He was in the world,
and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received
Him not. But as many as received Him, to
them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His
name. [Jn 1:10-12]
And the Word was made
flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only
begotten of the Father), full of grace
and truth.
[Jn 1:14]
Then spoke Jesus again
unto them, saying, I am the light of
the world: he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have
the light of life. [Jn 8:12]
So often I pray looking out over the water and the
mountains, so symbolic spiritually…Today was greatly overcast. So overcast in fact that I had to turn on
lights in the house. It was quite gray
and dismal outside, as it had rained most of the night before.
It is a period of transition for me (and many others), as we allow the Holy Spirit to do what He does
best. There is a mourning the flesh goes through, as we pick up our cross and
die to self. The flesh will fight to
survive with all its might.
It is so afraid to
trust the Creator, to let the ways of the world fall away like chains being
loosed that hold it prisoner. Looking to
Jesus, we take the step of faith to leave the old man upon the shores of the
Satan and his armies give chase and shout after us, to paralyze us
with fear as they threaten to overtake and ensnare the flesh, bringing it back
into the bondage of iniquity.
Jesus (Yeshua)
gives us courage and strength. By His
example, by His merciful grace and by His patient love, He helps us to lay down
our lives in sweet surrender. And the Spirit bears witness with our
spirit, that we are the children of God.
[Rom 8:16]
Jesus is beckoning, “Come;
fear not! Don’t look around you at the circumstances. With Me, you can do all
things.” Then our spirit finds strength to lay all our burdens down at the
cross of the Christ. As we look to Jesus, we move out and forward; we keep “cross-ing” over.
The net that Satan kept hidden will ensnare him, as the Lord
lifts up a standard against him…and the flood of defeat that Satan intended for
us overwhelms him instead.
For we have not
received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but we have received the Spirit
of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba,
Therefore being
justified by faith, we have peace
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand
and rejoice in hope of the glory
of God. [Rom 5:1, 2; Rom 8:15]
There is something coming, a great danger approaches. Yet
Jesus, through the precious and Holy Spirit, invokes us not to fear, but to
simply trust in Him, as a child. He has
said not to focus on that which is coming, but to focus on Him!
We are to watch and pray, and not become lukewarm or
apathetic. The watchmen who guard in the
time of great darkness must watch closer, be more vigilant and listen for any
hint of a quiet approach that may lead to a sudden attack by the enemies of the
For as a snare
(trap) shall it come on all them that
dwell on the face of the whole earth.
Watch you therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy
to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son
of man. [Lk 21:35, 36]
Lest Satan should get
an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. [2Cor 2:11]
As I acknowledged the dark and dismal morning, I was
thinking about the Lord. Suddenly, my
eyes noticed a brilliance that gleamed upon an small area of the lake. Near the base of the mountainside, I also noticed
patches of light beginning to form.
The light was not from electricity, but the areas were being
lit up by the sun. Yet, all I could see
was grayness everywhere else. The cloud coverage was so dull and gray that I
could not even see the houses on the opposite shore. Even the yonder trees were
indistinguishable, blending in with the grayness.
Perhaps the sun was shining from a place that I could not
see from the window, so I went outside and looked around. The cloud coverage
was absolute, with no breaks anywhere to be seen. Where was the light coming
from, as even a soft glow of sunrays pushing through the clouds could not be
As I stood there, thoughts rushed through my mind. The Lord has impressed upon me for well over
a month that danger and greater darkness fast approaches. True, but also, He has urged me to keep my
focus on Him. A smile broke out on my
face, as the awe of God’s power and His ways washed over me.
First shot below was when I first noticed the brilliance of
light upon a small part of the lake, as well as a portion upon the lower
Second picture is to
show how all around was gray, dark and dismal. Remember, this was only about 10 o'clock in the morning. Also, notice that the cloud coverage was solid, with no breaks.
Third shot shows how the light became more pronounced, brighter. Indeed, the Lord waited
upon me until I understood the message in what He was revealing.
(It is too bad that the camera is not the best quality, but at least I have one!)
I came back into the apartment and set the cell down. Returning to the window, the areas of light had
All was dull and under gray coverage once again. It was as quick as it had been with the window of promise (with the sliver of a rainbow that briefly presented itself alongside the opening in the cloud where the sun was shining) – yes, a phenomenal act of God.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. [2Cor 4:6]
All was dull and under gray coverage once again. It was as quick as it had been with the window of promise (with the sliver of a rainbow that briefly presented itself alongside the opening in the cloud where the sun was shining) – yes, a phenomenal act of God.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. [2Cor 4:6]
I got the message, Abba, Father, and am passing it
along! He is with us, even in our
darkest hour. He is the light that overcomes
darkness and the darkness is powerless against Him. We are children of light!
There will be pockets
of light scattered around the globe in the coming days of grosser
darkness. Abba has His children
scattered all around the globe, in pockets, throughout the nations and
peoples. In Jesus Christ, we are to be
the light for the world to see – as a beacon of light that shines through the
In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. [Jn 1:5] (Darkness has no power over light.)
God gives everyone the opportunity to turn away from their sins, confessing them to Him with godly sorrow, in repentance. He does not delight in bringing judgment, but we are a stubborn, rebellious people when we are caught up in sin.
For most of us, it takes a rude awakening as we hit rock bottom, or life brings us unbearable hardships, before we realize our need for a Saviour, a God who loves us. The world is in chaos and sin abounds. God knew these days would come. He forewarned us in His Word.
In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. [Jn 1:5] (Darkness has no power over light.)
God gives everyone the opportunity to turn away from their sins, confessing them to Him with godly sorrow, in repentance. He does not delight in bringing judgment, but we are a stubborn, rebellious people when we are caught up in sin.
For most of us, it takes a rude awakening as we hit rock bottom, or life brings us unbearable hardships, before we realize our need for a Saviour, a God who loves us. The world is in chaos and sin abounds. God knew these days would come. He forewarned us in His Word.
Let no man deceive you
with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the
children of disobedience. Be not
therefore partakers with them. For you were sometimes darkness, but now are you
light in the Lord: walk as children
of light: [Eph 5:6-8]
And not only so, but
we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation works patience; And
patience, experience, and experience, hope:
And hope makes us not ashamed; because the love
of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto
us. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the
ungodly. [Rom 5:3-6]
Return, return, return to your first love (Jesus)! He is patiently waiting, but He will never
force us. Selah
We, His people, watch and pray, yearning for His
return. Those of us who are aware and continue
instant in prayer, know He is returning soon.
Prophecies are quickly coming to pass, just as Jesus foretold. We see great tribulation approaching, coming
straight toward us like a runaway locomotive.
We are not apathetic – we believe He is coming soon. Our heart’s cry is that we do not fail the
Saviour who came and died in our place.
It is only through Jesus and turning from sin that we can be reconciled back
to the Father. No matter what comes (as
it must), we look forward to His return.
The Holy Spirit that is in His children of light cry out: Maranatha! Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Is Deception
There is no one I know or have ever spoken with that wants
to be deceived because no one does. Yet, the hard truth is that all of us have
been deceived at some point or another in our life, if we have lived any length
of time past infancy and toddlerhood.
Whether the deception was mild or grandiose, it was still
deception. It may have come to us when we were told a lie (even the supposed ‘white lies’) that we believed, only to find out
later that it was not truth. There are so many situations that can present
themselves in our lives, where we can be or have been outwitted, hoodwinked,
duped or simply – deceived! We can even
deceive ourselves.
