January 18, 2013
In those
days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks. I ate no
pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint
myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled. [Dan
10:2, 3]
(Gabriel) Then
said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that you did set your
heart to understand, and to chasten yourself before thy God, your words were
heard, and I am come for thy words.
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood
me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained
there with the kings of Persia.
Now I am come
to make you understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days:
for yet the vision is
for many days. [Dan 10:12-14]
And said,
O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he had spoken
unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for you have strengthened
Then said
he, Know you wherefore I come unto you? and now will I return to fight with the
prince of Persia: and when I am gone
forth, lo, the prince of Grecia
shall come.
But I
will show you that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holds
with me in these things, but Michael
your prince. [Dan
What I am
about to present will boggle the minds of many; others will become bewildered,
whilst others still will add me to a long list of conspiracy theorists. Be that as it may, the Lord has led me to
share that which He has been revealing to me over the past month, as I sought
Him regarding matters, given to much prayer and fasting.
Boggle - astonished, overwhelmed in trying
to imagine it
Bewildered – to cause someone to be perplexed
or confused
Boggled and
bewildered are reactions that need not be because confusion is not of God.
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all
churches of the saints.
[1 Cor 14:33]
Indeed, Satan is the author of
confusion. We are told that he is the
father of lies and a murderer from the beginning. Satan/Lucifer’s
intent is indeed to confuse and bewilder, so that he can mislead us. It is written: They
overcame him by the blood
of the Lamb and by the word
of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death. [Rev 12:11]
This topic was
not planned, but it was birthed from many years of praying not to be deceived,
as well as a continual search for truth. Our search for truth in this life is never over.
Yes, we
understand that Jesus/Y’shua is the way, the truth and the life. However, with all the deception in the
churches, as well as in the world, we must continually seek truth. We must continually seek God and abide,
seriously abide.
The subject
is about deception and fear that is in the world around us, as well as amongst
those who call themselves believers. Even
I was experiencing fear and confusion; yet I can run into my strong tower, my
refuge and shield, the Lord my God.
As the time
that we are in is coming to an end (for these are surely the latter (last)
days), deception is increased beyond anything that we could imagine. It is
understood that deception began when Lucifer deceived one third of the holy
angels to rebel against their Creator, the One and True Living God. Imagine how clever, cunning and subtle he
must be, in order to deceive other angels to follow him, angels that lived in
the presence of a pure and holy God.
The holy
angels that rebelled along with Lucifer became known as the unholy -- they became fallen
angels. Deception carried on into the
Garden of Eden, when the serpent seduced Eve, tempting her to disobey God’s
commandment to both Adam and her.
Our arch
enemy and those in his government have had plans since mankind was first
created to overtake us and lead us unto destruction. Such is their hatred towards God, as well as
Some say
that Satan and his minions know that they will be facing judgment and desire to
take as many as they can with them to the lake of fire, in order to further
defy God.
Others say
that Satan is being used by God to test us, to prove if we are truly faithful
to the Creator. Therefore, they believe
that Lucifer/Satan and his armies are merely vessels of dishonor, in order to
‘prove’ us.
The Word of
God is true and we must not stray from it, or lean to our own understanding of
it. The Bible does not contradict itself, so what it says about Satan is truth
that we dare not stray from. Scriptures
harmonize; they do not conflict or contradict. We must search the entire Bible when looking for answers on any topic,
for God’s word does not err. The future
of Satan and the fallen angels is clear.
Knowing this first, that no prophecy
of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
[2 Peter1:20]
greatest weapons are deception and fear, which will constantly be employed, but
they are not his only arsenal. He also
has an agenda and many strategies that he implements to achieve his goal, which
is to exalt himself as god, above the one, true and holy God.
is everywhere, in the world and in the churches. It has increased at an alarming pace and force,
and so has the onslaught of attacks against mankind. The true body of Christ is a threat and
therefore, the prime target. Yet, we
have an Advocate, a King who will lead us into all truth, as we look to Him and
wait upon Him to direct our steps. Jesus/Y'shua came to destroy the works of the enemy.
