
Saturday, May 9, 2020

Digging for Truth

Digging for Truth
(I have added an important section to this, so if you read it once, you may want to go down to the added section, where I am going to include some links under "For Your Discernment". 

A couple are video links, a length of about 30 minutes or less. Pray about it, then check them out, then pray again. One video was originally posted on Youtube, but was banned. It was found on another site, where link is provided.)

The Lord promised He would lead us into all truth, but there are times he wants us to pray as he causes us to dig for it. Digging for truth is not always easy. Remember when God led the prophet Ezekiel to do some digging?

And he brought me to the door of the court; and when I looked, behold a hole in the wall. Then He said to me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. And he said to me, Go in, and behold the wicked abomination that they do here.

So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, portrayed upon the wall round about.

Then said he to me, Son of man, have you seen what the ancients of the house off Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, the Lord sees us not; the Lord has forsaken the earth. He said also to me, Turn yet again, and you shall see greater abomination that they do.
[Ezek 8:7-9; 12, 13]

So yes, there are times that as the Lord leads us to truth, we must do some digging. He leads and walks with us in our search.  I wrote about something that happened to me back in January, something that "began" with scriptures that I happened upon in the Bible.

I sat on them for a day, but later that night something seemed 'off', so I prayed, but fell asleep whilst praying. The Lord had been quiet, but I was certain the scriptures were put in front of me by Him. Let me remind the reader, and to my chagrin, this is said in hindsight as well.

Satan spoke scripture to Yeshua (Jesus) during his temptation of Christ in the desert wilderness. Imagine, speaking the Word of God to "THE Word, come in the flesh" as Jesus. He also used it against Eve, twisting the meaning to cause doubt and thus deceive her.

Did I think of that when I read the scriptures I read that time? No! Then, an 'idea' came to mind that morning after I awoke, a couple ideas actually. I shook off the one idea and followed through on the second. It took all day but I was not giving it full attention; it ran in the background.

I had the leg infection then and couldn't sit long. When I did sit for an hour and a half or so, I was busy writing an article, desperately trying to get it done because of the inability to sit for long sessions. The leg needed elevating and the infection drained me, causing me to sleep more than usual.

At some point in that day, I even took off to town to take care of some errands. After writings, napping, resting with elevated legs, finally late evening came around and I carried out the idea.

The master of illusion, the prince of the power of the air is patient when he needs to be, but he was ready. I am not going into what happened, but suffice it to say, I fell for a carefully orchestrated illusion and it dearly cost me in the end.

Four months later, I am almost to the point of forgiving myself. The Lord does not condemn; He corrects. He disciplines. He does it wisely and with love, so the outcome is a lesson well-learned, not to be repeated. The consequences are fully in His hands. Sometimes we bear the consequences; other times, He grants us mercy and intervenes to correct wrongs. He is the Sovereign God.

So yes, I emphatically urge the reader to pray, wait upon God and ask for His leading, His truth and increased discernment. We are in the darkest days of deception manifested, and it is only going to increase. We cannot do it wisely or properly without Jesus (Yeshua) or the Holy Spirit. If we go simply by our own wisdom or the advice of others, it may cost dearly - perhaps even our life or the life of another.

Hidden Evils
Little did I realize when the Lord gave me a snapshot vision of a silouhette of a western stagecoach with a team of horses speeding along from the west to the east, what exactly He meant. As I saw the vision, I heard deep within my spirit, "Old diseases will be resurrected; new diseases will be introduced." I posted it (more than once over the years), but it was not my main focus. We see through a glass darkly; [...] we know only in part [...]. [1Cor 13
The Lord led the prophet Ezekiel to uncover hidden evils that were taking place in darkness in Israel. The people were certain the Lord did not see nor did he care, as far as they were concerned.

Throughout the Bible, you will find chronicles of conspiracies, plots and evil plans that wicked people, aided by unseen forces, carried out or plotted to carry out. Whether we understand or not, God allows what He allows for good reason. We have to trust Him whether it is all explained to us or not. Sometimes, He takes us one step at a time because other peoples' lives are involved also.

I am going to give enough information to whet your whistle, or pique your curiosity. The rest has been well-written out by others, so I will provide the links for you to access the material, for your discernment. Video links provided also.

Agenda 21 is a carefully worded, subtly, yet cleverly crafted plan to (in a nutshell) bring down the world population within a 10 year time frame, with plans to have it completed by 2050 (30 yrs from now). 

The Agenda 21 UN Conference took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (yes, 27 years ago) - a plan to "save the planet" by "depopulation of humanity", implemented (and signed) by 178 governments worldwide. Agenda 21 – website
Bill Gates, who has stepped down from the Microsoft board to pursue philanthropy, gave a speech at TED in 2015, where he stated, "we aren't ready for the next epidemic". The opening of the TED video begins with an exploding image that could quickly pass as a coronavirus. (pic above) Bill Gates is a strong advocate (and investor) for vaccines (and the patented viruses).

In fact, he has given $150 million (Gates for COVID19 vaccine) towards the cure because he states: "When you are dealing with a novel pathogen like COVID-19, as and when we get to identifying a successful vaccine, we are going to need billions of doses. There are seven billion people on the planet," He said. "We are going to need to vaccinate everyone. There is no manufacturing capacity to do that."  About Agenda 21: Mass

A Youtbe video was banned and taken down off their website yesterday (May 8, 2020) for violating regulations. 

