
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Illusion of the Auspicious Dragon-PRT 1

(Edit: Note added -- March 8.2024-BP)

Interference and Hindrances

Wherefore we would have come to you, even I Paul, once again; but Satan hindered us.

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. [1Thes 2:18; 2Cor 2:11]

There seems to be a noticeable uptick in untimely and undesirable activities happening to many Christians (self-included) that are interfering with regular routines or schedules. These are not distractions. It is most certainly interferences and hindrances.

These matters are, for the most part, non-emergency, yet are significant enough to require immediate attention. They can be ethical or social issues, but more likely pertain to business, medical, legal or personal/private matters.

For quite a lengthy season, my time writing has been delayed or hindered to such a degree that I seriously inquired of the Lord if it was HIS will that I stop writing, or if it was indeed enemy interference causing frustrating, stressful interruptions, roadblocks and delays.

Far be it from me to go against that which my Lord may have appointed to come to an end. It is written that we are not to be anxious about anything, but with thankfulness, to bring our prayers and petitions to Jehovah-Rohi (the Lord our Shepherd). [Phil 4:6]

He will answer and establish peace – not as the world gives, but a deep inner peace that surpasses understanding. Jehovah-Shalom (the Lord our Peace) delights in fulfilling the promises in His Word. It seems time has been shortened, and we are witnessing prophecies come alive.

Not About Works

This is not about ‘works’ because salvation is a free gift ([we are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, and not by our own efforts or works. [Eph2:8-9]). Jesus the Messiah died in our place, taking upon Himself all the sins of mankind [1Pet2:24], and enduring the wrath of God Almighty.

The judgement of God fell upon Jesus, He being made a curse (the law). The weight of every sin alone must have been crushing! When Moses put the bronze serpent upon a pole, any Israelite that looked upon it who had been bitten was healed and lived. [Num 21:9]

The serpent in the Garden of Eden brought a curse upon Adam (and ultimately all of mankind) when he gave into temptation and disobeyed God. Everything became cursed, man’s fallen nature, the ground, and later, the curse of the law. 

For the longest time I never understood what was meant by the curse of the law because surely, we are not to be a lawless people, with no boundaries and no order. I do not know how many years passed before the knowledge was revealed by the Holy Spirit through Paul’s epistle to the Galatians.

It had been read several times but somehow the understanding of it was missed. Yet when the Lord opened my eyes, revelation shone forth, and several questions were answered at once. Bless the Word of God – a book for everyone that truly lasts a lifetime and beyond.

For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the Law, and do them.” Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for ‘The righteous shall live by faith.’ [Gal 3:10-11] ESV

Upon the cross, Messiah became that curse (which experts claim the crown of thorns symbolizes) for the sake of redemption. “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree. [Gal3:13]

Christ Jesus willingly sacrificed His life (the spotless (sinless) Passover Lamb of God, taking our place), and was crucified upon a rugged tree (cross). [Jn 19:17, 18], sealing our redemption by the pouring out of His precious blood.

So, ‘works’ do not pay for salvation, nor does it give us special favour with God at the end of the day. It begins by having faith to believe who Jesus is and that God raised Him from the dead (resurrection – by the power of God).

It is written that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains (metaphor) [Mat 17:20, 21] Definitely our faith is a gift given by the grace of God. We must realize that as we offer our gifts back up to Him through what we do in Jesus’ name that it is all His anyway, our gracious Creator and Saviour.

We can be ensnared by pride if we are particularly gifted in something, especially if it brings the approval and praise of people. The idolization of our own accomplishments or ‘work’ can be subtle. We must do our best to be watchful, walk humbly and guard against such a thing.

Yet if we remember Who the source is and the grace through which those gifts were imparted to us, then we secure a good perspective. Better the approval of God than man.

For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think [pride], but to think soberly, according as God has given [gifted] to every man the measure of faith. [Rom 12:3]

Plenty can be found about faith and works in books, articles, online material, written by some gifted, knowledgeable scholars and experts. The living God will uphold us according to His Word [promises], and will not let us be put to shame. [Ps119:116] We watch and pray, seeing the times, and eagerly anticipate the King’s imminent return!

For better understanding and to help anyone discern if I am straying from sound doctrine or not, I endeavour to encapsulate my firm beliefs here. We are instructed to test every spirit to see if it is of God, because many false prophets have gone out in the world.

I am no prophet, although at times, the Lord has graciously given me prophetic messages. That is not why I mention the above scripture, but Jesus was warning the crowd about what to look for in the end times. When He was asked what people should look for in the days just prior (as a sign) to His return, Messiah first warned those listening not to let any man deceive them. [Mat 24:4] (Olivet Discourse or Discourse of End Times)

Shortly thereafter, He spoke about false prophets arising, and yet again, He warned of deception. [v 11] A total of three times Jesus warned of deception in His sermon on the Mount of Olives. For a man who did not waste words, His warnings need to be heeded.

Deception will be hard to avoid, and trickier to discern in the last of the last days, especially just prior to the appearance of the Antichrist, and thereafter. We can pray and the Holy Spirit will faithfully guide us. Jesus will not leave us, nor forsake us to wing it on our own.

The apostle John echoed Christ’s warning about the false prophets. He also cautioned brethren not to believe everyone, but to test the spirits to see if they are of God. [1Jn 4:1] With everything kept in context, the Word of God is the way to test what is being taught. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you.

So, when folks share the gospel, whether online or in person (no matter how much you like them), what they say about the gospel and doctrines need to tested by the Word of God…and most importantly, kept in context.

Guaranteed that most of what they say will be truth because that is the seduction of Satan. Remember in Eden and in the temptation of Christ, both times Satan (serpent, ancient dragon), the liar, spoke the Word of God, but subtly corrupted it by twisting it just enough to change context and original meaning.

Seducing Spirits

Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times (last days) some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron [1Tim4:1, 2]

Please do not take the attitude that because someone says the above, “test the spirit”, or similar wording, that they must be ‘okay’ or they would not say it. That would be an unwise conclusion. Ever hear of reverse psychology? The devil Satan has.

A trusting or naïve soul could read those words about testing every spirit, and about false prophets and agree, determining to ‘prayerfully’ check the following things the person says against the written Word of God.

Not everyone likes to take notes when they are listening to sermons or talks, and without those notes, no one can remember all that is said in a half hour or one hour message. It is easy to become lackadaisical about checking things out. Those who teach falsehoods or operate in deception count on that aspect of human nature.

Then the adversary [Satan] whispers: “Wait a second -- if they were a false prophet or teacher, they wouldn’t tell people to check them out, would they? Right, so why bother? I’m just going to listen to what they have to say. They speak a lot of truth, so I’m sure what they say can be trusted. I’ll check it out later…”  

(Only ‘later’ never come…)

Satan will often speak in the first person, thus convincing a soul that it is their thoughts. It is one of his strategies used to subdue people psychologically. Many false teachers or wolves in sheep’s clothing are still in the pulpit, even after being scrutinized and warned against, for as long as twenty, thirty or forty years.