He that
commits sin is of the devil; for the devil sins from the beginning. For
this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. [1Jn 3:8]
No one wants to be deceived and most believe that they will not be
deceived. We often believe that we are
wise and able to discern deception, no matter how it is packaged. It is dangerous to believe that we are above
deception. Without the precious Spirit of the Father, we will surely be
deceived. Abiding in Christ Jesus/Y’shua
is the only way that we will not be
Understanding the Love of God
Without the
Lord, I know nothing of significance and can do nothing. His wisdom is unmatched! His word which He speaks accomplishes that
which He pleases (purposes) and prospers in the thing where He sends it. [Is 55:11]
In Him, we
live and move and have our being. When
any of us prophesy, we see in part and prophesy in part. An earthly messenger, an envoy, speaks forth as the holy
God (Abba, Father) so chooses. Understanding
and wisdom come from Him in His timing and by ways that He alone ordains.
We are
taught not to believe every spirit, but to test every spirit to see if it is of
God. Folks, that includes checking out what I say, as only Jesus was an infallible man. We are further taught that any
spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of
That does
not mean that when someone says, ‘Yes,
Jesus Christ came in the flesh and was crucified’ that we should be
satisfied with that answer. Even Satan
will admit to that. Remember, he is not
afraid to use scripture. What it
means is that anyone who does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the
(their) flesh is not of God. I say that
Jesus Christ (Y’shua Messiah) has come in the flesh, my flesh…He abides in me
and I in Him.
Jesus (Y'shua) is God incarnate.
believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because
many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby
know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is
come in the flesh is of God:
And every
spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God:
and this is that spirit
of antichrist, whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already
is it in the world. [1Jn 4:1-3]
Satan may well use scriptures, just as he used scripture when he was
tempting Christ in the desert wilderness, but he can never say that Jesus
Christ comes in the flesh, his flesh; nor will any antichrist spirit, whether
demonic or unbeliever. Why? Because the Holy Spirit will NEVER live (abide) in Satan or any demon, plus (obviously), they are not 'flesh'.
We are to
take all things to the Lord our God,
petitioning Him for knowledge, wisdom, understanding and discernment. We ache for truth, but must be patient for
things to be revealed to us.
There are
times that the Lord has had to say to me too, ‘you have need of patience’. We
are instructed to lean not to our own understanding, but in all our ways
acknowledge Him. He directs
us from there, as we trust in Him. [Prov 3:5]
He is faithful in all He says and does.
Seek Wisdom
Yea, if you
cry after knowledge, and
lift up your voice for understanding; If you seek her as silver, and search for her
as for hid
treasures; Then
shall you understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD
gives wisdom: out of His
mouth comes knowledge and understanding. [Prov 2:3-6]
We are to
search out a matter and to wait upon the Lord to reveal that which He chooses, when
He so chooses and how He so chooses to reveal a matter. His
thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and ways.[Is 55:8]
The secret things belong
unto the LORD our God: but those things which
are revealed belong unto us
and to our children for ever, that we
may do all the words of this law.
It is the glory of God to conceal
a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. The
heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. [Prov 25:2, 3]
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom
and knowledge of God! how unsearchable
are His judgments,
and His ways past finding out! For who
has known the mind of the Lord? or who
has been His counsellor? For of
Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen. [Rom
11:34, 36]
It is the
Lord Himself that reveals a thing, but our part, as His people, is to test
every spirit and to search a matter out. Spending time with the Lord means just that; it requires time.
else will fall behind. One cannot
seriously spend time with the Lord and follow His leading and still keep
abreast everything else. We are told
that Jesus is our first love; that He must be first. We love Him because He first loved us. [1Jn 4:19]
We must meet the Lord in the secret chambers, in the secret place.
He that
dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the
Almighty. [Ps 91:1]
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all
your mind, and with all
your strength: this is the first commandment. [Mk 12:30]
When we read the book of Revelation, we, as believers, all
want to be in the church of Philadelphia, but I have actually known some who
have said, ‘Well, if not the church of
Philadelphia, then church at Ephesus.’
