Friday, October 30, 2015

Echoes Down Through the Corridors of History - Part TWO

Please click here if you missed Part ONE

Victory and Glory
An astute politician would congratulate the people (which Trudeau did) and allow them to share in the glory (which he also did).  Indeed, like Pontius Pilate, it is best to tell the people what they want to hear, and if it means keeping you in power, then give them what they want.  After all, it was their votes that put him in power, not God. (see below)

Since he was in Montreal, Quebec, the new prime minister began his victory speech in French (Canada's second official language).  Then he switched to English.  Below are some of the highlights of his speech.

“Sunny ways, my friends…sunny ways!” (pause for crowd’s cheers)

“This is what positive politics can do. This is what a positive, hopeful…a hopeful vision, and a platform, and a team together can make happen.”

“Canadians… (cheers) Canadians from all across this great country sent a clear message tonight. It’s time for a change in this country, my friends – a real change!”

When speaking about Katie Telford (national campaign director) and Gerry Butts (adviser/personal close friend):

“They share with me the conviction that politics doesn’t have to be negative and personal to be successful, that – that you can appeal to the better angels of our nature, and you can win while doing it.

Statements about how the Liberal party “listened” to what the people were saying were sprinkled throughout the speechThat makes sense. If you want to win at something, tell them what they want to hear–and what they want is “real change”.

“I didn’t make history tonight; you did. And don’t let anyone tell you any differently. I know that I am on stage tonight for one reason and one reason only: because you put me here.
Yes, everyone (including angels) shared in the glory of the moment, but not God. Our Christian leader forgot the words of long ago. If only Justin Trudeau had heard the words of another powerful leader and the words of the ‘audience’ that stood before him, echo down through the corridors of history.

“Speak you not to me? know you not that I have power to crucify you, and have power to release you?”  Jesus answered, You could have no power [at all] against Me, except it were given you from above: therefore he that delivered Me unto you has the greater sin. [Jn 19:10, 11]

Outward Appearances
It’s not surprising that Trudeau would be the more popular candidate. So many people judge by outward appearances.  He also happens to be the youngest (43) of all the candidates and extremely “liberal” (literally). Justin is the second Trudeau in Canadian history to become prime minister.

His father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau served from April 20, 1968 - June 4, 1979; serving again from March 3, 1980 - June 30, 1984, at which time he retired.  Pierre died in Montreal in September, 2000 at the age of 81 years old. Perhaps that is why his son chose Montreal as the city to be in when the new prime minister of Canada was announced.
There were enough Canadians who were fond of the senior Trudeau to accept and keep him as leader for about 16 years. In his heyday, Pierre literally had women grabbing at him, reaching out to try and kiss and touch him.
1981 -  Princess Diana with Pierre Trudeau
In fact, in 1968, Pierre Trudeau’s flamboyant, charismatic personality and ‘hip’ style affected so many Canadians that Lubor A. Zink, a Czech-Canadian journalist who worked for the Toronto Telegram as a columnist (based in Ottawa) coined the phrase “Trudeaumania”.

Zink, who won a National Newspaper award for his editorials, was not impressed with Trudeau.  He considered Pierre Trudeau a crypto-communist (someone who secretly supports or admires Communism. It is kept hidden to avoid persecution or suicide, in the political sense).  Keep that in mind for future reference.
After 11 years as Prime Minister, Trudeau had a nine month hiatus, at which time Joe Clark took his place (June 1979 - March 1980). Pierre was younger than Justin when he took office, which was the day before his 40th birthday. Justin Trudeau will be 44 on the coming 25 December. 

Apple Does Not Fall Far from the Tree

During a session in the House of Commons in 1971, John Lundrigan, (Newfoundland and Labrador MP) questioned Pierre Trudeau on whether the government should introduce new programs to lift the unemployment burden over and above what had been announced since the previous March.  An indignant PM Pierre Trudeau interrupted and retorted curtly by mouthing the words ‘f*** off’, not once, but twice. 
When eager reporters pressed Trudeau to admit what he said, he stated that he had not said anything, but the reporters were relentless, pressing him to admit that he had used “inexcusable” language.
...fuddle duddle, or something like that
When asked what he was thinking when he mouthed the words he did, Trudeau’s annoyed response was: What is the nature of your thoughts, gentlemen, when you say “fuddle duddle” or something like that? God, you guys…!” 

