It was a good trip in many ways, moving from B.C. to Ontario, but it almost did me in physically, which I may speak of at another time. Out of seven days, four were spent in the sitting position night and day.
It is a bit of a story, and I have not yet recovered, but suffice it to say that I ran into construction heavily as soon as I hit Ontario (and Ontario, being the large province that it is, and with the Great Lakes forcing people to go around them, it is normally a 20 hour drive, without interruptions - to the part of Ontario where I was heading, which was about two hours, give or take, north of the city of Toronto).
Sometimes the construction held up traffic one way for a good half hour. Then there were zones that were 30 km/hr for a few miles (errr, kilometers) and some were 60 km/hr. When one has been driving 100 - 120 km/hr, that cut seems drastic - and it most certainly takes up time.
Also, from day three onward, motels were booked solid due to Canada Day coming up on that weekend. People were travelling to Canada's capital, the city of Ottawa, so all along, motels were booked.
Since the back of my SUV was fully loaded, and bucket seats are in the front, along with a console in the middle with the shift, and emergency brake, I was forced to continue in a sitting position, even when sleeping. My body rebelled, and in truth, I am still using a cane three weeks later.
It did a number on my knees and back, but yet I will say, the Lord showed me favour all along the journey. And even when I was beginning my journey to Ontario, after staying at my eldest daughter's home for two months (May and June 2022), the Lord revealed early on in my trip that He was indeed, not only WITH me, but in fact, taking care of me. Below is a sign that literally was too big to miss.
And that, my friends, is the beauty of our Lord. He has His ways, as the unique Creator that He is, of letting us know that He is with us. Even when He is silent, and much of the time He was (although there were precious moments together and I was ever aware of His presence); He has His ways with each of His children (each one of us) where it is individual and personal.
Who can tell fully the ways and extent of His goodness and His love? I know that I cannot. And as much as I know Him, I bet my knowing is as little as the nail on a small finger...He is so vast.
I cannot tell you what He is thinking, or what He will do, outside of what is written in His holy Word (Bible/Holy Scriptures) and what He has me share, or what I have personally experienced.
It is wonderful to hear the testimonies of brethren, and how our heavenly Father has dealt with them, or miraculous moments from Him, or things He has given them to share. It is beautiful, and also how I learn more of Him.
And ALL of it is because of Jesus the Christ, Yeshua haMashiach, who laid down His life willingly for all who believe, in order for us to receive forgiveness for our sins, and to reconcile us back to our loving God.
As long as we have breath, any is NOT too late to turn to God through His beloved Son Jesus (Yeshua) and allow Him to show His compassion and forgive (even casting our sins into the depths of the sea [Micah 7:19]) and receive His agape love.
Perhaps, if you are here reading this post, perhaps the picture below was meant especially for you...because our Lord still takes the little and multiplies it to feed the thousands. Amen - so be it, Lord - I exalt you on high, holy King and LORD. Worthy You are!
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click to enlarge this sign was on the side of the road, too big to miss - a sign of hope and encouragement Let the sign now speak to you - this is no coincidence, friend... |
July 15,
2022 (received on this date)
Rest, Wait and Be Strong
My people,
are you discouraged because I have not moved in one area that you have desperately
waited patiently for Me to move in? is your heart broken and contrite as you
consider the areas that you still fall short in? have you repented, asking for
forgiveness, mercy in helping you away from temptation, or are you complacent
and feeling no need for change or to be changed at all?
When you
look around (hearing and seeing) at the chaotic, corrupted condition of the
world and the over-all deception and further corruption and misleading of world
leaders, are you crying out for mercy, for justice, for a change to occur in
the global lawlessness that is arising and has indeed, risen up mightily?
Be encouraged.
Be strengthened. Know that I AM God and that nothing is too hard for me.
You are
witnessing the unraveling, the very fulfillment of prophecy unfolding, budding…ready
to blossom; the fulfillment of My Word, the fruition is being witnessed.
Remember. Already the buds have appeared as on the olive tree in due season.
Rejoice, for I Am the Sovereign, living God.
