Saturday, May 20, 2023

Judgment Comes- Part F - Ezekiel Still Speaks Today

There will be one final part, the seventh part G. It will be posted later tomorrow (Sunday).

The Power of Deception

And the children of Israel said to the Lord, We have sinned: do to us whatsoever seems good to You; only deliver us, we pray, this day. And they put away the strange gods from among them, and served the Lord: and His soul was grieved for the misery of Israel. [Judges 10:15-16]

What compassion and love the Creator has. Imagine, after all their idolatry, when His people promised to put away the ‘strange gods’ (idols), they pleaded with Him just to deliver them. And what is written in the Holy Word?

He (our magnificent, glorious Creator) GRIEVED for the misery of Israel! He grieved! God Almighty, El Shaddai, Adonai – grieved! It reminds me immediately of the shortest verse in the Bible. It pertains to Jesus when He was at the gravesite of Lazarus – even knowing that He was going to raise Lazarus up alive.

He saw the heavy sorrow of his friends (Lazarus’ sisters), Mary and Martha. It is written: Jesus wept. [Jn 11:35] Can you imagine? The strongest, yet gentlest man that ever lived, Jesus wept! The “world” tells men not to cry, but this female writer will tell you something I have said as long as I can remember.

I respect a man who weeps, showing compassion, or whatever real emotion that moved him to tears. It reveals a tender, yet wise heart – a real man!

Yes, we have a compassionate, loving, wise, strong, yet gentle Creator, but He is no fool, no pushover. The way some describe His love undermines His righteousness and His wisdom. It is as if He will overlook sin, when you say you are ‘sorry’ because He ‘sees the heart’ – ‘He understands’.

Oh, He understands, alright! It is called ‘excuses’, ‘compromise’being unrepentant’, being ‘disingenuous.’  And just for the record, saying, ‘I’m sorry’ is not repentance. You can be sorry that you broke a window, or sorry you dropped the eggs, and they all broke except one.

But true repentance is recognizing the fullness, the evil of a sin. It comes with godly sorrow and brokenness. It comes with a desire to turn away from the sin, and a desire to never repeat it. When you learn to ‘hate sin’ (and as a child of light, you will progress to that stage), you are well on your way to being molded into Christ’s image.

Deception Requires Both Discernment and Judgment

Bad hair day? Who told you that?
ahahaha - Don't be silly. It is called
'the new normal'

The necessity of “judgment” is obvious; things need to come back into order. The Lord truly has been longsuffering (patient). [2Pet 3:9] All that we walked through in this series, all the harder truths found in the various reports around the world, and in magazines, books and videos, the Lord has made the condition the world is in right now quite clear.

It does not take a genius, or even one with keen discernment to see that we are truly in the days that are similar to the days of Noah, and as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. And yet ironically enough, there are those who really do not see it as being ‘that bad yet’. It is mind-boggling.

The abominations that are highlighted reveal why judgment must come upon the nations, including the West (despite what some prophesy).

Two are astronomical. They run neck-and-neck. The first is deception (which Jesus/Yeshua mentioned four times regarding the last days just prior to His return – Christ began with deception. “Take heed that no man deceive you.” [Mat 24:4]

• deceive: [of a person] cause [someone] to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage; swindle; hoax; dupe; take in; defraud

• fail to admit to oneself that something is true: give a mistaken impression; also could mean sexually unfaithful to one’s partner:

Latin: decipere: ensnare, cheat, catch – disloyal, unfaithful, untrue

Jesus knew that the days immediately before His return would be so weighed down with deception that even His own very elect will be deceived IF possible [Mat 24:24] I realize that most of us are confident that we are wise enough these days, and will not allow ourselves to be deceived.

That is not a sarcastic remark, that is a reality. The majority of us are fairly sure we will not be tricked or deceived, especially if we have asked God not to allow us to be deceived. Yet, let me ask this, and please consider it before answering.

Have you come to the point that before any meeting, before listening to a video, or before a ZOOM conference – before any time where there will be the meeting of even someone you trust, or meeting one or more people, that you ask Jesus to keep your eyes and ears alert, and to signal you of any danger?

You may think that is a little far-fetched, but is it? I know I have to start doing it more. Keep in mind the words of the Messiah Himself forewarning us all when He was asked what we are to watch for in the very last days before His return. [Mat 24:24]

Keep in mind when Saul turned on David, when jealousy and envy overtook his sensibilities. [1Sam 18:8] He opened the door to the enemy and Saul was tormented by an evil spirit [allowed by God], which caused him to try and kill David at times, but God allowed David to escape. Saul was deceived, blinded by his jealousy. [1Sam 18:10-12; 1Sam 19:11-17]

Think upon Delilah with Samson. Even after he lied to her three times, and he ‘saw’ her treachery in trying to subdue his strength, he allowed her seductions to finally win him over, and he revealed the secret behind his physical strength. And she successfully deceived him, and ultimately betrayed him. [Judges 16:16,17]

Think upon Peter when Satan spoke to Jesus through the apostle. Yeshua had just told His small group of men how He would die, and by whose hands, but be raised up on the third day [resurrected]. Satan, speaking through Peter, tried to destroy the mission of Jesus through deception. Far be it from You, Lord: this shall not be unto You.” [Mat 16:21]

Jesus rebuked Satan, stating that he delighted in the things of men, and not the things of God. [vs 23] Satan deceived Peter, but Jesus recognized the source.

Think upon Judas, who ate, drank, slept with Jesus and the 11 others. Not one other apostle suspected Judas of any wrong, even when TOLD that the betrayer/deceiver would be the one who dipped his bread in the bowl with Jesus. Immediately, Judas Iscariot did so …and still not one apostle ‘saw’. [Jn 13:26]

That is the power and the allure of deception.

The Deception of Idolatry – Shattering the Sacred

The next one is also global, and evident everywhere we turn. Idolatry!

Whatever we idolize becomes more important to be with them (or it) than with God. It shatters the sacred worship and adoration of our Maker, and it is handed over to a false god, an idol.