Deceive: cause to believe what is false or disbelieve
what is true; to keep the truth hidden from someone for personal advantage; to
refuse to accept the truth; entice or flatter for advantage or with impure
motives; persuade; allure
To mislead; to beguile; to deprive by fraud or stealth; to
defraud; to ensnare; to disappoint; to cheat; to trick or scheme for advantage;
to seduce wholly, deception, cause to wander, lead astray; a false impression,
rob – steal; to delude by guile, artifice or craft
And the great dragon
was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was
cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. [Rev 12:9]
When the disciples were with Jesus on the Mount of Olives,
they asked him some serious questions. They had previously been showing Jesus (Yeshua) some of the buildings of the
temple, where Jesus had just come out from, after giving a harsh rebuke to the
Pharisees [Mat 23].
Jesus’ response to their little tour was to inform them that
not one stone would be left upon another because all would be thrown down, meaning
destroyed. The disciples became very
concerned and asked Him privately when that would happen, and what would be the
sign of His coming, and the end of the world. [Mat 24:1-3]
What were the very first words Jesus said when the disciples
asked about the end of the world and the sign of His coming? “And
Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” [Mat
24:4] The very first thing Christ said was cautionary, “take heed”, which means to pay close attention, to focus. And on what were they to be paying close
attention to?
Deception! “Take
heed that no man deceive you.”
Jesus could have started His
warnings and prophecy by mentioning cataclysmic events such as the increase in
earthquakes in diverse places, or about war when the nations rise up against
each other, but He began by pointing to deception.
He prefaced His warnings with ‘pay close attention’ or ‘focus’
– “take heed”! As He continued on with all the signs to
watch for, the main theme was about deception, along with mentioning betrayal
by those closest to us.
Jesus mentioned “deceive”
four times to the disciples. What area
did Christ emphasis as the main focal point of deception? It was in the area of
‘religion’ and religious leaders!
In Matthew 24, verses 5, 11 and 24, Jesus mentioned how many would come in His name, whilst openly admitting that He is the Christ, and they would deceive many. [Mat 24:5]
In Matthew 24, verses 5, 11 and 24, Jesus mentioned how many would come in His name, whilst openly admitting that He is the Christ, and they would deceive many. [Mat 24:5]
I do not believe He
was speaking of those like Maitreya (Buddhist),
or Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda (Florida),
or Krishna (Hinduism), Sun Myung Moon
(Korean), Jim Jones (Peoples Temple cult-new religion), A.J.
Miller (claims to be Jesus-Australia) or countless others who
professed and profess to be Christ.
No, He spoke of those who claim that He (Jesus) is the Christ, but deceive many with false doctrines (false teachers).
No, He spoke of those who claim that He (Jesus) is the Christ, but deceive many with false doctrines (false teachers).
In verse 11, Jesus/Yeshua warned of false prophets who would deceive many. Not long after that [vs 24], He warns of false Christs (such as the above mentioned) that shall arise. He then repeats His
warning about false prophets, adding that they will show great signs and
wonders, “insomuch that, IF it were
possible, they shall deceive the
very elect.” Since Jesus is truth,
all that He said has come and is coming to pass.
Satan has introduced multitudes of religions, false gods, false Christs , false doctrines, even throwing in signs and wonders, ever since he was told of the coming Messiah (God’s plan of salvation for mankind when Adam and Eve first sinned).
Satan has introduced multitudes of religions, false gods, false Christs , false doctrines, even throwing in signs and wonders, ever since he was told of the coming Messiah (God’s plan of salvation for mankind when Adam and Eve first sinned).
And I will put enmity
between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise
your head, and you shall bruise his heel. [Gen 3:15]
That Which Has Been
That which has been is that which shall be; and that which has been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. [Eccl 1:9]
That which has been is that which shall be; and that which has been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. [Eccl 1:9]
In the book of Jeremiah, he is filled with grief, weeping
bitter tears and lamenting because of the sins of his people in Jerusalem and
the judgment of God that was fast approaching.
If the people would have humbled their hearts and acknowledged their
sins, God would have stayed his hand, but they would not.
Take a close look at what the LORD spoke through his prophet
And they bend their
tongues like their bow for lies:
but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed
from evil to evil, and they
know not Me, says the Lord.
Take ye heed
everyone of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother; for every brother
will utterly supplant (overthrow, replace), and every neighbour will walk with slanders.
And they will deceive everyone his neighbour,
and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies,
and weary themselves to commit iniquity. Your habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know Me,
says the Lord. [Jer 9:3-6]
The Lord spoke further through Jeremiah saying that ‘one speaks peaceably to his neighbour with
his mouth, but in heart he lays his wait’ (to betray). [vs 8]
Now compare the Lord’s words spoken through Jeremiah to the
words Jesus spoke to His disciples.
Take heed that no man deceive you.
And then many shall be
offended, and shall betray
one another, and shall hate one another.
And the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against (betray) their parents, and cause them to be put to death. [Mat 24:4,10; Mat 10:21]
And the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against (betray) their parents, and cause them to be put to death. [Mat 24:4,10; Mat 10:21]
In Jeremiah, the Lord warned of coming judgment when He
said: Shall I not visit them for such
things? Says the LORD: shall not My soul be avenged on such a nation as this? [Jer 9:9]
Jesus also warns of coming judgment:
For then shall be
great tribulation, such as was not
since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened,
there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. [Mat 24:21, 22]
Jesus is clearly and absolutely revealing that God must and
will intervene in those days, which are ‘these days’. Remember that. Those days are upon us. The
tribulation that is coming will be like nothing that has ever been before.
When deception and betrayal is combined with technology and
weaponry that surpasses anything mankind has had before, it is not difficult to
see why Jesus repeated certain words, and why He stated that what is coming has
never been before nor shall ever be again.
The strongest judgments God has ever poured out upon evil
and wickedness is fast approaching. Some
might question that if it is as the days of Noah, and as the days of Sodom and
Gomorrah, why will God be more severe in His judgments to those in the latter
Keep in mind, every living creature, both man, beast, sea
creature and fowl were all destroyed in the flood, with only eight souls saved
alive. In Sodom, only Lot, his wife and
two daughters escaped alive, but his wife turned to a pillar of salt. She had
been warned not to look back, but she did. Gomorrah was destroyed as well as
Sodom. Yet again, in the coming days,
God will destroy the wicked and ungodly.
The first thing to consider is that we have the Holy
Scriptures (the Word of God), an
advantage that the ancients did not have.
Yet, how many reject the Word, just as readily as the ancient people
rejected the Word of God spoken through His prophets, and later on rejected the
living Word of God, which came in the flesh – the Word being Jesus Christ.
![]() |
remains of Sodom uncovered |
![]() |
Sodom |
![]() |
skeletons of two males found in Sodom ruins |
Archaeologists have uncovered so much evidence that validates
that which is recorded in the Bible that it is irrefutable, yet millions upon
millions still refuse truth and deny the accuracy of God’s Word. Even as Biblical prophecies come to pass,
hearts are hardened, eyes are blinded and ears are deafened.
When we fully combine the power of persuasion in deception,
betrayal, weaponry and technology, we can stand back and clearly see why
Jesus/Yeshua said that unless the days were shortened, no flesh would be saved
In other words,
Christ was clearly stating that mankind would completely annihilate (obliterate, wipe out) itself, including
beasts of the field, marine life and birds. We would destroy the earth and
everything in and on it, unless God Himself intervenes, which He clearly states
in His Word that He will.
Not All is as It
Appears to Be
I spoke to a close friend, an American, asking her if she had seen that the whole world was watching the U.S. presidential election night, waiting for the outcome. She had noticed. I mentioned how so many had breathed a sigh of relief now that the election was over, but not all did. Some were infuriated when they learned that Trump had won.
