
Saturday, July 3, 2021

Prepare Beloved


Prepare Beloved

I kept getting the word “prepare” heavily upon my spirit for the past couple of weeks. Of course, I let the precious and Holy Spirit know that I wholly agreed in my heart to absolutely prepare for whatever the Lord meant, whether good or bad. But when I was not told what to prepare for, naturally I asked…only to be met with silence.

As days passed, I went about my business, keeping an open ear, watching and praying. I had no idea what was meant by “prepare”. Did it mean “prepare for the fruition of the long-awaited promises, my personal covenant”? (Many others have promises they wait upon also.)  I would smile when I thought, “finally!” More days passed…

Am I to prepare for something bad? I had seen a white van about a week ago. On the back was writing about a motorcycle racing club, but on the side of the white van was a painting of a black and white coiled cobra or viper with angry eyes, risen up (standing tall with a coiled tail), with its mouth wide open.

Out of its forked tongue were two flashes of lightning. Anyone who has been following the blog lately knows that it is how the Lord has been warning me since late July 2020 (almost a year ago). 

From July 2020, when I first saw the white car with a red, black and white snake (viper), and then again in February 2021.

Then seeing the “dragon car” twice as well, with the last time being early last month, May 2021. What was with this van that had the snake painted on the side. I have ideas, but they are personal. I did not have my cell with me, so I was unable to take a picture.

Yet, I sensed it was no mistake that I did not have my cell for its camera. No fear or sense of warning came to me. In my spirit, I sensed the “snake” (symbolic of the adversary, Satan) was angry at the Lord. When I saw the two lightning bolts coming out of its mouth, yes, I thought of foul anger, but deep within my spirit, I quietly heard Messiah’s words.

And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding, in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven. [Lk10:18-20]

Ah, the enemy learns or sees how the Lord speaks to us individually (so personally), so beautifully, according to our individual personalities, such a personal Creator and Saviour. But that ancient serpent, Satan, becomes envious, and desires to bring us back into captivity (if the Lord has already delivered us, as He has me), and hold us in bondage again to a spirit of fear.

[NOTE*: Edit added: Delivered from cigarettes 1 year, 9 weeks, 3 days as of this writing; the glory to Jesus - BP]

He will try every way he knows how, but praise be to Yeshua (our Jesus), who sent the Holy Spirit in His place. He resides in those born-again, causing us to be Spirit-filled.

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world. [1Jn 4:4]

 Shout it from the rooftops. Hallelujah! The devil is defeated; all glory to Yeshua, my Jesus! King of kings and Lord of lords …He is soon returning!

No one knows the day or hours, none... except God in heaven! [Mat24:36]

Faithfulness of our God

Another week passes, more prayer, more waiting, no answer on what to prepare for. This morning I awake, and I give the glory to the precious and Holy Spirit for leading me. It has been heavy upon my heart to DISCIPLINE (yes, discipline) myself to seek God when I first get up, to start my day with Him, to show Him that I love Him FIRST, and love Him with all my heart, soul and being.

So, I sat at the table in the kitchen and just began with, “Here I am, Lord. You tell us to seek you… I’m here seeking you Yeshua, just to be with you.” It may not be precisely the same words, but very close to it.

Then, I began to call out to the living God, who rules over all the universes, who is Sovereign over all the heavens, and all the heavenly hosts in them (angels, stars, planets), all the waters, and the entire earth – that which is under the earth and the oceans, the waters, and all that is within and that is above.

“All the stars are at Your command, Jesus. You tell them to stay and they stay; You speak a word and they shoot off, or fall, as You so will it; however You command it. All creatures, all things are at your command. Speak to me Father…please fill Me more Holy precious Spirit of the Sovereign living God; please tell me what it is that you want me to prepare for, and I will do it. I’m listening…”

I waited a moment…silence. Grabbing the Bible, I randomly opened at the book of Acts, chapter 4. Part way down the page, my eyes fell upon the scriptures. As what I was reading registered in my brain, I burst out into tears. “O Father, Yeshua…you really are here! You really do listen…”

This was the scripture.

And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord and said, Lord, You are God, which has made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that is in them: [Act 4:24]

No, it was not my exact words, but my heart soared. The tears of joy fell automatically because they were from the shock, I reckon. Yes, the Lord has done things like this oftentimes before, but does it not still amaze us? It does me! It always puts me into the state of awe, a gentle reminder of reality and intimacy of the Lord, and His deep desire to spend time with each and every one of us!

