Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thought; let him return to the Lord, that He may have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. [Is 55:6-7]
In Your Darkest Hour, Allow Victory to Embrace You
There are two coins I
stumbled upon when I was packing up to move again (March 2021),
the second time in six months, starting just a few months after Covid-19 was
announced as a pandemic. The lockdowns and fear seemed to cause people to panic and act in extraordinary ways - and not always positively.
To this day I do not remember having the coins in my possession, but there they were, oddly, yet nicely positioned in a candy dish filled with mints.
One interesting
tidbit that I will throw in here to prove that nothing takes God by surprise,
and that He truly does know the end from the beginning – not to mention His omnipresence
Some might call it
‘coincidence’ in how the verse about Moses building an altar to honour the God
of Israel when He gave them victory in the battle, and called the altar Jehovah-Nissi,
ended up being verse seventeen (17) in the book of Exodus.
The Biblical meaning of the number 17 is: “overcoming the enemy” – “complete victory”. According to the bible study website, Yeshua (our Jesus) was resurrected from the grave on Nisan 17, proving Messiah’s victory over death then, now and into eternity!
For an interesting read, the above information and more is found at:
The Lord went ahead
of King James translators as they divided the words from the Septuagint into chapters and verses.
Only the living, Sovereign God could have orchestrated that. Romans 8:28 comes
to mind, as does Romans 8:38.
When the Israelites
fought against the Amalekites during their wilderness journey, as long as Moses
held his arms up, the Israelites would gain advantage over the opposing army.
But arms can only be held up so long before they tire and ache, and must be
brought back down to a resting position. Aaron and Hur caught on quickly.
They each took hold
of one of Moses’ arms until the Israelites overcame the Amalekites, ending the
battle victoriously. The Commander-in-Chief, Almighty God, was the Lord of the
battle, and it was He that brought victory.
He is the same
yesterday, today and forever. With a grateful heart, Moses built an altar and
called it, Jehovah-Nissi. The banner was visible to all the Israelites, and
called for a celebration to honor their triumphant God!
Is the Watchman
Was I off-duty as a
watchman by not mentioning Gaza in a prior post when I kept coming across
scripture in late August and September 2023? I did not take it to the Lord. Learning
is part of the faith journey.
The Holy Spirit did
sharpen my observational skills with the repetitive appearance of the word, but
there was no nudging of my remembrance by Him during my prayer times. I have forgotten who, but someone mentioned that they had a word of knowledge regarding the surprise attack. How tragic that Israel was sadly caught
Again, we do not
understand certain times when God does not warn us in advance of catastrophic
events such as that malicious evil attack. However, as hard as it is to say and
realize, things must begin to align in the physical realm in order for all of prophecies
in the Bible to be fulfilled.
I do know that God
does not reveal everything to one person, which is likely further mercy to keep
a person from pride or ego.
Another word that has
repeatedly shown up, just as randomly in the past month is Zion,
a name associated with Jerusalem, or Israel. I started this article after the one
posted on the second day of February (2024). Is something to take
place in Jerusalem?
It is now March 5, as
I write this portion and just today ‘Zion’ came before my eyes again;
this time in a song as opposed to scripture. There are people who are still
angry that Jerusalem was made the capital of Israel. Mount Zion, apparently the
easternmost of two hills outside the Old City walls of Jerusalem, is said to
be where God dwells. There is so much to pray about these days.
Demonic Activity
Back to the October
2023 warning, posted October 12…
Although I understood
the Lord was warning of an increase in witchcraft rituals, spells and
sacrifices globally, terrorists had not entered my mind at the time.
Nevertheless, when a prophetic word was given about the Muslim brotherhood in
2012, I remember thinking how a majority of terrorists were either evil-hearted or else demon-possessed. How else could they carry out such
That older message also
mentioned sleeper cells being in the USA (as well as Canada and Mexico), who
were merely awaiting instructions before they uncover themselves. I believe the millions streaming into the USA through
the Mexican/Texas border is evidence that the time of uncovering (sleeper
cells) must almost be at the point of fruition.
Noting that at the
same time, our government is bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants
into Canada, with the government setting up all manner of accommodation for
them, providing credit cards to certain select ones, as well as cell phones, whilst Canadian citizens are living in tent cities.
It is like a silent war is being fought against the American people, particularly in Texas, with Arizona and California being close seconds, as illegal immigrants rush in like a tsunami. Although Canada has brought in hundreds of thousands of immigrants, the difference is that they are ‘legal’ immigrants.
If we have any illegal ones, then they are the ones who managed to stay if they were turned down, but at the speed they are coming in, how does anyone filter them out if they are in one of the big cities, or go incognito in a tent city?
But now with Biden allowing hundreds of thousands over the border, and many with illegal IDs [fake identification], he is flying some to different states. It would be easy for them, with ID, to exit the States and cross over into Canada. Biden and Trudeau seem to be eager to let gain the favour of the immigrants.
Trudeau’s plan is officially set at “welcoming 485,000 new permanent residents" in 2024, 500,000 new permanent residents in 2025 (that is just 15,000 shy of one million people in one year). After that, the number stays at 500,000 new permanent residents in 2026, and each year thereafter, with no 'cut-off' date mentioned.
I think of King Solomon who was cautioned by God not to marry foreign wives because they would lead him astray to worship their [false] gods. [1Kings 11:1-4] The king did end up building altars for sacrifices and temples for the idols, in order to please his wives. God fairly warned him, but lust is strong, selfish, and blind.
Apparently, it allows for “sustainable population growth”. Justin Trudeau is one of Klaus Schwab's Youth Global Leaders, along with the majority of governmental heads.
Newsflash: Whenever you see anything with the word “sustainable” attached, think World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab’s utopian world. "Sustainable" is a WEF, 'Great Reset' (NWO-New World Order) buzzword, and one of Klaus Schwab’s pet words.
Do we even mention the 102 illegal Chinese police stations, five of which are in Canada, and three located in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). The rest are spread out in 53 countries, in places such as the United States, Budapest, Dublin Ireland, Italy, France, Britain, Netherlands, et al.
Trudeau is on record as saying he admires the ways of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) so there will be no real pressure put on the R.C.M.P. from him for them to investigate.
Operation Fox Hunt, a Chinese government "anti-corruption campaign" (a covert global operation) apparently targeted 57-year-old Wei Hu, who lived on a property in British Columbia (Harrison Lake) in a gated $2.8-million property.
There are others who claim to be targets of foreign interference, and finding it difficult to stay clear of the clutches of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). Mr Hu, father of three, apparently committed 'suicide' in July 2021.
With the Chinese police stations scattered around in 53 countries globally, I cannot help but wonder if they are stepping into the shoes of the United States, and becoming the new 'world police'.
FBI reported that one US target was advised to "return to China promptly or commit suicide."