• idolatry: [idolatries] – extreme admiration, love, or reverence for something or someone    before the holy God; seeking meaning and security from someone other than God—

SOURCE: (for definitions) – Oxford English Dictionary

We have people and things we place first, before Jesus (our first love), and before God. If we want to walk calmly, focused, level-headed, with no hint of ungodly fear or angst, we need to walk in the LIGHT of the Lord.

O house of Jacob [Israel], come, and let us walk in the light of the Lord. [Is 2:5]                                                                                             

It is not just the secular world that is drenched in idolatry, many in the body of Christ are too, but they are blind to it – just as I was to my own idolatry! Jeffery Poor puts it in a nutshell in this short 7:26 minute video. It is spot-on, although I would add ‘prophets’.

Therefore, You have forsaken Your people, the house of Jacob, because they be replenished [influenced] from the east, and are soothsayers [spirit of divination] like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers. [vs 6] (God forewarned)

(How often He protects us? Other times, He will allow us to learn the hard way.)

Violence, Lawlessness, Rebellion, Witchcraft/Sorcery

If you will fear the Lord, and serve Him, and obey His voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the Lord, then shall both you and also the king [leader of the nation] that reigns over you continue following the Lord your God:

But if you will not obey the voice of the Lord, but rebel against the commandment of the Lord, then shall the hand of the Lord be against you, as it was against your father. [1Sam12:14-15]

Certain people like to repeatedly state that the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. [Heb 13:8] It is written; so it is true. However, when it comes to these harder verses, they avoid them, mostly because they say that is ‘the law’ and we are ‘under grace’.

Being under grace does NOT mean we are lawless; perish the thought. Otherwise, if that is the case, we just might as wait for the Lawless one that Satan is going to possess to come along, and do things his way. No, that would be foolish.

We are not under the 613 laws in the way that if we do not fulfill them, then we will be stoned to death or whatever the penalty was for a particular law was. The “law” proved that we could not “keep it”, but there are spiritual laws, laws with the Holy Spirit and commandments. We are not a lawless people.

All of these things are escalating and intensifying, just as the Lord forewarned with those words [escalating, accelerating, intense (and the derivatives to those words) back in 2018.]

We also see the incredulous rise in violence – from shootings, stabbings, physical assaults – from schools to churches, from domestic to public, from personal to civic, all age groups, including an increase in youth violence, from male to female to transgenders (activists).

Riots, protests, gangs, terrorists, war crimes – all point to rebellion and lawlessness. The rise of evil, the celebration of occult holidays, the increasing of satanic groups, public occultic/Satanic rituals and public gatherings, infiltrating schools with after-hours clubs, Luciferian worship, and more, all point to witchcraft/sorcery.

Idolatry, deception, violence, rebellion, lawlessness, and witchcraft/sorcery – it looks like all the props are in place on stage for the entrance of the Lawless one.

Idolatry and deception top the list. These are abominations to God, and right now, the majority of the world is steeped in it, in one way or other, and not even be aware of it.

 People are hearing and seeing so much evil, bloodshed, and injustices, that they are becoming ‘desensitized’. What horrified us even five years ago is now being accepted as more ‘common’ every day occurrences. We are being quickly conditioned.

Is this why the Lord warned that love would ‘wax cold’? Homelessness has also increased to the point where the police are having trouble controlling ‘tent cities’ downtown. In Vancouver, a tent city was torn down one day, with countless bins hauled away…only to be faced with a ‘new tent city’ being erected within a few days.

The numbers are astronomical. Some panhandlers are getting aggressive, walking right up to you or your car, when stopped at a traffic light, waving a hat or a takeout cup in their hand, asking for money.

Many of the same people are outside stores, or on traffic medians day after day, as if standing there all day begging for money is their full-time job. It has become difficult to discern who is having a tough spot in their life, and who is strung out either on alcohol or drugs (with some, it is easy to tell), and who genuinely just needs a meal.

It has become so much that compassion is fainting along the broad road that the multitudes travel upon. New agencies, bloggers, video uploaders, writers of all sorts… everywhere we go, we are being asked for donations.

It is impossible to help everyone, especially on a pension. Heck, for anyone, it is difficult. That is where the Lord comes in. He has a wonderful way of pointing us to those He wants us to help. Bless the Lord~

That is why I freely give. It is because all I offer is my little drummer boy gift (which freely I received from God anyway; so it truly is His – I just borrow it). Yet, I pray that which the Lord gives, He will anoint, so that it will glorify the Lord and sincerely help and encourage others. Jesus is exalted on high!

Gird Up the Loins, Brethren

click any picture to enlarge

Apparently, back in the day when the expression [gird up your loins] became well-known, it meant taking the long garment and securing [girding] it around the belt, so that it would not get in the way of work or battle. See the illustration – click on the image to enlarge.

We need to gird up our loins, which literally means to ‘prepare yourself for action’, [prepare] to work hard or battle hard [Hebrew]; to do our [reasonable] ‘service’ for the kingdom. [Rom 12:1] We are going to have to be a shining light, and that is going to require that intimate time with the King and Lord Jesus/Yeshua.

The world, all nations, all tongues and peoples, are saturated in idolatry – whether it is a person, place or thing. When I began this series on “Judgment [Comes from the North]”, it was understood that the Lord was speaking of His judgment coming – and it [heavier judgment] is coming upon our nations. It began some time ago, but it is His hand will be felt heavier soon enough.

This ‘Judgment” series is a subcategory under “Season of Consequences”. 2023 has begun this season, but it will indeed carry on past this year. 2024 will be another pivotal year. The Lord had said in January 2020 that it was pivotal, and by March 2020 it surely was.

The Great and the Terrible continues, but the reasons and interpretations have been misconstrued and messed up by plagiarizers. God will sort this mess out; my part is to be patient. I just do not understand how anyone who claims to love and work for the Lord would say “thus says the Lord’’ when God did not tell them. Woe – dangerous ground!