It became instantly popular and remains a catchphrase to many Canadians to this day. The standing joke has been resurrected once again by yet another Liberal at the announcement of the party’s win, as you will read about shortly.

Just Watch Me

Another phrase that Pierre Trudeau made popular was during what became known as the October Crisis in 1970.  The FLQ (Front de Libération du Québec) had kidnapped British Trade Commissioner James Cross from his home on October 5, which was followed by another kidnapping five days later.

The second kidnapping was that of Pierre Laporte, the Minister of Labour of the province of Quebec, from the backyard of his home where he was said to be playing football with a nephew.

It was during this crisis that CBC reporter Tim Ralfe caught Pierre Trudeau as he was entering the government building on Parliament Hill. His confrontation was a mere three days after the second kidnapping. The interview itself proved to be somewhat contentious.

Ralfe wanted to know why there were so many army tanks; why such a military presence.  The Canadian Forces had been ordered to assist the police in Ottawa, under the provisions of the National Defence Act. Troops also appeared on Montreal’s streets three days later on 15 October.
Time Ralfe pressed Trudeau, asking him, “How far would you go with that? How far would you extend that?”  It was at this point in time that PM Pierre Trudeau made what became his famous “Well, just watch me” remark.

War Measures Act
Three days after Trudeau’s famous reply, the War Measures Act was invoked (the first time in history that the Act was enforced during a time of peace), which meant that anybody who even looked suspicious could be arrested and detained by the police; it meant that basic civil liberties and rights, such as habeas corpus, were suspended. 

Pierre Laporte was murdered seven days after his kidnapping. He had been strangled and then stuffed into the trunk of a car. Some concluded that Laporte had been strangled accidentally while trying to escape.

However, Francis Simard, one of the FLQ terrorists stated in his autobiography that Laporte was murdered intentionally. “We killed him, it was not an accident.”
James Cross was released 62 days after he was kidnapped.  

Approximately eighty-five percent of Canadians across all regions of Canada supported the decision of enforcing the War Measures Act, whilst the remaining percentage critiqued the move as excessive, as per the 1970 December Gallup Poll.
Canadian encyclopedia states:  “Emergency regulations under the War Measures Act were replaced in November 1970 by similar regulations under the Public Order Temporary Measures Act, which lapsed on 30 April 1971.”

More Echoing

Micheal Kydd, an ex-employee and still avid supporter of the PC (Progressive Conservative Party) of Nova Scotia was onboard the same plane as Liberal leader Justin Trudeau in 2013, as they flew from Halifax to Ottawa. 
He slipped a note to the candidate: “Justin, can you really beat Harper?”  Justin Trudeau wrote a confident reply:  Just watch me” – echoes down through the history’s corridors. Now, just after Trudeau’s win, Kydd is endeavouring to sell the note on E-bay. 
(Update*: The now-famous note has apparently sold for $12,301.00 (winning bid out of 62), as of October 22, 2015, a mere three days after Canada’s 42nd federal election, according to a video posted by Globe and Mail/AP, in which Justin Trudeau won.
The following year after the note exchange, March 2014, Justin Trudeau was at a charity boxing match (Fight for the Cure) in Gatineau, Quebec.  To highlight the event, the ring announcer invited Justin Trudeau to come into the ring, take the microphone and speak a few words to the audience about the event two years earlier, where Trudeau had won the boxing match with Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau.
Trudeau stated: “I’m going to tell you, there is no experience like stepping into this ring and measuring yourself. All the…your name, your fortune, your intelligence, your beauty…none of that f---ing matters.”

He later joked that his wife gave him “a talking to over using the F-bomb”. He admitted that he let his “emotions run a little hot” when he began to speak about the boxing match that he had been victorious in. 