A friend (speaking with press only on the agreement of anonymity) disclosed that someone online sent Hu a warning, threatening that he knew where Hu's children attended school.![]() |
protesters against Israel, and for Palestinians (Hamas) |
As Christians, especially as a Gentile, or a 'wild olive shoot' grafted into the olive tree, I am appalled at the rise of antisemitism that is growing stronger globally. I have even heard of this being amongst Christians - Christians! how can this be?
But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches.
If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you. Then you will say, "Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in." That is true.
They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will He spare you.
Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in His kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off.[Rom 11:17-22] ESV
Despite certain false doctrines (teachings) the church has not [repeat >> NOT] replaced Israel - it has not replaced God's chosen people. It shocks me how many protests are taking place around Canada (and the world), but given the influx of immigrants over the past five years, and particularly since 2020, it should not be surprising. The day is coming where the immigrants will outnumber Canadians that were born here.
This shifting of people in mass volumes globally, due to wars, persecution, extreme poverty, and more, is not without design. Refugees from one of the several countries in Africa that are facing famine, terrorism, and other such crises, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, Palestine, Venezuela, et al, are all seeking a place where they can escape the horrors of their homeland.
There are those with wealth beyond measure that can accomplish unbelievable things through funding. The power of wealth and the control that comes with it is a reality, as is the temptation of material gain and sexual immorality.
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temptation of Yeshua-Jesus |
It was one of the strong temptations Satan offered Jesus during His fast in the desert wilderness, just prior to the start of His ministry. He rejected the temptation. [Mat 4:9]
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of the world. [1Jn 2:16] KJV
All sin falls into one of the above categories, with many covering all three areas.
Satan has his earthly agents as well. Some are just evil souls like those in Sodom and Gomorrah, or those destroyed in the Great Flood. Others are demon-possessed people, and/or Luciferians sold out to their 'god', who are doing whatever it takes to ready the world for the son of perdition, the Lawless one - the Antichrist.
What we are witnessing today is part of a plan that was conceived in the Garden of Eden when God cursed the serpent, and revealed His plan for salvation in time to come. Satan is a counterfeiter, a copy-cat. God revealed a plan to save humankind, and Satan began a plot to destroy God's creation.
As a contractor, my son has been working on the complete gutting and renovation of a large motel for the last year and a half in a suburb just outside Toronto's city limits. A group of anti-Israel protesters were a short distance up the street at an intersection, protesting in favour of the Palestinians, back in January. The protests continue, even into March now.
He shot a short video but I do not know how to upload videos on this site from a cell phone. The above picture is not from the location where my son works and protesters gathered, but it was another group further into the city of Toronto.
A couple of months ago, he was informed that the motel will become a place of refuge for Ukrainians and other refugees [from unnamed countries] . He received that information around the same time as the protest near the motel occurred.
This is but a part of the ‘global exodus’ the Lord was speaking of back in 2009 and 2011. In the former year, I took note, but placed it on a back burner on low, or maybe in a cold oven, meaning I did not give it much thought.
However, the second time, in late 2010 or 2011, He impressed upon me that the global 'exodus' would be due to war, persecution, famine, disease etc. No ‘transfer of wealth’ was mentioned, which is a teaching that came from one scripture [Prov 13:22], taken out of context.
It is a precious blessing when the Lord leads us to brethren who confirm what we believe to be true. We are to be one in Messiah Jesus, one body, with Yeshua as the Head, working together to point to the Way (the one and only way) back to God, which is through His only begotten Son, Yeshua (our Jesus).
A solid article regarding the last days 'transfer of wealth', scripturally based and well-balanced, was written by a man named Michael Battle, at his website, Rooted and Grounded in Christ
The link is provided for your discernment. For what it is worth, I agree with what he has written. If you read it and are unsure, please, as we are exhorted to do in scripture, take it to the Lord in prayer.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication [petitions] with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God. [Phil 4:6]
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Egypt is preparing an area at the Gaza border to accommodate Palestinians in case an Israeli offensive into Rafah prompts an exodus across the frontier... [...] |
Looking at the above, if God has 'reversals' planned (for the good), would Satan not create a counterfeit, a 'copy', (for to 'steal, kill, destroy') as he always does? Egypt 'receiving' those in EXODUS -- how ironic is that?!
However, now the secular world is calling the global crisis 'the root of exodus'. Instead of fleeing from harsh task masters, the powers that be are emptying some countries, or leaving them in shambles, and transferring people by the droves to other countries, and into the welcoming hands of taskmasters who will eventually turn on all the people in order to bring down the numbers [genocide] in fell swoops.
Yet again, in the
October 2023 warning that I posted, terrorists were not forefront in my mind; witchcraft, Satan, and spiritual warfare were. But surely, given the number of people killed, and
the way they were killed, multitudes of all ages shot at point-blank range as they
fled for their lives or tried to hide under or in vehicles, one can see the evil
work of Satan manifested!
Gaza and Warning
of Darkness, War and Famine
The word Gaza
continued to be highlighted for a couple of months, up until the end of September.
My emails are way
behind, but late last week, I came across an article titled: The Day the
World Changed, by Jan Markell of Olive
Tree Ministries, written back
on the second of January, 2024, over two months ago. I concur wholeheartedly with what Jan states
in her article.
The increase in
antisemitism, even amongst Christians, is astounding. People are blaming Israel
for the war that ensued after the Hamas terrorists made the initial attack,
moving swiftly and killing in cold blood. WSJ-Wall Street Journal-short vid only
It seems that a
majority of the world is against Israel now, and in support of Palestine, despite the massacre of men, women, and children, including the elderly and
babies (approx. 360 people), plus
the kidnapping/hostage taking combined. It absolutely crushes the very spirit! The last I heard, 130 hostages still remain, but whether they are dead or alive, I know not at this time.
The biblical prophecies are wholly coming to pass. It astounds me as nation upon nation turn their backs on Israel, and the audacity of taking them to International Court for warring and trying to save the hostages back alive is surreal. Every war has casualties of the innocent.
Notwithstanding, taking a country to court for defending itself against heartless and brutal attackers, who killed innocent civilians, ranging from infants to the elderly, and kidnapped a significant number, is beyond reason.
Again, I agree with
Jan Markell, and stand alongside her spiritually. Her article can be read at: Harbingers Daily Even if we stand on the side that the ‘global’
majority oppose, we stand on the same side as El Shaddai, Almighty God. And that is
unequivocally the winning side of hope and VICTORY!
Like it or not, the fact remains that these are God’s
chosen people, and it is the land promised. The Lord God made an everlasting
covenant with Abraham. [Gen 15:17, 18]. Some may say that was the Old
Testament. Fast-forward to the New Testament times, to a time after the
resurrection and ascension of the Messiah.
The validity and
establishing of the Abrahamic covenant was recorded in the book of Hebrews. “For
when God made promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no greater, He
swore by Himself, saying, Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I
will multiply you. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the
promise.” [Heb 6:13-15]
Some would say those words are still over 2000 years old. I would say that 'some' will not be satisfied with any answer except the one they want to hear, even at the cost of truth. As for me, I say: So it is written, so
it is and shall be!
