The Abominations that Ezekiel Beheld
There is a message that I understood once the Lord
brought it all together. It is too easy to assume when we only have fragments.
I had thought, since it was strongly placed upon my heart to read Ezekiel
chapter eight, on the morning of April 5, 2023 (first day of Passover)
that it had to do with Easter versus Passover.
I celebrate Passover for my own personal reasons,
which have nothing to do with being ‘Messianic’ or a ‘wannabe one’. For me,
personally, I am far more moved to celebrate the feasts of the Lord, as they
are written, than the world’s mishmash [confused mixture] of ‘holidays’.
Frankly, after bearing witness to the global tsunamis
of deception that have taken place over the centuries by the leaders in
governments, their armies and agencies, even going back to when ‘leaders’ [kings]
were first assigned (time after the flood), I would much rather trust
God and celebrate His straight-forward, ‘no confusion’ feasts.
They all point to our Messiah (our Christ Jesus)
anyway. But naturally, Satan likes to cause division, so through humankind who
were in positions of great authority, combined pagan and Christian festivities
in order to appease the multitudes.
That is my personal position, and I stand my ground
there because it is where I found peace. Now, I have family members, as well as
brethren in Christ (that love the Lord and are dedicated to Him) that
celebrate Easter. None of us have allowed our differences to divide us.
To me, Passover makes perfect sense, and it absolutely
points to the Lamb of God, and the way to deliverance and salvation (Red Sea). Whereas,
things such as [chocolate] rabbits (speedy multipliers), eggs (fertility),
chocolate (sweet tooth?), point to the Ishtar false goddess and the
story around her.
I cannot see Easter through a ‘Christian’ telescope,
and jamming this and that piece in a spot to make it ‘work’, but in truth,
there are things we have to leave between a believer and the Lord. I will leave
it at that.
Imagine my delight when it was understood that the
reading of Ezekiel eight had nothing to do with Easter (despite the “women
weeping for Tammuz”), but:
[1] engravings on the walls [similar to the Egyptians]
of unclean animals, creeping things and idols
[2] 70 men burning incense in a thick cloud
[3] 25 men facing east, with their back to God,
worshipping the sun [god]
[4] at the north gate women sat, weeping for Tammuz
[All of them thought, “God does not see…”
Idolatry – rejecting the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob – worshipping false gods (sun god) Ra – Egyptian; Apollo – Roman, Greek –
and weeping for an idol (Tammuz)…
Learning More about Passover
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70 men with censors - incense to idols Ezekiel 8 |
Passover began with the exodus out of Egypt. God’s people were enslaved after the Pharaoh died that had honoured Joseph, his father Jacob, and all the tribes (Jacob’s 12 sons and their descendants). The pharaoh that took the throne next held the Hebrews (Israelites) captive for 400 years, keeping them in tortuous, cruel bondage.
Back in 2009, the Lord had mentioned exodus to me.
Although I mentioned it in my writings back then, I did not expound on it, but
it was something I remembered because of the first time I celebrated Passover,
which was three years earlier in 2006.
In 2011, the Lord made mention of exodus again. At that time, He spoke briefly of exodus that would occur globally, due to persecutions, war, natural calamities that would cause people to flee, refugees, emigrants (leaving their own original country permanently to settle elsewhere), thus becoming immigrants (settling in the new country).
I had left Canada at that time, but I was not an
emigrant [did not leave permanently; I left as ordered by the Lord and waited
for His nod of approval to return]. Nor was I an immigrant, for I knew, as
stated, that my stay in the United States was not permanent.
He made me aware in 2011 that the day would come for
my own exodus (leaving the States, which was only 3.5 years away, which the
Lord did not disclose a time frame to me when He mentioned my exodus).
I have made it a point to tell people, beginning years
ago, that the Lord has never given me dates, which can be validated in numerous
articles found all throughout this blog. Even in His word, the book of Daniel
is the only place where a timeline is indicated.
The Lord knows we would be on pins and needles if we
knew the dates of all the things that were to take place. We can become
overwhelmed as people. We all have our limits, some higher, some lower than
others, but we all have limits.
When I first began posting that the Lord did not give
me dates, it was with some trepidation because many people were prophesying and
giving ‘dates’ for cataclysmic events. There is never intent to offend
anyone, but there are times the truth will offend some.
[NOTE*: My apologies for any missed repetition in articles. This two-part series mushroomed into an unexpected (150 pg. approximately), seven-part series. Your understanding is appreciated. [End note-BP-Jn2.2023]
The Lord was teaching me to trust Him to deeper levels,
but there were times that my toes turned white as I waited for each date to
pass where I had posted (and also had announced on radio in those days)
that the Lord negated their prophesies.
today…” OR “Nothing will happen…” [He often let me
know, and then I had to announce it [Blogspot Radio], going against many
other ‘prophecies’]. I had to trust
the Lord amidst all the other voices. The Lord was teaching me ‘trust’ because
I had trust issues.
As I did the Passover [Pesach] according to the
Bible [I knew no other way to celebrate it], and as a naïve soul longing
to know God more (I was newly committed even though I ‘believed’ in
Jesus all my life). It astounded me how much the Passover pointed to Jesus.
Before that time, I never knew anyone who celebrated Passover, only Easter.
The resurrection of Jesus/Yeshua is celebrated on
Easter by many Christians. Since many are now aware of the pagan roots evolving
around the Easter celebration, Easter Sunday has been renamed “Resurrection
Sunday” by most churches, Christian organizations, and missions.
I gave up Easter the year I first celebrated Passover
[2006], and remember taking some flack over it. “God sees the heart” has
become a famously overused expression. It is true, He does. It is said to stop
any controversy or disagreements. To me, it is akin to people saying, “Do
not judge”, as a means to stop any criticism, discord or division.
We have to go by what the Lord Himself reveals to us
individually. We are to study to show ourselves approved. I learned that the
Passover feast aligns with the first full moon in the [Hebrew] month of Nissan.
Therefore, the date differs each year.
It is a celebration of freedom (when the
Israelites were freed from captivity), just as we are set free from sin
[Rom 6:21] by the atoning blood of Jesus the Christ (Messiah Yeshua),
and free from the clutches of death (the destroyer, the death angel).
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is
eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. [vs 23]
Hallelujah, glory to God! Jesus IS the only way back to a holy, righteous God.
Importance of Hyssop
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dip the hyssop in lamb's blood and put it over doorposts and lintels |
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hyssop |
The Israelites were held captive, enslaved by the
Egyptians, for 400 years. They were in bondage and could not escape. The
Egyptians were cruel taskmasters. Until we are born-again, we are in bondage to
sin and cannot escape – not without Jesus. Satan, the world, and our flesh are
cruel taskmasters.
Unleavened bread is like crackers, no yeast, baking
soda (bicarbonate of soda) and baking powder are leavening agents. Unleavened
bread is considered the ‘bread of affliction’, which apparently
had to do with leaving Egypt in haste, which is why they also eat ‘bitter herbs’,
if I have understood what was said correctly in past times.
Was leaving Egypt in haste in case Pharaoh changed his mind? He did pursue them shortly after they left. Was all 'bitterness' to be left behind in Egypt...hence, no bitter root. They 'ate' bitter herbs, acknowledging the bitterness of their captivity, but NOT taking it with them? That would be a good thing...we are told to forgive, to have no bitterness within.
I had noticed a couple of meanings or symbolisms for
unleavened bread, but I do not want to get into it too heavily here. The leaven
of the Pharisees was considered hypocrisy.
Paul spoke of leaven when the church was putting up
with a son fornicating with his stepmother [incestuous, wicked sin, unclean,
impure (the Bible says sleeping with ‘his father’s wife’). [1Cor 5:1]
So, leaven is also symbolic of sin. Paul considered leaven
taboo even among pagans [the unsaved Gentiles the pagans?) Suffice it to say,
to me eating unleavened bread meant the purging of sin.
Hyssop was the plant used to paint or apply the lamb’s
blood over the doorposts and lintels of the Israelites’ homes. Is that why it
is considered a ‘purger’? it has been recorded that the priests of the
Old Testament used hyssop to help with chest issues, and to cleanse lepers and
other forms of sickness [symbolically to cleanse the soul].
