
Friday, May 20, 2022

Deception Lurks - Part 2-The Wild Ones

The Wild Ones

The story of the wild ones came to me almost 44 years ago. It is a beautiful allegory about two ‘wandering, grimy and lost’ white horses who were found in a starving and weakened state. 

They were cared for by a kind man during a time of severe drought and famine throughout the land. The horses could find no pastures to feed from or water to drink, not even so much as a straggly stinkweed or a tiny mud puddle.

Time passed. When the season of want was over and the pastures were again lush, and the water again plentiful, the wild ones had a choice to make. They could either stay with the kindly master who took them in, or return to their ‘freedom’. 

The stallion could not resist the call of the wild. When the master opened the narrow gate, the stallion bolted to his found-again freedom, afraid that the kind man might change his mind; excited to be free once again to roam wherever he wanted. Indeed, he bolted!

The young mare whinnied, stomped her feet, then reared up with a protesting neigh. She landed back down hard upon her front legs before she ran around the corral, calling out again to her companion, running to and fro, snorting, pawing the earth, whinnying – yet, despite the potential loss of her friend, she willingly stayed with the kind man.

A fine parable unravels in the telling of the tale, but not at this time (as I have written about it before in older articles in the archives). The reason behind mentioning the allegory the Lord gave me decades ago, was due to the fact that it was also the first time that:

[1] I realized Jesus had spoken to me (through the story; I ‘knew’ it was not ‘my writing’)

And it was the first time:

[2] He compared me to a white horse, a wild white horse.

I’m not sure what I would have thought had the comparison been a different beast of burden, such as, say …an ass. [Num 16:15:1Sam 16:20] But then again, that might be a good thing:

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, your King comes unto you: He is just and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt, the foal of an ass. [Zech 9:9]

Remember what the Holy Spirit said to me once? Perhaps this is your first time reading anything I wrote, so allow me to enlighten you. One time, several years ago, I was thinking upon some of the brethren, and realizing how beautiful people are, from newborn to youth to adults and to the elderly – every age group, various kinds of beauty uniquely offered and pondering it (not necessarily speaking of outward appearances, but more importantly, inner beauty – imperfect inner beauty).

And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good. […] [Gen 1:31]

I considered all ages, all races, all tribes and clans, and how God made beautiful, talented, gifted, unique people all around the world. It must have been one of those ‘poor me’ moments, but I was wondering why He was willing to work so hard on me, to try and perfect me.

It was then, deep within my being, as I pondered all these amazing individuals sprinkled around the globe that I heard: 

        I love the awkward foal as much as the strong horse.

A delighted smile flashed across my face. The silence was deafening as the statement sunk in. Then, just as suddenly as the smile appeared, it disappeared. “Wait! What? Who you calling awkward…!?”

Peace Overrides Doubt

Suffice it to say that in the recent dream [March 20, 2022] of the three horses, with the white one causing a ruckus, I knew the Lord was revealing that I was the white horse. Of course, who else could be the white horse causing all the ruckus? I laugh at the Lord’s humour …He is the Creator of it for all of us.

The opening scene of the first dream on March 20 is brief…the white horse is displeased with something, but the other two horses seem to prefer to depart, rather than follow the lead of the white horse. Despite all that, the white mare returns to her peaceful state. (I will get back to this important part.)

In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. [Ps4:8]

You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You: because he trusts in You. [Is 26:3]

The dreams were the Lord’s way of keeping that peace within me (God’s peace through Jesus Christ, which passes all understanding [Phil 4:6] and guards our hearts and minds).

That peace is what I call the stabilizer, the stabilizing arm of the Lord, to keep us balanced when we are overwhelmed [Is 26:3], or when an onslaught of negative thoughts or staggering, intense events try to rob us of our love, kill our hope and joy, and destroy our faith (thus, our trust). That is the work of a very real adversary (Satan) and his evil legions.

When we are on the right track, meaning putting God first through our Saviour, and are “willingly” in His will (obedient to His commandments and to His leading to the best of our human ability, and abide in the faith of and in Christ Jesus/Yeshua), we can rest assured that the enemy will be lurking in the shadows to trip us up. He goes for the throat to shut us up. He goes for the heart to shut us down (quit, walk away – apostacy).

We do not even have to be on the right track for the enemy to come against us, as has been proven with the entire world suffering these past two years plus, due to the pandemic. Satan’s hatred for God’s creation, particularly mankind, is a reality, whether believed or not. Guaranteed that the adversary is more concerned about those who are a threat to his kingdom than about those who are not.

One of Satan’s favourite tools to employ is “doubt” (his stratagem to cause us to doubt in YHWH’s Word, doubt it is His voice we hear, and if that fails, then to doubt what He says to us; His promises (both corporate and personal), doubt who we are in Christ, doubt whether we are actually saved, or doubt that Jesus truly FORGAVE, or the truth that confessed sins are under the blood, never to be recalled) – doubts that come at people like fiery arrows pelting down like torrential rains.

Satan does not like playing second fiddle to Yeshua/Jesus; he wants to be first, especially the first to be worshipped. It’s that pride issue he has, the same pride that caused him to fall from grace and glory in the beginning. The same pride that convinced him that he would be like the most-high God. [Is 14:14]

No matter what the enemy throws your way, stand strong, child of light, because no one and nothing is worthy enough to come before our Creator, or between you and Him. Nothing compares, nothing! Jesus does give us strength in times when we are hard hit by things of the world, or by people, or by self-sabotage or by attacks of the enemy.

Satan has been around much longer than we have. He can be very convincing in his craftiness and cunning ways, but we must be immovable about our Saviour’s love, and that He is indeed FOR us and NOT against. [Rom 8:31]

We must know beyond ALL shadows of DOUBT that “greater is He (Jesus) in us than he (Satan) that is in the world. [1Jn 4:4] That is how we will overcome him, by the blood of the Lamb and the WORD of our testimony. [Rev 12:11]

Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. [Ps 19:12-14]

My times are in Your hand: deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from them that persecute me. Make Your face to shine upon Your servant: save me for Your mercies’ sake. [Ps 31:15, 16]

One Man’s Dream Can Be Another Man’s Nightmare

Sometimes the sharing of a dream or two amongst certain brethren can cause inescapably unpleasant reactions, which will wholly depend on where one truly stands with God and what lies in the secret chambers of the heart.

And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it to his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: [Gen37:5, 6]

Joseph, in his zeal and youthfulness, eagerly told of the dreams that excited him to the degree that he could not wait to share them with his brothers (brethren). However, instead of being in awe or amazed by the dreams, Joseph’s brethren despised, even hated him all the more. [Gen 37:8]

Sometimes we get dreams that we may or may not understand, yet deep within, we know that the dreams are from God (Adonai). But when we go into the details of them, our enthusiasm may not be shared, especially if the interpretation of them is not favourable to all who hear those details.

The dream could mean a separating, a setting apart. The Lord did forewarn that in these latter times, He would be separating with the intent to protect His, but on the flip side that the separating would cause others to grieve, repent and turn from unrighteousness (sin). [1Pet3:9]

He will separate the precious from the vile [Jer 15:19], and teach us the difference between the holy and the unholy, and how to discern the clean from the unclean. [Ezek 44:23] He is not an angry, bitter, condemning God, but He is no fool, no pushover either.

God is a God of grace and mercy, indeed, the like of which we can barely fathom. Nevertheless, He is also a God of judgment and justice, and rightly so; however, the latter is not as readily accepted. Yet look, even in the verses mentioned, we see how He takes the time to lead us in ways that reveal the difference between things, and also how to discern.

His love is beyond measure. And even with the Word to reveal to us God’s (YHWH’s) character and some of His ways of handling things, and why mercy and grace one time, and judgment and justice another time, there is still so much to learn about God (Adonai).

The word ‘holy’ [kodesh, from the root wordkadash’] in the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon means ‘to set apart’ for a specific purpose. Many people think of being “holy” as being a heavy-handed, unattainable thing that only God can manage, but once the meaning is understood, one can see that being holy is delightful and is quite attainable. It is as simple as being set apart or consecrated.

