Satan - Deceives the Whole World
(Notice: This is a necessary and very important update and addition, since the posting yesterday This is February 3rd, also an edit on Feb 6 to make something clearer, or correct a sentence, spelling or format. -BP2024)
Since this article sat in the queue since January 7, 2023, it has been updated, since things unfolded over the past year. Jesus/Yeshua is doing a work in all of us, but we first have to be willing to change, willing to be molded into His image.
Being molded is akin to growing, meaning change takes place, and 'growing' pains or great discomfort can come with change, but the end result glorifies the Creator, the Wondrous El Shaddai. The Lord will not force change. In His Sovereignty, He offers much grace, and allows us to 'choose'.
We can choose life; we can choose faith; we can choose to believe; we can choose to trust. As for me, I choose to lay down my life, along with pride, arrogance, all soulish things (such as feelings, emotions, desires, appetites, reputation, etc.)
I lay all down - my life - all that I am. It was always the Lord's anyway, His to give, His to take - I was just too blind and too foolish to see or to realize it before.
Father, thank You for Your correction when anger, resentment and bitterness threatened to take hold of me, but also, thank You for opening my eyes to see it. I humbly acknowledge my wrong, thinking I was justified in my feelings (yes, and cold thoughts) at the selfishness, lack of compassion and consideration, and pride of the plagiarist.
It is Your
love that moves us, and so it did with me... along with Your grace and mercy,
that motivates me to do the same because I do not forget what and where You
brought me out of.
I renounce anger, bitterness, resentment, and hurt (offense), and ask
You to fill any crevices or holes left from the hits of the enemy, with Your
love and grace. Forgiveness is given to this woman, and I ask that You not hold
this particular sin against her. Given her position in life Lord, I know she
knows what she is doing, or has done, but I seek no revenge. I trust the entire matter into Your hands.
I pray You do for her what You did for me. Open her eyes to see what she is doing and give her room, which is a chance, to repent. She has gotten things down in her spirit after repeating [over the years] so much of what I have put on this site, Lord, so now it is ingrained.
One thing I do know, Abba, is that yes, you confirm through others, indeed - a wonderous thing, but you do not make carbon copies or duplicate personalities. Ah, but Jesus, is it not just like You Lord to try the heart and the reins to see if we mean what we say, and say what we mean? You taught me this with the story of Joseph.
Until the time that his word came (to pass), The word of the Lord tested (tried) him. [Ps105:19] KJV (in brackets = NKJV)
It is true that I often pray for you to lead people to this site who need to hear something that will be said here, for Your counsel to go forth, either for repentance, for exhortation, for strengthening, edifying, or encouragement.
Having been such a late bloomer myself, committing to you at such an older age, my heart is to stimulate the hearts of others, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to draw them back to you sooner with a spirit of repentance, attracted to the loving kindness and compassion of the Saviour.
He who willingly took our place upon the cross, Jesus/Yeshua - pure and sinless, the ultimate sacrifice - He suffered everything assigned to Him, pouring out His precious blood, in order to deliver us from the clutches of Satan, and provide the only way back to a holy God, our Father who is in heaven.
I prayed, like so many others who love You, for You to anoint the work, that Your Spirit would draw the people because the letter (law/legalism) kills, but the Spirit brings life. If only I could reach that proverbial 'one' (although realistically, the desire is to reach as many as possible in this little space on the globe), then Jesus/Yeshua would be glorified when 'just that one' repents.
What if this plagiarist was sent by you, to test my heart, to see if I truly mean what I say, and say what I mean? Or will I allow pride, or offense, or some fleshly thing to tempt my soul to the point where I halt, and thus fail the test?
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The Good Shepherd leaves the 99 to search for the one who went astray (is lost) and needs help to find home. |
What if I give in to the temptation to seek revenge, or to wallow in self-pity, rather than to forgive? Should I not rejoice that the Lord once again, left the 99 righteous to eagerly go searching for the wayward one who has gone astray, who is lost, unable to return to the flock without help?
You try us, and give us a choice, always. You instruct us to choose wisely, Father. Thank You for Your wise and loving counsel. Thank You that Your thoughts and ways are far above our thoughts and ways. [Is 55:9]
Our relationship is so personal, Lord, that plagiarism felt like an adulteress trespassing on that which is not hers...all the prayers, the fasting, the trials, the tribulations, the lessons learned from nearly 70 years of my life.
You alone Father know that this was never meant to be about me, but testimony has to be given first, and then the grace, mercy, forgiveness, and GOODNESS of the Lord shines through it all - undeserved grace, much-welcomed mercy, and gratitude for forgiveness. This is what I long to show readers, and anyone who repents. All of heaven rejoices over one repentant sinner. [Lk 15:10]
Thank You for leaving the 99 to find me when I was lost, Father. You truly are the Good Shepherd, Jesus (Yeshua).
That is Your will, Lord, and since You revealed it to me, for years, I have repeated how You are not slow or slack concerning Your promise to return, as some people count slackness (where is the promise of His return, because everything remains as it always has; this I myself have heard people say in this 21st century).
But Lord, knowing now what You did for me (one grain out of over eight billion), it is an established fact that You are longsuffering (super-patient) toward us (mankind).
You truly are not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance. [2Pet 3:9] But Your Word reveals that not all will repent for Jesus said. Hearts are getting cold, and some will fall away - right into apostasy, and have a reprobate mind. We all can choose.
You are omni-sapient; I am not, so I leave this matter to You to handle. [all-wise-- omni: "all"; sapient: "wise" - Grk]
All I ask is that You help me stay on the right path (the narrow way),
trusting in You, for You never fail. I lay down pride, and ego, and reputation - these are as dung.
Please forgive me for clinging to that which is not mine [my life]. It is Yours to give and Yours to take; it always has been. Each breath is a gift. My flesh weeps as I write this because flesh wants its own, it wants revenge.
With the shadow of the cross upon me, I ask that You help me to not 'self-ishly' pick my 'life' back up again. Keep me from myself (flesh/carnal nature), and especially self-pity (that's a biggie, as You saw, my Lord).
Please Jesus, sweet Yeshua, please take Your proper place on the throne of my heart. Increase,. Please, I desperately - humbly ask, help me to decrease.
My heart is that people are drawn to You Jesus, not only because You are worthy, but no one can return to the Father, except through You. Eternity is forever. Be glorified, and thank You - Jesus, Your name is exalted, the name above all names, and in Your name, I pray. Amen
[End prayer]
I would like to just quickly add that this article was completed on the date shown below, one year ago; however, it sat in the queue (editor's box) all this time, unbeknownst to me.
All articles are being copied and put on an external hard drive. In my spirit, I strongly sense that sometime futuristically we will lose internet freedom, either in a total blackout or brownouts (rolling blackouts). It is just something that occurred to me from reading news and random articles. Backup is always wise.
Whether the internet is unavailable due to a cyberattack, or whether it be restricted to limited access by the government, as it is in communist countries these days, I cannot say.
As the cliche goes: "Better safe than sorry." (been there - done that [also cliche])
That being said, it is how I discovered the following article from last year. It was stuck in the queue. I must have forgotten to hit "Publish" and there it sat. Google owns Blogspot, and the way their system works is that an article will automatically post to the date the "publish" button is activated, not the date it was placed in the queue. And now you know...
One last thought:
The reason I felt this should be updated and shared is because the Lord is separating. Everyone who calls themselves a Christian believes they are 'the remnant'.
Not all of us are; and we should not speculate. Only God sees the heart. We can deceive ourselves, and I have in the past (unknowingly deceived myself, way back in my youth, when I had denied Jesus), and others have deceived me as well. Now I ask the Holy Spirit to keep me from being deceived, but more importantly, that I am not guilty of deceiving.
We either have genuine fear of the Lord or no. He is the Creator, the Good Shepherd, Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Prince of Peace, Righteous Judge. Reverent awe of the Lord covers me; words fail me. Honour, respect, love, commitment, His majesty and splendour, His holiness and purity - His power and Sovereignty - He is God, and I bow before Him. Selah
What do you need to lay down? Is there something you cling to, something that you hold so dear that it may be your first love instead of Jesus, or so important that you cannot let go?
Whatever it is - whether person, place (position, status) or thing (possessions, gifts/talent. riches), ANYTHING, if you cling to it now, it may drag you right down to the lake of fire. Let it go; simply repent. Turn away from it. If you are unsure, then allow the Lord to reveal anything You may hold so dear and so tight.