Perhaps I was feeling ignored deep within. I’m not sure why I burst out so suddenly and powerfully; just a burst of genuine gratitude and love for my Maker. His goodness; His faithfulness.

But watch this (
as if that weren’t enough). The Holy Spirit brought to remembrance a book that a fellow believer had recently mentioned to me. She had just given me 2 Chronicles, chapter 12, but no particular verse. So, I decided to read the short chapter.

Now there was no way I had mentioned to this sister that the Lord had put the word “prepare” upon my spirit for the past couple of weeks. She had just texted a couple of things to me about something we had discussed the last time we saw each other, which had been about three weeks ago. Then, before she signed off, she mentioned a few scriptures and asked if I had one for her. I gave her Isaiah 64:4.

Merciful, Forgiving God

Chapter 12 of 2 Chronicles is about Rehoboam and how he forsook the law of the Lord, as did all of Israel along with him. Five years passed and the king of Egypt came against Jerusalem because they had all transgressed against the Lord.

Shemaiah, a prophet of God, came to the king (Rehoboam) and to the princes of Judah with the message that the Lord had forsaken them and left them in the hand of king from Egypt because they had forsaken Him. Immediately the people humbled themselves before God.

Even after FIVE long years of ignoring Yahweh, He immediately shows mercy and tells them through His prophet, Shemaiah, that He will not destroy them or pour out His wrath upon them. He said He would grant ‘some’ deliverance. He decreed that they would have to serve King Shisak from Egypt.

King Rehoboam also humbled himself and the Lord spared him from his wrath also. However, the king of Egypt took the treasures from the temple and all the shields of gold that Solomon had made, and Rehoboam instead could only have shields of brass.

But Rehoboam’s repentance wasn’t sincere, or at least, it did not last. And here is the verse that LIT UP in my eyes; like a neon light, the words seem to jump off the page.

Our Lord has been crying out to His people for a very long time now; and in fact, I was one of the ones who came under conviction and His correction. These were the next words in the chapter, regarding the insincerity of Rehoboam.

And he did evil, because he PREPARED NOT his heart to SEEK the Lord. [2Chron 12:14]

Wow! Is the Lord not a good God? I know the Holy Spirit was leading me. It has been posted in several articles now, but the Lord Yahweh is most serious. SEEK Him, whilst He can still be found. He desires intimacy. He longs to direct our steps as a good Abba, as a good Shepherd, but first we must come into His presence and HEAR what it is He is saying.

I continued on reading. I pass through chapter 13, which speaks about the destruction of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians. It goes on about king Abijah and the war with Jeroboam. The 14th chapter starts with Abijah being buried in the city of David and Asa, his son, taking over to reign.

Asa did good in the eyes of the Lord, tearing down the altars of idols and destroying their images. But Asa commanded Judah to SEEK the Lord god of their fathers, and to DO the law and commandments.

The Lord, in His goodness, saw to it that no war came for several years because His people sought God and Yahweh gave them rest. Right now, many of God’s people need rest. I thank Him for the Sabbath, a day that was made for us, not us being made for the day. The Lord knew we would need rest, and in these stressful, chaotic days, we all need rest from time to time, so that we can regroup, refresh ourselves, be strengthened.

But we won’t get that rest without spending time in His presence and in His Word. Fact.

Back to chapter 14. During that time of rest, Asa had an army of men make thousands of shields and bows. Then, the Ethiopians came against Asa and Judah. Asa cried out to the Lord and the Lord delivered them; the Ethiopians fled.

Why? Because Asa had made a habit of seeking God, of staying close to Him, in times of quiet, when all was well…and not just crying out to Him when things go awry. Asa and his armies pursued and they overcame their enemies, destroying them and gathering much spoil of cattle, sheep, camels and all that was in the cities that they had victory over.