Did the application of the lamb’s blood on the hyssop
plant cause the hyssop to be a cleanser, a washing agent? Applying the lamb’s
blood with hyssop became historically symbolic as God cleansing us from sin by
the lamb’s blood.
Our Saviour, magnificent Redeemer, is the spotless
Lamb sacrificed for our sins. His blood covers us when we are born-again, and
death has no hold on us. When we are saved, the destroyer [death angel]
must pass over us because we now belong to Jesus, and he cannot touch the
precious Lamb’s blood!
And you shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in
the blood that is in the basin, and apply it to the lintel and the two side
posts with the [lamb’s] blood that is in the basin; and none of
you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. [Ex 12:22]
Purge me with hyssop,
and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. [Ps
When David was praying (repenting) after his
affair with Bathsheba, he remembered Passover written in the scrolls of the
temple. Hyssop was used for the lamb’s blood, and the lamb’s blood was
atonement for sin. The application of the blood purged the sinner and made them
When Jesus/Yeshua was upon the cross, the soldiers
took hyssop, dipped it in the vinegar and gall (sour wine), and myrrh
[holy anointing oil, yet also used for medicinal purposes, perfume, and
embalming] and put it to the Lord’s mouth. [see Jn 19:29] The Lord refused
the combination, as to endure the cross and fulfill the sacrifice. “It is
finished!” [Jn 19:30]
Unleavened bread is symbolic, and is to be understood
as purging of sin, getting it out of our lives, our ‘temples’ (body);
like the hyssop that purges and cleanses. Christ’s blood sacrifice not only
washes us clean from sin, but it saves us from spiritual death. It all pertains
to Christ Jesus.
I see it so clearly. Jesus/Yeshua’s resurrection was a
victorious event. It is the heart of the gospel [the good news], and the
children of light can barely wait. The Lamb was [willingly] sacrificed, was
buried, but rose the third day.
He is alive! He finished His mission! He arose
victoriously – the Warrior King, who ascended into heaven after being witnessed
alive upon earth by hundreds of witneses for 40 days after His resurrection!
All His people anticipate His return, even from the time of the apostles.
Yet, we are the privileged generation to see His Word
come alive (prophecies), and are keeping our eyes on Israel, the apple
of His eye, for they will all be saved. We cannot look at the things that are
right now; we know the Word of God is true.
We see it all happening now, unfolding quickly now. It
is mind-boggling, yet not surprising because God’s people prophesied about it
centuries upon centuries ago. We long to see an end to the deception,
corruption, lawlessness and evil of this world. Satan/Lucifer and his armies (physical
and spiritual) will finally face the judgment and justice they deserve.
Precious, King and Lord Jesus/Yeshau …Marantha!
It Goes Back to Solomon
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King Solomon-foreign wives idol worship |
The Lord put Ezekiel chapter eight heavily upon my heart the morning of the first day of Passover, April 5 (2023). I had a good chunk of this portion written, but it was far from organized. I had made notes when things were impressed upon my heart.
Five times the north (or northward) is referred
to in the chapter [Ezekiel 8]. Five is the number for “grace”.
The east is mentioned once in reference to the abomination of worshipping the
sun god (25 men faced east to worship the sun). Tammuz was supposedly
conceived by the ‘rays of sun’ from Baal (Nimrod resurrected).
What was the Lord showing me? I chose Passover a long
time ago because the holiday celebrated by my culture (Canada) is heathen or
pagan roots. I have been of the conviction that if the Lord wants someone to
celebrate Passover, He will let them know.
He does have ‘creative’ ways of letting us know, but
as stated, I have celebrated Passover for many moons now. Even back as far as
2012, Passover was celebrated. So, who was Tammuz, what idol was he that the
Lord was alerting me too?
Think back to Solomon, when he built the temples and
altars for his foreign wives. He worshipped the false gods, Molech, the
despicable god of abomination, Molech, whom the Ammonites sacrificed their
innocent children to, and Ashtoreth, the one who became known as the ‘queen of
heaven’, but we know there is no queen in the heavens.
Ashtoreth was the name for her in the Sidonian culture. Astarte was her name amongst the Canaanites/Phoenicians, Egyptians, and the Hittites, but known as Ishtar, goddess of ancient Mesopotamia, the Babylonia goddess (fertility, love, war, and political power).
Solomon worshipped her as Ashtoreth. Ezekiel was
grieved when he saw the idol, and he was taken to the north gate of the Lord’s
house, where he saw women sitting and weeping for Tammuz. [Ezek 8:14] He had
first dug a hole in the wall, and saw 70 men standing in the dark with incense.
Then he saw carvings of creeping and unclean creatures.
Tammuz the Counterfeit
Then Ezekiel witnessed 25 men with their backs to God;
then he saw the women weeping for Tammuz.
I truly do not desire to frolic in the stories of Ishtar and Tammuz (many
sexual inserts in variations of stories).
The simplest, and the point I think the Lord wanted me
to understand is that the women weeping for Tammuz was yet another sexual
ritual, involving prostitution (in the temple), a heathen practice.
Worst of all, the women are mourning the death of a
false god, an idol,Tammuz, who was said to be resurrected (according to
Ishtar) bringing forth new life. The story of Tammuz is a deception of the
ancient serpent, a counterfeit, made to cast doubt on the resurrection of
Christ Jesus.
Satan mocks the true Son of God, Yeshua [my Jesus],
who was resurrected on the third day after His crucifixion. He overcame death
victoriously and IS the Resurrection, the first fruits [Greek – ‘aparche’]
of the resurrection [1Cor 15:20-23]! [Jesus/Yeshua]
Only Satan, that ancient serpent, would continue in
his deceptions after he successfully deceived Eve, who in turn was victorious
in tempting her husband, Adam. Because it was in the Garden that God first
spoke of His salvation plan for the sinful couple, and thus for all of mankind
in their fallen state.
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and
between your seed and her seed (indicating ‘virgin’ birth); He
shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel. [Gen 3:15]
That was the promise of the coming Messiah, where God
foretold how He would send a saviour who would be crucified (bruised heel),
but the Saviour would bruise the head of the serpent [Satan]. The long view is
that Christ is victorious and Satan and his legions will be thrown into the
lake of fire. [Rev 20:10]
Idolatry is Rampant Globally
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idol worship credit_Adam Kinzinger |
Honestly, I was minding my own business when I awoke and clearly heard deep within my spirit man ‘Ezekiel eight’. I had no idea offhand what was in that chapter.
This all began with the Lord reminding me of judgment
coming from the north, with it often being against His own people, Israel. It
would be during the times that they had rebelled against Him, in doing as they
so pleased.
They worshipped whomsoever they pleased, thus
committed idolatry, sexual perversion, prostitution, corruption. Rebellion,
lawlessness, violence, disobedience angered the Lord, but idolatry always
brought God’s righteous judgment and justice. He is the Creator and will have
no other ‘gods’ before Him.
All of those things became so out of control in the
past that the world suffered the Great Flood that destroyed all but eight souls
left alive on an Ark, as well as any beast, fowl or other creature brought
aboard that floating vessel.
Fast-forward to 2023, and we see a world steeped in
all of the above, including witchcraft and the exaltation of evil, with the
majority in the world seduced, attracted to and embracing the allures of
In Ezekiel, there was mention of the 25 men between the porch and the altar [a place of mercy], with their backs toward the temple and their face toward the east, worshipping the SUN! [Ezek 8:16] [Standing in the place of 'mercy', with their backs 'away' from God (where the temple was, and facing east, to 'worship' the SUN) ...A mockery! ]
I did state that I did not wish to frolic amongst all
the stories regarding false gods and goddesses, especially pertaining to
Easter. Nimrod is mentioned in the Bible, regarding the Tower of Babel, as well
as being a mighty warrior. There is no mention of a wife or son.
There is a story in a book by Alexander Hislop called
“The Two Babylons”. It is his book that gives a detailed story about
Nimrod, his wife Semiramis, and their son. It is dramatic, with Nimrod being
killed and cut up, with body parts everywhere.