Justin obviously could not parrot his father in that situation, claiming to merely mouth “fuddle duddle” or some such thing because he had a microphone in his hand and was clearly heard, whereas his father did not have a mike.

Catchphrase Resurrected

Liberal candidate, Nick Whalen, who became the MP-elect in the St. John’s East riding, most certainly remembered the famous words of the Prime Minister of Canada from decades ago, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Justin’s father.
When asked by reporters how he felt about the win, Whalen gleefully quipped, “I’m so fuddle duddle happy, I could fuddle duddle cry!”  Yes, echoes down through the corridors of history, indeed.

It seems that there was another situation where Justin Trudeau’s emotions got the best of him. He was an MP (Member of Parliament) at the time.  In 2011, Environment Minister Peter Kent had told NDP critic Megan Leslie that she had not attended a conference on climate change; therefore, she was ill-informed.

For whatever reason, Justin Trudeau flared up over Kent’s remark and very boldly called Kent “a piece of… (expletive)”, which caused quite the uproar amongst delegates in the House. Trudeau later rose up and apologized. 
“I lost my temper and used language that was most decidedly unparliamentary and for that I unreservedly apologize and withdraw my remarks.”

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God [2Tim 3:1-4]

Obama and Trudeau Believe in “Change”
When Barack Obama (was campaigning for the presidency, his fundamental motif was “Change”, and the slogan for his campaign was “Yes We Can”.  When he won in 2008, many reported that it was the Generations X and Y, as well as the African-Americans that strongly supported Obama; those who wanted divisive times of racial discrimination and profiling put behind them. Americans wanted ‘change’. 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (43) is five years younger than his father was when he became the Prime Minister of Canada and only four years younger than President Obama (47) when he was elected.  
Trudeau’s motif was “Real Change Now”, and his slogan initially was “Come work with me”.  Of course, many victory reports are now using headlines such as “Just Watch Me” as Trudeau’s slogan. Canadians wanted 'change', real change.

Poking (Provoking?) the Bear
President Vladamir Putin is not viewed highly by the new Prime Minister.  In an article written by Tristin Hopper of the National Post, Hopper quoted the words of Justin Trudeau, taken from his speech that was recorded by videographer Andy Blatchford of The Canadian Press.

Trudeau’s inexperience, lack of social graces (application of universal manners) and offensive statements became evident. The report goes as follows:
“It is the Putin Test: The phenomenon of Western countries measuring potential leaders’ mettle by considering how they might deal with Vladimir Putin, the judo-master strongman of Russia.
On Tuesday, that question was put to Justin Trudeau, who accused Putin of “being dangerous” in Eastern Europe, “irresponsible and harmful” in the Middle East, and “unduly provocative” in the Arctic.
He called Putin a “bully,” and said: “If I have the opportunity in the coming months to meet with Vladimir Putin, I will tell him all this directly to his face because we need to ensure that Canada continues to stand strongly for peace and justice in the world.”
A commenter on the National Post website named Andris Lielmanis, Toronto, Ontario made a rather astute remark (before the election):  

Justin's remarks regarding Putin reminds one of the saying that " there is no point for the sheep to vote for vegetarianism when the wolf is of a contrary opinion" Justin is going to tell the the (sic) wolf to its face that he does not approve of his carnivourism (sic).”
Justin Trudeau may want to boldly poke at Vladamir Putin, but somehow I cannot see how a few frantic slaps of the beaver’s tail in the face is going to have much of an effect on the bear, but the beaver best plan his offensive attack in the water, where at least he has a chance to swim away as fast as he can.

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. [Prov 16:18]

Promised Changes

Some of Justin Trudeau’s promises to the Canadian people are: tax changes (upping taxes for high earners and cuts for middle-class income); an inquiry into the missing / murdered Canadian (aboriginal) women (particularly northern BC); tax-free child tax credit for household incomes below $200,000; adjust legislature (new laws) for physician-assisted death (euthanasia); legalizing “gender-specific” abortions, legalizing marijuana, and many more promises.