Idolatry is Global

I realize that this is not what people want to hear, but the Lord is fed up with idolatry, putting idols before Him – whether it is a person that is idolized, or a thing (something someone else has invented, or created).

Yet they tempted and  and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers: they were turned aside like a deceitful bow.

For they provoked Him to anger with their high places, and moved Him to jealousy with their graven images. When God heard this, He was wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel: [Ps 78:56-59]

If one thinks that His anger pertains only to Israel in their idolatry, one would be grossly in error. God will not sit by silently and be mocked. He is patient, but He is no fool!

Some are proud of their material possessions, little trinkets, and treasures they have discovered. Some have several vehicles (or different modes of transportation), right down to livestock [horses, camels, donkeys, etc.]

Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither is there any end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is there any end of their chariots:

Perhaps a person is proud of the work they have done with their own hands, and place it where people can see it and be impressed by it. Suddenly, folks want to know that person, or at least, follow what they are doing, and what they have to say.

Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: [Is 2:7,8]                                                                                                                                     

It is so subtle. In this series, I swallowed any pride that might be hiding just under the surface, in order to share something that I never spoke of, until just recently. However, that would be because it was not until November 28, 2022 [my birthday] that the scales fell from off my eyes, and I could see that I had deceived myself the day I turned my back on Jesus. It was a beautiful, unexpected gift.

As challenging and difficult as it has been to admit this publicly, it came down to one thing – I must decrease, and [Jesus] must increase. [Jn 3:30] (Thank you, John the Baptist!)

My earnest desire is that someone else may see that they are tempted to go down the same path, choosing ‘self-will’, rather than God’s will. Rebellion is as witchcraft. [1Sam 15:23]

These are serious offenses (sins). Although the Lord rejected Saul from being king, He did not forsake me, although He was silent for many years to follow. My heart is that someone else does not make the same mistake.

Idols Do Not and Can Not Help Us

I spent 39 years self-deceived because of my selfishness. I made an idol out of a person, and a ‘thing’ (lust). I am sure it is because of what happened to me at a young age, but I honestly used to think that if someone wanted to have sex with you, it was because they ‘loved’ you.  I could not differentiate, and was so deceived.

Then again, I digress. No matter what happens to us in life, we are the ones in the end who make our own choices. Not even Satan himself can force us to choose his temptations, or force us to sin. 

No one can force us, and God never will, nor would He.

Sin is sin, and we usually know if we are doing wrong. When I said, “O no, Lord…”, I knew my words were the wrong ones. We have to own what we did; I take full responsibility.

Strong delusion fell upon me in one area. I was deceived in the area of ‘men’ because I chose the ‘love’ of a mere man (which was lust not love) over Christ Jesus/Yeshua, who IS LOVE.  

I instantly became blind (like Paul on the road to Damascus), except my blindness was spiritual, not physical. And it would not be for three days like Paul, but for 39 years. The goodness of God must be understood.

It was an open vision. The Lord Jesus was there in the room that I was in, but I had no fear of the Lord (no awe, no reverence, I wreaked with the stench of sin). Jesus even gave me opportunity to change my mind, but no – I rebelled. God IS good and His mercy endures forever. I will not repeat the incident, as I thoroughly gave personal testimony to idolatry.

All that I will add is that I was the callous one. “O no, Lord…” How tragic! The good Shepherd waited, watching the black sheep. It was not until I quoted scripture [Mk 11:23] that the Lord vanished from sight.

He does not go against His Word, and it does not return void. I sealed my fate that day for 39 years, and had no clue. Satan rubbed his hands together in delight, but his ‘gain’ would not be forever. Praise to Jesus.

If I dwell on the sin and not the forgiveness Christ has now given me, plus deliverance, and healing, I would be utterly crushed by the weight of such abominable sins. Instead, I am free and determined to stop anyone I can from making the same mistake. Idolatry is the work of Satan and flesh. It will steal, kill, and destroy you, if you do not come out of it.

It was insanity, deception to the core. Foolishness, rebellion – and … idolatry. It was not easy to share the details publicly. In fact, if it was left entirely up to me, I might not have shared it, but you see, it is not about me, or my identity, or my reputation, or any such thing.

It is about the goodness and patience of Jesus Christ toward sinners. He most assuredly does NOT excuse our sins, but if we sincerely want free, He knows the best way to reach all of us for the sake of eternity. The ‘choice’ however, is ultimately up to us. Selah

The Gift that Will Last an Eternity

the Lamb's blood-the cross-the resurrection
an eternal gift - salvation

But the Lord revealed the bondage that I was in very recently, on my birthday (November 2022). It took several minutes to sink in. My first reaction was disbelief, but as it all unfolded, then shock. I am unsure how long I was in shock because I was completely stunned that I had been under deception.

However, once ended, shock was then followed by crushing godly sorrow when everything that transpired over the years began to fall into place, piece together, and make perfect sense.

If there was ever a person who did not deserve grace or mercy, I would be a likely candidate. I often think now that the Lord takes the worst and does His amazing work. He loves the underdog, the black sheep, the rejected and abandoned, the “least likely”.

I will never be able to repeat it enough times because it is weighted in gratitude. I love the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul, being – I love Him wholly. There is a reason for it. It is written that he who has been forgiven much, loves much. [Lk 7:47]

Wherefore I say to you, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little. [Lk 7]

You, dear reader, may not have sinned to the depth that I did; I broke every commandment. Does that mean I love Jesus/God more than you do? No way, that is not what Jesus meant.

The story is about the woman with the alabaster box filled with expensive perfume. Jesus was having dinner in Simon, the Pharisee’s house when the woman came in. Simon was thinking that if Jesus knew what kind of [sinful] woman she was, He would not let her touch Him. [Lk 7:39]

Jesus/Yeshua knew what Simon was thinking, and told him the story of two people who owed money; one owed 500 pence, and the other 50. The creditor wrote off both debts. Which one would love him (the creditor) more, Jesus asked Simon. [vs 42]

Simon answered correctly: the one who owed the most. This is just my thought, but I do not think Jesus was saying that only the person who has been forgiven a lot will be capable of loving Him much. It seems to me the point was if one is forgiven of $50, and another is forgiven of $500, both would be grateful.