If we cling to our life (holding fast to save it), we will lose it. This life is temporal. But if we lose our life for the sake of Christ Jesus, we will gain it (eternal life with Him). And that is the reason behind sharing all that I have shared so far.
Nothing and no one is more important than our Maker. None more important than our Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
That ends this intro. Now I understand why I had so many interruptions, delays and hindrances just in this post. Jesus wants all to come to repentance, even those who have offended, or hurt us.
Pray good for them, and then trust God. That is agape love, and mercy. The keys to getting over that which offended or hurt you are forgiveness, mercy, prayer, love, walking humbly with God -- AND -- (the ultimate?) picking up the cross and truly laying down your life, once and for all.
In doing these things:
* loving God, and others as yourself (fulfilling the commandments of God, if you fully do those two, it covers all 10, which is why Jesus said on those two hang all the law and the prophets). [Mat 22:37-40]
* ... mercy and [agape] love in forgiveness (toward whoever offended/hurt - take the time to work through the process WITH the Lord, but mean it when you finally do forgive).
How do you know you have truly forgiven? When you can see or hear the person, or hear the mention of their name, and feel no animosity or ill-will against them and truly remain in the shalom of Christ, 'then' you have truly forgiven.
It is a process. Work it through with the Lord. If you struggle with forgiving (flesh is powerful, but Jesus is more powerful), but in your heart you are desperate to overcome (flesh), the Lord WILL help you. He can heal. See the victory in overcoming, and give thanks to Jesus.
* We must repent (also must be real), and give thanks to the Lord for helping you to see, for His rebuke (correction), and granting strength to work through it and to overcoming
* Thank Him for victory over flesh and the devil. But especially, thanksgiving for forgiving you. Hatred in the heart makes us a murderer. [1Jn 3:15]
To the glory of God, through Jesus/Yeshua. No wonder it is so often said, down through the millennia: [...] the Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever. [Ps 136]
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'stealing words' [Jer 23:30-31] |
I have to add this: One reason plagiarism can be so dangerous, thanks to technology and the ease of the internet, is that if people have an agenda, or are false teachers, or false prophets, or wolves in sheep's clothing, or simply greedy shepherds, this is the danger.
Truth is what Satan used in the Garden of Eden. That has been established in the Bible, and mentioned in my writings. But then he took scripture (the Word of God) and twisted it, even put words in God's mouth that God did not say.
There are those who plagiarize, gleaning the 'truth' and true doctrine, which is the doctrine of Christ found throughout the Bible (keeping in context), and then they blend in their false teaching, and few are the wiser.
If they prophesy, people will believe their prophetic words, even when many of them fail to come to fruition. Naturally, there will be some prophetic words that come to pass, especially when you read the news, or check out what others are saying.
An Australian paper can write an article, warning the people to begin sandbagging (often done in Australia) and to lock things down because a major cyclone, or a storm of unusual proportion is 'X' number of miles out at sea. There will be warning for fishermen, boaters, surfers, or anyone that could possibly be out at sea and in the dangerous path of the incoming storm.
Then, over in the Western hemisphere, someone might 'prophesy' to watch Australia because 'the Lord' mentioned destructive winds (etc.)
The point is that the West does not always write about major storms coming in to Australia, New Zealand or Papua New Guinea (PNG); these places are often bracing for brutal storms.
So the 'prophecy' comes true. It fools the people. So, prophecies that come from surfing the news sites and articles on the web, as well as correct doctrine that comes from gleaning trustworthy truths, the best fruit, from various Christian websites, people can easily let their guard down and fall for the false doctrine that is tucked in and mingled throughout their message.
Are people being told to check out the 'false doctrine' that was taught? No, it is often said when truth is being spoken. People are not about to check out every single thing said, and that is what false or greedy shepherds/teachers/preachers count on.
Please do not read more into the following than what is stated. But with the Auspicious Dragon (two articles ago), I posted a picture of a robot pointing straight ahead to 2024 (and beyond), to which I tagged: AI points the way - Unexpectedly
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click to enlarge |
I strongly believe that AI (Artificial Intelligence), technology and the internet will be deceptive tools in the hands of the Lawless one, and all who have bowed to Satan and his beast system.
It is sad that the internet is being used even now to deceive people, even in the Christian arena. No wonder Jesus forewarned so adamantly.
Throughout this blog, consistently over the years, exhortations were repetitive about reading the Bible, getting the Word down in the heart, and stand on it.
Countless times the Word of God came alive in my life (proved true) and this happens all around the globe, daily. We just do not hear about it. Repeatedly, it has been explained that brethren are scattered throughout the nations, multitudes suffering persecution, even unto death (martyrdom).
We must continue to stand on the Word, and speak it forth (numerous holy prayers are contained within, spoken by both men, and occasionally women, but anointed by God - and many more treasures). Over the years, it has been shared about how the Lord taught me to speak His word because it is the sword of the Lord [Ephesians 6]; it is a proven weapon, and it is life.
Jesus is God incarnate; the Word that came in the flesh. When some of His disciples asked about the last days just before His return, He was asked what people should look for. His very first words warned of deception.
Take heed that no man deceive you. [Mat 24:4]
Three more times in a very short span, Jesus/Yeshua mentions deception. The Lord does not waste words. Plagiarism is deception, especially when you take on some of the personality of a person, and some of their personal experiences, pretending it is you, or part of your experience, and even pretending to have had the same emotions as the person - all plagiarized.
That is deception! That is acting, the work of an understudy - someone who plans to take a lead position, but first they must take away from the person whom the work was first given to. But why? If a body turns on itself, it is because it is unwell, perhaps cancerous. Where it is written:
I have fought a good fight; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith: [2Tim4:8] ESV
... it does not mean that we fight against each other, or compete as in a race, or give up in the faith. It is not a fight against brethren, or a competition.
It goes deep, and it is deception, plain and simple. To mix truth with false doctrine, as well as New Age, NAR (New Apostolic Reformation), and divination (soothsaying) brings tears, for sure.
Ofttimes over the years, I mention the young woman in Macedonia that followed Paul and Silas around for days, saying, "These men are servants of the most high God that show us the way unto salvation."
I have often said that if we were there, we would likely think she was a Christian, although back then, followers of Jesus/Yeshua were simply Christ's disciples. At least until Antioch, it is said that it was there that the people first called the disciples Christians, which means "Christ's men" or "belonging to Christ". [Acts11:26]
However, the young woman was not a Christian. The spirit that operated in her was a demon. After several days of being grieved by her constant presence and disruptions, Paul delivered her from the spirit of divination [python-Grk] [Acts 16]
Those who have the fear of the Lord, and obey His commandments (to love God with all your heart, soul, and being (might) [Deut 6:5] and to love your neighbour (others) as yourself) [Mat 22:39], such as these will love what the living God loves, and hate what He hates. And presenting evil (deception) as good (the truth of God's Word and kingdom), and calling good evil, is enough to make the strongest weep.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem - our Lord grieves. Where is the fear of the Lord with the plagiarist? It was mentioned recently, but the fruit of her actions speak otherwise. One might wonder how plagiarism is deception.
It is deception to trick the masses into believing what you said came directly from the Lord. That is partial truth. It did come directly from the Lord, but not to you. It came to you indirectly as you visited other sites.
The Lord even revealed to me how you 'stumbled' across this site. It was partially why I changed the intro subtitle seen upon opening the site's home page. Two sayings that have been repeated enough times by you so that people think of you when they hear the words actually come from one website that has been around for 25 years or more.
Another saying either comes from a famous, respected pastor who has gone on to be with the Lord, or from one of the campaigns, or interestingly enough, an advertisement for a special emergency tool for vehicles.
It is deception when you take the prophetic messages that the Lord spoke to others and claim that He revealed them to you. It explains why the interpretations you give are inaccurate as well because it is your interpretation, not the understanding from the Lord.
It is deception to pretend that the countless hours of research, studying, writing, and rewriting, striving to be factual (truthful), work covered in heartfelt prayer many times, with earnest request for it to be anointed to minister to others, but more to the glory of God thru Jesus, [to pretend all these] were yours, when in fact, another offered up these things to God intimately.
It is deception to take that which came from very intimate times with the Lord, trials, tribulations, battles, victories, travailing in intercession, sometimes mixed with fasting (prayer/fasting for God's intervention).
