It was 2005
when I was on my hands and knees, praying to the Lord, “Where are the true ones?” Like others, my heart ached to meet my true brethren, the 'true' Body of Christ. The
first couple of years after that, the Lord was revealing to me about church
history, pagan holidays, false teachings and more along that line. I had never heard that any holiday was pagan,
with the exception being Hallowe’en.
It was
about 2007 that the Lord began to lead me in other directions, to broaden the
horizon of my understanding, regarding the deception that has been going on
around us for a very long time. However,
it was in December, 2012 that I was led to learn even more about deception.
I do
understand that many others are ahead of me because they have been walking with
the Lord much longer and have been researching for decades. Back in 2008, the Lord directed me to write,
Shout Ahead – Echo Behind.
Oct 1, 2008
11:44 am
It Is TIME! [Hear
the sound of the trumpet (shofar)]
It is time for the warriors to rise up!
It is time for the prophets to rise up!
It is time for the watchmen to rise up!
It is time for the wise virgins to check their lamps for oil!
Be who you are meant to be. My children are to be watchmen and warriors. I promised to pour out My Spirit and sons and daughters in the last days and they would prophesy. Drink of My living water and be refreshed. Feed on My word and spend much time with Me to gain strength, wisdom, knowledge and discernment. Dark days approach for My judgment is going forth. The trumpets have sounded and shall continue.
Pray for wisdom and understanding. Pray for more discernment.
The enemy has drawn a line in the sand. He is a counterfeiter, for he knows that it is he that has a line that he cannot cross, for I am God and there is no other. Satan cannot do anything that I do not allow. Do not try to know My thoughts or ways, for My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are higher than your ways.
It is time for the warriors to rise up!
It is time for the prophets to rise up!
It is time for the watchmen to rise up!
It is time for the wise virgins to check their lamps for oil!
Be who you are meant to be. My children are to be watchmen and warriors. I promised to pour out My Spirit and sons and daughters in the last days and they would prophesy. Drink of My living water and be refreshed. Feed on My word and spend much time with Me to gain strength, wisdom, knowledge and discernment. Dark days approach for My judgment is going forth. The trumpets have sounded and shall continue.
Pray for wisdom and understanding. Pray for more discernment.
The enemy has drawn a line in the sand. He is a counterfeiter, for he knows that it is he that has a line that he cannot cross, for I am God and there is no other. Satan cannot do anything that I do not allow. Do not try to know My thoughts or ways, for My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are higher than your ways.
(NOTE*: I understood that the line that the enemy cannot cross is the line God (YHVH) draws because He is Sovereign, but there is the BLOOD line of Christ (Messiah) that God highly honours - BP2015)
Take your stand. You have seen that the battle is raging. You have been fighting your battles and have grown weary in this war. This is not the time for fear and unbelief. Fear and unbelief must go; faith and trust must be!
Be still and know that I am God. Drink of My water [word] to soothe your dry lips. Feed upon My word to strengthen your spirit. Keep your armor on. Take your stand. Link up together with other warriors and watchmen. Hear the prophets (prophesying today), but test every spirit to see if it is of Me or not, for there are many false ones. The true body must be unified! You must not break ranks! Time is short and is of an essence!
Rise up, o army!
Rise up, o army!
Rise up, o army!
Take your stand. You have seen that the battle is raging. You have been fighting your battles and have grown weary in this war. This is not the time for fear and unbelief. Fear and unbelief must go; faith and trust must be!
Be still and know that I am God. Drink of My water [word] to soothe your dry lips. Feed upon My word to strengthen your spirit. Keep your armor on. Take your stand. Link up together with other warriors and watchmen. Hear the prophets (prophesying today), but test every spirit to see if it is of Me or not, for there are many false ones. The true body must be unified! You must not break ranks! Time is short and is of an essence!
Rise up, o army!
Rise up, o army!
Rise up, o army!
In the power of your God, for My glory.
