Tuesday, October 8, 2024

War in the Air - Witchcraft in the Fog

[NOTE*: Some pictures were added down hear the end. Also, editing was done, expounding on witchcraft, Samhain, and some realities regarding spiritual battles.
END note-BP Oct 10,2024]

spiritual warfare - and - witchcraft

Echoing Down the Corridors of Time

My flesh and my heart fail, but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever. [Ps 73:26]

Whether the psalmist is speaking of poor health and suffering in the flesh, even losing spiritual strength in his heart; or whether he speaks from a soul filled with depression and great discouragement, we see his perspective is not without hope.

Even if he is testifying about failing in the heart due to envy, disgust, and bitterness at the folly of the ungodly and their corruptions to gain riches, he still trumpets the source of his strength, indicating El Shaddai’s steadfastness and love.

No matter what comes against us as Christians, dear ladies, please do not be seduced by the temptation to give up or to give into a place of defeat. Depression has hit many godly people spoken of in scripture, causing them to moan and lament with bitter tears. The prophets of old (and not just Jeremiah) grieved and lamented over the condition of a corrupted world and the blatant behaviour of YHWH’s rebellious and sinful people.

The daily news and all we see and hear all around us can be overwhelming. The world is no longer recognizable. I have heard that even godly men are feeling the weight of evil, but God is ever ready to meet with us when we seek His face.

It can be difficult when one seeks God and is met with silence. Silence seems to hang over the person like an old, wet, wool army blanket. If you never saw a soldier's blanket from the First or Second World Wars, they are heavy and cumbersome!

I have heard some self-proclaimed ‘prophets’ insist that God is never silent. I disagree. He has certainly been quiet with me sometimes, and yes, it can be challenging, but He has every right to speak or not speak as He desires – and He granted us that ability as well.

Adonai is not “chatty Cathy” – nor does He waste words. Sometimes He speaks more than once, and we miss it. [Job 33:14] Abraham waited 25 years to hear God again after He gave him the promise of a son. I heard pastors state that there is a 400-year silence between the Old and New Testaments.

Yet the fact remains. We all need Jesus [Yeshua] to navigate and manage these last days. He promised never to leave or forsake us. He will not fail us. [Deu 31:8] Some believe that God limits Himself to scripture only, but I disagree. 

He does speak outside the Bible; however, He will never go against His Word or His character. Scripture is fulfilled, so that what He speaks to us is not a continuation of scripture. The Holy Bible is complete. The Lord speaks to His people, deep within, decently and in order. He builds the relationship; He is our Rock; Jesus is the cornerstone. We abide in Him, and He abides in us.

Many are easily offended these days, and peace can sometimes seem like a stranger. With things changing so quickly, people feel more vulnerable and less secure than usual. Many tend to be more sensitive, with misunderstandings cropping up like dandelions.

Mental health issues are setting new records as stress, violence, and chaos increase. Deception is so thick that the discernment of the Holy Spirit is needed more than ever to clearly recognize some of the wolves. We need our eyes anointed to see as Jesus sees.

Satan and his ‘ministers’ are very cunning, keenly subtle, masters of illusion, and expert (top-notch) at what they do [2Cor 11:14-15], but remember, God is greater! [1Jn 4:4]

If only we could get the fullness of that statement deep down inside of us, we would never doubt or fear again, cleaving to our Maker, knowing He cares for us even more than the sparrow, or the lilies of the valley. He knows every little speck of His creation intimately. Understanding that alone gives us a measure of that peace that passes all understanding.

Wearing Down the Saints

click any picture to enlarge

These are indeed trying times. Daniel spoke of a time when the enemy would wear down the saints. Is this a precursor, or has it already started? Multitudes of God’s people are overwhelmed, in pain, feeling tired, worn out seeing and hearing all the evil and sins everywhere. El Shaddai's people are earnestly praying that Jesus’ return hastens (self-included). But there are promises in God’s Word.

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. [1Pet 5:10]

But search the Word of God to dig out His hidden treasures. A dictionary can take this one simple word and make it so complex, with at least 20 varied definitions. Let’s keep it simple, shall we? (smile)

A mystery is defined as such:

mystery – (noun): something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain; the condition or quality of being secret, strange, or difficult to explain

e-Sword, an online “free” Bible, shows that the word “mystery” matches 22 verses, contained within eight books, all in the New Testament. “Mysteries” matches five (5) verses, contained within five verses, again, all in the NT.  

