Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Constant Reminders are Needed Now more than Ever

All of us are finding it more difficult to remember things these days. But God, who sees all, is aware of this dilemma. As a result, He is repeating messages. People rarely remember where they first heard what anymore. Sometimes credit is given to one person for a thing when it actually originated with another.

However, it is the message that is important, and not so much the messenger – unless of course, the one who sent the message is the Lord God (YHWH). Then, both the messenger (YHWH, the LORD) and the message are priority.

God knows the times we are in and that constant reminders are needed now more than ever. He understands that sometimes some important information can be lost in the shuffle as a barrage of messages come at us daily.

Thank God for the constant reminders and for understanding that sometimes we just “don’t get it”.

For God speaks once, yea twice, but man perceives it not. [Job 33:14]

Excerpts from:

I AM THAT I AM - Perfect Balance

(first written: Saturday, September 10, 2011 [09.10.11] – 11:01 AM)

 All is in order and in perfect balance in My eyes, for I AM the Sovereign Elohim, (YHWH) who sees not as mankind sees, nor am I confined within the boundaries of time and space.

To those who say, 'Not my will, but Thy will Father', I ask this of you:  Do you truly mean it? Consider carefully before you answer.  Consider all that pertains to you and your life, for it shall be put to the test.

Consider if you will... Abraham, Job, Joshua, Esther, Elijah, Deborah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, David and Yeshua, My Son.  Consider your forerunners.  Consider My Son.  Consider your life...  then, answer Me, if you can.  Selah

 Yea, yet as you consider, do not let flesh or the enemy cause you to fear.  For in all your consideration, remember how you heard of My hand upon their lives and the victories they saw as a direct result of their FAITH and OBEDIENCE.

You must not fear nor be moved by circumstances, or by what you hear, read or see.  I AM THAT I AM. [2 Thess 2:2] I AM He that has been longsuffering in all the sins that abound (globally).  I AM He that has patiently waited in My calling for repentance. [2Pet 3:9]

I AM He who is close to those with a broken and contrite heart. I AM He who forgives and remembers it not, nor shall any record be kept of forgiven sin, to those who turn away from unrighteousness. I AM that I AM. (I AM God who does everything decently and in order. 

I AM perfectly balanced in all that I do. All that I do aligns perfectly. I AM Almighty, the lofty One, high and lifted up - no flesh shall glory in My presence. [Is 57:15; 1Cor 1:29]

Be not soon shaken, for I AM He who holds you in the palm of My hand; yet do not become comfortable and complacent, for surely trouble fast approaches. By man and by nature shall these troubles come, for I call out to a people who refuse to listen...they pull away the shoulder and they harden their neck; justifying their ways and refusing to see their sin.

Though the Bride of Christ is not yet ready, she shall be ready, for I AM doing a quick work; for those who are Mine are allowing Me to make them ready.  They who are wise are also making themselves ready (prepared), and are getting the oil that they need for their lamps.  The foolish sleep on...

 O My people, I AM He who directs your steps, as you abide in the Vine and dwell (LIVE) in the secret place with Me.  Be strong.  Walk by faith and not by sight.  Yea, have FAITH and OBEY for I AM with thee. Yea, I am close to those who keep a repentant heart; who cried out with a broken and contrite spirit.  Selah

[End message]

Perfect Balance Indeed

These days are so jam-packed with activities and happenings coming from all directions that it is not possible to retain it all as easily as it was in the days before technology made life more "convenient" and more “hassle-free” and more at our “command”; (more, more, more).

Lord knows that vast amounts of information are hurled at us in these chaotic, turbulent and swiftly moving days, with every aspect of life changing so abruptly and unexpectedly that people of all ages are becoming overwhelmed, stressed and mentally exhausted.

Even as disciples of Jesus/Yeshua, we need a steady stream of reminders from the Lord to keep us balanced, alert and prepared for whatever this rebellious world and the adversary, along with his demonic forces throw our way.

It should be no surprise that each one of us tend to forget things, sometimes even important things, amidst the staticky confusion and noise resulting from the roar of millions of opposing, angry voices all vying for our attention.

We all need time with God now more than ever to keep our will in alignment with His and in alignment with His Word, and to keep us upon the right path. There are far too many convincing deceptions, tempting distractions, and urgent demands competing to replace not just our time with our Father, but to steal our love for Jesus (Yeshua), who is to ever be our first love. [Rev 2:4]

I tell you a truth, I myself am finding it intensely more challenging to take that time with the Lord first thing in the morning as it should be. It seems that matters that require my immediate attention present themselves in such a way that by the time I take care of them, something else requires my action. Or worse, by "habit", I go about doing something else, such as checking emails or beginning a chore that just "has" to get done...sighhh

Then, before I know it, I have gotten on with my day and my time with the Lord is delayed until a more “convenient” time. For example, I have two friction wounds that have been raw for almost seven weeks now. They are in an area that is hard for me to reach, but is equally difficult to make the adhesive portion on bandages stick (due to heat and moisture).