His wife finds them, except for the male organ. She
claims to be impregnated by the rays of the sun, and Tammuz is born. She makes
an obelisk [phallic] to honour Nimrod. Tammuz is supposedly Nimrod reincarnated,
so Semiramis marries him (incest), but he is either killed by a wild
boar, or executed by his mother (two stories). Extremely condensed
The Bible does not mention much about Nimrod, or
Tammuz. Ezekiel records violence in the land, and how the people provoke God to
anger with their abominations (idolatry, temple fornication
with prostitutes, more idol worship -- sun god, weeping for Tammuz, all called
abominations by God; all hidden deep within the temple, as if God cannot see).
There was somewhat of a struggle on my part to fully
understand what the Lord was trying to show me. I was celebrating Passover, not
Easter. Ezekiel 8 clearly shows the Lord’s wrath with the idolatry taking
place, first with the idol of ‘an image of jealousy’ [Ezek 8:3] [idol
of leader?], including amongst the 70 men with censors (city elders).
[vs 11]
Then there was the weeping of Tammuz [vs 14] (women
weeping), and the 25 men with their backs to God, facing east – worshipping
the sun [sun god] [another idol] [vs 16]
What is it that I am to see, Lord?
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lovers of self |
Idolatry – yes, idolatry is rampant in this day and age, and the Lord is pointing to His own people through Ezekiel, the ancient prophet who still speaks today.
An image of jealousy (a king OR a
political leader), 70 men with censors (would that be supporters, those
who prophesy over a political person, or who pray at their campaigns?); weeping
for Tammuz (women weeping for an ‘idol’]; I looked and saw in the
spiritual realm, women ‘weeping’ because the election was ‘stolen’).
Over the drawn-out time that this has taken, it all
began to hit me, and understanding has begun to take its rightful place. It is
not Easter versus Passover, which is what I originally thought when I read
Ezekiel chapter eight, on April 5, 2023.
The righteous judgment that is coming upon the nations
is due to global idolatry. Masses upon masses are suffocating under the weight
of idolatry and they are unaware, as surely as I was when I myself was in
bondage to it.
“Women weeping for Tammuz” – we have people weeping
for someone they have idolized; many weeping over a political leader (an idol),
and claiming it is God’s will. The same people who are insist that God is
Sovereign, and that God chooses who rules a country are weeping and protesting
that the election was stolen.
Did God suddenly lose His Sovereignty, and mere man
overruled God’s will? How many times has the Lord allowed a wicked leader to
rule over a people because they have rebelled against Him, and choose to
worship the creation more than the Creator?
Idolatry and deception are the two treacherous claws
that have ensnared the people globally. Whether the idol is a political leader,
a YouTube regular, “self”, preacher, prophet, it does not matter. The Lord says
He looks and all around the globe it is as the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah.
Violence, murder, rebellion, lawlessness, riots –
people are doing what is right in their own eyes, and few there are that are
acknowledging God. The fact is that it often takes cataclysmic events for
people to realize that they are helpless against the elements because only GOD
can fully control them.
He knows that wars, pestilences, earthquakes, all
these horrific things draw people back to the reality that we need our Creator
ruling over us, to help us. We are speeding along into the revealing of the Lawless
People are prophesying that the global elite (Freemasons/Luciferians)
will NOT have their way, and will NOT bring in their system. Then,
they are rewriting the Bible; and telling God how it will play out.
No, that is wrong. When Jesus gave us power and
authority over serpents and scorpions, He did not give us power and authority
to overrule Him, His WILL or His Word. He has been calling people to repentance
for years. He has been calling people to spend more intimate, deeper time with
Him for years.
Seven years ago, He told people to “awake, awake o
sleeper”; “rise up”. He has been repetitive and very consistent. His
messages have become more urgent, but too many are still ‘playing’
church. They prophesy things that they do not know, and then try to say, faith
was not strong enough, or prayers were not frequent enough.
We need to heed the Lord. We ask the Holy Spirit to search
us, and if there is a plank obstructing our ability to see clearly, then we repent,
confess and ask Him to deliver and heal us. There is no way to help another
with a splinter, when a board has hindered your own vision.
IDOLATRY – that is the clear message the
Lord has thundered across the spiritual skies. Search your heart for idolatry –
whether virtual (online), or physical, whether person, place, or thing –
whatever has become your first love, other than Jesus.
Do you fear God? Is there a ‘form of godliness, but
the POWER [of God] denied? We should tremble at the mere mention of His Word,
knowing that all things were created with ‘just one word’.
Idolatry and deception are bringing the judgment that
comes from the north. Pray for Israel, and keep your eyes upon the things the
Lord will witness to you about in your spirit. Trust Him,a nd He WILL lead you.
But you must be surrendered; letting all things go that
are not of Him. Selah
Jesus/Yeshua, Our Hope and Our Anchor
Which hope we have as an
anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which
enters into that [presence] within the veil; To
which the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made a high
priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. [Heb 6:19,20]
YHWH will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. [Ps 9:9] that is coming, and that God in His mercy has allowed us to know beforehand, just as He did with Noah, and as He did with the people of Sodom, Gomorrah, Nineveh, Israel …just as He has always done.
To deny God’s righteous judgment and His holy justice over
sinful people or sinful nations like some people with influence are doing on
social platforms is to deny God’s Word. To tell people judgment will be ‘observed’
by them, but is not ‘meant for them’ borders blasphemy.
Jesus gave us power and authority for the advancement
of (to proclaim) the kingdom of God, to heal the sick, and have power
over Satan and demons (cast out demons). [Lk 9:1-2], but nowhere
does the Bible state that we have to get everything out of chaos and into the
church’s control before Jesus (Yeshua) returns. That is unscriptural. Only
God can bring order to this world.
He gave us power to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all “the power of the enemy” [Lk 10:19]). Jesus did not
say: “…and over all power of Almighty God.”
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the
spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out
into the world. [1Jn 4:1]
We need to anchor ourselves by holding fast to Jesus.
He will hold us steady as we cling to Him just as the ship that holds fast the
anchor, with the Holy Spirit being as the rope that connects the two to each
I am persuaded that this world entered into the
beginning of sorrows some time ago. The LORD prepares us; keep strong in
prayer. Fear cannot abide in us when trusting the King, as long as He is on the
throne of our hearts. Jesus is the hope anchored in our souls.
The living God
has been warning people of many nations [all tongues, tribes, clans], in
ways, and by means that only He can do. As we see in scripture, He began with
His own people…always!
We all like the
prophecies that please our flesh, but woe to the ones who bring unwelcome
tidings. It is better that you dislike me right into heaven, than to love me
all the way to hell. Your soul is what is key, not what you think of me.
Our hearts are
God’s concern, and where we will spend eternity. He has made it clear that His
desire (His will) is that none should perish, but that all of us should
come to repentance. That has been His main message throughout this one little
spot in all the universe for just shy of two decades.
He is steadfast, consistent, solid, Faithful and True. The counterfeit is here, but nothing replaces Jesus/Yeshua. Satan has tried since the beginning of time bringing in false gods (idols). Indeed, the counterfeiter appears in the form of idolatry.
However, the Lawless one is alive and well, keeping unannounced until the Restrainer is removed and the lawless one is revealed.
All the world and its people, unknowingly for the most part, have been readying themselves for the most significant time since the history of creation. What a day of rejoicing it will be when all of this is put to an end, and Christ Jesus (haMashiach Yeshua) rules as King of kings and Lord of lords.
This ends the seven-part (part G) series of: Judgment Comes from the North. I am led to repost an article from 2021 January, called: Rejoice Not, O My Enemy – I Will Arise Again
Rejoice Not, O My Enemy - I Will Arise Again
Rejoice not against me, O my enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me. [Micah 7:8]
The enemy has rejoiced over many of us as we go through times of purging, trials, testing, suffering, anguish, hardships of this life. He wars hard against us to bring us to defeat, but those of us who cling to God will not be overcome by the enemies of the cross (Satan and his minions). God is with us, and He promises that those who wait on Him will not be put to shame. [Ps 25:3] Rise again!
The year 2020 was the worst one for me that I ever remember having, even before I was committed to the Lord, and that my friends, is saying a lot! When I say it was the worst, I am not even speaking of COVID-19, its lockdowns, restrictions, rules and limitations.
What I find incredible is that people all over the world are saying it is the worst year they ever had. Now, whether they speak of loss financially, materially, death or illness due to COVID-19 or not, I cannot speak for them, but isn't it interesting that when we are going through horribly and tragically challenging and hard times, we think no one else is and that no one else could possibly understand. But that is where we often get it wrong.