I spoke to a close friend, an American, asking her if she had seen that the whole world was watching the U.S. presidential election night, waiting for the outcome. She had noticed. I mentioned how so many had breathed a sigh of relief now that the election was over, but not all did. Some were infuriated when they learned that Trump had won.
Still, I simply cannot shake
the urgency and sense of danger that has been upon me for well over a month and
a half now.
Breaking Israel News reported a couple of predictions
given by rabbis, such as Rabbi Alon Anava, who had connected the election to
the End of Days. He did not ‘think’
that the elections would happen as they were supposed to. He ‘thought’ martial law would come into
play before Election Day.
He suggested that a terror attack, financial collapse or
riots could well be a cause to implement martial law. He was right about the
riots, the protests, but no martial law has happened yet and the elections are
He also spoke of Nibiru, Noahide laws and more, expressly
stating that “Israel is the only safe place…it’s the land of God. Nothing
is going to happen on this land.
Righteous gentiles, as long as they follow the Seven Laws of Noach [Noahide
Laws], they’ll be saved.”
But immediately after I wrote that part of the article, the
Holy Spirit put a scripture on my heart, which I posted in “Masks of
Sabotage”, where you will find the links to all the information I repeat
For when they shall
say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes upon them, as
travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But you, brethren,
are not in darkness, that that day
should overtake you as a thief.
[1Thess 3:3, 4]
I also mentioned Adam Ellyahu Berkowitz of BIN (Breaking Israel News), who wrote about a
mystic Jew, a leading Kabbalist (who
preferred anonymity, except to say he was from Bnei Brak) who visited Marc
Zell, chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel, to announce, beyond a shadow of
a doubt, that according to the Zohar, Trump would win and be the next president
of the United States.
That did happen.Two other rabbis, Deblitzky and Kessin, supported Trump and urged their followers to do the same. The Zohar, where scientific revelation was prophesied, states: “[…] the knowledge from below will converge with the knowledge from “Above”.”
That did happen.Two other rabbis, Deblitzky and Kessin, supported Trump and urged their followers to do the same. The Zohar, where scientific revelation was prophesied, states: “[…] the knowledge from below will converge with the knowledge from “Above”.”
I ask the reader, does this not sound like the clash of the
kingdoms to you, ‘the knowledge from
below and knowledge from above converging’? I suppose it is meant to imply ‘man’s knowledge’ converging with ‘God’s knowledge’.
For the wisdom of this
world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He takes the wise in their
own craftiness. [1Cor 3:19]
Immediately after the election, as stated, protests began. With the election results only two days old,
protests have broken out in at least eight states, with the most recent (at the time of this writing) being in
Portland, Oregon (November 10) turning
violent enough to be called a riot.
Damage was done to business establishments, smashed windows, vandalized cars, trash-burning and projectiles (glass bottles) hurled at police. Police responded by using rubber bullets and implementing mace and pepper spray.
Although numerous arrests were made, no deaths or injuries were reported for the Portland protest at this time.
Meanwhile, several news sites are misleading people with
bold titles such as: Mass
Shooting at Anti-Trump Protest in Seattle. This is erroneous and deceptive in itself, as
the police
have publicly stated that the shooting of five people (ages 20-50), two of which have life-threatening injuries, was the
end result of a private argument that escalated amongst a group of people that
were not involved in the protest.
Pete Simpson, spokesman
for Portland Police : “While last night’s protests were largely
peaceful, it did have a significant impact to traffic on city streets, bridges
and freeways. The Bureau has received information that some events and
activities this evening may not be peaceful and participants will be affecting
traffic flow throughout the city.”
Expressions such as “No
Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA” were chanted by the crowds, as well as “Si, se puede” (Spanish – ‘Yes, it is possible’ or ‘yes, one can’ [be done]) and “Fight back, stand up”. Recently, alternative sources have begun
reporting that George Soros is the puppet
master behind the protests, implying that the purpose is to provoke a U.S. “Color Revolution”.
As I told a close friend the day after the election (Nov 9),
the Holy Spirit has not lifted the sense of danger or urgency from me. It is
not as if the ‘great danger approaching’ will be tomorrow, as the Lord
never gives me dates, but He has led me to pray. If He instructs me to fast, I
will do so because in my heart, I know that He is faithfully leading all of His
loyal children.
I mentioned the horrific dream vision that I had about
death, body parts, a great shaking etc in the Foreboding
Precipice article. It was in 2008 in
an article called “We Overcome” that
the Lord began warning of horrific times approaching that would occur as a
domino effect, with one major event that will push the world into the great
tribulation as one event after another continues as momentum builds.
It was after the Lord had me cut my hair in April 10, 2012, (when He instructed me to warn those in
America and say, “Ichabod”) that He continued to warn of civil unrest,
deception, betrayal, people inside the country turning on each other (citizen against citizen/citizens against
police and government and vice versa).
It was five days after I posted the article that the Boston
Marathon bombing happened. Things have been spiraling downward in the country
ever since.
There has been a noted increase of police
shooting citizens on a regular basis; however,
citizens targeting police has
increased also(52 officers killed so far this
year alone, with the latest being 2 Iowa
police officers who were
sitting in their vehicles at two separate locations Nov 2.2016; they were
ambushed, shot and killed in cold blood, without warning/a cowardly act.)
People have offered several explanations as to the meaning
of Ichabod, such as: “no glory”, “no honour”, “My glory is departed from Israel”.
I am inclined to go with the latter, according to scripture. (See 1
Samuel 4:21)
Had a brother in Christ not made a request for a certain
article back in 2015, I might not have any copy of the original, due to
corrupted files from a malicious virus on my external. The piece was called: O Jerusalem, O America.
Below are excerpts from the article:
I finished reading the scriptures that He was leading me to
read; then, I closed the Bible and sat there numbly for a few moments. ‘It really is going down, isn’t it Lord? It
really is upon America; it really is upon all
the nations of the world…Your judgment… isn’t it?’
That still, small voice simply said, ‘Yes’; and I could hear
grief and righteous anger expressed at the same time in that one word (hard to describe that).
Further on:
Life goes on and my heart was breaking. The people Lord, the people…
Before I cut my hair, when I had the scissors in my hand, I asked,
‘How much Lord? Bald or short like a
man’s…?’ I really did not know how
much to cut off.
The whole message, the symbolism, what it stood for, as well as cutting my long hair was hard for me, but my Father knew I could handle it. He formed me in my mother’s womb.
The whole message, the symbolism, what it stood for, as well as cutting my long hair was hard for me, but my Father knew I could handle it. He formed me in my mother’s womb.
‘To the shoulders;
with a remnant remaining…I still
have My people here and more shall
come into the kingdom. Though it shall be a remnant, still they are Mine. My glory is not lifted from those who are Mine, those who walk in My
Further on:
I stalled by setting fire to a few of the many red ant hills
in my yard. Yet, even in the burning of
the anthills, as I watched the ants running to try and escape, I thought upon
the people of America (and in Yhwh/God’s
time), even Canada and Mexico and other nations. I sobbed more. People
will be running for their lives, trying to escape.
After about 45 minutes or so, I did what I had to do. I lit the hair in the fire pit on fire. The
hair itself quickly burned. Ichabod – the glory of the Lord has
The condition that a vast majority of the churches are in,
along with the ‘sacrifices’ of millions of aborted babies is part of what has
angered the Lord. Yet, the nation as a whole refuses to repent (same as other nations).
