Saturday, February 22, 2025

Quick Notice - I Nailed It!

I'm old school...just wanted to hang a notice
to give folks a heads up that a new post is coming
on Sunday. The nail slipped through the crack and...

Are you sure that that kind of thinking
isn't contagious? I mean...

Just a quick notice to say that a post will be going up [Lord willing] on Sunday. I am just trying to clear my throat from the dust all those who ran ahead of me!

Hidden Things Revealed

For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. There is nothing kept secret that shall not come to light. [Mk 4:22]

I do want to speak forth encouragement to some folks because people are standing in the gap, and the Lord is FAITHFUL. We may not always understand His timing and His ways, and that is okay because He is trustworthy, wise and knows the best way to handle things.

Jonathan Lamb and wife Suzie,
and their two children

Special prayers go out to Jonathan Lamb and his wife, Suzie. Keep strong as you have been, young souls, and when you weary, rest in the Saviour Jesus' arms, and He will refresh you. He will carry you both as needed, as He has before. This you know...

Prayer has gone up also for wisdom, patience (that's a hard one for all of us, but the end to all things does finally come). May those who comfort others surround you, but may they be silent when silence is required, yet speak Holy Spirit-filled words of wisdom when needed. May the words come forth by the power of the living God, in Jesus' (Yeshua's) name.

Also, prayer for the children, particularly the little one (girl), but also the little brother who is wise enough to know what is going on, but too young to fully understand.

May the Lord protect their ears and their hearts from confusion, lies, deception, and a 'tearing apart'. May healing, restoration, justice and peace go forth and be established. Thank You Jesus for all You do, and for all You have done.

I pray that You lead them through to justice, and bless them for forgiveness, a difficult but very necessary step. Father, I pray that sufficient funds to cover all costs are raised up, as You, Lord, have done in the past for people all around the world. Be glorified through all this, Jesus.

Bless those who have led by example, the young people who refused compromise or reputation, but embraced truth and justice, such as Jonathan and Suzie Lamb, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, and all who have a healthy fear of the Lord, and who wholly and absolutely, seek truth and justice, and speak forth with strength, truth, obedience, and a desire to do Your will alone, not theirs, in the holiest name above all names. 

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

Laura-Lynn (African-Canadian, African-American) was one of the first people to have the courage to leave Daystar for a few reasons, one of the reasons being the SA coverup of Joni Lamb's own grandchild. 

Baruch Korman

Following shortly thereafter was Baruch Korman of Love Israel - neither of these two were willing to compromise the Word of God in order to keep a large following. God bless the young people that He has raised up for this hour. They lead by example, rendering "heart servitude", not "lip service".

There are plenty who do the latter. It is written:

And they come unto you as the people come, and they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but with their mouth they show much love, but their heart goes after their covetousness. [Ezek 33:31]

Wherefore the Lord said, For as much as these people draw near Me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour Me, but have removed their heart far from Me. [Is 29:31: Mat 15:8-9]
Help Your true ones, Lord, remember they are but dust, yet with Your Spirit in them Lord, they are more than conquerors through Jesus the Christ, in them. 

Cover each and every one with Your Spirit, Abba; they see Your people cleansed, washed in the precious blood of the Lamb slain, that of Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, King of kings and Lord of lords. 

Remind us to keep prayerful regarding this matter until justice is served. May Your WORD go forth, for it will not return void, but accomplish that which You please. Thank You Jesus, precious name and Lord.

May those who need to repent be drawn to repentance, and cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, shutting the mouths of the lions, and glorifying El Shaddai, through Jesus the Messiah. Abba, I never heard of these folks before this, but thank You for the privilege of praying for them. and they do not know me. But spiritually, they are my family. The glory and praise be to You, King, Lord, Saviour, Redeemer Jesus/Yeshua. 