As a result, the wounds are not healing, but have been getting worse (meaning slowly...larger). Yes, I have caught myself relating to Job on occasion, but I think many of us have done that for various reasons, especially if a trial goes on for any length of time, or if onslaughts come at us one right after another.

Each morning the bandages (dressings) are soaked from the "weeping" of the wounds, which makes the raw skin from the friction sores extremely painful. Obviously, to alleviate the pain, I must immediately attend to the matter upon waking up.

Sparing the reader all the details, suffice it to say that by the time both wounds are properly cleaned and covered, twenty minutes have passed. Then, a business call, an appointment, a certain chore – something will then demand my attention and before I know it, my time with the Lord ([in my little opinion] too many times lately, ,but not always) time comes down to praying whilst doing other tasks.

If I do not get things in their proper order, the pain of my body will be nothing compared to the pain of my soul. Our spirit man needs the time with our Creator, and He must be first. His Word is food and drink.. It is the proper and correct thing to feed our spirit, or our hunger and thirst will not be satisfied or quenched. Everything then comes into alignment, and perfect balance is the satisfying result. God is not only good, He is wise.

Deprogramming Us from the World’s Indoctrination

I think the first step toward change is to first admit that change is needed. Then, one makes a plan to accomplish the change and thus begin to carry it out until change is established.

It requires discipline, determination and yes, you’ve got it, HELP from the Holy Spirit. We have to obey the commandments of God. They are right and proper…true and just, and the first one [commandment] was given to Moses.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength (might/mind). And these words, which I command you this day, shall be in your heart. [Deut 6:5, 6]

Jesus repeated the words given to Moses, and encapsulated all ten commandments in two. He repeated that God must be our first love, and that we are to love Him with our entire being:

This is the first commandment. And the second is like [namely] this, You shall love your neighbour as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these. [Mk 12:30, 31]

Most, if not all of us, have been programmed from childhood with negative words, visuals and actions so thick with lies that we need a steady feed, a constant repetition of positive input to deprogram us, to do a complete mind/brain wipe. We need God’s word to change us and to renew our mind from the world’s stinking thinking.

The world has indoctrinated all tribes and their clans, each accordingly to their beliefs (‘ false gods’ [idols] or ‘guides’), values, practices and customs of their culture and societies within that culture, combined with the influences of the adversary in each region in every country.

It goes back to the beginning, to the tower of Babel, when the Lord divided all the people by creating languages and causing the people to scatter in various directions when the lands were divided, broken off in parts (countries/continents) and pieces (islands).

Now, with technology and the internet, the world seems smaller as people globally begin to mimic each other and behave in similar fashion - literally, in every way. Look at the music, fashion, language (expressions), global sex trade, protests, civil unrest, abortions, homosexuality, and the growing pridehatred, rebellion and lawlessness. The list of similarities grows daily.

The behaviour of people (globally) and the very days of the entire world are indeed hastening toward becoming as the people and the days of Noah, and as those (people and days) of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Unplugged Overcomer

It is worth repeating. Conversion from the world’s ways happens by the renewing of our mind through God’s Word, relearning, uploading our praise, worship and prayers, and downloading God's truth (Word) into our hearts and purging us of the world's clever lies and the enemy's cunning, subtle deceptions. We must be born-again, and filled with the precious and Holy Spirit of the Mighty God.

Yahweh is omnipotent (all-powerful). Jesus the Messiah has overcome deception/evil, as surely as light overcomes darkness. Yeshua (Jesus) knew that stamped throughout history, generation after generation, sinful people, influenced by demonic dark forces would seek to annihilate mankind and destroy the beauty of God’s creation.

In so doing, the world would rebel against a holy God by denying Him and blaspheming Him through sin and lawlessness, until the triumphant day of our Saviour and Redeemer’s anticipated return.

Therefore, the Messiah Jesus (Yeshua) spoke truth forth. Maranatha!

Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have OVERCOME the world.  [Jn 16:33]

The Lord was not speaking of the "peace" that the world offers, which is a false security blanket that is blown off at the first sign of serious trouble. Rather, the Lord gives that inner peace only through and in Him; the peace that the world does not understand nor can it offer - the peace that passes all understanding (defies logic).

The peace is knowing God is with us through all our hardships and trials. He, who is called Faithful and True IS faithful and true. It’s no cliché or platitude. It is the Word of God and it is truth.