America has been as Rome, in its power, wealth and military strength for the last couple of hundred years. When the Lord moved on me to cut off my hair, which I did with bitter tears, He also let me know:
America has been as Rome, in its power, wealth and military strength for the last couple of hundred years. When the Lord moved on me to cut off my hair, which I did with bitter tears, He also let me know:
To My people, I say,
Do not be dismayed or downtrodden, nor look around you in terror, for the day
of My Christ, Y’shua/Jesus is at hand.
Put away the unclean thing and walk holy, then shall you be sons and
daughters of Mine.
Stand fast. Now is not the time to weary; now is the time
to come before Me and worship Me in spirit and in truth. [Jn 4:22]
This is an outward
sign to America of its spiritual
condition. America is cut off! Yea, it is Ichabod, My child, for My glory has departed from America. The time of her tribulation is upon her and
still the nation will not repent.
Travail, My child, pray for those who will yet turn to Me.
Do not give up on the people,
but know that the glory of the nation has been removed. Fear not, stand fast and pray for the people.
[End excerpt]
I went on to write that my tears were due to a cleansing
that heals inwardly. The Lord spoke words then that are still important
and instructive today. He said, ‘not to
focus on the things around you’, but to focus on the Lord. I
have also heard not to focus on myself, but to focus on the Lord.
I went on to say that when the Lord asks us to do something,
we must carry it through. He wants to
heal and help many (multitudes in all
nations globally). We cannot be
swayed by the opinions of men. We must
come to a place where we wholly love the Lord and trust Him in everything!
Yes, there are times that your faith will be pushed to the
brink, but hold fast to Jesus/Yeshua. He will see you through. If you are interested in reading the
original: “O
Jerusalem – O America”. The glory to God!
Attempted Sabotage?
The Holy Spirit teaches us very well and leads me (us who are Christ’s disciples) to pray
about all things, but overall, dreams and visions have only been now and then
during my time as a follower. Be that as it may, yet another strange dream came
to me after the aforementioned.
I was aware of getting out of my vehicle in a parking lot. I
saw what appeared to be a white maintenance truck, with a couple of tools on
the pavement behind the truck. There was also a bundle on the ground that was
covered up with a dull greenish-brown jacket. If there was lettering on the
truck, it was not shown me.
As I was noticed the things arrayed on the ground, I became
aware that someone had gotten into the vehicle and was pulling away. Thinking
that the driver must have forgotten his tools and jacket, I began to shout and
wave to get the driver’s attention.
The man glanced in the side view mirror (he saw me; our eyes met in the mirror), but he sped away, rather than stopping. A closer look at the jacket revealed that it was what appeared to be a U.S. military jacket with two chevrons, one that a corporal might wear, or maybe a specialist of sorts. There was also a picture of something, but it was not made clear to me what it was.
The man glanced in the side view mirror (he saw me; our eyes met in the mirror), but he sped away, rather than stopping. A closer look at the jacket revealed that it was what appeared to be a U.S. military jacket with two chevrons, one that a corporal might wear, or maybe a specialist of sorts. There was also a picture of something, but it was not made clear to me what it was.
Surprised that the man sped up instead of retrieving his
forgotten items, I returned to the bundle that was covered up by the military
jacket. The darkness that surrounded the
items made them almost seem black or dark in colour. I had gotten down on my knees to see through
the darkness and peer under the jacket without disturbing anything.
[End dream]
[End dream]
I awoke, but I was aware that I was thinking that the bomb
squad had to come and should be notified.
Does the dream speak of sabotage, some kind of false flag
event, perpetrated and covered up by a military that follows the orders of
those in higher ranks, even up to the commands of a leader (king) of a nation? Did the darkness merely represent evil intent,
or was it indicative of black operations?
Black operations: covert [secret] military or political operations that employ measures not generally authorized; carried out by a government, government agency, military organization, groups or private companies - involves deception to conceal who is behind the operation, or to make it appear as another entity is involved
Black operations: covert [secret] military or political operations that employ measures not generally authorized; carried out by a government, government agency, military organization, groups or private companies - involves deception to conceal who is behind the operation, or to make it appear as another entity is involved
Since I interrupted the man, does the Lord plan to intervene
before a planned mission is completed or thwarts some operation from being carried
out? The fact that the driver fled
suggests that he was up to no good and did not want to be identified.
It was that action that helped me understand that an evil
plot had been intercepted and foiled, knowing that whatever was under that coat
was intended to bring death and destruction. The mission was abruptly aborted.
Why would the arrival of an ordinary civilian hinder the
process? Why did he flee instead of
killing me, if the mission was that crucial? What exactly was being covered
up? Did the jacket indicate military
involvement OR a military operation?
Or was the jacket intentionally left to ‘cover up’ the intended sabotage of the
real culprit(s) behind the evil, with the deceptive ruse (stratagem) of planting false evidence? Was it a black operation? Another very real possibility is that the
darkness indicates demonic presence or spiritual warfare.
In my dream I was trying to see underneath the jacket,
beyond the ‘cover up’, without
physically touching or disturbing the evidence. Although I did not discover what plot was
hindered, I seemed confident that the bomb squad needed to become
involved. But it was then that I awoke.
As long as it is not our appointed time, God will protect us
and devil must flee when we do not show fear and we confront him. We are more than conquerors through Him that
loved us. [Rom 8:37]
The first thing to do with any dream or vision is to pray about it. Could that be the “bomb squad” that I had to contact, none other than our Sovereign King? He is Captain of the heavenly armies and has at His command legions of holy angels.
The first thing to do with any dream or vision is to pray about it. Could that be the “bomb squad” that I had to contact, none other than our Sovereign King? He is Captain of the heavenly armies and has at His command legions of holy angels.
When the Lord gives us a dream or vision that reveals evil
or deception, it is crucial that we pray about it, and perhaps the Lord will
give us understanding or the interpretation, if we lack it. Daniel fasted and prayed for three weeks for
his sins, the sins of his people and asked for the interpretation of a vision.
God sent the answer immediately, to be delivered by
Gabriel. What happened? Such a resistance came forth from the
adversary that the archangel Michael was sent to assist Gabriel in the
spiritual battle. It must have been
quite a battle if it carried out for the length of three weeks, with Daniel also
warring through prayer and fasting.
There is not only a physical realm, but a spiritual one as
well. It is astounding how many do not
even engage in spiritual warfare whatsoever. It is a danger to accept only part of God’s
Word, yet ignore volumes of Scripture that gives us examples, explicit
instructions and understanding.
There are those who will tell us to focus solely on Jesus
the Christ and give no glory to the devil. Although it sounds righteous, it is
pharisaical, spoken to deflect the reality of ignorance. Just “resist the devil and he must flee”; God’s
Word is quoted.
Yes, the Word is quoted, as surely as it was by the
Pharisees – as surely as Satan did when he tempted Jesus in the desert
wilderness. Did you ever notice that
although Jesus spoke the Word of God (because
He IS the Word come in the flesh),
Satan continued to exhaust every temptation before he departed “for a season”. [Lk 4:13] Even Christ Himself had to do much
resisting before Satan departed or ‘fled’.
The Word of God has to be studied and meditated upon. If any
lack wisdom, let Him ask of God, who gives liberally and does not upbraid (scold, rebuke), and wisdom shall be
given to you. [Jam 1:5] It would be
“wise” to ask also for knowledge, understanding, compassion and increased
When we ask according to God’s will, it is granted to us.
These are not material things we ask for, but a request for increase in the spiritual,
in order to pray and to battle in accordance to God’s will.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore take unto you the full armour of God, so that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore take unto you the full armour of God, so that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Yea, and all that will
live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers
shall wax worse and worse, deceiving,
and being deceived. But
continue you in the things which you have learned and have been assured of,
knowing of whom you have learned them.