For me, the year began with deception, and the Holy Word of God was used to carry it out, just as it was in the Garden of Eden. Did I expect that? Absolutely not because I have been praying for years that I would not be deceived. So, why was it allowed? God has always alerted me before. What happened?
The year ended with more deception involving the holy Word of God. I won't be explaining it in this article, but I promise you, the enemy is ferociously and feverishly busy trying to corrupt, defile, steal, kill and destroy as much as he can. His war is fully-fledged against all religions, but particularly Christianity.
However, every month, for the entire year, I faced some kind of drama, some kind of upheaval, such as betrayal, witchcraft, covetousness of another that caused me great loss, theft (from three businesses), lies, false accusations, persecution, physical illness, mental duress, broken relationships, deception, misunderstandings, the whole gamut…
I promise you, I am not exaggerating. I will go into it in another article, but suffice it to say, the enemy is out to take down every true believer in God, first. Then in his evil character, he slams against all of mankind, for great is his hate.
You name it. If it could happen, it did, and I was at a loss as to what was happening and why it was happening. In May, when I came into absolute obedience in all I knew I was to do, that was when everything went from bad to worse. You know...the proverbial fan and what hits it.
Please pay attention. It has only just begun...betrayals (people, including "Christians" turning on each other), covetousness, persecution, deception...ALL of it is coming upon the world, every nation, every country, every tribe and clan. And it is approaching fast; almost upon us. We were forewarned. It is why the trials are so intense. We have to make our choices and take our stand. NOW!
God is good in all He does and in all He allows. His wisdom surpasses the greatest mind ever recorded on earth. All that was foretold is upon us. Search the scriptures; look around and see if it is not so. Our Lord is soon returning. We are being told to be ready and to prepare! Check your lamps.
It was as if obedience brought a curse instead of a blessing, but of course, that was and is a lie of the devil. Obedience brings blessings. We must wait on God's timing. We will never understand fully why he allows what he allows, not everything...not in this lifetime. He is God and trusting Him can be very difficult at times, and believe me, our trust and faith will be tried. It was for all our forerunners, so yes, it will be for each of us too, like it or not.
Yes, I have to accept that God allowed everything that happened, despite my questioning prayers, and I had absolutely no idea at the time as to why. I can tell you now what I did not know then because during the hardest parts of the year, the Lord was silent in the reasoning behind it all. Yet, consistently, the Holy Spirit would cause me to hear "trust Me, do not fear", over and over again, in my spirit.
Yet, a trying of the heart and of my faith was indeed happening. There was also pruning, a purging, discipline, correction, fire and water, and far too often, silence...yet, He was with me every step of the way, and that much I was well aware of. I knew He would hear me when I prayed, even if he kept silent.
We speak of trusting God, and having faith in all He says and in His Word. We speak (like Peter) of never denying Him, willing to die for Jesus, and on and on we go, confident that we are solid as a rock in our faith and trust in the Lord.
So, let the trials begin…
And so they did, for the entire year. Please do not misunderstand me. Not everything that was difficult was a trial. There were several things that happened that were a direct result of someone sinning, but the Lord has been revealing truth to all his people, in His ways and in His timing. Remember, Isaiah 55:8, 9 remind us that God's ways and thoughts are not ours, or even like ours. They are much higher than ours.
How many times I searched my heart, I lost track. How many times mid-way and especially near the end of the year did I ask, ‘what have I done Lord? Show me my sin so I can repent and turn from it” – I lost track of how many times I asked that too. Take me, Lord. I've had enough! - I remember that I said the latter in years gone by in other heated trials, and I swore that I would "never" repeat those words again. Sigh, I am so glad that Abba is wise and does not listen to hasty words - EVERY TIME they are spoken.
I know that I know it was not just me going through tough times this past year (outside of Covid). I do not imagine we all go through desperate times at the same time, those intensely dark seasons where we are utterly helpless to stop or to change anything, but multitudes of us do go through together. Even Peter tried to encourage us so we would not become disheartened and fall into despair, depression, angst.
Lord, Is This a Trial? A Test? What's Happening?
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you: But rejoice, as you are partakers of Christ's suffering; that when his glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy. [1Pet 4:12, 13]
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. [1Pet 5:8, 9]
Peter goes on to say that after we have suffered awhile, Jesus (Yeshua) will strengthen, establish, perfect and settle us. Ah, but how soon do we forget? No wonder the Lord has to always repeat himself, especially in these days of TMI – (Too Much Information) that we have hurdled at us today from every direction.
So, this particular article will not go into detail of what all transpired this past year. And again I say that I am not even speaking of COVID, although social distancing, mask wearing, lockdowns etc. were indeed a hassle and a challenge for all of us, a great inconvenience to say the least. I’m not even speaking of that.
I know that globally multitudes were going through a horrific year as well. Back in September and October 2020, I was getting many letters from people torn apart spiritually by all that was happening in their own lives, seemingly endless trails and tribulations, but like me, not understanding the “why” of it all, yet desperately longing for it all to end.
I tried to answer letters the best I could, as simply another sister in Christ, but the desperate letters did affect me, unbeknownst to me at the time. Every effort was made on my part to not allow the pain that brethren were suffering to cause me to stumble, but the truth was that I was going through myself, so it did affect me…and I knew not who to turn to except the Lord. The letters I received were so heartbreaking, filled with such confusion and discouragement, brokenness and hopelessness that I did not have it in me to say, “hey, me too…”
Sadly, I'm afraid I was a "miserable comforter". [Job 16:2]
There was an earnest desire not to discourage a broken and contrite soul further, but perhaps I did err in not sharing that I too was going through hell. Perhaps in some way, it may have helped, but instead, with the little strength I had spiritually myself, my best effort was put forth to turn them to the only One I know who could help all of us…the LORD Jesus (Yeshua).
One person did accuse me of "copy and paste" answers, which truly disheartened me because my intent was to encourage from personal experience and to offer hope, knowing that God always comes through when we least expect it.
I had spoken from my heart, not from someone else's experience. But the bitterness that one person had was more than I knew how to address, and after a few letters back and forth, when that comment came back, after the time and effort I had put in to try and get them not to give up and to truly focus on Jesus, I had to stop writing. All I could do after that was to silently pray for them after they expressed their dissatisfaction with my "comfort".
No, this particular article will not be going into details of what transpired last year with me. But o dear brethren, things are about to turn around for those of us who have hung on desperately, even by a thread, a thin rope, even with a mustard seed of faith – refusing to let go of Jesus (Yeshua), though every demonic force was doing their best to cause us to give up, or to give in. They failed.
All glory to God alone. And THAT is why I chose to post the verse from Micah 7 at the beginning of this writing. It was a horrific time for Israel at the time the prophet wrote. There was much bribery going on with princes and judges and others in high positions.
There was oppression, betrayals from those closest to each other, bloodshed and great evil happening. Those who trusted in the living God were hated, reproached. O but what was the prophet saying? Micah knew that the laughter and satisfaction of the enemies would be silenced and halted, as God would rise up to vindicate and to recompense.
Micah was saying WAIT upon the Lord! WAIT for Him; He will bring you out of the darkness as the light at noonday.
ARISE! You will arise! He will strengthen you and the enemy will be the one covered in shame, not you. Everything is not as it appears to be! Trust and wait. When God gives a promise, and confirms it, and does not reveal differently to you when you pray earnestly for truth, TRUST and WAIT. He IS Sovereign.
When Micah said that the words spoken were: “Where is the Lord your God?”: watch. Believe, know that yes, the Living God is Sovereign. We do not have to know everything. We do not have to understand everything. All we have to do is hold fast to our faith, trusting God and waiting on His timing.
O beloved friends and brethren, if we have to hear it a million times to keep us focused on Christ and upon the narrow path, so be it. We walk by faith, not by sight...keep reminding yourself. Encourage yourself, as Joshua and David did.
Please allow me to share with you a part of my journal, written mid-way last year, after I had come into full obedience (ridding myself of a bad habit, or rather, allowing deliverance from the LORD, thank You Jesus), in May, in every area, to the best of my knowledge. I had to write it out because my prayers seemed so self-focused, and I truly was wanting to please my Father. Such a hard trial…
I called it:
The Strongest Temptation (September 2020)
And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? Which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? [Mk 15:33, 34]
The strongest temptation to give up has been circling me like a flock of vultures for so long that to guess would likely be to err. Drowning in tears, guarding my words, reeling in pain, crying out to my faithful Maker, Lord, do you hear me? Do you see me? You promised never to leave or forsake me, I do believe that…but where are you now as I cry out?