If you do not have a Bible right now and would like to have one handy on your PC, laptop, or tablet, you can safely download a version at the official e-Sword website.

The scripture verse that introduces this article with a song written by a Levite descendant named Asaph, the manager [keeper] of the Persian king’s forest [Artaxerxes, Esther’s husband].  The psalmist was discouraged, certain that he had slipped (sin) because he was envious of the prosperity of the wicked”. [Ps 73:3] But it was much more than their riches that irked him.

What Asaph witnessed sounds comparable to our times today. The wicked prosper; pride is rampant; violence is their garment. [vs 5, 6] The psalmist speaks of the corruption, wickedness, and oppression of the godless.

It is apparent that they had no fear of Adonai, for Asaph wrote that “their mouth is set against the heavens”. [vs 8-9] He confesses he was envious at the foolish, seeing how the ungodly prospered and increased in riches [worldly-focused], whilst he strived to keep a clean heart, yet was chastened every morning [God-focused]. [vs 12, 13]

Does that not sound like the false prophets and false teachers/pastors we see today? They have no fear of El Shaddai (Almighty God), no love for God or for our fellow man, no shame for taking money and gifts from trusting souls.

Yes, it is true that some can only blame themselves for they have itching ears, not desiring truth, but desiring to hear what they want to hear. Those who will not receive or love the truth so that they can be saved, God says He shall send strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. [See 2Thes2:10-12]

There are multitudes who idolize a self-proclaimed [false] prophet or false teacher/pastor, who refuse to be warned or to search the scriptures to try the spirit to see whether it is of God. When they go to the prophet for answers, God will speak to them according to their idolatry.

Anyone of the house of Israel who sets up his idols in his heart, puts in front of his face the stumbling block of his wrongdoing and then comes to the prophet, I the Lord will let Myself answer him in the matter, in view of the multitude of his idols. [Ezek 14:4] NASB

In other words, God knows that if they hear an answer through a true prophet, they will not receive it because it is not what they want to hear. but will give them an answer through a false prophet. Hopefully, their proud hearts are brought low, and they turn back to the one, true, living God. He is ready to pour out His mercy when godly sorrow brings results, ever ready to restore and save.

Today, can we not relate to his times, and echo Asaph’s song, fully understanding his lamentation? How many of us have silently wept, grieving over the violence, the loss of lives in wars, natural calamities, accidents, drugs, or illnesses?

How many of us have been angered at the abominations, deception, and corruption on all levels of society, from the citizenry, to the global leaders, and even, most grievously, to a vast majority within the religious circles?

Have we ever wondered why some do not seem to have any kind of judgment or chastening, whilst the rest of us are gently prodded [convicted] when we slip and are out of order, and receive correction and discipline (even if it is a harmless, yet careless thought or word)?

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. [Phil 1:6] NKJV (being molded in Christ’s image, I reckon)

Yes, it is understood that we are not under the laws of Moses, and most certainly our works do not save us, or earn us any brownie points with our holy Father. But any child ‘worth their salt’ desires to please their loving and marvelous Father.

“worth their salt”: This common idiom means that someone or something deserves respect and is worth its cost or has value. The phrase originated with the ancient Romans, who valued salt highly. SourceWonderopolis.org

We are saved by faith in Jesus/Yeshua. I have heard consistently that we are “not under the law” At the root of lawlessness is rebellion, and Lucifer is the original rebel. The Antichrist of all antichrists will end up possessed by Satan [Lucifer], which is why he is called the “lawless one” [rebellion against divine authority and God’s law]. [2Thes 2:8-10] NKJV

Have we not wondered how the false teachers and false prophets manage to gain vast amounts of followers that reward their deception with riches (money, gifts)? We are moved with righteous anger, yet we are to pray that they themselves will seek God, repent, and turn from their wicked ways. We all need to search our hearts. [2Chron 7:14-15]

I do not believe in sinless perfection because with the fallen nature mankind inherited, we will war against this flesh until the time of the resurrection, or when these bodies are transformed into new immortal and incorruptible [glorified] bodies. [1Cor 15:42]

However, true Christians do their best (with the help of the Holy Spirit], especially the more they mature in the faith, to resist temptation, and flee the sins of sexual immorality, idolatry, disobedience, ingratitude (unthankful), false accusations, pride, covetousness, and more. [See 2Tim 3:1-5] 

[Note*: Editing was done to clarify my position. BP-Oct 8, 2024]

What a wretched sinner I was, even sinning after being saved, yet God did not give up on me. His love changed me; however, God saw the earnest desire to change. He sees our hearts and knows us better than we know ourselves.