Breaking Rank Akin to a Broken Chain

The first dream I had (March 20, 2022) about three horses, despite the brevity of the scene, (explained in Deception Lurks,) pertained to a real-life event that took place Sept. 23, 2021, as recently as eight months ago (at the time of this writing).

The dreams came almost six months to the day after the above-mentioned event. I had mentioned in the previous post about how I had been meeting with other Christians on Friday nights (for about three and a half years, not every Friday, but plentifully) in a home to share a meal, pray, worship, and read the Bible, but how the people who opened their home to all of us ended up rejecting me and adamantly telling me never to return ...

It was a two-fold incident. For a couple of years (2019-2021), I had written about this, giving a warning on the blog, and also mentioned to friends that the Lord was trying hearts. He had been doing so for some time. The way our hearts would be tested will not be in expected ways. The testing is still going on, as it ripples throughout the body of believers.

I became aware of it when I realized that certain situations that were cropping up in my life were aimed precisely at trying my heart. The temptations from the enemy came upon me unexpectedly, suddenly and strongly.

The areas where the temptations arose were areas where one could easily go either way. The tests could be considered strong or considered easy. These tests would reveal how serious and how deep the love for God and for Yeshua/Jesus is in the hearts of those who call themselves by His name.

Although the testing could be in areas that we consider ourselves strong in, it is more likely to be that the testing will be in areas of our own personal weaknesses. The first part of the dream, with the three horses, certainly correlated with what took place that affected the entire group who met Friday nights for a meal and for a Sabbath meeting, so it is important (vital) to keep in mind the part about the Lord ‘trying the hearts’.

When the dreams first came, the full meaning was unclear, but soon enough the Spirit of Christ brought forth understanding. In the dream where the brokenness was restored (broken chain, fractured lost locket), I was reminded of an old adage, which is: “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.”

Initially, it was intended as only a figurative phrase; however, popularity of the expression quickly spread, quite likely due in part to the actuality of the statement. It originated from a writing in a paper, published in 1785/86, “Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man” [EIP], written by Thomas Bertram Reid, Scottish philosopher, Professor of the Romance Languages, and founder of the School of Common Sense.

The shortened version that we have become familiar with was condensed from the following statement: (the emphasis is mine in order to draw attention to the key words that birthed the idiom BP)

In every chain of reasoning, the evidence of the last conclusion can be no greater than that of the weakest link of the chain, whatever may be the strength of the rest.” [Reid]

“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.”

The reasoning is that in a group of people, if one person fails, they all fail. I liken it to a relay race, where the strength and speed of every runner is important, but it is the slowest and weakest runner on the relay team whose performance is vital.

They will either make or break the win. That is why many coaches put their strongest and fastest runners in the starting and finishing positions of the relay team; whereas some coaches will go for one strong and fast runner in the middle and one placed as the last.

Undoubtedly, the entire team’s performance is important, nevertheless, the front is absolutely vital (necessary), [as water is vital for life; without it, nothing survives for long], but the rear position is crucial for protection (extremely important), [as knee pads are crucial for protection when working on hard ground or cement; strength/health of knees can otherwise be compromised].

That is why militarily speaking, the frontlines [land forces] are VITAL, but the rearguard is CRUCIAL. From the frontlines, to the battalion, to the rearguard, a unit is established, yet each section is equally important in carrying out its distinctive function for the good of the entire unit. Each part wholly important, supportive and interdependent upon one another.

We who are born-again, Spirit-filled children of the most-High God, who follow after Jesus (Yeshua) are considered ‘warriors for Christ’; one unit – with soldiers in position on the frontlines, in the battalion, and as the rearguard (protectors) – working and warring as one Body in Christ. We must get to the point where we can pass any random test with honours, to the glory of God through Yeshua/Jesus.

Destroying Seeds of Idolatry

The first dream was two-fold. It began with three beautiful horses, one black, one brown and one white, but one of them, the white one was causing a ruckus. Not in a harmful, threatening or violent way physically, but making it clear the behaviour of the other two horses was unacceptable (out of the herd, these two were close).  

Division became reality as the other two disgruntled horses chose to disunite from the white one, pulling back and going separate ways. Yet the wonder is that despite the closeness the three had at one time, and the grief of brokenness, the white horse quickly returned to its peaceful state. Only God! …

I already shared the very first story that Jesus (Yeshua) ever spoke into my spirit man about two white horses (stallion and mare) that He called ‘the wild ones’. I believed in Jesus, and always had, ever since I was six years old in the orphanage, but I was not saved at the time I was given the allegory, or at the time in the orphanage.

I had seen the fiery eyes of Jesus inside the large statue of Mary. In my six-year-old mind, Yeshua was ‘hiding’ inside the statue. I remember looking way up (the statue was approximately nine to ten feet tall and had been placed on the landing of a broad stairwell).

As I looked up, with my mouth literally hanging open, I backed up and landed softly but firmly butt-first on a step. It was not audible per say, but deep within I heard the words: “Even when you cannot see Me, I will be with you.” (I had been crying for my ‘mommy’ before this incident occurred.)

I blinked and looked again, but the eyes of Jesus were gone. I thought if I blinked hard enough, I would see His eyes again. Several more ‘fast-action’ blinks followed, trying to get the “eyes of Jesus” back, but they did not return.

I never forgot those eyes, and I can still see the entire event today exactly as I had back then, 62 years ago. The way the Lord presented Himself to me in that miraculous event taught me that statues are not real, but are empty shells inside.

A six-year-old has a vivid imagination, yet countless older people (idol worshippers) around the world, in various religions, often act like the statues can see and hear petitions and prayers, but that goes back into antiquity.

Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not:

They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. They that make them are like unto them; so is everyone that trusts in them. [Ps 115:4-8]

Allowing me to see only His eyes INSIDE the statue, and looking at me through the statue’s ‘eyes’, shattered any and all illusions that the ‘Mary’ [statue] was real. I never knelt before any statue in the same way again.

Never again did I speak to any statue as if they understood and heard, as I had been taught to do in the Catholic orphanage. However, whilst I remained in the home run by nuns, I had to follow their protocol as a child, so I did bend a knee (courtesy) before the various statues, yet, the point is that it was never the same for me again. The statues had been proven lifeless.

Without a word, Jesus (Yeshua) had smashed the ‘idols’ (statues), in my life and silenced all the lies that had been taught to me – with truth. He had gathered the seeds of idolatry that had been tossed onto the fertile soil of an innocent child’s heart and destroyed them before they took root. No amount of watering would make the ruined seeds grow now.

Jesus IS the way, the truth and the life, and the ONLY way for mankind (for any one of us), to be forgiven, washed in the blood and reconciled back to God. [Jn 14:6] Powerful lesson! Do not listen to the Pope when he claims that there are “many” ways to God. Other famous, well-known voices spread the same lie.

Jesus is the only way to be forgiven and reconciled; He is still the most hated. Why? Because Satan has deceived the whole world. [Rev 12:9] He is the father of lies, the truth is not in him. He was a murderer from the beginning. When he lies, he speaks his native tongue. [Jn 8:44]

Interpretation – Take Heed!

Although they were not seen again in the dream, on the same ‘farm where the horses were, there were several ‘church’ people who mingled, laughed and talked in the open fields, away from the kind man, the disabled girl and myself (I had somehow managed to morph from a four-legged beautiful white horse to a two-legged average white woman).

farm: ‘homestead – a place of labour’ (many ‘labours of love’ are carried out)

fields: ‘a place to sow seeds in fertile soil, water, and yield harvests; the ‘fields’ are where labourers gather, not socializers

Then said He to His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into his harvest. [Mat 9:37, 38]

disabled girl: [unseen/undiscerned disability; something damaged, missing or not functioning] – (not yet whole, complete, mature; still growing) (unforgiveness could be a possible blockade); Jesus needed to make her whole, complete

‘brokenness’: parts ‘damaged’, [broken]; something ‘missing’ (the symbolism behind the locket and its colours reveal broken connection to heavenlies); spiritually wounded; emotionally crippled, spiritual and emotional brokenness [inner healing needed to be made whole]; Yeshua/Jesus will teach her that forgiveness brings healing

‘church people’: lukewarm; socializing; more interested in making an appearance than being in Jesus’ presence; no genuine interest in

[1] the Lord  

[2] lost, ‘disabled’ or those needing help; lack of compassion [Eph 4:32]

(shallow) mechanized prayers [Jam 5:16], lack of love [Mk 12:30, 31] lack of true fellowship [1Thes5:11];

“[…] having a form of godliness but deny power thereof:” [2Tim 3:5]

kind [attentive] man: Jesus/Yeshua – He is there but only noticed by a few; He finds three lost parts: (body, soul, spirit); He restores the broken; makes things better than original state (glass replaces plastic – separating true from counterfeit)

girl’s name: biblically, “Shelley” is a Hebrew name: female sheep, ewe, little rock; rest (It is an alternate form of the name Rachel - Hebrew) – one of the sheep in the Good Shepherd’s flock

prophetic word given: the female sheep/ewe (Shelley) needed healing, deliverance, restoration; the Lord granted hope; proved He was there even if unseen; helped throughout the process; His sheep looked to Him and not themselves [Prov 3:5, 6]

“O Shelley [female sheep/ewe], Jesus/Yeshua [Good Shepherd] is saying He is with you, and He’s going to take you step by step. You will find the other piece of your necklace.”