The Lord Gives Reminders

The Bible is full of examples and rich with instruction. In chapter 15 of 2nd Chronicles, we read:

And he went out to meet Asa, and said to him, Hear me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin; The Lord with you, while you be with Him, and if you SEEK him, He will be FOUND of you; but if you forsake him, He will forsake you. [2 Chron 15:2] (spoken by Oded, the prophet)

Further on:

Be strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded. [vs 7]

The Lord gave them victory in many things. Then, it is written:

And they entered into a covenant to SEEK the Lord God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul: That whosever would NOT SEEK the Lord God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. [vs 12]

(They rejoiced with musical instruments and shouting…)

And all Judah rejoiced at the oath: for they had sworn with all their heart, and SOUGHT Him with their WHOLE DESIRE: and He was found of them: and the Lord gave them REST round about. [15:15]

Same Always

If the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever [Heb 13:8], which He is, then, when He instructs His people to “seek Him”, we need to listen. In 2 Chronicles 12, Rehoboam was considered evil because he did not even PREPARE his heart to seek God (after humbling himself, which – did not last).

Can you imagine? The Lord sees our lack of desire to seek Him as evil, and to not even prepare his heart to seek God would mean that the thought did not even enter his mind. Rehoboam never even considered setting time aside to SEEK God or be in His most holy presence!

One of the talks Yeshua (Jesus) had with His disciples covered many things, such as giving, how to pray, when He taught them (and us indirectly) the Lord’s prayer. He spoke about fasting, treasures in heaven and how God dresses the lilies in the field and how even Solomon wasn’t dressed so finely. He admonishes the people not to be anxious for anything, including clothes, or what they will eat or drink.

Then, He said:

(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek): for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things.

But SEEK FIRST the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Therefore, take no thought for tomorrow: for tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. [Mat 6:33,34]

As I stated, it has been the past two or three weeks that I have been making more of an effort to discipline myself into spending more TIME with my Lord. It is so easy to fall into habits, or to start the day with “urgent” things to get out of the way; things that ‘must be’ done.

And sure enough, before I know it, a good part of the day is gone. Even if I have spoken to the Lord off and on throughout the entire day, which I always do, it is not the same as sitting down, kneeling, bowing, dancing, singing, offering thanksgiving…spending quality time without interruptions or distractions.

Calling His People

So yes, I give the glory to the Lord, for the Holy Spirit leading me to come to Him first thing in the morning, and to confirm that the Lord IS CALLING HIS PEOPLE! He has been calling for some time. It must be that many of us are procrastinating or delaying, or worse yet, figure that we have been loyal enough. But are we?

Do we behave and speak like He is our first love? The beast system will definitely test that in us. COVID and its restrictions has certainly tested us. This is nothing compared to what’s coming. In my province, we can go into stores (public places) without masks now. Next province over, they cannot, not yet.

How can the Lord instruct us if we are talking to Him in-between our duties, or if we pray when things are going wrong with us, our family or our friends…or if someone else asks us to pray? I know that I know that I know that He is calling us to spend quality time with Him. I can excuse myself and say I ‘try to discipline’ myself. Or I DO IT!

I choose the latter. The Lord has been incredibly faithful and true, not just to me, but with brethren that I know, and also those I do not know. Whenever He asks something of us, it is typically for our good, and in it, He will be glorified.

But if we choose to turn a deaf ear, then it is on us.

If I do not tell others, as a watchman, to seriously take control of things by surrendering that time with God – or – reap the consequences, then your blood is upon my hands (or the blood of those I fail to tell). 

However, if you read this, or if I tell you (and Lord help you, if especially it is confirmed through another), and you still ignore what He is asking, then your blood is upon your own head.

If when he (the watchman) sees the sword come upon the land, he blows the trumpet, and warns the people, then whosever hears the sound of the trumpet and takes NOT warning; if the sword come, and takes him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.

He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that takes warning shall DELIVER HIS SOUL.

But if the watchman sees the sword come, and blows not the trumpet and the people are NOT warned; if the sword come, and take ANY person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity (sin); but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand. [Ezek 33:4-6]

Please take time to pray and ask the Lord if He is asking you to SEEK Him more intimately, to come in the morning to your FIRST LOVE and REST in His presence. 

See and hear what He will say to you, but we cannot rush off. Take time to read the Word, sing, pray…however you are so led. May the Lord bless you in all that you set your hand to, to glorify Him through His Son, Yeshua/Jesus.

A New Day

This day began first thing with the Lord as well. All glory to Yeshua; thank You Holy Spirit.