If we take responsibility for our sins, as David did, and turn from our wicked ways, as 2 Chronicles 7:14 instructs us, God is faithful to HEAR us, FORGIVE, and HEAL [vs 15]. 

I do not have all the answers, but the Lord does. The Holy Spirit teaches us through the Word, but ask the Lord to lead you to godly preachers who teach the true gospel, and rightly divide the Word of God. 

They seem few and far between these days but be encouraged. I have often been told that God always has a remnant, and I have lived long enough to see that it is true. Hallelujah! Bless the Sovereign, living God! Bless Jesus/Yeshua. Thank You Holy Spirit.  [End edit - BP]

Every day we are challenged not to fall into the same old fleshly ways, a slip of the tongue, a burst of anger, self-gratification, or being prideful or judgmental. Seems I am always fighting the flesh, and sad to say, I do not win every battle. How the flesh hates to be put on the cross, to crucify fleshly desires, lusts, and appetites. But Jesus… ever-present help!

Sin is sin! It is a battle for all of us – no exception here either. No pretense or whitewashing – just transparency. The Holy Spirit helps us to overcome, step by step, inch by inch.

Paul also admitted to the challenges of the flesh and the times the flesh won.

For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. [Rom 7:15] ESV

God is not standing there tapping His hand with a yardstick, or getting the whip ready to lash out. Praise Abba. I do hate my sin though, and can barely wait for the day that it is all behind us, never to return! Glory to Jesus!

Hold Fast to Faith – Rejoice

Yes, we are in a real war, not only fighting flesh, but a very real adversary (Satan/Lucifer) and his armies. If he fails and you are triumphant in overcoming sin one day, don’t worry; Satan will be back, persistent and determined making every effort to steal the hope of believers, kill their love, and destroy their faith.

I often wondered why Jesus asked His disciples if He would find faith when He returns? The chapter begins with the ungodly judge who was having to face a widow woman continually who simply wanted justice.

She repeated her court appearances, determined to be avenged of her adversary. The unfair judge was greatly wearied by seeing her presence consistently and thus granted her petition.

Yeshua wanted His disciples to know and understand that if a biased and ungodly judge would grant justice to a widow who was determined be avenged of her adversary, then how much more would a merciful and just God answer the prayers of His children who were consistent in offering up their earnest prayers when they sought Him?

Is He not a God who is moved by His people, and has promised to avenge us from Satan, and from our enemies?

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the Lord. [Rom 12:19]

It was after that parable that Jesus asked His disciples if He would find faith [such as that widow woman] had. That is why we are instructed to rejoice, and to pray without ceasing, with a thankful heart.

It is God’s will in the Messiah Jesus for His people. [1Thes 5:16-18] There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that prayer is powerful, and more so, when God’s people get together and pray with humble hearts and trusting souls, all to the glory of Adonai through Jesus Christ.

Keep Your Armour On

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. [Rom 13:12]

Every piece of our armour represents Messiah.

breastplate – Christ Jesus’ righteousness

belt – truth …Jesus is the way, the TRUTH, and the life (He is the ONLY way back to God)

boots – equipped with the gospel of peace, which is the good news about Jesus

helmet – salvation (which is only in Jesus the Christ)

shield – faith in Jesus, born of a virgin, was crucified, died and buried, three days in tomb, resurrected by the Spirit of God – He’s alive and soon returning!

Word of God - most powerful weapon of all - Victory belongs to Yeshua!

Saviour's blood – the precious blood of the sacrificial Lamb Jesus (who willingly went to the cross) covers every part of the armour

glory – the glory of El Shaddai [Almighty God] is upon the Blood of Jesus – hallelujah!

Satan and His Armies – Children of Disobedience

Wherein [how] in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience:

Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

The ‘prince of the power of the air’ [Eph 2:2] is Satan, the devil, also called the adversary/accuser, the [temporary] prince [god] of this world. He is the enemy of God, once an anointed cherub who covered [guarded] the sacred throne of God.