Although I am
shocked at the global reaction, I should not be. It will be people just like
this, the ‘global majority’ in that day, who will war against
Messiah Jesus/Yeshua when He returns to reign for a season. Move over, Jan Markell; I stand with you
and all the brethren who have eyes to see, discern the truth, and have
Haman was an evil
Prime Minister (vizier) for the Persian King Ahasuerus [Artaxerxes], who
was the husband of Queen Esther. Haman hated the Jews with a demonic passion;
desiring to wipe them out entirely, but he had no idea that the queen was
Haman convinced the
king to allow him to send out a decree, sealed with the king’s signet ring,
ordering the annihilation or extermination of every Jew (men, women, and
children) in the Persian kingdom. [Esther 3:8-11]
The king’s wife,
Esther, was Mordecai’s first cousin, the daughter of his uncle. When her
parents died, Mordecai took Esther under his wing like a daughter. Now that she
was queen, he urged Esther to take a great risk, to go before her husband, the
king, on behalf of their nation, and plead for the lives of the Jews.
Going before the king
when he did not summon a person meant sure death, even for the queen, unless he
held out the scepter, which granted pardon and stayed the hand of an executing
Mordecai’s words to
For if you keep
silent at this time, liberation and rescue [deliverance] will arise for the Jews from another
place, and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you
have not attained royalty ‘for such a time as this?’
[Esther 4:14]
It meant risking her
life to go before the king unsummoned, despite being his wife and queen. Her response was to
first call a three day fast [no food or drink], commanding all Jews in
Susa, as well as her handmaidens, to join her. [Esther 4:16]
The God of Israel
defeated the enemy. Haman was hung on the gallows he had constructed out of hateful
pride for Mordecai. Since the demonic decree of Haman was sealed with the
king’s signet ring, it could not be canceled.
However, there was a
victorious outcome because God is a Sovereign God! A unique reversal was
created. Instead of the Jews being murdered in an onslaught by aggressors in a
single day, the Jews were now allowed to defend themselves by killing any
aggressor in a counterattack. Talk about poetic justice!
The impossible reversal occurred for the sake of the Jews, but for the glory of God!
[...] for such a time as this?
Or how folks relate today, and observing the times we are in - the late hour, the extended sentence seems to be appropriate for our time as well:
[...] and who knows whether you are come to the kingdom for such a time as this? [Esther 4:14]
Those last six
words have become famous and are echoed by the hundreds of thousands globally,
over the years, but especially this last century.
Such a thing can
still be accomplished when a people seek God prayerfully with faith and a
trusting heart. Perhaps a fast would also be involved. The Holy Spirit will
guide your steps. We do not know the will of God in certain things, but we can
pray, and wait for His answer. Faith can move mountains.
And He said to
them, “Because of your meager faith; for I say to you, if you have faith the side of a mustard seed, you will
say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there, ‘and it will move; and nothing
will be impossible for you.” [Mat 17:20] NASB
Again - only God knows the
end from the beginning. Another book in the Bible with chapter seventeen (17)
heralding victory, or a victorious outcome with faith as the propeller. As
shown earlier, the biblical meaning of 17 is victory.
Trust Jesus in the
wait… trust Him with the outcome. Never give up hope in our God! Although we
will never know all things upon this earth, we know God is good. We can rest in
His love. This world is not our home – and our Messiah is soon-returning.
The Spirit of
The ‘spirit of Haman’ is alive and as evil as ever, and it exists in the terrorist groups. Whenever I see Hamas, the wicked Haman comes to mind, from the days of Esther. Are the two names not hauntingly close, with only one letter at the end changing? And both set with the malicious intent of annihilating the Jews.
The ‘s’ in Hamas
could stand for ‘Satan’ because he is the one who influences people to become
terrorists. He is the one who instills hatred, and blurs the lines that define
truth. I thought that was pretty clever, connecting Hamas with Haman, but then I had to grudgingly put a pin in my own balloon to quickly deflate it because as time went on, I realized that many
others made the connection too.
Not only did I not inquire of the Lord when I kept seeing the word Gaza when I was reading the Bible over the course of a couple of months (August-September 2023), but I also forgot about a message posted on January 31, 2023. Below is a portion. Link is here: Season of Consequences-Anoint the Shield
Scroll down a short way until you see the 2023 picture under the title ‘Year of 2023’
Then, in a different article, in the “Clash” series, Prt 3 called Truth or Deception, I speak of the Lord’s warning of a “storm brewing”, and in 2023, it is mentioned that we were still in the ‘calm of the storm’, until nearing year end.
[Excerpt begins...]
• PREPARE – a word strongly upon
my heart for 2023. In the first part of the Season of Consequences, the Lord
mentioned a “storm brewing”. Right now, we are in the time of the ‘calm
before the storm’.
war - word keeps returning to my heart (civilian and nation - international)
famine (many
will go hungry)
digital currency (wallet) - there is a major push by many governments of the world
The ‘calm’ most
certainly will not last out the year. How long I do not know, but as the Lord
has requested, take intimate time with Him, pray and wait on Jesus/Yeshua daily
for His guidance.
In doing
so, late September comes to mind where I see a darkness. Late November and
December, another wave of darkness (heavier, foreboding). I believe that
is what the Lord revealed to me.
The Lord
had me repeat words that He had given me in 2018 (October) about a storm
brewing. It was written in:
Truth and Deception, Clash- Prt3 - Don’t Give Up Just before the Finish Line
At that
time (Oct 2018), being “shaken” was also mentioned, and removing things that
were not of Jesus. There was mention to warn those who slept through the
clarion call. Back then the call was about repentance, which is why the Lord
compared me to Jonah when I procrastinated in giving the message.
[End excerpt]
Five years have
passed since 2018, when the warning of the ‘storm brewing’ was first mentioned.
The words, “escalating”, “accelerating”, and “intense" [intensity]” were repeated, with
the first two words first impressed heavily upon my heart in 2018.
As previously
mentioned, the Lord does not tell one person everything, which I reiterated
that even that is an act of grace [FIVE is the number for grace] on the part of the Most High God, Adonai. Faithful
is He who fairly warns us, giving us plenty of time to ‘prepare’
(another word for 2023) as you can see.
One last thing was
the mention of famine. According to a report put out March 4, 2024,
international aid organization are reporting famine (starvation and hunger) by
at least half a million people in Gaza. Is it fact or fiction? Pictures are conflicting.
According to some reports, people are stampeding
when food is air dropped or aid and supplies arrive by trucks, resulting in
some being crushed in the stampede. Some have been run over by trucks, and others reported to
have been shot. Read more at SOURCE:
I found it
interesting that in the previously-mentioned article written by Jan Markell called
“The Day the World Changed”, she mentions Isaiah 5:20. She was
referring to the world calling evil good (global support of Hamas through
Palestine), and good evil (Israel defending itself and trying to save
the hostages remaining alive). The way the Lord works throughout the Body
of Christ is perfect.
