Deception and Discernment
And the great
dragon was cast down, that old serpent, he that is called the Devil and
Satan, which deceives the
whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were
cast out with him. [Rev 12:9]
How clever, subtle and cunning was the enemy to convince and deceive
one-third of the angels to side with him in rebellion? Holy angels that lived in the very presence
of the holy, living God (Yhwh), Creator of all in the heavens and the earth, how
is it that they were deceived?
If a
third of the holy angels were deceived, what makes us think that we could not
be? The only way not to be is to cleave
to the Lord; it is the only way that it will not be possible.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall
show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it
were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
[Mat 24:24]
does not announce itself, nor does anyone put out the red carpet and armored
guards to welcome and protect it, except of course, the deceiver Satan. Deception can cloak itself. It uses truth to its advantage, but there is
no truth to deception. Deception has
increased beyond even our wildest imagination.
It has been around since the rebellion in the heavens.
is the ability to judge well, to comprehend, grasp, perceive right from wrong,
truth from error. The word of God
provides discernment for all of life’s issues, which is deepened as our
relationship with Jesus (Y’shua) becomes more intimate.
answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye
say, It will be
fair weather: for the sky is red.
And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O
ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? [Mat 16:2, 3]
Beloved, believe not every spirit,
but try the spirits whether they are
of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. [1Jn 4:1]
and discernment are found from Genesis to Revelation. Yet, we need the Holy Spirit today more than
ever. We will not have strength to endure
all that is coming if we do not abide in Christ Jesus and allow Him to guide
The Word of God, the very Spirit of
the Father and our experiences all help us in discerning, but we must
constantly take all things to the Lord, a practice that we must keep up in
these dark and deceiving, most tempestuous when the enemy throws everything at
us to try and destroy our faith. Our
hope is in Christ Jesus, the Rock of our foundation.
Signs of the Times
When I
posted the picture of the lightening striking the Vatican, a dear friend and sister
in Christ sent me a link that delved deeper into the significance of the bolt
of electricity that shot forth from the heavenlies. I believe that the Lord is making the
seriousness of the hour abundantly clear.
Below is an excerpt from the page that was sent to me. As per usual, take all things to the Lord.
Below is an excerpt from the page that was sent to me. As per usual, take all things to the Lord.
And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning
fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means
hurt you. Luke 10:18 -19
"Lightening has long been a supreme
symbol of Lucifer whom the Illuminati deem to be their “enlightener”. In the Bible, Jesus states, “I beheld Satan
as lightening fall from heaven”. We also
discover in the scriptures that Lucifer is called the “Prince of the Power of
the Air” (Ephesians 2:2)"
"The pagan Mystery Religions ─ from
which the modern Illuminati have borrowed ─ pictured their supreme god as a
fiery, flying serpent, bringing lightning and thunder in his wake. The Greeks and the Romans worshipped angry
deities, Zeus and Jupiter, sitting on a throne at the hub of the heavens
throwing lightning bolts and booming thunder at enemies. The modern revival of the use of the
lightning symbol is seen by the Nazis, the symbols of rock music groups, and in
the Harry Potter books and movies."
“In this classic oil painting we see
mighty Thor, the Nordic god, with his hammer and lightning strikes. At bottom, the black color of the horned
goats and the hand’s grasping on the rock ledge, have much occult significance.
In Masonry, the use of a gavel or
hammer is said to be a sign of authority.
The Communists in the U.S.S.R. adopted the hammer and sickle as official
state logos."
Sir Oswald Moslev, founder of
Britain’s splinter New Party, leading a march in London in 1939. The New Party said it’s lightning flash stood
for Action and the circle (wreath) around it for Unity, or Union. Fascists rallied around this banner, and many
of the goals of the Party were Socialist.
Over 30,000 people attended this
rally in Britain under Mosley’s New Party and its banner of the lightning bolt
and circle. The British flag also is
interesting in its Masonic design of the Osiris X intersecting a horizontally
elongated cross.”
“The lightning bolt has long been a
satanic symbol. Its use stems from
Jesus’ statement in the Holy Scriptures: “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from
heaven” (Luke 10:18). The Harry Potter
books were cleverly packaged to introduce tens of millions of kids to satanic
symbols, rituals, and concepts.
