Obedience leads you along the right path and
strengthens you to endure to the end. Did I not tell you that things often
appear in the exact opposite of what one believes for?
If I have brought you this far, be assured, I will be
with you the rest of the way, as you abide in Me. All I ask is that you trust and obey. I
instruct you that this is My battle, as surely as it was when Daniel fasted and
prayed three (3) weeks.
Keep obeying.
Keep praying. Praise and sing, even as tears roll down your cheeks. I know how
hard it is not to look at the circumstances, as opposition (to what you believe Me for)
I know the frailties of the
flesh. When the storm rages, fear will rise up in front of you, taunting you.
The adversary and his minions fight furiously against
mankind, but especially the children of obedience. When the apostles saw My Son
upon the water, fear rose up because they thought they were seeing a
Out of twelve men, only Peter dared to believe he heard
Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) instruction (to come to Him). He was
the only man there that believed it was indeed Jesus and had the courage, daring to step out
of the boat in faith, defying both the circumstances and logic.
Oh yes, it is a fight of the flesh versus the spirit
not to look at the circumstances. It is not an easy task. It is one of the battles in this war.
Satan knows how to come against mankind. When Peter changed his focus from Jesus and
toward the very real circumstances, his logic and understanding (mind/flesh) brought doubts that overcame his willing spirit - the reality of it all!
“Has God said…?”
the serpent (the devil) whispered to Eve long ago, and still
whispers to believers repeatedly to this day. [Gen 3:1] Jesus
(Yeshua) quickly grabbed Peter by the arm as soon as he cried out to the Lord,
saving Peter from the threatening, turbulent waters.
Jesus said, “O
you of little faith, why did you doubt?” [Mat 8:26]
My Son was not angry at Peter, only disappointed because He was right there with Peter and Peter had witnessed miracles (the impossible, the unexplained) that defied reality before.
Jesus knew this was an important lesson for the men in the boat (and for all who would follow after Him futuristically).
Jesus knew this was an important lesson for the men in the boat (and for all who would follow after Him futuristically).
you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they
shall not overflow you; […].
[Is 42:2]
When a woman is in heavy labour, she may tell everyone
to leave her alone. She may tell the
doctor to forget about waiting for the child to pass through the birth canal naturally,
but just cut her open (cesarean) to
take the baby out.
She means none of those words, but she desperately
desires the relief from the pain and anguish. She longs for the travailing to end. She
knows she must go through, pushing hard to bring forth the baby. She does her best to follow instructions and to put into practice everything she may have learned about birthing.
Upon delivery, she is glad that the doctor (or anyone else) did not heed
her hasty, foolish words spoken under great duress and pain, nor abandon her in her hour of
need. The one in charge ignored her request for the “easy way out”.
Instead, he encourages and guides her to go
through, to bring forth that which she has patiently and emotionally waited for. He never leaves her side. He helps her in every way, although she is in too much pain to acknowledge at the time.
Then her tears cease once she sees her miracle, and joy replaces her pain, anguish and sorrow. The long yet patient wait, followed by the great travailing suddenly ends, and that which was so long hoped for, finally arrives.
Then her tears cease once she sees her miracle, and joy replaces her pain, anguish and sorrow. The long yet patient wait, followed by the great travailing suddenly ends, and that which was so long hoped for, finally arrives.
I hear the words spoken and the desperate cries to
relieve the hurt and pain of the heart and the fatigue of the spirit. Push through, for I am helping you. Follow My instructions.
All is in My competent hands. This battle is Mine. Hold fast to your faith, trusting Me, despite
the circumstances and labour of the spirit.
Stand back in faith and trust, as surely as Daniel did,
as My angels fought against the adversary. Daniel prayed long and hard, waiting:
O Lord, hear: O Lord, forgive; O Lord,
hearken and do; defer not, for Your own sake. O my God […] [Dan 9:19]
(Gabriel spoke) At
the beginning of your supplications the commandment came forth and I am come to
show you, for you are greatly loved: therefore understand the matter and
consider the vision [9:23]
those days, I Daniel was mourning three full weeks. [Dan10:2]
he said unto me, Daniel, from the first day you did set your heart to
understand, and to chasten yourself before your God your words were heard, and
I am come for your words.
the prince (adversary) of the kingdom of Persia withstood one and twenty days, but lo,
Michael, one of the chief princes came to help and I remained there with the
kings of Persia. [Dan10:11]
behold, one like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips: then I
opened my mouth and spoke, and said to him that stood before me, O my lord, by
the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no strength.
[vs 16]
said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto you, be strong, yea, be
strong.[vs 19]
My angels go forth at My command. I AM the Lord of the
we wrestle (fight) not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places. [Eph6:12]
Walk circumspectly and wisely, not as fools, because
the days are evil. [Eph 5:15,16]
whatever you do in words and deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving
thanks to God and the Father by Him. (Yeshua/Jesus) [Col 3:17]
do move suddenly. Be
patient. Be strong and of good courage!
Rise up, LORD, and let Your enemies be scattered;
and let them that hate You flee before You. [Num 10:35]
have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of
My mouth, and I showed them; I did them suddenly,
and they came to pass.
are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when you heard
them not; lest you should say, Behold, I knew them. [Is 48:3, 7]
I, the Lord your God, have gone before you. All I have spoken to you shall be so, if you
continue in faith and obedience.
![]() |
Lazarus, come forth! |
You are the God that does wonders (miracles): You have declared Your strength (power) among the people. [Ps 77:14]
for His glory alone
penned by Bonita
(Note** - I would just like to add that our Lord knows how hard it is to praise and sing, and sometimes, even to find the words to pray when we are in the heat, the intensity and the pain of a battle.
