one is watching... THAT is what our LORD sees. Do we bear good fruit? Do we truly walk in the love of Jesus?
He does not expect perfection, all of us can flop at times. But He does expect us (as mature Christians) to walk -- to be a child of light and salt; to be an example. To put our lessons into practice. Remember, the Holy Spirit is our Helper.
When we accept correction throughout our walk with the Lord, we learn. It means putting His Word, and our lessons, into action. It requires obedience to His Word. It requires love - it requires trust - it requires humility.
He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you? But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. [Micah 6:8]
(End update - BP)
In this fast-moving season of the last of the last days where new news is old by the end of the day (thanks to the internet and multiple social media platforms and outlets), what I will be posting will be old news that has not happened yet.
(Do you love a good mystery or puzzle? lol) It is actually simpler than it sounds and may earn an eye roll once the reader sees what it is because by now, as "old news" many have spoken about this, but hey, we all could use a good smile these days, yes? - even if it is a lopsided one.
Meanwhile, as the Lord told me over a year or more ago - "Look to the skies"
Look Up
Evidence seems to point to Satan, the prince of the power of the air, with a plan to present one of his major great deceptions, such as an 'alien invasion' (demonic onslaught), who will bring forth the earth's 'saviour', which would in reality be the Antichrist, the son of perdition.
Many will embrace such an appearance, as they promise world peace and security, which will be allowed because it may be part of the strong delusion that God sends to those who would not believe the truth (gospel, Jesus/Yeshua), but would rather believe a lie.
I say "part" because any alien invasion would be an illusion/deception covering up who they really are. God would allow it 'as part' of what El Shaddai said He would send to those who reject His Son.
It is just a thought of mine, because scripture clearly speaks of the time when the Wicked (lawless one) is revealed. Yet, a strong warning to those who will listen. (God's people know the following.) Deception should be seared on every 'aliens' forehead because they will actually be demons manifesting themselves, and speaking forth lies.
And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming:
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. [2 Thess 2:9-12]
There is talk that these 'aliens' will convince people that they are 'here to help humankind'. People will be told that humans have made a 'mess of everything' and are on a collision course to destroy themselves and the planet, unless we allow them to intervene and help us.
They may appear at the beginning of the great tribulation [the day of the Lord, Jacob's trouble, God's wrath], or after the rapture - no one can say for certain. We have already been putting up with Satan's wrath (his venomous hatred) since the Garden of Eden, which has steadily worsened since Messiah's ascension.
However, with the way U.S. government stumbles with its UFO coverup, along with how some Airforce and/or Navy commanders are now admitting strange sightings of UFOs/UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), with mainstream media [MSM] wholeheartedly reporting the same, it is a no-brainer that this is all part of the globalist's agenda.
Speculation and conjecture about the 'good intentions' of the aliens are plentiful because any information that certain individuals claim to have through 'communicating' with an alien or aliens, was gained through 'channeling' (occult). It is not of God, but of the dark side.
There are documents, reports and articles written that reveal the advanced technologies of the world's governments that the public is not privy to. Only recently (last decade or so) have leaks been more forthcoming as the day of the son of perdition's appearance draws near.
The Good News
For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Therefore, comfort one another with these words. [1Thess 4:16-18]
As we see the signs all around us of the great tribulation about to begin, those of us in Christ who long to be with Him, keep watch - we keep praying. We keep looking to the skies because our redemption draws nigh.
We look forward to the pre-trib rapture so that we can fully embrace the presence of the Lord because we will be with Him for eternity. Meanwhile, we urge those who do not know Jesus (Yeshua) to think about where you will be after you pass from this world.
Even a child learns of death early, as they see a squished bug or a beautiful flower dies. This life is temporal, but there is such a thing as eternity. God is real; our Creator Jesus (Yeshua to the Israelite) is real.
Jesus is the only way back to a loving, living God. He died in our place upon a rugged cross, shedding His precious blood - for US, all who will believe! He took the death we deserve. He died so that we could live.
But He was resurrected from the grave on the third day, and ascended into heaven after 40 days, with many witnesses. Jesus is the Way back to the heavenly Father. He is the Way we are reconciled back to God Almighty [El Shaddai], and He is the one who forgives our confessed sins, never to be recalled again.
He is the Messiah(Anointed One) who is soon returning for His Bride, and for the Body of Christ. Believe Jesus, believe God raised Him from the dead. Pray to Him, confess your sins with godly sorrow, and receive forgiveness.
None of us know the day or the hour that Jesus is returning to catch us all up with Him, but we know the season.
Are you willing to take a chance and be left here to go through the great tribulation? And which one of us is promised tomorrow? I am not trying to use fear to motivate you. I am stating well-known facts regarding life.
In His wisdom, and in His mercy, God protected everyone from knowing the day of their death. If we live long enough to understand the frailty of life, could anyone possibly enjoy life, knowing exactly how long they had to live?
As a person who was forgiven of many sins, and I do mean many (too many to count), I speak out of love as one who has been there. I am merely stating facts so that you can make an informed decision. Every person who ever was, and who is now, has missed the mark. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Dear soul, I repeat, none of us knows the day or hour of our Lord's return. We [are instructed to] keep sober, watchful and prayerful. Out of love, Christians keep reaching out.
But the end of all things is at hand: therefore, be sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent love among ourselves: for love shall cover the multitude of sins. [1Pet 4:7-8]
The Saviour keeps reaching out. Grab the hand of Jesus and open up your heart to Him -- He is the very One you can trust... but He forces no one.
I will fail you. Others will fail you... but Jesus never fails! Choose wisely...
in the presence of His glory
Bonita dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com
Amen, thank you for sharing your messages. Always an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteMay you be blessed by the Lord. 🙏
Thank you, anonymous. Likewise - may the blessings return to you doubly. Bonita