Here we see Harry Potter, on the
cover of Time (September 20, 1999) with the lightning bolt on his
forehead. Inside, in the feature
article, is a picture of two tattooed young fans with thunderbolts on
“Charles Colson, of Prison
Fellowship, received the million dollar, “Progress in Religion” prize at the
Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago.
Now he’s helping to promote the Harry Potter witchcraft books.
Still, official Christendom holds
Colson up as the very epitome of Christian example, and his books are sold in
almost every Christian bookstore. Most
Christian parents are not hesitating to buy Harry Potter sorcery witchcraft
books for their kids. Witchcraft has now
virtually conquered the whole of the Christian establishment.”
To view the complete article from which the above excerpt is taken, see Source.
When we combine the symbology of the
lightning bolt from both a biblical and a historical perspective, along with the agreement between Israel and the Pope, that was
reported by an Israeli news site, notice is taken. Arutz
Sheva stated:
“The Israeli authorities have granted the Pope an
official seat in the room where the Last Supper is believed to have taken
place, on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, and where David and Solomon, Jewish kings of
Judea, are considered by some researchers, to also be buried.”
Obama’s Visit to Israel
On February
6, 2013, Fox
News reported on President Obama’s upcoming visit to Israel. The report states:
Obama will bring an "urgent" peacemaking agenda to Israel on
his upcoming visit, focusing on the region and the resumption of talks between
Israel and the Palestinians, U.S. Ambassador Dan Shapiro said Wednesday.”
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Weep for the innocent caught in the crossfires of politics - Jesus (Y'shua) WEPT... |
The White House has not released the date of Obama's trip or details about Obama's itinerary, but Israel's Channel 10 reported it had been scheduled for March 20. The visit raises expectations that peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, which collapsed about four years ago, can be rekindled.” (emphasis mine)
Do You Have Eyes to See?
It was with nonchalance that I searched for pictures of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barak Obama; however, the more pictures that I came across, the more my heart sunk. The upcoming meeting on March 20, 2013 is more serious than perhaps most of us have considered.
The tension between the leaders of the two countries cannot be overlooked. I will present a series of pictures in my endeavor to be as fair as possible in discernment. We must be praying...what is it you see or discern with the following pictures? They were taken by various photographers at random times.
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In the last meeting, things seemed to start off well. |
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Different ties, different day...same tension |
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Israel, U.S., Palestine leaders | |
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Nominee for Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel and President Obama | |
Discerning the Time
A friend and brother in Christ (thanks Peter) sent me an interesting link about the 10th of Nissan. The brother did say to overlook the ‘pre-trib rapture belief’ of the website and look at the information contained within the article. I echo his comments regarding "pre-trib", but I do not think Obama is the Antichrist. Below is an excerpt from the article.
“On the 10th day of Nisan, Jesus rode
into Jerusalem on a donkey and the people shouted, "Blessed is He who comes
in the Name of the Lord!" as they waved palm branches and welcomed their
The only 2 dates on the Jewish calendar that are associated with the
people saying, "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!" are
the 7th day of Tabernacles and the 10th of Nisan, when the people proclaimed
this at Jesus' triumphal entry.
This year, Nisan 10 will begin in
Israel as the sun sets on March 20, 2013. Mr. Obama is planning to fly into
Israel on March 20, 2013. This is taking place EXACTLY 1260 days after
he was chosen as the Nobel Peace Prize winner on the 7th day of Tabernacles on
October 9, 2009. He is coming as the "peacemaker".
Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light." Could this have been another clue that Jesus was giving, pointing to the 10th of Nisan falling on the Spring Equinox, when there are 12 hours of daylight all over the world?
How often do we have a candidate for the Antichrist ride into Jerusalem on the 10th day of Nisan, exactly 1260 days after he was chosen as the Nobel Peace Prize winner on the 7th day of Tabernacles (the only 2 days of the year that the people cried out, "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!")? They rejected Jesus as their Prince of Peace, but readily accept the Antichrist as their "peace maker". (end excerpt - underlined emphasis mine)
The following scripture seemed to be most fitting to follow after the above article.
But I know you, that you have not the love of God in you. I am come in My Father's name, and you receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive. [Jn 5:42, 43]
The scripture used by the writer of the article in the above excerpt is taken from John 11:9, when His disciples asked Jesus why He was going to Jerusalem again.
We would do well to remember when Jeremiah warned the people of God about the desolation that was going to take place quickly in Jerusalem, but the people refused to listen. We need to be aware of any peace agreement or covenant as written in the Bible, but we also need to be careful as to ''who'' we suggest is the Antichrist. (I do not believe Obama is.)