Lead me in Your truth, and teach me: for You are the God of my salvation; on You do I wait all the day. Teach me Your way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies [Ps 25:5; Ps 27:11]

Since 2012, the Lord has mentioned the clash of the kingdoms. After Obama was elected the second time, that still, soft voice deep within said: “Now It Begins”. I knew that the Lord meant it was now the beginning of the slippery slope that heads right into the great tribulation, chaos and beast system of the last of the last days that the Bible foretells all those who take time to read.

The scriptures I was led to:

O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endures forever. [1Chron 16:]

And say, Save us O God of our salvation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen, that we may give thanks to Your holy name, and glory in Your name. [v 35]

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel forever and ever. And all the people said, Amen, and praised the Lord [v 36]

And with them Heman and Jeduthun, and the rest that were chosen, who were expressed by name, to give thanks and the Lord because His mercy endures forever. [vs 41]

O Abba, Abba – let your rain fall in this desert land…

He’s Alive and Listening

I decided to continue reading scripture, but also wanted Christian music in the background, so I chose to pull up a playlist on YouTube with Robin Mark and his album Revival in Belfast.

Only THIS is the LORD. Seriously! I was reading this morning, July 3, 2021 (sabbath) the book of Nehemiah.

Stand up and bless the Lord your God, for ever and ever: and blessed be Your glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise. [Neh 9:5]

Right then, the song, Blessed Be Your Name began on the playlist. I know it sounds surreal, but you (kind of) get used to it, when the King is your Abba. But then again, I don’t know if we ever actually get used to it because gasped, giggled, giving thanks and singing along with the song.

Well, who knows exactly how it will go down, but it truly is a glorious time! Coincidence? Call it that if you like, but I heard somewhere once that coincidence is God working anonymously.

You, even You, are Lord alone: You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the sea, and all that is therein, and You preserve them all: and the host of heaven worships You.

You are the Lord, the God who did choose Abram, and brought him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees, and gave him the name of Abraham. And found his heart faithful before You and made a covenant with him […] [Neh 9:6-8]

The way the Lord leads each of us is differently. To all of us He speaks through His written Word. That is a given. Nevertheless, what I speak of is how He made each of us so uniquely. Yes, we share commonalities, or similarities, but we are not carbon copies. Even identical twins have differences.

There was a peace of paper stuck in-between the pages of one of my bibles that I had on the table. Written on it were little nuggets.

Trust – soon – healed, restored, reversals, re-created – walk in gifts [given]

Prepare – (yes, believe it or not, there was that word again…and then) >:> As the earth’s inhabitants spin out of control, know that I AM in control. Know, reflect upon and wonder at My Sovereignty.

Remember these days with humility (for humility is ever before honour). If you doubt, read again about Job, Namaan the leper and Lazarus (the deceased who was resurrected).

Just a little longer, then “suddenly” – for that is how I operate. You know what to do – sing, praise, give thanks, fast and pray. These you have done in the past; follow the lead of My Spirit. Now WAIT.

Appointed times – appointed times – times are appointed

Words for June 13, 2021

Hold fast (to faith)

Trust not fear

Sin of doubt is when it causes you to fall into unbelief (those who do not believe God’s word or promises)

Appointed time (these things (all things) at the right time shall increase in intensity and frequency, as birth pangs)

Time appointed


Lift shield of faith

Warriors not wimps (cowards) 

[Note*: Edit added: Remember the 22,000 fearful and afraid in Gideon's army who walked away from battle and returned home; only 10,000 stayed [Judges 7:3] BP]

Repeating Isaiah 55 vs 11

So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. [Is 55:11]

Special Delivery from the Rose of Sharon

But there is a God in heaven that reveals secrets, and makes known to [you] what shall be in the latter days […]  [Dan 2:28]

For have you wearied in believing your life is a desert life, with nothing but dryness and hopelessness stretched out far ahead, and nothing but the sands of time rippling in uneven, haphazard rows behind you, seemingly random and without pattern?

Can you not see the oasis of hope where My promises flourish over the parched land you travel? Have I not walked with you and often carried you, when your strength failed and life made you dizzy? Can you not see with your spiritual eyes? Has the enemy tossed you to and fro so fiercely that the “sands of time” have temporarily blinded your eyes?

Has he seduced you into pacing back and forth like a caged animal? Has he beguiled you into believing I have turned My eyes away from you, or that I have forgotten you along the shores of hope? Do you feel like one grain of sand amidst the unsearchable and innumerable grains of sand upon that same shore?