Woe to such when they stand before a holy and righteous God. Seducing spirits will persuade some that the way of the gospel is not truth (all demons are lying spirits). The mind that is numbed by seduction [a strategy of Satan], can easily be lured into the kingdom of darkness to seal their destruction.

Remember, Satan came to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but Christ came that we might have abundant life. [Jn 10:10] The devil can appear as an angel of light and his ministers as ministers of righteousness. [2Cor 11:14,15]

Only the Word of God can shine the light on the lies of those seducing spirits, operating through false teachers and wolves in sheep’s clothing, and expose their false doctrines. When we try every spirit by searching scriptures, the Holy Spirit helps us to see if it aligns with the Bible. We need to be cautious about who we allow to indoctrinate us.

None of us are perfect, and we all make mistakes in our understanding as we grow and learn in our walk. That is a given (well understood by all). That is not what is meant. We have to be willing to receive correction. There is no shame in learning. It is something we do right up to the day we draw our last breath.

False teachers who will not receive correction are knowingly deceptive, whether due to pride, or for the purpose of becoming well known (perhaps even go down in religious history), status/recognition, connect with people in power, ambition, monetary gain – pride can be subtle. It is something we can all be ensnared by, so we must tread carefully.

These teachers present plenty of truth to draw the people in, but they tuck false doctrine (teaching) smoothly in with that truth. Kent Horvind once said that false doctrines are 98% good food and 2% poison, but it is the 2% that kills.

I never followed his teaching, but someone lent me a tape of one of his conferences, back in the mid-to-late 90s, before I was committed to Jesus. For whatever reason, the only thing I recall from the tape is that saying. It describes deception in a keen, understandable way.

Simple Faith

Therefore, in case someone has been taught that works are necessary to obtain salvation, I share my understanding. People need to know that the ‘works’ doctrine is false, and taught in a ‘spirit of error’. Works do NOT save us, or give us special favour in God’s presence.

Should Christ have suffered such cruelty, or death on a rugged cross at all, if our works were the means by which our salvation was accomplished? Perish the thought! However, faith does produce works; they flow together. The apostle James explains it quite well, and reveals that works are the ‘fruit’ of faith. [Jam 2:18-26]

But someone will say,You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith WITHOUT your works, and I will show you my faith BY my works. [vs 18] (Emphasis mine) NKJV

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. [vs26]

God’s wisdom is something to behold, the way He gives each of us in the Body of Christ a part, something to do to further His kingdom, distributing His gifts amongst us, so that He can be glorified through Jesus the Messiah.

So many in the Body of Christ seem to be competing with each other, but Abba disapproves of such. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.” [Gal 5:26] ESV

He also is against people stealing prophetic words from each other. [Jer23:30] No member is to outshine another because as ONE united, the glory of God’s light covers the world through the body of Christ, for Jesus is the Head. [Col 1:18-19] “So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.” [Rom 14:19] ESV

Do the eyes compete with the ears, or the nose with the mouth? Does the hand steal the shoes to wear as they proudly compete with the feet by doing handstands? Do we not realize how each part is important; each part is meant to move in sync with each other. The true Body works together, as led by the Head (Jesus/Yeshua). Amen

All that said to bring understanding about where I stand in my faith, and with my writing. The purpose of transparency is not only for accountability, but to be an example as scripture advises us to be, and by telling us that those who went before us were examples for us.

Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction [warning], on whom the end of the ages has come. [1Cor 10:11] ESV

Most importantly and foremost, my writing is to point the way to Messiah (the Christ), who is the way, the truth and the life, and the ONLY way back to the living God (the heavenly Father). [Jn 14:6]

We all have been gifted by God through the Holy Spirit, and we seek the best ways to utilize our gifts to share the good news of the gospel, and to bring glory to God by sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, forgiveness of sins, reconciliation back to God, and the coming restoration of this broken, corrupted world. [Rom 5:10; Rev 21:1]

So again, I was praying to the Lord about whether it was His will that I stop writing, or was it truly hindrances and interruptions from the enemy halting me. As an average person, and one in a crowd of eight billion people, I realize that my writing has no significant impact on the world…but even if I can make a small dent that will turn some to (or back to, as in prodigals) Jesus, then it is all worth it.

However, like the little drummer boy, I would like to give my gift back to the Giver by honoring Him in loving Him first, and others second. As stated before, we all have a part as members of the same Body, in sync.

Behind the Scenes

As can be seen over the years in my writing, no glorification is given to the adversary, but balance is always the intended goal. Often stated is that it has been noticed that there are people who see Satan or a demon in everything, even blaming personal sins on the devil.

It is not just comedians, or actors in sitcoms that glibly state, “The devil made me do it!” In the Garden of Eden, Adam defended his actions by blaming God and his wife. The woman that You gave me, handed me of the tree, and I did eat.” [Gen3:12] Eve countered by blaming Satan. The serpent beguiled (deceived) me and I did eat.” [Gen 3:13]

Blaming Satan is nothing new. The devil can tempt us, but we alone are responsible for our choices. Others, if they are not blaming the devil, put the blame on God, saying He is not a God of love or He would not allow what He allows. But if He interfered every time, they would blame Him for taking away their ‘free will’, or power to choose.

On the flip side of the coin are the many people globally who do not believe in a devil, demons, or spiritual warfare. To them, the devil is a figment in the imagination of Christians, the disillusioned, the paranoid, the ignorant, or superstitious people.

It is written in the Word that mankind has an unseen enemy; however, there are also countless Christians who downplay the notion of Satan’s activity in people’s lives. They consider heartaches, tragedies, and cataclysms part of being in this world, a normal part of life, which it often can be.

However, they do not consider that much of what happens is a direct result of sins and/or demonic influence, as well as spiritual warfare from enemies of the cross, whether physical or spiritual. The raging hatred Satan has for God and mankind is lethal.

He is the prince of darkness, the ruler or ‘god’ of this world (ruling over unbelievers, the unsaved). He is not Sovereign, but God has allowed him to operate within boundaries. One day we will fully understand.

Satan is the prince of the power of the air [Eph 2:2], who has legions in his armies who carry out his demands. Demons can possess unsaved people. Believers can be heavily oppressed if there is an open door or a chink [weakness] in the armour (a legal way in, such as when one sins).

The balance in understanding the reality of spiritual warfare comes by searching the Word of God. Truth soothes the mind, piercing through the fog of confusion, the fog of war. We know that Satan (aka Lucifer) was once a beautiful, holy angel, the anointed cherubim that covered the throne of God, until the sin of pride overtook and deceived him – and he rebelled, taking along with him one-third of the then-holy angels.