To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? Behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken (listen): behold, the word of the Lord is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it. [Jer 6:10]
The Lord has been saying to go back to the (ancient) old paths, where the good way is and walk therein. We are to understand that we must return to the old path, the good way, to walk as Jesus (Y'shua) walked. He was very well aware of the political atmosphere and the environment (everything) all around Him.
Jeremiah pleaded with the people, in his warning. Are you paying attention today?
For from
the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness;
and from the prophet even unto the priest every one deals falsely.
They have
healed also the hurt of
the daughter of My people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at that time that I visit them they shall be cast down, says the Lord. [Jer 6:13-15]
Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at that time that I visit them they shall be cast down, says the Lord. [Jer 6:13-15]
There is no peace in the Middle East at this time. Peace talks? The Lord is faithful and continues to speak to us, whilst there is still time. Will we listen? Will we keep a repentant heart and lay down all fear? Will we let go of the world, its lusts and allures and its deception?
saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths,
where is the
good way, and walk therein, and you
shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken (listen).
daughter of My people, gird yourself
with sackcloth, and wallow yourself in ashes: make you mourning, as for an only son, most bitter lamentation: for the spoiler
shall suddenly come upon us. I have
set thee for a
tower and a
fortress among My people, that you may know and try their way. They are all grievous revolters, walking with slanders: they are brass and iron; they are all corrupters. [Jer6:13,16, 17; 25-28]
Yet, the Lord knows the strategies of the enemy. The trials of faith are as never before (and we thought the last trials were tough; they are just going to get tougher). The testing is becoming harder, stronger, more intense. We must cling to the Lord, despite all outward appearances and be willingly obedient, as He directs our steps.
If we harden our hearts and go in different directions to satisfy our desires or needs, without the counsel of the Lord, it will not go well with us. He does not serve us, for He is the Sovereign King, whom we serve gladly. He needs none of our counsel, but we surely need His. We listen and observe, taking all things to Him in prayer, in trusting and in patiently waiting.
the days come, says the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a
famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the
LORD: And they
shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall
run to and fro to seek the word
of the LORD, and shall not find it. [Amos 8:12]
For the
time will come when they will not endure sound
doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves
teachers, having itching ears;
And they
shall turn away their
ears from the truth, and shall
be turned unto fables. [2Tim 4:4]
There will
not be a pre-tribulation raptures (well, pre-wrath? sigh none of us knows), but we can trust the Lord, for He is our peace, our
rest, our confidence. Only with Christ
Jesus (Y’shua) will we hear truth and be prepared.
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden
destruction comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they
shall not escape.
But you,
brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a
thief. You are
all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the
night, nor of darkness.
But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish
you, and keep you
from evil.
And we
have confidence in the Lord touching
you, that you both do and will do the things which we command
you. And the Lord
direct your hearts into the love
of God, and into the patient waiting
for Christ. [2Thes
Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. [1Thes 5:6]
adversary is not wasting his ammunition on those who are compromising with the world and not heeding the Lord’s instructions
obediently. He is out to take down those
whose heart is to do the will of the Father; these are the faithful, the true Body of Christ.
If our hearts are set on Christ and not after the ways of the world, and the lusts and pride of flesh; if we believe
in God and are hungering and pursuing after His righteousness, Satan and his
minions are after us because we are a threat to his kingdom and his plans. He has changed strategies in these end times, going after those
whom he considers the most dangerous to him and his armies. We can rest in the Lord, trusting Him to prepare us for whatever and to strengthen us, in His way and in His time.
Preparing the People
drills are becoming more commonplace in the United States and an astounding
number have taken place over the past year. On May 8
and August 29, 2012, the US Special Operations Command (USSOC) conducted
training exercises over Minneapolis and Coconut Grove, Florida,
respectively. A news report on the
IntelHub reported:
“Both the local police
departmd Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) collaborated, according to
authorities, to decide on training exercise times and locations although the
general public was unaware of these war games until they were evident in their
local skies.
Reporter and Chief Editor, Susanne Posel wrote: “The local police claim they were unaware of the drills. A US Army spokeswoman made a half-hearted apology for “any inconvenience or unforeseen disturbance.”