Help us to occupy until Your return, to pray for each other, and to go after the lost, the prodigals, the wayward, those in danger of being deceived - help us to be all that You meant of us to be, a vessel unto honour in Your majestic hand, ready to say and do that which will glorify the one, true, living God, through Jesus (Yeshua). Amen and amen.

You are high and lifted up, Lord Jesus. We magnify Your name God be the glory - Christ in us, the HOPE of glory. Hallelujah

for Your glory
NONE can take Your glory, Lord
- it is Yours alone



Monday, January 27, 2025

Not a 'Hand-out' lol

No Handouts 

I could use a hand over here...

I have spent two nights up doing researching, mingled with sincere prayers, and yes, tears. Sleep has been a distant stranger, although I have caught myself snapping out of a 'nod-out' (oh no, a Biden moment?!) Squeaks out a 'help'...

For someone who went through their street life and countless years through young adulthood NOT crying because I was told 'strong girls don't cry', and other times being called a coward if I did cry, it seems like these past dozen years [especially past seven, give or take], some hidden reservoir has been emptying out of me. It is a good thing - a healing thing.


A pressure cooker can only take so much pressure before it blows! The blowout can hurt, and may require healing time, depending on the damage done, and the reason behind the 'blowout'. Blockage to the 'vent' was my reason. Washing with pure water (the WORD of God) began the healing. 

How the true living God puts up with everything happening is beyond me; I cannot fathom it. The world's condition, the hearts of so many—the rage, hatred, cruelties—the list is too long.

Yet the astounding reality of God's love in that He has not wiped out the entire race is even more mind-boggling. It is a very good thing that we were made in HIS image and not the other way around. Thank You Yeshua!

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
  [Is 55:8-9]

My deep and sincere prayers have led to much in-depth research, and I am blown away. Back in 2009, which was posted, the Lord (not me) said, "That which you see is not as it appears to be."

The reminder was needed - I remember that I used to overhear my stepfather saying things like: Don't believe everything you  hear, and only half of what you see." I did not understand it then, and it took decades before I did, and I give the Lord much thanks for that. (He has been most patient with me...)

What my heart desires now is to be and to do what He told me through scripture. When I saw the 33 (the number) that a news site had put up regarding the hostages, and the thought to fast and pray, I did ask the Lord about it.

It is important, crucially important now more than ever before in my life, and I say it without reserve and without shame. I pray that whatever I hear I would not be deceived [but able to discern]; that I would know if it comes from flesh, the world, or the enemy...His voice must be clear, and never do I want a 'copy' or 'imitation' to be mistakenly accepted.

With that being said, after the prayer, I opened a new Bible that I have rarely read. It opened immediately to 33 Ezekiel. I broke in tears at God's goodness, wisdom and omnipresence. It was last week, but I marked the [previously] unmarked Bible; I was so amazed.

click to enlarge

More pictures next time, but it is after 6:00 am and I need to lie down for a few...but what I have researched is heartbreaking. I ask every person who may read this to please pray about seeing clearly through any veil the enemy may have placed before the eyes - that it be removed - no deception.

Then, please pray that the Lord guide you regarding Trump. Do you remember about two or so weeks ago, prayer about Trump had gone up and a question as to why? If he is a deceiver, why?

First of all, the Bible is clear that the Lord takes no joy over the death of a sinner. His desire is that ALL should repent (we ALL have fallen short of His glory). No, I am not saying he is the antichrist. There are multitudes of antichrists today, just as there were in the Apostle Paul's and Apostle John's day [the time of Jesus].

But his agenda is not the one most people think it is. "O," the people say, "Look at all the executive orders. He is getting 'order' back. He is keeping his promises.
Do you mean he is 'making order out of chaos'?

Those words will draw enemies, but God is revealing hard truths, but for those who do not want truth, (and HE is truth, so take ALL to Him, or the consequence) He will send strong delusion [2Thes 2:10-12]

He is a friend of Israel. Is he? I will leave it at that. I can already see the steam rising out of the ears of certain people. Please...all I ask is that you pray about it. I have been searching long and hard two nights...and days. I am fatigued, plus my grandson (7 years old) has been here.

