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Is It Prophecy or Predicting from the News?
Satan is a deceiver, and he cares not who he deceives.
When we point out false ones or speak of them, let us not think more highly of
ourselves than we ought. We can all be deceived. We will be deceived if Satan
finds the right hook and bait.
I have shared how I have been deceived, including self-deception. Idolatry was a sin that I was guilty of. When I speak of these things that I see in others, it is not to condemn. It is firstly to warn others of the dangers lurking in seducing spirits.
Secondly, it is the hope that a false one will stumble
across what I am saying and have the scales ripped away from their eyes, and
that the Lord reveals their condition to them, and the horror of the lake of
fire if they do not repent.
It is not fearmongering (it used to be called ‘fire
and brimstone’). Love speaks hard truths, but as soon as truth becomes
hard or uncomfortable, people are told ‘that is not love.’ Tell that to
Jesus/Yeshua when He addressed the children of darkness [certain Pharisees,
Sadducees, scribes, et al].
“Well, you are not Jesus.” That is true,
and I echo John the Baptist. “I am not worthy to even untie the latch on his
sandal.” [Jn 1:27] However, I am being molded into His image; therefore,
my hope is that you do indeed see Him in what I say and/or do, so that
He alone is glorified. He is King and Lord.
Lovers of Self – Narcissism
Know this also, that in the last days perilous [grievous] times
shall come.
For men shall be lovers of self [narcissists],
covetous [lovers of money], boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient
to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false
accusers [slanderers], incontinent [lack self-control], heady [fierce],
high-minded [headstrong], lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God;
having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn
away. [2Tim 3:1-5] KJV and ASV
The false ones idolize themselves and may or may not
know it; they are lovers of self (of reputation; of personal gain; of
status; of popularity and recognition). They have found or created several
loopholes to protect their falsehoods. They have fallen for Satan’s temptations
hook, line, sinker…and bait!
Some might say that my words lack love, or are judgmental. As a person who was guilty of idolatry myself, it is the danger of idolatry that I recognize and warn about. Is the Sovereign living God vainglorious, or could there be a valid reason He calls idolatry an abomination? It turns one away from Jesus, and from God.
The lips may express all kinds of praise, and speak
forth much scripture, but the heart is far from God. There is much double-speak,
and sleight of man/woman. They have been seduced by Satan, and speak forth with
seducing words.
Lucifer fell because he was a lover of self; he idolized
his beauty, musical abilities, intelligence, his leadership over the other holy
angels, his privileged position near God in the throne room – he is head over heels
in love with himself, and his pride was his great defeat. So seductive, crafty,
subtle and clever are his ways that he convinced one-third of the then-holy
angels to desert God and follow after him.
I have an incredibly difficult time wrapping my head
around that reality. The more I learn about our Creator, and the deeper and
closer I grow in my relationship with Him, the harder it is for me to
understand how angels (who lived in His presence, and know the height,
breadth, depth, and fullness of His agape love, goodness, holiness,
righteousness, His all) – how? How could they willingly depart? And the
one-third who followed Lucifer were willing…
Deception, pride, lust, idolatry…
AI – Strong Delusion, Seducing Spirit
Satan intends to have AI totally dupe humankind in the
very near future. The process began some time ago, clandestinely carried out,
until it no longer could be concealed. Hacking the brain is well underway.
In fact, Yuval Noah Harari gloats in the fact. He tells people to embrace change, but also declares that “Free will – it’s over!”. He tells people to learn ‘biology, not God’. He is a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
People have been wondering where he is, and why he has been so quiet. The 46-year-old is still very active, teaching, giving lectures and speaking with prominent world leaders, and influencers. He recently [April 29, 2023] spoke at Frontiers Forum in Montreux, Switzerland. [YouTube video: 41:21 min]
He speaks about AI as if it were a ‘god’, saying that
it is “a One-Stop Oracle, and as the source for all the information they
need.” He says things like: “Google is terrified. Why search for
yourself when you can just ask the ‘Oracle’
to tell you anything you want…no
need to search. Why read the newspaper when I can just ask the ‘Oracle’?”
[emphasis mine]
Is Harari the ‘false prophet’, pushing the ‘Oracle’
(the Lawless one that has no compassion or desire for women)? If he is not, can
you about imagine the stench of evil that will be perceived and distinct in
such a person?
The insanity and depth of evil of Satan is manifesting
mightily in these dark times to the children of light, yet it seduces those who
are blind with words, sights and sounds (signs and wonders) that their
flesh longs for.
He speaks about how sacred scriptures would be written
by a non-human intelligence. And he compares the scriptures (Bible)
and how people claim it was written by a ‘non-human intelligence’.
Slippery serpent… 5G, vaccines, ChatGPT, the Great Reset, the changing of laws,
deception – it all ties in together.
False god [idolatry], deception, pride…
AI is Not an Oracle – It is Become an Idol
Artificial Intelligence has become an idol, a counterfeit ‘god’ that will [according to Harari] have all the answers. It will be able to do miracles with broken, diseased, disabled, and limited bodies. Signs and wonders will be the ‘norm’ with AI.
In a few previous articles, I have mentioned what
bionics and other technological solutions were being worked on to advance
medicine, military, etc. Now they have become realities.
This article, written by Carole Martinez,
of the inclusivecitymaker.com
website speaks about: the enhancement of accessibility for the disabled
or severely injured is heart-wrenching, but it is becoming more of a reality in
the daily lives of people. It has the ability to even touch my own life and
enhance it.
Ms. Martinez breaks down the advantages of AI technology
in a more simplified manner than the Hebrew University professor, Yuval Harari.