He is the enemy of mankind since he hates all of God’s (YHWH) creation, and God Himself. He has limited power and authority because God is Sovereign over all. However, that power is beyond anything a mere human can do because Satan/Lucifer is a fallen angel.

The adversary strongly seduces and deceives the children of disobedience. He gives them all the temporal things they want – fortune, fame, material gain, a reputation [pride], and more, and they love to have it so.

In return, they will worship him, sacrifice to him (animal and human), steal, kill, and destroy. In the end, the road leads to destruction, and ultimately, the lake of fire, which is the second death. [Mat 3:12; Rev 20:10]

The lake of fire was made for Lucifer and the angels that rebelled along with him, but now those who refuse Jesus will end up there as well. There will be no room to repent once you are at that point.

Children of obedience are the light know that this world is not their home, and must fight any temptation that the enemy throws at them. Lucifer will not target our strengths [that which we have successfully overcome]. 

Be careful. 

All it takes is one brief moment of weakness, caught at the right time by the adversary. We all can trip up, so let us not think more highly of ourselves than we ought. The devil learns our weaknesses and targets them. One of his favourite ploys is to come against us using those who are ne.

No one has all the answers right now; only God does. But collectively (knowing each other by the Spirit, the fruit, and love), we keep each other informed, the true Body of Christ is to work together as one unit, with one mission – seeking the lost and wayward, the prodigals, and pointing the back to Jesus (Yeshua).

The Holy Spirit leads each person along the narrow path, as we each cling to Jesus (Yeshua) the Vine, helping and praying for one another. None of us is perfect, but that is not to be used as an excuse to sin or to cover up wrongdoing. It means we all have flaws, quirks, and shortcomings [like my quirky sense of humour that pops up randomly and unexpectedly to lighten things up – smirks)

Hindrances and Distractions

After I posted the last article in July, I had another one finished on July 27th or 28th. I had it in the queue when suddenly a distraction got my attention and I had to attend to it. Thinking I had hit the “publish” button, I signed off the computer. By the time the error was discovered, the decision was made not to use the article, as more important matters placed on my heart took precedence.

Ladies, if Satan cannot get you to fall into the temptations he sets before you, which would be anything to do with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, he will grab one of his other two ‘old faithful’s’ to take you down.

 [1] hindrances [2] distractions


Deception is still his primary weapon of choice.

He may implement these things through school, work, politics, internet usage – but most likely he will use people closest to you (family, friends). If the Lord has something for you to do, especially if it pertains to the times we are in and an assignment or a work He would like you to do.

They are guaranteed that these hindrances will be impossible to escape. They are carefully selected and tailored specifically for each Christian, just as temptations are. Satan/Lucifer learns our weaknesses and strengths for he;


For example, it may involve family members or a matter that must be dealt with within your own home, place of employment, or school. It will be something only you can do because no one else is available it is impossible to hand over or escape. That is why it would involve those close to you. How much closer than within your own house? Hindrances.


Perhaps people will come back into your life after lengthy absences. It is called "ghosting" in today's trending slang. What if serious things start happening, such as damage to personal belongings, or small physical injuries that are just important enough to require urgent attention?

What if the unexplainable happens, such as key file folders disappearing suddenly? That is just a taste of what held me back for two months from posting.


Every day I planned to log on and do work, but every day I was hindered. When I was not hindered, I was distracted. If it was not either of those two things, then it would be that I was too fatigued to sit and write. I have two weeks to pull it together.


Witchcraft in the Fog

Today was another one of those days, just when I thought it was over. Never the mind! I will get this portion posted. I prayed, as mentioned, to see if the Lord was closing the door on my writing, or if it was spiritual warfare.

I asked that question when I was sitting in a parking lot, waiting for my son and seven-year-old grandson to come out of the store. The Lord answered me. The holy King has ways of communicating with each of us on a personal level, an intimacy He has with each one of His people. More on this shortly.

Please hear me clearly. I am NOT saying that what the Lord speaks to us is scripture. Nor does it take the place of scripture; it does not! Nothing takes the place of scripture. 