God is so good. He is the one who keeps His promises. With the way things are going, we have MUCH to look forward to with great HOPE and GLADNESS.
Maranatha. Hallelujah

Yeshua keeps all His promises

Look up - our redemption draws nigh.

As soon as possible I will get more up, but it will take time. The desire is to be accurate NOT anything else.

Ezekiel 33 was very important to me. The Bible I opened was a gift. The translation is New Living Translation. It had been unused. I have about 6 Bibles, some very old (well 1971 -- there is a story behind that one, which was originally a gift that was stolen - but recently replaced).
Ezekiel 33: 1-3 speaks of the watchman.

So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where I sent it. [Is 55:11]

for His glory alone

Sunday, January 19, 2025

War in the Air- Witchcraft in the Fog_PART 7

 (NOTE*: Edited, corrections - Also updated with further explanations. I had said how yesterday was hindered from getting the message out. I still have more to say about President Trump, which will likely be the 21st now, Lord willing. If you read this hours ago, you may want to reread due to updates. 

Your understanding is greatly appreciated. In part, the "slowness" (and it IS ONLY in part, but needs to be said, which is that part of the slowness is due to strong medication. I take morphine and Tylenol#4. End note -Jan 20.2025 BP

A Fast Proclaimed

Is this not the fast that I have chosen?? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke? [Is 58:6]

As promised, I would like to briefly speak about fasting, and what it means to me. It is strange, but I remember thinking that Christianity was very simple, and everyone believed the same thing. I was so wrong! That is another story; perhaps another time.

Every time the people recorded in the Bible called for a fast, it was a form of or in a state of humility. They were humbling their flesh before a Mighty God [El Shaddai]. Divine intervention and instruction was the urgent petition of Queen Esther, Mordecai and the entire nation of the Jewish people who humbly sought their God, for their country, nation, or tribe – to win a physical war, or a spiritual war, to change the unchangeable, such as that which the wicked Haman brought to the Jews.

His intent was genocide, which was brought into law by the king and SEALED with the royal signet ring [Esther 3:12], on the thirteenth [13] (number for rebellion) day of the first month, meaning 'irreversible' [cannot be revoked], in His providence, the Sovereign Yahweh provided a loophole. 

a state of humility in an urgent matter
a nationwide fast is called by Queen Esther

Queen Esther requested that her personal maidens and all the Jews [spoken to by Mordecai on Esther's behalf], fast with her and to humble themselves before God. Haman had set in motion an order to annihilate all the Jewish nation. The fast required humility on behalf of all, men and women alike, including the queen herself. The prayers would include pleas for mercy and justice, and for God's intervention, as only He could do.

He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? [Micah 6:8]

Like everything in life, balance is required. There will always be folks who take things to extremes. I believe in speaking God’s word back to Him, such as the prayers of Moses, Elijah, David, Esther, Jeremiah, Daniel…all who prayed did pray godly prayers.

The prayers are so anointed and beautiful, so filled with purity and truthfulness, lifting up the Lord, so obviously led by the Spirit of the living God. Throughout my writings, readers will see where exhortations are written to “speak life”, and to “stand on God’s Word”. And I do mean it, dear souls.

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I AM in the midst of them.
[Mat 18:20]

Prayer has gone up earnestly for 33 hostages, but also for the soldiers. There is a ceasefire needed. Gaza and Israel need Jesus, and the peace that passes all understanding. Shalom in Yeshua - Jesus!       

However, I do NOT mean it in the way the WolF (Word of Faith) or NAR teachers mean it. Those are false doctrines where the WORD is spoken, so one hears 'truth', but the twist changes the meaning.