Jan posted that
article before I posted Just Awhile Longer (about three weeks later), mentioning what the
Lord had impressed upon my heart – 2023 Year of Fruition and Isaiah 5v20
Our stand must be
sure these days. Pray for courage, strength to endure and boldness, despite the
great evil that is darkening the world. We must be that light that penetrates
through both the darkness, and through the fog of [spiritual] war. I stand on
God’s side, anchored to the firm foundation of His Word, giving glory to the
King, Jesus. And I stand for Israel.
Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. [Eph 6:13]
Expounding on
the Fruition and Evil Intensified for 2024
Hopefully it was made
abundantly clear in the previous article [Satan Deceives the Whole World] that the ‘dragon’ (aka Satan/Lucifer) does
not have exclusive rights on this year. Starting off the year ferociously with the situation in Israel (Gaza and Palestinians), once again placed fear among the masses. But when we look to the Word, we regain stability with God's wisdom.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. [2Tim 1:7]
Also, when we continually embrace and walk in God's love, it dispels fear. It is written that fear has torment, but perfect love (which is agape [God's] love) casts out fear. [1Jn 4:18]
The Lord Jesus/Yeshua
impressed upon me that 2024 is not wholly the beast’s year, yet the increase in
evil will be seen and known in every arena this year, as we move quickly toward
the time of the devil’s wrath – the time of great tribulation. The prophet Amos warns about those who 'desire' the Lord's day, likely not realizing it speaks of God's wrath and judgment. [Amos 5:18]
It will be seen in
the political arena, especially with this being an election year for several
countries. Although not only are people watching Israel, but they are also
following what is happening in the United States - the strategic fall of an empire.
It baffles me that
despite his age, his struggles with cognitive weakness, and his obvious
mishandling of many serious issues, including the border control fiasco, that Joe
Biden appears to be running almost neck-to-neck in the
presidential race (if the statistics can be trusted), with Donald Trump slightly in the lead. Apparently, that 'statistics' site updates daily, but whether it is a legit site is questionable.
Biden’s nod of
approval despite the overwhelming and unbelievable influx of illegal immigrants
with few, if any, being properly processed, is beyond disappointing given his leadership position. With the mix of various countries
taking advantage of the situation (including even the Chinese),
terrorists can easily join the mix incognito. It has been noted that volumes of illegal immigrants are military-age.
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Add to that the fentanyl epidemic with millions of dollars’ worth being smuggled in at alarming rates, whilst the Mexican cartels take advantage of the chaos at the border. Texas is only one state with border crossings, as Arizona and California also have numerous p.o.e. (points of entry) as well.
Fentanyl can be found in heroin, cocaine, meth
[methamphetamine], and even in ‘prescription’ drugs such as counterfeit opioids
that are laced with the killer drug (counterfeits of Adderall®
codeine [Tylenol®3s+], hydrocodone [Vicodin®], oxycodone
Percocet®, Xanax®, et
China and India were the two main suppliers of fentanyl in North
America, first and foremost into Mexico, but both countries have clamped down,
enforcing tougher regulations to establish national control. However, the love
of money is a strong seduction, and temptations are easy.
In both countries, precursors [pill presses, stamps
and dies] were created to be “used to clandestinely [covertly,
secretly] manufacture fentanyl”. As for ‘pill presses’, B3 on Exhibit 2,
found at the link below, reveals that in Mexico, powered drugs with fentanyl are cut
(diluted), or pressed into counterfeit prescription pills, all of which
furthers distribution and profit.
Jesus strongly warned about deception in the days just
prior to His return. An article written a year ago, in January 2023, confirms
Jesus’ prophetic warning, as well as confirms who is behind it all – Satan, the
father of lies, the master of deception.
Under the title, A Deadly Deceit, is the one-liner: “Deception
is one of illicit fentanyl’s most lethal qualities, its threat concealed by its
many guises.” SOURCE: [Devin
Monk/ Reporter]
Deception always goes
hand-in-hand with ‘witchcraft’ and ‘sorceries’. In several places in the Bible,
the Greek word “pharmakeia” is used, which is where the English word ‘pharmacy’
is derived.
Strong’s defines pharmakeia as: medication
(“pharmacy”), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally and figuratively):
--sorcery, witchcraft
Thayer’s Greek Lexicon defines pharmakeia:
• the use or the
administering of drugs
• poisoning
• sorcery, magical
arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
• metaphorically the
deceptions and seductions of idolatry
[Gal 5:20:
witchcraft; Rev 9:21: sorceries; Rev 18:23: sorceries]
Without getting into
the topic heavily, and to keep things in their proper perspective and context, the biblical usage of the word ‘pharmakeia’ seems to be linked with
witchcraft, idolatry, pagan worship, the mixing of potions to poison, seduce,
or abuse in one form or another (sexual/temple prostitutes, drunkenness,
preparing victim for blood sacrifice, etc.)
The Lord is not against medicine because the book of Revelation [22:2]: […] …”and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Also, the National Library of Medicine lists five medicinal plants they found in the Bible, which are:
• fig [Ficus carica]
• nard [Nardostachys
• hyssop [Origanum
• balm of Gilead [Commiphora gileadensis]
• mandrake
[Mandragora officinarum]
NIH states that
no less than “18 medicinal plants are mentioned in old Jewish
post-Biblical sources, in addition to those in the Bible. Most of these plants
(15) are known also in Egypt and Mesopotamia while three are from Egypt
SOURCE: National Library of Medicine (NIH – National Institute of Health)
Suffice it to say
that “pharmakeia” can be linked to modern-day drug lords, or purposely knocking
it down some pegs to include drug dealers and traffickers. Witchcraft and sorcery suggest
sinful, unlawful, evil and pagan activities linked to the drug usage. It is
used for the controlling and manipulation of individuals for some wicked agenda.
That is the
importance of proper perspective and context when reading or using scripture. The
illicit or unauthorized use of drugs is set apart from medicine concocted for
the purpose of healing.
In the Bible,
Luke was known to be a physician, despite the power to heal that the apostles
were gifted with. There was no competition; the Lord can use any means He deems
necessary for the end result He determines to accomplish.
Fruition and
With what is going on in Israel with the war, and the surreal antisemitism, along with the fiasco at the southern U.S. border, we can easily see evil intensified and coming into fruition.
'Good' is being demonized, as persecution in the West begins to intensify with pastors being jailed for various good acts, some deeds being as innocent as food or blanket distribution among the homeless and destitute.
Yet, we also see more
ripples, more waves of revival being heard of, particularly in third world
countries, but also through small corridors in the United States. Depending how
the Lord leads, I will follow up on this in a few articles, but spiritual
warfare and witchcraft, the last entry in the Season of Consequences is set to be posted shortly.
