Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Time to Obey

In case you missed yesterday's post: Season of Silence  

These are some of the things the Lord shared with me over the course of a few days. Some was given all at once; some over course of the day after prayer. As always, take it to the Lord.

March 25, 2019

It is time! Now I have corrected you and you have received it. Now is the time to rise up, for I have given you strength. I have reached out My hand and pulled you up. You are no victim of Satan. You are a well-trained warrior.

I AM the Lord of the battle and I have sent forth holy angels to guard you and to keep you. They obey My commands. I have risen up and say, “Enough.” So many of those who call themselves by My name seek Me, they seek and seek and seek, but they will not obey and turn from their sinful ways. 
[see 2Chron 7:14, 15]
But there are those who have laid down their lives and daily STRIVE to carry their cross and do well. Though they may stumble, they do not fall. Then there are those who STRIVE to enter into the strait gate and are not able to [Lk13:24]; [because they will not let go of their sin!]. Though they may falter and stumble, they are quick to repent and continue on, often relying on Me for strength in their weaknesses.
I warned of a storm on the horizon. I warned that it is intensifying. I warned that things are escalating. Great is the evil of these days. Great is the wickedness upon the earth. It is indeed as in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah. Violence is global. Hearts are becoming cold and desensitized. The gift of life is taken without thought or regret. Abominations are accepted under a false banner of ‘love’.

Compromise rules! Blasphemies and heresies against Me are accepted, even encouraged. There is no fear of God among the masses. Idols and false gods and goddesses are worshipped. People exalt one another and say, “It is good what we do!”

The spirit of Jezebel manipulates and controls people in all arenas. She has seduced the multitudes. Her prostitutes not only fornicate with the world in the arena of music, sports or politics, but they fornicate with the leaders and the congregations in many of the synagogues and the churches throughout the earth.

How far the people have strayed from Me. I would have gathered you like a hen with her chicks under her wings, but you would not. Though I still cry out to Jerusalem, I also cry out to the “churches”, those who say they are the called-out assembly, but they are fornicating with the world. They have allowed seducing spirits in and teach for profit the doctrine of demons.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kill the prophets and stone them which are sent to you; how often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not!  [Mat 23:37]

Moral decline is now out of control, as laws are changed to appease the people. Witchcraft is embraced and glorified. Satan has deceived the whole world.
Many cry out, “Why Lord, why do you allow this?” “How long will you stand afar off and do nothing?” “When Lord, when?”

My timing is not as that of mankind, for I am the Creator of it; therefore, I am not contained by it. The prophets of old forewarned of these days. I answered the question of the apostles who asked what would be the sign of the end times and the sign of My return.

Though much is not understood about how everything will pan out, be at peace, knowing I am fully aware and fully in control. Evil has its day of rejoicing, but the time comes when it shall no longer be.

Indeed, I have spoken through many who have warned of the earth splitting open violently (earthquakes) in divers places. Warnings of great waters covering the lands (not just tsunamis but floods) and bringing death and destruction have been trumpeted. Bursts of hot elements (volcanoes) spewing forth destruction.
Those which have occurred are nothing compared to that which is coming (fast approaching).

Pray for those in New York and in Washington, DC. Woe to those on coastal lands. Woe to Damascus and Gaza. Woe to My people in the land of Israel who are preparing to welcome the false Messiah. Pray for one another. Pray for the people of Israel, of Damascus, of Gaza. Pray for your own country and all that I place on your heart by My spirit.

Do you hear the thunderous sound of troops marching? Do you hear the sound of the trumpet? Fast and pray in these tumultuous times. Seek Me while there is yet peace in your land, for the time comes when the focus shall shift to the horrors of the West, as well as the Middle East.

March 26, 2019

Pray for those in the dangerous lands. Pray for the lost. Pray for one another. Be strong and courageous for the days grow ever darker for the world and for My people.  Yet those who abide in Me shall shine brightest in the darkest hours.  [John 1:5]

March 27, 2019

(Note** - To those who refuse to let go of their sin, expecting God to magically take it, rather than laying it down and overcoming…it has gone on for years, even decades – pay attention; one last chance. BP)

Mark this day and heed My words. I have heard your prayers and know your struggles. You must decide this day, no more or all is lost. Do not force My hand to pass your destiny to another. Hear Me. Quit disobedience. Replace unbelief with faith, and fear with trust!

I will not contend longer. Do not hand victory to the enemy. Rise up or stand down!

This is not to be cruel. It is a reality. How long have you put off overcoming?Check and see the times you are in. Choose this day whom you will serve, either Me or Ba’al. Yet IF you obey My voice this day, I will bring all I promised to pass – obedience has its rewards. Obedience brings blessing.