However, the one who got forgiven the $500 would be most thankful and appreciative. Jesus told Simon that he showed no special love to Him when he entered the house. He did not give Him water to wash His dirty [well-traveled] feet, nor did Simon anoint Jesus’ head with oil, or kiss Him, or even soften His feet with ointment.

The ‘sinful’ woman washed his feet with her tears, wiped them dry with her long hair, and kissed them. She anointed His head with oil, and anointed His feet with expensive perfume. She expressed her gratitude in her actions. Simon did not consider himself a terribly sinful person.

As a result, he did nothing special for Jesus when He entered his house. It did not mean that Simon did not love Jesus; but his actions did not express overwhelming gratitude. Both loved Jesus/Yeshua, but the one who was forgiven more, revealed their gratitude in their actions. [vs 44-50]

The gift of forgiveness and salvation that the Lord gave me on my birthday will last into eternity. Bless the Lord; Jesus is exalted on high! [precious Yeshua, the Christ]

True Love Takes Risks and Warns

Would you not want to spare someone else from the seducing spirit of deception, that deadly snare of idolatry? We cannot force people to make the right decision. But what if that person does not realize they are lusting after someone, but think it is ‘love’?

Or what if they do not realize that their admiration has crossed over the boundary and is now full-blown idolatry? What if that person does not know they are spiritually blind, or deceived?

Would you not want to help take them by the hand and place them back on the narrow path, or at the very least, would you not stand in the gap, grieving for their condition, and intercede on their behalf, asking the Lord to grant them mercy and deliver them?

What if they do not know they are denying Jesus when they run to a person for answers, rather than running to Jesus? What if they are ‘blind’ to what they are doing? I realize that it is difficult to believe that someone would not know that what they are doing is wrong, but blind is blind – inability to see is just that, unable to SEE.

You who can see, will you not help them remove the splinter in their eye, especially when the plank in your eye has been removed? Or would you just pray, and hope that they will find out on their own, or by God’s help, grace, and mercy?

What if the internet, pornography, a career, entertainment (music, sports, movies, television program, etc.), a position in society (leadership), was something they ‘enjoyed’ but did not realize they were trapped inside a prison, and walking a broad path that will eventually lead them to the lake of fire?

To truly love someone, you must be willing to take risks, no matter how uncomfortable or frightening, in order to save them from greater grief – sinning against a holy and just God! Sometimes, when we share a humbling testimony, and leave the results up to God, sometimes we snatch a person from the gripping flames of eternal separation from God.

Passing the Buck

• passing the buck: to shift the responsibility for something to someone else; to shift ‘blame’ from oneself to another person

SOURCE: (<< I make sure I get the right answers to you 😊 )

I even made up an excuse because that is what we sinners do. It is part of our fallen carnal nature. It is called ‘passing the buck’. We prefer to ‘justify’ our actions, or pass the blame onto someone else.

In the 80s, there was a sitcom, where the father was always saying, “the devil made me do it.” It caught on and was very popular for about a decade. Once in a short while, one may hear it circulate amongst the old-timers.

I did not see what I said as an excuse though; I saw it as a fact. The Bible says, “It is not good for man to be alone.” [Gen 2:18] I would quip back, “It’s not okay for man to be alone, but it’s okay for woman, Lord? Why?”  I would say that I was joking, but was I?

Pardon the expression, but the apple really does not fall far from the apple tree, does it? When Adam and Eve sinned, Eve blamed the serpent. The serpent beguiled me, and I ate…” [Gen 3:13]

Adam was bolder. He blamed the woman AND God. He said, The woman whom YOU gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.” [Gen 3:12] We know how Adonai handled it. The serpent was cursed.

Adam and Eve were covered with animal skins [Gen 3:21], and evicted from paradise [vs 24], the Garden of Eden that the Lord had made for them. He also foretold of His plan for salvation. [vs 15]

What is An Idol?

YouTube screenshot_uploader credit
Lion of Judah

It does not have to be someone of the opposite sex that we idolize; nor does it have to do with physical lust per say. That is only with some people, not all. That was my particular sin …shamefully.

A person can idolize another person; admire, even [unbeknownst to themselves, inwardly] worship them. They are attracted to their looks, their personality, their charisma; attracted to outward appearances, and not listening closely with their discernment.

I am not saying people are physically bowing to the people they idolize [I do not speak of cultures where bowing to royalty or leadership is the custom; that is usually done out of respect for position and authority. It is protocol].

Few people bow down to anything or anyone these days. However, in the past decade, there has been a trend to bow low several times to a singer, or an actor. Some say it is out of respect, yet to do it for an ‘entertainer’ strikes me as odd (but that is just my personality).

People can idolize someone they love, a spouse, children, relative. To them, the sun rises and sets on them, and they put them on a pedestal. Nothing but praise rolls off their lips for the person. In their eyes, they can do no wrong.

It could be a counselor that you adore, or cannot get enough of. It could be a teacher, musician, actor, politician, a military person, a doctor, nurse, pastor/preacher, a ‘prophet’, [fill in the gap].

On another hand, it might not be a person at all. It could be a thing, a career, a sport, a group, a place, a hobby, a talent – it can even be a charity, or a ministry… It can be anything and anyone.

Have you ever watched the number of people at a bus stop, or in a bank, or some other public place. It is very rare that we do not see a cellphone or a tablet in someone’s hand these days. It was so bad at one point that signs had to go up against texting whilst driving due to the accidents it caused, and the people that were killed.

An idol is anyone or anything that you run to first, that takes the place of Jesus/Yeshua, and is often the first thing you think about in the morning, and the last thing at night.