Jesus and the disabled girl were speaking privately and laughing, not far away from where I was – I stood alone praying silently because the people were now far gone, but Jesus was present with us.  He was very aware and watching – we are the sheep that belong to the Good Shepherd, Jesus/Yeshua.

Fruit is plastic (just like the cracked covering on the locket); not real; will go up with the wood, hay and stubble in flames

Necklace - broken chain, restored, made strong

Cameo: [symbolic] gift: woman in a white dress (robe), holding a rose, all of which is ivory white; a soft blue hue covering all inside the cameo (more on this shortly)

Jesus’ name: hearing Christ’s name, the slight surge to action by socializers in the field was merely for show; counterfeit interest amongst the lukewarm to look for the locket (short-lived, no audience); illusionary/deceptive actions; polite enough to deceive, but no real fellowship [attendance only] (false brethren; lukewarm)

Jesus “disappeared” as they “looked”: they could not see Him; not truly ‘seeking’ God through Him, were unaware of Jesus’ presence; following man’s tradition, rather than submission to God; no intimate relationship; no prayers, no intercession or standing in gap

Idle talk, gossip: whispers (slander, accusations) amongst lukewarm, lip service not heart service believers. There are those in churches or in ‘fellowship assemblies’ that spend no time in the presence of God, only in the presence of men (outward appearances). They are not there with the heart, soul and spirit bared – surrendered to God Almighty.

Locket found: Jesus finds the lost

Woman in white dress: He exchanges the filthy rags with white robes of fine linen [His] righteousness (Jesus/Yeshua)

White rose: symbolic of holiness (set apart) and purity (washed/cleansed in/by the BLOOD of Jesus) It is said that roses symbolize God’s love at work in the world. White (ivory) meaning holy (holiness), purity, divine love, surrender, light, victory, peace, triumph.

Locket covering: ‘plastic’, ‘manmade covering’ (substitute; counterfeit); superficial, not long-lasting; cracked (not whole) fogged plastic - obstructed vision, inability to clearly see

BLUE hue: represents the PRESENCE of GOD [YHWH] through Messiah

: in over 50 instances in the KJV, the colour ‘blue’ is one of the colours ordered for many temple items, such as gate hangings

: the breastplate of judgment had to have blue in it (along with purple, scarlet, fine twined linen and gold) – [Ex 28:15, 28]

: the robe of the ephod was to be all blue [Ex 28:31]

In offerings, every man with wisdom of heart, and wise-hearted women spun, and the fine linen contained blue (with scarlet and purple) [Ex 35:23, 25]

: loops of ‘blue’ on temple curtains

: blue on Aaron’s holy garments [Ex 39:1,2]

: shewbread table cloth of blue [Num 4:6, 7]

: on altar [vs11]

: blue thread on tzitzit [Num 15:38] [Esth 1:6;8:15]

: blue on Mordecai’s royal apparel

: pavement, part blue

The God of Israel, under his feet, a paved work of sapphire (blue) [Ex 24:10]

: over the cherubim’s heads, the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of “sapphire” (blue) stone [Ezek 1:26]

: Lucifer’s covering (anointed cherub before his rebellion) contained “sapphire” [Ezek 28:12]

: the foundations of the wall, New Jerusalem, second gem on foundation is “sapphire” (blue) [Rev 21:19]

Therefore, the colour “blue” (sapphire) indeed speaks of holy things and God’s presence, and obedience to God’s commandments (the thread on the tzitzit tassel that the Jews wore (and wear) is a reminder of these things.

Holy, even when mentioning His throne, the cherubim that guard, and even in the foundation of the city New Jerusalem, blue to indicate Adonai’s presence

Glass cover: pure, real, unobstructed, clear vision; Spirit of the living God

How many times has someone said to you (especially the women), that you need a ‘covering’ to protect you, and they are speaking of a pastor, or an ‘apostle or ‘prophet?

Woe to the rebellious children, says the Lord, that take counsel, but not of Me; and that cover with a covering, but not of My Spirit; that they may add sin to sin: [Is 30:1]

So, in the dream, the locket with the woman dressed in ivory holding the ivory rose overshadowed by a blue hue, indicates purity and holiness in the ‘presence of God’ (completely covered by His Spirit. [Is 30:1])

Peaceful state: “Don’t worry, Jesus will fix it; He didn’t bring us through all this for nothing.” (Prophetic word that God has a purpose in everything, which He accomplishes in His time) [Rom 8:28]

Open the gates that the righteous nation, which keeps the truth, may enter in. You will keep him in perfect peace (peaceful state), whose mind is stayed on You: because he trusted in You. Trust in the Lord forever: for in the Lord YHVH is everlasting strength: [Is 26:2-4]

The Twofold Event

I had stated that the snippet with the three horses that the Lord gave me at the beginning of the first dream on ‘brokenness’ was a twofold event, and that I would return to it. To me, it represents a reality that is global and grieves the heart of Jesus/Yeshua, ultimately, the heart of God.

The part about the three horses represents what happened between myself and the two leaders (husband and wife) of the Friday night meetings, who happened to be what I considered to be good friends at the time.

I had noticed something occurring in the home where meetings were held that did not sit well with my spirit. And it was as if the precious and Holy Spirit was moving upon me to walk in love by speaking to a sister in Christ (the worship leader in the home) about a gross error that was being allowed which would have sad consequences if it continued.

If we cannot trust family to warn us of danger when they see it, then who can we trust? If we say we walk in love, but allow people to walk dangerously close to hellfire, or worse yet, to watch them go over the precipice without warning, or without even reaching out a helping hand, then we lie and do not walk in love at all.

It is understood that love involves unpleasantries on occasion, yet love cares enough to take risks, and more importantly, to sound the alarm of danger. So yes, the thought had crossed my mind, and I wondered why someone else (in the family of God) could not or would not say something instead of me?

There were enough women in the group, some even closer to the couple than I (which I discovered later). Was no one else noticing? I found that hard to believe. And what of the men? Did not one of them care enough to speak to the husband? It seemed the consensus was more like: “…not my problem.”

Lead by Example

Nevertheless, the pressing upon my heart was heavy. And deep within, the pressing was more a call to prayer. Was this a testing of the heart? Would I pray for this brother and sister who were teetering on a narrow line, spiritually?

Yes, Lord’. I understood, so I prayed for my brother and sister in Christ – that their eyes would be open, that they would receive truth and do the right thing, that the Lord would give them strength, and that they would repent for not acting sooner, that they would indeed “lead by example” (a topic that often came up around that time, in the group).

Positions of leadership and influence involve such a calling [being an example], and the couple put themselves in such a position the moment they opened up their home to be a regular place of fellowship and worship, with a format that was akin to a church service. The one exception was that communion was taken before the meal, rather than later in the service.

We are commanded to love God (first) with all our heart, soul and mind, and to love others as we love ourselves. It is so important that Jesus said that on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. [Mat 22:37-40]

So, when an opportune moment arose, I spoke with the wife, the worship leader, my friend about it (since it pertained to her household). As I continue, the reader will soon understand the weight of the situation and begin to understand the significance of the matter.