It is a battle of the flesh versus the spirit. That is truth! I cannot tell you how many times in my walk, I found it hard to pray or find the words. There are moments or times that I pray in tongues (the Holy Spirit speaks when I cannot).
Yet many other times, I go to the Bible and pray the beautiful prayers of those who went before us; those who went through their own great trials and tribulation. The Word of God has many beautiful prayers.
The same goes for praise, worship and singing. There are times I do not want to sing and I don't "feel" like praising. That is when I've learned to put into practice "overcoming" the flesh; part of learning obedience, as spoken in the Bible.
That's where I come to understand not to go by emotions or feelings. I have shared before in several writings that when I am stuck in a rut about praising God, I begin by thanking Him for all that He has done...even my next breath that He allows.
It may start out slow, but soon it begins to flow (if we are truly are grateful, it will come out of the depths of our heart). I have always found that thanking God somehow automatically flows into praise...amazing how it works!
To thank Him for His Sovereignty, His goodness, wisdom, patience, His understanding, His lessons and His Word, for Jesus and God's precious Holy Spirit, and so much more to thank Him for. You will find your own words!
See? I promise, if you are grateful, it will flow out of your heart too.
Yes, there is much we can praise Him for. That's how I came to understand the scripture:
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting. [Ps 100:4]
And also:
God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. [Jn 4:24]
One more thing - I pondered the word "circumspectly". The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5 to: "walk circumspectly and wisely, not as fools, for the days are evil."
circumspectly: careful to consider all circumstances and consequences; think carefully before doing or saying; watchful; cautious, discreet
Sure makes sense since the days are evil, and of a truth, I would not want to and could not imagine going through these days without God, without Jesus, without the Holy Spirit...the Godhead. How wise our Creator is!
I hope this helps any who are weary, just plain tired, and have been hoping, praying and waiting for God's promise for a long time. He is like that doctor, encouraging us and instructing us, in the various and marvelous ways that He sees best.
It is true that He never leaves or forsakes us in our hour of need. We may be just in too much pain, anguish, confusion, fatigue...to acknowledge it at the time. And the hardest thing to do at a time like this is to get 'self' off the throne, pick up the cross and follow Jesus.
And undoubtedly, I too need the reminders, the encouragement and the instruction, and the prayers. We all do; we are all in this together. Lord bless all who read this and may He cement hope and faith deeply in your heart. BP)
(Note** - I would just like to add that our Lord knows how hard it is to praise and sing, and sometimes, even to find the words to pray when we are in the heat, the intensity and the pain of a battle.
It is a battle of the flesh versus the spirit. That is truth! I cannot tell you how many times in my walk, I found it hard to pray or find the words. There are moments or times that I pray in tongues (the Holy Spirit speaks when I cannot).
Yet many other times, I go to the Bible and pray the beautiful prayers of those who went before us; those who went through their own great trials and tribulation. The Word of God has many beautiful prayers.
The same goes for praise, worship and singing. There are times I do not want to sing and I don't "feel" like praising. That is when I've learned to put into practice "overcoming" the flesh; part of learning obedience, as spoken in the Bible.
That's where I come to understand not to go by emotions or feelings. I have shared before in several writings that when I am stuck in a rut about praising God, I begin by thanking Him for all that He has done...even my next breath that He allows.
It may start out slow, but soon it begins to flow (if we are truly are grateful, it will come out of the depths of our heart). I have always found that thanking God somehow automatically flows into praise...amazing how it works!
To thank Him for His Sovereignty, His goodness, wisdom, patience, His understanding, His lessons and His Word, for Jesus and God's precious Holy Spirit, and so much more to thank Him for. You will find your own words!
See? I promise, if you are grateful, it will flow out of your heart too.
Yes, there is much we can praise Him for. That's how I came to understand the scripture:
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting. [Ps 100:4]
And also:
God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. [Jn 4:24]
One more thing - I pondered the word "circumspectly". The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5 to: "walk circumspectly and wisely, not as fools, for the days are evil."
circumspectly: careful to consider all circumstances and consequences; think carefully before doing or saying; watchful; cautious, discreet
Sure makes sense since the days are evil, and of a truth, I would not want to and could not imagine going through these days without God, without Jesus, without the Holy Spirit...the Godhead. How wise our Creator is!
I hope this helps any who are weary, just plain tired, and have been hoping, praying and waiting for God's promise for a long time. He is like that doctor, encouraging us and instructing us, in the various and marvelous ways that He sees best.
It is true that He never leaves or forsakes us in our hour of need. We may be just in too much pain, anguish, confusion, fatigue...to acknowledge it at the time. And the hardest thing to do at a time like this is to get 'self' off the throne, pick up the cross and follow Jesus.
And undoubtedly, I too need the reminders, the encouragement and the instruction, and the prayers. We all do; we are all in this together. Lord bless all who read this and may He cement hope and faith deeply in your heart. BP)
Thanks Lord and thanks for your obedience Sister Bonita. It helps.
Darrell, dear bro, I think many of us are walking shoulder to shoulder in this (from mailings, texts and phone calls I receive).
ReplyDeleteAs you said previously, He is a good Father and Darrell my friend, you are right!
Thank you for commenting...it encourages me too. I guess I often wonder if anyone is reading what I write, but I must do as directed and the Lord is faithful.
It truly and wonderfully is ALL to His glory alone! Bless the Lord!
shalom in Christ