Protest over Legalizing Pot
(This just in…I present to you an interesting, even surprising news item that was reported on the 23rd of October (three days after I began this article). 

There are many critics who believe that a majority of people voted for Justin Trudeau due to his promises of legalizing marijuana.
It is a possibility, but highly unlikely that that was the winning edge.  Nevertheless, it seems that the hornet’s nest has been disturbed and the angry buzzing has begun.  Protests from members of the Canadian Hells Angels were heard on the steps of Parliament in Ottawa, only three days after the Liberal leader’s victory.

World News Daily reported:

OTTAWA  | As Canada’s newly elected Liberal government is on the verge of legalizing marijuana, thousands of Hells Angels members have taken the Parliament by storm yesterday to protest the new proposition.

The legalization of marijuana could cost the organized crime hundreds of thousands of jobs, believes the spokesman for the Canadian chapter of the Hells Angels, Jean-Roch Fournier.

“We estimate that Prime minister Justin Trudeau’s radical proposition to legalize marijuana could cost us over a hundred thousand jobs” says the former lawyer. “From growing operations, to trimming, packaging, transportation and selling, this new legislature will threaten the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of Canadian workers” he warns.

A multi-billion dollar industry
The legalization of marijuana could bring in between 5 to 12 billion dollars to the Canadian economy each year, reveals a recent 2014 joint study by the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University.

“Our research suggests more than 7,366,000 people in Canada use pot and we estimate the Canadian pot industry is worth between $5 billion and $12 billion a year, depending on suggested prices” explains Economics professor, Zahir Mahalik.

“Our study evaluated not only the legalization of cannabis on a recreational use basis but also for its inherit potential in the medical and pharmaceutical business, which explains the high numbers” he acknowledged. “It is obvious the legalization of marijuana will cause major profit losses to organized crime organizations nation-wide” he told local reporters.

In summary, the report also mentions the fact that Canada would be the first among developed nations to legalize marijuana. Bob Flanagan, reporter for World News wrote that only four states (Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington state), plus Washington, DC, have legalized pot, but that it is still illegal at the federal level. Approximately 15 other states have decriminalized possession of marijuana. Source: WorldNewsDailyReport

Legal Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

There are some interesting facts about Canada’s regulations on marijuana use.

As of the year 2000, under the law in Ontario regarding medical marijuana: “Canadians who need marijuana for medical reasons can apply to the federal Minister of Health for an exemption to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, under Section 56. Only about 50 exemptions for marijuana use have been granted so far.

As of 2011: R. v. Mernagh (Ontario Superior Court):
On April 12, 2011, Justice Donald Taliano found that Canada's Marijuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) and "the prohibitions against the possession and production of cannabis (marijuana) contained in sections 4 and 7 respectively of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act" are "constitutionally invalid and of no force and effect". 

The government was given 90 days (until 11 July) to fill the void in those sections, or the possession and cultivation of Marijuana would become legal in all of Ontario. This includes the non-medical use of the drug.

Regulations No Longer in Effect

The Marihuana (sic) Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) were repealed on March 31, 2014. However, as a result of a Federal Court Order granted on March 21, 2014, individuals who were previously authorized to possess and produce marijuana under the MMAR, and who meet the terms of the Federal Court order, will be able to continue to do so on an interim basis until the Court reaches a final decision.  

As ordered by the Court, individuals with an Authorization to Possess valid on March 21, 2014, may hold a maximum quantity of dried marijuana as specified by their Authorization to Possess or 150 grams, whichever is less.

Individuals with a Medical need

Individuals with a medical need who do not fall within the scope of this Court order and who have the support of a licensed healthcare practitioner may consult Procedures for Accessing Marijuana for Medical Purposes.

Therefore, in 2003, all Canadian provinces were affected by the MMPR (Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations).  Since the nation’s medical marijuana laws are federally regulated, they are uniform within all provinces and territories (unlike the United States).