Compromise Exposed

I began by explaining to this sister in Christ that I was not condemning anyone, as I myself had once lived common-law, and that I had also been guilty of fornication (sex outside of marriage) in times past. I repented and was forgiven, but that did not mean I excused it.

I often remind myself of the scripture that warns us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought, but to think soberly, and how the good Lord has given each person the measure of faith. [Rom 12:3]

Bringing up my past was my way of trying to put my friend at ease, whilst also revealing that even though all of us have fallen short of God’s glory, we cannot condone sin. My sins may not be yours and vice versa, but we all have sinned.

As straightforward, but as gently as I could, I explained that allowing fornication to go on in a house that opens up almost weekly to Sabbath meals and as a place of prayer and worship was wrong.

Not only was it sending the wrong message out to people (that God overlooks sin sometimes), but also that it is ‘okay’ to compromise God’s Word…and it most certainly is NOT okay. It is a compromise that borders on rebellion because it delivers the message to others that it is more important to please loved ones than it is to obey the commandments of the living God!

When we are not saved, or when we are new converts, we do things in ignorance, and God, who knows all, has often taken a gentle approach to correction. But when you are mature in the Lord, and know better than to willfully allow sin openly in your home, “especially” when your home is known as a place of worship; it is definitely compromise AND rebellion.

In meetings past, we had spoken of accountability and responsibility to each other. When I was speaking with my friend (the wife of the leader), it was in the privacy of my home. It was when about five of us were quite ill with the flu, and she had brought over Ivermectin, vitamins and herbs that another person had brought for all those who were sick.

I had been very ill and when she came it was my third week into the flu. I surely did not feel like talking to her on such serious matters, but what if I passed on and let the opportunity slide by? Would I not have her blood on my hands? I could not risk it.

Since the fellowship was a small local group of people, and not widespread or well-known, there is no need for me to call out the woman by name; I am not so led of the Lord. However, when I was speaking to her about allowing their son to bring in his girlfriend to live with him, and allow fornication to be carried out in their home was wrong, she had an odd reaction.

When I had shared that with my friend, she looked out my kitchen window and spoke…

[1] as if I were not there

[2] almost as if she were speaking to her reflection (OR could an evil spirit be speaking through her)?

She said, “Bonita is not always right.” Although I had found her looking away as rather odd and speaking to who knows who as if I were not there, I immediately agreed (calling her by name), and stating that I have made more mistakes in life than I cared to admit.

If someone had said this would happen even a year earlier, I would not have believed it. Surely my friends who opened up their home to fellow saints to celebrate Sabbath together and worship, would not defy Jesus/Yeshua with such a serious compromise. How were they blinded? Who deceived them? What lie convinced them that this was acceptable to God?

Did Jezebel Not Allow Fornication in the Temple?

Nevertheless, we do learn, and there are some things that we just know that we know are correct. This was one of those things. To me, the Bible is truth, and is not open to negotiations or compromise. According to the Word of God, we are to bolt from fornication.

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man does is without the body; but he that commits fornication sins against his own body. [1Cor6:18]

I was about to remind my friend of the Jezebel spirit that Yeshua/Jesus forewarned us about for two years running. She needed to remember that the spirit of Judas and spirit of Jezebel are evil spirits that bring division, betrayal and sin into the camp.

Jezebel had temple prostitutes; she had no problem with fornication or adultery. We must not allow that spirit to rule over the place where we worship, but Satan stopped my friend from acknowledging the action as sin. The adversary will deflect truth when possible. It only takes a crack for him to slither in.

My friend needed to be reminded that Satan does not stop at the church steps. He does not darken the door of a place of worship and stand aloof, waiting for an invite. No! He marches right in. He mingles in amongst God’s people. I wanted to remind her, but she was talking.

She explained that her and her husband were living common-law before they got married four years earlier. Yes, I had known that because they were unmarried and living together when I met them, but that could not excuse the behaviour in their home now.

We had all met at a church that had closed down (long story short time), and they married about seven months after we met. My friend also stated that her and her husband had spoken to their son of the importance of fidelity with one person, but NOT about the importance of obedience to God’s Word, to abstain from sex until marriage.

I countered with the fact that when people are involved in intimate relationships, the majority have good intentions and plan on staying with only the one person. Not everyone, of course, because many promise fidelity, but instead are adulterers and unfaithful people, filled with uncontrollable lust.

However, breakups are notorious these days. It is a ‘throw away’ society. It is possible her son may stay with the girl, but if that is his intent, why not marry her? And, what happens if they do break up and move on? Does he then remain faithful to the NEXT girlfriend?

Sex outside of marriage between two single adults is called fornication. Sex outside of marriage where one or both people are married is adultery. We must flee these things. The spirit of Jezebel sees nothing wrong with fornication in a house of worship. Although it seems that Jezebel was loyal to Ahab, the Phoenicians were known to have temple prostitutes in the temple of Baal.

To me, my friend’s point was moot. Even my generation (those near 70 years old and upward) were a promiscuous generation, with the hippy movement, where “sex, drugs and rock and roll” and “make love, not war” was the mantra.

Satan continues to lower the bar on morals with each new generation. It is so low now that one cannot even do the limbo because the bar is ground level, which explains why Jesus foretold (forewarned) that the last days would be as the days of Noah, and as the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. [Mat 24:37-39; Lk 17:26-30]

She ended the conversation by saying how even when her and her husband were in their sinful state, God had blessed them, taught them, did miracles, led them, so she believed God would bring the son around by blessing him too.

I could not believe what I was hearing. Aaron was a godly priest, who did not discipline his sons. They died in their sins, ignoring the instructions to be followed in priestly duties. [Lev 10:1, 2] I explained that when we receive such mercy, we are not to take it for granted.

They both should use Christ’s mercy to warn their son of the danger of sin and the lake of fire [Rev 21:8]; that the wages of sin are death [Rom 6:23], and that we cannot compromise the commands of YHWH. [Jn 14:15]

Perhaps they had no one to teach them, which would in part explain God’s kind grace and mercy toward them, but now their son had THEM to teach him the truth. We should never take God’s mercy and grace for granted, none of us.

The conversation was dropped at that point, and the visit ended seemingly amicably; however, my heart was troubled. These were the “leaders” of the Friday night meetings, which were held in their home.

She led worship (singing and playing keyboard), and her husband ‘led with the reading of scripture, Bible lessons, prayer, communion and the rest of the meeting. It has been said that the spirit of Jezebel can present itself in either male or female.

Was it not Jezebel who later destroyed the men of God, the prophets and/or messengers that opposed Baal? Was it not Jezebel who was controlling, but who also gave her husband what his heart desired, whether right or wrong? Was it not Jezebel who allowed fornication in the temple (temple prostitutes)?  

What? Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own? For you are bought with a PRICE: therefore, GLORIFY God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. [1Cor 6:19-20]

Biblical Protocol

Others were aware. Why wasn’t anyone saying anything? I might doubt myself, but there is no doubt when it comes to the scriptures. According to my friend’s opinion, since the son and his girlfriend were not yet Christians, they had “time” to learn, until they decide to accept Jesus/Yeshua as their Saviour.

Well, why would they feel any need to accept a “Saviour”, since God was willing to turn a blind eye to sin? If God overlooks sin, then why do they need a Saviour? Her way of thinking is influenced either by flesh or the devil.

The Jezebel spirit seduces them and Baal is the god they serve, not YHWH. The couple had begun focusing more on the Torah every week, with not much mention of the new covenant and the shedding of Messiah’s blood.

How often do any of us say that we are not promised tomorrow? We are not even promised the fullness of the day; only God knows the appointed hour He has assigned to each one of us. As PARENTS, we are responsible to teach our children. This is their time to teach theirs.

The son is 23, not a child. It is ‘their’ home, and they are the ‘leaders’ for the Friday night worship gatherings. They are teaching their son, his girlfriend and their other three children that God will ‘wink’ at their sin. He will bless them as He brings them ‘out’ from the wrong path and leads them onto the right path.

That is deception through and through, and they are revealing bad fruit. It is not ‘okay’ to compromise God’s Word, and there will be spiritual ramifications. I knew I had to speak with both of them, as my brother and sister in Christ, for the Lord had laid the burden heavily upon my heart…so great is His love. They claim to be brethren, then it was time to put God first.