Nevertheless, I have somewhat against you, because you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you are fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come to you quickly, and will remove your candlestick out of his place, except you repent. [Rev 2:5]

If we pray to God for help, why should He help us, if the only time we pay Him much mind is when we are in trouble, or someone we care about, or there is an urgent need? Yet, we have left our first love, and go to the fellowship of another – spend time with them, whether in the physical or in the virtual.

And even still, look how our blessed Creator was with Israel. Truly, He is beyond anything or anyone we can imagine. We will be fools if we do not turn our hearts wholly back to Him, with trust and obedience.

Idolatry and deception are two of the top reasons that judgment is upon the nations – and rightly so!

Paradigm Shift from Grace to Judgment

paradigm shift
from grace to judgment

I have noticed that some of those who spoke of 2023 being a good year, back in December 2022 or January 2023 have shifted gears. Now they have shifted to judgment coming, and repentance, but they declare that it is not for God’s people.

The change in their message came within a few weeks (if that) of their first prophetic word for the year, the word that told people get cake and popcorn because it was going to be a happy year.

They backpaddled very fast, and none of the regular followers batted an eye. Now if you are going to speak and say ‘thus saith the Lord’, you best guard yourself if you are going to make God look like He is capricious, because that ‘sudden’ paradigm shift makes God look unstable, or He got caught off-guard by today’s evil activities.

It seems more to me that it was not a ‘thus says the Lord’ [directly], but it is a ‘thus says the Lord’ through others, but who will know? It baffles my mind that not one ‘faithful follower’ caught it, and if they did, they dismissed it or excused it.

It was as if God always changes His mind, depending on the opinions of people. It seems it  went from a year where popcorn and cake were to be part of the celebration to ‘woe, here comes judgment and justice, and you better repent’.

It came with ‘fake tears’ because it was a hard message to put out. Is that the truth, or is it to hoodwink people by emotionalism, so they do not discern the paradigm shift. That is what happens when one searches the internet instead of waiting upon God.

Why do people make excuses for such false prophecies and false teachers? It is because of the ‘truth’ and the correct doctrine that they gleaned from others? And these ‘prophetic voices’, where is the fear of the Lord? Do they truly think God will wink in ‘understanding’ and look the other way?

This is not a game that is being played, and God is not mocked. Just because He does not move on them instantly, does not mean that He is turning a blind eye. And the followers; why are they ignoring the obvious?

The people do not see the falsehoods. Instead, the people say, ‘well, this is true’ and ‘that is true’, so this must be also.

They will ignore the inconsistencies. They will get laden down with so much information that they will forget the failed prophecies because they will not be able to remember all that was spoken. However, the ‘prophet’ will gladly remind the people of all the prophecies that ‘have’ come to pass, and the people will be in awe that the prophet ‘hears from God’. 

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. [Mat 24:24]

If the false ones are able to deceive the very elect; it means they have wrapped their lies in deception. If they will show great signs and wonders, it will be because Satan or demons are helping them.

I wish I could remember who the person was that warned about this kind of thing happening nearly 60 years ago. I did not hear it back then. Someone had reposted their prophecy about 15 years ago, or so. I lost it along the way, and cannot remember the name.

The letter warned that modern-day pastors/preachers/teachers would introduce false doctrines, and false prophets would operate in deception with stolen works as well as divination. He warned that there would be such a mixture of truth and error that many people would unknowingly embrace both.

It possibly came from one of Andrew Strom’s [newsletters, but I cannot be sure. Andrew is a preacher of truth and warns people about false doctrines (prosperity preaching, NAR, etc., as well as demonic spirits in the charismatic movement that are identical to the evil spirits found in Hindu religion, such as the Kundalini spirit).

He often passes good messages along in his Revival newsletters. Lord bless Andrew Strom and family, as he continues going into places such as Africa, Singapore and many other places around the world preaching, bringing deliverance and healing in the name of Jesus, but mostly to speak the truth and the true gospel of Christ Jesus.

The Accuracy in Divination

I often mention the damsel who was a fortune-teller or soothsayer, who noticed Paul and Silas and followed them around. The Greek word used is ‘pneuma Pythonos’, which means ‘spirit of python’ or ‘python spirit’. The Pythia was the name of the high priestess of the Temple of Apollo who prophesied. Suffice it to say that it is a demonic spirit, a spirit of divination.

These men are servants of the most high God who show us the way unto salvation. [Acts 16:17]

This grieved Paul, as she went about repeating herself for several days. Did you know that the term ‘most high God’ was also attributed to the gods of the heathen, or the pagans? Zeus and Apollo were two deities that the title was attributed too.

Paul likely knew this as they were in a town where the worship of Apollo was well-know. After hearing it enough times, Paul finally set her free from the demon. When the young woman with a spirit of divination [python spirit] was delivered, her masters were infuriated because they lost a fortune financially.

How can that be if it was divination? It is because so many of her ‘predictions’ from her soothsaying came true that people flocked to her from far away just to find out what their future held.

The false god (idol) Apollo was known for healing and prophecy, so Paul knew what that when he delivered the girl to free her, and to preserve the gospel of Christ, that there would be a severe backlash by her masters.

Satan does not know the future, but he has a ‘temporary’ loose reign on this world, as the god of this world, who ‘blinds’ unbelievers. [2Cor 4:4] He has boundaries, and there are certain things he does that God allows.

We cannot counsel God, or comprehend His wisdom all the time. Satan can cause things to happen, put sickness (spirit of infirmity) upon people, then remove it, thus making it look like the ‘idol’ healed, and prophesied correctly (divination).

Since he and his demon legions are invisible, they can see and hear things that we cannot see or hear in the physical realm, so it ‘appears’ as if he knows the future. He can ‘appear’ as an angel of light, so his ‘ministers of righteousness’ can ‘appear’ as ministers of righteousness. [2Cor 11:14,15]

I have learned that speaking on behalf of the Lord comes with great responsibility, as well as accountability. The Lord Himself takes it most seriously. Our flesh can mimic the Lord’s voice and we can deceive even ourselves. Jesus sees the motives and intent of the heart, and it is Him that each person will have to stand before on Judgment Day.