For several years now
(since about 2012), it has been mentioned how good is being called evil,
and evil good, not just in my posts, but in Christian circles around the world. We have watched this take place globally to such degrees and
advancements that we now hear the words of ‘evil’ and ‘good’ prophesied in
Isaiah 5:20 even being spoken out of the mouths of those in the secular arena.
As mentioned in the
previous article (Auspicious Dragon), the Lord called 2024 ‘The
Year of Fruition and Isaiah 5:20 Intensified’. A couple of days into
January, a close friend was quite ill with a flu bug. When she texted
requesting prayer, I knew it was serious because it is a rare day that she asks
for prayer for herself.
When responding back
to her, to reassure her that prayer was going up immediately, the message was
accidentally sent to my eldest daughter. Short story – Was it an accident? I
My daughter joined in
on praying for my friend, who was extremely ill. It is written that when two or
more agree as touching one thing, it will be done by [My] Father in heaven. (words
of Jesus/Yeshua) [Mat 18:19]
Checking in on my
friend the next day she reported that she was eating chicken noodle soup and
feeling better. She was as surprised as my daughter and I, but thanksgiving
went up to Jesus immediately. By the second day, she was greatly improved.
Praise God!
On the past Saturday,
both my six-year old grandson complained of a ‘tummy ache’. A couple of
hours later, he was vomiting. At the same time, the 16-week-old (4-month)
puppy was sick as well.
After vomiting, both
just slept for several hours. Meanwhile, prayer went up. All glory to God – by
nightfall, both had natural energy back. Hallelujah! Two days later, my son left for work as usual, but came back less than an hour
He had vomited
heavily in the morning, yet afterwards felt that he must go to his job. He
could not; he had no energy. He slept the rest of the day, only getting up for
water and bathroom breaks (no more vomiting). Prayer went up. He slept
and awoke feeling fine the next morning, and is at work this day.
Even if it seems
minor, that is four healings in one month that I personally witnessed or
received a first-hand report from one God healed quickly. The Lord has
impressed upon me that there will be miraculous healings this year - just one word from the Lord...
Any healing, no matter how small, is miraculous when God brings the end result into fruition. It is true that healings are often happening, but God is calling (and has been for some time) people into His presence for a deeper intimacy. Communion (wine and bread) is something many are neglecting. I was guilty of that myself. "Do this in remembrance of Me..." our Lord stated. [Lk 22:19, 20]
Articles go back well over a decade where Jesus called, and called again. However, in 2019 December, with the Elisha-type vision, the call was to ‘awaken from the [spiritual] slumber’, repent if need be, because something was coming that we had to be awake for, but more than awake, we had to be up (hence, His urging to 'rise up' repetitively). And as seen in many past posts, His faithfulness and steadfastness is beyond question.
However, there will
be other miracles, salvations (revival ripples [like gentle waves, not huge waves] throughout
the globe), deliverances (from addictions), captives set free (from witchcraft, gangs, slavery - step by step), and more
– not in overwhelming proportion, but noticeable (a season of miracles; a
time of healing), but also amplified evil because the 'dragon' wants to prove the year is his, and the power - but he is on a leash.
It will not be for
all, and I cannot say why, only the Lord holds the answers. Prayers will be
answered that some have travailed over with bitter tears for some time. That is
when ‘Year of Fruition’ was placed upon my heart. I understood
waves – there will be ‘waves’, just as He said regarding revival.
The size of the wave depends upon the populace – but all I do know is that revival begins within each individual. I have stated this a few times because the Holy Spirit taught me. El Shaddai had to lead me to my own revival for I was becoming dry, my hope was dashed when I discovered how a plagiarist had gleaned much from the archives.
There had to
be a further cleansing because the fallen nature is part of this corrupted body...and there can be no root of bitterness. A work had to be done...and the Holy Spirit is expert. He knows exactly how to lead us through the process, but we must be willing. We must confess our faults, and lay everything down. Yes, even that requires His help, but the Lord is very willing to bring us into His will -- IF we lay down our will.
John the Baptist said it well, and we must learn from it. He said:
He must increase, but I must decrease. [Jn 3:30]
I had to first confess that I did not know where to begin, and humbly ask for the Holy Spirit's help.
(Update: I was searching this out after prayer. Do you know what it stated in a commentary? When John said that Jesus must increase but he must decrease, John was still under the old covenant (the law), and Jesus was the new covenant, but He had not yet shed His blood. I love the Word of God - BP March 15, 2024)
Through the Darkness
A search within for any bitterness, resentment, hatred, unforgiveness – a search for a critical spirit, religious, self-righteous, or a judgmental spirit. I do not speak of righteous judgment; we are to keep that. Jesus said, “Do not judge by appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” [Jn7:24]
Every scripture could
be many sermons in themselves, but remember discernment requires judgment.
Making a wise decision requires judgment, so when people say, ‘do not judge’,
they speak hastily. Most say it meaning: "Do not judge 'me'...(what they say, or
what they do, etc.)
Back to searching
within – if the Holy Spirit shines forth, revealing dross (impurities),
or exposes sin, which could be as simple as needing a change in attitude, or
cleaning up bad language, or if one is spending hours on social media, with little to no
time for Jesus; these kinds of things need to be addressed, one at a time, with the help of the most Holy Spirit.
Whatever is revealed
needs to be repented of. Friend, revival begins within. When you humble
yourself, acknowledging sin for what it is, even if you consider it a little
spot, or a ‘small sin’, get rid of it with God's help. Remember, Jesus never forces us. Therefore, it is up to us to choose
Sometimes little
things make us angry; some may even have panic attacks (anxiety), and
not ever connect it to the possibility that something from long ago was tucked
into the dark recesses of the heart, to protect yourself against any further hurt.
It may be tucked away
out of sight, but it is still there; and deep within, it needs to be dug out
and brought to the surface to be dealt with. It explains the anger, the thought of a wrong, or an injustice - or hatred for the person, or, or, or - fill in the blank. Dross is skimmed off, as it is
considered an impurity, a waste.
We can fool others,
but we cannot fool God. We can deceive ourselves, but the Lord desires to bring
us out of deception. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, our Comforter, and our wise
counsel. He will shine the light in the darkness, exposing anything not of God.
I speak from personal
experience, and have not ‘arrived’, nor am I where I am without spot or blemish. Yeshua
was the only one who ever lived that never sinned. Some may ask why we are
told: “Because it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I AM holy’.”
[1Pet1:16; Lev 11:45] NASB
It is not as
complicated as it sounds. To be ‘holy’ means to be ‘set apart’ -- set apart from
the world and its ways. This next verse is precious to me…
And there will
be a highway called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not travel it – only
those who walk in the Way – and fools will not stray onto it. [Is 35:8]
With the Holy Spirit’s help, we can walk that highway. We must continue to search our heart, asking the Lord to shine His light into the crevices and potholes, created by painful attacks.