Is it easy to always acknowledge peace? No way! That peace is a knowing deep within, something that neither the adversary or any person can take from us. Our bodies feel pain and still suffer, our minds can know anguish and sorrow and loss, our souls can thirst and hunger more and more after truth and righteousness.

We OVERCOME by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and we love not our lives unto death. [Rev 12:11]

Yeshua (Jesus) knew that we would not be able to overcome our flesh or the enemy, or even walk in His will without help. That is why He sent the Holy Spirit (He called His Spirit the “Comforter”) to help us, and to teach us all the things we need to know, step by step. He would give us reminders so that we would remember things that Jesus (God’s word) tells us.

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world gives do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. [Jn 14:26, 27]

Sweet Surrender

Learning to die to self (what we desire or want; what we 'will’), and learning the higher levels of trust requires training and then, testing. These are things that I have been processing through myself. It takes trial and error; it takes faith, determination, trust and patience. It takes time, but God is speeding up the process due to the times we are in.

We have to be willing to surrender all, and wait humbly at the feet of our King. All that we are and all that we have is ultimately the Creator’s anyway, so only pride and folly would keep us hanging onto our life, rather than lose it or release it into competent hands – the hands of the Good Shepherd; the wise Potter, the Keeper of the vineyard.

Indeed, it does take time, but more than anything, it takes the Holy Spirit in us to help us. There is a great temptation, either by our own flesh or by the enemy to give up. That temptation comes strongly at our weakest point, especially during a long, intense battle, a brutal hardship, or seemingly merciless trial.

Have you felt like you’ve been violently tossed to and fro, sifted like wheat? …waiting, waiting, waiting for answers to prayer to manifest, waiting for the days of relief and joy to be restored.

There is a hypnotic pull to seduce us into saying, ‘it's enough”, or “I can’t take any more”, or echo the psalmist in asking, “why God, how long?”.

The sensation that we simply cannot do it anymore is very real. The allure to give in or give up after an extremely lengthy battle or trial is so paralyzing that many of God’s people cry out with a desperate, heart-wrenching plea to God, an urgent petition, an appeal for His strong arm to bring us up out of that miry pit!

Far too many weary saints will give up, or worse, will turn away when they are so close to the victory that it is heartbreaking when they quit. For if they knew how close they were, they would have known that they could do it; they could finished with a shout of joyous praise. But alas...

Don't give up! Don't give in! Press on! You CAN do this! Don't listen to the lies that say: "It's over; there's no hope. It's too late, what's the use..." Don't listen to those lies of defeat, or drink the poison from that cup of negativity.

Some will become angry and willingly walk away, cultivating a bitter root. The latter is something that we were warned would happen in the last of the last days – hearts will harden, love will wax cold, and apostasy will increase.

Father God, help us all. Let us not be so arrogant or so blinded by vanity and pride that we think it could not happen to us. Lord God, remember that we are but dust. Let us not grow lazy and find excuse, but open our eyes and warn us of the danger.

Please, hold us fast and steady, close to Your bosom like a parent holds fast a newborn. Correct us, rebuke us, do whatever it takes to keep us on the right path. Don’t let go, Abba! May we never take You for granted or think more highly of ourselves than we ought. O Yeshua, my Jesus, be glorified and honoured through it all. Amen

Believe – I Do Things Suddenly

                          10 Lepers by James C. Christensen

Excerpts from a word reposted in 2017, but had been written well before that. I simply do as led – to God be all glory, through Christ Yeshua, our Jesus.

O Lord, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear! Even cry out unto You of violence, and You will not save! Why do You show me iniquity (injustice), and cause me to behold grievance? For spoiling and violence are before me: and there are those that raise up strife and contention.

Therefore, the law is slacked, and judgment does never go forth: for the wicked does compass about the righteous; therefore, wrong judgment proceeds. (justice perverted) [Hab 1:2-4]

Many question My Sovereignty in this hour when faith is being tried as never before. “Where is justice? Why do you stand afar off, and allow such horrors to take place?” Many of My people are crushed in spirit at all that is happening, yet I promise you that I am with you, even now.

Hearts filled with sorrow, grief, anger, doubts; confusion abounds and the enemy whispers, “Where is your God now?” Shut out the voice of the adversary, for only I know the reason behind all things. Sin abounds in this world; human error and choices between doing what is right and what is wrong is still a reality.

When things happen that do not make sense, you must trust that nothing has escaped Me. I DO work all things together for good [Rom 8:28], but in the midst of pain and sorrow, nothing makes sense. I know your frame; I remember that you are but dust. Yet, I say to you, will you trust Me through this?