Many are
suffering physically from the misdeeds of doctors and from the deceptive
mandates enforced by government officials. Many are suffering mentally from the
loss of freedom, from the changes that have affected lives on a personal level,
from the hatred unleashed by the invisible enemy (often being projected in and
through flesh and blood participants, sometimes through that which is man-created).
I exhort
you. Lean on Me. Stay in My Word. Be obedient to My leading for your own good. Continue
to seek Me early. Continue to keep Me as a constant companion.
Some of you
have been overtaken by the enemy and his oppression is heavily upon you. You
sense you need deliverance, but the enemy keeps you in confusion and under
condemnation. Look to Me! Rise up by taking My hand, and stay close to Me for I
am He who strengthens.
Do not believe
Satan’s lies or the words of his messengers. He who ridicules, mocks, sabotages
and betrays is he who has brought a strong delusion, claiming it is from Me.
Yet I
remind you, strong delusion is sent by Me only to those who will not receive
the love of the truth that they might be saved. These are those who take
(preferred) pleasure in unrighteousness. [2Thess 2:10, 11]
Are you not
saved? Am I not your beloved Saviour, King and Lord? Indeed, I AM. Therefore,
Satan, who is the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning, attempts to
deceive you in order to bring you into the miry pit of despair and hopelessness,
thereby making you inoperable or inactive in these days of harvest – these are
the days I AM exposing that which was hidden, exposing much that people have
been blinded too. How many have unnecessarily perished from lack of knowledge?
Arise! Shout
out [boldly] who you are in My beloved Son, Christ (Messiah) –
Jesus (Yeshua) – a child of the most High God. I have given you power [authority]
to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and
nothing by any means shall hurt you (when you receive this truth).
Like John the Baptist, we confess that there is One (Messiah Jesus) who
is mightier than us; without Him, we can do nothing [its His name, His blood,
He who has authority; graciously He shares it with us, commanding us to go tell
the good news, lay hands on the sick, delivered those held captive etc. All
power (authority) are our Creator’s, Jesus/Yeshua. We thank Him for the
privilege and honour to glorify Him and work alongside (with) Him).
Regoli, a sister in Christ, a lawyer and a faithful, dedicated wife and mother
reminds us that although the enemy may cause us to [and I quote] – “…face setbacks, the evil
one has no real power to harm us. Ultimately, even if we are slain, we will
rise again with Christ at the “last trumpet” (1Cor 15:52). The worst that can
happen on earth is that they may “kill the body” (Mt 10:28), but fearing God
rightly will give you courage that, ultimately, “nothing will harm you.”
I concur
with Natalie Regoli (it is confirmation), and felt an insert was appropriate here to keep things in
balance and proper perspective. May our Lord Jesus/Yeshua alone be glorified! -
on with the word the Lord impressed upon my heart) …
When you are submitted to Me, resist the devil and he will flee. [Jam 4:7] He may resist
but he has no authority to override My will, or My power. My Spirit covers you
and lives in you. My hand is upon all those for good who seek Me and abide, but
against those who forsake. [Ezra 8:22]
For even
Christ, though He were a Son, learned obedience by the things He suffered. [Heb
5:8] Cast down imaginations. Take every thought captive that exalts itself
above the knowledge of Me, bringing it [captivity and] into the obedience of Christ. [2Cor
When one is
close to victory, the enemy increases the onslaught. Stand firm. Rely on My
strength for I cannot and will not fail you. My people weary of hearing ‘soon’
because they continue to operate on (within) a time line, yet knowing that
I do NOT dwell within the confines of time and space. I created them.
Go your way
(following in My footsteps) carrying that [invisible] cross, crucifying the
desires and appetites of the flesh that tempt you to quit, to give up hope.
Forge on – until you see My promises come to fruition. Have I not brought you
this far? I honour the heart of gratitude and determination (even in the times when
weak and feeble).
Have I not
told you that I love the awkward foal as much as the strong horse? Selah
I have seen
your obedience. I know the suffering you have endured. You have shared in the
sorrow and grief of My Son, yet you still choose to walk and continue with Me.