Dr. Judy Mikovits virologist, researcher, scientist was interviewed regarding her arrest and her knowledge of Dr. Fauci (chief Medical advisor on Trump's Pandemic Response Team), and corruption surrounding the patent, release of the virus and more.

This site posts the banned video of Dr. Mikovits.  

Agenda 2030 is a carryover from Agenda 21. It is called Sustainable Development - Agenda 2030 (UN agenda 21 carryover)

Christiana Aguayo of AmeriasVoice interviewed Dr Judy Mitkovits_video

In Biometric news, writer Chris Burt reports on: ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines

And finally, Mike Adams of Natural News wrote: Natural News with Mike Adams Trump Pivots to Mandatory Vaccinations - Warp Speed

Take it to the Lord, present your requests and ask to be led to all truth. Pray for wisdom, increased discernment - and thank Him for His love.

All Part of the Plan

With Covid-19, the world as we knew it has changed radically. Freedoms have been denied or restricted, socializing limited and redefined. It is even dictated to us how we should “keep connected”, via social media, web cam conferences, emails, etc – basically, keep connected virtually, not physically.

Buying certain items is still limited in many places at the time of this writing (rationed, such as meats, flour, canned goods, rice, and yes, the now ‘notorious’ toilet paper). Freedom of speech has been compromised, challenged and in some instances, even discouraged or denied.

Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. remove any (or at the very least, countless) videos, comments and posts that express anything that they deem negative about the coronavirus situation, or anything that even hints of conspiracy, anything that hints at a warning or questions the motives or the accuracy of reports from globalists, mainstream media, government , Big Pharma, the WHO, Gates, CDC, etc. (the webbed pit goes deep).

Conspiracy theory only remains theory until it becomes proven valid, at which time it changes from conspiracy theory to conspiracy fact. Conspiracies do exist and always have. Some are recorded in the Bible.

One example is the sons of Jacob (Israel), Joseph’s brothers, who conspired to kill him, spurred on by their envy, jealousy and hatred. There is no doubt that God intervened because a caravan of slave merchants “happened by”, so the sinful brothers sold Joseph to them.

(Although evil was intended by others, God orchestrated it all for the good, in which He was glorified, as we learned by the end of the chronicle.)

If anyone questions the numbers of the deaths from Covid-19, or wonders why there are few reports of fatal diseases or illnesses, the videos, articles or comments may be labeled as misinfo or disinformation, or conspiratorial posited by “rebels”, “traitors” or “fugitives from justice”.

Such views or reports are often banned, removed from the web, and/or accounts terminated. The economy is struggling to survive, and is on the cutting edge of no recovery or paralyzed to such a degree as to push multitudes into poverty, bringing on another “great depression”. This is all part of the hidden (in plain sight) agenda.

So-Called Challengers of Statistics and Conspiracy Theorists
There are more questions than there are answers. A majority of the population are obedient to every ‘order’ or ‘guideline’ given by the governments. Threats of heavy fines and/or jail sentences, as well as financial rewards for those who aid governmental agencies by reporting defiant behaviour of disobedient civilians, aid in the control.

A few funeral directors in New York City have questioned the death certificates as they notice that the majority are signed stating that the cause of death is Covid-19 and not other causes. One director went so far as to say the numbers are “padded”.

It has been suggested that the reasoning behind the deceptive exaggerations (padding) are both political and financial. The more COVID deaths recorded, the more likely a city or state will receive increased federal funding.

One woman, furious at the “lie” on the death certificate of her sister (who died of Alzheimer’s, when medical staff failed to suction out unswallowed food), turned to her cousin for help, who is a Supreme Court Justice. An autopsy revealed “no COVID”.  Full report at

For Your Discernment

There are some controversial videos and articles that have absolutely divided the masses. Do you remember when I wrote about Event 201? 

The "0" in 201 is actually a globe and there are those who speculate that "Event 201" is actually "Agenda 21", renamed, and the globe added so people automatically take it as the number zero, thus calling it 2"0"1, instead of Event 21. That throws people off course, yet keeps things "hidden in plain sight", or shall it be said, "informing" the people, without actually informing them.

And who is the author of confusion? It certainly is not God (Yhvh/Yhwh)! Satan has his evil armies, both in the spiritual and the natural. Haven't heard of Agenda 21? It is a 27 year old plan, a distinct plan called "Substantial Development Goals".  (Evil goals and intents, but all in the name of security, peace, equality...put in all the fluffy sounding words that hint at "utopia", and careful not to trip over the smoke screen!)

Take Heed

The Messiah, Jesus/Yeshua, spoke gravely to His disciples regarding the end times before His return. He began his speech with this serious warning:

Take heed that no man deceive you. [Mat 24:4]

Whether we find out the truth behind all that is going on in this locked-down, chaotic time, will be up to the Lord's leading and wisdom; however, we do have the Word of God, and those who are born-again and have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit can rest in Christ, and not give in to fear and uncertainty.

We are told to watch and pray; pray without ceasing; take everything to the Lord. We have a promise given to us that when we seek first the kingdom of God, and keep Yeshua (Jesus) as our first love, God will guide us faithfully.

However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak; and he will tell you things to come. [Jn 16:13]

Day by day, step by step, and more often, moment by moment, God will lead you when you trust in Him. He never fails and he never leaves us. Nothing can separate us from his love. He will see us through these turbulent times.