Jesus is our Advocate before the accuser of the brethren. El Shaddai (Almighty God) knew of Satan’s plot when the serpent deceived the woman. After Adam sinned, Jehovah warned the serpent that He would put enmity (hostility) between the woman’s seed and the serpent’s seed, and one would come who would bruise the serpent’s head, but the serpent would bruise his heel. [Gen 3:15]

When a beloved sister in Christ accidentally led me to a plagiarist (my friend did not realize the wrong done, but instead thought to encourage me with confirmation for something I had written). I would have quit after seeing the depth and reach of the damage done over a short season (1.5 – 2 years perhaps? - although the gleaning occurred throughout my entire archive), had it not been for the Lord whose lead is ever consistent and dependable.

It was imperative to seek God’s will and wisdom on the matter through prayer and fasting, in order to ascertain whether it was Him winding down the couple of decades of my wee part in spreading the good news of the way back to God, or whether it was the adversary targeting me, determined to bring me down, to dash my hope against the rocks.

(Side note: Being elderly (70 on next birthday), most people tend to think I have been a Christian for numerous decades; however, the sad truth is that although I ‘believed’ in God and Jesus (as does the devil and his evil demons [Jam 2:19]), since the age of five or six, when in the orphanage, it was not until Jan 2005 (age 50, heading for 51) that I committed to my King and Lord. Howbeit, full submission came later.)

Commit: to carry out or perpetrate; perform, to pledge or dedicate, to bind, devote

Submit [submission]: to yield; to give way to someone or something that one can no longer resist; full surrender after resistance or conflict to the will or control of another – a repentant sinner vowing to submit to the will of God 

SOURCE: (for full description) –

naval blockade

Hindrances are not distractions. They are blockades, matters that cannot be avoided. More often than not, the hindrances are ‘oddly’ (often, but not always) linked to things we have been praying about, or involve matters of unavoidable importance such as family, friends, business matters, work, health – an exhaustive list of things.

The good news is that pressing matters such as the ones these hindrances present tend to draw us closer to the Lord; at least, it does me. It causes me to firstly realize my earnest, at times, desperate need of the Lord’s intervention, yet more.

I do not speak of a need with impure motives for selfish desires [Jam 4:3], or a need that arises merely in times of trouble, or a season of hindrances (whether sudden or slow-building). But rather, a need for Him and His wise counsel and guidance in all things in this life. A healthy part of having an intimate relationship with our Creator.

Secondly, it stirs up an attitude of gratitude. With a healthy fear of the Lord, my heart is filled with thanksgiving and appreciation simply for the fact that we can boldly, yet reverently, spiritually approach the throne of the living God, pure and holy as He is, through our prayers. All because of Jesus. Glory!

The Holy Spirit leads us. What a privilege, what an honour! And I learned all this (and continue learning) through the Word of God, the Spirit, through listening to others, and during times of suffering.

Although He [Jesus] was a Son, He learned obedience through what He suffered. [Heb5:8] ESV

Knowing that it is all because of Jesus/Yeshua and what He accomplished upon the cross, willingly offering up His life as the sacrificial, spotless (sinless) Passover Lamb of God, to take away the sins of the world.

And with His resurrection, the power and the glory of God is revealed to all mankind, but to those who turn away from their sins, confessing Messiah Jesus as Lord, and believe that God raised Him from the dead, the same can be reconciled back to the holy, heavenly Father. [Rom 10:9]

A Repentant Heart and Overcoming

I never knew the love of a father, or any male in this life; I only knew lust. The father of my children eventually married me, but he did not love me. It took me a long time to admit it. I often stated: “Bad love is better than no love” – but we all know that bad love is not love at all. Did Satan deceive me, or did I deceive myself? It was a combination of both; Satan works with the flesh, tempting us, but the final decision is ours alone.

We have to take responsibility for our sins because the day comes when we are held accountable. That is why we disciples/followers of Jesus must keep a repentant heart throughout our walk. It is not a one-time thing.

Although we strive to keep on top of every thought, word, and deed, we cannot, and we can still miss the mark. Our fallen nature is corrupted. Picking up the cross daily to crucify our fleshly desires, the sinful/carnal nature, is something we discipline ourselves to do. But when we least expect it, we hear flesh boast, “I’m back-kk!

We start again with repentance with godly sorrow. This fallen nature is relentless, and strong. But we overcome Satan (and our flesh) by the blood of the Lamb and the WORD of our testimony, and love NOT our life unto death. [Rev 12:12]

Keep a clean slate between you and the Lord with a repentant heart, like king David. God already knows, but He wants us to see where we stand, but also to see the work He is doing in us – love for each other and good fruit do bear witness. We sometimes miss the obvious.

Throughout life’s journey, even saved, we can still miss the mark, but as we mature, we do all to avoid sin and overcome temptation. It is ongoing process, as long as we are in these vessels of clay. The Creator is merciful because He knows our frailties, our weaknesses, but He will not excuse sin, especially presumptuous or willful sins.

For He knows our frame: He remembers that we are dust. [Ps 103:4] NKJV

Rebellion Is as the Sin of Witchcraft

After the first year, my ex and I began a common law relationship. That platonic first year had nothing to do with morals. He was in jail. Over the course of the first five years that we knew each other, we only lived together two years; yet even that time was fragmented. Six or seven months was the longest we cohabitated at any one time without a breakup.

The first time Jesus (Yeshua) appeared to me (29) wholly in person, was when I was beaten beyond recognition, several years before marriage. I could not see the details of His face due to the light of His countenance, but I knew it was Jesus.

The Lord gently and quietly revealed to me that the man was not meant to be my husband. I was not to marry him. God knew things about him that I would never have stood for, lust or no lust, but He did not give me any details. I was filled with unbelief, not faith or trust.

After he had brutally beaten me, my then-ex-boyfriend had fled to another province to avoid being arrested. It had been later in the following day that the Lord appeared to me in my bedroom. Shame and disgrace fell upon me like a blanket when Jesus revealed His plan for me in the matter – I hastily gasped, “O Lord, no…”  Immediate rejection of His will!

The Messiah extended undeserved grace to me, as if to grant me time to reconsider my choice. He noticeably hesitated for a minute, flashing choppily in my spiritual eyes like Alka-Seltzer dissolving in water, giving me room to change my mind and repent… before He finally disappeared. I had no fear of the Lord then. My heart was cold, my neck was stiff.

[NOTE: Surprise revelation! For decades, I did not understand why the Lord 'flashed in and out, like Alka-Seltzer dissolving in water' meant. In other testimonies, I had never heard of the Lord's presence as a 'flashing' or 'dissolving', as if endeavouring to stay in our dimension before 'disappearing'.

The Holy Spirit revealed to me that in that time, after having rejected the Lord to go after idolatry with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, I was going blind, spiritually. 

When He 'disappeared', full blindness had taken over. Was I spiritually dead, or was I comatose? Spiritually blind, and my sins separated me from Jesus. My wilderness journey had begun, all because of my choice. I had to own it, as I was responsible for my decision. I would be held accountable and would die in my sins...unless I repented. (end note) - BP-Mar8.2024]

The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that does good. God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God. Everyone of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that does good, no, not one. [Ps 53:1-3] NKJV

My covering lay crumpled upon the floor – no robe of righteousness or joy of salvation came upon me that day. Rebellion reigned and darkness surrounded me. Deception blinded me.