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through
Him that loved us. But thanks be to God, which gives us the victory through our
Lord Jesus Christ. [Eph 6:12, 13; 2Cor
10:4; 2Tim 3:13, 14; Rom 8:37; 1Cor 15:57]
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. [2Cor 2:11]
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. [2Cor 2:11]
Technologies that
Will Deceive the Masses
It was due to a word that the Lord gave me that caused me to revisit things that I had researched about five or six years ago, but had put on the back burner. Why is the Lord telling us to ‘look to the skies’ and mention ‘technology’?
It was due to a word that the Lord gave me that caused me to revisit things that I had researched about five or six years ago, but had put on the back burner. Why is the Lord telling us to ‘look to the skies’ and mention ‘technology’?
In an article that I posted in October, His words were:
“Look to the
skies. Keep in mind all the technology
and all the deception that man is
capable of, yet in all his wisdom, he will foolishly even attempt to war
against Me.
Keep in mind that
mankind has a very real adversary, though many are willing to serve him. Satan works with the flesh, in the physical
realm. Be sober, be vigilant, watch and pray.
That which is coming
is not that which is expected. Fear will
grip the hearts of multitudes and their hearts shall fail them. My people were forewarned by My Son that in
the last days, deception would be so
strong that if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived. [Mat 24] That
which is coming shall also be at an hour and in a way least expected.”
Note* - When the
Lord spoke those words to my spirit man, I understood that Satan plans to
manifest spiritual things in the physical as well, a true ‘clash of the kingdoms’. It
will be so convincing, so powerful and so believable that we will be deceived
if we are not abiding in Christ.
Satan will also manifest horrible things that we could never
even imagine! We must cleave to God
through Christ Jesus!
We must walk obediently in His instructions, both in His
Word and that which is spoken to each individual during serious prayer time. Wait upon the Lord for as long as it
takes. His timing is impeccable/
perfect. He does speak to His people. As
Jesus said, My sheep hear My voice, and
they know them, and they follow Me.
[Jn 10:27] BP
Further on in the same article:
“Many are in the
valley of decision, yet even there, a decision must be made. You are either fully with Me or fully against
Me. I will have nothing to do with the
lukewarm [Rev 3:16] (fence-sitters),
for they can go either way and cannot be trusted.
Watch and pray for the
lands where peace now seems to rule. Do
not be swayed by dates, for I alone know the time and season of all
things. This is the time and season to
come fully into My will. Come to
Me. Now is the time. My words are plain and true. Choose and choose wisely.” Link: Sound
the Alarm
It was the Lord’s words of warning that had me reinvestigate
the various technologies that mankind depends upon, as well as the ‘hidden’
ones the governments keep from the masses. There is always a reason behind the
Lord’s warnings. He does not waste words.
Augmented Reality
It has often been said that the governments of the world are approximately fifty years ahead of civilians when it comes to technologies. How big the actual gap is would only be conjecture on my part, as I have not found a reliable source to confirm that info with facts. I would imagine the truth is purposely and guardedly kept hidden from the masses.
It has often been said that the governments of the world are approximately fifty years ahead of civilians when it comes to technologies. How big the actual gap is would only be conjecture on my part, as I have not found a reliable source to confirm that info with facts. I would imagine the truth is purposely and guardedly kept hidden from the masses.
However, having said that, I am absolutely certain that the
governments of the world are far more advanced than they let on to the general public
or even the mainstream news media. It is
not only aircraft technology they have developed and fine-tuned, but also
holograms (holography), computers, space
technology, weather control and much more.
About five years ago, I had posted a video of a convention that
had been uploaded on YouTube in 2009, called Real-Time Holograms and
Augmented Reality. The meeting took
place in a hotel in 2004 and was arranged by a company called D’Fusion, which
specializes in augmented reality technology.
The purpose of the convention was to demonstrate the advancements that had been made. The man demonstrating (my apologies, but with his thick accent, I could not understand him
when he said his name) began by showing a flower in his hand that looked
real, but was not.
He states that the software, which is a product with
multiple applications, was developed for companies such as the automotive
industry (Nissan etc). Using augmented
reality and holograms, engineers and designers can visualize new prototypes by
changing colours, shapes etc.
At the convention, the audience is shown various applications.
A table had been set up with a few models, such as a building, bridge, tanks,
etc to represent the real world. It is explained that D’Fusion’s clients are
already merging 3D into video with simplicity (back in 2004).
He demonstrates a hologram of a model-sized helicopter,
complete with the sounds and action of rotating blades, revealing how realistic
it looks. He also said that one could
look inside a building and find detailed graphics. He stated such technology
could be used in research labs, on a road, in a small room, or even on a
A man inside the cockpit of the simulated helicopter waved
at the audience, adding to the illusion of reality. One could well imagine that
if the size of the helicopter was increased to life-size, those who did not
know what they were seeing would or could be deceived. In the beginning of the
video, he did say that the size of the objects seen could be changed.
The convention was held 12 years ago, but the video was not
posted until five years later, in 2009. One can well imagine the advancements
made in technology since ‘04. The
software was created to help designers, engineers and developers, but wouldn’t
the governments and their military use this kind of technology to their
advantage? Absolutely, and they have.
Be that as it may, we know that anything that was created
for good will most likely get into the hands of the wicked and be used for
evil. Satan is active in the physical
realm and his agents are strategically placed, each willing to do his bidding
and carry out his sinister plans.
Holograms were invented in the early 50s by a Hungarian-born
man named Dennis Gabor, but being too advanced for the time, it was not put
into practical use until years later. Gabor received the Nobel Prize in Physics
1971, “for his invention and development
of the holographic method.”
Virtual Reality, Augmented
Reality or Holography?
The video description: “For the first time ever, Microsoft HoloLens seamlessly blends high-definition with your real world. Holograms will improve the way you do things every day, and enable you to do things you’ve never done before.” The video has just shy of 16 million views (15,724,144) as of this writing (November 2016).
The video description: “For the first time ever, Microsoft HoloLens seamlessly blends high-definition with your real world. Holograms will improve the way you do things every day, and enable you to do things you’ve never done before.” The video has just shy of 16 million views (15,724,144) as of this writing (November 2016).
HoloLens – Transform Your World with Holograms (first posted on YouTube by Microsoft in January 2015)
For “just” $3,ooo, the ability to purchase the augmented
reality [HoloLens] headset could only developers in the US and Canada could
purchase a HoloLens headset, by invitation only. An application process and
acceptance was the procedure.
Now however, Microsoft has apparently opened up the sales to
anyone who has the money and a Microsoft account, as of August 2016, according
to an article posted by The
See Microsoft link and here, for the development edition, which includes: Microsoft HoloLens Development Edition, Clicker, Carrying Case, Microfiber cloth, Charger and a Micro-USB 2.0 cable.
See Microsoft link and here, for the development edition, which includes: Microsoft HoloLens Development Edition, Clicker, Carrying Case, Microfiber cloth, Charger and a Micro-USB 2.0 cable.
It is not my intent to delve too deeply into every area that
Satan has purposed for deception and allure (books have been written and I could spend months writing about it). The devil strives to keep people from the
truth of salvation through Jesus, with hopes to see souls condemned to the lake
of fire. However, to understand more
about holograms in a simple way; start here Explain That Stuff.
The reader can click on the links to learn more about Virtual
Reality (three-dimensional, immersive, computer
generated environment), Augmented
Reality (adds sounds, computer-generated
graphics, haptic feedback [use of sense of touch] and smell) and Holograms
(physical structure that diffracts light
into an image). To see all three explained on one page, go here.