Multitudes whisper, “Nothing happens that God does not allow.” They readily lay even the consequences of sin at My feet, indirectly blaming Me for all that goes wrong in this world.

There is truth in the statement, yet does what I allow mean that everything is My will? Are abortions, murders, suicides, illegal drug use, incest, adultery, fornication, betrayals, false doctrines, witchcraft and much more…are these such things My will? Consider carefully!

If I intervened and intercepted every vile word, action or deed (all sins), most, if not all, would accuse Me of reneging on the gift of the power to choose. I promise that justice shall be served in the end.

The hearing and knowledge of that will not satisfy most in their darkest hours, yet I assure you that if you will but trust Me through all situations, no matter how mysterious, unfounded, unfair or seemingly untimely, the day will come when you will see that in My wisdom and omniscience, I allowed what I allowed for good reason and purpose.

I can handle your outbursts of anger, frustration and all else that you may bring to Me in your emotional turbulence. Be careful not to murmur and complain, but find it within yourself to thank Me that I consider you worthy to face these trials and challenges (as I did My servant Job, Joseph and others).


If you will find the strength to lay all your life down upon the altar (hopes, dreams, plans, emotions, feelings…your very life) and TRUST Me enough to WAIT upon Me (My timing), and OBEY My instructions in FAITH, then I shall indeed give you beauty for ashes.

I shall turn your sorrow into joy and clothe you in robes of righteousness. You shall be as a tree planted by the waters…if you will but hold fast to your faith, despite all outward circumstances. Indeed, I shall avenge. I AM a God of grace, mercy and love, but also of justice, judgment and righteousness. Selah

Shut not your eyes as one blind, nor harden your heart against Me in your dark hour, for I will yet come and bless you if you will surrender all, lay it all down, and trust and wait upon Me.

This is the time to turn your eyes toward Me and not away from Me. There is a very real adversary that hates all mankind, but particularly My people, those who follow after Me and seek Me in earnest, willing to abide, trust and obey, even when their faith is shaken.

Do not go by your feeling or emotions. Do not go by outward appearances, for in the twinkling of the eye, it can all change. Hold fast to your shield of faith. I AM your shield, your strong tower, your refuge. [Read Heb 11:6]

If My people would only know what is around the corner, they would be stronger. Yes, horrific things are coming, as foretold, yet I say to you, the Bride is being prepared and astounding things not heard of are about to take place.

For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither has the eye seen, O God, beside You, what He has prepared for him that waits for Him.  [Is 64:4]


I am moving on your behalf. This battle is Mine and I have commanded My holy angels to do My bidding.

Wait, I say, wait upon My timing, for that which you have long awaited is upon you. It does not tarry. Breakthrough is coming by My hand alone.

It shall come suddenly, swiftly and without warning, for I often move in such manner.

I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of My mouth, and I showed them; I did them suddenly and they came to pass. [Is 48:3]

(End of excerpts)

Not My Will, But Your Will, Father

Beloved brethren, friends, we must face the reality that we are in times like never before. It is a well-known fact to most that every previous generation thought the “end of the world” was happening in their time, but we have to line it up according to God’s Word, according to the prophecies He gave His holy prophets.

He never gave dates, but He revealed timelines; He gave counsel to align our will with His, and to seek Him daily so that we can stay in His will. He gave signs to watch for. He gave us His Word to follow and be obedient to His (spiritual) laws and commandments. When Christ Yeshua (Jesus) became our Lord, God gave us His beautiful Holy Spirit, so we could "watch and pray", our steps directed by Him, so we would not be lured away by temptations to steal our love from Him. [Mat 26:41]

The Sovereign, Living God (Yhwh / Yhvh) is a good Creator, a loving Father, caring enough to help us to know what to watch for, to stay alert and be obedient to His direction (will). Yet, in His wisdom, He does it in such a way as to keep Himself involved with us through it all, if we are willing.

But again, it is our choice whether we want to keep Him involved and be obedient, or whether we choose to keep Him at a safe (not too religious) distance, calling upon Him "when needed", instead of being in constant communion with Him, and remaining close to Him.

I believe that rather than focusing solely on the times or seasons, which God has in His power alone, He wants us to walk by the power and will of His precious and Holy Spirit, who will guide us when we do not lean on our own wisdom/intellect or understanding/logic. [Acts 1:7,8; Prov 3:5,6]

When Ecclesiastes was written, the author, Agur, said that there was nothing new under the sun. [Ecc 1:9] And it is true. Everything done has been done before. However, things are coming, horrific things are coming that have never been seen or heard of before, but the Messiah Jesus, Yeshua the Christ…He knew. So, He foretold and forewarned.