This is but a precursor to the great tribulation written of in the Word of God. The Lord, in his mercy, wisdom and grace, saw fit to have chosen men, inspired by his precious and Holy Spirit to write down that which we can expect in these last of the last days before Christ’s return. Trust. Wait. Fear not.

That being said, I am reposting something from 2015, which originally was written in 2012. May the peace of the Lord envelope you and keep you stable.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. [2Tim 1:7]

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem - O America, America

A brother in Christ emailed me and made mention of a certain article. Again a reminder: I have removed well over 300 articles (from 2008 to most of 2012) from this blog to transfer to the new website. Therefore, people who have followed the blog for some time recall certain articles, but cannot find them.

At the request of this brother, I am reposting O Jerusalem, Jerusalem - O America, America. Please do note that it was written three years ago, in April 2012.  It was another break in the giving of my testimony, as led by the Lord. Part of the explanation of the article was written in Part 8 of my testimony, on the blog at that time 
[called, "First the Inside of the Cup" (not in the book form yet)].

Part 8 is also included in this posting. God goes ahead of us also. 
Ichabod means: the glory of the LORD has left Israel [because the Ark was captured by the Philistines, who then took it to the temple of Dagon, the fish god 1Sam 5].  

Phinehas was killed in battle with the Philistines and his wife went into labour. In her grief for not only the death of her husband, but for the Ark that was lost to the Philistines, she named her newborn son, Ichabod.

At the time of the following writing, when the Lord had instructed me to cut my hair, I understood that the Lord was saying His glory had been "lifted" from America, which is not to say He has departed. 

Has His glory not indeed been lifted? No prayer in schools, the introduction of the Koran (Qur'an) to schools, prisons etc, the removal of the Ten Commandments from public buildings (government offices, courthouses, schools), same sex marriages, all-time record abortions and the list goes on.

Ten Commandments
Excerpt from news article in 2001:

Federal Judge Myron Thompson of Montgomery, who ruled the monument violates the constitution's ban on government promotion of religion, said fines of about $5,000 a day could be imposed against the state if the monument were not removed.

An opposing statement:

Governor Bob Riley released a statement Thursday saying, "I have a deep and abiding belief that there is nothing wrong or unconstitutional about the public display of the Ten Commandments and disagree with the court's mandate to remove them."

To read the controversy and wave of contention that swept over those in the judicial system, you can read the full, albeit brief article by clicking the link below.


Glory Lifted
Does God lift His glory from those who turn to idolatry and more? Yes. Look at Solomon's temple, when the Lord spoke to Ezekiel [see chapter 8 vs 12]
Have you seen what the elders of the house of Israel are doing in the darkness?

What was once hidden in secrecy is now becoming much more blatant (shameless, unabashed) in the open, not just amongst unbelievers, but even within the 'church'.

God's Holy Remnant
From the beginning, God has always had a holy remnant, and so it is today. I do not believe God has left America, but His glory has been lifted. His people, His holy remnant, those who strive to walk as Jesus/Y'shua walked, obeying the Father's commands and His word are here, praying mightily, petitioning God and pleading for mankind. 

His remnant cry out to all who will hear, to turn from all unrighteousness (repent), to understand the sacrifice of Jesus/Y'shua on the cross where He spilled His innocent blood as the Lamb of God; to know that His blood washes us clean from sins and to believe that forgiveness is available; to understand that salvation is freely given.

They cry out saying that there is ONE (and only one, who is Jesus, my Yeshua) who can save them from the lake of fire, the second death - it is a very real judgment, so it is written.  

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death[Rev 21:8]

What I do believe is that His glory has been lifted, meaning His judgment is upon America, and all the nations of the world, has begun (and began some time ago, beginning with the church), as I have often written about before. 

Are America's enemies not voicing their intentions and disdain against the country, and her allies?  Is Israel not being surrounded by her enemies? Are prophecies not being fulfilled before our very eyes?

Does God not have His holy remnant people scattered throughout the nations of the world, including America? Yes, He does!  He will never leave nor forsake His people.  We need only look to His word to see His faithfulness to those who loved Him down throughout recorded history. All of which are examples to us.
He will keep the feet of His saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail. [1Sam 2:9]
The God of my rock; in Him will I trust: He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my Saviour; You saved me from violence. I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from my enemies. [2Sam 22:3, 4]
But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish (strengthen and protect) you, and keep you from evil. [2Thes 3:3]

Did Jesus/Y'shua not forewarn us of what lay ahead, not only for Israel (Jerusalem) in His day, but also for the nations far ahead, in the last of the last days? He did. For starters, one may begin in Matthew 24.

For example, after Jesus was asked what would be the "signs of His coming", He gives quite the list, and then states:
So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation (meaning the generation that witnesses all He prophesied in the previous verses - our generation now) shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.  [Mat 24:33, 34]

Have "all these things" which Yeshua spoke of happened? No, but they are unfolding before us now. Also, what of Revelation 1 (for starters)? (Emphasis is mine.)

