Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Patience is Learned - One of the Hardest Lessons

It has been the craziest, busiest time I ever remember having, and I have had busy times before, as we all have and do.

Those who have faithfully stopped by the site to see if anything new is posted...thank you for your patience! Speaking for myself, I can confidently state that patience is learned, but it is one of the hardest lessons.

Waiting on the Lord will require faith and that faith will be tried to the max! We have plenty of examples in the Bible (God's holy Word) of God's people who had to wait for their promises or wait for God to move or intervene.  Some were successful in their wait, such as Job, Abraham, Joseph (Jacob's son), Hannah, Elizabeth and many other examples. Some were not successful, such as Saul, who was moved by fear and doubt when the circumstances tempted him to believe God was not going to keep his promise (through Samuel, the prophet). [1Sam 13:1-15]

May God help us all to be as the former and not as the latter.

I ask readers to please allow 3-4 more days for the next post. May the Lord help me to keep to that, and may He be glorified through it all.

Thanking any and all readers in advance for your understanding, but mostly...your patience!

for His glory,

Bonita                     dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com


  1. I read a quote the other day: "Patience is our martyrdom." Hope all is well with you~
    Joy Mc

  2. bless you Joy...thought-provoking words! Always a delightful (and often unexpected) surprise to hear from you, sister in Christ. You have always had impeccable timing. :)

    Pray the next post can go forward soon! Be much blessed....


Comment or email at: dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com