Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Hold Fast - Stand Firm!


Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. [Ps 27:14]

Waiting with No End in Sight

Waiting upon the Lord is not easy. Waiting [period] is not easy. It is hard and can be most frustrating. We grow impatient, and sometimes, we anger in that impatience, especially if pain is involved. We do not have to be a seasoned Christian to know this. In fact, even a child can reveal how difficult it is to wait.

Are we as little children, whimpering and crying, moaning and groaning? Or are we mature in our waiting, trusting God and waiting on His timing? Or are we mature, yet emotional due to battle fatigue?  

It is okay to have feelings. Jesus (Yeshua) showed all the emotions and feelings we have throughout His lifetime. Even the word of God does not forbid us to be angry, as some believers do. It tells us not to sin (murder, abuse, lie, etc) in our anger. 

However, I recently had to ask myself if I was merely pouring out my heart to the Lord, or worse. I listened to others who have also waited a long time for the Good Shepherd to fulfill a promise given, and heard how they handled it. There are so many factors to take into consideration. Are we dealing with one thing or an onslaught of stressful, dramatic things?

Are we in physical pain, emotional distress, in mourning? Are we alone in all of it, going through traumatic things with no real support, except the odd person who lift you up in prayer. (Prayers are so priceless, like liquid gold, when prayed from a sincere heart.) Do we have anyone to discuss things with, a listening ear, or do we only have our Lord, telling Him how much we wish He would come down in person and just hold us...?


If we are perfectly honest, the longer we wait, the harder it gets. Compare waiting in the doctor’s office to waiting in a hospital emergency room. At the doctor’s office, we tend to have a little more hope that the longest we may have to wait is an hour or less, but in ER, we fear we may be stuck there for hours.

How often do we try to speed things up? At the doctor’s we might go up to the receptionist and inquire about how much longer, stating how long we have already been there. We may even try and force things by saying we have somewhere else that we must be (picking up children or spouse, another appointment…something, anything; forgot to get gas – wait – no, scratch the last one, that won’t work. Well, we will think of something).


If it is the hospital, we are less likely to go to the desk and make inquiries because we know that seeing the doctor in ER (emergency) is prioritized. If people are coming in by ambulance or with police, they come first. If someone in the waiting room is in an urgent crisis of health, they will come first.

We understand, but even still, we don’t like it. It is hard waiting…and waiting…and waiting, especially when we see no end in sight, no light up ahead, or if we are not told how much longer we have to wait.


When it comes to the Lord, we may petition Him for His understanding, or His mercy, or His compassion (depending how long we have waited). Mercy and compassion are urged if one is in chronic pain that does not quit or some other agonizing situation.


It is often continuous or severe physical pain that gets to us, but it can also be pain from the death of a loved one, or someone we care about who has gone missing, hunger or a financial crisis, or a broken/severed relationship (family (spouse, fiancée/fiancé, boyfriend, girlfriend), friends, brethren in Messiah, neighbours, coworkers), etc.


When we have no choice but to wait, we feel helpless, which no one likes to feel, but it is impatience that urges us to seek relief by bringing it to an end. There is an end; we just cannot see it yet, but that does not mean there is no end. We all know and we have had it pounded into our head that nothing lasts forever (here on earth).


Fear not – this is where trust is greatly tried! Keep trusting God (Yahweh)!


Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that He have mercy upon us.  [Ps 123:2]


Do you see it? Look >> Psalm 1 2 3 (1 2 3 – alignment; lining up)

– Ps 12 3:2 ( 3 2 – countdown). The Lord is aligning things according to His will. It is all lining up. The countdown to our promises is happening.


Stand firm, child of God!



The adversary, Satan, fires ideas into people’s minds throughout the world, and establishes convincing and persuasive arguments to sway us to act against God’s will in the cunningly subtle ways that the devil has been known for since deceiving Eve in the Garden of Eden.


We tend to think that a fiery dart will come across as an evil thought, easy to spot. Yet we are dealing with a cunning and crafty foe, one whom we were forewarned of regarding his subtlety.


Sometimes those darts whiz by us undetected, silently smoldering until the day comes where it is fanned (where it's considered, which would be akin to adding oxygen), or the adversary sends another fiery dart (a reminder), in which the ‘smoldering’ will burst forth, having been ‘refueled’.

A person does not have to be influential or convincing, but the seemingly “innocent” idea planted by the serpent must be both. Still twisting the meaning of God’s Word or the commandments that Yahweh has laid out for all of mankind, Satan presents a convincing alternative, a counterfeit…a grand idea.

When we are commanded to love our neighbour as ourselves [Lev 19:18;Mk 12:31], Satan perverts it with his counterfeit, introducing such themes as “Coexist”, “Tolerance” and “Pride” – seemingly ‘innocent’. Don’t let him trick you, he has many other strategies and tactics. After all, he is relentless.


The irony of it all is that when people come up with these “ideas”, God is usually the last thing on their mind. If you were to ask them the meaning behind their idea, the reasoning or purpose would likely pertain to the “good of man”, with no thought of God whatsoever.


Satan strikes out at God rebelliously through mankind, YHWH's beloved creation. Since the time in Eden, unto this very day, the cunning adversary will whisper in our ears, “Has God said…?” [Gen 3:1] He remains the father of lies and a murderer [Jn 8:44], coming only to steal, and to kill and to destroy. [Jn 10:10]


Piotr (Peter) Miodozeniec, the Polish graphic designer who created the “Coexist” (Coexistence) poster in 2000 had no ill will or deception in his mind when he entered his design or logo into an international art competition held at an art museum in Jerusalem.


The three religions, Islam (Muslim), Judaism and Christianity (in order of the symbolized letters), were the focus of the design. The “idea” was that the three religions could “coexist”, or enjoy a peaceful coexistence. It wasn’t the winning poster, but it was included in a touring exhibition of 20 other posters.


Who planted the idea in Piotr’s (Peter’s) mind? Could it be the same one who spoke through Peter the apostle, rebuking Yeshua (Jesus) when He spoke of his mission and how the religious sect would put Him to death, but He would resurrect in three days? [Mat 16:21-23]


Just like Piotr Miodozeniec, I am sure the apostle Peter had no ill will when he rebuked Yeshua, yet in his ignorance, Peter had opened a door and verbally spoke as Messiah’s adversary.