The wife had been spoken to, but would she share what was said with her husband, or would she let it slide to avoid conflict? We are to help each other, and they were my friends, so I arranged for a meeting with both of them, without explaining what it was that I wanted to talk about.

There is a certain protocol laid out in the Bible for situations such as this. The Word of God tells us that if a brother sins against us, we are to go alone to them and discuss it. If he hears us, we have gained a brother.

Typically, it is those in leadership who would go and speak with someone who is misrepresenting Christ with their behaviour (we all have sinned in thought, word, or deed). It is the “deed” part being called out.

What if it is leadership that is in error? Then I believe the Lord has to lead a soul, and it will most likely be a mature Christian who will not condemn, but point out the sin. So, the Bible continues, saying that if the ‘brother’ will not hear, then take one or two ‘witnesses’ with you to speak with him, so that the error is established.

The idea is that perhaps the brother will realize the seriousness of the sin when it is more than one person calling him on it. If again there is no success with the brother, and he refuses to hear, then we are told to take it before the church to deal with it.

If he still refuses, he is to be treated as an outsider, until he repents (confesses his sin and turns away from it). [Mat 18:15-17]

Love Warns of Danger

When I realized what the Lord had opened my eyes to, I wept. What had happened to our group? When did this come about? Why was it even happening? I loved my friends, my brethren, and frankly, I would have been alright with someone else confronting them.

When the Holy Spirit moved on me to speak to them, I sensed that this was a testing of my heart. It is a lot easier to let someone else confront a Christian when they are willfully allowing sin in their lives. A comfort zone is just that, comfortable.

Did I really love the brethren, or did I just say that because that is what we are supposed to do? We are commanded to love God first and to love our neighbour (others) as ourself. If we were in danger of becoming apostate or reprobate, would we not want someone to warn us? We would if we are serious about our walk with Jesus.

I did not want to do this; I did not want to be the one who confronted them. The last time the Lord had me confront leadership (after a 31 day fast), I was told to never darken the door of the church with my presence again.

The church closed down about five or six months later. This Friday night fellowship were mostly members of that church. It too was a small church. The leadership there needed to repent of gossip, of praying what is know as “charismatic witchcraft” (when the prayers are against people and wishing unpleasant things to happen to them) and more.

I took no pleasure in it then, and I was certainly not taking any pleasure in being put in the position to confront my friends. But why was no one else in the group concerned about the leader’s salvation or walk with God? Are we not to look out for one another? There is so much that I simply do not understand…

There is a Cost

But do you remember what I said about Abba trying the hearts for the past couple of years? Many people love the idea of being prophetic, and often pray for that gift. If the reason behind the desire for the gift is pure, meaning a desire to glorify Christ and be His mouthpiece for warnings, exhortations, or whatever the Lord sees fit, yes, it’s an honour.

But even if one receives a different gift (and there are several), the Holy Spirit can still speak through one prophetically. The Lord promised, first through the prophet Joel, and then through the apostle Peter as a reminder that in the last days, He would pour out His Spirit and sons and daughters would prophesy, old men would dream dreams and young men would have visions. [Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17]

But be prepared and not deceived. Those who are prophetic share the heart and Spirit of YHWH (Adonai), who is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. [2Pet 3:9]

Remember: The messenger receives the message first, so one is held responsible and accountable. When a prophetic person is called upon to speak forth a message to people, it is not necessarily a message that will be welcomed, for the testimony of Jesus/Yeshua is the spirit of prophecy. In other words, any prophetic message is to draw people to the Messiah.

Love puts others first, even at cost. Prophesying most often means laying down one’s life to exalt Christ and to bring people to the cross, or at the very least, show them that the arms of Jesus are still wide open to receive them, if they will but humble themselves, pray and turn from unrighteousness (sin, wicked ways). [2Chron7:14, 15]

Love will correct; love will discipline. Love will speak the truth, and if a soul is in danger of hellfire, or in danger of being thrown into the lake of fire, we are to love them enough to take the risk of snatching them away from the deceptive flames.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ (Yeshua haMashiach) our Lord. [Rom 6:23]

How many times have we heard… be careful what you ask for? If you want the gift of prophesy, please read about Elijah (who confronted Jezebel and Ahab) [1Kings 19]; Jonah (who had to confront the enemies of Israel in Nineveh) [Jonah 1:3-18]; or Nathan, who had to confront King David after he committed adultery and murdered. [2Sam 12:1-14]

Those are but three out of hundreds of prophetic voices from ancient times. It is no different today when it comes to speaking the truth to those whom Adonai sends you to. So, consider the cost if you desire to speak prophetically. Few were ever popular; hundreds were killed. Selah

The Test is About to Begin

It turns out that the couple who held Friday night meetings also invested in a property of 200 plus acres in order to build a refuge. In all the time I had known my friends, I had only learned about them buying a property about two months before I confronted the wife on the fornication issue. I thought it was to build a home for their blended family.

I only learned about the intention for a refuge a few weeks prior to my planned meeting with them. It was interesting to hear about, and I have no doubt the Lord is making places of protection around the world (like the two caves that Obadiah hid 100 prophets [50 in each] when Jezebel intended to slaughter all of God’s prophets, including Elijah). [1Kings 18:4]

Nevertheless, we have to be certain it is the Lord’s direction and not our own desire. I knew that I was not being led to go to a refuge, at least, the Holy Spirit had not said anything up to that point in time.

I am convinced that when a matter is from the Lord, He works out all the details. I’ve not only seen it in the lives of others, and have heard testimonies, but I can personally bear witness to His faithfulness.

He provided for the Israelites and Moses; He provided for the widow woman through Elisha during a famine; He provided for the multitudes that Jesus/Yeshua was ministering to, from a few loaves and fish. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. I stand on that truth.

How people will manage a refuge with the digital world in place (complete with surveillance, drones, robots, UN police (global), advanced technology etc.), well, ONLY GOD (YHWH/YHVH) could manage it.

When I first heard of it, I was not surprised in that I had heard that many groups around the world were making plans for survival, only I was surprised that my friends were planning to take on such a huge responsibility of making a refuge for Christians.

They had only been following Jesus for a few short years, and heading up a 200-acre refuge is a major undertaking, although he had a leadership team, it seemed it was already falling apart. It was meant for the group that met at their house, from what I first understood, but that was about to change.

I do not think it is necessary to go into great depth about all of this. What God is revealing is not about the refuge; it’s about the condition of hearts. It is much bigger than that, and it grieves our Redeemer. Although a snippet, an example of it shall be presented here, the sad truth is that this is happening globally; it is a crisis situation.

Obvious to the reader by now, I’m sure, the dream with the three horses involved these two (husband/wife) leaders and myself. However, there was a strong reason why the Lord linked the horse scenario with the farm, church people, disabled girl and broken locket.

When we speak to someone about a certain sin that they are involved in (in this case, a sin that the “leaders” were allowing in a house of worship), according to the Bible, if they listen, then you have won a brother (sister).

But, if they do not listen, one or two witnesses are to be taken to confront the person. With more than one confronting them, the hope is that they will face their sin, and turn to the Lord with brokenness and contriteness.

But, if they still will not listen, then one is to take it before the church – not in a condemning way, but with the intent that they will finally acknowledge the severity of the matter and repent before God, who is ever willing to forgive. If this too fails, they are to be cast out of fellowship, until they repent. [Mat 18:15-17]

This was where things got difficult; it is where the enemy interfered, using hurt, rejection and bitterness to bring division. Another couple in the group, who were close friends to the leaders, suddenly texted me (the wife did), asking for prayer (no real details, just depression and that God would intervene in a situation).

There is power in prayer; most assuredly, and when I am asked to pray, I do so immediately. I used to wait to pray until I went through a list, but found that sometimes I forgot, or it (the long list) became too overwhelming.

I learned this is why Jesus/Yeshua instructed us to be instant in prayer. It done, with no forgetting or stockpiling a list to the point where it gets difficult to cover it all. After a few times of texting me (which, I should have known, this couple never contacted me outside of the group), since they were in the group, I did bring up the fornication going on in a place of worship, and asked if they would pray for the brother and sister to do the right thing, and for their son, that he too would do the right thing and perhaps even, turn to God.