Refresh yourself in Me so you CAN rise up and stand! To be who you are meant to
be – the remnant . Many will fall away in the last times. Many have already and
more shall fall away, just as My Son Jesus [your Yshua] foretold. You have a
specific part to do. Do what you are called to do! Put on the full armor so
that you may defeat the fiery darts of the enemy. I, the Lord, am calling you
It is time to walk in the authority given to you by Christ who lives in you. It is time to open your eyes and see; unplug your ears and hear the deception that the enemy, satan has been trying to disillusion you with. Remember that he is the accuser of the brethren: remember that he seeks to defeat you so that he may devour you [destroy your faith]. If you believe him, you shall be disillusioned, discouraged, weary and therefore weakened by him who wants you deceived. Selah
It is time to walk in the authority given to you by Christ who lives in you. It is time to open your eyes and see; unplug your ears and hear the deception that the enemy, satan has been trying to disillusion you with. Remember that he is the accuser of the brethren: remember that he seeks to defeat you so that he may devour you [destroy your faith]. If you believe him, you shall be disillusioned, discouraged, weary and therefore weakened by him who wants you deceived. Selah
[end excerpt]
It is a long article, given to me over a period of
some days. Shout
Ahead – Echo Behind began because I had
enquired of the Lord why I had to speak messages that other vessels had already
spoken. I was discouraged and did not
understand at all. So, when the Lord
gave me understanding, I began the “Shout Ahead –Echo Behind” article with the
are forerunners who shout the message ahead, and there are those [successors]
who hear the message and repeat it for those who did not hear it the first time
and the message of the forerunners is echoed, much like a relay race. This is
the duty of all watchmen.
This way the entire body of Christ hears the message
of the King. The message may be an exhortation, instruction, encouragement,
revealing or a warning.
When the Head [Christ Jesus the Messiah] speaks, that message will resound throughout the body of Christ, for our King speaks once, twice yet men regard it not. [Job 33:14] He continually and faithfully speaks.
We have ears to hear, eyes to see and a mouth to warn. It is time to take a stand. Either we KNOW whom we serve or we must choose THIS day who we will serve.
We are many voices, united as one, with the same message. It is not about competition. It is about obedience to the King and salvation of souls. People, HEAR. People, DO! An army that is divided will be destroyed, just as a house that is divided will not stand. Put aside petty differences to unite for it IS time. IT IS TIME TO UNITE FOR THE HOUR IS LATE!
When the Head [Christ Jesus the Messiah] speaks, that message will resound throughout the body of Christ, for our King speaks once, twice yet men regard it not. [Job 33:14] He continually and faithfully speaks.
We have ears to hear, eyes to see and a mouth to warn. It is time to take a stand. Either we KNOW whom we serve or we must choose THIS day who we will serve.
We are many voices, united as one, with the same message. It is not about competition. It is about obedience to the King and salvation of souls. People, HEAR. People, DO! An army that is divided will be destroyed, just as a house that is divided will not stand. Put aside petty differences to unite for it IS time. IT IS TIME TO UNITE FOR THE HOUR IS LATE!
More on
Zombie Apocalypse
I realize that not everyone wants to hear about
the possibilities and/or the ramifications of ‘zombie’ aka ‘cannibalistic
behavior’, but there are more sinister discoveries that others have
reported awhile ago, regarding a ‘zombie apocalypse’, as I have discovered when
doing my own research. Many of the
readers may already be well aware of the reports, presented by hard-working
researchers. I will present what I was
led to.
It is not that the Lord wants us to live in fear,
not at all, for fear opposes (is opposite) faith. Instead, the Lord wants us as aware of our
surroundings as those who went before us, from Noah to the apostles.
All of God’s people were fully and accurately
aware of the great evil that surrounded them.
When they listened to the Lord and obeyed His leading, He directed them
with accurate and precise instructions.
He does the same today for those who cleave to the Creator, and abide in
Christ Jesus (Y’’shua) our Savior/Messiah.
There was a curious question brewing inside of me,
which was, ‘Why is all the money being
spent by government agencies to promote the idea of zombies?’ “Why
are so many people considering such a possibility and preparing?”
Zombie movies, books, comics and campfire
stories have been around for centuries, yet why the sudden interest in our
modern-day society? CDC claimed that it
was a hoax, a ‘fun’ idea, created just prior to a Halloween celebration (2011),
in order to get people to learn preparedness for any catastrophe, be it
tornado, hurricane, earthquake or… zombie apocalypse.
It would seem that the play on the words ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ is two-fold. There is much ado about the fact that an
unusual amount of hollow point bullets have been purchased by the DHS
(Department of Homeland Security). The
buzz around the internet is that the bullets are intended for the American
The DHS had ordered/purchased 1.6 billion bullets
last year, and now, as of February 7, 2013, has posted another solicitation on
the Fed Bid website for an additional 21.6
million bullets, apparently for the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training
Center in Artesia, New Mexico. The Evian
Group was awarded the ammunition solicitation.