We can fool others, but we cannot fool God. Divination is the counterfeit of prophesy, yet it sounds identical. I have mentioned this example several times over the years because when the Holy Spirit opened the eyes of my understanding as I read the words in scripture, the depth of deception blew my mind. Satan is indeed crafty, clever and subtle, and so are those who knowingly or unknowingly serve him.

When the young woman was delivered from the spirit of divination, her outraged masters took hold of Paul and Silas and brought them to the marketplace before the rulers and the magistrates of the city. They were falsely accused of teaching customs that were unlawful to the people.

As the crowd of her admirers/followers rose up, Paul and Silas were ordered beaten and tossed into prison. Singing praises moved the hand of God and a great earthquake shook open the doors and loosed the chains and bands of every prisoner.

The guard was awakened from his sleep, saw all the prison doors open and chains broken and was about to kill himself with his own sword, but Paul hastily stopped him, urging him not to harm himself, and assuring him that no prisoners had escaped.

Relieved and humbled, the guard became a believer in Jesus Christ that very night. [Acts 16:19-40]

Satan is the father of lies, and every demon is a liar. Salvation is not for any demon. We all know that our decisions, our choices, have consequences, whether for the good or for the bad. With some, the season of consequences are completed or fulfilled. For others, the season of consequence is about to begin or has begun.

Be Careful When Mercy Smiles Upon You

For others still, God is granting them room to repent, urging them to stop what they are doing and truly turn back to Him. Allow Him to deliver, and set you back upon the right track. Do not let pride or reputation or monetary gain, or the temptation to go down in Christian history be the hindrances that stop you from doing what is right.

God through Jesus is THE most important decision that you could ever make. Let it all go and do the right thing…be forgiven. I have already…but God’s forgiveness is the most important. Please, be wise – choose Jesus. Choose eternity…

If, perchance, the Lord’s judgment has brought mercy that has overruled consequence, El Shaddai is always fair and ever wise, even when we do not understand the fullness or fairness thereof. Moses and King David were given as examples of grace and mercy, both who had been guilty of murder, and by law, should have been stoned to death.

In Moses’ case, it was the law of Egypt, the law of Pharaoh, that anyone who killed an Egyptian would themselves be killed. With David, it was the law of Moses that anyone who murdered another should be killed themselves. God is all-wise (Omniscient).

I can witness that I myself have escaped consequences that I deserved, but as a result, the same sin was never repeated. Both Moses and David escaped the consequences of murder by the grace and mercy of God. Neither were stoned to death; however, neither one repeated their mistake (same sin) again.

That did not mean they had hassle-free lives. Indeed, both men suffered in their own ways. This life brings suffering for everyone who lives long enough; some more than others, which none of us can explain. How it is handed to us and by what means is as individual as we are.

Some mistake a delay in consequences for sin as a sign that what they are doing, even though it is wrong [sin], as approval or as a nod from God. His desire is for repentance, but He is not mocked. One person’s consequences may be delayed for the purpose of trying the heart of a soul they injured, or for the Lord to help that injured soul to overcome bitterness that pain caused.

Be careful when mercy smiles upon you. Try not to make the mistake of taking it for granted. It may be your heart that He is trying.

When Judgment is Delayed, The Meaning Can Be Misinterpreted

delayed judgment

Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that is shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before Him:

But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he fears not before God. [Eccl 8:11-13] KJV

There have been people in positions of trust, such as pastors, teachers, prophets, who became prideful when consequences were delayed. Thinking they had favour from God, due to the Lord being pleased with their advancing the kingdom as they preached or taught about Jesus and the Word.

Despite their wrongdoing, and being fully aware of it, they continued in their sin, and began to look down upon the one they had wronged or were hurting, whether directly or indirectly.

If you study scripture, you will see where people continued in their sin for a season before God intervened with judgment. Look at Samson. He got away with fornication and lust, until he trusted a betrayer [Delilah] and after three lies, finally gave away the secret to his strength. [Judges 16:16-22]

Then, there is King Saul and how long, the years that he pursued David, and the times he endeavoured to kill him, all born out of jealousy and bitterness – until that fateful day when Saul and his sons, including David’s friend Jonathan, were all slaughtered on the battlefield.

David was a youth when he was anointed as king, yet Saul was allowed to carry on his shenanigans, his disobedience for years before David took the throne at 30 years old. Look at how long David escaped rebuke and punishment after he impregnated Bathsheba and had her husband killed.

Not only had enough time passed that Bathsheba made it through her pregnancy full-term, but the child was already born before God sent Nathan the prophet to confront the king. So, it had to be close to a year, give or take, that David first took Uriah’s wife into his bedchamber and she conceived.

God is not capricious or inconsistent. Throughout the Bible, we learn of the living God’s strength, steadfastness, stability, consistency, dependability, unwavering ways, righteousness, holiness, justice, and so much more. Everything is balanced with Abba!

The wisdom of God is as far out of our reach as our ‘wisdom’ is out of the reach of an ant. Notwithstanding, our wisdom is foolishness beside God’s wisdom. There is no comparison. Period.

Neither Moses or King David suffered the consequences of the law, which would have meant that each man be stoned to death for the murder of another that each separately committed. By the grace and wisdom of Adonai, both men were kept alive by God’s mercy.

Moses killed an Egyptian who was cruelly mistreating a Hebrew: King David ordered the commander of Israel’s army to withdraw from a dedicated king’s soldier, Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband, in the heat of battle, which meant certain death to the warrior.

Mercy was granted to both by God. He sees the heart – that is not some glib saying. Even Adam and Eve escaped physical death when they sinned, but there was an immediate spiritual death (separation from God).

It is not a matter of blessings and favouritism. It is a matter of God’s wisdom, knowledge and Sovereignty. None of the above had trouble-free lives, just as none of us do. The Lord’s mercy and grace are intentional and purposeful, even when we do not understand why some people seem to escape certain consequences. If one cries about ‘unfairness’, consider carefully before you cry out.