Messiah discerned who was speaking through Peter. “Get behind Me, Satan: you are an offence to Me: for you savour not the things that be of God, but that be of man.” [vs 23] It may help to keep in mind that the very name ‘Satan’ means “adversary”!


The deception in ‘coexist’ is that although all three religions speak of Christ, only Christianity believes that Yeshua is the ‘anointed one’, the Messiah (Mashiach); the Word of God come in the flesh.


Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, but deny any divinity in Christ, or that Yeshua/Jesus was God incarnate. Neither do they believe He is the Son of God or that He rose again after being crucified.


And if I understand what I have read in past years regarding Judaism, the Jews do not believe Yeshua was even a prophet, let alone their messiah. To the orthodox Jew, Yeshua did not fulfill any of the messianic prophecies. However, it is written that Jesus said that He was the ONLY way back to the Father.


After all, no one else willingly sacrificed their life and spilled their precious blood so that sins could be forgiven and those who are forgiven could be reconciled back to the one, true living God (YHWH).

So, to coexist would mean to embrace false doctrine, false beliefs, false gods – and in so doing, we can all “coexist”, no matter what a person believes. Ah, world peace! (Peace, peace, when there is no peace!)

World peace? Bah, humbug! Do not embrace deception, no matter how beautifully it is packaged. That was Eve’s downfall. The serpent deceived her; she then convinced Adam to eat of the fruit and thus disobey God. The rest is history.


Credit to Who?

What was ironic regarding the “Coexist” design were the legal battles that arose over who could register the logo as originally theirs. Vying for the credit has been a fashion company in Indiana, whose T-shirt bearing the logo was a smash hit; Bono from U2 (who had seen the logo as graffiti someplace in Chicago and then used it to promote U2’s Vertigo tour), and then of course, Miodozeniec, the actual artist who created the original design.


The “three” had some stormy ripples in their “coexistence”, which still hadn’t been completely resolved as of 2016, sixteen years after the original “Coexist” logo was created. Perhaps now (2021), the matter is resolved as I had read one article that stated Miodozeniec was given the credit by Bono on a DVD some years back.


Miodozeniec has spent decades as an artist, long before and after the “Coexist” poster was entered into the Jerusalem competition. However, the “Coexist” poster eventually brought him worldwide fame, although he would prefer to be known for his other work as well.


Over time, the original logo has been altered to represent numerous religious beliefs and spiritual traditions. The majority of alternate logos typically keep the original three symbols (Islam, Judaism and Christianity, according to the lettering), but used icons for all the other letters as they so choose.

The newer logos have morphed, with some versions even inserting the pentagram symbol for witchcraft (Satanic/Luciferian), thus subliminally suggesting that the (dark side) occult should also be embraced, so that man[kind] can coexist.


It simply won’t happen. Darkness and light never mix; light always overcomes darkness. We are commanded to have “no other gods before [the true God] [Yahweh/YHWH]”. The “Coexist” idea is merely one of Satan’s innumerable counterfeits; his agenda is to deceive all people.


Tolerance and Pride

“Tolerance” and “Pride” are two more counterfeits Satan has introduced in the wily ways he does, in order to twist God’s commandments, deceive the people and bring as many as he can into disobedience against Yahweh.

 The “Tolerance” design was created by Justus Oehler, at an independent design consultancy considered the world’s largest; ironically named Pentagram, a firm located in Berlin.

The downfall of Lucifer (Satan) was pride. Should we be surprised that the counterfeiter would use “Pride” as a logo to mock Yahweh and oppose God’s proper order in nature, and then seal it with a fake “promise”, stealing the “rainbow” (in an attempt to mock God’s covenant) and linking it with “Pride”.

If you do not participate in any of the outdoor events, marches or parades, or at least support them by your attendance, and if you stick to what the Bible says about the sin (and yes, it is sin), then, expect to be labeled homophobic, antisocial, a terrorist or a “so-called Christian” who is “religious”, narrow-minded, “phobic” and “lacks love”.


I do set My [rain]bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between Me and the earth. 

And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: And I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh[Gen 9:13-15]

The rainbow is a symbol of God’s covenant with mankind that He would never again destroy all flesh by a global flood again. But as if in blasphemous mockery, Satan has moved forcefully and the entire globe is “flooded” by the “pride” movement, from North America to India, China, even Israel, with only a few countries where it is still forbidden…yet it continues to build momentum.


Watch for Abba’s Direction


I had no intention of speaking about coexist(ence), or tolerance or pride. In fact, there was no intent to speak of anything counterfeit at all. But something happens when one prays about their writing…when it’s important, yes, to speak truth, to edify the people, but more importantly, to glorify God.


Who has made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. [2Cor 3:6]


Ever praying that the beautiful Spirit of God is in the words, not that I am a minister because I am not, but so that Jesus will be glorified.

My whole purpose in writing to the brethren in Christ, and even to those who may be searching for truth, is truly to point the way to the cross, and onward, to our risen Messiah. HE is the One who can teach and guide you through His precious and most Holy Spirit, as no other. AND it will always be in the ways that are best for YOU, best for us individually, and best for us corporately, as one in Christ (Messiah).


However, I did intend to speak of unity, as that is something that I am certain the Lord is calling for amongst His faithful and true disciples. He revealed it (unexpectedly, as per usual), in one of the ways He does with me. We are all unique and individual, with various intellectual levels, skills and gifts.


Yahweh is incredibly creative (chuckles, couldn’t resist…) in how He deals with us one on one, as well as one Body in Him and how He speaks to us in ways besides the written Word of God (which is first and foremost, and the KEY). Nevertheless, all things that we believe the Lord has spoken to us must align with His Word and not go against His revealed character.


As gross darkness begins thickening over every nation across the globe, and as signs point so obviously to the fast-approaching return of the Messiah, those of us who cleave to God (Yahweh) through His beloved Son, Yeshua (Jesus) must prepare for the onslaught of evil as well.


These are the days spoken of so long ago. These are the days where we must be determined that this world is not our home, and that this life is temporal, but the life afterwards with our Saviour/Redeemer is eternal.


These are the days where we must not only seek God, but to cleave to and obey Him (truly, HIS will be done, as we lay ours down on our own personal cross). Will we lay down fear and unbelief and trade it for faith and trust? It is important that we do so in reality, not just in words.