However, what the reader should find more intriguing is how quickly and gladly
the entire world is embracing AI technology and the unfolding of its benefits
today in real-time. It is exciting, enticing, problem-solving.
Here is an excerpt of what I wrote some time back:
[Start Excerpt]
But some of the promises that come with AI technology
(bionics, for one) is to help the blind to see [hooking up to the
brain with wires, or with implants], the lame walk (artificial limbs go
further with bionics and (in some instances) spring-loaded technologies),
extending life, and the promises go on.
For example, it is now possible (and has been for several
years, perhaps 2015) that I could walk without a cane or walker, kneel,
dance, and do all the things I did before the cartilage on my knees dissipated
in 2020, leaving me with bone-on-bone pain and limitations.
Insurance pays $1,000, but first I have to pay into
the insurance program $1,000. Huh? Apparently, it is because when I called to
ask about coverage, I already had the knee problems, so that affects cost and
coverage. Even if I had been insured with extra coverage before the diagnosis
on my knees, the company would still only pay a maximum of $1,000.
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Needless to say, I am still waiting for such a privilege, or for the Lord to heal me, but that price is definitely out of my range with my pension. I guarantee that the Lord gives strength to get through each day. I used to have to take 12 Tylenol 3s with codeine per day (the maximum doctors allow), and did so for nearly three years.
I kept (and keep) praying. Today, I am down to
four pills per day. That is a huge difference. I went through physical withdrawals,
pain. These are things the medical establishment do not tell you when they
first start you on the medicine.
Tylenol 2s were what I was taking for a year. No
prescription was necessary. They could be purchased over the counter, but then
the company stopped making that dosage, and only the 3s and the 4s were
That required a prescription. And it is not the codeine
that affects the liver (possibly giving one fatty liver, or even non-alcoholic
cirrhosis of the liver), it is the ‘Tylenol’. Is that not a kicker?
[UPDATE: May 2023 – in the past two weeks, I
have noticed pain in my liver. I need to reverse the damage done, as it may be cirrhosis
(non-alcoholic). It can be reversed but I have to get cracking. Lord,
help me… (End update) BP]
So yes, I pray. The valuable lessons the Lord has
taught me through suffering are so precious that as much as I long to be rid of
the pain (and I do), my gratitude is sincere when I see how each day, He
sustains me. Each day, He strengthens me. Each day teaches me how priceless
life is and how valued people are. Truly, Jesus has taught me much, including
obedience…gladly, willingly …obedient. [See Heb 5:8]
Admittedly, it would be wonderful for the blind to
see, the deaf to hear, and the lame to walk, but know this. It is
Lucifer/Satan’s counterfeit. He needs AI, whereas Jesus needs only to say the
WORD, and anyone is healed. Satan knows what he is doing with AI (artificial
intelligence) and so do Luciferians/Freemasons/Illuminati.
If you look up ‘bionics’ in the thesaurus, synonyms for
bionic are: godlike, extraordinary, supernatural, heroic, divine,
omnipotent, great (there are a few more, but that is enough).
Do you see how many words pertain to God? (highlight emphasis mine)
‘Godlike’ is not highlighted because God is God, there
is NONE “like” Him. Period! Artificial Intelligence and its
capabilities are going to catapult into something that is going to shock the
multitudes. The hearts of men will fail them for fear (heart attacks), for
that which is coming upon the earth: the powers of heaven shall be shaken. [Lk
[End Excerpt]
Blind Leading the Blind
I am concerned, very concerned – there are brethren who are blindly following after the false ones and not catching the inconsistencies, the false doctrines, or the failed prophecies, which explains why I keep bringing it up. The blind are leading the blind.
Please, no matter how much you like someone, please check
out what they are saying. Let us keep our armour on, and pray that God helps us
to see and hear all that He wants us to discern, and to be aware of. May the Holy
Spirit give us the words and wisdom to help others. It is found in the Holy
People hear something, and say, ‘well that is in
the Bible; that is truth’, but they let their guard down. Or they hear a
prophetic word, and say, ‘well, that came to pass, and that did’, but
they do not take note of all the ones that failed, and again, let their guard
With Arms Open Wide
O, how the Lord continues to call out to HIS people to seek Him more intimately. How He is waiting for the prodigals. He will run to meet you when He sees you afar off. It is no story. It is truth. I was a prodigal. The Good Shepherd goes after His own. Bless the Lord. He is exalted on high!
Prodigals have learned the shame that comes with sin,
and the humility that occurs as a result of the destruction of sins. Prodigals
have learned to appreciate more by going without. Prodigals hunger for forgiveness
and acceptance. They have learned obedience through what they have suffered.
They went from unthankful to thankful.
El Shaddai beckons the unbelieving to challenge Him,
and see if He is not for real, because multitudes of us already
challenged Him that way…and viola! He made believers out of us lol – true
story! In His way and in His timing (an expression He gave me prophetically
many moons ago) and I gave you scripture.
Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of
the world! [Jn 1:29]
He knows what each individual requires to draw them,
and what each one will respond to. We are all different, have gone through
different life experiences, different cultures and traditions, but He knows the
way that is right for us, and the perfect timing.
However, the righteous and just God will bring
judgment on those who resist, on those who ignore His warnings and continue on
in their sinful ways. He has never forced anyone to come to Him (Jesus) and He
is not about to start. Woe to those who ignore His calls.