According to an Infowars article, it states:
The document also lists a requirement for 1.6 million pistol cartridge 9mm ball bullets (40 quantities of 40,000 rounds).
“An approximation of how many rounds of ammunition the DHS has now secured over the last 10 months stands at around 1.625 billion. In March 2012, ATK announced that they had agreed to provide the DHS with a maximum of 450 million bullets over four years, a story that prompted questions about why the feds were buying ammunition in such large quantities. In September last year, the federal agency purchased a further 200 million bullets.” Source: Infowars article
The Social Security Administration and the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration purchased 174,000 rounds of
hollow point bullets to be delivered to 41 locations across the United
States. Some of the locations are
Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Maryland (Baltimore), Los Angeles,
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Seattle.
These are only the places that I found reported. Perhaps there are more.
Who knows if every state has not been included
now, especially since even more bullets have been purchased recently? Many are concerned that the government’s push
for gun control, combined with what many believe are false flag or staged
events that have been occurring (beginning with the 9-11 tragedy), is intended
to initiate civil unrest (due to a collapsed economy), or have planned for a full-fledged
civil war.
Historically, economic collapse has always brought
about chaos. Others believe that an
epidemic is expected, which will become a pandemic (difference being that a
larger geographical area is covered).
![]() |
These were supposedly 35 minutes from where I live in Georgia, but they were moved |
Those who are concerned about a planned or expected pandemic also are
keeping in mind the thousands of caskets that were stored at a
farm in Georgia (moved since info went viral), combined with the ‘push’ for
vaccines that are known to contain questionable ingredients (varying per
vaccine), such as aluminum, formaldehyde, aspartame and more. Source:
I had heard from someone born in Georgia that these "coffins" were about 35 minutes from me (I had no vehicle at the time), but I never personally saw them. I heard they were moved (that is why I say 'were'), but I do not know where.
All that I share is not to bring fear; we walk by
faith and not by sight. I went through a
period of fear and unbelief myself, but faithful, so faithful is our Lord, that He surely will establish us as we trust
and believe and know His goodness towards us, when we seek Him…Faithful and
True He is.
He will purge us of all
unrighteousness, but we must endure the process and not faint. (It can be a long, slow process.) He exposes and corrects us. Confess our sins and He forgives (we keep a
repentant heart); He strengthens; He exhorts and encourages us, when we simply
obey His leading.
Continuing on – what many are expecting is a natural or
man-made catastrophe or/and the third world war. Scripture certainly speaks of all of these
things taking place in the last days, which we are obviously in. Prophecy is indeed taking place right before
our eyes…and as a sister in Christ/friend and I discussed recently, we surely
were born for such a time as this.
We can all relate to at least one forerunner or
person in the Bible, if not more than one.
We see and understand what the Lord meant when He spoke about the last
days being as the days of Noah. Corruption,
idolatry, sin abounding everywhere; today also we see this everywhere we
look. What about the giants that were in
the land in Noah’s day, the super-humans?
And it
came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, That the
sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all
which they chose. And the
LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days
shall be an hundred and twenty years.
were giants
(Hebrew-n’phil, nephilim) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons
of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of
renown.And GOD
saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. [Gen 6:1-5]
Not only were giants in the land before the flood,
but also after that, according to the above scriptures. When Joshua, Caleb and ten other spies went
across the Jordan to see what was ahead for the tribes of Israel, we see that
there were strong men, giants, with fortified cities.
Ten came back with a bad report about the
people. Only Joshua and Caleb remained
faithful and confident in the Creator, the Living God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob. The account can be read in
Numbers 13:28-33 in the Bible.
The bloodline of the Messiah was to come through
the Israelites, and since God’s judgment in the Garden of Eden, Satan (Lucifer)
knew it. His desire was to corrupt the
bloodlines, but the Israelites, in obedience to the Lord God (Yhwh) slew men,
women and children of the corrupted bloodlines, the DNA had become tainted. God was not being cruel in this at all, for
these giants were not only lawless and violent, but they also began devouring
mankind, as well as offering human sacrifices to their ‘god’ or ‘gods’.
Another time, I will speak about the fallen
angels, disembodied spirits (demons) and the corruption in genetics that took
place upon the earth. Today, we have
many who are dedicated to Lucifer (Satan) that are genetically modifying much
upon the earth, from food to humans.
Cloning and hybrids are common today.
Truly, we are marching forward into the greatest battle upon the earth
since creation, just as prophecies have forewarned. This is why so many of us are going through
what we have been going through, to prepare us physically and spiritually for
that which the entire earth will soon be involved in. Knowing, trusting and obeying the Lord, in
all that He is leading us through, is crucial.