The ‘Matrix’
Simulation Hypothesis and Holograms
Most people remember holograms first being introduced back in the 90s (1995) when Star Trek was first aired on national TV. In one scene, a holographic doctor on a holodeck was having an identity crisis and wondering if everything that was around him was nothing but an illusion.
Most people remember holograms first being introduced back in the 90s (1995) when Star Trek was first aired on national TV. In one scene, a holographic doctor on a holodeck was having an identity crisis and wondering if everything that was around him was nothing but an illusion.
Ever since the movie “Matrix”
in 1999, followed by “Matrix Reloaded”
(May 2003) and the final movie “The
Matrix Revolutions” (November 2003), millions of people began toying with
the possibility that mankind is nothing but a computer simulation.
If you think that is over the top (talk about deception!), you may be surprised to know that two tech
billionaires from Silicon Valley, along with the Bank of America are “funding scientists to break us out of the
simulation.” (October
Investing major dollars into a project is one that investors
take very seriously. Yet, one has to wonder.
If mankind were indeed nothing but a computer simulation, then why is no
one asking who the “programmer” is? The
nature of man in his fallen state forever wars against his Creator, no matter ‘who’ or ‘what’ they think the Creator is. Source: Independent.co.uk
It doesn’t stop there. According to Scientific American (Nature America, INC), “high-profile physicists and philosophers
gathered to debate whether we are real or virtual – and what it means either
Some of the prolific people involved were Neil deGrasse
Tyson (Hayden Planetarium), who
believes there is a 50-50 chance we are a computer simulation, or Nic Bostrum (University of Oxford philosopher), who
thinks it is possible that an advanced society with ‘enormous computing power might decide to run simulations of their
Included in the list are: Max Tegmark (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) cosmologist); James Gates (U
of Maryland theoretical physicist) and David Chalmers (NYU, professor of philosophy).
Chalmers was quoted as saying: “Our
creator isn’t especially spooky, it’s just some teenage hacker in the next
universe up.”
That quote inspired the writer of the article, Clara
Moskowitz (Scientific American’s SR
editor) to say: “Turn the tables and
we are essentially gods over our own computer creations.”
Neil Tyson added: “We
don’t think of ourselves as deities when we program Mario, even though we have
power over how high Mario jumps. There’s
no reason to think they’re all-powerful just because they control everything we
do.” Source: Scientific
The Guardian, BBC, DailyMail, Telegram (UK), Express (UK) and
many other media outlets have reported on hypothesis, all in October 2016. Begin to take note of some dates as I
continue on in this series because we begin to see why the Lord is now telling
us to ‘look to the skies’ and to “keep in mind all the technology and
deception man is capable of”, along with a reminder that we have invisible
Strange Sightings -
Many do not realize that China is quite advanced in its holographic technology. The country has had its fair share of unexplainable sightings of incredible images. Some speculate that what is seen is part of a ‘Project Blue Beam test’, or that it was a “top-secret holographic technology to test the reaction of people” or a “vortex (temporary) that opens to a ‘parallel universe’”.
Many do not realize that China is quite advanced in its holographic technology. The country has had its fair share of unexplainable sightings of incredible images. Some speculate that what is seen is part of a ‘Project Blue Beam test’, or that it was a “top-secret holographic technology to test the reaction of people” or a “vortex (temporary) that opens to a ‘parallel universe’”.
It is not my intention to get sidetracked by discussing
every topic mentioned here in-depth. What I am trying to establish is the fact
that technologies are far more advanced than we realize. The Lord wants us very
aware, just as His apostles and disciples knew what was going on around them in
their day.
We take what we learn to the Lord, we pray, we study
scripture and we obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. There is a reason we must know what
technologies are out there, to the best of our ability. The deeper truth
regarding the technologies is kept ‘hush hush’, as most of us well know or are
coming to know.
Our God is faithful, and His love is like nothing we have ever seen upon earth. He is not some tyrant who is telling us to obey or He will beat us into submission. He is a loving Creator who tells us that He knows the beginning from the end.
If we will listen to Him and obey, being in His will brings
its own rewards, its own blessings. He will and does help us. Otherwise, disobedience
opens the door to a hateful adversary and his evil cohorts. People can be evil
all on their own, but the wickedness and evil of Satan and his fallen angels
far surpasses that of man.
Take heed that no man deceive you. [Mat 24:] A warning from Jesus about the end
Deceptions Seen
In the past several years, China hit the headlines with the
phenomenal images that were observed, recorded and reported by their
citizens. In June 2011, a detailed city, complete with lights and moving traffic
was seen on the Xin’an River, in the city of Huanshan, China. The news of the
sighting and images shown went viral.
Several other ‘cities’ have shown up over the past three years upon the waters and in the skies of China. Some call the cities a ‘mirage’. Others say it is a ‘parallel dimension’ that breaks through occasionally.
Several other ‘cities’ have shown up over the past three years upon the waters and in the skies of China. Some call the cities a ‘mirage’. Others say it is a ‘parallel dimension’ that breaks through occasionally.
As for me, I tend to think that these are sophisticated
holograms that are being tested to get people’s reactions, whether they accept
what they are seeing or not, and if so, what do they think about it.
People could not decide if it was a UFO or if it was a
strange cloud, but most likely it was a hologram. It seems that many strange
sights are seen in China. Although the
large craft pictured below could go under the UFO section, my point in placing
it here is because I believe it is yet another of China’s hologram tests.
A humanoid was caught on camera supposedly, flying naked over the terrain. Two pictures below were offered as evidence.
It almost looks like a ‘crash dummy’ that one sees featured in highway safety videos. If anything, I would say it is either a balloon or a hologram. Skeptical or realistic?
A humanoid was caught on camera supposedly, flying naked over the terrain. Two pictures below were offered as evidence.
It almost looks like a ‘crash dummy’ that one sees featured in highway safety videos. If anything, I would say it is either a balloon or a hologram. Skeptical or realistic?
In a separate incident, a young police officer in Mexico was
clearly shaken up when he saw a ‘dark
form’ drop from a tree onto the road. He stopped the patrol car and then noticed
that the figure was floating above the ground. He turned on his high beams to
see the image better.
He reported that it was a female (dark humanoid), dressed in black, with large eyes and dark skin. She wore a hat with a point towards the back. He added that she was flying without a broom. “She flew on her own.”
He reported that it was a female (dark humanoid), dressed in black, with large eyes and dark skin. She wore a hat with a point towards the back. He added that she was flying without a broom. “She flew on her own.”
“She then flew at the
car, smashing repeatedly into the windshield”, the news reporter stated. He put the car into reverse and called for
backup, as the female figure continued crashing into the windshield. As the officer raced backwards in his car, he
hit a wall and lost consciousness.
Medical results from an alcohol and drug test proved negative, and his mental
faculties were proven intact, but he was said to be in deep shock after the
In an Arabic news program, a video was released showing a humungous
UFO flying over a city. The sound of an incredibly fast jet is heard. A blip such as one seen on radar was the only
thing seen on the video because it was so fast that it was indistinguishable. The blip (blink
of the eye) made one almost wonder if what was seen had actually been imagined.
It took great effort
on my part, but I finally managed to catch the flyby object and get some shots.
In the second shot, we clearly see an aircraft approaching (arrow on right). The arrow on the left is pointing to the fading Arabic words that had been posted on the station’s screen, which overlaid the recording. The aircraft traveled at such a speed that I could not catch a still frame without the station’s words, as I do not have fancy equipment or programs to accomplish such.