Please take time to read Matthew 24 and Revelation
Let it not be said of you:
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last
days scoffers (mockers), walking after their own lusts, And saying,
Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all
things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
[2Pet3:3,4] It goes on to state that ‘they’ are ‘willfully ignorant’. [v5]
Idolatry: Lovers of Self
Just like Satan, that ancient serpent, there are prophetic voices that will speak truth because they will speak scripture. They will lace their prophecies in and out with scripture, just as Satan did when he spoke to Jesus in the desert wilderness temptation.
They will even warn you to test every spirit (fully
expecting that you will not because if they told you to, then
they must NOT be false, right? – Wrong; it is called reverse psychology).
If you hear or see something you are unsure of, you are WISE to search
the scriptures. See what God says on matters.
Do you know how to discern the python spirit, known as
divination? Those who operate with a spirit of divination will have ‘some’
accurate prophecies (soothsaying). Remember the damsel who followed Paul
and Silas around, ‘sounded’ like a Christian.
She made her masters a fortune with her predications
and fortune-telling into and over people’s lives – some would say ‘prophecies’.
She was famous in the area, and very popular. People went to her in droves to
discover what the future held for them, or to find help with immediate
That is why when Paul delivered her from the demon [python,
the spirit of divination] [Act 16:16-18], her masters took hold of Paul and
Silas and brought them before the authorities, and the men were locked up. [vs
Diviners, false prophets, those who ‘channel’, often,
but not always, begin with truth [scriptures] and weave it throughout their
message. That is why it is so deceptive. That is not love for the people; that
is love for self. They tell you to focus on Jesus (which I myself have said
throughout these nearly two decades because the Lord taught me to focus on Him –
He did that with the story of Peter when he was walking on water). [Mat
Yes, we ARE to do this [focus on
Jesus/Yeshua], but then these ‘channelers’ – false prophets, give you so
much PROPHETIC information to watch for – and a laundry list full of the names
of people that ‘something’ significant is going to happen to, or to watch for, that
it will keep one looking in 50 different directions throughout the world events,
in order to see their prophetic word comes to fruition…that is, IF it
Watch for this and watch for that, watch this person,
and that place in the news. Your focus is so subtly, yet so surely turned away from
Jesus to all the things you must watch for in the various arenas, including the
political one. There also seems to be a fixation on death with some, as if God
cannot wait to ‘punish’ or ‘bring judgment’ upon these wicked ones.
The Heart of the Creator
But what does the Bible teach us? I have often heard people say that the God in the Old Testament is so cruel compared to the God of the New Testament. They claim God’s heart ‘softened’ when He sent His Son, Yeshua [my Jesus] into the world.
Some seem to think that Adonai delights in sending
forth His righteous judgment, and the death penalty that comes with sin. He
does not mind when the wicked die. Is that true? Do you remember that repeatedly
(at least, with me, on this blog), the Lord faithfully reminds us (and
me) that our thoughts are not His thoughts, nor our ways His ways. [Is 55:8-9]
This is the truth about what our Maker thinks about
the wicked dying.
Say to them, As I live, says the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way
and live: turn you, turn from your evil ways; for why will you die, O
house of Israel? [Ezek 33:11]
Now, at that particular time, the Lord was speaking to
His own people, Israel. However, has God changed? Fast-forward to our day and
age, where people now accuse God of not caring, and taking His sweet time to
come back and make things right.
Is that true? How well do we really know our heavenly Father?
Have we tried to see His heart, or understand His ways?
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as
some men count slackness, but is longsuffering [patient] toward us, not
willing (does not desire) that any should perish [die],
but that all should come to repentance [turn and live]. [2Pet 3:9]
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. [Heb 13:8]
I know for a fact that certain ‘prophetic’ voices are
still visiting my site and reading material. All animosity, malice, bitterness –
it is all gone. One might say, ‘Yeah? If so, then why are you still going on
about it? Why bother rehashing stuff?’ The answer would be, ‘Because
they have not repented.’
How do I know? It is easy. When people make themselves
well-known, or keep a high public profile, it is easy to see if there have been
any changes. But if it gets worse, you wonder why they even speak of reaping
and sowing.
Do they know what they are doing? It would seem so, if
they continue. I need to sound the warning trumpet to, ‘Repent. I am
not promised the rest of today. You are not promised tomorrow. Stop
now whilst there is still time!”
You may be thinking of the days you served loyally,
and righteously. Surely God would understand that getting a little ‘fruit’ from
other places that exalt God is okay. Well, no. It is not, and past good behaviour
will benefit you nothing. It is the ‘heart’ that God always is concerned about –
and ONLY He can see the heart.
I make the trumpet sound a certain and sure sound –
the sound of alarm; the sound of warning. Take heed, for it is written:
Therefore, you son of man, say to the children of your
people, The righteousness of the righteous shall NOT deliver him in the
day of his transgression [sinning]: as for the wickedness
of the wicked, he shall not fall thereby in the day that he turns from his
wickedness; neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness
in the day that he sins. [33:12]
Our Creator is warning people that our past
righteousness, or past good standing with God, will NOT deliver us from
God’s judgment if we choose to go on sinning. As for the wicked, the Lord says
that the day he ‘turns’ from his wickedness, He will forgive and not
hold the past wickedness against you.