When I searched the word, I could not help but wonder why we
would settle for anything less than to be as those at Philadelphia? To me, it spoke of overcoming, which is what
we all must strive for and attain. Why settle for Ephesus?
I know your works, and your
labour, and your patience, and how you cannot bear them which are evil: and you
have tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and have found them
And have borne, and have patience, and for My name's sake have
laboured, and have not fainted. Nevertheless I have somewhat against you, because you have left your first love. [Rev 2:2-4]
How many have left their first love and do not even realize
it? If anything robs us of our time with
the Lord, we must search our hearts and ask if we have set up idols in our
heart, either unintentionally or unknowingly, or (Lord forbid) obstinately.
How often do we think we have no idols simply because we do
not bow before a statue or a graven image? We cannot allow anything to come before the Lord. We must learn to die to self, to truly lay
down our lives. He will raise us up
again because it is only through Christ that we find life.
Though He were a son, yet learned He obedience by the things which
He suffered; [Heb 5:8]
I would encourage a reading again of Revelation 3:3-13
(about those in the church of Philadelphia). I present only one verse here as encouragement:
I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door,
and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept
My word, and have not denied My name.
[Rev 3:8]
Time of Great Revealing
Some who
call themselves Christians are encouraging a revolt, all in the name of the
Lord. Tread carefully, saints. True disciples will walk as the Savior walked,
obey the Word of God and wait upon Him for His leading. The
watchmen who are genuine followers of Christ Jesus are exposing what they see
also, as the Lord leads them.
Some have
a more panoramic view than others and warn perhaps a little louder. They see
the Trojan horse and the Lord has revealed that which is hidden in plain
sight (Illuminati/Freemasonry phrase). We are not (better not be) ignorant of Satan’s devices.
The heart
of the Lord’s watchmen is to sound the alarm, to be messengers of the Most High
that cry out for the people to repent (including themselves). Steadfastly and adamantly, we all must keep a
repentant heart and press in now more than ever before, cleaving to and abiding
in Christ Jesus/Y’shua.
When to Fight and When to Stand
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Fight the good fight of faith. [1Tim 6:12] |
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The battle is fought with the Word (the sword of the Lord - mighty weapon) and PRAYER. |
When the
Lord began to reveal deeper truths to me back in 2005, He also began to patiently
do a deeper work in me, a greater purging, a process that would be ongoing,
until every spot and every blemish is purged. He still continues; He is not done yet. How long it takes I cannot say. This He is doing in all of the Body of Christ, but we must be willing to do our part. He is faithful to do His part. He is the living God, Yhwh, El Shaddai.
During this
process, there are typically times of failure, but by His grace and mercy, and
especially His help, we rise back up and continue forward. We have been learning obedience by the things
we have suffered, just as our Savior did.
Some laps
of the race are harder than other laps, but no lap is as strenuous and
laborious as the last lap. Some battles
in this war are lengthier than other battles, but victory is still ours through
Christ Jesus, as we trust in Him. He is
the Lord of the battle.
In 2
Chronicles 20:14, the Lord chose to speak through Jahaziel, a Levite. He spoke to the inhabitants of Judah and
Jerusalem, as well as King Jehoshaphat.
[…] Be not afraid nor dismayed by
reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's.
At times, much comes against us, yet the Lord, who is the same
yesterday, today and forever, still urges us to not be afraid or dismayed, to
trust Him. It is wisdom to do all that
He instructs us to do (both in His word and in our personal relationship with
Him), and then we are told that having done all, to stand.
Not every battle that we see is ours to fight, but rather, He will tell
us that some battles are His alone (war in the heavenlies). He is Sovereign and we must spend time in the
secret chambers of the King to hear His counsel and His command in every
We must understand that although we are in the midst of certain battles
and must face them, we simply proceed in confidence, without fear, knowing that
the victory is ours through Christ.