I think of how easy it is to be brave when things are calm and not life-threatening, but in truth, I pray to the Lord to strengthen us, and keep us courageous if the moment or time comes when we must choose to stand on the side of our Lord Jesus (Yeshua), no matter what, even at the cost of life.


And grant us the wisdom and knowledge, Jesus (Yeshua), to know when to speak and when not to speak, just as you knew in the time that the religious came against you, to crucify you…in Your precious name I pray. Amen


That is something that I am convinced every believer hopes and prays for…that when persecution comes our way, we will remain courageous. And if death should ever face us due to our belief in the Christ Yeshua, that we will have strength to face it in that hour, just as Stephen, in the days of the apostles, was given the strength as an enraged mob stoned him to death.


God Speaks


Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! [Ps 133:1]


When I was sitting in the sunporch the day before yesterday, a vehicle pulled up at the stop sign. Not much was thought of it at first, but then the driver got up out of his seat and went somewhere in the back of the camper to do something.

Nothing unusual about that except he had just stopped at a stop sign and stayed on the road, not pulling over. However, no other traffic pulled up behind him. He was gone nearly five minutes.

The camper had no painted pictures and it only had one word on it. I thought of Friday night when several of us get together to share Sabbath dinner, read Torah, sing and pray, and just discuss things.

Be patient. I will get back to the camper and the driver later on.


We all firmly believe that the Lord is testing faith and trying hearts right now. As a result, all of us have been going through some serious hardships and (sometimes) brutal situations, whether in body, soul or spirit.


The part of Torah that was read was regarding the Israelites and their attitude toward God after He had blessed them in so many ways; water from a rock when they were so thirsty, manna from heaven and meat (quail) when they complained about the bread, no swelling of the feet, no wearing out of their shoes, dividing the waters so they could cross over onto dry land, thus escaping from the Egyptians that pursued them.


After decades in the wilderness, when it was time to go over into the Promised Land, Moses sent twelve spies to search out the land and report back to him. Out of the 12, ten men returned with a bad report; only two returned with a good report, a hopeful message and trust in God.


To cut to the chase, God had made the Israelites promises regarding the land and how He would be with them, but because of the bad report given about massive giants and strongholds (fortified cities), the Hebrews chose to believe the 10 men rather than to believe God.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the Lord your God is with you wheresoever you go. [Josh 1:9]


Yet, the Israelites refused to believe God, after all He had done for them over those long 40 years in the way of miracles. They feared the giants and the troubles waiting for them in the promised land and they utterly refused to go over. In that decision, they not only disobeyed God, but proved that despite all He had done for them over the years, they still did not trust Him at His Word.



They were full of fear. Moses exhorted the people, with Joshua (and likely Caleb) urging them to trust God to fight for them and fulfill his promises. But in their fear, they proved their lack of trust by disobeying Him and refusing to go into the promised land.


After awhile the Israelites realized they had condemned themselves by not trusting God to help them fight the giants, and through disobeying by refusal to proceed forward, into the Promised Land.


Once they realized their error, they decided that they would fight the Amorites themselves, but Yahweh ordered them not to because He would not be with them.


Moses was forbidden to enter the Promised Land because of his disobedience at the Bitter Waters (the rock where the waters were to come forth). He was told to speak to the rock but in his anger, he disobeyed God and struck the rock twice.

Joshua and Caleb were the only ones who remained obedient to God, determined to continue in and with Him. They overcame fear by choosing to trust God and believe what He told them instead. Therefore, only Joshua and Caleb and all those under 20 were allowed to cross over Jordan and enter into the Promised Land.


All of us that meet regularly in a home had fasted as led by the Lord last week. We discussed the results of the fast and how the Lord led each of us individually. When it was my turn, one scripture that had come to me was this.

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.  [Jam 5:16]


I had to admit that it was a rough week and that I felt every part a hypocrite. I have written about leading by example off and on for years. But I have also written that it would be great if all my examples were good ones, and not just ones of what ‘not’ to do.


Yet, our Creator, in His great understanding, love and mercy, provided all kinds of examples in His written Word, both excellent examples and examples that surely shamed the one who did err. He did this for our benefit. He knew that times would get incredulously more difficult the further society moved away from Him and toward other ‘gods’…just as in the days of Noah, and Sodom and Gomorrah. Who can fathom His love? There is nothing like it upon this earth.


Spirit of Fear

Denial had blinded me to the fear I was walking in. After the Lord had delivered me from my own Egypt, where a cruel taskmaster, a strongman (demonic spirit) held me in bondage for decades, I saw that strongman (spirit of fear) in an open vision. He was standing afar off staring at me.


If ever I saw a face filled with cruel hatred, it was in the face of that evil spirit in that open vision. It sent shivers to my skin, but the love of God protected me from any fear that foul spirit tried to send my way.


I remember when the Holy Spirit revealed to me (spiritually) that Yeshua (my Jesus) had broken my chains, removed the shackles and opened the prison door for me. I realized suddenly that He had also given me the strength to walk through those prison doors…never to look back again, like Lot’s wife.


That was over a year ago now, and I am still free from the bondage of cigarettes – ALL glory, honour, praise and credit belongs to my Saviour and King, Yeshua the Christ. Anyone who knows me knows how many years I tried to quit, how often I DID quit, never lasting longer than six weeks.


They know of all the ways I tried to convince myself that was it. I had cut them up with scissors; soaked them in water and smashed them like potatoes; had broken them into tiny bits, thrown them broken up in someone else’s garbage (some random bin), thrown them down the toilet…heck, I even drove to the mission twice, where the homeless people get free meals, just to give them away.


All my efforts failed, time after time after time. What is that popular saying now for the meaning of insanity? Oh yes, doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. (cough, cough) But God, who sees the heart, who knows the truth of whether we long to be obedient or not, in His wisdom, mercy, grace and love, HE rescued me!


Yet, the hatred I saw upon the face of the “spirit” of fear was mingled with a threatening (unspoken) rage. As I gazed at him, I knew that dark prince (principality) was going to do all within his power to either bring me back into bondage or to have me somehow give up faith and trust, return to fear and unbelief and destroy my destiny through deliberate disobedience. 