I notice, child. Do you now see why the enemy loathes you, hates you – seeks to
steal (from), kill and destroy you?
Yea, but I aAM here and have come to give you abundant life (not necessarily measured by
material gain, but rather the spiritual…and the latter is what you will see in eternity).
Be of good
cheer. Cut loose the chains of despair and hopelessness. Things are unfolding
even as I speak. Bring all things to me and WAIT. Wait upon your Lord, for I
will not disappoint. Wait, I say, upon Me. I do things suddenly.
Do you
remember the pastor who stated that I am the “latest”, “ON TIME” God he knows? Yea,
so it is, for My timing is perfect, and trust in Me is never betrayed or found
wanting. Selah
There are
those who have repented recently as I expose things in them that are not of Me.
Lo, do not feel badly if this is you, for it proves that you are Mine when I
discipline you and guide you in the right direction. My people are those who
keep a repentant heart (being responsible and accountable for that which they
say and do). The pretenders see no need for any change in their ‘sinful’
flesh, but those who are Mine, continue to be molded into the image of My
beloved Son.
There is an open door (wide) – wait upon Me for the timing to step through. Breakthrough is coming for many who have long waited. Keep strong in a world that is and shall continue to decay and continue in evil, just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Rejoice, knowing My Word and My promises.
I am exposing,
revealing the true from the false, the real from the pretense, the pure from
the evil, the precious from the vile, the truth from deception (lies). I AM the
Good Shepherd, moving in righteousness. I do things suddenly. Restoration and
reversal is coming for multitudes.
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. [Prov 15:3]
When darkness (evil) strikes against you, I shall deliver you in due season – there are also times I will walk with you through it. Do not strive for all the answers for they will not all come; only that which I choose to give shall be received by you in proper timing.
Remember, there are times that I may not deliver you out of a
thing, but I will walk with you through it, just as I did for the three Hebrews
thrown into the fiery furnace – just as I did for Daniel when he was thrown
into the den of lions.
remember – I AM with you always. I shall not leave or forsake My people. It is
those who call themselves by My name who would have to leave or forsake Me –
Many of My
people are heavy-hearted, depressed is the word in this day, yet they are
afraid to tell anyone of their feelings of loneliness and depression, for fear
that other brothers and sisters may judge them as not ‘spiritual’ enough, or
not trusting Me enough.
Yet look
upon My servant Jeremiah, as well as Elijah who sat underneath a Juniper tree
feeling alone and heavy-hearted. I sent an angel twice to comfort Elijah;
Jeremiah knew he could count on Me. Know that I am with you too. Come to Me in
a moment’s notice; I am always available. Bring all your concerns and cares to
Me; then wait upon Me to handle it.
In these chaotic days of darkness, your eyes are diverting in many different directions. Bring yourself to a calm in Me. Be at peace. In Me, you shall find rest as well as balance. I am your stabilizing arm. I am the One you may come to and the one you can trust. “Wait” is a word that no one likes to hear, yet I say, wait upon Me. I have orchestrated your steps thus far; I shall continue to do so.
These days (latter time/end time) for
many, trust becomes more challenging as circumstances become more demanding and
difficult, yet I say to you, when all around you is fog and confusion, trust My
hand to bring you through. I AM the eyes for many and the ears for countless as
they go through battles, but remember well that I am the Lord of the battle(s).
I will bring you through.
You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah
I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go: I will guide you with My eye. Be not as the horse or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto you. [Ps 32:8]
Be prepared and hold your refuge in Me, for greater darkness is coming. This is not an occasion to fear but an opportunity to trust. Selah – My people can hear and see.
Multitudes around the world are awakening to the reality of deception they
have been made to believe; yet for countless the answer is rebellion and
lawlessness, but My people shall wait upon Me for direction. Trust is proven
when all ‘hell’ seems to have broken loose. Faith will see you through; and I
AM well pleased by it.
Faith and
hope in Me, motivated by and anchored (secured) in love. Trust. Wait. Hope. Be
strong. Great is My love for you. In that you can rest, wait and be strong.