I would shout this from the rooftops because there are people who seem to think their messages from God are as important as that which is written in the Bile. That is deception - a lie from the dark side. The Word of God is complete. Amen


In July 2020, when the world was reeling from the lockdowns, masks, and social distancing, all hell was breaking out in my personal life. When I asked the Lord about it, I saw this car in the parking lot. Unexpected!

cobra car - July 2020

The snake (serpent). A division was happening in the group that I was part of that met on Friday nights for dinner, worship, prayer, and Bible study.

I understood that the black and white stripes stood for division between darkness and light. Satan was the head of it all, which was the snake’s head was black. The stripes indicated division, and the forked tongue revealed lies, deception, and (the split) double agent.

The car was seen once more several months later, when another situation came up and I asked the Lord about it. The first time it was spotted in a town about a 45-minute drive from me in a parking lot – the same town the Friday night group meetings were held.

The second time, the cobra car [the viper] was seen in the town where I lived and drove right past me when I was stopped at a red light. The first time it was seen was in Kelowna [BC]; the second time was Coldstream/Vernon, two different towns, about a 40-minute drive, depending on traffic.

The first time it was seen was in a parking lot across the street. I was stopped at a traffic light when my eyes were drawn to the car. When the light changed, I switched lanes so I could take a picture.

The fact that it drove right in front of me. the Holy Spirit alerted me that something was going to go down either in or near my home.

Unexpected Battles

With the first sighting, the battle turned out to pertain to the meetings that took place on Fridays. Shocking to hear lies and witness deception. Yeshua allowed enemy interference to put an end to the Friday night meetings.

Ten to twelve (10-12) regulars lost fellowship after three or so years of meeting in the home. For me, attendance had been about two years, give or take. We had all met at the storefront church which closed down. These meetings were the spinoff or repercussion due to that closure in September 2020. Long story, short time.

The landlady wanted to sell her two-million-dollar property and move into my humble one-bedroom apartment, which she owned - but why now, after five years? We got along great until she decided she wanted my apartment (out of four others). 

Witchcraft and Spiritual War

However, she became very close to the couple in the end apartment at the far end of the building. They were Wiccan, and the wife was a practicing witch. When her father had committed suicide by jumping off a 17-story building, she had come to me for prayer because she was being tormented by demons with nightmares.

She was literally having a meltdown but I immediately went into prayer. 

"Resist the devil and he must flee." People often quote James there, but not so hasty my friends. Countless people leave off the first part of that scripture, which is just what Satan wants because the first part tells us where the POWER is, which holds the key.

SUBMIT yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee you. [Jam4:7]

You can pray and yell, and stomp and get angry all you want, but if you do not do the first part, all you will have, when all is said and done, is a laughing demon. Ladies, we must be sure that we are submitted to God, truly surrendered.

It is Christ Jesus' authority, His power in us, but we must humbly acknowledge that. The devil knows if we are trying to go in our own strength or that of Jesus. We are not little gods like the Word of Faith (WoLF) decrees. We are created beings. 

We are children of the True, living God, and by the grace of God, and the power of Jesus who abides in us, and we abide in Him, grants us HIS power and authority - and that devil must flee. Thank You Jesus Yeshua.

I used my neighbour's situation as an opportunity to tell her about Jesus; my reasonable service. She actually listened, but it was not long before she went back to her old ways - perhaps a few weeks. A very frightened repairman brought her "Book of Shadows" to me. It was filled with vulgar language, and horrific spells and rituals. 

The woman did not know where her book ended up. She had left it in the laundry room one time when she was "high". The book got destroyed [burned], but I did go through it. I wanted to see what was in the heart. 

Bitterness, great hatred, confusion, deception, evil, murderous spells, rituals, unholy chants, vex, along with mention of levitation, time travel (interestingly, there are Christians who swear by time travel). and astral-projection. 

I bring this up here because of the time of year we are now in, when witches prepare for Samhain, one of eight high [un]holy days on the Wheel of the Year, which marks the final harvest or the fire festival. I have written about these things the past two, possibly three years as witchcraft and occult rituals became more open and less covert.

The Lord does not His people ignorant about spiritual warfare, but it is amazing those that who believe either [1] leave Satan alone and he will leave you alone [2] people give too much glory to the devil

There are other "reasons" I hear also, but as for me, if the Lord indicates that the people need nudging about spiritual matters, as He has the past few years, then I will. Anyway, I went off a bit down a trail, but if you see the title the past two days, I am weaving it all together with Adonai's help in the name of Jesus.