When I shall say to the righteous that he shall surely
live; if he trusts in his own righteousness, and commits iniquity (sins), all
his righteousness shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity (sin)
that he has committed, he shall die for it. [Ezek 33:13]
The Lord has spoken a hard truth, but He has made it
very clear. Past ‘right standing’ or ‘goodness’ is canceled the day a person
chooses to go back to sinning. And we have been forewarned that the wages of
sin is death. So why sin? There is a reward for choosing not to sin, and that
is that the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. [Rom
So, if one says that speaking out like this is not
love, I beg to differ. It takes great love, agape love for God to warn, and to
say precisely what the consequences of choosing sin will bring. Selah
Touch Not My Anointed – Israel, A Tender Nation, A Young Bud '
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'Touch not My anointed, do My prophets no wrong." Israel, as a tender bud - a new nation |
Anyone who challenges what they say are often labeled ‘religious’ or ‘legalistic’, not even understanding the full meaning of those labels. OR one is told not to ‘touch God’s anointed and do His prophets no harm’.
I have mentioned this several times, likely because
the false teachers and false prophets keep parroting it. These are scare or
guilt tactics aimed at keeping the person from ‘judging’ (discerning)
them, and to get them to back off.
We ‘judge’ all the time; we must. Will
that chair hold us? Is that bridge safe? Is that a real diamond or is it a
cubic zirconia? It gets to be like ‘overkill’ or ‘overreach’. It
is an amateur way of trying to brainwash people. Repeat it enough times, and
People will stop judging ‘the anointed’. Folks,
every person who is born-again, and Spirit-filled is anointed. If they are
confusing that with gifts, well, we all have different gifts and the strength
of gifts in each person varies also. It is just how it is.
I have said it before and will say it again. Those
words were mentioned TWO times in scripture and BOTH times it
pertained to a young Israel, a tender nation. In those ancient times, Israel was
a young budding nation – the Hebrews were few in number compared to all the
surrounding nations.
People were murdering kings and prophets, especially
prophets that were considered ‘doom and gloom’ prophets. Jeremiah
suffered greatly for his prophetic messages. God warned: “Touch not My
anointed; do My prophets no harm.” But His words were ignored.
Meanwhile, people have so much to watch for, it is
easy to miss all the ‘prophetic words’ that did not come to pass. It is
what I call ‘verbal’ sleight of hand [a stratagem], overwhelming
the people; it is divination, and deception.
It is written as “the sleight of man” in [Eph 4:14]
This addresses the trickery of people, their craftiness. Test [try]
every spirit, every spirit to see if it is of God (check it against the WORD
of God, and what people say), and that includes what I say.
They too will tell you this, but again, they believe
that in just ‘saying’ it, the listener will not test their spirit to see if it
is of God. It is all reverse psychology and control. Their way of thinking is,
if they tell you to test the spirit, you will then TRUST them because,
after all, they are warning you as scripture commands, so they cannot be
What you do with it is up to you. I encourage you.
Take up their challenge, my friend. Surprise them and do it. Watch and see how
the Lord will reward your obedience.
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Take up their challenge-- test every spirit to see if it is of God |
Grab the Holy Bible – Test (Try) EVERY Spirit to See if it is Of God.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false
prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were
possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. [Mat 24:24-25]
– words of Jesus/Yeshua
You will not regret checking what a person says with
the Word of God. If you are unsure where to look, pray and ask the Lord. Jesus
will lead you; the Holy Spirit is our Helper. You have nothing to lose (except
possibly deception) and everything to gain because TRUTH is in the
WORD; it IS truth.
What Does the Bible Say about Doctrine?
PLEASE obey the Word, my friend, for your own sake. No matter how much you like someone, please do yourself a favour and grab the Bible, and check every detail of what they say.
If they tell you not to concern yourself with doctrines
or denominations, that is a red flag. What doctrines are certain denominations
teaching? Are they teaching the doctrines of demons?
What of the denominations that want us to embrace homosexuality and ordain them as servants of God? What about the denominations that teach a different Jesus, and that tell us that ‘love’ covers all these sins. Taken out of context…it gets overwhelming.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any
other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be
accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other
gospel unto you than that you have received, let him be accursed. [Gal 1:8-9]
What about the denominations that promote new age
spirituality? Of course, it is not called that. Satan is no fool, and neither
are his ministers. Most will slide past the radar. [2Cor 11:14-15]
If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to
wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is
according to godliness; [1Tim 6:3]
Many people do not test the spirit of popular people.
Why? Because if they like the person, they do not want to question them, just
support them. They are mesmerized by their smile, their confidence, the way
they dress and look, how they speak, what they say, their overall charisma.
And if they are talking about Jesus, quoting
scripture, mentioning people and stories in the Bible, and if you hear truth in
what is being said (just as Eve heard truth in what the ancient serpent said
– with a twist), then, they cannot be false teachers, can they?
And if they are popular, not everyone can be wrong,
can they? They speak of Jesus; they speak of love and how we all must unite,
and not let doctrine separate us. However, we are forewarned about false
teaching, false doctrines, and doctrines of demons.
New Age speaks of love. Satan speaks of unity. The
Great Reset is about a ‘one-world religion’. Please use caution. Satan is
called clever, SUBTLE, and very crafty.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into
an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be
transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to
their works. [2Cor 11:14-15]
We must try every spirit these days. It is getting
more difficult to discern due to the internet, and the rise of the antichrist
spirit around the earth. We need the Holy Spirit more than ever (which is
saying a lot because we have always needed the Holy Spirit).
Our lamps need fresh oil and plenty of it. We must be wise virgins. [Mat
The Word of God exhorts us to do so, and in these last
days, as the entire stage (world) is preparing to welcome the ‘Lawless
one’ (the Antichrist of all antichrists), we all need to pull up our
bootstraps and obey the Word. It is for our good, but for God’s glory, through
His beloved Jesus/Yeshua.
O beloved brethren, who has beguiled you?
Be careful because Satan wants 'unity', 'tolerance', 'love' and put it all together for a one-world religion...