I just did not know how he might try to accomplish that. What I do know is that if it were not for the LOVE of the Father, and the help of Jesus (Yeshua) through the precious and Holy Spirit, that evil spirit might have succeeded in holding me captive in fear and unbelief.


The Roaring Lion Seeks to Devour

If anyone who is reading this now has read any of my past articles, perhaps they would remember that I said that 2020 was the worst year I ever remember, and it had nothing to do with Covid-19.


From the time I fully surrendered and rebuked fear, and trusted the Lord to help me to walk obediently to His leading, with the help of His precious and Holy Spirit, and grant me strength, but more so, the courage to walk through those prison doors, leaving [my] Egypt behind, all hell literally broke loose!


And all the promises the Lord covenanted with me on a personal level, on the condition of my obedience to His will and giving up cigarettes, they suddenly seemed to go in a completely opposite direction and far from possibly coming to fruition. In other words, the exact opposite happened.


But o dear reader, it did not just pertain to me, although at the time I thought it did, but multitudes of brothers and sisters in Messiah have been dealing with trials and hardships like never before, and not even counting the circumstances occurring due to Covid-19, lockdowns, social distancing etc.


What a year of truly praying one for another, whether we know each other in the physical or not, with most, if not all of the prayers directed by the Holy Spirit.


Yet along with the full surrender, the picking up of my cross and determining to keep walking forward in the Father’s will, came horrific backlash from the enemy. Incoming was an onslaught of serious happenings that caused great losses, including a full-fledged attack against my health.


Personal relationships were sabotaged via deception, with frustrating misunderstandings and painful divisions (separation, severing) resulting. Unexplainable pain of the heart and soul…as traumatizing as a sudden death with no closure, no rhyme or reason. Had I not always prayed that I would not be deceived in past years? What was happening, and why?


Thefts from legitimate businesses via deceptive, hard-to-prove means, deception in the form of fraud that neither the police, or federal or provincial law could or would touch (almost as if it were a precursor for the power the coming lawless one will wield).


Within seven months, I lost two different homes that I had been living in due to the greed, the covetousness of the two separate owners (who had their own homes), and who did not even know each other.


At the same time all of this was happening, I had to deal with an onslaught of health issues which caused severe pain that doctors seemed challenged in identifying and curing, or were misdiagnosing and improperly treating, but also events that caused anguish, grief and deep sorrow (pain) in soul and spirit – well, I’m sure the reader gets the picture.


Did I die and go to hell? If not, was there something I needed to repent of but did not have the eyes to see? Was I now reprobate, in the same ranks as King Saul? No, it could not be, for I had turned to walk in obedience, to pick up that cross that I had feared for so long.


This had to be a test, but why so severe? I assure you that none of what I mentioned is an exaggeration; and equally unbelievable, it happens to be an incomplete list of continuous and cruel things the enemy threw my way, but that the Father allowed.


Sifted as wheat, everything shaken that can be shaken, the furnace the hottest I ever remember (and there have been some extremely hot times).


What on earth was going on? Father, what have I done? Tell me, please – what is this all about? Is it because I struggled too long, because it took me too long to quit? …an answer did not always come right away, and I longed to hear from my precious King and Lord.


For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire. [Is 9:5]


Then, there are times the Holy Spirit may bring a scripture to mind to help us understand what may be happening. But also, with that understanding, a gentle reminder telling us where to look, or rather, who to look to in the midst of our troubles.


For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. [vs 6]


Pharisees Lay Heavy Burdens on the People

It has been noticed as of late that it is getting to the point where even sharing testimony in order to reveal how faithful the Lord is, or how He brings us through fiery trials is being squashed by certain legalistic believers.


I can almost hear it now if Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were here today and speaking of how they refused to bow to the image of king Nebuchadnezzar and how the cruel king threw them into a furnace so hot that the flames burned up the mighty soldiers that prepared it.


There would definitely be certain Christians accusingly stating, “It’s not about you, it’s about Jesus. Get ‘self’ off the throne.”


Isn’t it about us? Then why is the following scripture so well-known even amongst unbelievers?


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that “whosoever” believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [Jn 3:16] (Emphasis on ‘whosoever’ is this author’s – BP2021)


Yeshua did not willingly offer up His life for His own sins, for He is the spotless Lamb. He did in our place, so yes, it is about us. Let us get the proper balance back, and the correct perspective. We are not “little gods”, or “little Jesus’ “ as some say, but our heavenly Father, our Creator loves us, involves Himself with us, rescues us and forgives us. Yes yes and yes, it is about us too.


It is the GLORY of God that we are not to touch, but that does not mean giving the Lord His due glory with false humility, or saying it has nothing to do with us. Our Messiah gave the greatest and purest sacrifice for us. He didn’t do it for fallen angels, or the beasts of the field or fowls of the air. He did it for us.


It’s heartbreaking when we see the religious before us even today. Like the Pharisees, they lay heavy burdens on the people, forbidding even a hint of a personal testimony because it’s about self.


There are times that I have to agree that some Christian leaders and believers judge another brother or sister in Christ so harshly that it is difficult to see any reflection of Yeshua, or any love of God in them or in their words. These are those who literally are instruments in the devil’s hand to push another believer over the edge – as if they would never measure up.


For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith. [Rom 12:3]


Ah, but the other extreme is just as bad. There are countless leaders and believers today who are so “understanding” and so “non-judgmental” that the gospel they speak of is not even close to the gospel of the apostles, and the Jesus they speak about is not found in the pages of the New Testament.


So, we all need the Holy Spirit to keep us in balance, to correct us when we are wrong, to guide us steadily along the ancient path, holding fast to God through His beautiful Son, Jesus/Yeshua.


Messiah knew that, which is why He said He would send the Comforter, who would teach us and lead (guide) us and bring things to our remembrance. [Jn 14:26] He is the Spirit of truth who will lead us into all truth and speak of Christ Jesus/Yeshua. [Jn 16:13]


Good grief, a personal testimony IS about the person in order to magnify the goodness, the faithfulness, the wonder of our exceptional Creator, or it is to bear witness and make a sure declaration.


What If it is a Test?


It is understood that some people always carry on about themselves; however, we need to listen carefully before we pass judgment. We call it discernment. When all is said and done, and in all fairness, one really must wait until the end of a matter to accurately judge. At the finish, who receives the glory?