There were two possibilities outside of the fact that Satan and his agents were behind it all. Yet again, the Lord was allowing it. The Lord gives; He has every right to take away. However, interestingly enough, it was my choice. 

The landlady had delayed simple repairs that would take anyone else a week at the most to repair. Five months had passed, and still, they remained undone, with one excuse and reason after another. Yes, I chose to move. The bathroom floor was down to the cement padding, with slugs coming in from outside every night, for most of that time.

Fun going to the washroom at night. Plus an infestation of mice. Everyone had a cat except me, so spraying was out. Anyway, I wrote about this before, but these are the reasons behind my choosing to move - five months of discomfort, a five-year relationship deteriorates due to covetousness.

Yes, Satan knows our weaknesses. As I always say; my weaknesses may not be yours, and vice versa; however, we all have weaknesses, strengths, quirks, and shortcomings, as well as little treasures that make each person unique. The same with sins. 

We all sin and have sinned, but my sins may not be your sins, and your sins may not be mine. Yet the fact remains that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Yet conviction is NOT condemnation.

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: [Rom 3:23-24] Glory!

It was a cozy, clean apartment, where much cosmetic work had been my pleasure to accomplish slowly over the years, such as painting, adding decorative stones in the kitchen, planting shrubs and flowers, and flowering bushes. 

There was also the breathtaking view that people envied. I remember the Lord telling me that He had the perfect place for me, whilst I was still living in the shelters. 

click to enlarge
view from living room window

Kalamalka Lake, Coldstream, BC
East of Okanagan Lake; south of Vernon

I was instructed by Jesus (deep within my spirit) to be patient and trust Him, which was a challenge for me back then. I used to say I was very patient; however, but then it got put to the test - and I am humbly more silent on stating that. Colour me "standing corrected"...

The Lord continues to teach each of us throughout life. My heart is to be reachable and teachable, keeping pride out of the way. Meanwhile, seven months later and true to His promises, the apartment became available. 

For the time I lived there, I seriously thanked God quite often. To this day, it is the longest I ever lived in one place, outside of the orphanage. To this day, it remains one of my favourite homes; the other one was the one-bedroom in Winterville, Georgia.

The apartment number I lived in was number five (5). In Hebrew, five [5] is "khen", which is translated "grace". 'Favour', 'delight', 'charm', and 'beauty' can also be involved in the translation. All those words seem applicable. It is simply a beautiful surrounding. For an in-depth teaching, see: bibleproject.com

Interestingly, I lived there for five years also. Only God could have known that.

The second sighting of the viper or cobra car was close to my new place and was nearly eight or so months after the first sighting. I had already moved. Unbelievably, the sighting was the Lord, warning me of another spiritual battle.

Oh no, not again, I had thought. Time to gird up my loins. It had been a time of fighting more sickness and trouble with my health. The Lord had delivered me from smoking May 25, 2020 after 50 years of smoking. Hallelujah! My Jubilee year - only Jesus, praise His name.

The snake sighting (Satan appeared as a snake in the Garden of Eden) warned of another end to my living quarters once again, but this time deception was involved - with fraudulent documents (forged signatures) by the owner and his power of attorney, who was actually a life-long friend. 

It seemed like the entire world and most of the people went mad [cra-cra-crazy lol) in 2020. Trying to lighten the load here. I despise constant drama, and yet it seems that is the story of my life.

A friend from the Friday night meetings told me that one of her clients had a one-bedroom trailer for rent in a secure trailer and condo lake resort park. It was a nightmare from the time I moved in until the time I moved out six months later.

I had taken it because there was a housing shortage due to Covid-19, and I had given notice at the apartment. The landlady wanted in and would not allow an extension. It was sad to lose a five-year friendship over greed, but even in those situations, we are instructed to pray for those who come against us.

It is not easy to pray for people who have turned against you, at least, not at first But the most amazing thing happens. If we persevere, being obedient out of love for Jesus and God the Father, it literally gets easier. 

Also, we cannot hate someone we are sincerely praying for. The Holy Spirit is right there, helping us even without us asking, simply because of our determination.

Our enemies see us through wolf eyes, and wolf eyes do not see love. It is "prey" [something or someone to devour] versus "pray" [to express love, to pray according to God's will]

The 'antichrist' spirit versus 'the Spirit of God' - to God be all the glory!