Human sacrifice, as well as cannibalism, was
introduced to mankind not long after the seduction and deception in the Garden
of Eden. Lucifer’s plan to be as God
included corrupting the bloodline that the Messiah would come through and
ultimately destroy mankind, who was made in the image of God (Yhwh).
In Jeremiah 19, we see where idolatry was taking
place; human sacrifices were at an all-time high and the laws and ways of the
Lord were forsaken. The Creator’s
creation began to turn their backs on Him. In judgment, the Lord forewarned the people
through Jeremiah that they would consume their own flesh, as well of the flesh
of others.
And I
will make this city desolate, and a hissing; every one that passes thereby
shall be astonished and hiss because of all the plagues thereof. And I
will cause them to eat the flesh of
their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his
friend in the siege and straitness, wherewith their enemies, and they that
seek their lives, shall straiten them.
Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of
Israel; Behold, I will bring upon this city and upon all her towns all the evil
that I have pronounced against it, because they have hardened their necks, that they might not hear My words. [Jer 19:8, 9, 15]
“Plagues” is a key word in the above
scripture. Many believe that the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ will be the result of
a plague loosed upon the people by those who want to bring down the global
population, so that certain ‘elite’ can control the masses under a ‘one world’
or ‘new world’ order or government. The military and many government agencies are preparing for a 'zombie apocalypse'. In the picture below, the marines and police held a 'mock' zombie apocalypse, so that they could 'train' for such chaos.
they do so, it will be because the Sovereign Living God will allow it as His
judgment, so that the hearts of the people will turn back to Him through Jesus
Christ (Y’shua)…the only Savior who has continuously been rejected and hated by
multitudes to this day.
The people who have gotten together and formed
businesses to teach people how to shoot or improve their skills, as well as
gain knowledge about how to survive the worst case scenarios are called ‘preppers’. Many are former military personnel, police
officers, firefighters etc., who take their work very seriously. They take the possibility of a zombie
apocalypse seriously also.
They are not over-the-top conspiracy theorists,
but are regular people that have kept up with all that is going on. Their desire is to protect their families and
themselves. They are willing to teach
others their skills and preparedness.
Many have invested much money in guns, ammo, vehicles, communication
devices, food, water and anything else they deem necessary to survive.
The Miami incident with Rudy Eugene, who has been
dubbed the ‘Causeway Cannibal’, was an event that went viral and global. He was said to be growling even after being
shot, as he continued eating the flesh (face) of the man he had attacked.
It took several shots, with the final one to
the head that finally killed Eugene. Other
stories of cannibalism also surfaced, such as the man in China who attacked
another man on the subway, the homosexual porno star who killed and ate the
heart of his lover, and many other recent cases.
Cannibalism is not something new. It is mentioned many scriptures in the Bible,
as well as in many other documentations, down through history. The Huffington Post online released an
article that portrays 17 cases of cannibalism, dating back to the 1600s. Cases of
On another website, there are nearly 50 different
listings of cannibalism that go back as far as 1073 BC. Below are a few excerpts from the site, which
I will give the link to afterwards.
Germany Emil Carthaus and Dr. Bruno Bernhard have observed 1,891 signs of
cannibalism in the caves at the Honne (1000 - 700 BCE).
is mentioned many times in early history and literature. It is reported in the
Bible during the siege of Samaria (2 Kings 6:25-30). Two women made a pact to
eat their children; after the first mother cooked her child, the second mother
ate it, but refused to reciprocate by cooking her own child.
similar story is reported by Flavius Josephus during the siege of Jerusalem by
Rome in 70 CE, and the population of Numantia during the Roman Siege of
Numantia in the second century BC was reduced to cannibalism and suicide.
Cannibalism was also well-documented in Egypt during a famine caused by the
failure of the Nile to flood for eight years (1073-1064 BCE).
instances of cannibalism by necessity were recorded during World War II. For
example, during the 872-day Siege of Leningrad, reports of cannibalism began to
appear in the winter of 1941-1942, after all birds, rats and pets were eaten by
police even formed a special division to combat cannibalism.. Following the
Soviet victory at Stalingrad it was found that some German soldiers in the
besieged city, cut of supplies, resorted to cannibalism.
in February 1943, roughly 100,000 German soldiers were taken Prisoner of War
(POW). Almost all of them were sent to POW camps in Siberia or Central Asia
where, due to being chronically underfed by their Soviet captors, many resorted
to cannibalism.
than 5,000 of the prisoners taken at Stalingrad survived captivity. The
majority, however, died early in their imprisonment due to exposure or sickness
brought on by conditions in the surrounded army before the surrender.