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto Him, to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant John: 

And from Jesus Christ, who is the Faithful Witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood
And has made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 

Behold, He comes with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so; Amen.
  [Rev 1:1; vs 5-9]

Y'shua/Jesus warned His disciples, giving a prophetic utterance on the Mount of Olives (Olivet prophecy) 

And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged (weighed down) with surfeiting (carousing), and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come on you unawares (unexpectedly)
For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earthWatch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape (God's protection) all these things that shall come to pass (great tribulation; the latter days end-time events), and to stand before the Son of man. [Lk 21:34-36]

Now I will post the articles. Take everything to the Lord; we are to try every spirit to see if it is of God. He is faithful always, but especially to those who obey His word; and [He] shall lead you in all things, when you ask of Him.  Amen

O Jerusalem - O America

April 10, 2012 – [4.10.2012] – 3:19 pm

Take Up a Lamentation
What I am about to share with you will strike some as odd, perhaps even crazy.  I do understand the risk involved.  I have heard enough craziness myself, such as people who murder others and say, ‘God told me to do it.’  Let me assure you (as if it needs to be said), but the holy Creator, Yhvh/God would never advocate or condone murdering someone just for the sake of murder (unjustified, unlawful).   His desire is that all should come to repentance.

There is a plethora (overabundance, excess) of examples where people will commit sin in some form or other and say, “God” told them to do it.  Hogwash!  Yhvh never contradicts the scriptures, His holy written word.

    And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto His disciples, Why does your Master eat with publicans and sinners?
    But when Jesus heard that, He said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

But [you] go and learn what that means, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. 
[Mat 9:11-13]

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  [2Pet 3:9] 

I was continuing the writing of my testimony, but the Lord wants this word released.  Although recently I received an email with a word that states not to listen to prophecy, I will say two things.

The Lord is Sovereign.  Yes, there are false prophecies; we were forewarned by the true prophets and Yeshua/Jesus Himself.  Yet, if we are not to listen to prophecy at all, then why would the Lord state the following, both in Joel and Acts?

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit. 
[Joel 2:28,29; Acts 2:17,18]

However, we know that there are also false prophecies; Yeshua/Jesus warned us.  We are to try every spirit to see if it is of God/Yhvh.

    Quench not the Spirit.

    Despise not prophesyings.

    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Abstain from all appearance of evil. [1Thess 5:19-22]

If I end up standing alone here and writing on an unvisited site, so be it; I must do what I am asked.  However, I am confident that the Lord is gathering His people, the true believers, and many of them have written me.  I give thanks to the Father!  These ones will still be standing alongside me (in agreement), I am sure, as they belong to the true Body of Christ.

America Cut Off
About three and a half weeks ago, the Lord led me to scripture.  A certain portion of it seemed to stand out above the rest.  It registered in my spirit man.  I did not pay it much mind until about a week later, the very same scriptures presented themselves before my eyes.  

God speaks once, yea twice, but man perceives it not [Job 33:14]. 

The Lord and I have been through much together (as you, as all have), so I said, ‘Lord, are you asking me to do this?  If you are, then you will need to show me a third time.’  I knew that if He showed me these scriptures a third time, I would do as He was saying.

In 2006 (one year after I committed my life to God), the Lord led me to celebrate Passover.  Every step made me think upon Yeshua/Jesus.  It was the first time I ever celebrated it and it was the last, until this year (2012), when He once again led me to celebrate it. 

I opened up the Bible the day that I was going to celebrate it and lo and behold! There were the scriptures once again.  My heart broke… I know what the King is saying.  Here is the message:

    Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day I have even sent unto you all My servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them:

     Yet they hearkened (listened/heed/obey) not unto Me, nor inclined their ear, but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers.

    Therefore you shall speak all these words unto them; but they will not hearken (listen) to you: you shall also call unto them; but they will not answer you. 

    But you shall say unto them, This is a nation that obeys not the voice of the LORD their God, nor receives correctiontruth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth.

    Cut off your hair, O Jerusalem, and cast it away, and take up a lamentation on high places; for the LORD has rejected and forsaken the generation of His wrath. 

    For the children of Judah have done evil in My sight, says the LORD: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by My name, to pollute it. 

And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them notneither came it into My heart.   [Jer 7:25-31]

A Word from the Lord
How long have I pleaded with the people to seek Me?  How long have I been silent while the churches bring abominations into My presence, into the house called by My name; calling evil good and good evil?  How long shall you play the harlot to seduce the people?  

You heap teachers to yourselves to scratch your itching ears for you will not endure sound doctrine.  How long have I patiently listened when the prophets speak smooth things to the people and prophesy deceits? Yea and yea, judgment has begun in My own house.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
 [2Tim 4:3]
Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits  [Is 30:10]

This is a nation who has placed their hands upon their ears saying, Aha! We will not listen to this foolishness!  We do not bow down to statues; we do not sacrifice our children.

Abominations and Blood Sacrifices
Yet the blood of the innocent cries out to Me from the ground.  I AM a God of justice and judgment!  You say you do not have blood sacrifices or sacrifice children, yet you sacrifice your children by the millions and claim it is your right.  I say, Repent, return to Me, forsake your evil ways, but you will not!  I have sent My messengers to tell you to seek Me, again and again.  I held My silence until you would acknowledge your offence and seek My face, but you would not.  

    This nation has turned their back on Me. I have said, Put away your strange gods from among you and turn to Me, but you would not. 
    Yet ye have forsaken me, and served other gods: wherefore I will deliver you no more. 
Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation [Jdg 10:13, 14]

In My sovereignty, I shall allow tribulation to come, as it is written.  Will you then remember the words spoken by My servants and turn to Me?  Come, return to Me and I shall heal you; I shall bind you up and revive you.  I shall raise you up and you shall live in My sight.

 Take up a lamentation.  Weep and travail before Me, for great shall be the judgment upon this nation.  It shall spread to every nation upon this earth, for such is the corruption; great is the evil.  It is as in the days of Noah, and as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Yea, when judgment passes over the lands, I shall once again plead with the nations to return to Me. 

    Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. 

    Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: there cause your mighty ones to come down, O LORD.

    Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. Put you in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great.

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision [Joel 3:9-14]

Comfort My People
To My people, I say, Do not be dismayed or downtrodden, nor look around you in terror, for the day of My Christ Y’shua/Jesus is at hand.  Put away the unclean thing and walk holy, then shall you be sons and daughters of Mine.

Stand fast.  Now is not the time to weary; now is the time to come before Me and worship Me in spirit and in truth.

But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship Him.  
[Jn 4:23]

    Seek good, and not evil, that you may live: and so the LORD, the God of hostsshall be with you, as you have spoken. Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.

Therefore the LORD, the God of hosts, the Lord, says thus; Wailing shall be in all streets; and they shall say in all the highways, Alas! alas! and they shall call the husbandman (manager, farmer, steward) to mourning, and such as are skillful of lamentation to wailing. [Amos 5: 15, 16]

[End of this particular word]

This has been a hard word to put out that the Lord presented on the first day of Passover.  Three weeks ago, He caused me to understand, yet I put it aside … until the second time the same scriptures came to me.  Then I tried the spirit to see if it was of God/Yhvh.  When He placed the scriptures before me again on Passover, my heart ached.

Hard Truths

My time in the United States (four years now [since 2008 at time of writing]), has not been a time of holidaying.  My heart goes out to the American people.  I have spoken to as many as the Lord leads me to speak to, but only they can choose to press into Him.  

If you have been following my articles, my testimony, you will know that long hair meant and means a lot to me, but I knew what the Lord was asking me to do.  My hair was down to the middle of my back.  

But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. [1Cor 11:15]  Perhaps it was because it was cut off in the orphanage when I was six, despite my protests, but since I was 15, I have kept long hair (except for 2 times, which will be mentioned in my testimony).

(Note* - When this was written originally in 2012, I was well into my testimony (several articles posted), which sadly, were part of the archives that had been removed (2008-2012) from this website to be transferred to another website, which I had to halt due to lack of funding. Those files were part of the ones that were unfortunately corrupted by a virus (ransomware) that hit random files stored on an external hard drive. BP2020 May)

On the first day of Passover, when the Lord gave me the scriptures again, I heard what He said.

     Cut off your hair, O Jerusalem, and cast it away, and take up a lamentation on high places; for the LORD has rejected and forsaken the generation of His wrath.  [Jer 7:29]

The condition that a vast majority of the churches are in, along with the ‘sacrifices’ of millions of aborted babies is part of what has angered the Lord.  Yet, the nation as a whole refuses to repent (same as other nations).  America has been as Rome, in its power, wealth and military strength for the last couple of hundred years.  When the Lord moved on me to cut off my hair, which I did with bitter tears, He also let me know:


This is an outward sign to America of its spiritual condition.  America is cut off!  Yea, it is Ichabod, My child, for My glory has departed from America. (Note* - been "lifted" is my understanding - BP)

The time of her tribulation is upon her and still the nation will not repent.  Travail, My child, pray for those who will yet turn to Me. 
Do not give up on the people, but know that the glory of the nation has been removed.  Fear not, stand fast and pray for the people. 

The Lord has been warning all along.

        (1)  War Warning (2010) (2)  Approaching Horses (2012) (3) Repent, Be Holy, A Warning (2008)

(Note* - the links to the above are removed because they were written in 2010, 2012 and 2008 respectively, and are to be posted on the new website. BP2015) (UPDATE: Correction: “were posted” – the other website is now defunct due to lack of funds. BP2020)

These warnings are from one voice (I am but one messenger), but He has spoken through countless others.  Just as in Elijah’s day, when he went under the Juniper tree discouraged, the Lord reminded Elijah that there were still 7,000 prophets (that Jezebel hadn’t killed) that had not bowed their knee to Baal.   
You know that these 7,000 prophets of Yhwh/God plus Elijah all came with the same message, which is why Jezebel was killing them.  It is the same today; the Head (Y’shua/Jesus) sends the same message throughout the Body.  We must listen, but not fear.  Press into God now!

I break out crying many times when I go to touch or brush my hair, or catch a glimpse of it in the mirror. Ichabod!  The glory of God has departed from America! 

America, America… you make my heart ache.  (Canada, Mexico… repent!) You make me think upon the words of Y’shua.  
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem (America, America; Canada, Canada; Mexico, Mexico), which kills the prophets, and stones them that are sent unto you; how often would I have gathered your children together, as a hen does gather her brood under her wings, and you would not! [Mat 23:37; Lk 13:34]

Jesus wept. [Jn 11:35]

The glory of America (God’s glory) has departed (lifted)!  Seek Yhvh/God now!

But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey My voice, and I will be your God (Yhwh), and you shall be My people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. [Jer 7:23] 

for His glory


Addendum: I expound on this a little further in my testimony – “First the Inside of the Cup”.

After I reveal how much of my hair the Lord led me to cut off (the length) and why He had me cut to that particular length, I then continue on with my testimony (something I have never given fully or publicly before).

(Note* - He had me cut it to my shoulders because He had "lifted" HIS glory, but the glory of the "nation" has departed. America is not what it once was. God always has a "remnant" (scattered around globally in every nation), which was another reason not all hair was cut off. - BP 2017)

Your understanding in the matter is appreciated.  All glory to our King.