We must hear Him, obey Him and not lean on our own understanding or
strength, or any arm of flesh. At times
He will counsel us:
You shall
not need to fight
in this battle: set
yourselves, stand still,
and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; tomorrow go
out against them: for the LORD will be with you. [2Chron 20:17]
How many times have we consulted with others (a multitude of counselors)
and set forth to face a serious situation (battle), following their counsel
alone, simply because they also are true disciples of Christ?
How many times do we go forth in our strength, only to have our own
strength fail us? Even true disciples
can counsel sometimes from the flesh, or as seen with Peter and Jesus/Y’shua,
the adversary can speak through anyone. Even
our own strength is limited. We must
seek the counsel of the King of all kings, and Lord of all lords, in all matters.
The arm of flesh and our own understanding will fail us. There are going to be (and perhaps have
already been) times that we must go against all that people (flesh) are advising
us to do (no matter how well-meaning they are in heart and word), if the Lord
has instructed us otherwise.
There are times that we must shut all voices down, but one. We must obey the still, small voice of the
Lord deep down, deep within our spirit, despite all odds and earthly counsel. We cannot lean on the arm of flesh.
With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God
to help us, and to fight our battles. And the people
rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah. [2Chron
Some levels
in our maturing (growth) are more difficult than others, but we humbly
surrender our lives and take hold of His strong hand. He lifts us up to the next step…a
progression, growing; ever growing stronger and becoming wiser, step by (sometimes slow) step.
[2Cor 5:7]
Enter into the Secret Place
It is there
that we meet with the righteous King and holy Creator, where no evil can enter
in. There He counsels us; the mighty
King corrects, counsels and establishes all who are willing to hear and faithfully
obey Him in grateful servitude.
His love
has depths and reaches that cannot be fathomed or explained. It can only be received with humility, as His
abundant love and merciful grace is acknowledged. Our righteous King has a governmental order,
over which He rules, for He is the Sovereign God.
He has
shown thee, O man, what is
good; and what does the LORD require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God? [Micah 6:8]
The Clash
of Two Kingdoms
In the Bible, it is revealed that the saints struggle and war against the
‘god of this world’ (Lucifer/Satan), his principalities and powers, the dark rulers
in the world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places [Eph 6:12]. The
battle is above the clouds; there is war in the heavens.
One of the books that the Lord has brought to my remembrance as of late is the book of Daniel. He keeps me alert
about how Daniel had been given a grand vision through His chosen messenger, Gabriel. I opened with the
scriptures that are found in Daniel, chapter ten.
Daniel entered into a fast, seeking God for understanding of the vision.
The Lord had sent forth Gabriel with the answer the first day that Daniel
humbled himself to fast and pray. Yet, the holy angel was met by a prince (a demonic prince) and a great
battle ensued for three long weeks. Michael (a chief prince in God’s kingdom, an archangel) was sent as reinforcement to
aid Gabriel.
He then appeared before Daniel and explained all things to him that the
Lord would have His holy messenger speak to him at that given time. Gabriel then informed Daniel that when he left,
he would be fighting yet another demonic prince in Satan’s kingdom. We often hear that Satan cannot do anything without God’s
This is true, but as the
story in Daniel reveals, Satan does not always ask permission. After all, he is ‘the original rebel’ and thus remains in
his state of rebellion, which is akin to witchcraft - dark occult. He is also the original lawless one. He dares to defy
God, but he will not succeed in his end-time goal. Lucifer/Satan will indeed send forth his unholy angels to fight against
God’s holy angels.
Lucifer never wanted mankind to
be protected or helped, only destroyed. He did not like the assignment God gave the holy angels to protect, watch over, and minister to mankind. It is why they were called watchers. Due to his beauty and position in God's kingdom, Lucifer became prideful. His hatred became evident and piqued just prior to the time of his rebellion against Adonai.
Satan has set up his own kingdom here on earth [Rev 2:13], complete with a hierarchy, in which he
governs in his authority as ‘god’. His
idea for setting up his dominion came from being in his Creator’s kingdom,
before his fall. There will be a section
on hierarchies later on.