It’s been so long, month after month, has it been year upon year? I’ve lost track…I know it was off and on, but has been increasing as time passes, as weariness consumes me, and how pain and suffering seem to threaten me with death.
How long will I cry out and you do not move? I have pleaded for your mercy and compassion, as undeserved as it is.
You already have been merciful and gracious beyond measure…how many times, I lost count of that too. Too many times to number, you have saved my life, healed me, delivered me, been everything to me…Why will these trials not end, or has it just been one big, long trial?
Your precious and holy Spirit put within me that this is a fight of flesh versus spirit; the enemy against the children of God, children of darkness versus children of light. Why am I not comforted in this? You have taught me much through my suffering, and for that, I will always thank you. Is there growth, Lord? Is there any good fruit, or is my tree bare?
But Father, must this entire life be one of suffering? Forgive me, I’ve heard tons of times that there is always someone suffering more than me. I know this, but I cannot live competing with the world, whether in good or in evil. I simply cannot…
Yes, I know others suffer more; I know others never get to live as long; others go without far more. This is understood, but does that diminish my suffering, my pain, my stress, my sorrow? All the voices can drive one crazy. O Abba, it is so difficult not to focus on one’s self when we are in the throes of suffering, pain and grief, whether physically, mentally or spiritually.
How many times do people say, “It’s not about you”, when we are in desperate times, dire straits, longing for an end, a way out, some relief? Really? Well, yes it is. Because it's my pain, my suffering, my grief...not yours. So, how can I honestly say it's not about me. I am the one being tried; the one being put through the furnace and the water, the suffering...
I know, I realize it's about being perfected, molded in Christ's image, for eternity. But as holy and righteous as it may sound, it IS about us. God created us, so obviously, we ARE involved; He alone is doing a work in us. It IS for HIS glory, absolutely, but for our good. JFS is not going to help anyone going through mourning, grief, suffering, pain, deep sorrow, despair, depression, and more. (JFS: my personal invented pet phrase for Job's Friend's Syndrome). Oh God in heaven, would anyone dare say that to Jesus in his suffering…that it’s not about you?
Perhaps that is why He took no one with Him into the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew He needed to be real and pour out His heart to you; He knew His strength was zapped; He knew His flesh was warring against His spirit (Father, take this bitter cup…yet, not my will but Your will, O Father...) He knew He needed your help to go through the sickeningly evil, brutal events that He was commissioned to publicly suffer and endure.
He surely knew that no one would understand His travailing and agony at that moment because they could not see or know what He had to suffer. Well, in truth, the difference is that his suffering was something He chose to do willingly, solely for us sinners. It is why He came into this world, in the flesh. He had done no wrong, never sinned, a spotless, blameless soul, Son of God, Son of man, suffering for us, so we could be forgiven and reconciled back to God, the Father.
So yes I is about each and every single one of us and the ways we each suffer because our loving Creator wants to spend eternity with us. I get mad at that expression sometimes, it really does sound holier than thou...
Father, I know you take no pleasure in people being seduced, deceived and overtaken by wickedness. You're not a sadist who looks forward to seeing Your beautiful creation thrown in the lake of fire that was meant for that rebellious and now-unholy angel, Satan (Lucifer) and his evil cronies...I don't believe for a moment that you take any pleasure in that reality at all. But the thousands of years of patience You've shown humble me...I can't even wait out this trial without being exasperated...and the tons of warnings, and measures You have taken to help us choose properly, is mind-boggling. I cannot argue Abba, that You are justified in wrath; your anger is indeed righteous.
All I know, Lord…is…I feel somewhat schizophrenic, all the different voices. Oh brother, the psychiatrists would have a field day with that statement. "You hear...voices? Are they audible --inside your head?" Oh yes, those words could get me committed.
But Father, I struggle so much at times. Sometimes, I feel strong (when you strengthen me), but other times...I'm undone.
I get confused between the voice of my flesh (my own thoughts), the Word of God in my heart (scripture) and the leading of the precious Holy Spirit…warring or at variance with the accusations and taunting voice of the adversary and his cronies, and the voices of the world, with all its religions, technology and beliefs, and the voices of fellow believers who try and help, and finally, unbelievers -- "Where is your God now?"
Lord, help me please. I don’t want to give up or give in, but I don’t know how long or even if I can go on. I need you. Please don't let me fall away. I can't, won't, let go. You have to pick my talons out from your robes Lord, but truthfully, I can’t do this without your help...and I don't want to. Forgive me for my weaknesses...
Show me any place where I am in sin. Cleanse my heart and put a right spirit in me. Oh God, I know the holy Spirit dwells in me, but please increase in me. Show me how to decrease. I don't know how...
… all I can do is weep; I’m so confused. What have I done? Where am I wrong? Show me anything hidden or that I am denying. I trust you, but maybe not as deeply as I think. I do the best I can, but I don’t understand. God, don’t leave me here. Take me home but don’t let Satan laugh any longer at me.
I weep more…uncontrollably, disappointed in my weakness; my lack of faith and trust. I, I,, me, me...My God, help!
Then I hear within:
For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace. [Is 9:5, 6]
Do not fear, for even in My silence, I am with you. Have I not said I will never leave nor forsake you?
[then my Father went silent…again]
(End of that particular outcry)
How Good our Creator Is
How many times do we sound like Habakkuk, crying out to the Lord? Habakkuk was witnessing injustice, wickedness, lawlessness, violence. He could not understand why it was all being allowed, or if God would intervene.
O Lord, how long shall I cry and You will not hear! Even cry out unto You of violence, and You will not save! Why do You show me iniquity and cause me to behold grievance? (injustice, wrong, evil, unfairness)
Therefore the law is slacked and judgment does never go forth: for the wicked do compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds. [Hab 1:2-4]
Doesn't that sound exactly like where we are at today? Evil, deception, violence, lawlessness...globally. And what did (and does) our blessed and loving Maker say in response?
Behold you among the heathen and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which you will not believe, though it be told you. [Hab1:5]
Yes, trials are hard, the testing of our heart and faith can be excruciating; discipline and correction is uncomfortable --- but it is not without purpose or reason. We just do not understand it in those times, and may not for a long time after it is over with - if at all. But God (YHVH) in His wisdom, knows exactly what He is doing, in control and absolutely Sovereign, He is.
A Message
(I’ve held onto the following for a couple years, not sure exactly how long, but I found it on one of my external hard drives. I was hard-pressed to release it now. Praise be to God. - BP2021)
Judgment is About to Fall
I will shake all [Heb 12:27] to shake you loose from your high place
upon the beast (Babylon Harlot) [Rev 17:16] The mountains shall
tremble and the earth shall push forward and open wide her
gates. [Nahum 1:5]
Great fires shall surround and walls of mighty waters shall destroy your high place, o Mystery Babylon Harlot, and shall sweep over many of your kingdoms. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard. [Is 24:20] So it is written, so it shall be.
The holy King has not been slack in His promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering, not desiring that any should perish, but all should come to repentance. [2Pet 3:9] Yea, but not all will...
Yet only the faithful who have ears to hear [Is 55:3], have heard the blast of the trumpets (spiritual warnings). If the faithful heard not the blast in the spiritual, they listened to those who were commissioned to hear and to obediently go forth to warn others of that which the Lord placed upon their heart to speak forth.
The ram’s horn, held high to the lips upon the face that is lifted upward, blasting forth the warnings. Take heed, watch and pray. Take heed, deception is rampant. Jesus (Yeshua) said, "Take heed no man (person) deceive you. [Mat 24:4]
(Note* - We all have different work to do. It's NOT about one being more 'special' than another. It is our reasonable service; each of us commissioned to do a work. It is why we all have different talents, gifts and skills. Amen because ALL glory goes to God through Messiah Jesus anyway!
It is written that things will get increasingly worse, as love waxes cold and as sin abounds...with each doing what is right in their own eyes -- except those submitted to our loving Creator. We need Him in every way for that which is now upon us, and most definitely for that which is coming. Search the scriptures.