But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
For if he that comes preaches another Jesus, whole we
have not preached, or if you receive another spirit, which you have not
received, or another gospel, which you have not accepted, you put up with it
readily enough. [2Cor 11:3,4] KJV - ESV
God’s people can see the rebellion, lawlessness, evil
[occult, sorcery, witchcraft] and idolatry exalting itself in every
nation. The anger, violence and hatred are over the top these days. Judgment
must come upon our nations, and it has! Justice comes with it; God deals
fairly. See how it was throughout the Bible.
If we say that God is the same yesterday, today and
forever (and He is) [Heb 13:8], then, we must accept God’s way of doing
things. I have seen people prophesy good things for this year, telling people
to get cake and popcorn, only to change what they said two weeks later and with
fake or forced tears, pronounce God’s judgment.
What changed their ‘prophecy’? The internet, finding out what others prophesied – NOT God, and not prayer! Matthew 24, Jesus’ warnings about what things to look for just before His return, are warnings I myself go over from time to time to refresh my memory. We must get enough of the Word down inside of us that we can discern the false (and the spirit of divination) quickly these days.
I tend to forget things, and it is random, sometimes
nonsensical, but I do forget. So, I need the consistency and steadfastness of
the Lord and His Word, and His precious and Holy Spirit.
It is a rare person that can memorize the entire
Bible. I am not saying it is impossible (except for me lol), but
seriously, the majority of us are profoundly impressed with people who memorize
an extraordinary number of scriptures. It is the ‘exception’, not the ‘rule’.
Remember how the damsel sounded who followed Paul and
Silas around for days, until Paul finally got fed up and delivered her of the
demon that possessed her. This story about the python spirit [the spirit of
divination], which was so successful that her masters were well pleased
with her lucrative career as a soothsayer, was also important enough to be put
into the Holy Scriptures.
She proclaimed: “These men are servants of the most high God that show us the way unto salvation.” If you heard that today, would you think a demon was speaking through the person? Absolutely not.
Notice the subtilty of the demon. ”…that show ‘us’ the way unto
salvation”, as if demons will be saved. It is that [verbal] sleight of
words (trickery) I have mentioned other times. Today, the words of a
person operating under that same spirit of divination (python spirit)
sounds just as convincing.
We must try ‘every spirit’ to see if it
is of God! I know, it begins to sound like a broken record, or a glitch in the
computer program – repeating myself to an annoying extreme. Yet that is how
important it is to test what is being said with the Word of God.
Just because you hear scriptures being said or
presented, does not mean the ‘spirit’ is of God. The Holy Spirit will honour
the obedience of every person who endeavours to test or try the spirit to see
if it is of God.
If they feel awkward, or are unsure of how to go about
it, quietly ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and help you. Take your Bible, and
wait as you go through scriptures. He is faithful, always. Sometimes we just need
more patience. I am still working on that one – but it is taking so-oo long!
Remember, Satan used scripture with Eve (repeated
what God told Adam), with a slight twist, of course. [Gen 3:1] He
also spoke scripture to Jesus when he went to tempt Yeshua in the desert
wilderness. [Mat 4:3-10]
Awake, awake o sleeper [Eph 5:14] Rise
![]() |
awake awake o sleeper rise up! |
The Lord began in 2012, but in 2017, He spoke again. And again in 2019/2020. He is so faithful. We need to pay closer attention to His faithfulness; the hour is late! Repent and be holy [set apart from worldly ways]! Flee from false prophets! Flee from false pastors/preachers and teachers and their doctrines! Flee from compromise! (For years, the glory of the Lord has thundered these warnings!) If your leader tells you not to concern yourself with doctrines or denominations, be careful.
Many denominations are compromising with the world.
Many church leaders are not who they seem, or appear to be (the Lord first gave
that warning regarding many things about 11 years ago, after Obama was elected
for a second term. Jesus said, “Now it begins…” [2012] I knew He
meant the decline toward the Great Tribulation).
Some have copied it, but they are leading their
followers into delusion and deception because they did not go to Jesus for the
understanding and/or meaning. For they have not heard from God for themselves,
but have stolen fruit that was not theirs.
On Passover in 2012, the Lord had me cut my hair (as
was done in the book of Jeremiah), announcing ‘Ichabod’ on
America. Later, the hair was burned, which was also symbolic. I was devastated
because I was living in the United States at the time; my spirit was grieved.
As we know, ‘water’ and ‘fire’ can be
forms of judgment. In Noah’s day, it was the Flood. It is written that in the
end times, judgment will be Fire. The Word of God will guide us as to what we
can expect for the most part in these last of the last days.
We are not given every minute detail, and there are
some blanks we draw, as to how certain thing swill pan out, and when, but I
believe God did that to protect us from being utterly overwhelmed. They will be
days like never seen before, and shall never be seen again. [Mat 24:21 – Great
We are to keep our eyes upon Israel because everything
is centered around her, not America, or Russia, or China, but the land of God’s
people. That makes antisemites cringe.
There is Hope – Jesus/Yeshua Never Sleeps
There is good news for all, if one looks deeply and
clearly. There were multitudes that showed up at SatanCon2023, said to be the
largest gathering of Satanists in history. However, not all were Satanists.
Some went for the sake of curiosity, or at the invite of a friend or family
When considering the false teachers and the false
prophets, remember that it is the Lord’s desire that all should be saved, and
that all come to repentance. We know not all will repent, but we can hope and
pray. What if it were us, would we not want at least one person to pray?