Remember the example I gave? Perhaps you missed the article, but if you have ever wondered how Satan/Lucifer can speak the same words as those written in the Bible, or spoken as Jesus or the Holy Spirit spoke, and STILL distort the meaning, bringing deception - here is the example I gave (quite simply)

ORIGINAL (God): Fluoride-free  [Meaning: 'does not contain fluoride]= TRUTH

TWISTED (Satan): Free fluoride [Meaning: 'no charge/cost - it is free]= Deception

That is how simply Satan does things. He is clever, cunning and subtle.

We do not create things with our words, yet I do believe life and death are in the power of the tongue, and that those who love it will eat the fruit thereof (bear the consequences of their words). [Prov 18:21]

Our words can be fiery darts pushed forth to destroy a trusting soul, corrupt a mind, or kill hope as well as the spirit of a tender soul.

We can edify, restore hope, trust and love, stimulate growth and inspire a soul to rise up and press onward, simply through encouragement. We speak life.

WE can do this as a people born with a carnal (sinful) nature. A tragedy occurred in a garden when a talking serpent deceived a woman, who in turn convinced a man to disobey God. We inherited the fallen nature through the first man and first woman [Adam and Eve].

So, yes, we can do this, but let us NOT do it. Let us tread carefully [walk circumspectly, gingerly, cautiously] as born-again, Spirit-filled Christians. Let us be examples, no MATTER what age. Do not let people put you down for your age.


We are to lead by example. That, my friends, can be at any age. Some say the young are too young, or the old are too old, and most of those who are left [mid-life]are too busy with life. So they say that only specially chosen, enlightened ones who are 'woke', such as themselves, will be the best examples. Hogwash and puppy poop.

Or we can use destructive (opposes constructive) criticisms, kill or assassinate one's character with lies, destroy hope through betrayals, and false accusations manipulate or twist their words to mean something completely different. We can deceive them through fake smiles and flattery. We can speak death.

Encouragement never has an agenda; the intent and motives are faith, hope and love to build up. Flatteries have an agenda; the intent and motive is to gain something from the person, people, company, etc. Never mistake encouragement for flattery.

Daniel said the lawless one (son of perdition) will win people over (deceive the people) with smooth words and flatteries [Dan 11:32] - beware of those who stroke your ego and give you bouquets of colourful flatteries.                                      

It is the work of the flesh (carnal, sinful nature) and the devil. The two work together because the devil caused the flesh to fall (from glorified to the carnal, sinful nature) in the Garden of Eden. Every single one of us has fallen short of God’s glory.

Without the intent to sound like a broken recording, I have been repetitive down through the decades for good reason:

[1] when directed by the Lord, as this is His website - He allows me to sweep the halls and clean the restrooms lol - Joking aside; some of the prophetic messages have taken time and seasons before coming to fruition. 

For example, "Now it begins" was 2012 (Nov 6)—the downhill slope with its events leading us to the great tribulation. Early in 2013 (Jan/Feb), it was the "time of revealing," meaning things hidden coming into light, step by step.

It had already begun. Remember Benny Hinn and Paula White in 2010? Robert Bell in 2011? And it is building the LORD said (I know nothing of the future by myself - nothing. Only [El Shaddai] knows the end from the beginning. [Is 46:10] This is already happened to Him...He is the Creator of time/space; He is not controlled or limited by it.

 (I was led to post the red curtain with the white-gloved hand pulling back the curtain that exposes the darkness behind it - time and seasons before coming to fruition.)

It has 'snowballed' so quickly, people are flabbergasted. "Now momentum builds"...the Lord has said. People are not calling it the "time of revealing" though. It seems that they are calling it "time of exposure".

The Lord has never given me dates, but His warnings are always fair and accurate. They align with His Word. If they are not, then they are not from Him. Other times, certain events have repeated themselves. Sometimes the prophetic word is for a handful of people or a specific area. Other times it may be for limited numbers of people (Body of Christ) or a remnant, or for multitudes (believer and unbeliever alike).