We believers are NOT going to make the world "ready" for Christ Jesus. Only God alone can fix the mess this world is in. The holy scriptures foretold these times, and Messiah Himself told us what to look for (signs); His words recorded in the New Testament. The prophets of old, dedicated to the living God of Israel, faithfully wrote down the words the Holy Spirit gave them to write. We are without excuse. We need the Lord - period. Seek FIRST the kingdom of God...(that is more than a suggestion of wisdom).BP2021)
† * * * * * †
Dispelling Any Possible Confusion
For God is NOT the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. [1Cor 14:33]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT to your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He SHALL direct your paths. [Prov 3:5, 8]
(Note** - I understood that these “trumpets” are NOT the ones that the book of Revelation speaks of. These are warnings in the spiritual realm to be ready, to prepare – spiritually first: repentance (if necessary, each one of us will know individually if there is anything we need to repent of).
The Lord is exhorting us to draw nigh to Him; He will draw close to us [Jam 4:8], cleave to Him [Josh 23:7], laying down our will to gladly follow His instructions, and obviously, to obey His commandments. [1Jn 2:17] This is how He directs our steps (paths). [Prov 3:6]
We are in dark days right now (January 2021) where the great tribulation is fast approaching…like it or not. God is always generous in His warnings and the time allotted for repentance. His written Word is full of examples.
Yet, as it is written, these last days are indeed as the days of Noah, and as the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, and few today are willing to accept the warnings, or to let go of that which satisfies the flesh but is not of God, and to humble themselves before the Living God (through Christ Jesus/Yeshua) – just as in the bygone days of which the Messiah spoke of.
Once we prepare spiritually, and be ready for His leading, the precious and Holy Spirit will instruct each of us corporately, yet especially, individually, if we have humbled ourselves and are submitted to Him.
We must work together with the Lord. [2Cor 6:1] He will NEVER force anyone, and never has. The onus is upon each one of us separately. I do not know how anyone can do it without him. I know I cannot. So much is going on, but God will keep us aligned to His will, if we let Him lead us, and He will balance all things out for us. He will lead us and help us in every way. He IS faithful and good– BP2021)
(End note)
† * * * * * †
When you see the fall of the beautiful seductress, your Queen[Is 47:11], o foolish ones, will you then awaken and cry out as you witness the judgment fall upon the nations, and upon the whole earth? [Rev 18:10, 17, 19]
Will you see your way through the darkness of judgment, seeing as you have no oil for your lamps? Will your queen, the Babylon Harlot, offer you any, seeing as she has no light of her own? Her promises and predictions are false hopes and lies.
All that was placed upon My people, My Body, that was meant for evil, I shall turn to good [Gen 50:20], for they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and loved not their life unto death. [Rev 12:11]
They laid down their lives, broken and humbled, having considered the cost and found it worthy. [Jam 1:21, 22]
As a woman in travail, the Body of My Christ aches and cries out for justice; they cry out for they have heard that the Bridegroom is coming. [1Cor 16:22] They shall be awake, purified, without spot or blemish, prepared to meet the Bridegroom, for He has all things ready. [Eph 5:27]
A quietness lulls over the land, a false peace. It shall be short-lived, as is the eerily peaceful calm before the storm. The harlot and those in her Babylon kingdom continue on with life as usual (but only for a short season) [1 Thess 4:3] – yes, just as in the days of Noah. [2Pet 2:1-2]
For in those days, the people of the earth had heard and seen Noah’s warnings, yet it fell upon deaf ears. Their eyes did behold the mighty ark, but they beheld it with eyes that could not see. [Heb 11:7, 8]
A further delay of seven days was given for the people to acknowledge their transgressions and iniquities, repent and come into the ark for safety, but they would have none of it. They shunned the ark and the family of eight souls.
Nothing was harder for Noah than to hear the cries of those he had known and lived amongst, begging to enter the ark. Yet he could not, for I had sealed the door shut. [Gen 7:16]
There was a strange silence over the earth during those seven days of delay whilst yet a last opportunity was offered in patient love, before My righteous judgment fell. [Gen 7:10] Selah
For every thing there is a time and a season. [Eccl 3:1] Life continues on, except for the soldiers who are not entangling themselves with the affairs of the world, but are ready to follow the orders of the One who has called them, to serve in the battle. [2Tim 2:4]
My Spirit will indeed baptize with fire, so that in the purifying, you will be left without spot or blemish. [Mat 3:11] It is all about to go down, as in the days of Noah. Cling to the Messiah, your ark of today, for He is calling His people to ready themselves. Lo, we are to keep looking up, for our redemption is drawing nigh – our Lord is soon returning. [Lk 21:28; Rev 22:12, 13]
HalleluYah. All glory to the Living God (YHVH) alone! Praise and thanksgiving be to God through Jesus our Messiah! NONE shall touch Your glory Lord…none, for You are good and Your mercy endures forever.
(End of the message “Judgment is About to Fall”)
In October 2020, when my heart was despairing over the hardships of the year, and concerns for the troubles of others heavy upon my heart, I received these messages, which I journaled and am led to share. May it bless and encourage any and every weary soul, and strengthen you as only God can do.
Some portions were extremely personal. Those portions have not been included. I trust the Lord’s leading. This is to speak to those who the Lord so leads here, and to whom He quickens the message in their heart. God alone will be glorified, and He does not share His glory with another. Bless the Lord!
October 26, 2020
My child, much is coming that people would rather not know about. You must continue to TRUST Me in things pertaining to your life, the lives of your loved ones and the world.
I am Sovereign, child. Multitudes are beginning to doubt as you have heard and seen. Multitudes are being pretentious, keeping a blind eye, walking in pride and arrogance. Trust Me in all things. Indeed, give thanks in all things.
I know you have heard “suddenly”, “unexpectedly”, “soon”, yet see nothing, but indeed, My word does not return void. Neither does the vision tarry. It shall be right on time. It is no secret that bad things happen “suddenly”, yet it is difficult for people to embrace the fact that GOOD can happen suddenly as well. Focus on Me.
All will work out. Do not ask how, why, where, when – do not use logic to try and reach answers. The spirit of fear longs to return. Rebuke him. Stand fast with your armour on and cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God, and (hold captive) bringing all into obedience in Christ.
I will guide you one day at a time. These are serious dark days. You see how people acted throughout the bible. For a “season”, it appears as if people get away with their actions (folly), but beloved, I AM still God. I DO intervene – when the TIME is right. My time is not your time, for as I have often told you, I am not caught up in the time/space continuum, for I AM the Creator of it.
Many think I am too slow, yet “many” will also admit I am an on-time God, including you. I [always] fulfill my part. Do not give up or give in to defeat.
Fast, give thanks and praise. Ah, my child, there are spiritual and universal laws. TRUST TRUST TRUST.
Oct 27, 2020
Trust Me in how I deal with my children. Do you think I only discipline you? Do you think you are the worst in the bunch? Do you think I have brought you this far only to let you down now?
I sent My prophets to speak to defiant and wayward kings, yet also to the widowed. Do people truly understand My Sovereignty? Even My own (those who are Mine) question such (my sovereignty) when things happen that they do not understand or that hurt them.
I spoke to pharaohs and kings. I sent my angels to appear before righteous prophets and humble shepherds. I spoke through an animal and brought forth a whale (a large fish) to consume a man – to swallow him up without killing him. I the Lord did ALL these things.
I re-created earth when it was destroyed by water. I made everything out of nothing, formed that which was formless – held things back or brought them forward. I the Lord did all these things.
I AM Sovereign indeed (beloved), fully capable of speaking to any man, woman or child; fully able to cause the blind to see, the deaf to hear (physically and spiritually) and to soften or harden hearts. Pharaoh, in the days of Israel’s exodus from Egypt, is but one example.
For those who long to place blame upon my shoulders, and all evil at my feet, accusing Me of all manner of failings, so be it. The wisdom of such is foolishness to Me. I reach out to all in ways I see fit.
Some are deaf by choice, refusing truth that is not to their liking. Some are both blind and deaf, preferring to do what is right in their own eyes.
I have seen your struggles, your frustrations, your efforts to keep flesh submissive and grateful to Me. All has not gone by unnoticed. You passed more tests than you realize. You are indeed willing and desirous to be in My will.