This speaks of serious intercession, and for anyone to glean and claim the fruit of such labour as their own, in order to draw people to themselves (for fame, and for money), touches God's glory, and tramples upon the soul who willingly sacrificed to the Lord.
Be Careful How You Interpret What You Glean from Others
It is in those instances that the words of the Lord shine forth in the darkness, where Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees:
You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you: These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honour Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. [Mat 15:7-8] (NT - NKJV)
But with the prophet Isaiah, He added: Their worship of Me is but rules taught by men. [Is 29:13]
In Jeremiah 23, the Lord spoke through the prophet, describing his great displeasure with certain pastors, as well as lying prophets, whose ways are the slippery ways in darkness [vs 12], and who walk in [hidden] lies [vs 14]
The Lord says that He is against the prophets that steal (His) words from their neighbour, "and say, He saith".
Therefore behold, I AM against the prophets, says the Lord, that steal My words every one from his neighbour. Behold, I AM against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. [Jer 23:30, 31]
One thing that can go wrong (and often does) with that which does come form the Lord, but has been plagiarized, is that the interpretation gets lost or misconstrued. One can really mess it up (completely miss the mark).
The plagiarist has fallen very short on interpretation, not only because it was given to another from the Lord, but she did not do what she exhorts others to do (I will paraphrase her typical words - take it to the Lord).
It is time to stop, or shall your actions continue, thus intensifying Isaiah 5:30? There is a call to prayer; I answered and prayed. There is a call to repentance, a true turning away (quitting that sin) will be forgiven.
I was no better, only my sin was not the same as yours. There is no time for compromise, and justifying a wrong (even if anger is righteous, hatred is evil). In His grace, the Holy Spirit convicted me.
My anger was dangerously bordering hatred and resentment. Prayer went forth in true humility, as I was blanketed with godly sorrow. I repented, with a broken and contrite spirit, seeing my own sin for what it was.
The plank had to be removed from my own eye, in order to see the splinter in the eye of another to help them. I did not dare to think of myself more highly than I ought. When the fear of the Lord, and loving Him are genuine, obedience is no burden, it comes naturally, as one who longs to please the one they love.
Children of salt and light all love the Creator, and long to share that love with others, especially the lost, the prodigals, the wayward ones. This is Christ in us - He increases, He must...and we must decrease. This is my heart's cry.
It is written that one who hates in his heart is a murderer. If I did not repent, I would be a murderer. [1Jn 3:15] There would be fertile soil for a bitter root to take hold and grow strong. It had to be torn up and destroyed - forgiveness destroys the root.
This life and any money gained through such actions as gleaning a harvest from the hard labour of others will fade away, as it is all temporal. God truly does see all, and yes, He sees the heart and knows whether a soul is deceived or 'why' they are deceiving. He also knows if we are hiding sin, or if we are truly repentant
God is holy, righteous and just in His judgments. Is that why lately you [plagiarist] speak of "in judgment, remember mercy". Yes, I have written about it, as have multitudes of others (or those who have preached about it), God cannot be manipulated, controlled or swayed by impure motives, not even when His Word is "spoken" back to Him, or someone claims it is all to God's glory.
God cannot be deceived, mocked, manipulated, controlled or hoodwinked. He is wonderfully wise; the one who knows the end from the beginning, the God of grace and mercy, but also justice and judgment. This has been written countless times over the years because it is one of numerous lessons from the Holy Spirit.
True, His word does NOT return void [Is 55:11], but Satan tried twisting it, and turning it to suit his means too (deception). How did that work out for him? (not talking about his success in the Garden of Eden, but in the long run - end result). It did not, and neither will it when others do the same.
The following is written because I know the plagiarist will return, since you have gleaned some of my most recent work. My prayer is that when you read this, plagiarist, that the Holy Spirit convicts your heart and you choose to repent, truly repent.
God has given you good gifts. He gave you so much and blessed you with beauty, a good wit - good things to use for His glory. You do not have to plagiarize. Ask of God and He will gladly help you. I am sure it can be addictive, easy pickings in times of pressure, or in a crunch.
Please, just stop now, repent, take what you have now, and continue with God leading you. He loves you just as He loves me. I am not infallible. I still make mistakes, El Shaddai, Almighty Sovereign God does not...ever!
He will give you material or things to speak about. End this wrongful deed now, please. Yeshua, precious Jesus, is willing to help any who call upon Him in spirit and in truth, in all humility. We all need Him, no doubt.
Jesus/Yeshua, Creator of all can and will guide you in all things, up until the day of your appointed time to leave this earth, or until His return in the 'catching up' [1Thess 4:17], whichever comes first. El Shaddai has countless vessels unto honour. You could be one too, but ultimately, the choice is yours.
Just like the choice to repent, or to make excuses (justify the wrong) is a choice. Choose wisely, dear soul - look to forever, not the here-and-now. Truly put God first. Humble yourself, and He will lift you up.
This is the time to change your heart. This is the year of fruition, and intensifying of Isaiah 5:20. The Chinese celebrate this year as the "Year of the Dragon". Satan wants to make this year all about him, and those who serve him.
It will not happen in the fullness he desires, but as it is written, the Lord has given him a short time, a season. [Rev 12:12] The devil will keep you doing what you are doing (stealing), and will you yet parrot: greater is he that is in [me] than he that is in the world?
That is bordering blasphemy when combined with deceptive ways, unless you stop plagiarizing and taking from others. We all know that two masters cannot be served. Stop working the way of the flesh and the enemy. Repent, receive forgiveness, be delivered and healed (spiritually).
From what I have seen (the gifts the Lord has given), you are above that (plagiarism). Be delivered from divination. Many Christians need deliverance. I was delivered from different things than what your need is, but there is no shame in it. The shame would be denial, or refusal. Deliverance is still for today, and it still glorified the Deliverer, Jesus/Yeshua.
Then allow the Lord to take you away from the false doctrines you were raised to believe. Prosperity preaching and word of faith (dubbed 'name it and claim it') are not the doctrine of Jesus. There can be no mixture - no clay and iron (no compromise).
Don't give Satan the victory. And you coyly put on a recent video for 'others' to remember mercy in judgment, and that the LORD also remembers mercy in His judgment. Of course, the Lord always has remembered mercy, or else none of us would be here. We would have all perished in the great flood. His mercy is revealed throughout both the Old and the New Testaments.
As for me, I have remembered mercy in my [righteous] judgment. I have not named who you are... not yet; and I really do not want to, not unless the Lord would lead me to expose you.
Why? It is because my sincere desire is to see you repent, and be all that He desires you to be - by trusting in HIM, not someone else's work. Yet, how much more is it the desire and will of the Lord for you to really give heart service (not just lip service) and to truly love Him?
At this time, it is resting in the Lord's merciful, yet wise hands. Please ...consider carefully. The Holy Spirit assisted me in removing the plank in my eye, and now my desire is to help remove splinters in the eyes of others - now that I see clearer
[End intro]
Bible references (where scriptures were used during prayer) were added after.
(original article - [in queue since:] January 7, 2023)
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Revelation 12:9 |
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. [Rev 12:9]
Satan, the adversary (accuser) resists, hinders, and strives to halt believers. From the Garden of Eden onward, he and his cronies (his legions) deceive the whole world. [Rev 12:9] Do not be surprised or more importantly - be not ignorant of Satan's devices. [2Cor 2:11]
The adversary has countless, effective devices he uses (deception, rebellion, witchcraft [sorcery, divination], idolatry, pride, hatred, unforgiveness [bitter root], various lusts - the list goes on, but deception is his ultimate weapon).
Yet, in his pride and arrogance, he believes he is great and greater than Christ.
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is HE (Jesus/Yeshua) who is in you, than he that is in the world. [1Jn 4:4]
We see the reality of Satan's warfare against God, as well as his hatred against mankind, Abba's beloved creation [and especially against those who are in Christ Jesus aka Yeshua], carried out through demons, as well as through sinful people with hearts that have waxed cold, or who have been blinded and deafened by the adversary.
But not many see or admit to the reality of the warfare being carried out overtly and covertly in the spiritual [and thus, the physical] realm(s) by demonic dark forces.
The spiritual side of our warfare is often denied. The flip side is that it is either downplayed or grossly exaggerated. The enemy is brutally evil indeed, but he is not greater than Jesus (Yeshua) who has defeated him. Through Christ, we have the power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and through Messiah, we have all authority.