They were told of the upcoming meeting with them in a couple of days. They repented of not speaking with them and said they would pray. It was my hope that the three of us could then go speak with them (as instructed biblically), but I was in for a shock.

Satan is the Author of Confusion

“Oh! What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” Sir Walter Scott (Marmion)

Everything was coming to a peak at once. Satan hates to lose at anything, especially if there is a threat that he could lose a couple of Christians that he thought he had bamboozled. He was bringing in heavier arsenal.

In September, 2021, a meeting was called for everyone to come and discuss the refuge, at 9:00 am on a Saturday. Only a few weeks previous (possibly five), a young woman in her 40s began with the group. She was strongly New Age, but my friends did not see the harm. She would ‘learn’, they said. As often stated, the snake only needs a crack to slither in fully.

This woman had an unusual interest in me, which in truth, I was not comfortable with. Conversations had come up about astrology, reincarnation, quantum physics, vibrations, energy healing, meditation, have your “prayers answered” by seeing them (visualization) as done (healing, financial prosperity, etc.) – I could go on but the reader gets the picture.

A New Ager, possibly into witchcraft, was allowed to infiltrate the group. She had met the ‘leadership’ on a platform called Telegram (I was not on any social platforms). She was particularly interested in befriending the leadership, arriving early to meetings, leaving late.

One thing led to another and she was ‘invited’ to the group. She latched onto select people, of which I as one. I saw a spirit manifest in her, and when I told the leadership, I was not believed. “We’ve never seen one manifest”, I was flatly told.

Well, if Satan is going to blind people successfully in one area, he will continue on as long as he is able. These are things that are not easily said, so to be disbelieved was a surprise.

I saw it as plain as day, a mocking spirit. Despite having been to only two Friday meetings (she was sick for three), this woman surprisingly showed up for the Saturday meeting for the refuge. Someone had informed her. By her own admission, she ‘just’ got over Covid, but was ‘fine’.

After Saturday’s meeting, five of us immediately became ill, including myself. I do believe she purposely came, knowing she was a carrier. I did see a spirit manifest. Why do I say purposely? I watched her get very close to all those who became ill.

With me, it was the oddest thing. She was at the counter speaking to the female leader, when out of nowhere, she suddenly came over and hugged me – for no reason. No one had been talking. I sensed something in the spiritual realm, but what was not yet clear.

People I had never seen before showed up at the Saturday meeting, about 40 people approximately. Some did not stay long, so that number is a guesstimate. As I listened to everyone bringing up different things, a blanket of confusion fell over me, and it was as if I was listening to people speak in a foreign language. I had no understanding and I voiced it.

One of the leaders mentioned a deposit of $600 a month per person, and a lot of land being given. People would have their own piece of land. Equipment was mentioned and other terminology that I was unfamiliar with, as I have never purchased land, or heard anyone speaking of development before.

Do people pay for land in a refuge? If so, then I guess I did not understand a thing about refuges. But I do believe that if the Lord is in a matter, He takes care of all the details. For whatever reason, my mind was closed to joining any refuge, and I was okay with that.

It was then that the one leader said that I was not to worry, that I would be “looked after”. I had no idea what was meant by that because I had no intention of joining the refuge. Whenever a spirit of confusion presents itself, I determine that the matter is not of the Lord, for He is not the author of confusion, but of peace. [1Cor14:33] Confusion swirled in the meeting.

It was during that meeting that I learned there was an ‘inner circle’, a “leadership team” of about three couples. I was beginning to wonder if this was about a refuge or a business venture. I felt it was time to leave, but at the same time, others were ready for the meeting to end as well.

The Spirit of Judas Rears Its Ugly Head

I wondered if I had dropped the ball too quickly with the female leader, but I sought the Lord on the matter. How I prayed for them, to the point of tears. What happened? How did this all come about? How did the enemy manage to blind the leaders?

Shortly after the Saturday meeting, a couple (husband and wife) from the ‘inner circle’ texted me. This was out of the ordinary because after three years of attending many Fridays, no one ever bothered trying to get closer to me. I thought perhaps it was because most were married and I was not, or most were younger.

So to suddenly be texted got my attention. The woman was depressed and asking for prayer. We are commanded to pray for one another and I wondered if this was another test to see if I truly do pray. I am an intercessor. Abba created me that way. I prayed.

For about a week the woman contacted me randomly via text, asking for prayer. She is a health care worker, but she was complaining of being very down, but not able to tell me why. I did not push it. The Lord knew so all I had to do was pray and leave it with Abba.

Yet, I sensed that something was off but I did not know what. Since these two were close friends with the leaders, and according to the Bible, I did mention the fornication to them. If between us, we could shine forth with the love of God, then we can stop the enemy in his tracks.

I informed them that I was going to meet with our friends in two days, and asked them to pray all would go well. They promised to pray. Later that night, I got a text asking if I would edit a letter that the woman’s husband was putting together.

Knowing he’s an educated man, I doubted his letter needed editing. I began to say so, then halted…after some hesitation, I agreed, and later wished I had not. Once I read the letter, all the pieces began to fall into place. It became apparent that these two couples had had some kind of falling out.

It explained why ‘suddenly’ this couple were interested in being a friend to me. It explained the woman’s deep ‘depression’. What could have possibly happened? These couples went hiking together, out on picnics and camping together. They were close friends. It was not until after I had read the letter (the contents of which took me completely by surprise), and took time to digest it all, did I realize it was not written to “update” brethren on the refuge.

From my perspective, the letter was written to cause division; to rip apart the Friday night meetings and to tear down any and all interest in the refuge. It was to turn people against each other.

The author of the letter had obviously written it out of spite and vengeance, from a place of hurt, anger and pride. Apparently the (author of letter) had worked very closely with the ‘leader’ and knew much about the purchased land.

The letter was written to expose the leaders, and accuse them of lies, deception, underhanded business deals, manipulation of funds and a slew of other troublesome complaints.

He was sending this letter out to about 50 people who were apparently on Telegram in an “online group” about the refuge (I was not part of the online group, nor was I on social media.)

The bitterness of the man was hidden until near the end, at which point, anger and pride reared its ugly head. Just as Jesus exposed Judas in days gone by, He was exposing the spirit of Judas again.

Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall give this piece of bread, when I have dipped it. And when He had dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. [Jn 13:26]

Interestingly, just as Judas walked with Jesus, ate with Him, fellowshipped and was close for three years, so was the author of the letter with the ‘leader’ of Friday night worship for three years, ate with him, walked and fellowshipped. He was part of the ‘inner circle’.

Crucify Him

He sold his friend out with a letter to the group of people he invited into his home on Fridays. What happened between them, I do not know, but it must have been serious. Although the letter began professionally and was worded as if he was for his friend, by the end of the letter, his emotions and real intent showed. It was like he was silently shouting out to the crowd, “Crucify him!”

It was a lengthy letter, very detailed. He betrayed his friend. He betrayed the whole group because it was obvious that his “letter of truth” was intended to divide the Friday night group meeting apart, and to squash the plan for the refuge. Such bitterness!

He also took it upon himself to mention how wrong it was for the leaders to allow fornication in the home. That bothered me because the man had either been too fearful to confront his ‘friend’ with such a negative topic before, or he did not think it was worth mentioning.

Yet, now that they had had a falling out and he was full of bitterness, he suddenly had the courage to speak of the danger the couple were facing by disobeying God’s Word, or by compromising it.

It is the love of God through the Holy Spirit that moved upon me to speak to the leaders (who had been good friends) regarding fornication. No, it was not something I wanted to do, but God prepares His people and gives them the strength to do His will – but let NONE touch His glory.

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. [Prov 27:6]

The Bible establishes the proper protocol for working out delicate situations, which was previously mentioned. If the writer of the letter wants to bring up the fornication, then he needs to be willing to follow God’s format, but instead, he skipped the protocol.

Moreover, if your brother shall trespass against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone: if he shall hear you, you have gained a brother. But if he will not hear you, then take with you one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it to the church: but if he neglects to hear the church, let him be to you as a heathen man and a publican. [Mat 18:15-17]

I was endeavouring to carry it out scripturally. I had spoken to my friend, the woman, but she brushed it away with an [unsatisfactory] explanation. So, I set an appointment to speak with both her and her husband (since it was her husband’s son from his first marriage). The day was approaching, and what happened? Satan sent out this letter through a bitter man.