First the Inside of the Cup  Part 8

April 10, 2012  [4.10.2012]  2:02 pm
It is of the Lordmercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. [Lamentations 3:22]

Doing the testimony has been difficult for me.  My comfort zone has been to speak about the Lord and continuously draw the focus of people to Him.  This is always my goal.  Giving a testimony undoubtedly draws peoples attention to the witness, but ultimately, it is to show forth the glory of Yhwh.  I do not like to talk about me, but I realize that the speaking forth of the testimony truly is for His glory.

So incredible is His agape love, His patience, His longsuffering with sinful man (not gender specific (meaning "male" or "female" and not [meaning] "unspecified gender), His willingness to forgive (even the most wretched, the lowliest of the low [such as myself]), to deliver, to save, to heal and to restore those who come to Him humbly, acknowledging/confessing their sins and believing in His Son Yshua/Jesus who gave His life willingly upon a tree, was buried and resurrected, to reconcile sinful man back to a holy God.  

This is where we start our spiritual journey; when we are born from above (meaning - born again and filled with God's Holy Spirit).

April 12, 2012  [4.12.2012]  7:17 am

As you can see, I began writing the above yesterday.  I could not continue yesterday.  Late last night (about 11 pm), I posted By My Spirit, but I was so exhausted that I could not go into greater depth.  Even today, I shall not say much more about it, as I would like to continue on in the Lords will and finish this testimony.

First things first!  The Lord began preparing my mind and heart about three and a half weeks ago for the message I just released:  O Jerusalem  O America, as I shared with you.  The Holy Spirit helped the scriptures to register in my spirit man upon the first reading; however, I set it aside.

Setting it aside does not mean that I did not think about it because I did ponder the meaning of them in present tense a few times.  When we read scripture and a certain passage or verse(s) stand out to us at times; when the verses continue to come to remembrance and we cannot help but take notice, know that the Lord is at work. 
The Bible itself is just a book, but the Word contained within the book called the Bible is spirit and it is truth (alive).  We may not completely understand why a particular scripture(s) keeps presenting itself in our mind, but we are aware of it.

When the Lord had me open the Bible at the exact same scriptures about a week later, I knew it was not coincidence.  Not only do I not believe in coincidence, but I know my Father.  Even more importantly, the Father knows me. 

Of course, flesh can get in the way of my decision making and even the enemy (Satan) can use scripture to trick me (even through believers), just as he used the word (scripture) against the Word Yshua/Jesus, in the time of His temptation in the desert wilderness.
We are instructed to: try the spirit to see if it is of God

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  [1Jn 4:1]

Not desiring to take any chances with my flesh or with any devil, as well as to obey instruction, I did try the spirit.  I said to the Lord that if He wanted me to do this (cut my hair), He would have to show me these scriptures a third time.  I suppose you can think of Gideon here; he did not want to take any chances either; hence, the story of the fleece.

Nothing happened for over a week, and yes, I read scripture daily.  I briefly entertained the thought that I had deceived myself with the scriptures, but I cast down the thought, as I had not acted upon it, therefore no deception had occurred. 

We must truly become aware of the tacticsstratagems and strategies of the enemy.  He is very real and very subtle, very clever (scripture tells us this), but so many deny the fact OR they belittle his power. 

Stratagem and strategy are sometimes interchangeable, but they are usually not synonyms.

The more common strategy is broader. Its main definitions are:

(1) a plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal
(2) the art or skill of using plans or stratagems, especially in war. 

Stratagem is sometimes synonymous with strategy in military contexts, but its primary definition is a clever scheme for achieving an objective, often by deceiving an enemy. So while strategy can denote any plan of action, stratagem usually implies subterfuge or unconventional tactics.


Remember always that greater is He (Yshua) who is in us than he that is in the world, but also remember that if Satan dared to tempt Yshua/Jesus in the desert, he (or any one of his fallen angels/devils, or enemies of the cross) will most surely dare to, and will, tempt us.
We have heard the adage: Know your enemy.  This is derived from Sun Wu Tzubook called, Art of War.  Many military strategists and leaders have successfully followed Tzus strategies.  We can glean knowledge from many sources.  Sun Tzus wisdom can also be applied when dealing with our adversaries, Satan and his armies of devils.

Sun Wu Tzu wrote: 
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.

If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. 
(emphasis mine)

The word of God says:
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour. 

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. [1Pet 5:8; 2Cor 2:11]

Your watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD shall bring again Zion.  [Is 52:8]

The Lord had moved on me to celebrate Passover (I had given up mostly all worldly holidays in 2006 when the Lord showed me the [pagan] origins).  Yes, I have heard many believers say, ‘…but God sees the heart etc regarding their celebrating Christmas and Easter.  It is not up for debate.  I judge no person on these things, as they remain between the Lord and each believer.  I can only speak from my standpoint.) 

The year 2006 was also the first time (and last until this year) that I celebrated Passover.  I did not have any rabbi or pastor or anyone to show me the proper way. I simply took direction from the scriptures. 

That year, that first Passover, humbled me so greatly, as each step of the Passover drew me closer and closer to the real Lamb, the True One without spot or blemish. 
It is His blood upon the doorposts and lintels (altar) of the heart that causes the destroyer to pass over.  When we walk with Yshua/Jesus, the enemy cannot have us; we are sealed by the blood of the True Lamb (and the Holy Spirit)!