Mainstream media is now reporting that the US Air Force is training with the Russian and Canadian Air Force personnel in “a joint counter-terror exercise . . . simulating a cooperative response to an aircraft hijacked by terrorists in international airspace.”
Anonymous sources have been reporting that Russian troops are being spotted in Colorado at Fort Carson base; specifically at gun ranges practicing their marksman skills. The NORAD admission of US and Russian armed forces collaboration substantiates these claims.
Just this month, foreign troops were caught at a Wal-Mart. They were traveling in what were described as “large government vans”.
Moving around in white, unmarked vans, strange troops have been seen purchasing food and water at another Wal-Mart in Franklin, Indiana. Parading in military personnel fatigues where drone activity has been reported in Oklahoma City and black helicopters were spotted hovering over a construction site.”
WSVN-TV – “In Plainville and Worchester, Massachusetts, surprised citizens witnessed “military helicopters descended on the vacant Wood School [in] the late hours of the night in a scene that might have appeared to simulate the United States’ special forces attack on Osama bin Laden’s compound last year.”
Intelhub called the article: Urban Warfare Drills: Psy-Op Acclimating Americans to Military on US Streets.
Throughout the year of 2012, the training drills took place across numerous states. In 2013, these military training drills are resuming in preparation for martial law, revisiting Miami, Florida.
Occupy Corporatism stated:
“Competitive Outcomes , an organization training young military recruits from the JROTC, ROTC, cadet programs, foreign militaries and police and fire departments are conducting customized drill training exercises, seminars and providing manuals in 2013 in Marietta, Georgia; Los Angeles and San Diego, California. They work with the US Navy, armed and unarmed divisions of ROTC and JROTC; as well as the Air Force.
Recently black hawk helicopters flew across the skies in Miami, Florida in a joint drill exercise between the US Military and local police. Traffic was blocked off on major streets. Military personnel claimed that the exercises were in preparation for overseas combat missions. However the sound of gunfire could be heard as locals were alarmed.
The Miami-Dade County Police Department said in a statement that this was “routine” and “designed to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments, prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments and meet mandatory certification requirement.”
By training in American cities, the
armed forces can realize maneuvers and special considerations that are needed
to control urban infrastructure in the case of civil disturbance and
Having foreknowledge of the people living in the specified cities
that are marked for control assist in the “critical operational success” of not
only “knowing the enemy” but also the ability to retain a level of concealment
and surprise.
Contained within the US Army Military Police training manual for Civil Disturbance Operations are outlines describing how the US military will use the arsenal at their disposal to quell domestic riots, confiscate firearms and kill Americans during times of mass civil unrest.
The explicit use of “deadly force”
when confronting “dissidents” is clearly stated with the refusal of a “warning
shot” and the directives toward weapons that rioters or demonstrators will
experience in the name of continuity of government.
Even the youth are being prepared.
Discernment Challenged
Readers may
or may not be aware that there has been much going on the past year regarding
‘zombies’, particularly since the well-known June 27, 2012 event when Rudy Eugene, dubbed
the ‘Causeway Cannibal’ chewed off the face of a homeless man.
He was shot and killed when he refused to
stop after police warnings. Bath salts
were first reported as the reason Eugene went ballistic, but an autopsy report
revealed that the only drug found in his body was marijuana, which in itself, would not cause such alarming behavior.
The medical
report also said that there was nothing in the stomach of the
deceased to indicate that he had eaten any flesh. The girlfriend of Rudy Eugene, who was shot
by police, felt that the attack had to do with ‘voodoo’, even though the media
reported that Eugene was a Christian. The fact is that his mother is a Christian,
but Eugene was not involved in Christianity.
About four
months after the attack, a video appeared on Youtube called the ‘Zombie
Conspiracy Coverup’. It was made by a "whistleblower" who covertly recorded a briefing held by Homeland Security’s
secret ‘Zombie Hazard Unit’. The Coconut Grove 'fly-in' is mentioned in the video, amongst other events.
The "whistleblower" states that the government does not want the public to know about
a deadly disease that is being loosed upon the public, where individuals become
‘zombie-like’, which results in cannibalism. The video is
approximately eight minutes long. Please
take a few moments to view it before reading on.
Zombie Conspiracy Coverup
click link to see video (8 min video - you have to watch it to understand what I will be writing about) Homeland Security briefing filmed undercover.
click link to see video (8 min video - you have to watch it to understand what I will be writing about) Homeland Security briefing filmed undercover.