The owner was already pushing real estate to show the trailer, and it was turning into a daily event. Plus the real estate agents wanted me leave my home when they showed the place. 

Even with me there, people were going through my drawers, and closets, even my fridge. There was no privacy or respect. No, I would not leave! 

Sigh, lol okay - the Lord stirred upon me to show good fruit, and so after defiantly staying once, I did stand outside the next few times they showed the trailer. I felt worse when the agents thanked me -- so darn sweetly.

The trailer sold quickly, meaning I had two weeks to find a place, pack up, clean up, and move - and of course, I was unwell. No pressure... sigh (much)

For someone who despises drama, I surely seem to have a lot of it.

When I first got the forged documents (my signature had been forged, agreeing to a six-month move-out date.) I would never have done that; I am no teenager anymore, and I was not in the best health. 

I had signed a one-year lease, which is the norm here, but I was the only one who had a copy, so they were saying MINE was forged.

I went to the people who owned the resort. Turns out they just leased the land and any discrepancies in rentals are strictly between the trailer owner and the lessee. They could not tell me the name of the owner of the property because it was native land, and it was privately owned by a native.

Everyone seemed to be protecting the identity of the native who privately owned the land. So, I went to the police; however, they could not touch it, despite the proven fraud because it was a civil matter. They suggested I go to the Indian Chief, or try to find the owner of the property. They were sorry they could not help. Well, it was not their fault; their hands were legally tied.

The trailer park, which was also a holiday condo-and-trailer park, with nearly 1000 trailers, condos, or tents. Apparently, the Indigenous people own many campgrounds, trailer parks, condos and cabins.

I could not understand why there was such cloak-and-dagger behavior. Anyway,

the original documents were in my hands, as well as copies of the fraudulent ones. The digital signatures were easy to spot against the ones signed in real-time. I could easily prove my case and win, or so I thought. 

The residential LTB (Landlord and Tenant Board) could not help me because the property (tent and trailer park) of fifty or sixty acres was privately owned by a Canadian native, who leased out the park. The native owner could not be reached, as it seemed as though everyone was protecting his identity.

Many calls were made to Member of Parliament, MPP (provincial parliament), Indian government agents. Efforts were made to speak with the Chief, and also to find the private owner – nothing, no one wanted to touch it. I was overwhelmed.

Then I began to see, to realize what was happening. There were rumours in the news media that 215 graves of residential Indigenous graves were supposedly found, and no one wanted to stir the waters. Three years after all that, it is said to be fake news. Satan is the father of lies.

click to enlarge
This book was written stating all news
reports about graves and murdered 
children were fabricated.

I had nowhere else to turn, and with their fraudulent papers, I had two weeks to be out, when I had always paid rent on time. It truly was a spiritual battle, but I managed to find a place with a one-year lease.


dragon car- March 2021

Then another battle ensued – physically (extreme flu) and spiritually. Again, I sought the Lord due to the heaviness of the battle. A different parking lot – a different car – same enemy but this time in the image the book of Revelation speaks of him.  The dragon! In March 2021 I saw the car, not once, but 3x.


Fast-forward to July 27, the day I thought I had published the last article. Another prayer went up as I waited for my son and grandson to return from the store. I look over to catch a glimpse of a parked truck, with only one word written on it.


click to enlarge
warlock truck - July 27, 2024

The Lord is faithful. Little did I know this was going to drag out for two months. It is now entering the third month. I just finished a four-day fast. All glory to God who gives us strength to accomplish His will. Praise God for His mercies.


I shared with a close friend and sister in Christ that before I started the fast (which I initially had not wanted to do )– which is rare for me; I do not mind fasting typically. Perhaps age? Nahh - Shh lol But God!


Scripture the Lord gave me before starting the fast.

Bless the Lord and His Word! For God is good and His mercy endures forever!


God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will we not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea: [Ps 46:1-2]

(I read  the whole psalm; it’s not long, but jump to verse five [5])


God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. [5]


(skip to the end – only on the blog. It is only 11 verses and I initially read the entire Psalm)


Be still, and know that I AM God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. [Ps 46:1-2; 5; 10-11]

To be continued -- 

for His glory
Bonita                           dovesofthevalleys4@gmail.com