The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore. [Ps 121:8]
for His glory alone,
penned by Bonita
ADDENDUM: July 24.2022 - 6:40 am EST
Despite outward appearances (use of a cane and Tylenol 3's), I will voice my belief here and now that I stand on the promises of God, those written in the Holy Scriptures, as well as personal promises, for full healing and restoration, even reversals, not only for me, but for countless others that have such a promise.
I also am confident that there will be healings and miracles amongst those who do not yet believe. We are warned that false prophets shall arise, doing signs and wonders, and just as I was writing this, the Holy Spirit moved upon me, and I have a further message.
Interestingly, I drive an Envoy, which in itself, means 'messenger' or representative (but 'definitely NOT' political; they would reject me, most likely lol).
What a privilege to be in the family of God, all because of what Jesus (Yeshua), our Creator did. All glory belongs to the Lord alone! I magnify His name and exalt Him on high, with thanksgiving and praise. Amen.
[message below]
Unto the
I shall
indeed move amongst the people, sweeping over the globe, touching people in
every nation, tribe and tongue. Did I not speak through the prophet Joel and
the apostle Peter that I would pour out My Spirit upon all flesh in the latter
days? [Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17]
in the upper room was such a time, yet I say that there shall be an outpouring
in this generation that cannot be denied. It has already begun in countries
that have strongly denied me, such as China and India, and other places most
are unaware of.
Yet when I
move over the lands bringing miracles, healing, restoration, reversals, there will
be a countermove by the adversary (Satan, who very name means ‘adversary’).
His countermove and ‘miracle producing’ will be a deception in itself. He will
remove sicknesses and diseases that he himself put upon people through a spirit
of infirmity. He is the father of lies and master and author of deception.
His intent
in countering me, as always, is to bring confusion and establish unbelief, a
harvest from seeds of doubt. He will have his ‘ministers’ also warn of words
spoken by My Son, Jesus.
For there
shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and
wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Behold, I have told you before. [Mat 24:24-25]
When I
exhort people to abide in Me through My Son, to keep Jesus (Yeshua) as their
‘first love’ and to walk humbly and obediently with Me, it is to keep My people
from deception. There are many distractions, temptations and hindrances
(annoyances, stress-factors) being thrown at people in these dark days to keep
the focus off of Me and to lead people down the wrong path.
Stay very
close – cleave to Me. I will uphold you and keep you in the way of truth. The enemy
will come (and does come) at those who are Mine in an effort to rip them
from Me by tempting them in ways that are very personal, for one must let go of
Me by their own choice, their own will. For I have said from the beginning that
I will not leave or forsake you, but neither will I force people to stay with
Me. I will move by My Spirit to draw them back to Me, but if resistance is
strengthened by unwillingness, I will not force a person’s will.
Think hard
upon that, for I AM Sovereign and could indeed ‘force’ people to bow and
worship Me. However, My love is agape love. It is not forced or manipulative.
That would be the counterfeit ‘love’ that the enemy offers.
Stay close
to Me; pray for discernment. Keep in My Word. Listen for My [still, soft] voice, for I will
instruct you and teach you in the way to go.
Hold fast
to faith and hope, and walk in My love. [1Cor 13:13]
He has
shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to
do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? [Micah 6:8]
Thus says
the Lord, the King of Israel, and his redeemer, the Lord of hosts; I AM the
first, and I AM the last; and beside Me there is no God. [Is 44:6]
[end message]
In my spirit, it is clear understanding that although God will move and sweep quickly over the earth (the lands), nothing will change what is coming, the great evil, which has been foretold in the Holy Scriptures (Bible). Prophecy is being fulfilled now, and we shall continue to see evil grow exponentially, as all things align for the appearance of the 'lawless one', otherwise called 'the' Antichrist (of all antichrists).
But remember the final live with our Lord God forever, all because of Jesus (Yeshua) and all He accomplished with His death, resurrection and ascension.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
He which testifies these things says, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua haMashiach) be with you all. Amen. [Rev 22:13-14; 20-21]
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