For rebellion [is as] the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness [is as] iniquity (wickedness, immoral conduct) and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has rejected you from [being king]. [1Sam15:23] KJV

When Saul was anointed king over Israel, he rebelled and disobeyed a specific command of God, spoken through the prophet Samuel. He was to utterly destroy every single Amalekite, from the king to all the people from young to old, as well as all of their livestock, for the people were devilishly wicked.

Saul was to take no spoil or plunder from the battle, having absolutely no part in their possessions or great evil. [1Sam 15:3] The Amalekites were descendants of Esau.

And Timna was concubine to Eliphaz, Esau’s son; and she gave birth to Amalek: these were the sons of Adah, Esau’s wife. [Gen 36:12]

Israel’s king kept the best sheep and oxen to sacrifice to God. But worse yet, he also spared the life of the corrupt king Ahab. Saul lost his favour with God – his pride, rebellion and disobedience separated him from the One who chose him to be king in the first place.

Saul’s carnal nature ruled. He was more concerned about the favour of people than the approval of God. He had no fear of the Lord, and disobeyed God’s instructions through Samuel. The prophet rebuked Saul, informing him that God would speak no more to him.

Shortly after that time, a young lad named David, a shepherd boy and the youngest amongst seven brothers, was anointed to take Saul’s place as king, but it would be many years before it came to pass. [2Sam 5:4]

The Folly and Destruction of Lust and Pride

God is no respecter of persons when it comes to salvation, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. [2Pet 3:9] Yet sadly, not all will come.

Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Lord God, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live? [Ezek 18:23]

The Creator never forces anyone. He will woo; He has creative ways to reach out to people, no matter how ‘good’, or how ‘bad’ one thinks they are. His grace gives us all the freedom to choose. We must acknowledge that we are sinners in need of Jesus, and that God raised (resurrected) Jesus/Yeshua up from the grave (tomb). The stone was rolled away.

He ascended into heaven, and is soon returning for those who are saved, born-again, Spirit-filled children of light and salt; children of obedience. The Bible explains things that are coming upon the world – judgment, the wrath of the devil (Satan), and then the wrath of God (the two are NOT to be confused, but likely will be.) We cannot take our next breath or even the next day for granted. It is not ours unless the good Lord grants it.

Back then, to my shame and to my folly, I fell into sin – not just into rebellion, which the living God likens to witchcraft, but also into idolatry, an abomination, by choosing a person [the created] over God Almighty [the Creator]. It was then that the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life was embraced, and my heart waxed cold.

A prodigal, about to squander all the inheritance on promiscuous and wasteful living, or the proverbial black sheep, which is symbolic of a rebel (rebellion), symbolically a disgrace and outcast, the one of no value in the flock?

TRIVIA: Black wool cannot be dyed; therefore, the black sheep was labeled ‘worthless’ or ‘of no value’, ‘rejected’. According to a Wikipedia snippet, the wool was “commercially undesirable” in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries since it could not be coloured.

Even the righteousness of God [which is] by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. [Rom 3:22-23]

Season of Consequences

Little did I know then that it would be seven unstable, fleeting years before the Lord allowed my world to come crashing down around me so that He could draw me back to Himself with a spirit of repentance.

Seven years was ordained as my season of suffering, reaping the brutal consequences for my choices, and intense battles as the adversary, the world, and flesh were allowed to wreak havoc in my life. Sin brings suffering to everyone.

As difficult as it may be for some to understand, those turbulent years were allowed by God because it was what was necessary to humble me and to bring me to the end of myself, and to the confession of sins, and repentance.

Over 30 years ago, the man divorced me after five years (we only lived together about a year and a bit out of the five-year union of marriage). He had been living with another woman. Infidelity [fornication] had always been a key issue within the entire relationship, even before marriage – but the power of lust is strong, selfish and blinding.

The consequences that I harvested from my many sins nearly destroyed me, but even worse, it affected three innocent children. The first child had been born out of wedlock, nearly three years before marriage. The next two were born within the marriage, but each pregnancy happened after a lengthy breakup. It was a toxic, abusive, unhealthy marriage.

The Lord tried to spare me before marriage, and before any child was born, but I had no fear of God back then, nor did I understand that He is Sovereign and all-powerful (omnipotent). I was on the well-traveled broad road leading to the lake of fire. [Rev 21:8]

Twenty-one (21) years of heart-breaking trials, intensifying fiery furnaces, forceful, violent shakings, all included in the judgment of my season of consequences. A great shaking, just as Jesus (Yeshua) had revealed to me in a dream in 1999, with a song called “Sifted Like Wheat” – the ups and downs, tossed ‘to and fro’, shaken violently, a separating. Rattled by the shaking, nothing made sense in those turbulent days.

Here is some amazing trivia – only Jesus! Everything God does is done decently and in order! Going to bible study, I searched out the meaning of the number 21 in the Hebrew and Greek. I rebelled against a loving, righteous, living God, but instead of a golden calf, I chose an unsaved man (who wanted nothing to do with God or Jesus) – idolatry.

That day my bondage and captivity were secured, blindly and foolishly walking away from God’s begotten Son, and into the kingdom of darkness, ruled by a cruel taskmaster, Satan. My long wilderness journey began, with no one to blame but myself.

TRIVIA: “The meaning of number 21 in the Bible is that it represents great wickedness of rebellion and sin. After the children of Israel left Egyptian bondage, they had twenty-one major rebellious events as they wandered the wilderness.

13, which symbolizes depravity and sinfulness, and 21 are closely related. What twenty-one symbolizes is an outgrowth of thirteen. Adding thirteen (sinfulness) and eight (symbolizing a new beginning) gives us twenty-one or a number that represents beginning a new level or effort that is sinful and disobedient against God.

On the last day of God’s seven-day spring festival, day 21 of the month of Nisan, the Eternal carried out His last judgment against the Egyptians. He drowned Pharaoh and his entire army in the Red Sea as they were pursuing the Israelites in order to make them salves [sic] again.”


(NOTE: I highlighted ‘rebellion, rebellious, sin, disobedient’ because they describe some of what I was guilty of in the vision of Jesus/Yeshua. They are not highlighted in the original, source article. BP)

Offering Up Thanksgiving for Mercy and Forgiveness

Thanksgiving goes to You Lord for undeserved mercy, grace and forgiveness. Thank You that all who call upon You can be saved and receive the same, for You are no respecter of persons. Thank You Yeshua for what You accomplished on the cross – and for spilling Your blood which cleanses us. Thank You Father for the resurrection of Your Son, the Messiah.

Thank You that we become a new creation, filled with Your Holy Spirit once we are born-again. And thank You for teaching us that unless we forgive, we will not be forgiven. Thank You for taking all my sins upon Yourself on that cross.