For example, in 1998, I was granted a dream (a night vision) where the Lord sang over me (I did not see Him, only heard Him, or if I did see Him in the dream, I only remember His voice and the song. The song was named after scripture (now WHY would the Lord do that? lol - smile  because He IS the WORD come in the flesh)

violently shaken-mercilessly sifted
to separate the good (wheat) from 
the useless (chaff)

He sang, "Sifted Like Wheat". [Lk 12:31, 32] After nearly seven [7] years of battling for custody, I was two weeks away from winning the long battle. I did not know that at the time the song came. However, due to the father's actions toward his children, there would be nearly five [5] more years of court, but this time it would be criminal court.

This time three young children would be in the Victim Witness Protection Program, as they became key witnesses in a case that I was yet unaware of at the time of the dream (night vision). There would also be a time when I died (no, I did not go to heaven), and a second 'near death' time approaching.

It was part of the "consequences" of my sins of adultery, rejection of Jesus, and idolatry, committed at the age of 29. Praise God, He stayed with me (as He did King David, but I still had the consequences to face. Three innocent children suffered because of my selfish choice too (my sins) - although none of them were yet born. 

I have spoken several times over the years about being "sifted as wheat", the violent shaking, the confusion, the unpredictable upheavals of being tossed "to and fro"; the ups and downs of being sifted, the cutting, purging - sifting is an incredible purification/cleansing process.

In the spiritual, betrayals, false accusations, lies, hidden agendas (coverups aka denials), fabrications, much work and evil output from both the enemy and the flesh (enemies of the cross, and the flesh which is at enmity with God)

If it was NOT for the prayers of the Advocate Jesus/Yeshua, I would not have made it, and neither would have Peter, and neither would any of us but Jesus!

Yes, prophetic messages have indeed been repeated countless times over the years, which for me began in April 1999, immediately upon the return of the children. It was personal then.

Over the years, at various times, when I posted it (some seasons can be identified by the archived "titles" which act as clues) - such seasons were corporate for God's people, or for a remnant being trained up for certain purposes. This is not in a competitive way, but it is God's way. Look throughout the scriptures. Certain people were trained for specific missions/purposes.

Houston, we have lift-off...

Most often it came with many afflictions (furnace of affliction - fiery trials), waters of separation [lonely, dark tribulations], almost overwhelming.

only Jesus-Yeshua can
fill the void - He paid for it
on the cross, with His precious blood

However, God holds us steady WHEN and IF we seek Him, which most of us learn to do rather quickly because we need Jesus/Yeshua. He is the only one to fill that empty space, that void in our hearts, which is in the shape of a cross, but we don't know that until the empty place is filled.

Many shakings have taken place over the years. There is something about silver being purified seven times, and the fire getting seven times hotter. Another shaking has recently occurred, and for many is still happening. The Bible speaks of a massive one at the end, where the heavens are scrolled back, and the sun and moon lose their light, and the stars fall. It is the major one, the last.

Miracles over the years have been mentioned, as were revivals coming in as waves, not tidal waves, but smaller waves. I can name many times my life was pared, and others have been blessed with their own miracles. I shake my head at the wonder of Yahweh! Only Jesus --- 

[2] I do not think more highly of myself than I ought [pride can be subtle] 

Again, this is not favouritism. This is all of us being born and God having a plan - the first plan that God has for us (which I really wish people would get down in their spirit). 

When God said He has a plan for us [Jer 29;11], a plan of good (to prosper us) and not for evil, to give us a future and a hope, [prosper us, which can be mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, materially], almost all of us scurry off with a basketful of big dreams and visions.

But what about (FIRST and its a HUGE miracle) the plan of salvation? Do we think about that (I did not when I heard the verse), or how about what we truly all need, which is forgiveness of sins, cleansing by the blood of Jesus/Yeshua, reconciliation with our heavenly Father, restoration (restored to how we were originally meant to be). Glory!