He and his wife knew of the meeting. I had thought they would speak with them too, but that was before I knew that their relationship had obviously crumbled to the ground, and was being trodden upon by angry souls.

Hearts Are Tried in Areas of Our Weaknesses, Not Strengths

The second day after the letter was circulated, I met with the couple as had been arranged. When we met, I asked if we could pray…they nodded. I prayed asking the Lord to be among us, to give me the words, to give us all strength.

I began with the same details I had told my friend, the wife of the leader, explaining that I was not condemning anyone, as I myself had lived common-law and had committed fornication in my lifetime. I was not proud of my sins, but Christ forgave and cleansed me.

It was also explained that when my eldest daughter wanted to live with her boyfriend at our home, even though I was not committed to Jesus (Yeshua), there were two younger siblings in the home, and I had to set an example on the standards we are to live by.

With my daughter wailing and weeping upstairs as she packed (we’ve always been close), and me wailing and weeping downstairs knowing she had decided to go with the boyfriend rather than stay home, I knew it was the hard but right thing to do.

Now, 18 years later, the youngest is married with three children, and my eldest girl and 30-year-old son live by themselves.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. [Prov 22:6]

I explained to the leaders that as Christians, we have to do as the Bible exhorts us, which is to lead by example. The male leader (remember, these were good friends of mine for three years, going on four) stated (as his wife had) how when they were in their sinful state, before they married four years earlier, the Lord had taught, led and blessed them, even in their sin. Yes, but we should not tempt God.

I believed it was because they were seeking Him and trying to learn about Him, like a child who knows nothing and needs guidance. (They had both been married before, and were a blended family.) But I explained that once they understood, it became their responsibility to teach their children.  

And is it not just like the devil or flesh to try and make one feel guilty, as if the sin were mine? “Why did you wait so long to say something?” came the irritated question, to which I answered, “Well, it’s only been a couple of months.”

Apparently not. Apparently, his son had been living with his girlfriend a year and before that his daughter was living there with her boyfriend before they moved out. I said I never saw his daughter’s boyfriend stay, but evidently, he did. I stated that I was only aware of his son’s living arrangements with the girl the past couple of months…but it was told that it was longer.

Well, I only first noticed a couple of months ago,” I stated. How is that my responsibility now, anyway? (It was a silent question within me, not a spoken out one.) Whose heart is being tried here? How is this being flipped around onto me?

Out of love, I wanted to warn them to obey the word of God. The male became aggravated and said he was not kicking his son out of the house. Then, his wife brought up the letter.

He that loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me: and he that loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he that takes not his cross, and follows after Me, is not worthy of Me

[Mat 10:37, 38]

There is a cost, but mostly what I hear these days is “Jesus understands”, or, “God sees the heart”. Yes, He understands alright, He sees the heart clearly, but we can deceive ourselves and make mighty excuses that will be as wood, hay and stubble on judgment day.

It is likely because the author of the letter had mentioned fornication, that my friend (the leader’s wife) asked me if I had known about the letter (because they knew that those on Telegram all got the letter, including themselves, but I was not on any platform).

I hesitated because this is where I sensed their friend (the author of the letter) set me up, knowing they would wonder how it was that HE mentioned fornication in the letter, yet had never spoken to them about it. God is exposing (revealing), and every heart is being tried.

Knowing God was listening, I knew I could not lie, so I said yes, and that I had been asked to edit the letter. That was the spark that lit the fire. That is when I found out that no one else had mentioned anything to them, so it seemed I was the only one that seemed bothered by their son being with his girlfriend. (fornicating)

Her husband was livid, as he asked, “And you never warned us about the letter?” I stated that the letter had just been sent out to me the ‘night before yesterday’. I prefer to speak face to face, but (the author of letter) knew about our meeting, and sent the letter out before we met.

Then the confirmation came, and it stung. “He set you up and you fell for it! Get out of here! Get out and don’t ever come back.” This was what the Father wanted to reveal to me.

I was told not to call, visit, email or text. I left…and have not returned. That was seven months ago. It was not just me they severed from their lives that day. They made it clear that their relationship with their son and what he thinks of them, and how he feels is more important than Jesus/Yeshua, who is to be our first love.

Even the Word of God took second place to their son that day. And such are many who place themselves in positions of leadership. They speak of responsibility, accountability, being examples, obedience, and onward, yet how many actually live up to what they teach.

Of how much sorer punishment do you suppose, shall he be thought worthy, who has trodden underfoot (trampled upon) the Son of God, and has counted (as ordinary) the blood of the covenant, by which he was sanctified, an unholy thing and has done despite unto (insulted) the Spirit of grace? [Heb 10:29]

There we see a prime example of sin hidden in plain sight within the camp, and no one who loves the Lord wanted to say anything. Why? What will some say when they stand before God? We can speak to people without condemning them, but we need to warn them at the very least. If we say we love someone and do not warn them of eternal danger, then our love is shallow, even superficial.

You hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying, These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honour Me with their lips; but their heart is far from Me. But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines, the commandments of men. [Mat 15:7-9]

The heart of my friends had been tested and they made their choices. The comfort of their son was more important than obedience to God’s Word. So much for accountability, responsibility and leading by example.

Be therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us, and has given Himself for us as an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour.

But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becomes saints; [Eph 5:1-3]

My friend chose to make me an enemy, but I am no enemy. I simply wanted to obey the Lord by walking in love, and whether I liked it or not, warn a Christian that they were compromising, and in danger of leaving the narrow path. The rest is between them and God.

 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. [Mat 5:44-45]

The Hidden Message in the First Dream

Now the reader can see how the first dream with the three horses related to the scenario just mentioned. I was indeed the horse causing the ruckus, but not in a threatening, violent or harmful way. I was merely protesting their behaviour (in the dream).

The fact that they were married explains why in the dream the two horses were obviously closer to each other than others in the herd.

It is clear why division became a reality in the dream, and why the other two horses were disgruntled. It explains the disunity, and why they pulled away and went separately from the white horse. What is interesting was that somehow in the dream, I knew the three had been close at one time.

Yet, when they pulled away, I knew the separation was permanent, but the peace that was present over the horse is what struck me. That is the grace of God, and I believe that is the peace that passes all understanding when all who are His are obedient to His will.

One quick comment about the writer of the letter that was sent out to the group plus. The whole thing seemed more about pride and revenge on a severed relationship with a one-time close friend than it was about a ‘brother in Christ’ warning the ‘Body of Christ’, as he had initially said the letter was about.

Neither he (author of letter) nor his wife, nor anyone else from the Friday meetings had spoken to the leaders, except myself, about the fornication. I found that out the night I met with my (then) friends, the leaders…and they were NOT pleased.

I will not even bother to speculate why the author of the letter suddenly decided to text me after three years of no communication outside of the Friday night meetings.

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned, and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. [Rom 16:17, 18]

The rest of the dream, I believe, revealed the condition of the church today. It is not as strong as it once was, and the heart of our King and Lord is grieved. Before Covid hit, for many, church was more for socializing than for assembling together for worship.

Now, more are meeting ‘online’, which is more socializing. We see those who are not genuinely interested in those who are new converts, or those who are ‘broken’, spiritually ‘disabled’ some way and need healing, deliverance and restoration.

When those who love the Lord first try to obey the second commandment to love your neighbour will find themselves rejected and standing alone, separated from the false brethren. We are witnessing those who are lukewarm, and the Lord Himself is causing a separation, a dividing line – but it is for the good of the remnant.

Jesus said he would spit the lukewarm out of His mouth. [Rev 3:14, 15] The lukewarm do not seek His presence, and do not abide in the Lord. Their prayers are shallow; and they cannot see His hand extended.

Many tell you to be “covered” by an apostle, pastor or someone in the church. But the Lord says that ‘man’ cannot ‘cover’ us; only His Spirit can. [Is 30:1] Too much focus is on entertainment and ‘pep talks’ (the ‘better you’) than in prayer, travailing for the lost, hurting and broken.