The Lord made celebrating Passover very simple for me and I realize that fact now. I have read how the Jewish people celebrate Passover and my head spun with all the details. 

I simply began at evening (6 pm) observing the Sabbath and Passover meal.  The first Passover celebration, there were some details that I could not fulfill, but the Lord did honor what I did.  More detail will be given later in testimony.

So this year, on the morning of the day when all who celebrate Passover would begin, I grabbed my Bible and prayed as usual for the Lord to lead me to the verses that He wanted me to read that day. 

It was this day, the day that Passover would commence, the day that was symbolic of the destroyer passing over the houses of those who had applied the blood of a lamb upon their doorposts and lintel; the celebration of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt that the Lord led me the third time to the scriptures that I shared with you in O Jerusalem-O America.

When I saw this scripture for the third time within a three and a half week period:
     Cut off your hair, O Jerusalem, and cast it away, and take up a lamentation on high places; for the LORD has rejected and forsaken the generation of His wrath.  [Jer 7:29]

 my heart ached.  It is true that my hair was down to the middle of my back.  It is true that I love long hair, for two reasons.  The first because of the following scripture (which I posted in the original article):

But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. [1Cor 11:15] 

To me long hair is also symbolic of submission; submission to the Lord and submission to His proper order of things.  Secondly, there was still that child in me, the one in the orphanage, whose hair was cut off against my will; whose hair made me think upon my mother who had played with my hair a few times on her visits to me in the orphanage.

The Lord knew all this.  Nothing gets past Him; He is omniscient (all knowing, knows everything).  He knew it would be a hard thing for me to do; it would not be something I would take lightly. 

He also caused me to understand the symbolism in it (I am not all-wise; He is).  Part of me did not want to know what it meant; part of me did not want the Lord coming to this point in His position; part of me would not mind if He asked someone else to do this. 
I would support them in it, Lord but alas!  He chooses us all to do different things, yet it all comes together like the tapestry that is interwoven.  It truly is for our sakes, but for His glory.

I finished reading the scriptures that He was leading me to read; then, I closed the Bible and sat there numbly for a few moments.  It really is going down, isnt it Lord?  It really is upon America; it really is upon all the nations of the world Your judgment isnt it?  

That still small voice simply said Yes, and I could hear both grief and righteous anger at the same time (hard to describe that).

I went outside and looked at the trees, the flowers, the grass, and listened to the birds and the bugs that make noises.  I listened to someone mow the lawn and was aware of passing cars along the country (small) two-lane highway.  Life goes on and my heart was breaking.  The people Lord, the people

Before I cut my hair, when I had the scissors in my hand, I asked, How much Lord?  Bald or short like a mans?  I really did not know how much to cut off.  The whole message, the symbolism, what it stood for, as well as cutting my long hair was hard for me, but my Father knew I could handle it.  He formed me in my mothers womb.

To the shoulders; with a remnant remaining  I still have My people here and more shall come into the kingdom.  Though it shall be a remnant, still they are Mine.  My glory is not lifted from those who are Mine, those who walk in My ways. 

I began to cut.  I am no hairdresser, so it was a straight cut, which I think is also symbolic.  Then I took the foot and a half or so of my hair outside to the fire pit, where it remained untouched until yesterday.

When the Lord moved on me yesterday, letting me know that it was time to proceed, I stalled.  This is not something I take lightly, arrogantly or foolishly.  This grieves me so much, but how much more the Creator of all things?!  Tears flow so easily when you hear my testimony, you will see that all this weeping you hear me speak of nowadays from me is in itself, a miracle of the Most High. (No longer the “tough girl” who didn’t cry!)
I stalled by setting fire to a few of the many red ant hills in my yard.  Yet, even in the burning of the anthills, as I watched the ants running to try and escape, I thought upon the people of America (and in Yhwh/God’s time), even Canada and Mexico and other nations.  I sobbed more.  People will be running for their lives (in different nations), trying to escape.

After about 45 minutes or so, I did what I had to do.  I lit the hair in the fire pit on fire.  The hair itself quickly burned.  Ichabod - the glory of the Lord has departed.

For the Lord thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.
For our God is a consuming fire [Deu 4:24; Heb 12:29]

I break out in tears easily these days, but the reason is multifaceted.  In part, it is due to what I have just shared here regarding the glory of the Lord departing.  It is also due to that which is coming.  Will the people recognize Gods judgment and turn to Him?  The whole purpose of judgment is to bring people to repentance. 

Yet, Yhwhs wrath is yet another matter.  His judgment and His wrath are two different things.

Tears are also due to the cleansing that heals inwardly, as I continue in my testimony.  I have been told to not focus on the things around you, but to focus on the Lord.  I have also heard not to focus on myself, but to focus on the Lord.  Brethren, I do understand these things and I do agree.

However, when the Lord asks us to do something, we must carry it through.  This testimony must go forth.  He wants to heal and help many; it truly is not just about me.  I am learning and have learned (glory to the King Jesus/Yshua), that we cannot be swayed by the opinions of men.  I have been learning this by the power of the Holy Spirit, as well as through the vessels that He has spoken through.   

The Lord had actually taught me this a few years back, but there are times that the opinions of people moved me.  This cannot be (says our Lord), especially when we are persecuted for His names sake. 

We must do this now before we are in the thick of it.  If only we could see how blessed we were, compared to other believers in other nations, who have suffered persecution to the point of torture to the point of death.  Our turn fast approaches.  Now is the time to learn (quickly) not to be easily swayed or moved. 