Is the emphasis solely upon the individual and the problems encountered, or does it shift, as it should, toward the One who solves problems, performs the impossible, and exhibits care and love not only for His creation, but in dealing justly, often mercifully and with grace toward each one individually? Again, who receives the glory?


Does the person receive the glory as they share how THEY got through tough times and how THEY solved their problems, or do they shine the light upon the One who helped them through and finally brought an end to their troubles?


Yeshua/Jesus handles us all uniquely, although at times, we can share experiences that we had with our Maker, and sometimes say to each other, “Yes, He did that for me too!” It’s exciting; it is indeed family memories and experiences we share with one another, and our Saviour and our heavenly Father ARE glorified and wonderful to behold!


But is it not wrong to cut people off when they share what the good Lord has done for them, when they begin with the horrific suffering or the incredulous hardship(s) they were enduring before the Lord’s intervention? Or will we listen with a cold heart, only to judge them for talking about ‘self’?


How often has gossip tainted our view of a person, most often happening even before we have met an individual. There are those who do nothing but gossip and will not stop even if told that gossip is unacceptable.


According to scripture, if one is caught in a sin and will not listen to you, then that is when we bring another to speak with them, and if they still will not listen to two, then bring it before the body of believers that all assemble in.


If that individual still refuses to quit the sin of gossip, then shake the dust off your feet, and leave them in the hands of God who alone sees the heart and who alone has the wisdom to know what to do or how to best handle them. I cannot help but to think not only of the many chances the Lord has given me to change, but the chances He has given to all of us, whether we admit it or not.


The average person is smart enough to discern a proud and arrogant person, or a person who is merely seeking attention, pity and/or sympathy. What if that person suffers from a spirit of rejection, or has been abused to such a degree that they see no good within themselves because they do not know how to come away from the lies that have programmed their thinking?


What if what they really need are the prayers of a true believer? What if the good Lord allows such people (the proud and arrogant, or the weak and desperate) to be sent our way to test (try) OUR hearts, to see if we follow the commandment to love others, or to stand in the gap and pray for lost or wayward souls?


Would we gasp in disgust when an unkempt man or woman came into our church or our group’s presence wreaking of alcohol, or perhaps they just needed a hot bath, a new set of clothes, a good meal and someone who actually cared if they were saved or if they had ever heard of a loving Saviour?


I will never forget one of the times that I was searching for God and went to a country church in my black leather pants, my black and burgundy leather jacket with lots of zippers and chrome snaps, my black bolero and my burgundy cowgirl boots. At least I was bathed and did not smell. There was no real welcome. It would be 11 years (2005) before I ever committed to God.

What if you were that “unsaved” soul coming in amongst a group of “holy sheep” and were obviously not one of the flock? Would you be pointed toward the exit, not with words, but with avoidance as though you were invisible?


What if the soul that rejected the “worldly” or those who looked destitute, or who obviously were “outsiders” was you, but you were blinded by denial and pride, deceived by a religious spirit?


Would you not hope that if you were in such a state, unbeknownst to you, that someone, somewhere would find it in their heart to recognize your need and pray for you, or that the good Lord would mercifully correct and discipline you?


What Say You, Daniel?


For example, there seems to be disagreement amongst the scholars (of which I am not one) over who wrote the book of Daniel. Many claim that Daniel, a wise man, kept record of his experiences and times whilst held captive in Babylon. Other scholars give various dates for the writing of the book of Daniel after his death.


Yet, not one scholar who claims that Daniel wrote the book considered him to be self-centered or egotistical, all wrapped up in him-”self”, or scolding his motives or intent for documenting his life and experiences…not one.


So why are we so hard on people today who share what our magnificent Saviour and Lord has done for them, and accuse them of selfishly making it all about them? Surely, we can discern and differentiate between those who really are taking all the glory for themselves and those who reveal through their testimony that truly the Lord IS the same yesterday, today and forever.


Let us be careful that we do not make some of the same mistakes Peter made when Yeshua was sharing how He would be handed over to the religious sector, what they would do to Him and how He would be resurrected. Peter rebuked the Lord for saying such things, but Jesus turned to Peter and rebuked Satan (the adversary). Let us not be an adversary to another believer. Selah


Battles and Trials throughout the Body of Christ


Back to the sharing of information regarding what happened with a small number of us during our week of fasting. What astounded me is that all of the us, children of the one true living God, have also been going through a gamut of the same or similar attacks, trials, tests, whatever.


Some of the situations or experiences were so intense that several agreed that the words “brutal”, “torture” or “cruel” came across their mind and adequately described some of what was suffered in the past week. Sounds like the handiwork of the devil, doesn’t it?


Never has the “clash of the kingdoms” been more obvious, with events intensifying and becoming more frequent, just as Yeshua foretold…yet it is also very personal for all of His people as we battle at times in our own personal faith walk, on our own personal battlefield.


All of us could testify that it was not just happening in our small group, as if we were some special, select remnant. No, it is understood that globally, around the world, in every nation and country, the faithful believers in the Bride of Christ are going through this challenging clash, the ferocious, relentless, merciless warfare coming from the spiritual dark forces, and yes, perhaps the ‘brutal’ testing of our faith, and the ‘tortuous’ trying of our hearts.


The same [dark] forces barely bother with those who are not considered a threat, although their hatred against all of God’s creation does not make them exempt. Satan’s armies will trouble everyone eventually if merely out of spite, rather than in retaliation because they are a threat to Satan’s kingdom.


The dark forces love to work through people, and sin opens the door wide for them to enter in. But again, before we judge each other too harshly, it doesn’t have to take much of an opening for the dark forces to sneak in. Just a simple glitch in the [spiritual] armour will do. Look again at Peter.

(Sorry, Peter!)


The staggering part is the continual and impeccable faithfulness of God and His flawless timing, even when it seems that He is “late”, as Mary and Martha had thought when Messiah arrived four days after Lazarus’ burial.

In my situation, the Lord corrected me. It was needed. It wasn’t easy to admit, and it surely isn’t comfortable to say, even now, but I am grateful for the correction – so grateful at another chance.


Because my pain has been chronic and daily, combined with breathing problems that are randomly frightening at times, and going on heavily for over a year (and the physical pain for nearly four years), anger had finally welled up in me, as well as frustration because my logic could not satisfactorily answer even one of my puzzled questions.


