
Monday, June 10, 2024

Copy That-Part 1


Truth Will Always Be Opposed 

If it was back in the days of my youth, a tall, narrow garbage can would be filled to the brim with crumpled papers that spilled over, creating a mess upon the floor.  However, being the twenty-first century, the lettering on the ‘Delete’ and ‘Backspace’ buttons are worn off instead.

Some topics take much thought. It is a given that in this world of billions of one-of-a-kind souls, there will always be those who stand opposed to us. There will always be people who disagree, or worse. Jesus faced opposition consistently, and we have nowhere near His wisdom or quality of character.

In fact, He forewarned us that if they hated and persecuted Him, we can expect the same. The servant is no better than the master, nor is the messenger greater than the one who sent him. [Jn 13:16] Messiah’s (Christ’s) deep insightful, penetrating wisdom, and His ability to understand all perspectives is uncannily unique and absolutely matchless.

He spoke (and speaks) only truth because He is truth, and yet…He was still accused of being a liar and a blasphemer. We can expect no less. Yet, we cannot allow the opinions of people, or any comments they make to define us, or to keep us from doing the right thing.

When Truth and Deception Collide, Confusion Becomes a Whirlwind

A little over two years ago, a close and dear friend, and sister in Christ Jesus, wanted to encourage me regarding a message that I had posted in an article. She believed the Lord was giving confirmation through another person and directed me to a YouTube link.

I had never heard of the person before, but at that time, I was spending little time checking out videos of those who were called prophets. Howbeit, in the thirteen or so years that I have known her, my beloved friend rarely sent me links to such people, so I decided to check it out.

After listening to the woman that my friend believed was confirming my message, I contacted my friend to let her know that I had listened to the person’s message. I thanked her for her thoughtfulness, but I had to let her know that something did not sit right and that I sensed that something was ‘off’.

Naturally, my friend wondered what it was, but I indicated that I could not discern exactly what it was at the time. There was truth in what the woman had spoken, yet at the same time, there seemed to be falsehood as well.

Confusion swirled – something seemed… wrong. I told my friend I would get back to her about it, but felt I had to seek God in prayer; I needed His wisdom and insight. It is written that God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. [1Cor 14:33]

For several days the video troubled me, but I continued to press in to the Lord. I did not want to speculate.  I felt led to check out more of her material, and suddenly it struck me. It all began to become apparent, as things unraveled and fell into place.

Getting Down to the Nitty Gritty

Let us get right to it now. The topic is plagiarism, false prophets, false teachers, who speak against deception as they go about deceiving the masses because thousands follow them. It is wrong, especially if they glean truth from the Bible and from other Christians who post truth online.

Jesus called false prophets, false teachers, wolves in sheep’s clothing. They appear as gentle sheep, but inside they are ravenous wolves. [Mat 7:15] In the 90s, I was lent a VHS tape (yes, dinosaur technology lol) where the preacher (Kent Horvind) said something I never forgot.

I had questions about Christianity (was after I temporarily lost children, which the Lord allowed, knowing it would turn me toward Him...having nowhere else to turn), so a friend lent me one of their tapes.

Ken Horvind was speaking about those who taught false doctrines, and said that it was akin to rat poison -- 98% good food and 2% poison. And that it is the 2% that kills. That is how false teachers and false prophets present their deception...all wrapped up in good, trustworthy covering, but hidden within is that which destroys. (Satan comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy -- but Jesus comes to give life, and that, abundantly) [Jn 10:10]

The Lord does not take kindly to it [plagiarism, which is theft or 'stealing'].

Is not My Word like as a fire? Says the Lord; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? Therefore, behold, I AM against the prophets, says the Lord, that steal My words everyone from his neighbour. Behold, I AM against the prophets, says the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. [Jer 23:29-31]

There is no gentle way to introduce deception. And to purposely deceive others is sin. There are people who are deceived and do not know it. It will only be when they come out of deception that they will realize that they had been horribly hoodwinked.

I know because I have been there, having been deceived for years in one area. It happened because I was the fool who willfully chose creation – a man - over the Creator. Blind fool. I became spiritually blind the day that choice was made, but Jesus still gave me room to repent. 

It took years, but the weight eventually crushed me to the point that I finally, and desperately, cried out with godly sorrow, genuinely repenting of not only my foolishness and shameful conduct, but the putrid evil of sin and the stench of rotting unrighteousness.

And despite what some pastors think, I do NOT have to tell them I repented, especially when:

 (1) they are not my pastor

 (2) they do not know me

 (3) I did no wrong to them but they judged me from what the grapevine told them, or something I said or did they did not like, which may or may not have been sin (I cannot say because of random memory issues (no pattern or consistency) from head trauma throughout my lifetime.