If God chose to forego mercy and grace, and just ‘be fair’, He would have wiped out all of mankind with the flood and started all over again, leaving none to question or challenge His decision. Yet, He is the Sovereign God who moves in mercy and in grace. He sought out the righteous and undisturbed bloodline and found Noah and his family.

Fast-forward to today; there will be those, scattered throughout the nations of the world that will taste the similar mercy of God. There is work to be done in these last of the last days. The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.

Ezekiel Speaks Forth Even to This Day

women weeping for Tammuz
It was Wednesday, April 5th, that the Lord moved on me to read Ezekiel eight. That was the day that I was sure I was going to post a two-part series for Judgment Comes from the North.

I am not the type who can tell you what each book of the Bible speaks about, as some are gifted with that, or the memorization of volumes of scripture.

Ezekiel eight – those words were clearly impressed upon me as I prepared to spend time with the Lord. I did not understand until I read it. The fifth of April is the first day of Passover, and I have chosen to celebrate Passover rather than Easter.

(This part was being written that day, Wednesday, April 5, so in the editing, changes were made to make it past tense. If I miss a word somehow, this explains it. Yes, just shy of six weeks ago, I planned to post this article – but it was not to be then.)

The first thing that stood out in Ezekiel eight was the word ‘north’.

And he put forth the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of my head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looked toward the north; where was the seat of the image [idol] of jealousy, which provokes to jealousy. [Ezek 8:3]

Verse four (4) speaks of the glory of the God of Israel and how it was there, just as Ezekiel had seen in the vision in the plain.

Then said He unto me, Son of man, lift up your eyes now the way toward the north. So, I lifted up my eyes toward the north, and behold, northward at the gate of the altar this image [idol] of jealousy in the entry. [vs 5]

The Lord succeeded in drawing my attention to the ‘north’, but why? What is it about the north that I am to pay attention to? So far, the prophet was taken to the ‘north’ gate of the inner court. According to theologians, the ‘north’ gate was the gate that led the temple priests directly to the altar. It is elsewhere mentioned to be the gate where kings entered.

Bible experts agree that the ‘image of jealousy’ did not point to a specific idol, but rather it indicated that the priests had corrupted the temple with the presence of heathen idols, which would stir up the Lord’s indignation.

The ‘north’ gate was considered the ‘higher gate’ [Jer 20:2; 2Kings 15:35], the door of the gate of the inner court, or the ‘gate of the altar’. It is an area where large crowds of people would have gathered; hence the ‘image’ (idol) of jealousy.

Solomon had built places of worship for his wives and the diverse idols of each, in the ‘hill that is before Jerusalem’. Wicked kings after him had continued with the idolatry, but Ahaz is the one who had purposely set an altar for idols (some suggested Canaanite) inside the very temple of the Most High God of Israel.

The images of unclean beasts and creeping things that were idolized (Egyptian suggested) that were engraved upon the walls provoked God. Ezekiel had mentioned the glory of God, so the purity and holiness of the God of Abraham revealed the corruption and pollution of the idolatrous images.

Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD’s house which was toward the north; and behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz. [Ezek 8:14]

And after seeing the women weeping for the idol Tammuz, Ezekiel turned and witnessed 25 men who had their backs to the Lord, facing east and worshipping the sun. Ezekiel saw violence in the land, idolatry, and an image that several commentators named as possibly being Asherah/Ishtar/Astarte/Ashtoreth [Hebrew] (same goddess/different names, different cultures). The prophet saw weeping for Tammuz, as well as debauchery/immorality.

By the time the vision ended, Ezekiel witnessed God’s glory leave the temple (Ichabod).

Resurrection Power and Victory

And it came to pass, as they [Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary (mother of James) and other women] were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments: And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said to them, Why do you seek the living among the dead?

He is not here, but is risen: remember how He spoke to you when He was yet in Galilee, Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again. [Lk 24:5-7]

The cross and the resurrection of Jesus the Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach) are at the center, the core of the doctrine of the Messiah/Saviour. The precious blood of Jesus, willingly offered up by Him as the spotless, unblemished (sinless, perfect) Lamb, a living sacrifice to pay for the atonement of mankind’s sins. The resurrection is the victory over sin, death (His body saw no corruption), and Satan.

Jesus foretold of His death, burial and resurrection. He plainly said that He would be in the grave three days and three nights, just as Jonah was in the belly of the large fish for three days and three nights before the fish spewed him forth. [Mat 12:38-40]

The fish vomiting Jonah out of his belly [Jonah 2:9] was symbolic of the resurrection of the Saviour. The grave could not hold Him and He rose victoriously from the dead. The cross of Jesus must go hand in glove with His resurrection!

The stone that took strong soldiers to put in place was rolled away, and the tomb is empty. No one could explain it, so the Pharisees said the apostles stole the body. Christ proved His divinity, and His love. What a glorious victory!

Yet, on the very day Passover began this year (2023), when I awoke, the Lord specifically prodded me to read Ezekiel, chapter eight. For the month before (March), off and on, I had come across heart-wrenching articles that exposed sin in the church.

I had wondered if the eighth chapter of Ezekiel was about the wheels inside the wheels, something I have a hard time imagining, but no, it was about idolatry and abominations happening in the house of God, the holy temple.

Despite all His warnings through His prophets, and His faithfulness, the people of Israel refused to repent and turn back to God. Many things were being done in secret, including the weeping over Tammuz.

It was about 20 years ago, give or take, that I learned about the origins of certain celebrated holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. It came as a shock to me because I had never heard such things ever taught before.

The introduction of the internet became an important tool for learning, but little did I understand at the time how much deception rules in this world. Christmas and Easter were never the same to me after I learned the origins, and how pagan celebrations were blended with Christian festivals as a concerted effort to please all the people.