Look at the self-proclaimed prophets who remind their followers that 'they' prophesied that such and such would happen. They constantly point you to the page that contains the conference or the video that declares it (such as Trump's 2nd term - hundreds showing you their countless videos or messages, on any one of the numerous social media platforms they are on.

[3] to guard my eyes in a sincere effort to keep any beam from lodging (because when they lodge, they land fast and hard), so that I can see clearly to help another. And we all need to help each other; the walk is more challenging the closer we come the return of our Messiah and the installation of the lawless one - both events are fast approaching.

To fast for the hostages and their release, and for the ceasefire to become a reality so that Gaza and Israel can have some peace, is humbling. It could be our country devastated by constant war. It is a harder reality to walk in “fear not” as missiles go overhead, or are destroying our homes, or killing our loved ones, friends, and neighbours.

How I pray God moves on behalf of these refugees, and the people so grieved by war and losses. A sincere ‘thank you’ to those who joined in the one-day fasting and praying. May the Lord bless you doubly in the ways that you may need, for your sake, but for His glory.

Also lifted up has been a little treasure who has been pushed into the shadows by bullies who appear as giants, but do not be deceived by the illusion. Behind that vicious giant “wolf” shadow [or a big brute of a dog] is a yappy little chihuahua, or the kitten that appears to be a lion. 

Healing and Restoration

Included in my fast was a cry out for justice and judgment on behalf of a precious child (who was the tender age of five [5] at the time of SA), whose own grandmother had said something so frightening, threatening, or traumatic that the child has chosen to quit talking about the 'bad thing' that happened to her.

That betrayal tears at the very spirit of a soul; what words can describe it? What logic can make sense of it? Satan is the author of confusion, and he wholly enjoys keep things in the dark - including answers.

I pray God continues to give strength to Jonathan and Suzy to stand their ground. Jonathan is the age I was when my four-year-old went through SA in a women's shelter. Joni is a mother and chose to side with the predator. For shame! No wonder the younger generation is discouraged with the elderly.

Marriages are something I have been praying for since before I was surrendered to God. Why? Because I know what it is to be an adulteress (over 40 years ago)...I honestly felt I had more rights than the 'wife'. However, the LAW of reap and sow, I also know the betrayal of a husband who continues in adultery.

Yes, the Lord has had me pray for people, married couples. I have seen (and heard about) healing and restoration. I will fight against the adversary now that you taught me some of your wickedness and strategies, but praise God who continues fulfilling Romans 8:28.

I thank the Lord for allowing me to go through what I went through. My repentance was deep because I finally learned the fear of the Lord, and repented in godly sorrow thanks to God. Stand up and confess your sin and how God stands true to His Word. 

God is a God of mercy and grace, but also a God of justice and judgment. If people do not see judgment upon this earth for their sins, the day comes when we will all stand before the Lord. We can fool others, but we can NOT fool God.

May God be with the young ones who are standing strong, and being the example that the older ones are supposed to be. Shame on the older Christians, including the one who speaks about 'clickbait cockroaches'. You sir, remind me of the ghetto I used to live in as a teenager. You were talking about being transparent...well sir, I am here to tell you that the emperor (you sir) have no clothes. It's not called transparency, it is called ignorance...and spiritual blindness.

God bless the friends of truth.

Nov.5.2008_DailyNews-Sold Out

Change is coming – Then When Reelected – Obama Says ‘Change has come’.

It is here permanently (even globally)... and watch - more change coming.

Remember the hand that began to slowly pull back the curtain in 2012, the day after Obama was reelected for his second term. Deep within, as if stamped spiritually, were the words, “now it begins”.

Within close proximity of that time (perhaps one or two months) came the words (also stamped strongly in my spirit), “the time of revealing”.  The Blog Talk radio program started out called that, before I changed the name to: “warriors of endurance”.