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. [Mat 24:21]

High Levels of Trust

It is not easy to trust when we are asked to do something that defies logic. It is a lonely journey when everything and everyone is against us, no matter how hard we try to make things work. We all fight our flesh every day, but we all also have our own separate weaknesses and strengths. Mine may not be the same as yours, and vice versa, but we all have them.

When a battle goes on for a long time, or the answer to our urgent prayers is delayed, weeks, months, years, and when even a hint of the end is simply not in sight, it's easy to say, " just trust God", but it is certainly another thing to do it. 

There are levels of trust that are alarmingly challenging. Trust must be inseparable from faith. And like it or not, it is in the heat of battle, in painfully pressing hardships and in fiery trials that will demand a level of trust like Abraham's, or like that of our Saviour, Jesus.

Pride will try to prevent us from crying out to God to help us, to give us the strength to endure. We all want to be self-sufficient and independent, so when we find ourselves in situations where we can do nothing, we have a choice to make; a choice that will take faith and trust to make.

We can either throw in the towel angrily, blaming God for abandoning or forsaking us, for not caring, or we can admit that He promised never to leave or forsake us, and that He is with us even when He is quiet, and even when we don’t understand the “why’s”.

We can cry out to Him for help and cling to Him until the answer comes and the situation is rectified. There are times it will seem like it will never end, especially if it goes on for months or years, but nothing lasts forever.

Many of our forerunners had to go through decades of waiting for answers to their prayers, and it is a fact that there are those of us who will wait decades too.

But God is faithful and He is true. He knows how to mold us, prune and shape us, and to purge and purify us. He knows which process will work best for us. We won't like it. We hear these things all the time, but we need to keep hearing them because of the times that doubt tries to stamp out the reality of these truths.

As I have often said, if we were God, we would never choose the trials for ourselves that He chooses. Yet, He knows the best way to mold us into the image of His Son, and the sure way to renew our mind. He knows whether the clay will be a vessel unto honour or a vessel unto dishonour. We are part of the process; however, we must trust Him through the process.

Meanwhile, He will keep giving us the constant reminders. Bless the Lord. Let us kiss the Son and allow Him to hold us close.

Repeating the Same Messages

I continue to get words repeated to me, which I believe the Lord allows to keep coming before my eyes or into my ears so that it catches my attention. He has many ways of communicating with all of us. He is called “Creator” after all. His WORD is the main way, but too many limit Him, as if He would not use His creation also.

Some examples are “fire and brimstone” from heaven that fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah (possibly a volcano or an asteroid); a burning bush (skeptics like to suggest it was a gas plant); parting of the Red Sea (Reed Sea) (some suggest strong winds), and onward we could continue.

But let me ask you, if you created everything that exists, would you not use it as you see fit to perform your miracles or whatever? Yep, you surely could. And so it is with the Sovereign God. Who can counsel Him or instruct Him on what He can and cannot do?

Words that keep repeating to me in past two weeks are: target (targets, targeting, targeted etc); resist (resistance, resisting, resists etc); balance; victory and time, “rise up”, “align”.


I believe that there are times that Satan targets individuals. Why, I would not venture to guess. It's between the Lord and the adversary, but I do not believe Job was the only person targeted down through history's corridors. Other times I am confident that the entire Body of Christ is targeted. It is those times that I believe the Lord urges us strongly to keep each other in prayer, stick together (assemble) and to keep our focus on Him. He truly does guide us along the path in life if we stay sensitive to the leading of the precious and most Holy Spirit.

Not that I am anyone special, please don't read that in my words, but for the past year (since January 2020) and particularly the past eight months, I have felt targeted. I am confident I am not the only one; in fact, I guarantee it.

Why? Because I know the Lord is trying hearts, as well as the faith of His people. The enemy can speak through believers and no, they do not have to be possessed for him to do so. What proof is there to that statement?

Peter. Peter was Christ's disciple, an apostle, yet the Lord rebuked Satan who was speaking through him. Peter was certainly not possessed or we would have the record of his deliverance in the pages of scripture. 

No, but just like we all can do at times, Peter messed up. He rebuked Jesus when He was teaching them about how the religious sect (priests, elders, scribes) were going to turn on Him (Yeshua) and have him killed. But He went on to say that He would be resurrected after three days.

When Peter rebuked Jesus for His words, the Lord turned the tables on Peter (pardon the expression) and rebuked the apostle for opening the door so Satan could speak through him. [see Mark 8:31-33]

We could say that Jesus was targeted by Satan to try and halt His mission upon the cross, but the Lord discerned the voice speaking the words coming through Peter's lips. Peter was the unexpected fiery arrow that Satan used to fire at Yeshua (Jesus).


