Saturday, February 22, 2025

Quick Notice - I Nailed It!

I'm old school...just wanted to hang a notice
to give folks a heads up that a new post is coming
on Sunday. The nail slipped through the crack and...

Are you sure that that kind of thinking
isn't contagious? I mean...

Just a quick notice to say that a post will be going up [Lord willing] on Sunday. I am just trying to clear my throat from the dust all those who ran ahead of me!

Hidden Things Revealed

For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. There is nothing kept secret that shall not come to light. [Mk 4:22]

I do want to speak forth encouragement to some folks because people are standing in the gap, and the Lord is FAITHFUL. We may not always understand His timing and His ways, and that is okay because He is trustworthy, wise and knows the best way to handle things.

Jonathan Lamb and wife Suzie,
and their two children

Special prayers go out to Jonathan Lamb and his wife, Suzie. Keep strong as you have been, young souls, and when you weary, rest in the Saviour Jesus' arms, and He will refresh you. He will carry you both as needed, as He has before. This you know...

Prayer has gone up also for wisdom, patience (that's a hard one for all of us, but the end to all things does finally come). May those who comfort others surround you, but may they be silent when silence is required, yet speak Holy Spirit-filled words of wisdom when needed. May the words come forth by the power of the living God, in Jesus' (Yeshua's) name.

Also, prayer for the children, particularly the little one (girl), but also the little brother who is wise enough to know what is going on, but too young to fully understand.

May the Lord protect their ears and their hearts from confusion, lies, deception, and a 'tearing apart'. May healing, restoration, justice and peace go forth and be established. Thank You Jesus for all You do, and for all You have done.

I pray that You lead them through to justice, and bless them for forgiveness, a difficult but very necessary step. Father, I pray that sufficient funds to cover all costs are raised up, as You, Lord, have done in the past for people all around the world. Be glorified through all this, Jesus.

Bless those who have led by example, the young people who refused compromise or reputation, but embraced truth and justice, such as Jonathan and Suzie Lamb, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, and all who have a healthy fear of the Lord, and who wholly and absolutely, seek truth and justice, and speak forth with strength, truth, obedience, and a desire to do Your will alone, not theirs, in the holiest name above all names. 

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

Laura-Lynn (African-Canadian, African-American) was one of the first people to have the courage to leave Daystar for a few reasons, one of the reasons being the SA coverup of Joni Lamb's own grandchild. 

Baruch Korman

Following shortly thereafter was Baruch Korman of Love Israel - neither of these two were willing to compromise the Word of God in order to keep a large following. God bless the young people that He has raised up for this hour. They lead by example, rendering "heart servitude", not "lip service".

There are plenty who do the latter. It is written:

And they come unto you as the people come, and they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but with their mouth they show much love, but their heart goes after their covetousness. [Ezek 33:31]

Wherefore the Lord said, For as much as these people draw near Me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour Me, but have removed their heart far from Me. [Is 29:31: Mat 15:8-9]
Help Your true ones, Lord, remember they are but dust, yet with Your Spirit in them Lord, they are more than conquerors through Jesus the Christ, in them. 

Cover each and every one with Your Spirit, Abba; they see Your people cleansed, washed in the precious blood of the Lamb slain, that of Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, King of kings and Lord of lords. 

Remind us to keep prayerful regarding this matter until justice is served. May Your WORD go forth, for it will not return void, but accomplish that which You please. Thank You Jesus, precious name and Lord.

May those who need to repent be drawn to repentance, and cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, shutting the mouths of the lions, and glorifying El Shaddai, through Jesus the Messiah. Abba, I never heard of these folks before this, but thank You for the privilege of praying for them. and they do not know me. But spiritually, they are my family. The glory and praise be to You, King, Lord, Saviour, Redeemer Jesus/Yeshua. 

Help us to occupy until Your return, to pray for each other, and to go after the lost, the prodigals, the wayward, those in danger of being deceived - help us to be all that You meant of us to be, a vessel unto honour in Your majestic hand, ready to say and do that which will glorify the one, true, living God, through Jesus (Yeshua). Amen and amen.

You are high and lifted up, Lord Jesus. We magnify Your name God be the glory - Christ in us, the HOPE of glory. Hallelujah

for Your glory
NONE can take Your glory, Lord
- it is Yours alone



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