There was a very real battle between my flesh and my spirit, but it was complicated or rather magnified by the enemy who takes pleasure in attacking God’s people in their times of weakness. And again, I do become disgruntled with those who forget their own struggles, or who are not dealing with severe daily pain who drive the nails in as they growl something about not picking up the cross and dying to self.


Can you wait until I catch my breath before you scold me? Will you allow Jesus by His Holy Spirit to indwell us and help us in His way, and in His time, as only He can do? He does see the heart, and even if we have unknowingly deceived ourselves, but long to do His will, do you think He will not have the wisdom, patience or knowledge to accomplish His will in us?


For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwells no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. [Rom 7:18, 19]


Paul goes on to speak of sin that dwells in himself, in his flesh. We too know that picking up our cross is a daily thing. Some days we are weak and fail to pick up our cross and carry it properly.


It is not a one-time event and then we have arrived, and if you think you have arrived and have conquered your flesh once and for all, you are in for a rude awakening the next time Satan or some random person or event pushes the wrong button in you and you react – God forbid – in your flesh aka carnally.


Plea Bargaining

For months into years, I have gone to doctors who prescribe medicines that do not help. Just last month my doctor said, “Well, I don’t know what else to do” because despite all his medicines and advice, healing hasn’t taken place.


I remember trying to wrestle with God as Jacob did, not physically, but I reckon, verbally. “Lord, you breathed into Adam and he came alive. You KNOW how important breathing is – only say the word…if you give me back proper breathing, I will handle the daily pain…”


Ah, but would I? Would I handle the pain daily, indefinitely, or until the day I pass from this life? Or would I (being human and imperfect) eventually come to another day when once again I plea bargain with my Lord? I simply cannot trust this flesh…it is so self-ish!


I also reminded Yeshua (my Jesus) of the woman with the spirit of infirmity, the issue of blood, who spent all her money on doctors and they still had not cured her after twelve long years of bleeding. “If I could just ‘touch’ you, Lord”


Then I reminded the Lord of the poor woman who continually went before the wicked judge (I was hasty in prayerfully adding: ”NOT that you are wicked Lord”). God already knows our heart, but the fear of the Lord is a reality to me, and never would I want to hint at any kind of disrespect or accusation.


The woman persistently went before the judge, pleading for justice. I too tried that avenue. What does it take, Lord? Why won’t you move? I remember telling Him that I was angry, but we are not supposed to get angry at God, so I was frustrated too because I wasn’t allowed to be angry. What a mess this flesh can make, with its emotions, demands and foolish rationalizations. G-r-r


Then I would be crying, repenting, apologizing, explaining that I just wanted the pain to end, to get some relief, and to breathe again as normal. I told the Lord that I did remember all the times He helped me out and was faithful; how good He is, how merciful. I did thank the Lord and meant every word, but…then tearfully yell, Do you hear me? Do you see me?


Yes, it sounds schizophrenic, but the war between spirit and flesh is real. One preacher stated that if you were dead to “self” we wouldn’t have that war. Yes, perhaps that is true, but are you okay with walking four feet only to be gasping for breath, feeling lightheaded, wondering if this is it, if your lungs will fail you?


And as you struggle for breath, the pain in your back, or neck, shoulders, or your legs, or knees seriously crops up to the point where the pain causes you to break out in tears because your pain killers aren’t working and you refuse to get stronger medicine because it turns out to do more harm, are you being selfish? Lord, help me, Father, this is so hard. Forgive me for not being all you planned or hoped for me to be.                                                                                                                          

You wonder why you were ever born, beg for mercy killing, then explain that you don’t really mean it, but that you just need relief. You insist that you are grateful for all the goodness He has shown toward you and the times He has shown mercy and compassion.


You make sure the Lord knows you have not forgotten His goodness or countless helpful interventions, but the pain, breathing and fear (sorry Abba) have me on the brink of madness…just some relief – please?


Then I question how deep is my love for the Lord, searching deep within my heart that is flesh – all my love, all that I have and am is His, beautiful Father, yet deep within, I know that my love is so miniscule in this vast universe…I am as one grain of sand upon the ocean beach; so little significance, but Father, it’s all I have and it’s always been yours – yours to give,  yours to take.


Collapsing in an emotional heap, I weep because I don’t want to complain, yet wonder if I am explaining things to the Lord, or am I in fact, murmuring and complaining? How do I know the difference, Lord, without tricking myself?


O yes, the [spiritual] battle is very real, as is the war between flesh and spirit -and we all have a very real adversary who attacks when we are already down! And if you think for one moment that Satan or his demonic army will leave you alone because you secretly worship him, then he has successfully deceived you. He cares for no one but himself.


The Israelite Effect

All that I confessed here in this writing was mentioned at the meeting on Friday amongst brethren. But what was absolutely stunning and yet comforting is the fact that every one of us had wrestled, suffered, pleaded, wept, went through the emotions, battled – it was a WEEK for ALL.


The vulnerability and transparency of all was beautiful to behold. That is trust and love; that is what the Lord wants for the Body of believers – to be one in Spirit; one in unity; of one accord, for our sakes, yes, but ultimately for His glory through our Lord Yeshua/Jesus.


Getting back to the Torah reading, each one of us realized and admitted that we were no better than the Israelites who allowed FEAR to take hold, to cause us to doubt and get ankle-deep in unbelief. It is a frightful thought to think that as a child of the Most High God, you could possibly walk in fear and unbelief.


It is something that angers the Lord, especially when we have seen the answers to desperate prayers, have tasted of His goodness, have been blessed by His mercy and grace, and lifted up whenever we humbled ourselves.


We all realized that the meeting was orchestrated and overseen by the Lord Himself. He allowed what He allowed with each of us individually the entire week. He watched each and every one of us struggle with fear and unbelief, and yet fighting to overcome with gratitude and praise upon our lips.


Our Creator is no hard taskmaster, sitting afar off watching and then, upon seeing our struggles, frustrations, our efforts at obedience, faith and trust, our failure in the moments where fear gripped and unbelief held us, our crying out for mercy and understanding, He does not harden his heart and stamp “reject” upon us.