Would we not want an ‘Abraham’ in our life? “Lord,
if there are twenty righteous…”; “Lord, if there are 10 righteous…”; “Lord, if
there are only five righteous…” That is what we have to hope and pray.
However, if they refuse, especially if they once tasted of Christ’s goodness,
and for whatever sinful reason, they turn and trample on the blood of Christ
afresh, woe to them.
Of how much sorer punishment, do you suppose, shall he
be thought worthy, who has tread under foot the Son of God, and has counted the
blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and has done
so despite the Spirit of grace? [Heb 10:29] Woe!
But nothing is impossible with God. One would think if
someone tried to approach people or evangelize at an event like SatanCon 2023
[Boston, Massachusetts], that it would be foolishness. Nothing could be further
from the truth. There are actually plentiful fields, abundant for harvesting.
These are opportunities that evangelists thrive on.
Sean Feucht and other ministries, as well as a “network of churches” and
their leaders, decided that they were going to go to SatanCon 2023, despite it
being the “largest satanic gathering in history”.
That fact was the perfect signal for Sean and the
hundreds of other evangelists. He said: “I know this, because every year,
for many years in a row, we would bring teams to the largest gathering of
witches that happens in Salem …called ‘Haunted Happenings’.”
“And so, we always bring worship teams in, and we bring evangelists in, and we
see God do amazing things.” [emphasis mine-BP]
I smiled as I heard Sean Feucht say that 250 evangelists hit the streets in eight different sections around the gathering, praying for hundreds of people. Can you envision that? Truly God IS moving on His people around the world.
Satan is pushing hard; proudly, relentlessly, and militantly.
He keeps forgetting that he is dealing with the Lord of the battles – the Warrior
King and Lord. Approximately 100 people (give or take a few) gave their
lives over to Jesus, and confessed Him as Lord.
I pray the evangelists gave the new converts a good
church or two to check out, and advised them to be discipled. I hope the new Christians
are not left defenseless, without immediate backup, or at least someone to
contact if they need to talk.
The reason is because Satan hates to lose, and he will
do what he can to draw those people away from Christ Jesus (Yeshua the
Messiah), and back into his dark kingdom. New converts are like newborn
babes spiritually because it is new territory, full of things to be discovered,
as well as dangers. It seems that everything is trustworthy, but it is not, and
new Christians need to be protected, watched over, and guided by mature saints.
Another wave gently touches the shores of the kingdom
of God. Billy Hallowell, editor at Faithwire.com,
interviewed Sean Feucht. Mr. Feucht has received a lot of ‘hate’ mail
and threats from Satanists, but he keeps on trucking for the Lord.
Here is the link to the short, yet interesting interview
on video on YouTube [9:55 min]:
Who Has Beguiled You?
Beware, Canada (country of my birth and residence
once more); where is the glory of God upon you? Has the glory departed “North”
America? Is there one single country or nation in the world today that exalts
Jesus, that exalts the Creator on high, far above any rule of man?
Is there even one that is wholly obedient to the holy
and righteous, Sovereign Creator, that walks in the fear of the Lord and
honours Him? Is there one nation that does not glorify witchcraft and evil in
movies, in music, in ceremonies, in sports, in schools, life itself?
Is there one nation, one country, one city, one town,
one place that is not filled with the stench of idolatry? Possessions, careers,
celebrities, politicians, loved ones, smart cities, AI (Artificial
Intelligence), the internet, pornography, sex, the list of idols is
No. We are all sinful nations. Every single nation
falls short of the glory of God. There are modern-day prophets that say that is
a lie, that we [believers] have ‘not’ fallen short of God’s
glory. Well then, that prophet calls God a liar. [see Rom 3:23]
Yet, El Shaddai (Abba) has always had a people
[a remnant] who would not bow to the world, or to its leaders, or to
anything that glorifies the dark side, Satan and his unholy crew. Those who
love, follow and obey Jesus earnestly pray and seek to do God’s will.
Their heart is to warn people, pray for them, and snatch
as many away from the fires of the dark side as possible. We love what God
loves, and as Jesus, we desire that all should come to repentance and be saved
through Jesus Christ alone!
Many today feel abandoned as they see the world saturated
in deception, and discover that much of history that has been taught is a lie, or
an exaggeration, or mis or disinformation. Add to that, a virtual world where
technology seduces and attracts people.
I will not get into it again because I already
provided an excerpt from a previous writing, but suffice it to say as a quick
heads up and reminder, that the seduction lists countless ‘miraculous’
possibilities, and the promises are becoming endless, but also a reality. No
wonder people are eager to accept all AI offers.
Promises of limbs that can do things for replace that
which is missing, ability to ‘see’ and to ‘hear’ when one cannot normally. AI claims
that immortality is possible, they are saying, “You shall be as gods-ss…”
Sound familiar? It should. That is what the serpent
hissed in the Garden. Satan is the father of lies, a murderer from the
beginning, a grand illusionist, the master of deception.
The youth are reaching out for sanity and direction in
a deceptive world ‘gone mad’. The elderly seek health, understanding and
comfort. The middle-aged group are searching for wisdom and opportunities. All
are searching for truth, peace, normalcy, and hope.
There have been reports of a stirring, an awakening
amongst a group, particularly university or college-aged people, the young
people – so many people, even entire congregations around the globe, have
stated that they have been praying for revival, some for decades. It has gone
on for centuries.
A few months back, January 31, just prior to the
Asbury awakening, I had mentioned revival. I wrote:
[Begin Excerpt]
Revival Begins Within
Jesus is the one who saves, heals, and delivers …and this year 2023, we will continue to hear of salvations, healings, and deliverances – and miracles – rarely by mainstream media, but more so through alternative news reporting, or through ministries, or through personal reports or happenstances.