I help you. I love you. SOON – all shall be in place and you shall be walking in the reality of our covenant, fully healed, restored, reversed in years with re-creations, giftings. Time is moving quickly. Things are unfolding rapidly.
Be ready. Prepare – ah!
(Note: - It was this message that reminded me of a picture I had taken in 2020)
It was just three weeks earlier that I had actually seen someone carrying a sign with those very words “be ready” written on it (pic above from town in Okanagan Valley, B.C.).
I was returning to my home from a nearby town when I happened to see the person with the sign, as I was stopped at a street light. Never in my life had I seen such before; I had only heard of such things before (Christians walking around with signs) - from others.
It was in October. If you click on the picture, it will enlarge and you can see that the woman with the bike and the man are both wearing masks due to Covid-19 -BP2021)
Do not look at outward appearances and fear. GIVE thanks. PRAISE ME, trusting that I AM not man that I should lie. My word shall not return void. I speak truth to you by the blood of the Lamb (my precious Son Yeshua) and by His name, for I have exalted My Word above My name.
Nov 6, 2020
Yes, my child, be at peace. I realize things are not happening as quickly as you would like, but they are happening quickly. Trust – wait – be patient
There is a countdown. There is an alignment (to align with My WILL and My word (be a ‘doer’ of the Word), not align with man and his agenda, as some false doctrines teach) remember – take heed no man deceive you. Things are balancing out, and also being weighed in the balances. I’ve been doing a quick work, my child.
These are the days and times that my people must trust their God.
Through my Son and by My Spirit, I shall lead all who abide in Me. Many have all the right words, but they are not backed up by time spent with Me. Come, come closer, come deeper. ABIDE and wait upon Me for I shall not disappoint. My ways are rarely understood by mankind, even by My own people, but those who TRUST in Me will always end up in praise and thanksgiving.
My love abounds, and it is My love that brings My people back into balance when things that happened – especially if a long wait is involved – throw them temporarily off- balance.
Listen for My still small voice.
Elijah, in the cave, knew that I was not in the earthquake, or violent winds, or sweeping fire – I was found in the stillness. Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.
Never has the clash of the kingdoms been more obvious globally as it is this day (even as the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah), and the clash, noise and confusion is steadily increasing and shall continue.
Some are being called to fast. ALL are being called to pray. Search your heart with the help of My Spirit. Keep a guard upon it – as well as a guard on all portals of your body (eyes, ears, mouth).
Stay in My Word. I shall direct your steps. Not every thought is from Me, nor is every desire placed by Me. Stay close and wait for My sure answer, as you bring ALL (ALL) to me.
Do not lean on your own understanding, searching for logic, reason and sense, for there are things, especially now in these days, where FAITH and TRUST will override logic and fear. Faith and trust will keep My people in OBEDIENCE (faith has works, which do My will).
Trust, wait on My timing, no matter how difficult. The waiting will seem to be most burdensome, seemingly overbearing, just before that which one has long waited for becomes a reality.
Every enemy of the cross will unite to attempt to sabotage your faith and cause you to give up or fall into unbelief.
Remember, this is war, but lo! I hold the victory. PATIENCE, just a little longer. The time is upon you. The chaotic condition of the world and the escalation of evil has not taken Me by surprise. Pray, read My Word and rest in Me with confidence. I will lead each willing and obedient child, according to My will and plan.
When Nehemiah was endeavouring to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, much came against him, even so-called prophets were sent to discourage him. In fact, they came to ‘curse’ his work. War was in the air.
Therefore, Nehemiah and his workers kept weapons on them. At times, they worked with one hand and kept a weapon in the other. It was shown to Nehemiah that the so-called prophets were sent to discourage him from the work GOD would have him do.
That is what is happening now. This is war. The clash of the kingdoms is upon the earth and shall escalate, according to My Word. As it is written, so it shall be.
My prayer:
Those of us who seek to DO God’s will, will have people either operating in the flesh OR under the influence of the enemy who will try to sabotage our destiny, and/or have us begin to doubt and allow those poisoned seeds to take root and again, sabotage our faith – causing us to walk in UNBELIEF or worse – to fall away or produce a harvest of bitterness.
Father, I am praying (well, you already know, Lord) that you continue to reveal things to us, that you would help those of us (whose core and first desire is to keep you as our FIRST love, and to KNOW your will, so that you are glorified, not take it ourselves), but HELP such of us who are yours to understand what you reveal, and how to handle it in wisdom.
Grant us an understanding heart, Father, so that through your wisdom, we discern judgment. Lord, help me to see through your eyes of love and not through the selfish eyes of the flesh that always seeks to be right or justified.
Holy Spirit, show me any or all instances or occasions where I have left a gap for a bitter root to grow, so that in the revealing, I may humble myself and forgive; thereby destroying the root as forgiveness suffocates it in love, as we are commanded.
Help us to stand strong as Yeshua (Jesus) did when offenses come, when name calling and accusations are aimed at us and when persecution in the most dangerous sense presents itself in our lives.
Because unless you take us home first Lord, we know full well, persecution is coming, for it is written. Help us to know first and then to accept your will Yeshua. Holy Spirit, guard over and convict me if ever I begin to grumble and complain, for over the years, you have always been faithful to me. I am so weary Father, but I will not give up for you are my strength thru Jesus.
Help us Father, for we want to be strong and a child you’re pleased with, not because it will bring us favour, but because we love you so much – I love you wholly because you first loved me and he who has been forgiven much, loves much. You showed me the purity and beauty of agape love.
Lord, for those of us waiting for promises to be fulfilled, or prayers answered, please help us to be strong in the waiting and not fearful that you are uncaring or ignoring us. Holy Spirit, Yeshua promised that you would guide us into all truth, convict, correct, discipline, teach and comfort us. I pray you lead us away from deception or at the very least to recognize it, avoid it, and deal with it.
Yet again, grant us wisdom in the handling of it and guard us against pride, arrogance, or a bitter spirit that would grieve you with words. Instead, I pray you show us when we should speak and when we should be silent, and help me Lord to be bold and strong when I should be bold and strong, and mild and humble when gentleness and humility are called for. May I decrease and Messiah increase.
Nov 11, 2020
Be at peace. I have heard your prayers. I see the heart. Lay down fear; lay aside any unbelief, for indeed I AM the living God, fully capable of overriding flesh and satan, along with his wicked hosts.
Trust goes deep, it must. Trust Me. It is what I have said from the beginning. I know you are hurting. I know you are confused, but I am not the author of confusion. I did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound (disciplined, self-controlled) mind.
I have not allowed you to be deceived. Fear not the reports, neither give in. I do the testing. I know you struggle within to be honourable to me.
You see the evil not only descending upon the earth, but spreading across the globe. You see prophecies coming to pass – coming to fruition, yet there is still much to go. Fear not. Once it begins, it will go rapidly…as it is written, those years shall carry out.
(Note*- I understood in this instance, Father meant prophecies written in the holy Bible - BP2021)
Yea, but an earthquake of unforeseen proportion shall shake up the plans of the evil ones planning an invasion – this will be a temporary setback. My people are praying and I hear their prayers.
Delay is temporary. The first domino is teetering, for it has been pushed. Once it loses its balance and hits the next domino (an event – when the next planned move takes place -- manifests), it will not take long to build momentum and all comes crashing down, as it is written.
This generation shall see the appearance of the beasts. Satan is waiting in the shadows (his chosen one awaits) and shall soon come forward out of darkness, but lo! Though Satan himself can appear as an angel of light, he is still darkness. Great evil is in the air. This is why many of my people feel nauseated spiritually. This is why chaos and violence and especially, deception, are so evident. This is why the whole world is upset and divided.
(end of excerpts)
Our Creator is incredible, marvelous, absolutely beyond words that can fully describe His love, His goodness, His wisdom, His care…or all that He is. I would like to end this article with another article I “happened” to stumble upon. It was written in October, 2017, but God, who alone is glorified, He alone knows the end from the beginning, and is not caught up in the space/time continuum.
So great is his love for us…things go in cycles, and prophetic messages are God’s alone, and to His glory alone. None, including myself, can touch HIS glory. Bless you Father! And thank You Messiah, for it is all because of what you did as a warrior and a gentle Shepherd.