(Update insert: As of October 27, 2015, one week after election):
The City of Vancouver showed disregard toward the federal government in June 2015 by announcing that they would be voting to regulate marijuana dispensaries. 
As of October, 2015, the new bylaw went into effect. Out of over 176 applications, only 100 medical marijuana dispensaries in Vancouver were approved, but they will face a hefty license fee, according to a report by Yuliya Talmazan of

The “compassion clubs” (that sell pot to patients suffering from chronic illnesses) have been shown mercy with the license fee being only $1,000.
All retailers must adhere to the following regulations of the bylaw:

● $30,000 license fee for medical marijuana dispensaries to operate

● $1,000 license fee for compassions clubs to operate

● must not operate within 300 metres of schools, community pot shops and other marijuana dispensaries

● must not sell edibles (brownies, cookies, candies etc)

Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney and Health Minister Rona Ambrose were both in opposition of the new bylaw, and in a co-signed letter to council and police stated that storefront sales of marijuana were illegal, advising the police to enforce Canada’s laws.
The letter brought a stern rebuke from Councillor George Meggs: “You are completely out of touch with the realities on the ground,” he said. “The policies you are advocating are backward and destructive and have driven us to take the steps that are necessary here today.”

Mayor Gregor Robertson’s questions suggested that the decision to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries would keep unnecessary battles out of court, where “potentially millions of taxpayer dollars” would be spent “fighting in the courts on many, many different fronts.”  He contended that it was not “responsible governance”.
The ‘Liberal’ Views of PM Justin Trudeau

Trudeau is indeed a very Liberal leader, but is it extreme liberalism? Liberal is defined as:

-   ●  open to new ideas; tolerant of behaviour, ideas and opinions of others; willing to discard traditional values (adj.)

-   ●  open to freedom and openness to change (emphasis mine)     
     Admiring China
Some of PM Trudeau’s views are indeed questionable, such as his admission to admiring communist China. Some wonder if his admiration has affected his decision to consider “gender-specific” abortion.

Back in November, 2013, a political fundraiser, advertised as “Justin Unplugged” was held in Toronto. The event was open to 100 women, with a hefty price tag of $250 per ticket. It would be a question and answer period where the women would have an opportunity to get to know the Liberal leader.

The event was controversial and the critics were plentiful.  However, it would prove to become a memorable event, but not necessarily in the way intended. One of the women asked a question which produced an answer that proved to be very revealing as to just how ‘liberal’ the Liberal leader is.

Question: “Which nation, besides Canada, which nation’s administration do you most admire, and why?”  There was hesitation, a little friendly joking and laughter, and then Trudeau was prodded again.

Question: “But the question at hand, sir, which country’s government does the Party’s candidate for Prime Minister in 2015 most admire?”
Answer: “You know, there’s a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say, ‘we need to go green fastest.  We need to start investing in solar’.

I mean, there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wanted that I find quite interesting.”

He carried on his answer, but had switched gears and was speaking about the territories of Canada; Nunavut, the Yukon etc. for three or four more sentences. He punctuated his answer with: “Sun News can now report that I prefer China.”

Pierre Trudeau had been labeled a crypto-communist by a well-known journalist, but Justin leaves no doubt as to his position. Yet once again, Justin has proven that the apple that has not fallen far from the tree. 

Although he insists that he does not intend to mirror his father's image, he seems to be fairly close to doing so...and yet another echo goes down through the corridors of history.

Support of LGBT
Trudeau is noted most for his progressive political views, being a self-proclaimed feminist and passionate advocate for LGBT rights. 
We’re celebrating 10 years of taking the decision the Supreme Court in the U.S. just took,” Trudeau said during an interview with Canada’s Global News at Toronto Pride this year, shortly after the U.S. marriage equality decision. “It’s a great day for freedom. It’s wonderful to see political leaders celebrating this.”  The Advocate

In November 2011, the CBC wrote an article when Justin Trudeau admitted to being upset when a Tory MP posted remarks on Facebook that questioned Trudeau’s faith.

“Dean Del Mastro, the parliamentary secretary to the prime minister, said on Facebook last month that it was “outrageous” the Catholic school board in Peterborough, Ont. had invited Trudeau to speak for a second time in three years.