The video
displays the logos of the United States government, with an NSO number that ends with ‘Z’ (NSO-21Z) standing for ‘National Security Order [Number] Zombie’. The briefing was called to update agents about the
looming ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ that has begun to get public attention. The government has apparently been successful
in fooling the public by releasing ‘false information’ regarding the
attacks, when it is actually caused by an infectious disease.
In Miami, Florida, bath salts
were initially said to be the blame for a vicious attack, while in Louisiana,
Pennsylvania and Michigan, synthetic marijuana was blamed, and in Georgia,
Arkansas and Oklahoma, dog attacks were said to be the cause of mutilations.
something about the information strike you as deceptive? What did you discern? The CDC, Huffington Post and other government
agencies are preparing for what they call a ‘Zombie Apocalypse’, but it is not necessarily about what people are
being led to believe. There are two
distinct possibilities or probabilities, which will be presented later. Surprisingly,
many people believe this video is a true briefing. The original video has over 2,000 hits only, but other websites are posting it also, which takes away hits from the original site.
The Video
First, I
would like to assure you that if you felt that this video was NOT secretly
taken during a private briefing amongst a special task force within the
Homeland Security branch, you would have discerned correctly.
It starts off with a picture of a silhouette, which is a clever ploy to suggest to viewers that the speaker is a 'mystery person' with a secret and hidden identity.
It starts off with a picture of a silhouette, which is a clever ploy to suggest to viewers that the speaker is a 'mystery person' with a secret and hidden identity.
The hidden camera was not hidden whatsoever,
but was filmed through a toilet paper or paper towel tubing, which was likely shortened for
effect. To confirm this, I took a toilet
paper roll, cut it down to size and looked through it. It gave the exact same effect as the one
shown in the video.
The voice
at the beginning of the video is simply a ‘deeper’ version of the man who spoke
throughout the presentation. When the
camera starts rolling, the handshake is intentional, so that the gentleman in
the suit would ‘flash’ his official looking badge.
The writing on the badge is not legible, but the ‘logo’ on the badge is the intentional eye-catcher. When the eyes send the message to the brain that the same logo is on the badge as it is on the screens on the wall, the brain is quick accept the information as factual.
The top
screen is simply a flat-screen television that is mounted on the wall. I once had neighbors that had precisely the
same setup. The flat-screen has a wire that leads to the
podium, which is where the man standing behind the podium likely has a laptop
to change the scenes on the screen on the wall.
Underneath is a cabinet that
holds DVDs, with the United States logo placed over the black door, which is
why the camera only picks up a portion of it.
The setup
for the black background and lettering can easily be done on any word
processing program, such as Microsoft Word.
When the speaker mentions that he must go through some ‘security
clearance’, it is undoubtedly a download, 'establishing a secure link' and complete with ‘verification confirmed’
flashing, from a free screensaver site, as ‘Brothersoft’.
In the
opening scenes, the screenshots that are above easily reveal that the person
with the camera is sitting down, which is why the badge on the chest of the man
is eye-level, as well as the back of the blonde.
The angle of the handshake is also telling. The camera is shown as being taken out of a satchel or bag. In order to be at eye-level, the camera would have to be hidden in eyeglasses, as it holds steady once it is situated.
The angle of the handshake is also telling. The camera is shown as being taken out of a satchel or bag. In order to be at eye-level, the camera would have to be hidden in eyeglasses, as it holds steady once it is situated.
The logos
can be purchased as novelty items on E-bay and other novelty sites. The Biohazard symbol can be purchased online,
as a poster,
stickers etc.
Models, government agency wall
plaques and podium seals can also be purchased online. Some of the clients for the site are colleges, schools, travel agencies and airlines, laboratories, all U.S. military agencies, legit governmental and police departments, movie makers and even CNN (interesting!). The site offers calendars, flags, models, plaques, DVDs, pilot hats etc.
Photoshop works excellent for changing
colors on pictures, wording and imaging superimposed on pictures, such as seals. Photoshop could easily place a biohazard symbol over the CIA logo below, change the color, and change the wording with ‘Zombie Hazard Unit’.
![]() | ||
Changing the biohazard logo, colors and lettering can be accomplished with Photoshop. |
![]() |
Photoshopping - overlay (superimposing) |
The security clearance is a desktop
theme, also available online as a free download, which also displays
the words, ‘establishing a ‘secure link’ and ‘verification’, as displayed previously.