It is Your Holy Spirit, Father that finally brought me to the place, years ago now, to forgive my ex-husband. His sins were not mine, and mine were not his, but sin is sin, and we both fell short of Your glory. There are no stones in my hand, Yeshua – You showed the way.

It has been over 30 years now, Lord and I do not know where he is, or even if he is dead or alive, but I thank You for working on my heart so that I understood that the past is dead and gone. My own sins are under the blood of the Lamb. I pray Lord that You consider wiping out from the book of records in heaven any sin my ex did to me.

I do not know how it works, Father, but if it is possible, I ask this – but as for any other sins he committed aside from me, remains between You and him, and I have no right to ask for the removal of his sins committed against others.

I speak only of the ones done against me – it is Your doing that put that kind of love in my heart, for this flesh is incapable of it without You. For all of this, I offer up thanksgiving, for You truly ARE good, and Your MERCY does indeed endure forever.

My heart bows before You. You are El Shaddai, Almighty God, my shield and buckler, my Rock and refuge, my King and Lord. You are exalted on high Jesus – and Your name is lifted high above every other name!

Hallelujah…thank You for teaching and guiding all Your people, Yeshua, to the glory of God. Amen

Brethren, dear sisters in Christ -- if you are hanging onto a past injury or offense, I urge you to let it go and forgive. Shackles will fall off you spiritually, thus, freeing you from a prison of misery. It does not mean you accept or approve of the sin against you, but you release it into God’s competent hands.

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord. [Rom 12:19]

Thank Yeshua/Jesus for a way out of the torment that comes from bitterness. Unforgiveness is a portal – an open door for the enemy to waltz in and wreak havoc, pushing you along the path that leads to destruction.

The bitterness hurts only you, not the offender. The thief robs you of any good testimony as you wallow in self-pity and heaviness. Satan rubs his hands in delight. Stop the adversary by turning things all around by the act of forgiveness.

Trust God to take care of it. You may never know how, why or when, but you can be sure that the offender will stand before a holy, righteous God. We all will. Let us go before the majestic King with crowns to lay at His nail-pierced feet, where He sits upon His throne.

Not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. [1Pet5:3-4] ESV

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him. [Jam 1:12]

Add hot coals to the head of Satan by praying that person come to repentance and be delivered [out of Satan's grip] and saved. Then, may El Shaddai (God Almighty) bring swift and deep inner healing to you, and bless you mightily. In Jesus’ name, I pray for those who need this.

The blood-stained banner of VICTORY always is waving above the Warrior King, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. [Rom 9:37] He is soon returning -- believe it!

Romans 8:28 Proves True

This is the first verse I ever memorized – now I understand why. We are all different; the Creator of all knows what He is doing. He knows the way to each heart. 

(Once we choose Jesus, His love will fill that empty void, and like the rest of us children, you will find yourself speechless trying to describe His agape love.) God works behind the scenes more than we realize…Sovereignly, invisibly.

For we know that all things work together for good, to those who love God, and are the called according to His purpose. [Rom 8:28]

That verse is not saying that everything is good; it is stating that God will take all that happens and ‘work it together’ so that He is glorified through His Son Jesus, and to those who love Him – those called according to His purpose (His will, His [individual] blueprint[s]).

Consider the story of Joseph, the second youngest [Benjamin was youngest] of Jacob’s twelve sons, who was sold by his hateful, envious brothers for twenty pieces of silver to a caravan of Ishmaelite traders heading for Egypt.

Thirteen years of slavery, falsely accused of attempted rape, shackled – years of great hardship. Yet, the Lord worked it all together for good when Joseph was chosen to oversee the stockpiling of grains for a future famine. He was placed in a position of such power and authority that he was second only to Pharaoh in all of Egypt.

Hit by the desperation of famine, Jacob had no choice but to send his sons to Egypt in order to buy food to survive. One thing led to another, but eventually, Joseph’s identity was revealed to his brothers. They repented with godly sorrow, and Joseph forgave them all.

Yet another victorious story to the credit of the living God of Israel.

The verse reveals to us that God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. [Rev 22:13] He knows the end from the beginning, and from ancient times what is to come [Is 46:9]

He is in the past, present, and future all at once. Yes, it is hard to get one’s mind around it – nevertheless, it is truth. It reveals His goodness, in that we love Him because He first loved us.

In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. [1Jn 4:19]

But the hidden beauty was that each shaking, every fire, all the turbulence was bringing me step by trepid step closer to the Lord, until the day came where with brokenness and a contrite heart filled with godly sorrow and true humility, I repented of my evil ways.

Throughout the years that I was lost in the wilderness, I had an unhealthy fear of the Lord. I believed in God and Jesus, but I did not know them. I only knew of Him. Many years later, after my idolatrous, rebellious rejection of Christ, I realized my pitiful, sinful state [a great stench] and desperately cried out to God to save me, to help me…if it was not too late.

Tears flowed until all were completely drained. As I lay there in sweat, tears and snot, the Lord comforted me. No, He did not appear to me where I could see Him with my spiritual eyes, but I was keenly aware of His peaceful and glorious presence.

It was not too late. The crushing weight of my burden, all my sins up to that point were lifted from me by the merciful Redeemer. And tsk! Be that as it may, it still took a further 11 years before a total and full commitment to a magnificent, living God occurred.

What a waste of years on my part. What a hard-hearted, stiff-necked, stubborn fool, but it is all behind me now. Forgiven, covered over by the precious blood of Jesus the Christ. Thank You Lord for understanding because even I do not understand what took me so long. Your wisdom and love are humbling.

No one will ever convince me that God does not pursue the unlovable, the rebellious, the worst sinners, or the least of the least. No one can persuade me that He is not longsuffering (patient), merciful, gracious and compassionate.

It took me a long time to forgive myself for everything I was guilty of. Even the ability to truly forgive myself was accomplished by the counsel and divine help of the Holy Spirit. I am confident that it is only by the grace and mercy of Yeshua that I am even able to share testimony about the faithfulness, love and care of the risen Christ!

That piece of testimony was shared to let any unsaved reader who may stumble across this article know that the Messiah is no respecter of persons when it comes to salvation. What Jesus did for me, He will do for any lost soul who genuinely comes to see their sin for what it is - wicked. Show repentance wrapped in godly sorrow – the Lord is close to a broken and contrite heart.

Heavy Burdens Lifted

the weight of sins overburdens you

Houston, we have lift-off...

The weight of our sins will knock us off our feet. Jesus/Yeshua took all our sins upon Himself when His compassion for us led Him to willingly be crucified upon the cross in our place. He died, yet rose again -victoriously! He beckons us:

Come to Me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I AM gentle and lowly in heart [humble] and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. [Mat 11:28-30] ESV

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. [1Jn1:9] He will turn again; He will have compassion upon us; He will subdue our iniquities, and You will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. [Micah 7:19]

Jesus’ precious blood washes us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Yeshua removes our filthy rags and clothes us in clean linen. He forgives our sins up to the day we repent, and remembers them no more. All of heaven rejoices. 

Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents[Lk 15:10]

We keep a repentant heart because as hard as we may try, we do not reach sinless perfection [the carnal nature is fallen: we are to daily put fleshly desires upon the cross]. As a new creation, we no longer have the same desire to sin. Even still, we cannot do it on our own - the Holy Spirit helps us, but we must be willing to overcome.

Evidence of Good Fruit

Long ago, I had no fear of the Lord, but now, my fear of the Lord is healthy and genuine; He truly is my first love – in every way, but that does not mean I am flawless, or that I have ‘arrived’. I live in a body of dust, clay – corrupted with a fallen nature, but as we all are instructed to do, I work out my salvation with fear and trembling.

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. [Phil 2:12] NKJV

I will share my understanding of that scripture, but I am open to correction or improvement on that knowledge. I have no credentials as a teacher or preacher; simply a woman who loves Yeshua first, and others enough to obey His instruction to convey or bring the good news – (gospel of Jesus the Christ [Messiah]). [Mk 16:15]


New Testament = “to announce good news”

Jewish = “bringing news of victory”

Greek = “announcing a victory”, “good news”

God’s wisdom is deep and rich. He distributes it generously amongst those in the Body of Christ who ask for it. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach (without criticism or rebuke), and it will be given him. [Jam 1:5] ESV

That is the healthy kind of fear, as in the fear of the Lord’, [Prov 9:10] the fear that produces reverence, awe, honour, respect, humility, understanding of God’s greatness, His power and Sovereignty; ever aware that He is the Creator of mankind (the created) – a healthy fear.

In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge. [Prov14:26] ESV

Trembling is a normal reaction of the flesh in the presence of Almighty God and His holiness. It is combined with a deep inner sense of belonging, like the major missing piece that fills the void that nothing else can fill – a wonder, an amazement, a rejoicing, to be accepted and loved by the living God.

The words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount were recorded. It is written: Therefore, be perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” [Mat 5:48] ESV

Greek: teleios = perfect: whole, complete, mature, [spiritually]

When understanding the meaning of the original text, it is clear that it is attainable to be ‘perfect’ in these bodies upon this earth because God does not ask the impossible of us. The impossible is His department, not ours.

There was a struggle coming to grips with the working out salvation with fear and trembling’, especially if salvation is a gift given by grace. And why would God always encourage people to fear not’, if we have to stand before Him afraid and trembling?

It was not as easy to get the answer as one might think, but then again, most of my life was outside of church. When I did begin to show up at some church, visits were random, inconsistent. It also remained an unfamiliar scripture for a long time.

But in due season, the Holy Spirit brought conviction and I finally decided to read from Genesis through to Revelation and doing my own small studies. The word ‘trembling’ mostly seemed to be in the negative, coupled with the hear related to horror or dread

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Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. [Ps 2:11] KJV

And his inward affection is more abundant toward you, while he remembers the obedience of you all, how with fear and trembling, you received him. [2Cor7:15] (Paul refers to Titus)

It is with the strength and instruction of the Holy Spirit that I overcome, step by step. We all have moments where we struggle. It is part of growing. All who are His desire to walk without sin, and to please our loving Shepherd…but sin lurks in our very nature.

It requires the help of God, which comes with that intimate walk – there is no explaining it; it is just right – to abide in Christ, and He in us. He is the Vine and we are the branches – and we long to go deeper and closer – but sometimes we do not know how. That is where the Holy Spirit comes in.

That is where pouring out your heart to the One [the Good Shepherd] who died in our place comes in. That is where intimacy is proven.

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. [Jn 15:13]

I AM the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. [Jn 10:11]

I will not justify or excuse rebellion, or the sinful ways I walked in, such as idolatry, and more, yet it was the fear of rejection and tyranny, or harsh punishment (judgment) outside of love or mercy that I expected from God, halting me for most of my life from seeking Him. I expected a harsh disciplinarian with a short fuse (impatient, unwilling to tolerate much).

One would think that because I saw Him with my spiritual eyes when I was in my late 20s (29) that I would already be acquainted with His mercy, His grace. No, I was blind and foolish indeed!

I truly pray others are not as foolish as I was, but I know that I am not the only late bloomer that every existed. Take note how rebellion led to much suffering, hurting others along the way, and idolatry, which leads to a dead end.

But Jesus – so great is His love that He can literally soften the hardest ground, or melt the coldest heart. Even still, He leaves the final choice up to us.

The purity, holiness, richness, fullness of Jesus (Yeshua), of Almighty God and His agape love truly is beyond words, and all of His people around the world who truly know Him, will say the same thing. His majesty and beauty are indescribable – no language has the right words to adequately describe even a portion of His goodness, or all that He is.

It has been a long life, but I am grateful for all the Lord alone has done. For someone who detests drama, my life has been jam-packed full of it, from the womb (failed abortion) to nearly 70 years later, with multiple challenges – just as every true believer is randomly going through now in these turbulent end times.

Targeting God’s People

battlefield is the mind
Satan and technology

It was late 2019 or perhaps sometime in early 2020 that it was mentioned to a group of people (during one of the regular Friday night meetings I fellowshipped at when I still lived in B.C.) that the word “target” was strong upon my heart.

It was my understanding that although Christians were (are) already targeted by Satan and his legions, [both in the spiritual (the entire hierarchy), as well as in the physical realms (Luciferians, Satanists, witches, false brethren, et al)], that it was about to increase fiercely.

When a word makes a strong impression upon my heart, it requires seeking the wisdom and knowledge of God. It is usually a warning, or a heads up, something to pay attention to prophetically, for all who are His - a global alertness. Abba does not waste words, never has, never will.

He does not give me words every day, week, month, or on any regular schedule. In fact, I am unsure how or when exactly it all started, but it is never anticipated; it is always unexpected. It is not some ‘game’ we play, nor is it a distraction.

For example, when ‘alignment’ was strongly impressed upon my heart (align/ing) and variants of the word), it was followed by an understanding that it was a ‘call to holiness’ (for those who had walked a time with Him), to align ourselves with God’s Word and His will, His Spirit, which would also mean spending more dedicated time with our first love, who is to be our Saviour, Jesus.

There is even more to it also. However, there were times that I myself got (and get) sidetracked, and find myself busy with other things…priorities were (and can be) at times out of whack. Abba corrects us through His precious and Holy Spirit. There was a warning that a time of severe judgment was coming, as we are forewarned in scripture. Signs are all around us - but He never gives me dates.

However, that is usual, par for the course -- He gave no timeslot regarding 'severe' judgment, but I do know judgment begins in His house and it began some time ago. I expounded about alignment in March 2016 – Time of Alignment.

Back to “target”: those who love the living God and are disciples of Jesus the Messiah have always been targets of the adversary; however, the warning back then was that the targeting was soon going to become more intense, more frequent, and more trying [hardships].