No! He sees children that are in the throes of growing pains. He sees the hard scraping and chiseling to loosen the dross so it will come to the surface to be skimmed off. He sees the vigorous cleansing with fuller’s soap that is ridding the soul of filth and corruption.

He sees the pruning shears cutting the branches down so far that it seems the branch is ruined, no longer able to produce, looking as dead as trees in the harsh cold of winter. 

He sees the impure gold in the fire as He allows the heat to be turned up seven times hotter, for the seven times seventh time. He alone can see the purification of the gold from afar off (from a distance from the fire), YET somehow, there He is, right in the midst of the furnace overseeing it all and making sure the gold is not harmed.


Most of us wiped away grateful tears realizing that, unlike the Israelites, it was not too late for us, because of Yeshua/Jesus. We realized that this was a correction and disciplinary action from the Father for each one of us.


It was not punishment; it was guidance and teaching because we were all needing to break fear off; to stand strong again in FAITH, to TRUST that Yeshua (Jesus) loves us.


We can rejoice knowing that we are being molded into Christ’s image; the smashing and reshaping of the clay is never comfortable, and is confusing as things are poked, prodded, shaped, reshaped, tucked and pinched…and whatever else a master potter does to perfect His masterpiece.


All of us were blown away by how similar our feeling, emotions, questions and struggles were. We were amazed how each person went through a heavy week, but in different areas. With one it may have been health, with another it may have been business dealings or finances; with another it may have been issues at the workplace; with another, it may have been relationships, whether family (spouse, children, other relatives), friends, coworkers etc.


It was in our own personal areas of weakness, or where we had to yet be tried, or where fear and unbelief had a stranglehold and we knew it not. In other words, the Lord allowed what He allowed for our good, but for His glory.


It was not to destroy us, or to take away our inheritance, as the Israelites. It was to perfect us, to correct us and discipline us. It was a further work in us:


Being confident of this very thing, that He which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: [Phil 1:6]


In all our struggles, questioning, fear, unbelief, and battle to overcome the flesh, none of us had disrespected the Lord. In the pouring out of our heart, the difference between complaining and pouring out is the fact that gratitude was still there; the remembrance of all that the Lord had done in the past; the willingness to still trust Him, even if it means we do not understand.


David, who was filled with the Holy Spirit as we are, also struggled. The Lord did not condemn him. In fact, Yahweh honoured David by putting his prayer in His written Word. It is a short prayer (psalm), but a very real struggle.


How long will you forget me, o Lord? Forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?


Consider and hear me, O Lord my God: lighten my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death; lest my enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved.


But I have trusted in Your mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing unto the Lord because He has dealt bountifully with me. [Ps 13:1-6]


So, if you find yourself going through a “helluva week”, and struggling between flesh and spirit, with voices shouting your failure at picking up your cross and dying to self, or that God is punishing you, or that you have failed God – STOP!


Do not give in to those lies; it is the spirit of fear trying to bring you into his prison of unbelief. Get in the Word; get on your knees. Involve the Lord, seek Him and find Him. Even if He is silent at that moment, press in, press on, go forward – hold fast. Stand firm! God’s got this – in HIM, you’ve got this. We cannot go it alone – humble yourself and let the precious and holy Spirit carry you because He will, even if you do not realize you are being carried.


I promised that I would continue on about the camper later on. One thing that we all realized and agreed upon at our Friday night meeting. The Lord God (YHWH), is calling all Christians to come into UNITY

Earlier, pictures were shown at how a vehicle (a camper) pulled up to the stop sign on one of the streets outside my home. The driver left his seat to do something in the back of the camper, which could not be seen.

Oddly, no other vehicles came up behind him as he did what he had to do in the back. It was as if the Lord cleared the way so the message would come through loud and clear. I had only been sitting in the sun porch for five minutes, if that.

Finally I noticed the only word written on the camper - UNITY. No sooner had the word and understanding (through the Holy Spirit) be acknowledged than the driver returned and continued on his journey.


Since the Lord is calling for His people to come together in "unity", to come together in one spirit and in one accord, you can guarantee that Satan will be presenting the counterfeit.

Of course, his lies with the Covid-19 pandemic perpetrated society as mainstream media, advertising and businesses were parroting the lie that "we are all in this together". No, we are not. The whole thing, from the pandemic itself to the vaccines has caused division amongst the people.

The days grow darker and it is time for the true disciples of Christ, His Bride to unite, cleaving to Yahweh through Yeshua (Jesus), walking in His will obediently and trusting Him. Stay on the ancient path, clinging to the old cross, not the "user-friendly" plush and soft cross offered today.

Remember this is a bloody war; read Ephesians 6, if a reminder is needed. Let us keep in prayer, and pray for one another. Let us encourage one another, pray for one another, trust God and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

If we pray for truth, the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. So it is written, so it is true. Selah

A Word from the Lord


The following message came to me on May 4th and was given to brethren locally, but I am confident that it is a corporate word. (UNITY) Great is the Father’s love. Believe it even when you lack understanding. It is when logic fails us that trust in God lifts us up and keep us moving.



A Message

(Please read through to the end, keeping in mind that as a disciple in Christ you know that we serve a good and wise God. He knows your fatigue; He has not ignored or forgotten you.


Right now, most if not all disciples of Christ have been waiting on the Lord to bring closure to a matter (answered prayer), or to bring a vision or promise to fruition. Those who have waited years have wearied. Many have already given up. Others are teetering, hanging on by barely a thread. The urge to just let go in order to finally bring some kind of relief is a strong temptation. Don’t do it!


If you know that you know that you know the LORD has made a promise to you, again I urge you - - hold fast, stand firm.

Yes, the battle has been long for you as well (for many of My people globally, whether in body, soul, spirit or all three), but look at the promised destiny, My child. It is a great one, one of significant magnitude.

I am here to encourage you, so that you do not give into defeat or give up. I am here to instruct you to speak forth forgiveness and pray for those who have come against you as Job did, as Moses did, as others who have gone before you have done. Do not give the enemy a foothold and do not keep building a stronghold. Smash down the walls with the (spiritual) laws I have given you.

The spiritual law of forgiveness will break down the wall of bitterness.

Looking diligently (see to it) lest any man fail (fall short) of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled. [Heb 12:15]

The spiritual law of praying for your enemies will bring forth the fruit of blessings. [Job 42:10] Those who sow in tears will reap in joy. [Ps 126:5] Forgive and you shall be forgiven. 