Easter and Passover are Not the Same Thing

The word ‘easter’ is only found once in the Bible in Acts 12:4. Some say that the men who translated the scriptures from Greek made a mistake, putting ‘easter’ instead of ‘Passover’, from the word ‘Pascha’.

Others claim that the fault lies with Herod, who mixed pagan holidays with Jewish celebrations. He celebrated Easter, not Passover, which is why the translators used ‘easter’ in the verse in Acts. We know Herod had nothing to do with Jewish festivities.

Several sites claim that Easter originated in Germany, with celebration beginning at the Spring Equinox, with the [pagan] holiday being named after Eostre, the ‘Germanic’ goddess of dawn.

I skipped over all that due to Ezekiel the prophet, who spoke of the women weeping for Tammuz. There was no intent on my part to write about this, until the Lord led me to read about Ezekiel’s vision.

Daniel, Ezekiel and other Israelites were held captive in Babylon. The story of Ishtar and Tammuz was a Babylonian myth. Tammuz was said to be the son of Nimrod and Semiramis, who is also called Ashtarte/Ashtoreth and Ishtar, Babylonian goddess of fertility and war.

She was also known as the queen of heaven, whom the prophet Jeremiah mentions.

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto others gods, that they may provoke me to anger. [Jer 7:18]

The queen of heaven was said to be the wife of the false god Baal, also called Molech. There is no queen of heaven, and neither is Mary [Jesus’ mother] the queen of heaven as the Vatican claims. That is idolatry. Mary will always be honoured and considered blessed among all women because she was the chosen virgin who birthed the Saviour of the world.

Semiramis/Ashtarte/Ishtar was married to Nimrod, who was murdered and his body cut up into several pieces (pagan version). Semiramis/Ishtar found all the parts except for his penis. The phallus (obelisk) was created to pay tribute to Nimrod. There are few countries today that do not have an obelisk or phallus.

Ishtar claimed that the rays from the sun god Baal impregnated her. She bore Tammuz [Dumuzi], a son, claiming that he was the reincarnation of Nimrod, born December 25, during the Winter solstice. He became a shepherd (herdsman), and later Ishtar married him (incestuous), making herself both his mother and his wife.

[NOTE*: The name of the goddess changed depending on the culture. Semiramis and Nimrod were Babylonian - Sidon - Philistines. Ashteroth/Astarte from the Hebrew, associated with Baal. She was the Caananite 'queen of heaven' [Jer 44] Ishtar/Tammuz from the Sumerian/Mesopotamian - goddess of love, war, sex, fertility - And so on. End Note BP]

Constantine was another one who had merged Christianity with pagan festivities. Herod did so to please the people, whereas Constantine’s efforts were an attempt to introduce a universal religion, but excluded Jewish beliefs.

When Tammuz was killed by a wild boar, a 40 day fast was ordered, each day to honour each year that Tammuz had lived (he died at age 40). Women were to weep for him each day. At the end of the fast, a meal of ham was prepared to remember that a boar killed Tammuz.

The Catholic church kept the tradition of celebrating the pagan/Christian festival mix. This was the information found regarding the ‘women weeping for Tammuz’, a Babylonian idol. There are variations, however slight, written by people, but basically the story is the same.

The Pleading Love of the Father

If you return, O Israel, declares the Lord, to Me you should return. If you remove your detestable things from My presence, and do not waver. [Jer 4:1] ESV

Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, you backsliding Israel, declares the Lord; and I will not cause My anger to fall upon you: for I AM merciful, says the Lord, and I will not keep anger forever.

Only acknowledge your iniquity, that you have transgressed against the Lord your God, and have scattered your ways to the strangers under every green tree, and you have not obeyed My voice, says the Lord. [Jer 3:12,13]

F. B. Meyers [Baptist pastor/evangelist] wrote:

“The people of the northern kingdom, to whom this appeal is especially addressed, were more excusable than Judah, because their privileges had been less. God judges us according to our opportunities. How precious the invitation and promise of Jer 3:12! Confession is an essential condition that must be fulfilled by us.”

He then mentions [Jn 1:7]

But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

The good Lord knows what each person has gone through in life, and what support and love they may or may not have had when enduring excruciating circumstances. Sometimes what we may see as ‘unfairness’ is in fact an outpouring of understanding, grace and love toward a spiritually and psychologically wounded soul.

Please do not misunderstand or misconstrue my words or meaning. Sin is sin, but God’s wisdom and understanding far surpasses ours. We look upon outward appearances because that is how we learned to judge matters, but God’s perspective is deeper and broader, wholly encompassing.

This can be extremely difficult at times, especially when it comes to matters very close to the heart. This is where we have to trust, and anyone who has been in a heart-gripping situation can say with all HONESTY how difficult trust can be when God makes us wait for His move. It looks like people are getting away with a great injustice sometimes, but wait…

At this time in my life that is what the Holy Spirit is encouraging me to do.

Trust and wait. As I have told you before, it will not go on forever. Patience is difficult at times; lean on Me.


I am going to halt this piece here, and will surprisingly post Part G [part 7] tomorrow. That will definitely be the last part in the series. In case it was somehow missed, Idolatry and Deception are the main focal points the Lord is establishing.

Do we truly see the times we are in, or is part of us still in denial? (Not in our day, perhaps our children’s day…) No, God is making things very clear for a reason.

[Prt A] Judgment Comes from the North – Call 2Repent- Worthy of Hard Tests

[Prt B] Judgment Comes – Good N Bad in World N Church-Prodigals Are Returning

 [Prt C] Judgment Comes – Sins of Gov’t N Church – Setting Captives Free

[Prt D] Judgment Comes – Alert the Nations-Flee Idolatry-Repent-Pray

[Prt E] Judgment Comes –  Let Your Idols and Soothsayers Deliver You

[Prt F] Judgment Comes – Ezekiel Still Speaks Today

[Part G] Judgment Comes – The Counterfeit is Here, But Nothing Replaces Jesus-Yeshua

in the presence of His glory


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