Why do you think my heart is to serve others, to wash their feet spiritually, and advise younger women if so led [chin(s) up ladies, not to worry, for me, even 68 is younger lol] to help my brethren in any way.

Yet especially, if possible, attempt to shield them from making the same mistakes I made (along with the sorrow and the consequences that sins and yes, errors bring). We all make mistakes in this life, guaranteed. I have often said, not every mistake is a sin, but every sin is a gross mistake.

All any of us older folks can do is try and help the younger ones to avoid the destruction and hurt that comes from making the wrong choices. The sad truth is that we cannot shield others from making their own mistakes. It is part of learning – and growing.

It is an incredulously evil time. My desire is to see the Lord work things together for good to those who love Him, and are called according to His purpose [see Rom 8:28] in situations where hope for many seems to be a stranger. He absolutely never leaves or forsakes us. His Word is true -- He is Faithful and True. So it is written, so it shall be.

Just a side note, but I have seen great hope with a remnant of the youth rising up strong, and boldly standing for truth, zealous for the gospel to go forth, praying for revival, and a move of God over all the nations.

Let us be vigilant in prayer for the youth, as well as for godly men to rise up and take the lead, without compromise, pride or greed, but walking in the footsteps of the Master. Let us pray for godly women to rise up to guide the younger ones without gossip, slander, jealousy or any worldly ways [Eph 4:25; 31], but rather to be an example of a virtuous woman. [Prov 31]

We are in a time like no other. Hallelujah, Jesus is soon returning, and how all of His children are pulling at the bit, expectant and joyful at the reality.

The Illusion of the Auspicious Dragon

In an article posted in January, it was stated that the Lord impressed upon me that 2024 was a “Year of Fruition and Isaiah 5:20 Intensified”. When this burned in my heart, I understood that it was two-fold. The Chinese celebrate this year as the “year of the dragon” in their culture. 

Much will come to fruition, in both kingdoms. Time is ticking and the dragon is desperate, but God's timeline is set in eternity. The Luciferians are pulling at the bit to see their 'gods' plan' unfold from invisible to visible. It is happening...The living God, the God of Israel, has the final say, for it is written.

The knowledge regarding the 'dragon' came to me accidentally when I was looking up toys for my grandson and decided to check out the Lego website. Lo and behold! Immediately upon landing on the site, the ‘dragon’ was featured front and center with the title ‘Auspicious Dragon’, which I snagged as the title to my first article of the year 2024. [give credit where credit is due]

One thing led to another and I soon learned that for the Chinese, it is the "Year of the Dragon". Satan aka Lucifer is under the illusion that he shall win in the end, but his pride and arrogance have blinded him - the deceiver is deceived. It is interesting that Lego is offering different kits that actually promotes Satan (dragon, that ancient serpent) and his agenda.

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The devil, the accuser, the destroyer, can appear as an angel of light [2Cor 11:14], so Lego created a dragon kit, with its own light (kit sold separately, of course). It illuminates the dragon’s eye, along the side of its underbelly, and shines two lights at the base of the platform the dragon stands upon. In its claw there appears to be what looks like a glowing crystal ball.

Remember the dictionary definition presented in the first article:

Auspicious: conducive to success; favorable; propitious

The words ‘favorable’ and ‘propitious’ are common synonyms of auspicious. While all three words mean “pointing toward a happy outcome”, auspicious applies to something taken as a sign or ‘omen’ promising success before or at the start of an event.

Synonyms: promising, favourable, ‘bright’, encouraging, hopeful, advantageous, profitable, prosperous

Sidenote: (interestingly the majority of these synonyms are used in the Word of Faith and Prosperity doctrines, but also in New Age, Wiccan, Christian Science, ‘positive thinking’, NAR -- suffice it to say, all false religions and doctrines) BP

SOURCE:  Merriam-Webster  (Dictionary/Thesaurus)

Satan is a counterfeiter, a copycat, an imitator, deceiver

The short paragraph about “a sign or omen promising success” sounds like something the WEF (World Economic Forum) and UN (United Nations) propagate. False hope wrapped up in empty promises = deception

The ‘auspicious’ dragon has a kingdom that he intends to expand, so he must have a palace, which interestingly is in the east – a kit called “
Dragon of the East Palace”.

But the [real] dragon (
not the toy), who will possess the ‘son of perdition’ aka the ‘lawless one’, aka the ‘Antichrist’ of all antichrists, fully intends to be worshipped, so he must have a temple. “Temple of the Dragon […]”

Now with the temple and the words “of Energy Cores”, which would go inside the square brackets above, we see that it is a theme created by the Lego Group. Even though 2024 is the Chinese year of the dragon, Lego is merely highlighting their line of Lego toys that was produced after the TV series “Ninjago”, which premiered in 2011.

A new series was developed in 2023 titled: Ninjago: Dragons Rising. Interesting title considering 2024 is China’s year of the dragon, but more importantly, considering all that is transpiring globally. Satan mimics prophecy with a spirit of divination [deception]. The python spirit is his counterfeit spirit, since there is absolutely nothing holy about the devil.

And now we begin to see the illusion of the auspicious dragon, who believes he will be as ‘god’, with his own kingdom, complete with a palace in the East, and his own temple.

The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus (Yeshua), the spirit of divination is all about ‘self’ and deception.

Timing is everything – so the popular saying goes.

September 2023, the Holy Spirit led me to fast and pray because as a watchman I was to warn again about the increase in ‘witchcraft’ and about the “uprising of the practitioners (Luciferians, witches, warlocks/sorcerers, wiccans) – rituals, spells, and undeniable demonic activity. 

In that article, it was mentioned about all us being in a very real spiritual war, whether we are aware or unaware, active or inactive in the battles. The paragraph that follows states:


“Not only that, but there are peak seasons in this already-heightened demonic time that people need to be aware of, the active soldiers more than the inactive, but woe to those who laugh and carelessly put their guard down. The enemy most enjoys the element of surprise. [End excerpt]

The above is and excerpt from: Waves Noticeably Coming In

Where Was the Watchman?

The warning was posted October 12, 2023, five days after Hamas attacked hundreds who attended a music festival in Gaza. In truth, as the Lord witnesses this even as I write, for at least two to three weeks before the massacre, I kept coming across scripture that mentioned Gaza.

It is mentioned in the book of Joshua, and when reading about Samson in the book of Judges, when the Philistines took him to Gaza, shackled him, and gouged his eyes out. [Judges 16:21] That was a horrific event that took place in Gaza with the wicked Philistines.

The story of Samson always saddened me, as the seduction and power of lust, combined with trusting the wrong person was his downfall. Delilah tricked Samson into revealing the secret behind his strength. Caressing him until he fell asleep upon her lap, she then shaved off his hair. She awakened him, warning of the Philistines surrounding the premises.