In the third shot, there are a couple of very interesting points I observed, which I would like to highlight. Firstly, no pilot in his right mind would fly that close to such a large, unidentified spacecraft due to the possible dangers (extreme thermal conditions/aerodynamic heating, potential magnetic pulls, possible electrical currents, downdraft etc) that such an act would be deemed unwise.
Since a holographic image is created using photographic projection (simply put), then take notice of the dark shadow under the “spacecraft”. Holograms are created by laser technology and are three-dimensional images.
In the second shot, we clearly see an aircraft approaching (arrow on right). The arrow on the left is pointing to the fading Arabic words that had been posted on the station’s screen, which overlaid the recording. The aircraft traveled at such a speed that I could not catch a still frame without the station’s words, as I do not have fancy equipment or programs to accomplish such.
In the third shot, there are a couple of very interesting points I observed, which I would like to highlight. Firstly, no pilot in his right mind would fly that close to such a large, unidentified spacecraft due to the possible dangers (extreme thermal conditions/aerodynamic heating, potential magnetic pulls, possible electrical currents, downdraft etc) that such an act would be deemed unwise.
Since a holographic image is created using photographic projection (simply put), then take notice of the dark shadow under the “spacecraft”. Holograms are created by laser technology and are three-dimensional images.
It would appear that the actual jet flying by, albeit at
incredible speed (possibly Mach 3 or 4),
that it interfered in the laser projecting the 3-D image. As the jet flew at
close proximity to the spacecraft, it disrupted the projection, thus casting a
dark shadow. Once the jet cleared the path, the hologram returned to normal
colour with no shadow or discoloration on the undercarriage of the craft.
What is interesting to note is that in the third shot, we
can clearly see how close the jet flew to the UFO. The jet itself was going at phenomenal
speeds, perhaps Mach 3 or 4. It flies by
the UFO, then circles and continues on.
Please keep this in mind. I believe the entire thing was a test, but
perhaps not for what you might think. This will be explained later.
Below is a hologram that was shown as ‘entertainment’ at a science fair. Truly, evil is called good and good is called evil. Is it a subliminal message to accept a “superior being”, despite how it looks, a false god?
Hundreds gathered on a bridge to observe the ‘city on a hill’ in (you guessed it) China.
Another city showed up in China in 2015, but this time it was in the clouds and was called the ‘floating city”. Do you not find it interesting that these sightings are becoming quite ‘common’ in China?
Another strange cloud that looks like a UFO, but some are saying it is the sun’s reflection upon an odd cloud formation. Notice what looks like a passenger plane on the right flying very close to the image, in the second picture.
Again, if any pilot thought he was seeing a UFO, I do not think he would fly close, but instead radio in to get the fastest alternative flight path to avoid collision or any encounter, and hightail it out of there!

Every single person alive today can be deceived, including Christians. There is not one person alive that would welcome deception as the receiver of such evil, but there are multitudes that enjoy being the giver of such, if it means that the desired outcome will be successful.
Below is a hologram that was shown as ‘entertainment’ at a science fair. Truly, evil is called good and good is called evil. Is it a subliminal message to accept a “superior being”, despite how it looks, a false god?
Hundreds gathered on a bridge to observe the ‘city on a hill’ in (you guessed it) China.
Another city showed up in China in 2015, but this time it was in the clouds and was called the ‘floating city”. Do you not find it interesting that these sightings are becoming quite ‘common’ in China?
Another strange cloud that looks like a UFO, but some are saying it is the sun’s reflection upon an odd cloud formation. Notice what looks like a passenger plane on the right flying very close to the image, in the second picture.
Again, if any pilot thought he was seeing a UFO, I do not think he would fly close, but instead radio in to get the fastest alternative flight path to avoid collision or any encounter, and hightail it out of there!

Every single person alive today can be deceived, including Christians. There is not one person alive that would welcome deception as the receiver of such evil, but there are multitudes that enjoy being the giver of such, if it means that the desired outcome will be successful.
Deception in the last of the last days, which we are in now,
will be (is) a stark reality and is so powerful to persuade that Jesus himself
knew it was necessary to speak of it when His disciples asked him privately
about the last days. His answer was couched in strong terms. [Mat 24]
In January, May of 2003, a couple of people re-posted a
brief description of an invention that they found on the Air University Air
Force Military (United States) website. The post described what is called: 5.6
Airborne Holographic Projector. The post was as follows:
The holographic projector displays a three-dimensional
visual image in a desired location, removed from the display generator. The projector can be used for psychological
operations and strategic perception management.
It is also useful for optical deception and cloaking, providing a
momentary distraction when engaging an unsophisticated adversary.
● Precision
projection of 3-D visual images into a selected area
● Supports PSYOP and strategic deception management
● Provides deception and cloaking against optical sensors
Enabling Technologies
● 4.1.4, Image
Processing (holographic displays)
● 10.1, Lasers
● 10.2, Optics
● 10.3, Power Systems
Various sites followed up with the reposting of the brief
article, all providing the same original link. The follow-ups seemed to average
about one post per year starting in 2006 and every year afterward, except the
year 2010, up until the year 2013.
A PDF of the original article (by someone other than the military) is found here: 5.6 Airborne
Holographic Projector The original article
is no longer available on the Air University Air Force Military website. The
original link (no longer valid): http://www.au.af.mil/au/2025/volume4/chap03/b5_6.htm
Back in August of 2009, a video was posted on YouTube
called, “Tangible
Hologram Projector”, which introduces the ‘touchable hologram’. The credits that are on the video list the researchers
involved who developed the technology, stating that they were all from the
University of Tokyo.
The researchers named are: Takayuki Hoshi; Masafumi
Takahashi; Kei Nakatsuma and Hiroyuki Shinoda.
The researchers developed a holographic projector that
displays three-dimensional virtual objects such as a ball and raindrops, which
can be felt by the bare hand, literally. Keep in mind the video was uploaded in
2009 (seven years ago), but it does
not specify the date the technology was first perfected.
Keeping the date of the uploaded video in mind, it is
interesting that Reuters (a MSM news
source) only wrote about the development one year ago, November 30, 2015.
Also to be noted is that Reuters names six researchers that were involved in
the “experiment”.
However, only one name matches those given in the credits at
the end of the 2009 video, which is Takayuki Hoshi from the Nagoya Institute of
Technology, not the University of Tokyo.
Dr. Yoichi Ochiai of Tsukuba University is being credited by Reuters as being the leading researcher in the development. The other four researchers (which included T. Hoshi) named are:
Kota Kumagai, Satoshi Hasegawa and Yoshio Hayasaki, all from Utsunomiya University, and Jun Rekimoto, the only one named as being from the University of Toyko.
Dr. Yoichi Ochiai of Tsukuba University is being credited by Reuters as being the leading researcher in the development. The other four researchers (which included T. Hoshi) named are:
Kota Kumagai, Satoshi Hasegawa and Yoshio Hayasaki, all from Utsunomiya University, and Jun Rekimoto, the only one named as being from the University of Toyko.
Whether the original researchers were the ones named in the
credits at the end of the video, or the ones named in the article published by
Reuters is a question that I do not have the answer to.
However, one tends to lean toward the correct answer being
the names of the ones credited seven years ago, especially since one of the
ones named (Takayuki Hoshi) was one
of the original names given. Remember
that often others get credit for the hard and laborious work of many others.
Think of Bill Gates from Microsoft who has numerous
programmers, developers and designers who work for him, but only Gates is
credited. What is even more interesting
is the fact that MSM is only now bringing it to public attention, but a video
mentioning touchable holograms was seen in 2009. What took Reuters so long to
report about “Japanese
Scientists Create Touchable Holograms”?