There are numerous accounts documented throughout
history regarding cannibalism, but we are quickly appalled at such an idea, and
rightly so. My purpose in including the
above accounts in this writing is to establish unequivocal proof that
cannibalism has occurred throughout the history of mankind, even at the time of
What many are concerned about is the scientific
studies, research and experimentation that are going on, messing around with
vaccines, viruses and plagues of old. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control), which is
credited with the recent surge of interest in zombies, began by promoting the
need to prepare for a Zombie Apocalypse on its
website in 2011. The possibility of
zombies being a reality was catapulted by the reporting of the infamous Miami
event in 2012.
The media played into the hype as it announced
that military, law enforcement and medical personnel were preparing for such an
outbreak also. In October 2012, the Inquisitr posted an article about the ‘drill’ that would be taking place in San
Diego. Fear escalated amongst many,
whilst many more continued on in their slumber, with closed ears and eyes.
will probably seem like a Hollywood film when zombies invade a counterterrorism
summit attended by hundreds of Marines, Navy Special Operations forces,
soldiers, police, firefighters, and others, but rest assured, it’s just a
While probably not possible, the exercise is following the example of a Centers for Disease Control campaign launched in 2011 which urges Americans to prepare for zombies, highlighting the importance of preparing for emergencies.
The Homeland Security Department has jumped on board as well. They have told citizens that if they are prepared for a zombie invasion, they will also be ready for real-life disasters like a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack.”
The Discovery Channel posted a video about an
“Impending Zombie Apocalypse” in December, 2012. So why are people taking the possibility of a
‘horror movie type’ apocalypse so seriously? In the video, possibilities are discussed by a
few doctors and professors at leading universities.
Dr. Steven Schlozman, Assistant Professor of
Psychology at Harvard Medical says that if a zombie apocalypse broke out, it
would only take eight to ten days for a city the size of New York to be
overtaken. Schlozman speaks about a
pathogen that would affect the frontal lobe (cerebellum) of the brain, causing
the lobe to become inactive.
According to Schlozman, this would cause a
‘zombie’ effect on people exposed to the pathogen, as they would be slow and
jerky in action, unable to think clearly.
Keep in mind that this doctor has had a fascination with ‘zombies’ from
childhood and is promoting a book which he wrote about zombies.
Dr. Daniel Drezner, Professor of International
Politics at Tufts University, speaks about the government agencies (scientists)
testing new drugs and working with viruses to find cures and to discover what
causes outbreaks. He said that whether
it would be a government conspiracy or not, a manmade cocktail of viruses could
accidentally be released which might cause ‘zombie-like’ behavior in people.
He goes on to mention how the CIA was conducting
experiments on both foreigners and American citizens in the 50s and 60s with
LSD, to see if the drug aided in mind control.
Drezner said that a virus could be released into the water supply, or
introduced into the food chain, but an airborne virus would be deadly and
He felt that it was possible that the Miami
incident was such a test that went horribly wrong and was not meant to become
public. A week after the Miami event,
CDC posted that they were not aware of a zombie apocalypse happening ‘at this time’.
It is this kind of public information that
made the ‘Zombie Apocalypse Cover-up” video (a marketing tool/promo for two
writers’ books on zombies) so believable.
It is obvious that the two writers did their research, combining fact
with fiction, in order to promote their books…clever, yet deceptive (even if
unintentional). The video was so well done
that many believed it actually was/is a Homeland Security briefing, covertly recorded.
The word “zombie” originated in West Africa,
particularly the Congo and the West Indies, known as Kikongo zumbi “fetish”, but
more so, Kimbundu nzambi ‘god’. It is
believed to be a supernatural being, a snake god, but it is a demon.
According to the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
it pertains to Vodou (voodoo, witchcraft), where it is believed that a person
is raised from the grave, or a live person is drugged by a ‘houngan’ (sorcerer)
for the purposes of enslavement (controlled person). The zombi(e) is used by its master to
perform heavy manual labor and/or to implement evil schemes.
In the video, a dark priest was visited to gain
information. In voodoo rites and rituals,
toxins from the puffer fish are used on a person, so that the person could be
made to do whatever the dark priest wanted.
The toxins slowed the heart and breathing to such a degree that the
‘infected’ would seem to be dead, but the toxins do not kill the person.