I believe this is multifaceted. We are instructed in scripture to submit to God. When we do so we can "resist" the devil and he will flee. Yet Satan does not always instantly flee. There are times he or one of his minions resist our resistance. 

Look at when Daniel was fasting and praying. He was submitted to God. Now we know that he did not rebuke Satan or any demon, or else scripture would say so. However, dark forces (principalities) resisted Gabriel to such a degree that the Lord had to send in reinforcements, which was the archangel Michael.

I am flabbergasted at the fact that many Christians do NOT realize the reality of the war (spiritual) that we are in. It is true that Jesus gave us all power and authority over the enemy, and it is true that the devil must flee when we resist him. But that does not mean that the adversary will not counter-resist.

We are talking about the first rebel, the king of the rebels. Lucifer, the once-holy, once beautiful creation of God who had the audacity to resist his Creator. With all the pride within him, he stood before God with one-third of the then-holy angels and boldly defied God's authority and sovereignty. To this day, Lucifer, now called Satan, which means 'adversary', along with his armies, still resist God.

None of us really understand why YHWH allows what He allows, but we do know the outcome. We know that we would have handled it all differently, but our wisdom pales before God's, similarly like the wisdom of an ant pales before ours. There is no comparison.

Also, Jesus was wholly submitted to the Father, long before He hung on that cross. Yet, when Jesus was in the wilderness, fasting and praying for 40 nights and days, how long did Satan tempt him for (out of those 40 days)? We are not told, but we know his departure was not instant. We know he resisted Christ.

All the ways Satan tempted the Messiah in the desert wilderness reveals that the devil resisted and hung around for awhile, trying to tempt the Lord to sin. He failed. But we know he only left for a 'season', meaning he resisted the authority of the Lord again, and returned when the season passed.

And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from Him for a season. [Lk 4:13]

So, if Satan resists our Lord, Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah, we can expect that he will indeed resist us too. Yes, he will have to flee, and at times the devil will leave immediately, but there will be times that he may not.

"Align" is a word that has presented itself in various forms before my eyes for close to three years. I understood that the Lord was counseling me to ‘align’ my will with His, and come into alignment with His word. That is also corporate; all of us must do this now. The Lord has impressed upon me not only the necessity in aligning with His will and His Word, but the urgency as well. It is not to be brushed aside as ''yeah, yeah, I know", but as a suiting up of armour, face set as flint and ready to obey the commandments of the Commander-in-chief, King Jesus.

Prepare” still appears randomly, as a reminder. It may well be a common word, but there are times it seems to be highlighted, or stands out more than usual, as if to snag my attention. It is always difficult to describe the spiritual things in the physical realm, but when God repeats Himself, we best pay attention.

We see also that prophecies are aligning with His Word. Just as dominoes must be set up in proper alignment in order accomplish a certain outcome in the end, so all prophecies are set up in proper alignment with God’s Word, in order to accomplish His will in the end.

A Message - December, January 2020

Yes, My people have had to learn patience; learn how to endure; learn how to trust Me in all things…It is a constant learning process because growth is (and should be) constant. Even in times when there seems to be dormancy, there is growth within.

And the second is like [namely] this, You shall love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.  [Mk 12:31]

Oh how your heart is blending with Mine, to love all races and nations; to pray for the captives in every country, whether bond or free, whether rich or poor, whether believer or not, for you now see how I desire that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Not all will, but there are many who shall be saved – even so – a remnant.

These are the days and times that My people must trust their God. Through My Son and by My Spirit, I shall lead all who abide in Me. Many have all the right words, but they are not backed up by time spent with Me.

Come, come closer, come deeper. ABIDE and WAIT upon Me for I shall not disappoint. My ways are rarely understood by mankind, even by My own people, but those who TRUST in Me will always end up in praise and thanksgiving.

My love abounds, and it is My love that brings My people back into balance when things that happened – especially if a long wait is involved – throw them temporarily off-balance.

Listen for My still, small voice.

Never has the clash of the kingdoms been more obvious globally as it is this day (even as the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah), and the clash, noise and confusion is steadily increasing, and shall continue.

Some are being called to fast. ALL are being called to pray. Search your heart with the help of My Spirit. Keep a guard upon it – as well as a guard on all portals of your body (eyes, ears, mouth).

Stay in My Word. I shall direct your steps. Not every thought is from Me, nor is every desire placed in you by Me. Be sure to discern that which is of the flesh, that which is of the enemy and that which is of My Spirit. If you do not know, ask for wisdom, and I shall give it.