Not realizing that the Lord had departed from him, he went out to subdue the Philistines, thus sealing both Delilah’s betrayal and his downfall. With a shaved head, his strength (and the Lord) had left him. He was no longer under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and there in Gaza, the enemies took his eyesight. [Judges 16:19-21]

I remember that there were other scriptures that I came across in those 2-3 weeks that randomly mentioned Gaza, but I cannot recall – except for one. Again, it pertained to the Philistines, but this time it was about the victory king Hezekiah had over the Philistines, from the watchmen’s tower to the city, even to Gaza and its borders. [2Kings 18:8]

The story of Hezekiah is inspirational in that the prophet Isaiah (one of my favourite books) had warned the king to get his house in order because he was going to die from his sickness.

Hezekiah humbled himself upon his sickbed and cried out to God. Adonai stopped the prophet in the courtyard and had him return to the king. Now I have heard people argue that the God of the Old Testament is cruel, but their perception is off. They see not clearly.

Notice the compassion and care of our Creator as He speaks to Isaiah. Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father, I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears: behold, I will add unto your days fifteen years.” [38:5]

The Alpha and Omega, the living God who knows the end from the beginning. Verse “five”, and in the Hebrew, the number 5 (five) means ‘grace’. Surely, Hezekiah experienced grace, kindness, and mercy. Different sites may vary slightly on the numerical meaning in the Hebrew, but ‘grace’ shows up on all.

I was very aware of seeing the word Gaza randomly appear during that time, even wondering after the second or third time if I was subconsciously looking for it then, but I failed to pray about it, or even inquire of the Lord.

Whether God would have disclosed to me why the word seemed highlighted in those days or not, I do not know. What I do realize is that I should have prayed about it, and even for the people there. I was unaware of any music festival happening with thousands attending.

(More  shortly, as the Holy Spirit brought a prophetic word from January 2023 to mind)

We are in days like never before – everything is changing, and has changed: that includes how we ourselves now navigate through our daily lives. It was not realized at the time that the area of Palestine (in antiquity) was where the kingdom of Judah and Israel were.

Judah was the northern [my mistake, Judah was NOT northern, but a southern] kingdom of Israel. Yeshua/Jesus is called the “Lion of the tribe of Judah” because Messiah (Jesus/Yeshua) was Jewish. 

There is much fascinating history of the land which I will not get into here, but if interested, a starting point or a brief introduction is here at the world history site.

The Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, the armies of Rome, and Alexander the Great, all left a historical marker fighting for the land. The Syrians and the Philistines [Goliath was a Philistine giant] were but two of Israel’s ancient enemies.

The biblical records name the cities of the Philistine Pentapolis, which are (in alphabetical order) Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, Gath and Gaza. According to the archaeology website, four of the five cities were considerably excavated, beginning back in 1990s.

Only Gaza, which is located beneath the modern Palestinian city of the same name, remains unexcavated.” Some archeological websites claim that the Philistines have been maligned by Israel and their supporters as a barbaric people, and deny it as fact. That would be akin to saying the Bible lied about historical events and cruelties carried out by this group of the Sea People.

Pentapolis: a union, confederacy, or group (geographically and/or institutionally) of five cities, especially ancient Italy, Asia Minor, and Cyrenaica

Etymology: late Latin, a district of five towns on the Dead Sea, from Greek, group of five cities, from penta- + polis city   SOURCE: Merriam-Webster

Trust God to sort it all out. All that is written will occur according to God’s will.

We, as people, just have a hard time with patience, and with fully understanding His ways and timing. Selah (He is the omniscient, Sovereign God – everything He accomplishes is sealed in victory!)

NOTE: Please click the link: Illusion of the Auspicious Dragon PRT 2 to continue reading. This article was updated with corrections, and some added content. March 2024 - BP

in the presence of His glory



Back in May 2023, I had posted: “Foreboding darkness moves in, in September 2023, but the greater darkness and troubled times will be seen manifesting in November/December 2023.” In the comment section, a sister in Christ and close friend reposted the statement, and asked if it was a “Thus sayeth the Lord.”

I am extremely cautious about what I attach the Lord’s name to, but my answer to her was: “Yes, I will take risk to say, “Yes” as ‘from the Lord’ because on my own I am as everyone else; I know nothing unless the Lord reveals. 

The answer to her question came five (5) months after she inquired of me, but that was due to Blogspot (this blog website owned by Google), had not sent me notification. To validate, go here: Judgment-comes-idolatry 

The article was posted May 14, 2023. The follow-up article about darkness [with screenshots displaying the “INFO” details that show the dates of the two separate screenshots.] [1] Sept 26.2023 [2] Oct. 26.2023 (exactly one month apart)].

It was as if the Lord was alerting me about yet another layer of darkness which was soon-approaching and about to fall, thus adding to the already-dark covering enveloping the entire world. I had been preparing to discuss the increase in witchcraft, with the rituals, sacrifices, spells, being carried out farther in advance in these latter days, compared to days in the not-so-distant past. 

This was to be followed up with information on spiritual warfare, gleaned from several books in my library. Because the focus was upon warning people to be on guard and pray about this increase, and due to the preparation of said article, that when the word ‘Gaza’ kept recurring, I had not immediately connected it to the attack on Israel October 7, 2023. Post Oct 31, 2023: Waves-part3-darkness falls

It was in retrospect that the first screenshot, dated 11 days before Hamas attacked Israel, followed by the second sighting of the same sign, ‘Darkness Falls’ a few weeks later that I realized the Lord had been warning (in advance) of imminent danger coming to Israel. That was why the ‘two signs’, and why ‘Gaza’ kept showing up in my Bible reading. Although keenly noticed, I failed to pray to discover if there was a hidden reason behind it.

The hindrances and interferences slowly built momentum ever since the Lord had impressed upon me to warn of increased witchcraft in these latter days, far in advance of well-known pagan holidays. This was to be followed up by discussing spiritual warfare, and the importance of being an active soldier in Adonai's army.

But time with the Commander-in-Chief is THE most important aspect of pre-battle preparation. He will prepare each warrior as only He can do. He equips us, instructs us, and assures us of victory before we head into battle.

Since New Years', the hindrances and interferences have been more concentrated and more frustrating ...but not now. Now the Lord has granted deeper understanding as I pressed in, discipling myself to take more intimate time with Him. And even for that discipline, the glory goes to God through Jesus.

The Holy Spirit helped me. He gave reminders, but also supplied the strength to overcome any temptation to make excuses, and there were plenty. There were a few days I wrestled with 'valid reasons' for delay, but praise God, the Holy Spirit is stronger! There just are no words to describe how 'right' obedience feels - a delight, not a burden, not some order to follow at the sound of a cracking whip, but a part of faith - a part of our reasonable service.

It is something that flows purely and gloriously, as we rest in His love. The Creator has wisdom far beyond ours, yet He gives liberally when we ask. [Jam1:5] What a good God we serve - He does this for all of us, if we - - but ask!

[Addendum added: March 8, 2023 - BP]