Pray for others and watch what I shall do for you. [Mat 18:35] Endure, endure, endure, and gain a crown of life to throw at the feet of your Messiah, My Son, beloved He is. [Jam 1:12; 1Pet 5:4; Rev 3:11]

These days will soon be behind you and then you shall say:

My Lord and My God, It is He that knows the end from the beginning. [Is 46:10] He is good and His mercy endures forever. [Ps 136:1] 

He is truth [Jn 14:17] and ...

...all that He speaks will come to pass for His word does not return void but accomplishes what He pleases and does what He sent it to do. It prospers. [Is 55:11]

Yes, My child, speak forth My Word. It is indeed a sword. When you know My will and use the sword accordingly, aligning the movement of the sword with My Will, then you shall witness My dunamis power and experience the strength of My authority. 

This power and authority has been given to those who are born again and (Holy) Spirit-filled, for such as these were given these things by My beloved Son. It is He who has given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you. [Lk 10:19]

So it is written; so it is truth. So it shall be, for again, My Word shall not return void.

Sharpen your sword, warrior, [Ezek 21:11] for I have need of you to fight for the defenseless in days ahead…days fast approaching. [Ps 82:3, 4] The training has been vigorous. [2 Tim 3:17; Ps 144:1]

The trials and testing of your training have seemed never-ending and brutal, yet here is where the cream of the crop surfaces – out of these fiery trials comes forth that which is more precious than gold, having been tested and found genuine. [1Pet 1:6,7; Prov 17:3; 1 Pet 4:12] 

Many quit or fall away, calling Me a cruel taskmaster, yet sadly, they only offered Me lip service for their [own] hearts wax cold. [Is 29:13; Mat 24:10-13]

Stand, my dedicated warrior. An army of My holy and elect angels are warring on behalf of My people, meaning I have sent them forth to guard, protect and help My people. [Lk 4:10; 2Sam 5:24]

Gird up your loins and sing praises, [Eph 6:14; 2Chron 20:21] for the time long awaited is at the door. The appointed time…the vision has not tarried. It shall be right on time…  [Hab 2:3] Selah

penned by one of His many vessels

for His glory alone


ADDENDUM: The word above was given to me by the Lord through the Holy Spirit on May 4, 2021. Three days ago, on June 6, an article written by Aviel Schneider, a journalist for Israel Today (online), posted an article.

In the very first paragraph, three words popped out at me because of the word the Lord had given me a month earlier. It had been read Friday, May 7, 2021 at a friend's house when about 10 or 12 of us gathered to share a dinner, honour Shabbat with communion, prayer, worship, reading of the Bible etc. On the 6th or 7th (Sunday or Monday that just passed), a sister in Christ emailed me requesting the word given, so I sent it to her and her husband.

It moved me when I read the first article because in the Holy Scriptures, we are instructed to pray for Israel. The church has NOT replaced Israel, despite popular belief. That is gross error.

Do the adopted children replace the natural biological children in a family? I think not! That is ludicrous, yet many Christians today want to hip and shoulder push the true Israelites out of the way, saying we (the church) have replaced you. Talk about deception!

The Israelites are God's chosen; and we Gentiles are grafted in. What an honour...and it is all because of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). Anyway, before I go off on a rant, I would like to post the "first" paragraph of Schneider's article, and you can see why I immediately considered the word (message) the Lord had given me on the 4th of May, 2021.

First Paragraph (emphasis - highlighting and underlining - are mine except for the highlighted name "Nadav Argaman". That was highlighted by the author, Aviel Schneider -BP2021)

Israel Faces an Explosive Week

Hatred and frustration envelop Israel these days. It's gone so far that politicians are being cursed with the use of Pulsa Dinura - a Kabbalistic ritual in which divine retribution is called down upon someone. Nadav Argaman, head of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), warns that the atmosphere is reminiscent of the days leading up to Israel's first major political murder.

End excerpt

The article has another paragraph that all the public can read, but after that, in order to read the entire article one has to be a member of Israel Today (online), which I am not at this time. I provided the link to provide the source. Compare the first paragraph with the word (message) our loving Creator gave on May 4th.

Please pray for Israel and the people, especially the Messianics, who live dangerously having accepted the true Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).


  1. You have written so clearly what we all have been experiencing. This is such a time of separation of the sheep and the goats. If only God's people would obey His word on loving Him first and foremost and then our neighbor. If we would hearken to what God considers an abomination and what is sin we would not so easily come into agreement with the worlds idea of "love" and "tolerance. The Lord is truly using these days to expose the hearts of believers on who will obey Him when it is not popular and may cost us something.
    The trials of never ending physical pain, fatigue, many injustices and sometimes God's silence in the midst of these things will in the end determine who will endure to the end or who will give up right before the breakthrough. The Lord knows we will not always respond perfectly and gives us time to repent and lay our burdens at His feet. He is so patient and full of lovingkindness. We are so close to the end of our trials... I hear such faith and strength in your words precious friend and sister. You may not realize it but your faith has been tried and you will come forth as gold! Love you Bonita

  2. Our Abba is so faithful, Donna. It cannot be said enough because it is true. He understands the times and what all of us are thinking, whether we verbalize it or not. He knows our struggles and our strengths, and like a good Father and a caring Shepherd, He does look out for us.

    And you are right, my sister and friend, we cannot compromise. If we stand fast, upholding truth according to the Word of God, and pray for souls that are lost, straying, deceived, we will hear and see much opposition.

    Prepare to be accused of being dogmatic, unloving, legalistic, religious, accused of pushing people away - well, look what we did to our Messiah when He was here.

    Standing fast, forgiving, watching and praying... requires the love we are commanded to have - and Yahweh is faithful, through Yeshua, to teach us that love and change us so that we are well able to obey. [merciful, kind, good Creator]

    It is impossible for me to describe the agape love that He has for us, and how much He desires for people to be saved through His Son (the 'only' way back to the Father).

    Thank you, Donna, treasured friend, for taking the time out for your work and life to encourage me. We all need it, don't we?...myself included. Warmest of warm you deeply, Donna -- Bonita

  3. *Correction* -- time out "FROM" your work and life...not "FOR" grrrr typos lol


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