Behold, I give unto you power (authority) to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing by any means shall hurt you. [Lk 19, 20]
Word of caution: There are those who become proud and arrogant regarding authority (power) given by Jesus the Christ (Messiah). It is true that we have been given power (which is authority), but people can misuse or abuse power and authority.
This is a little tricky to explain because we DO have authority, as given by the Messiah, and He does not lie. However, we must be abiding in Him and He in us. We cannot be compromised, walking in sin knowingly, and expect the enemy to flee if you are not submitted to God.
The seven sons of Sceva, a Jew, comes to mind when they thought to perform exorcism, and cast out demons.
And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus (Yeshua) I know, and Paul I know; but who are you? And the man in whom the evil spirit was leapt on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of the house naked and wounded. [Acts 19:14-16]
The authority is not ours directly; but part of our inheritance, we receive it, but it originates with the One who resides in us (Jesus the Messiah) if we are born-again. We are vessels that He works through; therefore, our boast is in Christ alone, just as Paul wrote.
But he that glories, let him glory in the Lord. [2Cor 10:17]
Jesus also forewarned that in the last days signs and wonder (miracles) would follow false prophets, thus deceiving many. This is why I say it is tricky. We do have authority, if we are aligned with God's will (not what we want in any given situation, but GOD's will). If a demon listens to one in disobedience, or who will not repent of something they take pleasure in, it is to keep that one in deception.
At least, that is one thought I had, but I surely do not know everything. In the grand scale of things, I know very little. Total dependence on God - is so right!
Songs and rhymes have been composed with phrases such as "stomping on Satan's head", which misleads people into thinking that our involvement with Satan is more of a playful game than it is authoritative warfare.
We should not operate in pride and arrogance, as if it is our authority that has power over the enemy, but we should operate in humility, yet with confidence in Messiah (Christ) [Anointed One] who defeated Satan and his power. It is HIS power, HIS authority.
Our inheritance IN Him has been given to us to overcome the adversary, as HE lives IN us (when we are born-again, and (Holy) Spirit-filled).
Therefore, let us not get carried away with 'authority' and 'power', falling into a trap of pride set by the enemy. Instead, walk humbly with the living God, doing justly, ever thankful to Jesus. All His glory alone....
Notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven. [vs 20]
Amen; glory to God through Jesus (Yeshua)! Let us keep a heart filled with gratitude, not even daring to touch the glory of God.
Our Real Warfare is Spiritual Not Physical
The Reality:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. [Eph6:12]
However, it is written that we must be strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might; we must put on the whole armour of God and stand against the devil's schemes. [Eph 6:10, 11]
We cannot be successful in this war without the Lord of the battle; the King over all things. We need Jesus in "all" things, whether we know it or not; or whether we believe it or not. It is truth.
We are warned that our weapons are not carnal (not worldly weapons), but mighty through GOD to the pulling down of strongholds.
We are admonished to take every thought captive that sets itself up against the knowledge of God (to quench the fiery darts of the enemy) and bring it to obedience to Christ. [2Cor 10:4, 5]
We are taught that the adversary (Satan) is a prowler who walks about as a roaring lion, hungrily seeking someone, anyone, to devour, but particularly disciples of Christ.
(Note*: Perhaps the title is misleading, in that our warfare is in the spiritual first and always; that is reality. However, it certainly does manifest into the physical realm, through sin and sinners, or via demonic activity (witchcraft, divination, demon-possessed people, other occult channels, such as rituals, vortexes etc.), and through the fallen, corrupted world.
Sin is an open door. This is an entire topic by itself. Suffice it to say that the warfare (evil) does and will manifest in the physical, as Satan is the 'prince of the power of the air', and he has his legions are a reality. His armies (those who obey him are in both spiritual and physical realms [Luciferians, Satan worshippers, witches/warlocks, et al).
God has given Satan a 'time', but he is on a short leash (he cannot override God's will; he has been given a short season. See [Rev 12:12]. End note-BP2024]
We are taught that we must first submit to God, and in doing so, then we can resist the devil (being strong in faith) and he must flee. [Jam 4:7] If we are not submitted to God, the enemy will not flee.
Sadly, most leave off the first part when they quote this scripture. They simply say: "Resist the devil and he must flee", but the first part about submitting to God is ignored (rarely mentioned).
In fact, I used to leave off the first part of the scripture myself, until the Holy Spirit opened the eyes of my understanding. Again, the 'power' (authority) we have is that of Yeshua.
Sometimes that 'fleeing' by the devil is immediate, and other times it is eventual because in his pride, the enemy does at times resist. If you do not believe that, then read about Satan tempting Jesus in the desert wilderness. [Mk 1:13]
Forty days Satan tempted Jesus... 40 days! Jesus (Yeshua) was wholly submitted to God. He resisted Satan every step of the way, by countering the SCRIPTURE (Word of God) that Satan used against Him, WITH other scripture. Satan's usage was incorrect; he fumbled with the sword, whereas Yeshua's proper usage pierced through the darkness.
Satan took the [spiritual] SWORD, the Word of God, and challenged Jesus (Yeshua) to a duel. Nothing new with Satan, in that yet again, he took scripture out of context to come against the living WORD of God in the flesh, God incarnate (Jesus).
Many Christians do that today. They have sword fights to strike out against someone, even another believer. They use the Word of God to condemn someone and then insist that they are not condemning, thereby basically placing the onus [responsibility] on God. Or they use it to validate a false teaching (doctrine), except scripture is twisted, taken out of context.
How many times have I written that this is not a competition (between members in the Body of Christ)? At least, it is not meant to be because a house divided will not stand (which is one reason the powers that be are trying to divide the nations from within, by turning people against each other).
God separates, but He also divides (rightly divides) for the good; Satan divides unto destruction. There is a [huge] difference.
True unity begins by laying down your life and abiding, becoming one with Christ Jesus. It means trusting God, and walking in humility, mercy, and love. It is not about 'rules'; it all falls into place when our first love is Jesus, and we love God with all that we are.
Yes, some of it is a tough call - it is a call to our cross [daily] where flesh, along with its feelings, emotions, appetites, desires, etc. must be crucified, and God's will, not our will, be done. This takes the help of the precious Holy Spirit.
Nothing wrong with what God gave us (feelings, emotions, etc.), but the cross means not allowing flesh to rule us. Feelings and emotions have failed me, tons of times - and they overrode my logic more times than I care to admit.
[One way of...] Being competitive involves 'stealing' someone else's work (and their intimate time with the Lord), and presenting it as their own. They may even take on parts of their personality, or methods of writing, or experiences, or prophetic messages.
In their mind, they can say it, do it, or be it far better than the one they took from. Well, even if that were true, it is NOT in the eyes of the Father (the Creator). People look at the outward appearance, but the living God truly does look upon the heart.
Such people allow Satan to indirectly hurt true disciples because Satan comes to 'steal', to kill and destroy, and he delights in Christians hurting each other.
The Lord may lead us to others to learn from them, or to receive a message through them, or for confirmation, absolutely - nothing wrong with that. He is God, and does what He pleases. Yet, we all need teachers throughout life, but He does not lead them to people to take their hard work from them (we are labourers in the field (and yes, more are needed - labourers are few).
But no matter the labour, we most certainly do not put anything (what we write or say before Jesus, and definitely not before seeking Him). God's Word is infallible; without error. His Word is not ever to be compared to what we have to say. No person shall touch God's glory - Jesus is to always be our first love. He is the Word, and the Word overrules all.
El Shaddai has plenty for all, no stealing is necessary! Shepherds (pastors) should not steal the sheep's food, nor should any self-proclaimed prophets steal prophetic words, and say, "Thus saith the Lord". (see Jeremiah 23)
I believe in prophesying, due to Joel 2:28, and Acts 2:17, the latter being spoken by Peter who echoed the prophet Joel's words on the day of Pentecost, when people were accusing the 120 Holy Spirit-filled (baptized with fire) disciples of being drunk early in the day.
Also: Despise not prophesying. [1Thes 5:20]
The prophets of old were people (mostly men, but there was also women like Deborah, Anna, Isaiah's wife, et al), who spoke when the Holy Spirit moved upon them, but today, all thanksgiving and glory to Jesus/Yeshua, we all can be vessels to speak a prophetic word or message IF the Lord so chooses. [see Joel 2:Acts2]
Because of Jesus, prophecy (prophets) is [are] different than in the Old Testament. If there are prophets today, the message is the same, which is (and should be), confess to God and repent, turn away from those sins that hold captive. Be saved, delivered, and healed (from the spiritual damage of the devil).