The video
mostly centers around the Coconut Grove in Florida incident, which was reported
on every major news site. The disease
mentioned was ‘Crypto Neucrapto GEO vularius’ (CNV), which is a bogus
disease (no such name either scientifically or medically).
One disinformation informant (or seriously misled researcher), who
insists (in comments on his website and Youtube) that the video is an actual and 'real' government briefing, makes a clear statement on his Youtube channel. The spelling is left as it was posted originally (which is what the term [sic] means:
"The truth is always very scary But reality is reality too
that these *__** (language censored by BP) created the ultimate virus that would cause us all too turn
against each other and the virus that you heard them mention in this video is
also very very real and they called it in this video; " Crypto Neurop Geo
Vulgaris" "CND" CND + means Chronic Neuro-. Immune Diseases and
Crypto means Parasite, Neurop Means.. Nnervouse System, GEO MEANS Gene Expression Omnibus, Vulgaris means Skin Desease." [sic]
(end of the 'misled' YouTuber's message)
However, if you listen to the video carefully, it is not quite spelled as above. First, the true
meaning of crypto is “a person having a
secret allegiance, or who secretly supports or adheres to a political group,
party or belief, especially communism.
It means secret or hidden; not publicly admitted, such as a ‘crypto’
The second word
of the disease (if you listen carefully) is ‘neurocrapto’, which simply does not exist. A search
for the word only came up with one result on a physical therapy site, where
reviews were complaining about treatments that were not accurate and unnecessary testing was done. One
reviewer made a comment about “erroneous neuro-crap to their
The word 'neuro' does exist in the medicinal field and means 'brain, nerve or nervous system'. Briefly explained, neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with disorders of the nervous system, diagnosis and treatments. ‘Geo’ is likely to indicate
'geomedicine', which is the branch of medicine dealing with the influence of
climatic and environmental conditions on health.
‘Vulgarius’, in medical terms, means ‘common’
or ‘being of a usual type’. In other
words, ‘Crypto Neucrapto GEO Vulgaris’ is an official-sounding, albeit fabricated name for a disease.
APOCALYPSE ANNEX to the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
(CEMP) that was mentioned in the video is also fictitious. At the very
beginning of the report, the following disclaimer was made:
This document was hosted here to allow other planners easy access to it for their review and consideration. This plan was taken from the Long-Term Recovery Annex to our County CEMP. The County in no way endorses or recognizes this as any official plan, nor is it ever intended to serve as such.”
report that circulated around the internet as a genuine plan by the “United States Headquarters Department of the
Army” called, “Counter-Zombie
Operations at the Fireteam Level” also comes with a disclaimer at the
bottom, for those who take the time to read it.
The disclaimer is as follows:
“FM 999-3 Appendix B – Disclaimer
publication is not published by, nor endorsed by the United States Army. This publication’s
aim is to serve as a parody and entertain soldiers and civilians alike. Please
do not take
any of the contents seriously. We are not responsible for any injury, harm or mishaps
that may occur as a result of following directions included within the text of
this publication
or elsewhere. We will probably try to claim credit for any successes. We will probably
is the site that is mentioned in the video as the website that is posting top-secret information, but that statement is nothing
more than a plug for the site, in order to have viewers check it out and hopefully purchase the Zombie (and various other) books.
When the speaker says that the government is
going to ‘allow’ the site to stay up for the time being (not 'shut it down' yet) is another
incentive to send the curious to the 'Zombie' authors website.
The video is an ingenious marketing tool to promote the ‘Zombie’ books
written by two clever writers.
When visiting the site, it becomes apparent that the blonde used in the making of the video was an intentional eye-catcher and is in fact representative of a character in a book. From the Products page of the site, it states:
Dr. Melanie Eve, a petite curvaceous blond who looked better suited for the cover of a men’s magazine than a white lab coat, was on her way to having everything. She had a medical practice, a fiancée, and, soon, she’d have a wedding ring. But fate saw it differently. Her world turned upside down when her fiancée mysteriously disappeared while they were vacationing in Jamaica. That’s when her other life began.
While searching for her lost love, she
uncovers her own destiny: she is the Huntress. The Zombie Killer. The one
destined to save mankind from the undead.”