We also must allow the Light to expose impurities and
allow them to surface to be skimmed off. Step by step, we will be shaped and
molded into Christ’s image. We are a new creation, yet we are being molded. How cool is that?
Transparency can
become a reality, just as it was for Yeshua, walking holy [set apart], being an
example, each time we overcome. To be an example of the blessed hope we have in Jesus, a much-needed example to a broken, hurting and fragmented world, steeped in deception, starving for truth. Love is the commandment;
truth is the belt that holds our armor in place.
Faith shields us.
Hope propels us; prayer sustains us. We abide in Christ, clinging to the Vine
like clusters of grapes (good fruit). We choose to do justly, love mercy
and walk humbly with our God. [Micah 6:8] We are living examples…so that Messiah is
glorified. [1Cor 10:11]
Revival – it begins as an individual miracle as Jesus binds
up the broken-hearted, and by His stripes we are healed. Then, it can spread
forth – for our sakes, but for the glory of God!
O Lord, let me not be
a hypocrite – the Pharisees saw no wrong in themselves, only all the ‘good’
they did. Shine forth, Lord – if there is a plank in my eye Lord, help me to remove it -- take it
away, so clear vision is established.
First the inside of
the cup…yes: “Woe to you, [self-righteous] scribes (teachers of
the law) and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and
of the dish, but inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence.
You blind
Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the
outside of it may become clean also. (Jesus to Pharisees) [Mat 23:25-26] NASB
Many of us have a
desire for holiness, a hunger and thirst for righteousness, a desperation for a
closer, deeper, more intimate relationship with the Messiah, a longing to leave
this world to be forever with Him – knowing, ever knowing, this world is not
our home.
But we cannot do it
on our own…none of us. We all need Jesus!
An unexplainable love
for the lost, for the prodigals, for those deceived out of ignorance, and even
for those deceived out of their love for money, or some form of lust, or
whatever – these things we become aware of developing within.
Satan wants to
destroy us all, even if he has to give you everything this world has to offer, just
to bring you to your destruction, and your eternity spent in the lake of fire,
known as the second death.
Meanwhile, he accuses
you [Rev 12:10], condemns you. He cares not! Satan/Lucifer is that roaring lion
seeking to devour anyone, and he will seek until he finds someone. [1Pet 5:8] The
devil is a murderer from the beginning, the father of lies. The truth is not in
him. [Jn 8:44] He came to steal, and to kill, and to destroy – but Jesus came so
that we may have life more abundantly. [Jn 10:10]
Seek the Lord
and His strength, seek His face continually. Remember His marvelous works that
He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth. [1Chron 16:11, 12]
However, the ‘Year of
the Dragon’ (Chinese celebration) is no coincidence. Satan, that ancient
serpent, the dragon, is lashing out with all fury. His wrath has escalated
because he realizes his time (his season) is short. He is wooing the masses
with witchcraft, music and all manner of things that please the flesh.
Yet, the attack on Israel in the 10th month of 2023, a war that is still ongoing due to the hostages that Hamas still has, darkened the end of 2023. Satan continues to keep people supporting the aggressors, Hamas – terrorists.
![]() |
click any picture to enlarge |
Who would have fathomed that every-day, peace-loving, ordinary people would suddenly do the unthinkable, which is to support murderous, barbaric terrorists! This is what is happening on a global scale. If that is not the work of Satan, and a preparation for the appearance of the Lawless one, then I do not know what is.
Hamas is a Muslim
Brotherhood group (which the Lord warned about the brotherhood’s sleeper
cells in the USA [and obviously all of North America] back in 2010-11).
Strange I never made
the connection when I kept seeing the word ‘Gaza’ for several weeks
before their attack on Israel, back in late August and randomly, off and on,
throughout September.
However, at that
time, I was led to warn of witchcraft, not just because of October 31 that was fast
approaching. It was to warn how the practitioners (witches/warlocks/sorcerers,
dabblers, etc.) begin quite some time before that date, and continue on
Spiritual warfare was
another important thing that I was to bring up. These are in upcoming articles, hopefully, unless led otherwise. Work has been greatly delayed
through obstacles, hindrances and interferences, but there were previous
articles posted as a ‘heads up’, but no follow-up…yet.
[Below is an excerpt
from a 1993 magazine]
“Hamas – the
Islamic Resistance Movement – was born of the intifada, which marked the
beginning of the true political revival of the Islamic forces in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip in the face of Israeli occupation on the one hand, and the
national secular forces led by the PLO on the other.
Up until that
time, the most important Islamic movement in the occupied territories, the
Muslim Brotherhood, had shied away from active resistance against the Israeli
occupation, a decision that stood in the way of its full development as a
popular force.
This situation
was suddenly to change with the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising, which led
the Muslim Brotherhood to play an active role in the resistance for the first
time. This it did through Hamas, the organization it created from its own ranks
expressly for that purpose.
It was thus that
the Islamic movement, after many years in existence, was able to emerge as the
first true challenge ever posed in the occupied territories to the dominant
nationalist trend.
The new force –
for Hamas soon overshadowed its parent organization – now prevails in a number
of localities, especially the Gaza Strip, with a magnitude that parallels that
of Fateh, the largest of the PLO factions.”
[End excerpt](Emphasis mine)
The above excerpt was
written by Ziad Abu-Amr, who was an associate professor of political
science at Birzeit University. It is from an article that appeared in the 1993
spring issue of their sister publication, Majallat al-Dirasat
Ziad Abu-Amr is the author of Islamic Fundamentalism in the
West Bank and Gaza: The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad (Indiana
University Press, forthcoming)
This was in the Journal
of Palestine Studies (Summer 1993) XXII, no. 4 – pp.5
His Leash is
Short – The Long Length You See is Illusion
Children of the light
need not fear Satan. He longs to torment people with a spirit of fear, but if
we have received the love of God, and are born-again, Holy Spirit-filled
children, the Lord’s perfect love casts out fear.
There is no fear
in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment. He that
fears is not made perfect in love. [1Jn 4:18]
Satan wants us to believe that we are not worthy of the Creator’s love or forgiveness, but he is the destroyer of hope and truth. Or he could do the flip and convince a person they are much too worthy (pride).
He often speaks in the first person, so that one thinks it is their thoughts. He will tell some that they do not need the love of a Creator, if a creator exists. The devil is the father of lies; he is genius at inventing them, and passing them off as truth.
Remember, Satan is on a leash, meaning that he can only do
as allowed. Yet, it is written that he is a deceiver who deceives the whole
world. He has been successful in convincing multitudes that good is now evil
and evil is now good.
Woe unto them
that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for
darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. [Is 5:20]
He has accomplished
this by appealing to the flesh.
For all that is
in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of
life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. [1Jn 2:16]
The music industry, with attractive artists scantily or provocatively, ever grabbing or caressing their private parts in their dances, in order to seduce the masses. It works. Sex sells.