And most importantly: The testimony of Jesus (Yeshua) is the spirit of prophecy. [Rev 19:10]
Deceivers or insincere teachers/preachers/prophets use scripture to back up what they are saying, but it has been twisted (like the serpent did in the Garden of Eden), or it is taken out of context (like Satan did when he tempted Jesus in the desert wilderness).
I emphasized Satan's use of scripture because false prophets (and imposters) use scripture. They need 'truth' to attract people, and to ultimately deceive unbelievers and believers alike, IF possible - and it will be possible...even the very elect.
Jesus even said: Behold, I have told you before. [Mat 24:25] Before what? Before it happens, so that no one else can take credit. The faithfulness of the Lord to give fair warning (repeated warnings) is steadfast and dependable. [Lam 3:23] We see it consistently in both the Old and the New Testaments.
Deceivers that speak enough truth to gain attention, and thus gain a following, use scripture to confirm what they say. It all began in the Garden of Eden. Satan's cronies (ministers) will copy their master; it will wax worse and worse the closer we get to Christ's return, just as foretold by the Anointed One. [Mat 24:24]
It is getting trickier to tell the true from the false, thanks to technology and to the internet, and the countless video and social media platforms available.
When Wiccans lived a few doors down from me in a small apartment building (five apartments in total) when I lived in B.C., one of them would 'pray' to Jesus, and mention biblical things, including Bible verses and stories. The other one did not pray in my presence, but said she prayed privately.
But what 'Jesus' were they praying to? A false Christ. And Satan used scripture against the Lord Jesus Christ. We are taught that he is a thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy...but our Lord came so we could have life in abundance (to the full). [Jn 10:10] (That is a topic in itself; as it is also mistaught, misused, misconstrued)
We learn that through Him who loved us (Christ/Messiah) [Rom 8:37], we are more than conquerors. We learn also that nothing and no one, not death or life, neither angels or demons, nothing past, present or future, not height or depth, not any powers or anything else in all of creation can separate us from the love of God that is in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus, our Lord and King). [Rom 8:38-39]
We can expect resistance back from the enemy and his minions. We can expect resistance from those who deceive [others] and are deceived (and their supporters), and perhaps even [resistance] from those who may hold a different viewpoint than ours, but God's word is true.
If only we would 'all' take things to Jesus and wait for Him to reveal. Patience is not one of my strong virtues either. I am waiting on it, but it is taking too long (humour required-insert smile).
Satan must flee if we are submitted; he cannot overrule or manipulate God's (precious and Holy) Spirit, God's power, God's Word, but especially God's will.
Yes, the truth is that we all learn as we grow. We also change as we progress toward maturing and understanding. We change as the Potter molds us into Christ's image. We grow as the Vinedresser looks after us with hard labour.
We continue to run the race, moving forward upon our journey of faith, learning endurance and how to endure, with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit of God.
As the Lord taught me long ago, and has spoken in prophetic messages, we must get God's Word down in our heart, learn it and obey (practice; DO) it. We need to be willing to listen to others, as we can learn from them too.
There are more than enough scriptures to preach about the reality of our spiritual warfare. Denying it will not change the reality of it, but that denial may well mean your ruin and the demolishing of your faith, or bring about apostacy, or doom you to become reprobate.
Take heed no man deceive you, Yeshua/Jesus our Lord forewarned, when asked about what to expect before His return. [Mat 24:4]
Prime Examples
I admit wholeheartedly that I have learned from other people who shared a hard lesson learned, or an experience that sharpened their vision of the unseen world, the spiritual realm. The Word of God says that what happened to our forerunners were examples for the generations that followed after them.
But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness. Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. [1Cor10:5, 6]
Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. [Jude1:7]
It was not simply the lessons exposing the negative or wicked choices people made, their sins which displeased God that were examples for us; although we do well to learn deeply and wisely from them.
But we also have honourable and valuable examples as well, such as our Messiah and Lord, Yeshua (Jesus). When He washed the feet of His apostles, He said, "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you." [Jn 13:15]
Or what of the ancient prophets/prophetesses, ordinary, every day people who were filled with the precious and Holy Spirit, who preceded the day of Pentecost?
Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. [Jam 5:10]
Or what word of encouragement is given to the youth, the young disciples of Christ (Messiah)?
Let no man despise your youth; but be an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity (love), in spirit, in faith, in purity. [1Tim 4:12]
The obstacles, resistance and hindrances that I have come up against just in writing messages, exhortations, updates, but mostly testimony (or whatever I am so led to do) has occasionally been inconceivable, perhaps sounds far-fetched, but it is exactly that.
A few times (very few, but still) certain Christians have griped about the testimony and the transparency. Sometimes when we tell the truth, it will not be believed because people like a certain person and refuse to accept the picture they have of them, or believe something happened with you that seemed out of character for them by their friends and family.
That happens a lot. For example, when the Hillsong pastor was exposed by the news media, multitudes did not want to believe the charges, as they 'knew' him and he was not that kind of person. Opinion changed when guilt was proven, and admitted to.
Injustices happen often in life, even amongst Christians (although there are those who say if you have enough 'faith' and 'decree' this and that, such injustices, or sickness, or death (such as martyrdom) will not happen to you.
Deception is rampant in all arenas, throughout the world. Jesus said, Behold, I have told you before. [Mat 24:25] Not everyone is going to agree with each other, Christian or not. And that is okay. Just because someone does not agree with a certain viewpoint or perspective (except for false doctrine, or unscriptural) does not mean they are against you, or refusing truth.
It simply means -- they disagree. For example, if I said something is 'golden-brown, but leans more toward a gold colour', and someone else said there is no golden hue; it is just brown, then suffice it to say, we disagree - and that is okay.
That is simply part of life since we all have different personalities, cultures, backgrounds and life experiences. Other times we may report things that others chose not to believe, especially if it is about someone who is well-liked.
So, again, for the sake of consideration, I repeat a thought. How many times have you heard people deny that someone could do something so wrong when they have known them a long time and saw nothing that would even hint that they might do that? Injustices happen -- and be prepared, they can happen to you, to me.
Look at how the world is turning. Jesus forewarned about betrayal. He said brother will betray brother, a father betray their child, and children betray their parents. He also warned that we will be hated for His name's sake. It is already beginning. Some parts of the world have been suffering this already. Be assured, it is about to bust wide-open in North America (Canada, United States, Mexico).
That is not fearmongering; it is a fact. The news and videos reveal this to be true. It does not take a prophetic word, or a rocket scientist to see it unfolding just as the Word of God revealed.
Jesus put it this way:
And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.
And you shall be hated of all men for My name's sake: but he that endures to the end shall be saved. [Mat 10:21, 22]
We may be disbelieved or accused of making things up (false accusations). That is when we are going to have to lay things at the foot of the cross and trust Jesus to judge it properly in His time. That is something I am working on right now.
It was a surety that my life was laid down, but an offense caused me to reexamine my heart, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I intend to wholly lay my life down once and for all. Like the addict who finds it hard to quit a habit, laying down one's life is like that. The flesh resists; it wants its life.
... but I prefer to lose it - to and in my Lord (Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah).
Meanwhile, we must forgive, not allowing injustice or bitterness to tempt us to sin. We must trust God. Pray as Job did for the friends who came against him, who falsely accused him, and doubted him. It may be a tough call, yet necessary.
As previously stated, it is fine to disagree with each other, so long as it is not a salvation issue, or something against the Word, or the character of God. Have no part in blasphemy or heresy. There are times we MUST (as the adage goes): "Let go and let God."
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Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength [...] [Is 40:31]
False doctrine is unacceptable to God, as it will lead people astray. It is written that in the last days some will listen to seducing spirits with doctrines of demons, and will [eventually] depart from the faith [fall away, give up]. [1Tim 4:1]
Yet, it should come as no surprise and there should be no doubt, for this is but one of the devices and strategies of the adversary (Satan) and his devil armies. Every person will experience it (especially disciples of Christ), and no matter how hard we try, there will be times we can in no way avoid them.
And I'm not even speaking of distractions. What is being said is that in this day when good is being called evil and evil good, we will see and hear things that we would prefer not to hear and see. It is unavoidable.