“If they are looking for a truly great speaker, who also happens to be Catholic, perhaps they might invite [Immigration] Minister Jason Kenny,” Del Mastro wrote on Oct. 12.

“Are there any tenets of the Catholic faith that Justin supports?”

The news article goes on to detail the number of students Trudeau was to speak with. Trudeau’s response to the Facebook comment was defensive and angry. He had been raised Catholic by his father, insisting that they went to church every weekend and said prayers as a family every night.

“I have to say, I’m really surprisingly upset. I didn’t think I would be, but I am,” Trudeau told The Canadian Press on Tuesday evening.

“For someone to start questioning my own faith and accusing me of being a bad Catholic, is something that I really take issue with. My own personal faith is an extremely important part of who I am and the values that I try to lead with.”
Trudeau added that neither he nor his father saw any incongruity between enshrining the rights of gays and lesbians, for example, and the tenets of Catholicism. (sic) 

He notes that he is personally very opposed to abortion, but still believes nobody can tell a woman what she should do with her body.
“My own credo is completely consistent with that, and I’ll defend my own faith and my own values to the utmost extent,” Trudeau said. CBC News

Fast-forward to a mere three months after the above news article was written, where Justin Trudeau’s statements were published regarding his upset with an opposing political representative questioned the tenets of his faith. The following excerpts are from a news article written February 14, 2012, Montreal, Quebec.
For those who may not know, Pierre Trudeau was very popular and well-received in Quebec.  After all, it was Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau that made French the second official language of Canada in 1968, making Canada a bilingual English and French-speaking country.

 “Former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was famous for his fight against Quebec separatists. So his son, Montreal MP Justin Trudeau, caused a stir this week after he appeared to support Quebec sovereignty.

His justification? Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s oft-touted “hidden agenda” on abortion and same-sex “marriage”.

A Radio-Canada radio host asked Trudeau on Sunday if he can still recognize Canada now under Prime Minister Harper and got a shock by the MP’s reply.
“I always say, if at a certain point, I believe that Canada was really the Canada of Stephen Harper – that we were going against abortion, and we were going against gay marriage, and we were going backwards in 10,000 different ways – maybe I would think about wanting to make Quebec a country,” said Trudeau, seen as a strong contender for the Liberal Party leadership in the future.

“Oh yes – absolutely, if I no longer recognize Canada. For me, my values, I know them very well. But I believe profoundly in Canada, and I know that Quebec within Canada can [restore] this all,” he added. (Emphasis mine)  LifeSiteNews

In other words, Justin Trudeau was saying that he would definitely consider making Quebec a separate country unto itself if then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper continued in his position of keeping all abortion debates out of the House of Commons.

Harper strongly opposed gender-specific abortion and disallowed any debate in the House. However, he had nothing to say, nor was he going to attempt to reverse a court decision made in 2003 to legalize same-sex marriage in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia.

In July, 2005, Canada legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, becoming the fourth country globally and the first country outside of Europe to do so.

Support of Pride Parades and Same-sex Marriage
Going forward yet another year, to July 3, 2013 –
The Liberal leader who shocked Canadians last year by declaring he would break up the country to keep same-sex “marriage” in Quebec made good on his commitment to homosexual activism over the weekend as he pulled out all the stops for Toronto’s annual Gay Pride parade.

“The Liberal Party believes that the advancement of LGBTTQ rights is a priority and we hope you will join us in continuing this vital work,” declared Justin Trudeau in a video marking Sunday’s parade.

A regular at Montreal’s Pride event, Justin Trudeau attended Toronto’s parade for the first time this year after taking the helm of the federal Liberal Party in April.

Last year Trudeau demonstrated that he was not content with merely promoting homosexual rights, but was intolerant of dissenting opinion. Speaking at a high school, he said it was “repulsive” that Catholics were opposing the imposition of gay-straight alliance clubs in Catholic schools.