Have you aborted the vision with the instruments of deception that the enemy planted in your mind? Or did you toss out the tainted weaponry smeared in unbelief and come running to Me? Look and see; My arms are open, yet many are they that have no time for Me.

I say, Come, seek Me whilst I can still be found, for there is much I long to tell you. Yet, if you find no time to be with your king, then I sorrow with you, knowing you endanger yourself – a trap is set so that many will choose to fall away in the end.

Come, come unto Me you who are weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. [Mat 11:28]

You shall see Me and find Me, when you shall search for Me with all your heart. [Jer 29:13]

Call to Me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty [terrible] things, which you know not. [Jer 33:3]

Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man shall hear My voice and open the door, I will come to Him and will sup with Him, and he with Me. [Rev 3:20]

For if you live after the flesh, you shall die: but if you through the Spirit do mortify the deed of the body, you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. [Rom 8:13-15]

Drink of Me, drink deeply for I AM the living waters that will flow from your heart. Come out of the wilderness. Don’t look back at the empty rows of the past that drift with every changing wind. Be not like Lot’s wife, who could not pull herself away from the memories and the longing for the familiar. Taste and see that I AM good.

In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink. He that believes on Me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. [Jn 7:37, 38]

This is For Someone – You Will Know (if it is for you), I Won’t

My timing is perfect. Do that which I ask you to do and I shall keep my personal covenant with you; your vision shall manifest. It does not tarry, though it tarry (seems to tarry), it will be on time.

Rise up with faith.

Believe Me for the things I say to you. I AM still the same yesterday, today and forever. [Heb 13:8] 

I have given you scriptures; I have spoken to you and given you signs. I have saved you from death; I have answered your prayers in the past. Do not fall into the wickedness of unbelief. Do not let fear grip you, for fear is not of Me.

I love you.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear because fear has torment. But he who fears is not been made perfect in love. [1Jn 4:18] Receive My love.

Every time I test you, you wonder where I am. Every time, you have cried out to me and I carried you through each time. How many times shall I test you before you will remain steadfast, unafraid and confident? Do you not see how far you have come and the times you have risen back up, or do you see only the times you fell?

Now rise up again in confidence…or stay in unbelief. Set aside lusts (lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life). Ask Me to keep you from deception. 

How do I keep you from deception? Get My word down in your heart. I protect you as you obey Me. I promised I would lead you if you trust Me with all your heart (in all things) and lean NOT to your own understanding. [Prov 3:5, 6]

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. [Mat 6:33]

Do not die in your sin. Do not die in unforgiveness; release any bitterness. Do not die in unbelief. Fear and unbelief lead to rebellion. Instead, pick up your cross and die to self. 

Stand strong. So many want to be part of the remnant, but they faint in the time of testing, right at the end of the trial. Believe Me in all circumstances, even when you do not understand.

The time has come to make a decision – no matter what happens, nothing can shake you enough to fall away IF you trust Me.

Rejoice. Do you not recall? I said that yet once more, I would shake all that could not be shaken would remain. [Read Heb 12:26, 27]

There is a cost; it is obedience – laying all of the old down. (NOTE: ‘old’ ways and lusts is what I understood BP)

Do not murmur or complain; wringing your hands and crying out, “Why, why, why? Rather determine that no matter what, you will trust in Me. No more doubts, no more fears.

Be a warrior of endurance, not a casualty of despair. Faith produces obedience to Me and My revealed word. I will direct your steps as you trust in Me, but direction requires obedience (following direction)

Feelings will betray you; but obedience brings victory. Trust Me. when I tell you a thing. Do not say, Lord God, I believe help my unbelief; but rather: “Lord, I believe your word. I hear it in my heart. I read it (truth) in your Word (Holy Scriptures), for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”

Fear the Lord for it is the beginning of wisdom. Testing is not My wrath; it is my goodness to refine you and to prove you. Commit to Me and I will guide you. Honour My word. Trust Me. Come, come unto Me…let us sit awhile.


I know the Lord corrects those He loves. I’ve lost count of the times that He has corrected me but I am grateful, for He is my Father.

There are about eight or more pages that I was going to put along with this, but instead, I am dividing it up. It will be posted tomorrow morning sometime. Please keep in mind that I am west coast (Pacific time).

for His glory alone