Whatever Satan can do to keep us from doing or fulfilling the Father's will, he will endeavour to carry out. We must set our face like a flint, and gird up our loins, and call upon the Lord for courage and strength, and boldness, to do His will. There will be times that our Sovereign Lord allows enemy interference, whether the means (persons or methods) used are spiritual or physical, but ultimately, it is never for our harm, but for our good.
Again, I point you to the Word of God, and time (intimate) spent alone with Him. I will not even pretend to know the mind of God when it comes to why He allows what He allows, and disallows what He disallows. He is Sovereign...none else; however, the Old and New Testament reveal His wisdom, grace, mercy, justice, and judgment. That theme has been throughout this blog since its inception, along with repentance, holiness, praise, thanksgiving, the Word -ever the Word.
More often than not, Gods' wisdom defies our logic because our wisdom (logic; world wisdom) is foolishness to Him. But it is a promise that we can trust Him.
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He takes the wise in their own craftiness. And again, the Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. Therefore, let no man glory in men. For all things are Yours. [1Cor3:19-21]
We must first learn to trust His wisdom and set aside any fear regarding His ability to carry out His supreme plan, a plan in which we only have fragments of information and understanding.
It is far beyond our comprehension, although for many our pride, as "intelligent" people would deny the fact that we do not understand the "whys", "hows" etc. Worse yet, multitudes angrily place blame at the Lord's feet, and accuse Him of being an uncaring, uninvolved, merciless, loveless God.
Satan works with the flesh if he can. He looks for an open door, or a chink in the armour. Not every thought in the first person is ours. He is a master at imitation and counterfeiting. He is a copycat. In fact, he is so expert at it that if it was not for God being God, he could make the original look like a fraud.
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There are people who are expert at doing that. There can zero in on a personality they like, take their material as their own (see [Jer 23:30-32]), and through repetition (saying a word, expression or idea repeatedly) and great exposure (multiple social media platforms, conferences, interviews, church(es)), make it look like the material originated with them, and make the one they stole the work from look like the plagiarist. Absolutely astounding!
For three years this has been observed. If longer, I am unaware...But Jesus - who leads us in all truth, and reveals truth. It was back in 2012, the Lord did say it was the 'time of revealing', and He has been doing so ever since.
After Obama was elected second term in the same year [November 2012] He also said: 'Now it begins' (the slippery slope toward the tribulation-- great tribulation fast approaching). [These things are mentioned in several (scattered) articles on this blog.]
The revealing of truth is and has been picking up speed now, like dominoes falling, yet God is in control (Sovereign). Hallelujah!
In her heart's desire to encourage me about something I had written, a trusted and close friend sent me a link to another site. That is how plagiarism was discovered, as I had never even heard of the person before, as I am not one to go to 'prophecy' channels. We can never underestimate the ways of the Creator, or how He will reveal things to us. His wisdom is far above ours. His ways, unsearchable.
However, in the revealing, love had to step in, which mean forgiveness must happen, genuine forgiveness. In an effort to cut the plagiarism at the quick, it seemed "logical" to write about the "discovery", thus giving the plagiarist room to repent, as surely as I myself needed room to repent -- more than once.
Remember, my sin may not be your sin, and your sin may not be mine. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Being convinced that writing about plagiarism would stop the act in its tracks, I called my trusted, loving friend to confess how my emotions had gone from anger, to resentment, to anger, to bitterness - and to shame. I am supposed to be a Christian.
Breaking down on the phone, truly broken and contrite, I requested that we pray. In my prayer, I confessed to the Lord all the turmoil I went through, the negative, fleshly feelings and emotions. I explained it felt like an adulteress had committed rape, how they had soiled, corrupted a relationship.
The transparency in which testimony was given over the years in this blog was NOT to make it all about me, but I had to reveal my part in order to reveal the goodness, the mercy, the grace, the love of our Creator and Saviour. Repeatedly people had to know of Jesus/Yeshua's love; His willing sacrifice in order to forgive, to cleanse (save), to deliver, and to make whole (heal) the repentant soul.
This is where (as the Lord God taught me, and has expressed in many prophetic words on this site), yes, this is where mercy must be remembered in judgment.
This is where humility, love, and mercy must walk hand in hand. This is where prayer for their good must happen...and this is where my life must be laid down at the feet of Jesus, where the shadow of the cross falls upon us, and the light of His glory shines forth.
This is why it is said that the help of the Holy Spirit is needed - and acknowledged. It is all to the glory of Jesus alone, who teaches us, disciplines (corrects) us, and shows us what real love (agape) is all about. And if that does not leave one broken and contrite, well, that is where I am at...and so grateful to Jesus for saving a wretch like me. You are exalted on high, King and Lord Jesus/Yeshua - name above all names! Be glorified, Holy, Faithful and True One.
This past year plus, I have had continuous hindrances from the enemy, as well as resistance. If you are wholly submitted to God through His beloved Son, Jesus/Yeshua, and determined to be obedient to God's will (gladly, as an expression of love for a magnificent King and Father), you are targeted even more so than the "lip service" believers, or the lost.
The Individual Battles Within This Spiritual War
It has been a month since I moved into my new place, and yet still I am not settled, nor is my health yet fully restored. In fact some days I wonder if I'm going backwards health-wise instead of forward.
I fight my flesh, guard my words and have learned to keep an attitude of gratitude, remembering all the ways Jesus has looked after me, providing, strengthening, guiding, interceding, intervening and on and on it truly goes.
I guarantee that it is no cute cliche, as I boldly repeat myself again and again in loudly proclaiming that indeed, God IS Faithful and True; and with righteousness He does judge and wage war. [Rev 19:11; Lam 3:22-23] I am head over heels in love with Him because He truly does love us first. [1Jn 4:19]
It has been the longest, most intense and relentless onslaught, or dark night of the soul that I have ever experienced, and it began in January 2020 (and not even speaking of Covid-19). That is not a complaint, but a fact.
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view from B.C. home window from June2015 - Sept2020 |
I wrote about the open visions I had back in December 2019. I was standing at the kitchen window in the apartment where I had lived already for four and a half years. I had a habit of looking out that window because I could enjoy the mountains and the lake with a grateful heart.
This one particular day, with my spiritual eyes, I saw angelic warriors standing with spears at the top of the mountain. I saw a chariot, a lion near the right front of the chariot, and a man (although I could not tell if he was inside or outside the chariot, due to the distance) ...and over him flew a blood-stained flag (victory).
I immediately understood that it was Jesus (Yeshua), our warrior King, Lord of the battle, "lion" of the tribe of Judah, Commander-Chief overall, standing there with his ever-ready, obedient holy warring angels.
Another time I had seen a silhouette of an Israelite dressed in ancient robes blowing the shofar. He was facing east. A friend came with his wife another day. He brought up the compass on his cell and determined the Israelite in the vision blowing the ram's horn was facing east - southeast.
When a group of us met for Hanukkah on Sunday, December 22, 2019, both visions were mentioned. I had thought the "east" pertained to Israel, and the south-east perhaps to Australia. However, it was only days later that China announced on the news that an outbreak was now considered a pandemic, originating in Wuhan.
Reports of a SARS outbreak were mentioned as early as November 2019, but it was only after Hanukkah that China sounded the alarm for a global threat, a pandemic of COVID-19. It was shared in Once Upon a Mountaintop (Jan 20.2020)
To this day I believe the ram's horn warning was a wake-up call, and that is what I announced to a group of approximately 25-30 people, from youth to elderly. It was stated that God was uttering a warning, a "wake-up call", but that few would hear it because a "spirit of slumber" blanketed the people. For some that did hear it, they would return to sleeping, or lay awake, but failing to rise up.
I remember feeling awkward saying what I was saying, but the hosts of the celebration (Hanukkah) were most gracious, with the male host stating that he agreed with my words. People seemed to listen to him more seriously. Whether it was because he was the host of the feast, or because he was male, I will not even attempt to speculate.
The whole point was not whether people listened to me or listened to the male host. The point was would they take the warning seriously and run to Jesus/Yeshua, seeking Him with the most sincere and greatest effort.
Yet equally important was the Lord's promise that His holy angels would be warring on (my) our behalf. He was prophesying VICTORY with the blood-stained flag (standard) flying over his head. It was obvious that it would be an intense battle if the Lord Himself would be overseeing, and having holy warrior angels standing by, awaiting His orders.
Yes, it was a personal vision that pertained to my life, but God still feeds the multitudes with little. I understood deep within that the message was for the corporate Body of Christ (Messiah). So did my trusted friends and brethren, the hosts of the feast (Hanukkah).