The Z-Max bullets that
the speaker mentioned are another marketing tool put out by Hornady, a genuine
guns and ammunition site, that the Labryinth site promotes under the LINKS page.
Hornady has used the Zombie Apocalypse
campaign that the CDC has made very public, in order to increase their sales. There are also links for a Kindle e-reader,
Barnes and Noble books, Adobe reader and a soap and candle site.
The Z-team
is short for Z.E.R.T. (Zombie Eradication Reponse Team), which is a legitimate business that is also cashing in on
the Zombie Apocalypse campaign that CDC began, in order to promote their business, with expert instructors that teach
clients survival skills and training to improve firearm skills.
Eight Special Operations soldiers, who had
been deployed in war, got together and decided to use their expertise to train
others in the use of guns, expert shooting and survival skills.
Excerpt below is taken from
the Z.E.R.T. website:
Z.E.R.T. uses the Zombie as a metaphor for any one of numerous natural or man-made disasters that have and will occur in our lives. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, criminal attacks, or any type of situation where being prepared, trained and most important, armed with the proper mindset is required to see you and your family through to safety.
Z.E.R.T. fosters a friendly and safe environment for
people from all walks of life and backgrounds to interact, learn and train
together. The Zombie Apocalypse theme is a bridge to many people who otherwise
may not seek out traditional training courses.
Through being a part of Z.E.R.T.
they are exposed to many different opportunities for enhancing their skills.
Participation in Z.E.R.T. Training courses also creates safe students with a
foundation in the basics that can be applied to courses and activities anywhere
in the shooting/training world.
Each Z.E.R.T. member (Z-Team member) can take it as
far as they wish to go, at their own pace with the emphasis being on a safe fun
experience for all involved. Join
start your journey to being ready for when your own personal Zombie Apocalypse
happens. Plus its a hell of a lot of fun." (end excerpt)
The Z.E.R.T. website
claims to have trained the California CHP, the LAPD Narcotics, US Treasury, US
Border Patrol and the Arizona Rangers.
Another website that promotes their business using the zombie apocalypse
campaign is called the Zombie Response Team (ZRT)
site states that the organization promotes education concerning preparation and survival skills, in the event of tornadoes, earthquakes, other natural or man-made
disasters, and of course, specializing in the ‘zombie apocalypse’. When a visitor left a comment asking for more information, a ZERT admin wrote:
"Hi Lou! We’re just people teaching other people how to survive disaster situations. If you can survive the zombie apocalypse, you can survive anything. Please feel free to join! Looking forward to chatting with you more about prepping." (Z.E.R.T. Admin)
"Hi Lou! We’re just people teaching other people how to survive disaster situations. If you can survive the zombie apocalypse, you can survive anything. Please feel free to join! Looking forward to chatting with you more about prepping." (Z.E.R.T. Admin)
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This is very similar to the logo used in the promotional video, except 'RESPONSE' was replaced with 'HAZARD', hence, the 'Zombie Hazard Unit' as seen in video. It was Photoshopped over the CIA seal. |
The video was the only one placed on Youtube under the nick name “excogitosum”. There is no such word as ‘excogitosum’; however, ‘excogitate’ means to think out, plan or devise.
‘Excogitate’ means to consider or think
(something) out carefully, to brood over, to envisage or design seriously and
thoroughly. Synonyms for excogitate are:
‘invent, devise, contrive, concoct’.
Keep in
mind that in the video, no questions were asked, no shuffling or any sounds
that might be heard from a ‘team’ of agents, such as a sneeze, cough or clearing
of throat. Also, many sites have been
removed from the net when the information should not be ‘out there’ (made
public knowledge), just like the numerous sites that were removed or taken down
after the Sandy Hook event.
It is a
well-done promotional video for books. The final clue to the viewers that the video was a promotional tool was the fact that the website for the books ends the video.
With the use of technology, computers and various programs, it is quite easy to make something look real when it is not. Even official government seals, logos, plaques, models etc can be purchased directly from companies that even supply the various government agencies. For example, CNN (Cable News Network) is known to present untruths quite often. I will elaborate further in an upcoming article.
Suffice it to say that it is becoming conveniently easy to fool people with the advancements in technology available today. We need a Sovereign God to help us in these days that are becoming increasingly darker.