There are basic things that must be covered first, but know this, we
cannot face the goliaths of today with a slingshot. The majority of churches teach spiritual
warfare with a crude mindset.
Believers are kept on ‘milk’ regarding spiritual warfare and are never
introduced to the ‘meat’. We have to
know the enemy, which means that we must learn about his armies, his kingdom
and what he is all about. We are in the world, but not of the world [see Jn 17:4].
We have to keep up with the enemy, who is
master over his earthly puppets that gladly do his bidding. We must come out of the primitive mindset of
a shepherd boy facing Goliath with a slingshot and fast-forward to
the end times, the last of the last days. That youthful shepherd boy was anointed by God, trusted in God, was trained to fight bears and lions to protect his flocks of sheep.
The Goliath of today has advanced in technology and science, much of
which is enshrouded in and used for the occult. However, in-between the time of Goliath and the shepherd boy with his slingshot and the saints facing Satan, the 'goliath' of today, was the birth of Jesus.
Born of a virgin, crucified, died and was buried, and resurrected. He ascended into heaven and sent a Helper, a Comforter, the precious and Holy Spirit. The 120 souls in the upper room in Jerusalem were the first to be baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire. [Acts 2:2-4] The slingshot has been replaced by the SWORD of the Lord, a mighty weapon in the arsenal of born-again, Holy Spirit-filled saints of the Most High God.
Lucifer/Satan is no longer keeping hidden. He has risen up and has proudly made his
presence known, as we see the rise and acceptance of occult worship and open activities in society. Soon, he shall manifest himself where all can see him in the physical
realm, where he will demand to be worshipped. He will seek to destroy any who defy him, and particularly, any who
claim to serve the one, True, living God, Creator of heaven and earth and all that is
therein. (more on this subject later).
The spiritual and physical realms are interwoven and have been since the
beginning of the creation of mankind. People are so quick to say that we are not under the law, yet disregard
the fact that Jesus said that he did not come to destroy the law, but to
fulfill the law.
this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and
disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for
murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers [1Tim
Mankind hates being told what to do. Even some believers have trouble with the words ‘obedience’ and ‘obey’, or 'surrender' and 'submit', defending the fact that God is not a tyrant and that He understands that times have
changed. "God sees the heart" is the exclamation mark that the zealots close their argument with.
This, in itself, is a whole other topic, but suffice it to say, that
many forget that God indeed has a government. Obeying God is for our good because only He knows all things; only He is
Sovereign. Obedience and submission is not a burden. To me, in all humility, I see it as an honour to obey and submit to such a loving, patient Creator, willing to forgive, willing to give a second chance if needed, willing to do such a good work in each of us to restore us again.
We need to return to the ancient paths, for in doing so, we will walk as
Christ Jesus walked. We will lay down
our lives to follow Him. It can sound so legalistic, but the plain fact is that loving God, and loving others (as commanded), is freedom. It is liberating. We have entered into a time like never before, a time that has never been seen before and shall never be
It should come as no surprise, for it is written in the scriptures of truth, the holy Bible. It would seem that the actual surprise is for this to be the generation where all the prophecies are quickly, yet decently and in order, falling into place. Yet, simple logic tells us that it had to be 'some' generation, and ...it has finally arrived.
Now we await for the Lord to 'catch us up', which may well be during or after the time of the great seven year tribulation. More souls need to come into the kingdom. God wants none to perish in the lake of fire, but sadly, there will be those who will because they reject God, and reject Jesus, His only begotten Son, who came and willingly laid down His life to pave a way to salvation, a way back to God.
It was written plainly so that we could see and understand the time we
are in. I will begin by speaking about
current events. There will be times that
what I am sharing will not be something that others have not been
exposing. In fact, it is because of the hard work of many others that the Lord was
able to further teach me, to broaden my horizon and reveal things that we all must be aware of. That is how it has always been, ever since Adam and Eve. We learn from others, and from life.
is a time of horrific deception, as well as fear. Our first reaction to deception is
denial. None of us want to be deceived, and surely none of us would ever admit
that we have been or ever could be deceived. We consider ourselves much too clever, too astute, too discerning for that, but what does the Bible
And the
great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which
deceives the whole world: he was
cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. [Rev 12:0]
Our one and only hope is to abide in Christ and to be obedient to His
leading, or else we will place ourselves in grave danger. Jesus/Y’shua is the only way we will make it through what is coming,
even what is already here.