Admittedly, I was surprised when he emphatically urged me to announce it before our meal. The Holy Spirit works in all of us, whether we know it or not because born-again believers are one in Spirit, and He quickens "truth" and "love" deep within us.
However, I also sensed that the only ones who would listen and take heed would be a remnant. There are times I've missed warnings too and ended up, in hindsight, regretting it. It is part of growing and learning, but we have to be sharp now. We are at a pivotal time in history.
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So it is written - so it shall be. It is coming...
The margin for making mistakes in these dark, tumultuous times has narrowed dramatically. We are entering a time where a "simple" mistake could cost us our lives, or the life of someone else. Ask anyone who has served in the military about deadly or untimely mistakes.
May God help us in our judgments (discernment) because we have to get our head around the fact that not everything is as it appears to be (as the Lord showed me back in the late 90s right after my children were returned to me after seven long years), and too often there is no room for error.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into (can appear as) an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed (appear) as ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. [2Cor 11:14, 15]
And without the precious and Holy Spirit, how are we possibly going to discern false brethren (double agents), false prophets whom scripture claims they appear as sheep outwardly (like part of the flock), but inwardly, they are ravening wolves [Mat 7:15] (who likely bring gifts like the Trojan horse)? Indeed, things are not always as they appear to be. The Lord knows for only He sees the end from the beginning. Only He is omnipresent (past, present and future).
How many times have we been deceived or bamboozled by New Agers, Wiccans, witches (warlocks), and infiltrators (double agents), whose vocabulary is nearly identical to Christians, but their 'lord' and 'god' is not the Sovereign, living God of Israel (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)?
In this fast-paced time of technology, holograms, illusions, interdimensional activities (demonic/spiritual warfare), we cannot lean on our own understanding [Prov 3:5-6], nor can we possibly get through what is coming without Jesus, or without the Holy Spirit.
NOW is the time to seek God and abide in the Vine. NOW is the time to repent, if necessary (search your heart, and ask for help from the Holy Spirit, in case we trick ourselves) - and - pray!
Gentle and Not So Gentle Reminders
Yes, the Holy Spirit would have to remind us because we all tend to forget, every single one of us. It is nothing new; God always repeats Himself. He has always had to, even from the time of Job. He has led me to be repetitive; it is one way that we learn.
Repetition is needed even more so now in this busy, chaotic, confusing time where volumes of information come at us on a daily basis.
God speaks once, yea twice, yet man perceives it not. [Job 33:14]
We are in shock mode at the changes that have taken place globally and are now being called the "new normal". Yet, multitudes are in denial, sincerely believing that things will go back to the way they used to be before the pandemic moved across the planet in 2020. Near the end of the year, or in beginning of 2021, the Lord assured us that things were never going to go back to how they were.
Whether we realize it or not, the world has nosedived and is spinning out of control, heading toward the culmination of all Biblical prophecies and the pinnacle of this long war.
The world is out of control, but everything is under God's control! Amen. Let us keep looking up for the return of our majestic Saviour, King and Lord, along with our redemption, draws nigh. He has 'reminded' us numerous times to do so.
O hallelujah, I DO have good news, so please bear with me. Expect the hindrances and resistance, my fellow sojourner. We have "examples" and eyewitnesses to this being standard for God's people.
RESISTANCE: -- the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or by argument: -- the ability not to be affected by something, especially something adversely (an adversary, enemy)
And he showed me Joshua the high priest, standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to RESIST him. And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke you, O Satan; even the Lord that has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? [Zech 3:1, 2]
Satan had the audacity to show up in heaven when Joshua, as high priest stood before Almighty God, being cleansed and having his unrighteousness removed and symbolically having "robes of righteousness" being placed upon him to cloak him. Satan dared to resist God's work with Joshua, but of course, his resistance against God was powerless. He is a defeated, yet prideful foe.
HINDER: -- create difficulties for (someone/something), resulting in delay and/or obstruction; -- impede, obstruct, block, interfere with the activity or progress of; -- hinder stresses causing harmful and/or annoying delay or interference in progress
The Greek word used in the original is "enkopto", which means "to cut into", which apparently refers to breaking up a road or placing an obstacle in a path.
Also: "blocked the way" (NRS); "thwarted" (NAS); "stopped" (NIV); "hindered and impeded" (TAB) and lastly "prevented" (NLT).
So all in all, it's a negative interference, leaving one helpless and frustrated. One thing I concur with is that ofttimes it is carried out by flesh and blood people, with an 'open door' that I previously mentioned, some unguarded area where the enemy can slip in. It could be unbelief, but it can also be some sin or weakness.
NOTE: (Hat tip and grateful smile to Russell McKinney for his research into the Greek word, as well as its meaning BP2023)
But we, brethren, being taken from you for a short time in presence, not in heart, endeavoured the more abundantly to see your face with great desire. Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again, but Satan HINDERED us. [1Thes2:17, 18]
Satan hindered Paul for a season in his ministry to the Thessalonians to such a degree that Paul and crew had to temporarily leave Thessalonica, but in the end, the hindrance would be halted, as Paul returns. [1Thes 2:18]
Battles in Varied Areas
Due to setbacks, hindrances, resistance and more, I have not been able to write and keep all of you updated as my heart desires. Instead (if any return), folks return to a stagnant day after day, and week after week passes by.
Have I cried out to God regarding everything? Countless times, for months and months. Do I give up or give in? No! I cannot, the Lord has done so much work in me. He has been too good to me, full of mercy, grace, compassion and so importantly (to me) - understanding!
How worthy He is of our love and dedication, each one of us - how very worthy! His love is so profound, He makes each of us individually feel so special. Such agape love!
We need to encourage each other. I am sure that there are times that it seems there is no one around who cares or understands. There are times it may feel like no one is praying for us. I am fairly confident those moments happen to all of us, including our forerunners.
David is an example of a person who found himself without comfort in a time of great need. There was no one around to encourage him or help strengthen his faith or his spirit. So what did he do? He encouraged 'himself' IN THE LORD.
And David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. [1Sam 30:6]
But the best encourager of all, and the most truthful, is the Lord. If we will but seek Him, pouring out our heart to Him, He is right there, right here - listening - even if He is silent, He is right there; right here.
There are so many examples in the Holy Scriptures of the Lord consoling and encouraging that books could be written (and likely have been).
But look at a couple of instances:
Fear not; for you shall not be ashamed: neither be confounded; for you shall not be put to shame: for you shall forget the shame of your youth, and shall not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore. [Is 54:4]
And honesty and truth:
For a small moment have I forsaken you; but with great mercies will I gather you. In a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on you, says the Lord your Redeemer. [vs 8]
Sounds like a caring Father who loves enough to discipline...
For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from you, neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed, says the Lord that has mercy on you.
O you afflicted, tossed with tempest (violent, windy storms), and not comforted, behold, I will lay your stones with fair colours and lay your foundations with sapphires. [vs 10, 11 - He speaks to His beloved Israel/Jerusalem]
He delights in giving us His best. Here is one last example. It was spoken to (and through) Joshua, when he took over command from Moses.
Our magnificent Creator still speaks to us through His Word and by His Spirit, through others and in many various great is His love.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of a good courage (encouraged); be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the Lord your God IS with you whatever place (whithersoever) you go. [Josh 1:9]
So, my friends, my beloved brethren, do not pay any heed to the flesh or any devil who discourages and lies. Remember the words of our Lord, for they are as true today as they were the day that they were first spoken.
Keep in mind that although we are caught up in the space/time continuum, the Creator of all things is not. After all, He created time and space (rolls eyes - I know, I know).
To Him, it is as if He just spoke the very words that I just posted; it's true. We cannot even imagine how a thousand years is as one day to the Lord.
Heck, how many times does one day seem like a thousand years when we have to WAIT...and wait...and wait to learn PATIENCE and ENDURANCE?
Instead we square up our shoulders and hold our head up high, and with all our strength we determine to sound so convincing..."Okay Father, I've learned patience now, and...and how to endure, endurance too. Thank You for the lessons. So, can our private covenant, Your promise to me...can it be --- now?" (Flash your biggest smile!)
Our heavenly Father smiles back and says, "Soon -- just a little longer!"
A month passes, a year, two years, ten years...our smile has disappeared; our shoulders droop. "I haven't given up Abba...and I haven't given in, but umm, could I please have your definition of 'soon'?"
