Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Calling All Intercessors


A Call to Stand in the Gap

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. [Ezek 22:30]

The above verse records a question that the Lord asked when He was ready to pass judgment upon a sinful, rebellious people. It reveals that He was willing to listen to the prayers of just one man who would stand in the gap on behalf of a nation under judgment.

What a loving God we serve! How much more is El Shaddai willing to listen to the prayers of His people who obey His Word and stand in the gap for each other?

Bless the name above all names, Jesus the Messiah (Yeshua the Christ).

I have an unusual request but it has been placed upon my heart. As a result, I am also reaching out to the Body of Christ to pray for a German family who are living in America. If you are so led by the precious Spirit of the living God, please pray for the Romeike family.

The highlights will be given by me, but please visit the link (it is safe) that will take you to CBN news and get the full story. Once you read about this family’s dilemma, I am confident that a great number of the brethren will rise up to intercede on this family’s behalf, and to God may all glory be given thru Jesus.

• in 2006, due to the suffering of two children (stomach and headaches, bullying, pressure, fights) after one year in public school, the Romeikes chose to homeschool

• Germany opposes homeschooling and penalties, as well as fines, are severe and pitiless. The fines levied against them were beyond their income – child custody was at risk

asylum in the U.S. was sought in 2008, but after many [legal] battles, their request was denied

• 2013 (five years from the time of their arrival) the Romeikes were granted “indefinite deferred action status”. That decision by the Obama administration meant they could remain in the States.

• ten years have passed. Without any just cause, the Romeikes have been told that their deferred status has been revoked, as of September 6, 2023. They have four weeks to obtain German passports and leave

• ten years of calm plus the five years of legal battles in the beginning, the Romeikes have lived in the United States for 15 years

• two of their nine [9] children were born in the States and are natural Americans: two other children married American citizens

• the deportation would rip the family apart

• the Romeikes are strong Christians who seek to do the Lord’s will gracefully, but they do not believe it is the will of the Father to rip apart the family (division)

after 15 years in another country, the family have no ties in Germany, no investments. They would arrive at the airport and have no place to go. Although two children are married, it would still mean nine (9) people (counting the mother and father) would be homeless and winter is fast approaching

they have no employment opportunities

Diana Harshbarger (U.S. Congresswoman) has “filed a House bill that would create a path to citizenship for the Romeikes through green card status.”

there is hope that the Biden administration will intervene and lift the deportation order

Please see this link: news for the full story, as well as numbers to call to speak to the government on the Romeikes behalf

I do not know this family, but when I read their story, I was moved to stand in the gap and pray on their behalf, and then felt led to reach out to others. We all need the prayers of our brethren. Let us be faithful toward our spiritual family.

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially to them who are of the household of faith. 

[Gal 6:2; 9-10]

May the mouths of the lions be shut, and may God be glorified.

Tonight, October 11, 2023, I plan to post Waves Noticeably Coming In. This is the final section of the Season of Consequences series. It has been a work in progress since the last few days in July (2023). I did post two other articles in August, but the one being posted later this evening has been a long time coming, and supernaturally (and naturally) hindered.

It shall hopefully be posted by (before midnight) EST, Lord willing.

in His presence 


1 comment:

  1. Praying the Lord will intervene for this family and turn the hearts of those making these decisions and enable this family to stay. Praying also what the enemy meant for evil that the Lord will turn for their good.


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