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show
signs and wonders, to seduce (tempt, deceive), if it were possible, even the elect [Mk 13:22]
There are things that have been going on, as well as much
that is coming, that we may be quick to deny or believe, even if it were told
us. Like Habakkuk, we often wonder why
we must see such evil around us. Yet, Jesus warned about all that would happen in the last
days, including how iniquity (sins and evil) would abound. It is going to become so intense that Jesus said that if the
days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved. [see Mat24: 22]
There will be important topics covered, including the churches and what
is going on, such as gross deception, to say the least. It has even spread amongst many believers are in the churches, but also among those who claim to have come out of the churches. The Lord
is revealing the depth and magnitude of evil, yet it is all part of His
judgment which goes forth.
The Lord is not only revealing what is going on right before our eyes,
but reminds us of what has been in the works since the Garden of Eden. The Lord knows that many already have a
spirit of fear amongst His people, and He does not want us in bondage to it. He wants us to receive His perfect [agape] love because fear has torment, but perfect love casts out fear. He wants His love to perfect us, but we have to be willing to believe it, to receive it. [1Jn 4:18]
For God
has not given us the spirit of
fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. [2Tim 1:7]
In His love, grace and mercy, His desire is still that people first repent. Two (Jesus and us) can only walk together if agreed. He has been longsuffering, as
scriptures bear witness, but the door to the ark is closing and the approaching tribulation is a foreboding reality.
I would encourage the reader that before they continue on in their
reading of that which I will be presenting, that they take some time to pray to
our heavenly Father. Pray to be
protected from any deception or temptation (from any spirit, whether flesh or demon)
that may try to persuade you away from truth that the Lord is revealing.
Pray for the Holy Spirit of the Most High God to rest upon you, as He did Christ.
And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; [Is 11:2]
And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; [Is 11:2]
* Pray for strengthening to receive and hear only truth.
* Pray for His counsel alone.
* Pray for eyes to see and ears to hear and for
anything else that His precious Spirit leads you to pray about.
*Give thanks for to God for Jesus/Y'shua
* Give thanks for His great love
* Give thanks for His faithfulness
* Give thanks for His perfect plans and wisdom
* Give thanks for His guidance, and for revealing
* Give thanks for whatever you are so led to give thanks for, but remember to:
PRAISE Him for He is good and His mercy (steadfast love) endures forever.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. [Ps 100:4]
I implore you to pray
before proceeding. Be at peace, for you can trust Him who is called Faithful and True. He
will never lead you astray when you trust in Him and walk by faith, not sight. His
Sovereignty is a reality that even Lucifer/Satan cannot deny, although he
adamantly will try.
Indeed, the battle is above the clouds, but the invasion upon this earth
shall be as never before. In fact, it
has already begun. We must not fear, but we must be prepared. That time is upon us. Keep in mind who is the Lord of the battle.
rejoice, ye
heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of
the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time. [Rev 12:12]
This is indeed, the time of great revealing. Much that has been hidden will be exposed .Nothing and no one can stay the hand of God. It is His will, so therefore, it shall be done. So it is written, so it shall be.
Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but He reveals His secret unto His
servants the prophets. [Amos 3:7]
The prophets of old were men that were moved by the Holy Spirit when He came upon them. They were anointed. This day, the Lord reveals His secret to His servants, His people, the
true body of Christ Jesus/Y’shua, who are filled with His precious Holy
And we
have known and believed the love that God has to us. God is love; and he that
dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him. [1Jn 4:16]
for His glory
Bonita dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteYou truly are gifted and it amazes me the amounts of research and truth put into watchmen's/women's blogs and it truly makes sense especially what we are seeing coming to pass.