Articles that I was led to by the Holy Spirit (we learn to recognize His hand, no matter which vessel He uses), were articles written by a man named Joseph Herrin who speaks about the opinions of men and the hard lessons that he himself had to learn in this area (as we all do)!

I also hear the Holy Spirit speaking through many of the brethren that email me (we learn to discern His voice  again, through His vessels).  I am grateful for my family, the true brethren. I take none of the true brethren for granted because I too learned my lessons the hard way.

Perhaps now, you see why I was exhausted last nightemotionally drained.  My prayers are increased, as is my worship to the Lord.  This is His doing!  I give thanks.   Included now in my prayers is asking the Lord to remember mercy in His judgments and in His wrath (which will come, (the day of the Lord), as it is written, but not now).

O Lord, I have heard your speech and was afraid: O Lord, revive your work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath, remember mercy[Hab 3:2]

I believe with all my heart that Yhwh/God will indeed remember mercy; but I also believe that there will be those who will not recognize His mercy, nor will they turn to Him.  This alone is a grievous thought.
On a closing note regarding this topic, my landlady stopped by today for a few moments.  She called before coming, as she always does, so I prayed to the Father that IF I was to speak to her about what is coming, THEN she would have to mention my cut hair.  I like my landlady and her husband very much, but they are atheists. 

(Note* - I was in Georgia, USA (2012) when this was originally written, so this is the landlady I speak of. BP2020)

Once before, I had tried to speak to the landlady about Yshua/Jesus when she drove me to the store, about a year ago (I do not own a vehicle at this time).

She was impatient with my witnessing, abruptly ending it with I dont believe in Jesus or any God.  To that I simply said, Okay, no problem.  I realized then that the Lord had not prepared her heart; that I was going ahead of Him at that time.

The Sign
So today before she came, I prayed and the sign I asked of the Lord if I should speak to my landlady was that she was to comment on my cut hair.  As stated, she did not stay long, as she was on her way to work.  She was walking out the door, when she turned and said, You cut your hair.  It looks nice.  

I personally dont think it looks nice, as Im not a hairdresser.  I parted it in the middle on top and at the back, put one section over each shoulder and cut it straight across.  Yikes!

That was my cue; she had mentioned the cut hair.  I started with, It means something.  Are you interested in hearing what it means?  I could tell she meant it when she said, Yes, I am…”  So, I proceeded to tell her, in a synopsis, what it all meant.

She was actually listening.  I could see it on her face and in her body language.  Respecting the fact that she was on her way to work, I tried to make it short and to the point.

I did throw in the scripture [2Pet 3:9] about how the Lord is not slow in His promise (of returning), as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish (not you, not me - I added), but that all (you, me, your husband, all) should come to repentance.

Then, I mentioned earthquakes (yes, I included the New Madrid) and dormant volcanoes that will blow. She shrugged stating, Thats happening now.  To which I agreed and then added about war coming to this land of America.  Again, she stated that everyone knew that.

Undaunted (the Lord gives us boldness), I further stated:

 ‘[her name here], it will get so chaotic with all these things plus martial law, people turning on each other and stuff, that people will either shake their fists at God or cry out for His mercy

Broken people will be broken, realizing that they have fallen short of the glory of a holy God (and we all fall short of His glory [her name], but we just dont all fall the same way. 

My sins arent your sins and vice versa.  I pray [her name] that you and [her husbands name] will be broken, just as I was broken [her name], and that you will turn to God because of what Jesus Christ did for us all.

You will likely go away and forget these words, no problem, I carry on with life also but when all these things go down [her name], you will remember these words because the Holy Spirit will bring them to your remembrance. 
(At this point her face is very serious.  She is listening because this time, the Lord prepared her heart!  This was His doing!) I ended with, I know the Holy Spirit will bring it to your remembrance [her name] because our Creator, the Great Spirit Chief, loves you and [her husbands name]. 

We all know that we will die one day and many have wondered about an after-life.  There is a life that can be spent with our Creator and our Savior, Jesus, but we must acknowledge our sins and what Jesus did for us upon that tree and cry out to the one who made us. 

I pray that in the time of unimaginable chaos, you remember these words that He is reaching out to you even now, and that you both will turn to God. All these things that are coming will come suddenly.  No one knows when exactly, it will be fast, sudden.  I pray He shows you favor, as you and your husband have shown me favor.

I thanked her for listening, adding that I realized she had to get to work and that I didnt want to take up more of her time.  She thanked me, adding I will remember. Okay, be safe and left. 

I give glory to the Lord because He did prepare her heart.  He did give me the sign I needed to know if I should speak or not.  Now the rest is in His hands.  What a good, gracious, merciful and loving God we serve!
For man also knows not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falls suddenly upon them. [Ecc 9:12]

 The LORD has made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

     Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of herbe ye clean, that bear the vessels of the LORD. 
     [Is 52:10, 11]

     Original Post:  O Jerusalem Jerusalem – O America America (April 2015)

     Lead me in your truth and teach me: for you are the God of my salvation: on you do I wait all the day. [Ps 25:5]

     Justice and judgment are the habitation of your throne: mercy and truth shall go before your face. [Ps 89:14]

    But you, O Lord, are a God full of compassion and gracious, loving and plenteous in mercy and truth. [Ps 86:15] 
     For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether   it be good, or whether it be evil. [Ecc 12:14]
      For His glory