Ye Shall be as Gods
The first lie Satan ever told was in the Garden of Eden. With Satan’s help, mankind would destroy himself and the earth if God does not intervene. Deception is his mightiest weapon. Combine that with pride and the love of money and power, and we have a deadly (literally) mixture.
The first lie Satan ever told was in the Garden of Eden. With Satan’s help, mankind would destroy himself and the earth if God does not intervene. Deception is his mightiest weapon. Combine that with pride and the love of money and power, and we have a deadly (literally) mixture.
As far back as Nimrod
in Babylon, and Moses in Egypt, mankind has been fixated by sorcery, magic and
power. Technology is allowing man to
accomplish amazing feats, with just the touch of a finger. One of the miraculous things done in the
bible was the translation of Elijah, Jesus and even Philip in the Bible.
Enoch was taken suddenly [Gen 5:24],Elijah was taken from
Elisha [2Kin 2:11] and no one knows where God took them. Jesus was out on the sea, in the boat with
his disciples and immediately they were upon the shore. [Jn 6:21]
Part of Satan’s deception is to keep people from believing
in a God who does miracles. If Satan can cast doubt on the power of God by
imitating what he can, he surely is doing that.
Remember the magicians in Pharaoh’s court? They proudly copied God’s miracles when the staff of Moses and Aaron turned into serpents, and the water turned to blood. But their pride soon gave way to fear as God’s judgment poured forth. [Ex 12:12]
Philip was translated at the moment the eunuch he had baptized was coming up out of the water. The eunuch was rejoicing so much at his understanding and salvation, one wonders if it even affected him. Satan wants mankind to believe that was no miracle at all.
Remember the magicians in Pharaoh’s court? They proudly copied God’s miracles when the staff of Moses and Aaron turned into serpents, and the water turned to blood. But their pride soon gave way to fear as God’s judgment poured forth. [Ex 12:12]
Philip was translated at the moment the eunuch he had baptized was coming up out of the water. The eunuch was rejoicing so much at his understanding and salvation, one wonders if it even affected him. Satan wants mankind to believe that was no miracle at all.
He is moving fast in the world of technologies. So far, man has developed 3D Teleportation Technology
, which is the ability to interact with friends, family, business associates et
al in a manner that makes it seem they are ‘teleported’.
With the sleight of hand, multitudes have been manipulated
and cheated. Satan helps mankind become wise
in being able to create incredible things by touch. God only has to speak a word
and a thing is accomplished.
Microsoft’s newest computer, called the Surface Studio, is
still too new and too expensive for the average person, but with how fast
things are moving, it will not be long.
Remember that it was only twenty years ago where very few had cell
phones or personal computers.
Today it is rare to see anyone without a cell and computers
are in nearly every home – with many people owning more than one. In the
nineties laptops were unheard of. Today,
laptops or tablets are very commonplace, yet even fifteen years ago, they were considered
to be for the rich.
Microsoft 2016 Windows 10 Surface Studio
presents the thinnest monitor on the market and the ability to turn your PC
into a studio. It is estimated that the
cost is just under $3,000. That link is a demonstration video that is 2
hours long. A two minute intro here
Or how about Tabletop Technology,
Microsoft’s latest technology, where mice and keyboards are things of the
past? It is to be introduced
commercially to restaurants, bars, casinos, retail stores by November 2016, costing
$5,000-$10,000. They will not be available to consumers for another three to
four years.
For God does know that
in the day you eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as
gods, knowing good from evil. [Gen 3:5]
But you, O Daniel,
shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall
run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. [Dan 12:4]
Why is there a sense of urgency being impressed upon the
hearts and spirits of God’s people? Why are many being tried (tested) and being led by the Holy Spirit
to surrender and come fully into God’s will?
Many shall be
purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none
of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. [Dan 12:10]
In closing, I am led to add this:
know it is hard; I know the frailty of flesh. I understand how flesh wars
against (resists) the spirit. yea, but I see the motives and intentions of
even the most awkward child. Trust Me.
Yea, when you are willing and lay it down, do you see how I open your
eyes now to reveal to you that I AM with you?
I did not leave or forsake you.
am walking with you through the fire. If
you cannot see because of the flames of the fire, then at least be are that you
are not consumed. You are still here.
Allow My peace that passes all understanding to reassure you of My
focusing on Me instead of the fire, instead of the circumstances and those that
threw you into the fire, then you can rest, knowing that I AM indeed walking
with you through this fiery time.
And this:
you trust in Me, holding fast to your faith, I shall bring you through. Despise not this furnace of affliction, for
again I say to you, this is My will and My great love for you, and I shall
bring you through. Though others may
think they know the end of a matter, fear not, for they know not My mind, nor
can they counsel Me.
let him who is without sin cast the first stone. Now you go deeper, pressing in closer to Me,
along the narrow path, learning further obedience by the things you suffer,
even unto death. Those whose intentions
are pure, will surrender to My hand which does the shaking and they shall
Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by
the things which He suffered. [Heb 5:8]
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the firery
trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you. But rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of
Christ’s sufferings; that, when His glory shall be revealed, you may be glad
with exceeding joy. [1Pet 4:12, 13]
That the trial of your faith, being much ore
precious that of gold that perishes, though it be tried by fire, might be found
unto praise an honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. [1Pet 1:7]
have seen the intentions and motives of your heart, fear not. I love the awkward foal as much as the strong
But He knows the way I take: when He has tried me,
I shall come forth as gold. [Job 23:10]
The above was excerpted from an article posted in February
2013, but God never repeats a thing without good reason. I speak once, yea twice, but man perceives it
not. [Job 33:14]
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. [2Cor 2:11]
for His glory alone
Bonita dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com
Bonita dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com
What an interesting read filled with much updated revelations from Father, He truly doesn't want us ignorant in regard to our adversaries devises.
ReplyDeleteMay we have the faith to trust Father to bring us through until the end of this matter being more than overcomers and victorious conquerors.
Much love to all ♡
Amen sis Libby! Faith, trust and obedience. Shalom and blessings ♡
DeleteAlso sis...I copied and pasted your ♡ (cuz that's what sister do!) :)
DeleteDeception is definitely all around us. We cannot even say "I'll believe it when I see it". God alone can lead us down our individual paths. These are the times that the prophets of old desired to see. Even though we might not feel privileged to live during these end times, we were placed here by God's design for such a time as this. Surely He will equip us and provide us everything we need to fulfill His plan and purpose. My personal admonition to myself is, Hear- Trust- Obey. Wait for instructions from the Lord before making a move. Trust Him no matter what He tells me to do. And just obey His voice. He will never lead us astray. Hugs Bonita :-)
ReplyDeletePrecisely sis Donna! Hey, have you been peeking at my next article? lol
DeleteShould have it posted about midnight my time (PST), as I had one appointment this morning, and have another at four o'clock.
Indeed, I concur - (as you will see ;) )...listen, trust and obey - as little children. He is ever Faithful and True. Shalom and hugs returned Donna ♡
Funny sis yes it's not my heart ♡ image it's Father's and there are enough to go around for sure...he he he :)
ReplyDeleteSis. Donna I concur with you and yes we are fully equipped for every and ALL assignments Father brings our way and so my prayer to Father is for Him to give me His ears to hear, His eyes to see, His tongue and mouth to speak and His precious heart ♡ to perceive what His marvelous will is and help me to be obedient and submissive.
Love you ALL
Amen and Amen Sis Libby! Couldn't have said it any better. Love you. ♡ ♡ ♡