He made a splash in the media by attending Pride’s opening church service on Church St., and greeting revelers as he walked the parade route with Kathleen Wynne, Ontario’s first homosexual premier.
He also filled his Twitter feed with photos and commentary on the event, as well as a tweet on June 26th in support of the U.S. homosexual “rights” movement on the occasion of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that overturned a key provision of the Defense of Marriage Act.”  LifeSiteNews
In the following excerpt from the same news article, the year 1967 is mentioned, which is just before Justin Trudeau’s father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau became prime minister in 1968.  


“Here in Canada, our record as a leader in LGBTTQ rights is recognized globally and Liberals are proud of our contributions,” he says. “From the declaration that the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation to the decriminalization of homosexuality to the legalization of same-sex ‘marriage’, it has been Liberal governments that have successfully fought since 1967 to enshrine the rights of the LGBTTQ community.”  LifeSiteNews

The highlighted words above are my emphasis. The reason for that is because those very words are what Pierre Trudeau said publicly in 1967, the difference being that the remark was not about same-sex marriage, it was about the right for a woman to choose abortion. Pierre also stated “what’s done in private between adults doesn’t concern the Criminal Code.”  

It would seem that Justin Trudeau hopes to be prime minister for as long as his father was. Perhaps that is why we continue to see PM Trudeau echoing his father’s words, and indeed, making sure that they again become just as public by repeating them when addressing the most controversial subjects.  However, he did make it clear that he does not intend to mirror his father’s image, as previously stated.

Ye Shall Be as gods – Serpent in Garden to Eve
I do not know what sermons Trudeau listened to at the church he attended, if there were any, or what his daily prayers were, but the very thing he supports is contrary to those of the Catholic faith, which he was raised in, as well as opposed to that which is written in the Word of God. There are only certain instances that the Catholic Church tolerates the death of a fetus (embryo).

This may be trivial to some, but I could find no recent reports of Trudeau or his family attending church.  Perhaps he does not attend anymore.  In his memoir (book) titled, “A Commission, A Convention – A Decision”, Justin Trudeau stated that he wanted “people to know a little more about where I came from, how I came to be the person I am.”

The Ottawa Citizen newspaper closely followed Justin Trudeau throughout his campaign and provided a wealth of information about the candidates. The newspaper had posted excerpts from Trudeau’s memoir on its internet website in October 2014, but has since removed them. The editor’s note on the page states: “This book excerpt has been removed from our website as the agreed time period has expired.”  

It is merely speculation on my part, but since it was posted a year before the election, it is possible the expiry date coincided with the outcome of the election. People may be more prone to purchase the book if and when Trudeau was elected.

Be that as it may, there is another page on the Ottawa Citizen’s website under News and Politics that still has quotes from Justin Trudeau’s book available online (as of this writing).

Under a subtitle called, “Faith in God”.  In the paragraphs that follow, the Citizen reports that Trudeau was raised Catholic, said prayers and read the Bible with his father and brothers, but goes on to say that by the time he was in his 20s, Trudeau admits to having become a “lapsed Catholic”.

According to Justin Trudeau’s memoir, he attended a course on Christianity to help him deal with the grief he suffered when Michel, Justin’s younger brother was killed in an avalanche at a British Columbia ski resort. Michel’s body had been swept into a glacier lake and had never been found.

Trudeau wrote (about the course in Christianity): “It came at exactly the right time. Trusting in God’s plan. For someone as rational and scientific and logical and rigorous as I am, to accept the unknowable and to re-anchor myself in faith was really, really important to me. Since that moment, I still consider myself and have re-found myself of a deep faith and belief in God.”

Mark Kennedy, a political reporter for the newspaper, wrote the article. He went on to write: Trudeau stresses that he believes in the “separation of church and state” in his political thinking.  Ottawa Citizen

Although PM Justin Trudeau has “echoed” statements that his father had made popular, Justin Trudeau affirms that to try and imitate or reproduce that would be a “recipe for disaster”.

He wrote: “At one point I had to realize that his path wasn’t mine. That his kind of singular high academic achievement wasn’t what drove me. And for me to try and emulate that was a recipe for disaster.”  He went on to say that he feels “no weight” when people say he’s just following in his father’s footsteps.  Source

to be continued - please return for Part THREE

for His glory

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