 It is written, Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. [Mat 5:9]

Sometimes when we obey the Word of the Lord, the result turns out unsatisfactorily, as well as disappointingly. We can only do our part. If a person chooses to remain bitter, or unforgiving, it is best to pray again to the Lord, offering forgiveness on your part despite the result.

We cannot force forgiveness or acceptance. Even our Creator does not force such.

Both parties will stand before an unbiased, just God, who judges righteous judgment. Leave it in His capable hands, even if you do not see results until you leave this earth, and stand before a holy God on judgment day...until that day, walk in the peace that surpasses all understanding that Christ gives, if you have done all you know to do. 

Our genuine repentance (and that does not simply mean a vain attempt at appearing humble by confessing some quick apology, saying some insincere prayer that sweeps sin under the rug (out of sight; out of mind): "I'm sorry, I made a mistake; forgive me." That is not repentance; it is more like remorse, which is all Judas felt - which is not repentance.

Rather, it means we must come to a place of complete and utter brokenness in spirit, coupled with a contrite heart) -- so therefore, our genuine repentance is between us and God (Jesus [Yeshua] the Christ [Messiah], Saviour and Redeemer)

We can give glory to Adonai [YHWH] for molding us into His Son's image, Jesus the Messiah. Because of the Lord, we are not even the same as we were a year ago, let alone, eight, nine or ten years ago.

It is written that we (true followers/disciples of Jesus) are known by our fruit, and our love for one another (Jesus gave 2 commandments: 

[1] love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and being 

[2] love your neighbour as yourself. 

It is understood that if we rightfully carry out those two, we will wholly carry out (cover) all the commandments successfully. Glory to God most high!

God’s Word is true; God cannot lie.

It is written that El Shaddai [Almighty God, YHWH] is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Sins have consequences. It is written that "we reap what we sow." The 'world' paraphrased that with the words, "What goes around, comes around." Neither the world, the devil, or the flesh (mankind) can change God's universal laws.

Yes, there are laws in place, even spiritual laws. Only Satan is lawless; the Sovereign living God is a God of order, and all He does is done decently.

When I made my sinful choice in my late 20s, choosing to love creation [a person] over the Creator, I shamefully had no fear of God at that time. I was rebellious, which Adonai compares to witchcraft. Also, to my shame was the fact that my choice made me an idolater, full of the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life.

God convicts, which leads to godly sorrow and repentance, and further leads to forgiveness, freedom, and peace. Satan condemns, which leads to shame and guilt, which further leads to heavy burdens, captivity, and torment.

By the end of my teens, I had most likely broken every commandment, worthy of being stoned to death, IF we were still under the old covenant, but definitely worthy of hellfire under the new blood covenant. I was wholly sinful, and deserving of damnation and the lake of fire, which is hell and permanent separation form God. It is called the second death.

 But Jesus…

I have testified of my sinful ways mostly in days gone by (and yes, to my chagrin, even sins I committed after I became a Christian, in the first eight years of my walk - but truly now hate sin). 

Praise God who sees something in us when no one else can, and grants us grace and mercy. Praise Jesus, who leaves the 99 RIGHTEOUS, to go after the one who has gone astray and is on the path of destruction.

As we grow and mature, the Holy Spirit continues to give us more light and understanding of even some of our own past ways, which helps make us stronger in resisting temptation. The Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever.

God cannot lie; His Word is true. He gives us all room to repent; the Holy Spirit woos us with a spirit of repentance, but He will not force us to receive it. Yet, He is close to a broken and contrite heart [Ps 51:17] 

He is close to a humbled soul, filled with godly sorrow for their sinfulness, desperate for the burdensome weight of those sins to be removed by the merciful and gracious Saviour.  Our flesh is immediately humbled in the presence of His holiness and purity.  

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. [2Pet 3:9]

Sadly, not everyone will come to repentance. In fact, multitudes will become apostate, reprobate, when the trials of life become more than what they think they can bare. Hold fast to your faith; stay close to Jesus/Yeshua. Be on guard, search your heart.

Woe to those who will not receive the truth of the gospel of Christ and who deny the Godhead; who deny truth; who deny Jesus, and the gospel of the good news about him.

Even Him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. [2Thess 2:9-12]

The Harsh Reality

The false prophets and false teachers make me sick in my spirit. I grieve deeply in my spirit, knowing firsthand the horrors of being separated from the loving God, our holy Creator. Just as Jesus forewarned, in these last days, an alarming number of false brethren, false prophets, false preachers, false Christs are rising. They are appearing as quickly as cockroach coming out of the woodwork.

But what is even more astounding are those who call themselves loyal followers, disciples of Jesus/Yeshua, but who faithfully follow the false prophets, accepting false doctrines, with no fear of the Lord or any kind of discernment.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. [2Tim4:3,4]

Even more staggering is the fact that these false prophets have hundreds of thousands of loyal followers who have made these false ones millionaires, and some even billionaires. Their admirers/followers have only good things to say about them, and will defend them instantaneously if anyone even hints at them being false.

Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets. [Lk6:26]

The Brave and True

The following disciples of Jesus /Yeshua set themselves out front as examples. They stood their ground, remained obedient to the Word of God. Exposing false apostles, false prophets, false teachers shows great love because it may open the eyes of the false, so that they can see, thus giving them a chance to come up out of deception, repent, and be wholly delivered, saved, and healed.

I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repents, more than over ninety-nine (99) just persons, which need no repentance. [Lk 15:7]

In alphabetical order (no favoritism – I do not know any of these people personally, nor have I had any conversations with them. The good shepherds are:


Voddie Braucham

John MacArthur

Jan Markell *and certain ones she interviews* 

Justin Peters

Andrew Strom

David Wilkerson

Lately, desiring to do the right thing but unsure of what the right thing to do was, I began listening more to others who love Jesus and are adamant about the truth of the gospel and doctrine, and not compromising it.

I listened to all of them on YouTube, with the exception of one or two videos found on Rumble. The Lord answers the prayers and leads people who genuinely want the truth of His Word, and not some convoluted or deceptive version.

A salute and a heart-felt thank you for caring for your brethren, fellow sheep, and for glorifying the Lord through obedience to His Word. May the Lord bless all of you and your loved ones in the ways that you all individually have need of.

The plagiarists I speak of are first and foremost:

Julie Green (she is the main person who has gleaned consistently from me over the for over two years, and scoured heavily throughout the entire archives). Since she did not spend the time with the Lord, her understanding of things is completely and utterly warped and lacking, which caused her to mislead her audience of viewers even further.

Julie Green doublespeaks often. She claims to be nondenominational, yet is clearly a Word of Faith preacher (yes, she is a pastor, which makes her even more accountable).

Word of Faith (WoF, which I call WOlF doctrine, also known as (aka)Prosperity, a false doctrine. She often borders on the NAR, which is another false doctrine

  Amanda Grace (I have found examples of copying, but have not taken a lot of time on her videos, as I have only became aware of her within the past year. This is very involved, time-consuming work. With my health, and not having a team, it takes time, but my motives and intents are honourable before the Lord. Every soul deserves opportunity to turn from sin, and all of us have needed a second chance at some point or other.  

But a great falling away has begun, and it shall continue, just as Jesus foretold. However, Amanda Grace has several failed prophecies. She has also appeared on several video shows with Julie Green, as well as at the same events and conferences around the United States. The two know each other, along with Emanuel Johnson.) 

Troy Black has honoured Amanda Grace in a video – apparently what God told him about her. I did not watch the video. Where does the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob choose to tell someone to broadcast to the public about how special a certain individual is and to listen to them. We are to share the gospel and tell people about Jesus, but are we now to start telling people about individuals, and if so, why? How does it point people to Jesus? How does it glorify God?

As far as Troy is concerned, it is more likely that any plagiarism is more from copying or mimicking one of his two fellow 'prophets', either Amanda or Julie [unaware of plagiarism on the part of either].  Birds of a feather flock together.

Over the past couple of years, much prayer has gone up regarding Julie Green and for her. She is the one that my friend innocently made me aware of, when she wanted to ‘confirm’ one of my articles. My friend stood with me in prayer, as I wanted a witness, as well as someone to agree with me in praying for Julie. It was at a time that I was struggling with flesh. We prayed for Julie in the not-so-distant past.

It is my hope that these people stop making merchandise of believers, that they would genuinely repent, and stop with false prophecies. The Bible says not to despise prophesying, which I do not. The prophet Joel spoke of God pouring out His [holy] Spirit upon [people], and 'sons' and 'daughters' would prophesy; old men would dream dreams and young men would have visions. I take the Word of God literally (differentiating between parables, metaphors, and the like), and that it is for us today.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Time is running out, and the return of Jesus Christ is imminent. We need to stand on the Rock, stand for truth (no compromise), stand for Israel, watch, pray, occupy - and wait upon the Lord.

To be continued within days...

Please note that changes in my medicine from Tylenol #4 to morphine has slowed me down some. This is mentioned so that my slowness in posting is for valid reason, not mentioned for sympathy or any other such reason. Due to swelling, I cannot stand long, or sit long. Neuropathy hinders me, but I rejoice at the grace and mercy the Lord grants us in our time of need. So great is His love for His creation...

My situation is mentioned merely to validate my slowness - but remember, my friends, the turtle won the race with the rabbit - despite the critics, and despite the pride of the rabbit! :)

(NOTE*: Posted this 10th day of June, 2024. Updating has been done this 10 June.2024 (hours after posting), which include editing spelling error, removing garbled letters, and adding some to content for clarification. BP2024)

Praise Jesus, who is high and lifted up - to Him belongs all glory.

in the presence of His glory