Many of us will experience these things ourselves,
within our own families, or circle of friends, or a group we belong to (whether
church or?). The Holy Spirit continues His work faithfully, and always has.
I do not see revival as a massive global wave (like
a tsunami), sweeping over the earth that causes even the Luciferians to
take notice. I sense something different will be taking place in 2023 and on,
even now.
Revival has begun. Firstly, a revival is happening
right now inside many of the born-again, [Holy] Spirit-filled children of God.
Back in 2012, when I shared my testimony, it was titled, “First the
Inside of the Cup”.
Jesus revealed to me that He most often begins His
work on the inside, although at times, it can begin with a visitation, a dream
or vision, or a healing. The Holy Spirit has been moving on the hearts of many
of God’s people. More and more saints have felt the gentle nudging, and the
quiet call of their King and Lord.
Many are purposing in their heart to obey and are
making more time with the Lord, putting Him first, remembering that He is
indeed their first love. The Lord is not a tyrant who cracks a whip. There is a
revival, a refreshing, a renewing going on amongst the dedicated saints. It is
happening now; it has already begun. There has been a stirring, a ‘new’
Revival has begun within each committed, surrendered
saint – apparently Wycliffe Bible translators are transcribing bibles into languages
in parts of many countries where the people have never read a Bible because
there is none in their language.
As a result, remote villages and their tribes are
learning about Christ and confessing Jesus, whom God raised from the dead, as
their Saviour. Small groups in remote parts of the world, prisoners, religious
people from other faith converting (Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, et al).
God will be moving amongst even the hardcore people, who will convert.
He is offering His strong arm to the backsliders. He
is drawing the prodigals homeward. His hand is upon those shackled by
addictions, unable to free themselves. He is the one who holds the key to set
the captives free. [Isaiah 61]
[End Excerpt from Jan. 31.2023] Under Season
of Consequences Part 2- Anoint the Shield (scroll way down to Revival
Come – a blue picture)
Asbury awakening began eight days after the above
excerpt was posted, when students began staying longer than the regular church
service. It continued for a couple of weeks before leaders shut it down, as
most people know by now.
Only God knows the beginning from the end, as I have
stated since He first put a prophetic message in my mouth (long before I
converted/committed) back in 1980. I am but one messenger (envoy).
Revival always begins within an individual. I know this
because I learned it firsthand through the Holy Spirit. The gracious Lord
performed a revival in me, after He had delivered me and healed me (a
process over a few years, making me ready – cleaning FIRST the INSIDE
of the cup). I am so grateful that I tear up every time. It is because of
the goodness, grace, mercy, and love of God that I have grown to hate
sin, especially my sins. Glory to the Saviour, who sets us free!
Revival begins with deep conviction, godly sorrow,
true [genuine] repentance, a brokenness, a repentant heart. When I realized
that as a young woman, I had denied Jesus for a mere man, and fell into
idolatry and lust, I was genuinely broken, disgusted, mortified [more
ashamed than embarrassed] and sincerely surprised.
Thirty-nine [39] years! Thirty-nine years I was
self-deceived in ‘one’ area; the Lord, in His grace, mercy and kindness
protected every other area. I am eternally grateful, but even still, I can
assure you, if you ask something of God and you are drenched in idolatry, He
will answer you according to your idols. [Ezek 14:4] His Word is true. Be
warned. Fear the Lord, and flee sin.
Also, to suddenly ‘see’ that I had had no fear
of the Lord – that also shattered (broke) me. How could I have been so
blind, foolish, rebellious, SINful…the truth and reality of my condition
back in those days was sickening to my soul. I was – wicked, evil. How
I travailed, and groaned in my repentance, with
non-stop tears – I did not even know what to say. All I could do was hang my
head in genuine reverence and humility, confess my sin, ask for forgiveness and
to be purged of all unrighteousness (and my sweat, tears, and snot).
The Lord is faithful – that is how revival begins. He
purges, cleanses, forgives, exchanges the filthy robe for a clean, new robe –
He does it all; He works wonders. He is glorified and a soul is set free and
made whole. Wholly surrendered to the Lord, walking in the fear of the Lord –
beautiful Saviour!
That was God’s gift to me on my birthday, November 28,
2022. Can you imagine? He owes me nothing; I owe Him everything – everything is
His anyway. Yet, He gave me the gift of cleansing, deliverance, healing,
revival, restoration, on my birthday.
And that is also what prompted me to say ‘revival
has begun’ on the first of January, 2023. God is so good that I knew it was
not just me – I knew that Abba through Jesus was working in the hearts of
others as well. It will come in waves around the globe.
part] why the next and final section in this series is called: The
Waves are Coming In (in part, my friends – it is only one wave
(revival); there are other things to share also). With revival, the
trickle has begun. Did you feel a raindrop?
Prayer Can Change Anything
Perhaps now, one can begin to see and understand that
when a person gleans from a field that is not theirs, interpretations are
misconstrued, or they put their own understanding or interpretation upon a
matter – still not taking it to the holy and Omniscient God.
The instructions given to me during Passover (in
2012) were not to pray for the country [America], but
to earnestly pray for the “people”. As always, the Lord is
concerned about the people, their salvation and deliverance, not a piece of
land. He intends to make a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem. [Rev
For two decades or longer, prayer has been a theme
with me because I knew I was supposed to pray for people, to be an intercessor,
to pray without ceasing (never give up praying). It was (and is)
a heart-breaking, prophetic word from the Lord to ‘pray for the people,
not the country’.
