Friday, April 3, 2020

Repost of We Overcome

A timely repost...

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony; and loved not their life unto death.  [Rev 12:11]
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We Overcome

March 2008
Things that are coming will be as unexpected and as sudden, as a lost wallet that disappears immediately after a purchase.  No amount of searching will restore it, bring understanding or closure.  Some people will blame themselves.  Many will blame others, but the vast multitudes will blame God.

People will be suspicious of each other and accusations will arise beyond measure.  Countless will feel helpless and without hope. Life will be frightening to them and they will not know where to turn. Hard lessons will be learned. Some will cry out to God and repent (in true humility and godly sorrow), in spirit and in truth, in the valley of decision.

For there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in
Christ and walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit
[Rom 8:1]

But they who have prepared ahead have already repented and keep 
a repentant spirit in their heart.  They who put their trust in the Lord shall be saved.  The peace that passes all understanding will sweep over them and they will offer up thanksgiving, despite all outward appearances.

They who trust in the Lord will not fear nor be soon shaken. They will rise up in His power and might.  In the time of trouble, He draws them closer and delivers them. 
God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble. [Ps 46:1]

For they have heeded the warnings and have received chastisement as obedient children of the most High Almighty God and One TRUE Holy Father.  For they have prepared their hearts for the unexpected [suddenly]. It is coming.  It is almost here.Great trouble, the time we have heard of for so long, the great tribulation is almost here.

Believe it.  Please do not turn a deaf ear to it.    We have been taught; we have been tried. For He, who loves His children does teach them, then tests them.

They will sing to their Saviour in the day of their affliction, knowing that they are His. For who are they that are obedient?  It is they who were willing to learn obedience through the things that they suffered, as did their holy Saviour, Christ Jesus - He who learned obedience unto death.

It is they who picked up their cross daily, they who willingly crucify flesh.
It is they who abide in Christ, knowing that it is not they who live, but Christ Jesus, Yeshua, who lives in them. 
It is not easy to die to self.  In fact, the flesh fights us.  Demons fight us. The world fights us.

Yet we consider not our own lives, but lay it all down, believing that He who commanded us to crucify self, would also come with His resurrection power.  Against hope, we believe in hope.  We believe 
in the words of our Messiah, Y’shua /Jesus who said, With MEN it is impossible but with GOD,  ALL things are possible.

Yea, indeed, to walk by faith and NOT by sight - simple faith as a child. It is they who understand the power of His blood and all that He did accomplish by being crucified, buried and resurrected by the power of His Father God.

These are the days to prepare. These are the days of testing and trying the heart to see if you love the Lord your God.  Do not fear the days ahead, which you were forewarned would come suddenly and unexpectedly.

Narrow is the road and strait is the gate; and few there are that find it.
For the narrow road is difficult with many trials and tribulation.  By not
Trusting and obeying the King and Lord, the love of many has waxed cold and many are falling away. 

His children walk by FAITH and not by sight.  They walk in the Spirit of LOVE.
For the strait gate, where few enter in, can only be entered by OBEDIENCE
by those who TRUST their GOD, have HOPE and enter in through Christ Jesus by FAITH.
The Lord shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.  [Ex 14:14]




  1. Thanks for posting this Bonita. Timely word indeed. Love you precious friend. 🤗

  2. Love you as well, Donna. Our Lord is each one of us. Clash of the kingdoms...Satan is gloating with this pandemic, spurred on by his earthly agents (globalists) but GOD (Yahweh/YHVH) is ultimately in control.
    Hold fast sis...we serve an incredible KING and LORD! He's about to move in ways that will astound. Satan knows it and thought he would get the "jump" on God with his "suddenlies" and "unexpectedly" (counterfeiter)...
    But just wait and see, sis...our Father is going to move suddenly and unexpectedly - to His glory!

  3. Beautiful and timely indeed. Love you sister ��‍❤️‍������‍❤️‍��. Sis Elisheva aka Sis Libby. Muah ��

    1. warm hug back sis Libby. Stay well. love returned to you - Bonita


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