Stay close and wait for My sure answer, as you bring ALL to Me. Do not lean on your own understanding, searching for logic, reason and sense, for there are things, especially now in these days, where FAITH and TRUST will override logic and fear. Faith and trust will keep My people in OBEDIENCE (faith has works, which carry out (do) My will).

Trust, wait on My timing, no matter how difficult. The waiting will seem to be most burdensome, seemingly overbearing, just before that which one has long waited for becomes a reality.

Every enemy of the cross, and every demonic force will unite in an attempt to sabotage your faith and cause you to give up or to fall into unbelief.

Remember, this is war, but lo! I hold the victory. PATIENCE, just a little longer. The time is upon you. The chaotic condition of the world and the escalation of evil has not taken Me by surprise. Pray, read My Word and rest in Me with confidence. I will lead each willing and obedient child, according to My will and plan.


(End of message)

Confirmations Given by the Lord

Even though I did not ask for confirmations regarding many things the Lord placed in my Spirit, He is so good, so Faithful and thoughtful and so True, He gave me many. Below I will show you the confirmations. It is always amazing how He does things. It's different for all of us because we are all different, yet as one Body, the pieces all come together, as our Lord, the living God, orchestrates it all! Amen.

 I will show some now (confirmations) and save some for another article, along with a more detailed explanation.

Viper, dragon and spiders were warnings given to me by the Lord, either in a dream, vision or in the physical realm. You will soon see what I mean. 


The viper was confirmed back in July 2020, when the landlord of the apartment I had been renting for five years and had fixed up nicely over time, became covetous and wanted my apartment for herself. A (spiritual) battle ensued to get me out. I did move on September 1, 2020. But my battle was about to heat up.

So the Lord confirmed the "viper" (indicative of witchcraft, as well as Satan and his dark forces) the first time on Sunday, July 26, 2020. I remember because some friends of mine invited me to stay the weekend at their place in order to give me a break from the intense stress the landlady had me under for four months.

It just so happened that the landlady was close friends with the wiccans who lived a few doors down from me. I am sure the "witchcraft" came from there whilst they "prayed" (unholy prayers, a 'hex' or 'incantation') that the 'wicked' woman (me, the Christian) would leave. I did end up leaving (however, it was my choice, just to end the stress and mental anguish), but God was allowing it and preparing the home I am in now for me. Bless the Lord!

Take note though. The pattern on the viper indicated something else prophetically - division. There would be a severing, a dividing - broken relationships, various areas, hence the fragments, the pattern, the "dividing lines".

The second time I saw the viper was five months after I moved into the RV. My heart sank because the second time, the "VIPER" was right before my face, which implied that the battle was about to get even more upfront and personal, almost like hand-to-hand combat. I will explain after I post a picture of the confirmation. It will surprise you.

The first time I saw the car I was stopped at a red light and the car was parked in front of a store across the road (across an intersection, so a little distance away). As soon as I saw it, the Holy Spirit placed the warning upon my heart. I instantly knew it meant the enemy was going to come against me, and sure enough, he did - through my landlady.

The second time the viper appeared before my eyes was when I was in a different town (yes, a different town - the first time I saw it was in the small city where my friends live, the second time was in the town I lived in). I was waiting for traffic to pass so that I could make a right-hand turn. Not only did the viper car pass me, but it stopped momentarily (due to traffic in front of it)...just long enough for me to understand what the Holy Spirit was once again putting in my spirit.

This time it was a different battle but also with the person renting me my home. I did say in a previous article that it has been one "helluva" year, and that Covid had nothing to do with it. This battle included fraud, but astoundingly "untouchable" as neither 'federal' or 'provincial' law could touch it. 

Sound incredible and unbelievable? It was...and it was exactly five months to the day since I had seen the "viper" car before. The second sighting was on February 26, 2021. It was an intense month and I was also extremely ill with pneumonia, but one month later on March 27, 2021, I moved to where I am now.

And the peace I have passes all understanding. I am content here and I thank the Lord, who warns us, battles for us and gives us victory if we will just persevere. I admit that I could not have done it without the Lord's help, but help me He did.

This is in part a testimonial, but mostly, for God's people to be on guard. Take everything to the Lord because one warning may be personal, another corporate. We have to practice taking matters to the Lord. In His way and in His time, He will let us know. He is faithful to guide us, even if He seems slow-w-w-w to us. His timing is perfect. I find that difficult myself sometimes - there are some things that seem urgent yet the Lord seems to take His time. The story of Lazarus reveals that this is the Lord's way for reasons we do not understand until later.


As stated, I am grateful and content with my home, but my health has been an issue beginning in 2017, but worsening in July 2019. It progressively worsened, along with spiritual warfare right through 2020 to this day, May 2021.