Yet always, with agape love for His creation, El
Shaddai, the Almighty, living God, continuously urges humankind to turn back to
Him in humility and repentance. He is more than willing to hear, to forgive,
and to heal the people – His concern is the inward parts first. [2Chron
The potential is there. Prayer can change anything. If
we have faith as small as a grain of mustard seed, we can say to the mountain,
be removed, and it shall move, and nothing shall be impossible. [Mat 17:20,21]
When we spend time with God and in His Word, we come to know what His will is,
and we will not pray outside of it.
With man, it can be impossible, but with God, all
things are possible [Mat 19:26]; however, we can NEVER manipulate God,
or override HIS will. That is why we need that personal, intimate
relationship, so that we are one with Him, and He is one with us.
Sadly, most people are more concerned with this
temporal world and what people think, their success, which to their [prosperity]
way of thinking, their ‘success’ is simply a ‘sign’ from God, letting the world
know these ‘prospered’ ones are His anointed, and are being blessed as a
sign to the world how ‘anointed’ they are.
The Emperor Has No Clothes
They are more concerned about status and reputation, and the invites to important events and meeting VIP people, such as presidents, senators, governors, and other such members… anyone with a ‘household name’ and reputation.
They strut around as if every thread is made of pure gold.
That is all that concerns them at the moment (how they look, the flatteries,
reputation, all their followers); that is more important than eternity.
There is no evidence of a fear of the Lord. The fruit
is not looking too desirable; it is withering. That can be fixed later, they
decide. It is called being a people-pleaser, and it has nothing to do with ‘love’,
and everything to do with pride and ego. Yet, a little child whispers, “they
have no clothes.”
The story of the old man, the young boy and the donkey
is about trying to be a people pleaser. It reveals how everyone has an opinion,
and there will always be those who want to tell you how you should go through
life and do things.
I used to be overly worried about what people thought,
which certain people struggle with in order to overcome. It often has much to
do with your upbringing and whether you grew up in a loving, supportive
environment, or a neglected, abusive home; whether parents accepted or rejected
you, and what kind of ‘spiritual activity’ was ruling in the home.
There are many factors, but it is a known fact that a
child that grows up in an accepting, loving and supportive home does well in
life, even if they are disabled. No home is perfect; no parent is perfect, but
love does amazing things; love conquers.
The Lord Jesus can heal, restore, and make anyone
whole again. He can do all things. Jesus is the only one who can fill the void
in every heart. It will take eternity to thank Him; what a joy to be with Him
forever. It is hard for His children to wait.
It is because of Yeshua/Jesus that we can come humbly, yet boldly before the throne of grace of our heavenly Father. There we obtain mercy and find grace to help [us] in the time of need. [Heb4:16]
God has always been ever willing to forgive any
person, and indeed, any nation that repented of its rebellion and sins, and
turned back to Him, humbly seeking forgiveness. Why else were the instructions
to ‘pray for the people’?
The Lord has instructed me in prayer for decades. He
had me praying for people before I was saved, or dedicated to Him. He delights
in answering prayers according to His will. He is a good God, whose mercy does
indeed endure forever. But let us be wise in how we honour Him.
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise as some
men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not
willing that any should perish but that all should come to
repentance. [2Pet3:9]
The morning after Obama was elected to his second term
[Nov. 7, 2012], deep within my spirit man came the words from the Lord, “Now
it begins…”. I understood in that moment that the world had just begun
its slow-starting decline down the slippery slope that will bring all the
nations of the world and the people into the great tribulation.
There will be no turning back as the decline builds
momentum …more so when the lawless one finally makes his proud entry. It is
written… in the Holy Scriptures.
Foreboding darkness moves in in September 2023, but
the greater darkness and troubled times will be seen manifesting November/December
Yet, you have forsaken Me, and served other gods:
wherefore I will deliver you no more. Go and cry unto the gods which you have
chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation. [Judges
in the presence of His glory
Bonita dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com
[Prt A] Judgment
Comes from the North – Call 2Repent- Worthy of Hard Tests
[Prt B] Judgment
Comes – Good N Bad in World N Church-Prodigals Are Returning
[Prt C] Judgment
Comes – Sins of Gov’t N Church – Setting Captives Free
[Prt D] Judgment
Comes – Alert the Nations-Flee Idolatry-Repent-Pray
[Prt E] Judgment
Comes – Let Your Idols and Soothsayers
Deliver You
Prt F] Judgment
Comes – Ezekiel Still Speaks Today
G] Judgment
Comes – The Counterfeit is Here, But Nothing Replaces Jesus-Yeshua
"Foreboding darkness moves in in September 2023, but the greater darkness and troubled times will be seen manifesting November/December 2023." Is this a thus sayeth the Lord Bonita? Personally I suspected things would truly start in September, so this would be confirmation. Love you sis!
ReplyDeleteDonna, I did not get notification of your comment. Google (blogspot) used to send notices if someone let comment.
ReplyDeleteYes, I will take risk to say, "Yes" as 'from the Lord' because on my own I am as everyone else; I know nothing unless the Lord reveals.
I have pictures I took and the dates they were taken: Sept 26 >> Darkness Falls
It was a screenshot taken from a movie, but it "jumped out" at me, and I knew it was from the Lord.
In January 2023 (New Years) the Lord mentioned trouble/darkness beginning globally. His love is beyond measure.
No one likes to announce trouble, but only cowardly watchmen sleep like dogs...He has been faithful to warn his people first-hand, and in ways of confirmation.
The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever. Stay alert mi'kola...as I know you will.
Love you, my sister in Christ and friend