Later, once again, it was changed to: W.O.E. in the Time of Revealing,  The acronym was obviously (but it seemed fitting for the end times): Warriors of Endurance in the Time of Revealing. Only God knew back then. And how fast from 2013 to now has the time flown.

Now we are hearing people say, “time of exposure”. The Lord forewarns His people. He has always been that Faithful and True. He was telling us that it was about to begin But Jesus – hallelujah!

Year of the Snake - Ouroboros

Obama was reelected in 2012: it was the year of the snake (Chinese calendar).

Trump was reelected in 2024: it was the year of the dragon (Chinese calendar).

Trump is set to rule in 2025: it is the year of the snake (Chinese calendar). It has gone full circle. The snake eats its tail.

In the Greek, ouroboros is considered to be symbolic for destruction, death, and rebirth. It was interesting knowing that both Obama and Trump served the American people in the Chinese Year of the Snake [2012 and 2024]d However, the snake also goes back to Egypt, ancient Egypt.

In Genesis, the plan of salvation, when Yahweh said that the Saviour would bruise the head of the serpent, and the serpent would bruise His heel (this prophetically spoke of the crucifixion).

The snake eating its own tail means the same thing: full circle, destruction, rebirth. Interesting, year of the snake twice. Obama and Trump appeared to share a few smiles at Jimmy Carter’s funeral. Some insist it was chivalry – bring a gentleman out of respect. Yet, publicly, did they not tear each other apart with sarcastic rhetoric?

The games people play now…

Once again, this day has been hindered, but I will put up what I have…

One piece of trivia. Why have the “prophets” not mentioned it? Insignificant…after all, they believe Trump is appointed by God. Whereas, I believed God allowed it.

The people were desperate for Trump. Kamala Harris was not a good choice, so Trump is in.

The money he made off of his attempted assassination makes me wonder. Golden shoes, cups, trading cards, but one thing that troubled me – the Trump Bible (putting his name even before God’s) Why, a Trump bible?

I will post this for now. There is much to unpack, but multitudes do not want to hear it.

Was anyone crying out for GOD (Yahweh) to rule the land? After repentance with godly sorrow… what nation is not full of sin? It IS as the days of Noah, Sodom, and Gomorrah.

MAGA – also called MAGUS

Interesting to me that no prophets mention this. MAGA [Make America Great Again] is the FEMININE form of “magus”, which means “magicians’, “witch’, “wise one’. Feminine form for the man who is addicted to women.

When the Peruvian shamans came to 'pray' over the leaders they prayed for the 'ancient spirits to arise' [year of 2012] (which ancient ones? the ones around in Noah's time, or Sodom's?  or Gomorrah's?)

We only need the Holy Spirit, which comes only through faith in Jesus Christ and being born-again.

There was a woman, considered a European performance artist, spoke quietly in the background at the time the 'Diddy' probe was happening. However, it turns out her words were from 2009.

She claims that Trump is a “magician of the highest order.” […] …he’s the magician who wakes us up.”

The Lord Says Seek Him – Will You?

For decades I have posted the Lord’s word to seek Him. It has been written repeatedly. This is the time…please heed what He urges. Seek Him whilst He can still be found.

“ I do not understand. Father, why?” I prayed.

“They wanted a king…”

In the meantime, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trampled one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware you of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. 

Therefore whatsoever you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which you have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. 

Have No Fear

And I say unto you My friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: Fear Him, which after He has killed has power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear Him. [Lk 12:1-5]

The Lord has been displeased about people not having the healthy fear of the Lord that the Word of God instructs us to walk in. When I saw Jesus for the second time, I had no fear of the Lord (healthy or otherwise). How do I know?

First of all, the Lord revealed it to me (no one taught me, and I had been blind to it when I had previously read about it in the Bible). Secondly, I had to learn what it meant to have the proper fear of the Lord, which I learned through scriptures, articles and sermons.