Wait on Me, but first choose. Selah

March 28, 2019

Things are moving fast. Soon things take place like a domino effect. Many have sounded warnings over the years, just as prophets of old did. I always give fair warnings – often decades before a thing occurs, for I am not contained within time and space, for I AM the Creator of these.

A quick work, a quick work, a quick work shall I do – it shall come – suddenly and unexpectedly. Now it begins. The cloud is moving – Prepare. Christ Jesus soon returns. I have said that I see the end from the beginning. I know all things. I am uniting My people, the true believers, My remnant in this time of increasing apostasy. That which was foretold long ago is now coming to pass.

Continue to watch and pray. Pray for all I put on your heart for I am putting different things on the hearts of My people, so that as “one Body” the prayers cover all, for one or two alone cannot cover all things in prayer.

The holdup for some who are awaiting answers to prayers, or to see dreams and visions come to fruition is obedience. Did I not often remind you that the obedience of one affects many as surely as the disobedience of one does?  (think upon Jesus and Adam, obedience versus disobedience)

And Samuel said, Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, obedience is better than sacrifice and listening better than the fat of rams. [1Sam 15:22]

Pharaoh is about to call Joseph out of prison (think deeply upon this). I am positioning My people. Things are escalating – great troubles are coming upon the world. My people have long waited and hoped.

Rise up! Be strong and courageous. Many are receiving the fruition of long awaited dreams and visions. Many others have been and are being slaughtered for their faithfulness to Me. Do not try to understand and figure it all out. Stay in My Word. Keep far from pride. Walk humbly and circumspectly.

I told you, just as you believed, just as you OBEYED…This is now the time. Wait…suddenly, unexpectedly. Remember also the counterfeiter. Satan knows his time is short. Tread carefully and keep a repentant heart. Walk in love, yet with discernment and wisdom. Heed the voice of My Spirit and keep your lamps filled with oil.  Selah

March 30, 2019
Famine and hunger are coming to places that have not seen it for decades upon decades. The dominoes are in place and the “push” is coming. It will start slow and build momentum; until all comes crashing down. Fear not.

This is the hour to be humble and seek My face, pray and obey. I am calling My people to holiness and righteousness. How often have I urged My people to return to the old paths, yet many greedy shepherds and false teachers are scattering My sheep in different directions, away from the strait and narrow path.

Cry out for the lost - intercede. Those with a backbone (My strength) will speak truth, and when they do, they will witness angry faces, stopped ears and words of protest and denial, just as My prophets of old and My apostles did.

Stay strong for the day of salvation is nigh at hand. Occupy, occupy till I come. [Lk 19:13] Do not argue about the day of the resurrection of the saints who died in Me and await that hour. Neither argue or debate about when the catching up of those who are alive in Me shall occur. Be ready at all times.

Watch and pray! Whether it is early (pre-trib) or late (mid or post-trib), concern not yourself, but rather keep your lamps filled with oil. My people argue over foolish things. I say occupy and endure, and be prepared for none know the hour, not even the angels in heaven, but My Father alone knows. However, My people can know the season; they see the signs.

As for those awaiting the fruition of the reality of long-awaited dreams, prayers and visions to be seen as a witness of My Sovereignty, promises and power, think upon it this way. Again I say this.

Pharaoh is about to call Joseph from the prison…

A drought and famine is coming upon the lands of My people (physically and spiritually). Yea, it has begun. Keep strong. Stay prepared in heart, mind and soul by obedience. Stay close to Me (abiding) and I shall direct your steps as you trust in Me and obey.

Do not be dismayed or downtrodden, nor look around in terror, for the day of Christ is at hand.

Put away the unclean thing and walk holy, then shall you be sons and daughters of Mine. Stand fast. Seek good and not evil that you may live, so the Lord God of hosts shall be with you, as you have spoken.  [see Amos 5:14, 16]

But this thing I commanded them saying, “Obey My voice and I will be your God, and you shall be My people: and walk you in all the ways I commanded you, that it may be well with you.” [Jer 7:23]

Do not be like those Jeremiah spoke to who would not listen or incline their ear, but walked in the counsels and the imaginations (stubbornness) of their evil heart and went backward and not forward.

(End of messages)

An Exhortation
Though God warned the people through His messengers, repeatedly, with great patience for years, they would not listen or obey. They continued on in their sin as they always had, blaming God, saying, “He does not deliver!” But the reality is: though the prison door was open, they were afraid to walk through.
All they had to do was walk forward, trusting God, but they would not. God grieved and shut the door.


(One last message) Warning! Let the above not be said of you. I chastise those I love – those who are Mine. Walk forward NOW, My child!

(Note: - The next message expounds on the last few paragraphs.)

for His glory alone


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