Monday, October 7, 2024

Coming Out of the Fog

It is an incredible time to be alive, yet in ways, it seems surreal. A post will be going up tomorrow night (after dinner hour). I call this time, "coming out of the fog" because since the end of July, when I last posted, it has been a whirlwind of activity and happenstances.

If you are being, or have been held back from what you believe you are to be doing for God's glory, in accordance to His will, do not be surprised to discover that the adversary is hindering you. It is an old strategy he uses.

Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us. [1Thes 2:18]

An article was to be posted July 27th or 28th, but it got stuck in the queue. A distraction took place that required my immediate attention and I signed off without hitting the 'publish' button.

By the time the error was discovered, I decided the article was outdated and deleted it. However, for the next two months and one week, it seemed like I was never going to post another article again. It was a matter that I had to seek God on.

Was He closing the door on my assignment, where I would be asked to pass the baton to the generation upcoming, our beautiful youth, or was this enemy interference?

Spiritual Warfare

Indeed, it was a battle cry, loud and clear.

Do you see the enemy in the cloud/fog?
Click on any image to enlarge.

A low-lying cloud is considered to be a fog. Satan, the adversary of souls, likes to be hidden in a cloud, or fog. A Prussian strategic theorist, Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831), coined the metaphor "fog of war". 

Fog means 'hindered visibility'; confusion means 'uncertainty'. Other dictionary meanings amplify the reality of the situation: 

"the state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something - - perplexity, puzzlement, bafflement, bewilderment"

Yet another strategy of the adversary.

For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire. [Is 9:5]

It has been surreal and I know I have not been alone in this. Others have been going through as well, and prayers were offered up. Christians are being targeted, the Body of Christ, the remnant. That should not be a surprise. Yet, it is astounding how many brush off the reality of spiritual warfare, as well as witchcraft, believing it will not touch them.

Well, if one is not a threat to Satan's kingdom, he is not too worried, but his hatred will not leave one stone unturned. He despises all of mankind, for man was made in God's image.

Until tomorrow night then... bless those who patiently waited and prayed.

for His glory


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