People today have little reverence for those in higher places. It has become displaced over the centuries. Repentance is needed in so many areas it is grievous, but this world best get back to it all soon, or face the very wrath of God, which no one is going to want to face.

If you want to know what happens under God's wrath) try watching the sermons of reputable preachers.

for His glory alone

Lord willing that tomorrow has no major interruptions, and by tomorrow evening I can put forth another article by tomorrow evening (22 Jan 2025). Is it just me or did it not JUST seem like New Years Eve a "few" days ago. Time seems to be flying....

Where are the Singers?


Can You Fast One Day?

In another article, I will speak to you about fasting (perhaps after the Donald Trump and Elon Musk one coming up next). Anytime I had a serious situation arise, where I needed divine intervention, I fasted. The Lord answered the way He saw fit, every time – whether it was the way I had prayed for or not.

Where are the Appointed Singers?

King Jehoshaphat the king had a serious situation with cruel, evil enemies, surrounded by their armies. After prayer, he appointed singers to go ahead of the army to praise God and give thanks. Can you appoint yourself as a singer?

Sing privately in a quiet part of your home, or somewhere out in nature? The house I live in is small – I sing with a closed door in the bedroom. (I reckon it is alright – no one has moved out yet, and the dog does not howl.) To God, our sincere song touches the Lord, no matter how offkey it may be.

A Ceasefire

Israel and Gaza - so many have suffered

This has been called – also the promise to release 33 hostages, who are said to still be alive. They are to begin releasing them at the start of the ceasefire.

Are you willing to fast one day, and to give thanks to the Lord – and to sing praises – as a step of faith, as an intercessor willing to stand in the gap, for the hostages (33) and for the people of Israel and Gaza? I am hoping that it is carried out because the hostages are leverage for Hamas.

Is your heart filled with compassion and the love of Yeshua/Jesus the Christ? Please join me in one day of fasting, sincere prayer (we can pray as the King Jehoshaphat did) [2Chron 20]

And said, O LORD God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? and do You not rule over all the kingdoms of the heathen? and in Your hand is there not power and might, so that none is able to withstand You? 

Are You not our God, who did drive out the inhabitants of this land before Your people Israel, and gave it to the seed of Abraham, Your friend forever? 

Offer up thanksgiving, and to sing to the King of kings, and Lord of lords, and ask Him to do a miracle for these hostages? Trump believes in miracles… so do I. Do you? 

And they dwelt therein, and have built thee a sanctuary therein for thy name, saying, 

If, when evil comes upon us, as the sword, judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we stand before this house, and in Your presence, (for Your name is in this house,) and cry unto You in our affliction, then You will hear and help. 

(It is a powerful prayer. Read it in its entirety – [2Chron20:6-9])

Please pray to King Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah…

O our God, will You not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that comes against us; neither do we know what to do: but our eyes are upon You. [vs 12]

33 Souls

There are 33 souls that we are interceding for. May the Holy Spirit anoint your prayers and may the King of kings and Lord of lords be high and lifted up. May He be gloriously exalted. All glory, honour and praise are Yours alone, Jesus, precious Yshua.

Click any picture to enlarge

But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivers; and none deliver, for a spoil, and none say, RESTORE. [Is 55:11] 

for His glory alone


[NOTE*: An article will be posted evening tomorrow regarding President-elect Donald Trump and Elon Musk, as promised. There will be those who will not like what I say, and that is fine.

No disrespect intended, but I am not defined by what people think of me. My heart is to be obedient to my heavenly Father. I love Him because Jesus first loved me. Some may say I lack discernment, or that I am against God's will.

With all that folks are saying, I did ask about Donald Trump...and how his life was spared. Scripture shows us where Samson's life was spared, as was King Saul's a few times. I did not understand.

Deep within my spirit I heard: "Like ancient Israel, they wanted a king..." -End note BP2025]