The toxins from the puffer fish are said to be
1200 times more potent than cyanide. The
dark priest stated that it is the key ingredient for a ‘zombie cocktail’. He also said that the government has tested
these ingredients, and that the Miami occurrence may have been the result.
Although many news sites reported that Rudy Eugene
was not a Christian (his mother is), Eugene’s girlfriend had stated in an televised
interview that her boyfriend used to read to her from the Bible. NBC
reported: “Eugene's
girlfriend said though she’s never believed in voodoo, she does now.”
Concern was raised about the bio-research lab of
Homeland Security that relocated to Manhattan, Kansas. NBAF (National Bio- and Agro-Defense
Facility) was not wanted in Kansas by the majority of the population. An article written in 2010 stated:
Scientists working with NRC put a spotlight on "several major shortcomings" in a 147-page report prepared by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security regarding implications of constructing the National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan.
Research council members calculated, based on Homeland Security data, a 70 percent chance the highly contagious foot-and-mouth disease would escape during the 50-year life of the NBAF facility. Outbreak of the disease in the heart of cattle country could devastate the livestock industry. About 9.5 percent of the U.S. cattle inventory is raised within 200 miles of Manhattan.”
It was also in the same city in Kansas that the
1918 Spanish influenza broke out, spreading rapidly and killing 100 million people. A similar outbreak of a deadly virus has been
estimated to have the potential to kill 1.86 billion people today. Some suspect the ‘zombie’ virus may be invented
and targeted at homosexuals, much like HIV (virus) and AIDS (disease developed
from HIV) were. However, with bisexual
involvement, it would quickly spread throughout the masses. Speculative, indeed!
Mad cow disease was discussed in the video, which
is a prion-related disease. Prions are
proteins that are not alive. The virus
invades and changes the brain into a spongiform shape, which brings about behavioral
changes. Mad cow disease can be
transferred from animals to humans easily.
Since the NBAF experiments with infectious
diseases, concern that a virus could accidentally (or worse, purposely) be released on the public has
escalated. If it was an airborne
disease, it would spread like wildfire.
It was stated that the contagion would be unstoppable and chaos would
erupt. Source: Impending Zombie Apocalypse
Dr. Ali Khan (RET), who backed the campaign by CDC
to introduce the Zombie Apocalypse for ‘fun’ reasons is the U.S. Assistant
Surgeon General, an MD and MPH Director for the Office of Public Health
Preparedness and Response with the CDC.
He is an expert on Zoonotic diseases, such as Anthrax, Yellow Fever,
SARS, rabies, E.coli, Bubonic plague and West Nile virus. Zoonoses is classified by infectious agent
types such as parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses and prions. Zoonosis
There is much more information available regarding
a zombie apocalypse and the potential for its likelihood. I have merely presented some of the
information that I came across, in order for readers to be aware of what
scientists are doing and why preppers are serious about the possibility of an
outbreak (epidemic/pandemic) that would devastate humanity.
In my research, I came across a video where Steve Quayle speaks about
the ZA on the Hagmann
and Hagmann Report.
As believers in Jesus Christ (Y’shua) we need to
abide closer, deeper and more intimately in the Lord, now more than ever. Truly we are in the last days and we all know
it. Many of us have been going through
turbulent times, a trying of our faith as never before, even though we have
been through many fires and waters already. The fires (trials) increase to seven times hotter.
It is final preparation for the glory that is coming upon His people, as
well as the great tribulation that is about to begin for the whole earth. We will overcome him (Antichrist, Satan) by the
blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, and love not our lives unto
death. [Rev 12:11] We know what to do…hold fast to our first
love Jesus, abide and pray.
We keep on
the full armor of God, holding up our shield of faith and keeping our sword
(the Word of God) sharp (written on the doorposts of our heart). We will walk in
humility and love, giving glory, praise, honour and thanksgiving to our God, the God of
Israel, and to Christ Jesus (Y’shua), our Savior, King of kings and Lord of
For we
wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high places. [Eph 6:12]
For God
has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound
mind. [2 Tim 1:7]
Ye are
of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is
in you, than he that is in the world. [1Jn 4:4]
And the
LORD, He it is that does go before you; He will be with you, He will not fail
you, neither forsake you: fear not, neither be dismayed. Have I
not commanded you? Be strong and of a
good courage; be not afraid, neither be you dismayed: for the LORD your God is
with you wherever you go. [Deu 31:8 – Josh 1:9]
for His
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