Satan then cleverly lures with music, tunes that take people on emotional highs and lows, manipulating and controlling the soulish realm, to bring out the ‘savage beast’ in folks.
How often does a song take you back to a memory, whether pleasant or not, music is archived in the files of the mind. The adversary particularly targets the younger generation – but does not neglect the older generation, who were once young, who grew up living for “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll".
Then, there is the sports
industry with such events as the Super Bowl, with 2024 viewers numbering a
record-breaking 123.7 million people! Cheerleaders and other events featuring beautiful, buxom women, all to tempt people with immoral thoughts and actions.
And the great
dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were
cast out with him. [Rev
The Lord did indeed
warn that darkness falls (deepens), yet we know the truth that light pierces
through the darkness, shattering its power. Wisdom will guide us to keep
aligned with the Word of God, for therein lies safety and counsel.
It is written that
Satan can transform himself to appear as an angel of light, and his ministers
will appear as ministers of righteousness. [2Cor 11:14, 15] Remember, he is a
deceiver, the father of lies, the truth is not in him.
He is a murderer from
the beginning. [Jn 8:44] It is worth repeating because he enjoys making people
question their faculties, especially in these heavy-laden times and overwhelming times, where everything is happening at break-neck speed. He never stops
trying to keep people in the clutches of fear, for fear can be paralyzing,
halting the walk of faith – if, if, if he can… he will.
We can expect
increased demonic attacks against God-fearing disciples who love Jesus and
delight to do His will. The Lord has prepared us, but Satan prefers to plan his
attacks when a person is at their weakest, which often is asleep, sick, grieving, or very
If God be for
us, who can be against?
[Rom 8:31]
The preparation
through the afflictions, the trials, the training, the testing, has all been
for this time we find ourselves in now. I could say, “for such a time as
this”, and although true, the saying has been highly overused, even by me.
You know what ‘they’ say?
“IF the shoe fits…keep it on and make good use of it.”
(Okay, I just made the last part up, but would you have known, if I had not
And I heard a
loud voice saying in heaven, NOW is come
salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his
Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them
before our God, day and night.
And they
overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. [Rev 12:11]
The Cloud of
Somewhere between 2010-2012, I had a short dream vision of two militant men, rather robotic in their movement, who were walking with a two-headed dragon on a leash. A cloud of fire moved beside the dragon, with feet coming out of the fire, yet the feet were not touching the ground.
He moved alongside the dragon, but did not touch it. It seemed that whoever was in the fire cloud controlled the
dragon, despite the two robotic, militant men holding the leash. The three men
were heading east from the west, along with the dragon.
Back then, one reader
commented that the two heads represented two nations that are controlled by
Satan. They discerned that the dragon, of course, was Satan, and that God is
the one who keeps the dragon on a leash, meaning the dragon can only do what he
is allowed to do by the man hidden in the cloud of fire.
That interpretation seems accurate to me. I have gotten no other understanding, outside of paying attention to:
1] Although strong
and powerful, obviously agitated and angry, the dragon can roar and breathe
fire, but cannot seem to break free from the leash
2] the two heads saw
in every direction, but had limited vision for what was ahead
3] the person in the
cloud of fire was completely covered except from just above the ankles
4] the men seemed
robotic because they were expressionless, staring straight ahead, each one
holding a lead (leash) that was connected to the thick collar of the dragon –
marching stiff-legged, methodically, tirelessly, rhythmically
5] it seemed
important that I was to note the direction, heading east from the west
I have another thought, which I will share in an upcoming article.
It has been placed
within my spirit that this is the “Year of Fruition and Isaiah 5_v_20
Intensified”. It is a two-fold year, a literal clash of the kingdoms.
Howbeit, as I have stated before more than once, the adversary (Satan)
and his legions keep clashing against the ‘gates’ of God’s kingdom with
a battering ram (full force), but the gate is immovable and impenetrable
to Satan/Lucifer.
The enemy cannot
penetrate God’s domain or break through to overtake the Kingdom. Therefore, it
is Satan who is toppled, losing the battle in heaven. His relentlessness causes
the clashes, as he endeavours to overthrow Almighty God. It will not happen.
He rebelled in
heaven, convincing one-third to go with him, and he was cast out. That should
have shown the once-anointed cherub that God is Sovereign and Omnipotent.
The created can never
supplant the Creator. El Shaddai stands strong. Satan is like the flea nipping
at a cat, but this is no ordinary cat to nip at. Jesus/Yeshua is the LION
of the tribe of Judah, the Warrior King. One gulp and the flea is gone!
Stable [El Shaddai] versus unstable [Lucifer/Satan].
It is Satan who is causing the ‘clash’. The Luciferians are pushing hard
to bring their plans to ‘fruition’, because Satan is a counterfeiter, an
imitator, a copycat – he does little that is original. He is a thief [steals],
a murderer [kills] and a destroyer [destroys]. [Jn 10:10]
Fruition of
Salvation, Healing, Deliverance
Things will unfold as it is written in the Word. None can stay the hand of the Lord God; He will have His way. None can ask Him, “What are You doing?” [Dan 4:35]
Shortly after New
Year’s, I received a request to pray from a precious sister in the United States who rarely asks, so
I knew it was serious. A nasty bug, perhaps flu, had taken hold. My eldest
daughter and I both interceded individually. My daughter is in Alberta; I am in Ontario.
(I just realized that I am repeating myself by telling the story again.)
So, having paused to consider, there must be a reason, which I think is to reaffirm God's power, and His desire to give His people hope and purpose.
The next day she was
feeling better, not 100% yet, but well enough to eat good ole chicken soup.
There was a rejoicing between my daughter and I. To see Almighty God answer
prayer, even seemingly small requests, puts butterflies in my stomach –
thinking about His power, authority, Sovereignty – and how He is everywhere,
listening to each and every one of us.
It is difficult to
get my head around that, but just being aware of that fact brings great peace. It
was upon that update, that good report, that the Lord made it clear that this
year would be a year of fruition, which ‘healing’ is, but one of the
miracles we will hear a bit more being reported of.
Typically, the news
of miracles is quenched under the tsunami of bad news, but we will hear of more
miracles this year, along with songs of deliverance, and reports of
restoration. Already there are reports – waves – of revivals happening.
They are not
tsunamis, but just as in the natural, the waves are of varying sizes. As
mentioned before, and this is crucial to understand, genuine revival begins
within each one of us. By myself here, several months back, finetuning details
in my life, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I was doing inventory within.
Anything the Lord
brought up was dealt with. Some things are difficult to face, but if we desire
change, a clean heart, a right spirit, then we have to be willing to admit
where we missed the mark, whether in thought, word, or deed.
It does not
necessarily have to be big sins that are so rampant these days such as sexual
immorality or substance abuse, or involvement in pornography etc. Rather, it
could be a critical or judgmental spirit, anger issues (which is typically
unresolved matters that require forgiveness, or it could be frustration and
fatigue from illness) – the Holy Spirit helps us.