The video (link above - Zombie Conspiracy Coverup) is only one example of how people can run with something as simple as a promotional video to sell books and put it out on different sites, insisting that it is a genuine ‘insider’ or ‘whistle blower’ information that wants to make the public aware of what the government is hiding. It is one reason that conspiracy theorists are often ridiculed and treated with skepticism and disdain.
Suffice it to say that it is becoming conveniently easy to fool people with the advancements in technology available today. We need a Sovereign God to help us in these days that are becoming increasingly darker.
The video (link above - Zombie Conspiracy Coverup) is only one example of how people can run with something as simple as a promotional video to sell books and put it out on different sites, insisting that it is a genuine ‘insider’ or ‘whistle blower’ information that wants to make the public aware of what the government is hiding. It is one reason that conspiracy theorists are often ridiculed and treated with skepticism and disdain.
Thorough research has to be
achieved before claiming anything as a fact.
I have had to learn this myself and it is something I endeavor to put into practice. It does not mean that I cannot make mistakes,
but between prayer, research and the Lord’s leading, these mistakes can hopefully be
The Living Dead
The Zombie
Apocalypse hype began last year with a promotion put on by the CDC on agency’s Social Media site,
just prior to Hallowe’en. The CDC
website began with a Zombie Novella, a booklet that was printed up as a ‘fun
way’ to introduce people to the Importance of being prepared for any
“There are all kinds of emergencies
out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s
right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it
happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing
or two about how to prepare for a real emergency.”
In movies, shows, and literature,
zombies are often depicted as being created by an infectious virus, which is passed
on via bites and contact with bodily fluids. Harvard psychiatrist Steven
Schlozman wrote a (fictional) medical paper on the zombies presented in Night
of the Living Dead and refers to the condition as Ataxic
Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency Syndrome caused by an
infectious agent.
The Zombie Survival Guide identifies the cause of zombies as
a virus called solanum. Other zombie origins shown in films include radiation
from a destroyed NASA Venus probe (as in Night of the Living Dead), as well as
mutations of existing conditions such as prions, mad-cow disease,
measles and rabies. Source:
CDC calls the Zombies the ‘walking dead’, I chose the ‘living dead’ for reasons
that shall be discussed further on. There
has been a few reports pushed on the general public by the media that focus on
apparent ‘zombie attacks’.
Kinyua, Maryland ate Kuioe Agyei-Kodie’s brain and heart. Both men were from Africa, Kenya and Ghana
specifically. Africa is known for demon
possession, as well as cannibalism amongst some tribes. Also, cannibalism is prevalent amongst rebel
militants who ‘eat their enemies’.
reported that Charles Baker broke into his girlfriend’s home and bit a chunk
out of the man’s arm that was at her apartment.
He spit it out, but the media pushed another possible ‘zombie’
episode. The man was on drugs and
jealous over his girlfriend’s two-timing on him. There were other reports circulating as well,
with only one said be on ‘bath salts’, which is synthetic marijuana.
The CDC website further
why Zombies, Zombie Apocalypse, and Zombie Preparedness continue to live or
walk dead on a CDC web site? As it turns out what first began as a tongue in
cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages has proven to
be a very effective platform.
We continue to reach and engage a wide variety of
audiences on all hazards preparedness via Zombie Preparedness; and as our own
director, Dr. Ali Khan (U.S. Assistant Surgeon General, (RET), MD, MPH
Director, Office of Public Health Preparedness ad Response), notes, "If
you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse, you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic,
earthquake, or terrorist attack." So please log on, get a kit, make a
plan, and be prepared!”
Khan's professional career has focused on bioterrorism, global health, and
emerging infectious diseases. He served as one of the main architects of CDC's
public health bioterrorism preparedness program which upgraded local, state,
and national public health systems to detect and rapidly respond to
bioterrorism. He designed CDC's joint global field epidemiology and laboratory
training program.
has consulted intensively for multiple U.S. organizations including NASA,
Ministries of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO). He is an expert on Zoonotic diseases
(transmitted from animal to human), Anthrax, Yellow Fever, West Nile Virus, Sars,
E.coli and the bubonic plague.
In the hit
series, “Walking Dead”, Dr. Edwin Jenner, a CDC disease specialist (actor Noah
Emmerich) stated: “It (causative
agent) could be microbial, viral,
parasitic, fungal…”
In conclusion:
The "zombies" will be living people targeted by government agencies...truth!(BP)
In conclusion:
The "zombies" will be living people targeted by government agencies...truth!(BP)
for His glory
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