Truly the Lord has held me steady and given me strength day by day. I won't go into all the details here, but suffice it to say that I related to Job, and to the two women with the "spirit of infirmity". The body has gone through extreme and intense havoc, not just with breathing but in other serious physical ailments.

People can think it's about 'self', but I am trying to show others that we all have hardships and suffering, and times we would rather not be the fiery furnace, we just want "out"! But, it does help if we know others are going through hard times least, it helps me refocus. Jesus IS with us. These trials will reveal our heart condition, like it or not. And frankly, there are changes in me that I would like to see STAT; things in me I don't like. May the Lord purge and purify, for His glory.

One day whilst driving, I began to weep. In my prayers I was reasoning with my Lord that He breathed into Adam so He knew the importance of I pleaded for His help. Then, I moved on about the other physical and painful problems. O, how I did not want to complain or murmur, yet, where is the line drawn? I do fear the Lord, but oh...

How I love the Lord. How I was guarding my words. This is all work HE has done in me, so the glory is His alone, but still... I was weeping so heavily due to the long-term, seemingly never-ending pain that I decided I best pull over. I did not want others to see me weeping either.

I pulled into a random parking lot off the highway in town, asking the Lord the famous "why", "what have I done" questions and statements. No sooner had I finished asking the "why" when straight ahead of me was the answer. I knew it because it is one of the ways the Lord speaks to me.

There was my answer...the dragon.
Satan, the dragon, that ancient serpent...that was who the Lord was dealing with on my behalf. No wonder I could relate to the women with the "spirit of infirmity" mentioned in the Bible. The one woman suffered 12 years, having spent all her money on doctors to try and find a cure for an issue of blood, but after all those years, she still suffered and found no cure. However, she sought out Jesus, touched the hem of His garment, and was healed due to her faith.

The second woman was bent over for 18 years due to a spirit of infirmity. She was in the temple and was healed due to the compassion of Jesus/Yeshua. So, now I wait, for my time is upon me...And for others who are going through, trust that the Lord is compassionate. The time is upon you too...let's do our best to trust, to wait.


God is beyond good. He is beyond adequate words, but He is good. He speaks to us out of His love for us.

It was March 2021 and I was going to be moving in a couple of weeks. I came across a wooden bowl with some  breath mints inside. I had forgotten about it, as there had been so much going on with my health and the attacks of the enemy through sinful people, and through incredible and frightening events (more on that in next article, Lord willing).

I was aware of the viper and the dragon because of the faithfulness of the Lord. However, the way He encourages us is also staggering and marvelous. As soon as I saw what I am about to show you, my mouth fell open. The Lord was promising "victory" in this battle.

That is how He has always done things. He speaks a thing out before it happens. He spoke of victory to many of our forerunners before a battle had even begun. Some of our examples are Gideon, Saul, David, Joshua et al.

Before I packed up the wooden bowl I decided to lift the lid and look inside because I could not remember if there was anything inside it or not. There were two beautiful loonies inside but what surprised me was what was on them. They had been minted for Remembrance day and to commemorate 75 years since the end of the second world war.

Staring me right in the face was the word, VICTORY, in French and in English on each coin. The coins were identical, but one had colours and one did not. I do not remember ever seeing the coins, but isn't that just like the Lord. Think "victory" for yourself; do not listen to the enemy's lies. This earth is not our home right now.

I will end with this encouraging note. On the matter of the word “time”, there are variants to it, such as: “appointed” time; “now is the time” or even "the time has come".  It was after I moved and my health still had my heart heavy.

Entering into the bank to take care of some business was a man in a red shirt, a colour that certainly grabs attention. He was the only other person in the bank. I stood behind him at the 6 foot mark. 

When I read the back of his shirt, I knew the Lord was speaking yet again. (You would have to listen in on some of my prayers to fully understand lol). His shirt had some sort of advertising on it, but right at the very top were the two sentences that stood out like a neon light.

The sentences were: 



I believe it is the appointed time for many. Now we have to patiently wait for the appointed hour, then the appointed moment. Glory to the Lord who helps us through all the dark times if we only look for His hand that points the way.

Bless the Lord. 

for His glory,

penned by



  1. Love this article Bonita! So much encouragement from the Lord. Praying that we all will hear the Lord when He speaks and directs us. So many voices shouting and demanding our attention. Lord please give us grace to hear, trust and obey. Love you my precious friend.

  2. Thank you Donna, beloved woman of God. That was my hope and prayer, that others would be encouraged, strengthened. How our Lord is so faithful and loves us, even when He corrects us out of that love. Bless the Lord!


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