Sometimes we see
ourselves too harshly, beating ourselves over the head with an invisible
baseball bat, and the Lord gently removes it, and holds us close – giving us
wise counsel through His Word and by His Spirit.
Other times, we tend
to justify and excuse sin, or worse, we deny what is revealed. None of us is
perfect. There seems to always be something we are working on in these vessels
enveloped in a fallen nature, but we have an Advocate, a Counselor, Almighty
God, the Prince of Peace.
We do our part, which
is keeping a repentant heart, and being obedient, and He does His part – which
is, simply being God!
Hear counsel and
receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter end. There are many
devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless, the counsel of the Lord, that shall
stand. [Prov 19:20-21]
Prayer Request
And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. [Ezek 22:30]
We never know when the Lord is watching and waiting to see if we will stand in the gap, interceding on behalf of someone or something. He instructs us to pray for one another - even if we do not know someone, we can pray.
There is a dear
friend of mine that I have known now for 17 years who lives in Finland. He is 84 years
old, married to his ‘original’ wife (his words lol [it is the language barrier, but I thought it was too cute]), with five children (sons
and daughters), and grandchildren. He loves the Lord, his family, and friends.
He sent me a letter asking me if I would pray for Glynda Lomax because she lives in Texas, USA, and has several relatives living in that state. His concern are the fires that are raging. The last report as of March 5, 2024 was that there are six fires, with one being major. Two fatalities have been reported so far.
I do not know Ms. Lomax, nor have we ever communicated, but I do remember that back in 2009
– 2011, there was a friend who used to gather news articles and prophetic
messages from around the internet and send them out in a list form. Glynda’s
messages would be tucked away in the list.
I did not read all of her messages, as there were a few people back then that were sending out lists with 'news' or prophetic words, believing it was their way to ‘feed the saints’.
There were some interesting items that I would not have found on my own due to busyness; however, the lists were long and could get overwhelming. I was living in the United States in Georgia back then, working as an editor and ghostwriter.
It was a hectic time, plus I had the blog, and later on, a small program on BlogTalk radio. I do remember thinking that I had no 'check in my spirit' with the material I did read. They were short, prophetic words if I am remembering properly.
I discerned that Ms Lomax loved the Lord and heard from Him. I had only been committed a few years back then, but I know I would have remembered if there was something I saw that did not seem to align with scripture.
As stated, I did not read every message because if I remember correctly, her messages were daily (don't quote me on that as I am unsure), but I read several over two years. There seemed to be nothing off, and I trust that she is true brethren. My friend in Finland is good at discerning. The Holy Spirit is faithful when we look to Jesus.
Sometime in 2011, I had asked my friend who was emailing the lists if she could not send me any more prophetic messages (Glynda Lomax was only one out of several people that my friend picked up and put in her list. What sites she used is unknown to me).
My friend graciously obliged my request and stopped sending the list. The concern was my being influenced by her messages (and those of others with prophetic messages who were on the list) if the Lord gave me a message to share.
I did not want my flesh or any demon interfering. It is easy to fall into the carnal nature. Indeed, I am but dust, yet great effort is made to avoid error if possible. Lord knows, I have made enough mistakes in this life. It is best to err on the side of caution, and take matters to the Lord. I have learned since that time.
Back then, I also found time with the Lord difficult during certain seasons, as well as when I had a deadline to meet with work. Suffice it to say that there was much training [spiritually] going on back then, and there were times missed some days where that private time with the Lord was not prioritized as it should have been.
The past is only good for learning, and I am grateful for the growing pains and the corrections. NOT usually at the time - lol; I would rather just learn without the discomfort, but it all develops character and endurance, and patience, and ...the Lord knows what He is doing when He trains us.
Speaking of trains, I need to get back on track here, and reiterate that I saw nothing that Ms. Lomax wrote, at least in what I did read, that did not align with the Word of God. (No alarm bells)
Tears may have come a couple of times even, being touched by the Holy Spirit in words read. God is good, and the children of God have a beautiful family in the Lord - gifts, treasures to be guarded, appreciated.
Three years later, I
moved back to Canada, spending the first four months in shelters (due to
housing shortage and finances). There was limited computer access, as it had to
be outside the shelters.
Eventually I secured
an apartment, but I had forgotten all about Glynda Lomax. It is how life goes
with all of us. However, as a sister in Christ, when a request comes in to pray
for brethren, as it did last week, I believe the response should be both positive and immediate.
My beloved friend in Finland and I are like-minded, in that we believe in the power of prayer. I have prayed for Ms. Lomax and her family in Texas a few times now, as the request came in last week. The prayers are for Ms. Lomax and family to be protected from the fires, not only to keep them out of the path of the flames, but to guard their lungs with all the smoke.
I did hear that there
is a nuclear reactor in that state, but no flames have gone near it, and
apparently, it has been shut down. Praise be to God! I have stood in the gap
and shall continue until released by the Holy Spirit.
Also Texas is one of the states, if not THE state, that is in a crisis with a deluge of illegal immigrants flooding over the border. Please pray for their protection, and all the people in the state of Texas against robbery, home invasion, or violence.
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For where two or three are gathered in My name, there I AM in the midst of them. [Mat 18:20] |
Father, I ask that You would assign guardian angels over the state and over Glynda Lomax and her beloved family. Lord, I ask that it be extended to cover all the Texan people and their families, as well as Arizona and California. It seems, Father, that Texas is a literal warzone, one of several that the enemies of the cross, both in the natural and in the spiritual are igniting globally.
May Your agape love pour down and spread over Glynda and hers, and over the land, Father, for perfect love casts out fear. May the people receive and not reject it.
May hearts in the states be moved and conviction stirred up. May the lost and the prodigals begin to feel homesick, and may this be the ideal opportunity for them to turn their eyes toward Jesus (Yeshua).
May all these evil things end with an impossible reversal as with Esther, and become Romans 8:28 miracles. May it be for their sake, Abba, but for Your glory. Please bless my friend, Kauko, in Finland, whose heart was filled with the love of God, to reach out and ask for agreement in prayer for Ms. Lomax and her family.
Father, I lift high the name of Your beloved Son, Jesus/Yeshua, the name above all names, and in whose name I pray. This prayer is covered with the blood of the Lamb, and may You be pleased to rule favourably in the heavenly courts. Thank You for Your advocacy and Your great love, Jesus.
Be glorified with all honour, praise and reverence that are wholly Yours.
If anyone else would
like to stand in the gap, I gladly move over to make room. Please lift up Glynda and her family, and glorify our Father and King. He is faithful and will hear our prayers. Thanking you in advance.
And if anyone has a prayer request, please do not hesitate to email me. It would be an honor and a privilege. I am behind in emails, but they do get answered.
He who began a good work in us will see it through to the day of
Jesus Christ. [Phil1:6]
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? [Ps 27:1]
In the presence of
His glory
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