When we seek God, when we repent, He forgives us and changes our filthy rags for clean, fine robes of righteousness, Messiah Jesus’. The Lord begins a good work in us, body, soul and spirit. First the inside of the cup is cleansed, then the outward.

First the beam has to be removed from our eye so that we can help our brother or sister with the splinter in their eye. That is why no one could discern what was wrong with the ‘disabled’ girl; they could not ‘see’.

The girl was enjoying the presence of God, and she fellowshipped with Jesus. The majority of the people were off in the fields socializing, not planting, watering or reaping. The disabled girl who was spiritually wounded and emotionally crippled (which I saw as part of me) was fully delivered, healed and restored by Jesus/Yeshua, and she walked completely covered in His Spirit (glass vs. plastic) and in His presence (blue) – as one.

The obedient who cleave to the Lord are ONE in Him, and bear much [good] fruit because they are branches that are nourished by the Vine.

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, except you abide in Me. I AM the vine; you are the branches:

He that abides in Me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without Me, you can do nothing. [Jn 15:4, 5]

The first dream on brokenness reveals the state of all of us until Christ comes and lives in us. It reveals the difference between an intimate relationship with the Lord and one where it is all for show, lip service, and socializing.

The majority were socializing, out in the field and FEW were living for Jesus/Yeshua.

Let it not be said of us, brethren. Hold fast to the Vine, and glorify Him with good fruit.

All Pieces Fall into Place When We are in God’s Will

When we seek the Lord and are sincere about doing and being in His will, everything falls into place. There may be minutes of anticipation and moments of wonder, but the overall motion of unfolding falls into place too smoothly, or at the least, too quickly for any doubt to linger. See [Is 55:11]; God’s Word is true. Amen

As of now, I have left beautiful B.C. (the province [home] of my heart), and have stopped in the next province temporarily before I move on across the country. This is why (in part) the delays in my postings.

I wept a couple of times about leaving, as two of my three children were born here, yet even before that, it always seemed to be the home of my heart. But in truth, it is more important for me to be in God’s will than my own will, for I have failed myself (and the Lord) more than I care to admit.

Age has had its way and I am older now, hopefully wiser, yet still not ‘arrived’. God never fails. I can still fail at something, but our Lord will never fail us. Before I knew it, I was looking forward to beginning the long haul that lay ahead of me. But God!

It had been a long two months of selling belongings, giving things away, deciding what to keep and what to let go…and just – preparing for my own personal exodus. All I own is in the back of my 2003 SUV; and I have all that I need materially (though I will always need our Messiah Jesus, always).

So long as the good Lord is with me, that is what all of us need constantly, all of us. Bless the Lord, my first love; my everything! As I’ve often stated, we will not always understand why the Lord has us do what we may not want to do sometimes, but we can rest confidently, not only sure of His agape love but His wisdom.

These are all things we learn along the way, if we are willing and submissive. As others in this world, I have suffered with trust issues, which began with betrayal (and much more) in the orphanage, and then later, with my parents, the kidnapping, trusting abusive men, and other wrong choices throughout life.

Nowhere did I have guidance, but God changed all that.

When it came to God/Jesus, I found my trust to be less than I thought, much to my shame. Though some so hastily condemn me, God sees deeper. Even the disabled girl represented me in the spiritually wounded, emotionally crippled sense – so very humbling, yet God’s people are so often rejected by even those who call themselves Christians.

Forgive Yourself

Many are confused as I was, saying, “But Lord, I have forgiven everyone that has done me wrong…to the best of my intent and ability, I have, Lord.” And in a firm, yet gentle tone, He asks, “What about yourself? You have not forgiven yourself.”I don’t know how to…Lord.”

He will help us because this is a problem that so many suffer from. It is as if it is easier to forgive everyone else, but when it comes to ourselves, we have a very difficult time.” But when the Lord says we must forgive to be forgiven (by our heavenly Father), we MUST forgive ourselves also.

We see it all throughout the Bible, see it in today’s society; and for many, witness it in their own lives. Jesus said, We are not greater than the Master. We will suffer at times, as He did (yet never to the depth He did; what a warrior our Lord is).

And now, through all He has allowed in my life, but mostly by His love, patience, steadfastness and particularly, His acceptance of me, I have learned to trust Him wholly – thanksgiving and praise belong to Jesus/Yeshua.

It is extremely important that each one of us follows the Lord’s leading in these tumultuous times, and not our own leadings. Even those who love us may guide us inaccurately. Only God is omniscient. I have a sense that something horrible is coming to BC, and I keep thinking earthquake and tsunami.

There are many ‘dormant’ volcanoes in B.C. too, and many dormant volcanoes worldwide are awakening. That’s not a word from the Lord; it is something I have felt in my spirit for awhile. It has not ‘yet’ been confirmed. God is in control.

As stated, He taught me to trust again, and if any of us are to trust anyone, guaranteed we can trust our Creator, who loves and cares for those who are His! There is no doubt in my mind that we have truly entered the last of the last days that the prophets of antiquity foretold as they warned those who would listen.

They were mocked, ridiculed, accused of blasphemy and more, tortured, and some even killed. Nevertheless, following the lead of the Holy Spirit, faithful prophets, scribes and even apostles painstakingly wrote down all they were moved to write.

The majority passed on before ever seeing their prophecies fulfilled. Even today, it is difficult for us to patiently wait on a prophetic word to come to fruition. We have seen many of the old prophecies come to pass, but now we are watching prophecies speedily lining up. None of us, including the most brilliant scholars and theologians have it all figured out.

We watch, anticipate, and begin to place pins on the global map as events unfold. All eyes are upon Israel and her enemies, as they surround her. Prayers go up to our heavenly Father, yet we are hard-pressed in praying, not desiring to pray against prophecy, yet groaning over that which must come, according to God’s Word.

The heart of God’s children is to stay in His will; and lean on His strength. There is no room for compromise or disobedience to God’s commandments. We have to shut out all temptation, negative words and thoughts, especially with knowing that step by step, things work out perfectly when we remain in God’s will.

Therefore, take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? Or, what shall we drink? Or, how shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek): for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. [Mat 6:31-33]

Not only will we have peace when we are in His will (which does NOT mean ‘trouble-free’ necessarily, as we live in a fallen, sinful, corrupted world); nevertheless, obedience establishes peace, and as a result of obedience, everything continues to fall into place.

Despite the Odds

Just before I left there was a critical storm warning in place for travelers going through the mountains from B.C. travelling east. Fear tried to consume me. I prayed, and I also watched YouTube videos of the unfamiliar roads, in order to prepare myself. From watching videos, I became confident that I could handle the terrain, having driven BC roads for some years. Fear departed.

I prayed because I needed to overcome any fears, as I only had a week to go. Faithful Jesus

Well, dear reader, I am pleased to report that for the entire trip, hundreds of miles, some of which was through mountainous terrain with several mountain tunnels (because parts of the TransCanada [Hwy 1] remained closed due to construction, which meant a detour an hour and a half out of my way), the trip was fantastic weather-wise.

I have heard that Roger’s Pass is an extremely high. Even with the additional hour plus detour, I had no snow, no ice, no rain, no fog, no mudslides, no avalanches (and yes, one has to pass several of those marked zones (Avalanche area) through the mountains), no accidents – nothing – nothing but sunny skies and clear roads. Now THAT dear people, is God! (…and my heart is filled with gratitude)

Other times there is a bridge protecting the highway.

A Call to Holiness

There was a second dream I had on March 20, 2022, which I will get to in the next post. The Lord is speaking through many of us I am sure about the condition of the church, rebellion that is rampant, and the lukewarm, hearts waxing cold and the escalating apostasy taking place.

But what is that we hear in the spiritual realm?

The remnant hear the ram’s horn, and the call to holiness. This, dear saints, is the time to be set apart. Yes, when you are walking holy, set apart, you will be noticed. Do not expect it to be a popular stance in this day of increasing evil, but it is better to be honoured by God than by man.

Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name: bring an offering and come before Him: worship the Lord in the beauty of HOLINESS. [1Chron 16:29]

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a HOLY nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of HIM who has called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light: [1Pet 2:9]

for His glory alone