By the way, I had no idea that this message had the same verses in Habakkuk or what the message was actually about. After all, it was written over three years ago, so I did not expect the similarity. Praise God!
Because the following was so similar to what I had put already, I almost did not repost it, but again, the leading of the precious Holy Spirit convinced me with this verse He brought to remembrance.
I speak once, yea twice, but man perceives it not. [Job 33:14]
October 2017
Believe – I Do Things Suddenly
O LORD, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear! even cry out unto You of violence, and You will not save! Why do You show me iniquity (injustice), and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are those that raise up strife and contention.
Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment does never go forth: for the wicked does compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds. (justice perverted) [Hab 1:2-4]
Many question My Sovereignty in this hour when faith is being tried as never before. "Where is justice? Why do you You stand afar off and allow such horrors to take place?" Many of My people are crushed in spirit at all that is happening, yet I promise you that I am with you, even now.
Hearts filled with sorrow, grief, anger, doubts; confusion abounds and the enemy whispers, "Where is your God now?" Shut out the voice of the adversary, for only I know the reason behind all things. Sin abounds in this world; human error and choices between doing what is right and what is wrong is still a reality.
When things happen that do not make sense, you must trust that nothing has escaped Me. I DO work all things together for good [Romans 8:28], but in the midst of pain and sorrow, nothing makes sense. I know your frame; I remember that you are but dust. Yet, I say to you, will you trust Me through this?
Multitudes whisper, "Nothing happens that God does not allow." They readily lay even the consequences of sin at My feet, indirectly blaming Me for all that goes wrong in this world.
There is truth in the statement, yet does what I allow mean that everything is My will? Are abortions, murders, suicides, illegal drug use, incest, adultery, fornication, betrayals, false doctrines, witchcraft and much more…are these such things My will? Consider carefully!
If I intervened and intercepted every vile word, action or deed (all sins), most, if not all, would accuse Me of reneging on the gift of the power to choose. I promise you that justice shall be served in the end.
See Daniel 7:9, 10 and Rev 20:11-13
The hearing and knowledge of that will not satisfy most in their darkest hours, yet I assure you that if you will but trust Me through all situations, no matter how mysterious, unfounded, unfair or seemingly untimely, the day will come when you will see that in My wisdom and omniscience, I allowed what I allowed for good reason and purpose.
I can handle your outbursts of anger, frustration and all else that you may bring to Me in your emotional turbulence. Be careful not to murmur and complain, but find it within yourself to thank Me that I consider you worthy to face these trials and challenges (as I did My servant Job, Joseph and others).
It is better to approach Me in honesty than hypocrisy. When the storm passes and you calm yourself once again, you will repent and turn from everything that you know is not of Me, if you truly love Me and I am ever ready to forgive.
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. he that goes forth and weeps, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him. [Ps 126:5-6]
Indeed, I will hear and forgive, and My compassion will be upon you. I will cast all your sins into the depths of the sea.
Who is a God like unto you, that pardons iniquity, and passes by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? He retains not his anger forever because he delights in mercy.
He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and you will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. [Micah 7:18, 19]
If you will find the strength to lay all your life down upon the altar (hopes, dreams, plans, emotions, feelings...your very life) and TRUST Me enough to WAIT upon Me (my timing), and OBEY My instructions in FAITH, then I shall indeed give you beauty for ashes.
I shall turn your sorrow into joy and clothe you in robes of righteousness. You shall be as a tree planted by the waters...if you will but hold fast to your faith, despite all the outward circumstances. Indeed, I shall avenge. I AM a God of grace, mercy and love, but also of justice, judgment and righteousness. Selah
Shut not your eyes as one blind, nor harden your heart against Me in your dark hour, for I will yet come and bless you if you will surrender all, lay it all down, and trust and wait upon Me.
This is the time to turn your eyes toward Me and not away from Me. There is a very real adversary that hates all of mankind, but particularly My people, those who follow after Me and seek Me in earnest, willing to abide, trust and obey, even when their faith is shaken.
Do not go by your feelings or emotions. Do not go by outward appearances, for in the twinkling of the eye, it can all change. Hold fast to your shield of faith. I AM your shield, your strong tower, your refuge.
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. [Heb 11:6]
If My people would only know what is around the corner, they would be stronger. Yes, horrific things are coming, as foretold, yet I say to you, the Bride is being prepared - and astounding things not heard of are about to take place.
For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither has the eye seen, O God, beside You, what He has prepared for him that waits for Him. [Is 64:4]
Set your face as a flint. Repent where you know you must, yea, but do not be a victim of condemnation when you walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh.
Keep on your armour; fast and pray, be alert! Give thanks and praise even when you do not feel like it, for great is the reward after humility is expressed. Above all, faith, trust and obedience!
But now, O LORD, You are our father; we are the clay, and Your our potter; and we all are the work of Your hand. [Is 64:8]
But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
[Jn 4:23, 24]
I am moving on your behalf. This battle is Mine and I have commanded My holy angels to do My bidding.
For it is written, He will give his angels charge over you, to keep you:
For he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. [Lk4:10; Ps 91:11]
Wait, I say, wait upon My timing, for that which you have long awaited is upon you. It does not tarry.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. [Hab2:3]
And David came to Baalperazim, and David smote them there, and said, The Lord has broken forth upon my enemies before me, as the breach of waters. Therefore he called the name of that place Baalperazim. [2 Sam 5:20; see also 1 Chron 14:11]
Baalperazim means "Lord of bursting through"; "Lord of breaking through".
It shall come suddenly, swiftly and without warning, for I often move in such manner.
And Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the people, that God had prepared the people: for the thing was done suddenly. [2Chron 29:36]
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. [Acts 2:2]
And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone's bands were loosed. [Act 16:26]
You have waited long, but I say wait a little longer, for it shall come upon you suddenly. Hold fast to faith, keeping your eyes upon My Son Jesus (Yeshua), trust and obey. Only believe and be patient...just a little longer. It is time. The time is upon you - I shall do it suddenly!
Jesus said unto him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes. [Mk 9:23]
I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of My mouth, and I showed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass. [Is48:3]
find original at link below:
Take Jesus' Hand and Hold Fast
I end with words that I am speaking to myself as well. Stay close to the Lord. Take hold of His strong hand and hold fast. He will not let go, leave or desert us. Start each day with Him and stay in the Word. This is a discipline I am practicing more than ever myself now, also.
Chronic fatigue, pain and breathing have been serious issues in the past couple months. No, it’s not COVID. The fatigue has kept me sleeping hours far too long and I do not like it. I won’t go into detail now, but all prayer would be welcomed! The Lord is helping me.
These past three days, it is like that breakthrough is happening. Did someone already pray? Sure seems like something happened in the spiritual realm, and is now happening in the physical...slowly but surely, and after the heaviness of this past year (and beyond), it IS noticeable. O Lord, let it be so for all of us who are waiting (yes, you've taught us a hard lesson in patience).
Is the test of endurance over, Lord?
If any of you have a prayer request, please do not hesitate to write me, and I will gladly pray. It is what we are told to do, to pray one for another.
If you are, or have been hanging on by a thread, remember, it was a thread that saved Rahab and her family’s life. It was hung out the window (a scarlet line, a thin cord) so that when Joshua and his army attacked Jericho, Rahab and her family would be SAVED when the spies saw the rope. [see Joshua 2 – vs 14-21]
It was a cord of hope and Rahab was not disappointed. Hanging on by a thread or a mustard seed of faith can do wonders in God’s kingdom. So hold fast to your faith, and keep trusting in God. He will not disappoint. O be patient, beloved brethren, the time is upon us…and God is with us.
in the presence of His glory
[Prt A] Judgment Comes from the North – Call 2Repent- Worthy
of Hard Tests
[Prt B] Judgment Comes – Good N Bad in World N
Church-Prodigals Are Returning
[Prt C] Judgment Comes – Sins of
Gov’t N Church – Setting Captives Free
[Prt D] Judgment Comes – Alert the
Nations-Flee Idolatry-Repent-Pray
[Prt E] Judgment Comes
– Let Your Idols and Soothsayers Deliver You
[Prt F] Judgment Comes – Ezekiel Still
Speaks Today
G] Judgment
Comes – The Counterfeit is Here, But Nothing Replaces Jesus-Yeshua
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