For a thousand years in Your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. [Ps 90:4]
But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. [2Pet 3:9]
Huge sighhh:
"I get it, my Lord; I don't like it, but...I get it. Your will be done. Holy Spirit, help me to accept, to do and to trust the Father's will and timing." Amen
Body, Soul and Spirit
Since January 2020, the onslaught that has taken place almost wiped me out spiritually, and indeed, almost physically. I truly do want to break it down and share it because I just know that I know others have been going through the "clash of the kingdoms" too. Let it be said and thus made perfectly clear: it is Satan that is resisting (the original rebel)!
As mentioned briefly in a previous article, the onslaught began with the Word of God (yes, the enemy still uses God's word to trip us up, if he can). I had read some scriptures, two different scriptures in two separate chapters, yet with a similar message and I "felt" that the Lord was speaking to me to do similar.
The first scriptures spoke of when Moses sent out the 10 spies to check out the promised land, to see what could be expected when they entered in. The second set of scriptures were similar, except this time Joshua was sending out two spies to enter Jericho and gather information.
Both pertained to "spying out the land". There is a tendency to jump to the conclusion that if we are told something and then something else presents itself seemingly in agreement, we take that as "confirmation". Well, that is what I did.
I read the first set of scriptures, then randomly grabbed a few pages in the Bible and lo and behold, there were the scriptures regarding Joshua and Jericho. Wow - confirmation!
Ah, but it was NOT. Remember - things are not always as they appear to be. Satan used God's Word way back in the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, except he put a 'twist' to the words of YHWH and deceived (beguiled) Eve, who in turn convinced Adam to disobey God.
Suffice it to say that my first mistake was not going to Abba in prayer and asking Him to confirm the "confirmation", or to lead me in the way that I should go. I did not ask the Lord; I assumed.
Unfortunately, even after this particular lesson ended up with devastating results as a consequence of NOT taking the matter to the Lord, but moving on speculation and error (error in presuming that the second set of scriptures must be confirmation).
It was all allowed by the Lord to bring me out of deception, which I did not even realize I was under at the time. That is why I say with confidence that people who are deceived do not realize they are UNTIL the curtain is pulled back in the time of revealing, and truth is finally SEEN! Deception is destructive, but God heals.
We all make mistakes, but right now the Lord is adamantly warning us that in these deceptive, illusionary days, where truth is becoming harder to find, and evil is being considered as good, and good as evil, it is now more important than ever before to being everything to Him in prayer.
In times past we could often discern a matter, make an informed and accurate decision and go about our business because of the Holy Spirit. These days we can take nothing for granted, not our experience, or wisdom, or discernment.
PRAYER is imperative! Waiting upon the Lord also crucial. The Lord will be pleased to answer when we obey His counsel to test every spirit to see if it is of Him, and to bring all things to Him, with thanksgiving... being anxious for nothing. [Phil 4:6]
We are fast approaching the very days that Yeshua/Jesus forewarned us about. It is upon us. Our Lord spoke of the last of the last days and false Christs and false prophets. We have been hearing of these for centuries now, but now we are witnessing it. How many of our forerunners longed to see this day come?
Yet, we have not seen them performing great signs and wonders; at least, not to the degree where Yeshua warned that if possible, they shall deceive the very elect. [Mat 24:24]
However, please trust that many false teachers/prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing, are already deceiving the masses on social media platforms, and raking in the money.
In other words, if there is any open door, any possible way these false prophets and false ones can trick us, they will, and in doing so, deceive us completely. How do we avoid that?
One way - the ONLY way, which is to bring everything, no matter how petty or trivial it seems, to the Lord, EVEN IF (and especially if) they present what they say with the WORD of GOD.
That is how I was tricked into believing a lie. It is how Eve was deceived. Satan tried to deceive Jesus in the desert wilderness with the Word of God, but Jesus countered (fought back) with the Word. He was victorious, and Satan left - for a season. [Lk 4:13]
I came across not just one set of scriptures, but a second set, which convinced me that it just had to be the leading of the Lord for two "random" scriptures to not only be similar in message, but the individuals spoken of in the scriptures were doing the same thing, but at two separate times in history. Sounds like confirmation, doe it not? Remember, Satan is intelligent, and has been around much longer than any one of us.
He delights in deception and rejoices doubly when he can beguile one of God's children and trick them into believing a lie. I wish I could say that that one lesson at the beginning of the year was sufficient enough to convince me that I must bring all things to the Lord now, but sadly, it took another lesson, further on up the road (in months to come, in fact, almost a year later, in 2021, nearly two years ago).
The second lesson also had to do with the written Word of God, as unbelievable and remarkable as that is. Satan is cunning, clever, subtle and a master illusionist and expert deceiver. Do not think you can outsmart him without the wisdom of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit because it won't happen.
Gone are the days and times that perhaps we could depend on the wisdom we gained over life's lessons. We are in times like never before. Have you noticed how "suddenly" the military, the CIA, and the Pentagon are all releasing or declassifying information regarding UFOs. All part of an ancient plot to deceive.
For decades, such reports were squelched, silenced or denied altogether, yet now all kinds of reports, videos and pictures are being released to the general population.
Forbes magazine took great pleasure back in March to put in print that "2021 is Shaping Up to Be the Year of the UFO" See: Forbes
There has been much speculation/conjecture over the years about a "false rapture" (Blue Beam Project, as far back as 12 or more years ago), holograms, interactive AI and much more that people have written about pertaining to deception and the latter times.
I do believe that technology will play a huge part in the deception that Jesus warned about, but we must keep in mind the Lord's word...and keep in mind the book of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel and more.
There is a demonic, dark kingdom, headed by Satan, who is eager to manifest himself in the physical realm in ways that the Bible speaks of. We are in days of great deception, but the worst is yet to come. It is written ...
We truly must practice involving the Lord in all things. We have to get rid of the 'independent' attitude, one that we inherited from Adam, and submit wholly to the Lord, trusting Him to guide us correctly and wisely. Lay down our lives.
I do hope to share the onslaught that has occurred in my life in the past year and a half, for one reason and that is to glorify the Lord through it all.
(NOTE*: Although this was in the queue to post January 7, 2023, I am wondering if it was initially written late 2022, because it sounds like I wanted to share certain battles with the enemy, but also some astounding miraculous things that took place (within a year and a half), from the time I moved out of the RV in B.C. to a two-month stay in Alberta, visiting my two daughters, having left beautiful BC. And then onward to Ontario. Just a little trivia - [End note] BP2024)
The way He brings us through things cannot typically be seen at the time, but it is an astounding fact that we all can rejoice in. No one rejoices in their times of great trial, despite how certain religious people will tell you differently.
The joy we 'rejoice' in, is knowing Jesus is with us. He is an ever present help in trouble. He is our strong tower, our refuge, our shield, our Defender, our Commander-in-Chief, Almighty God, Wonderful, Counsellor...everything!
Did we see Daniel praising and thanking God in the lion's den? We read where Daniel prayed and gave thanks to God three times a day before he was thrown into the lion's den. It was his praying that got him tossed into the den. [Dan 6:13]
But there is no mention of Daniel saying anything whilst in the den of lions. Undoubtedly, if he prayed during that time, it was in silence, so as not to provoke the lions.
Neither is there mention of the three Hebrew men, Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego praising and thanking God as they walked around in the furnace. If they prayed, I imagine that it was silently as they acknowledged the fourth man in the fire. [Dan 3:19-23]
We may praise God and give thanks during our own personal trial (fire and water), but chances are our prayers will lead to that later on. We can pray, perhaps sing in the fear of the Lord (reverence, awe, respect, acknowledgement of His Omnipotence, holiness), but the rejoicing comes after victory is complete.
In closing, my message is to be aware of the deception and chaos all around us. The Lord made it clear that the normal we knew is forever gone. It is a time of repentance - a time of prayer.
In reality, the good book (Bible) exhorts us to pray without ceasing, to take all things to the Lord, with thanksgiving. We need to draw closer and we must discipline ourselves to be diligent reading the Word, to get it down deep in the treasure trove of our heart.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. [Mat 13:45-46]
It is the great pearl. Let us lay down our lives (I am asking how to do this; needing the help of the Holy Spirit).
May the love I have for the brethren and for the lost be reflected in this message, and may Jesus Christ (aka Yeshua Hamashiach), the name above all names (exalted above all) be glorified.
Wherefore God also has highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus (Yeshua) every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. [Phil 2:9-11]
for His glory
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