
Monday, October 14, 2019

Though He Were a Son-Part 2_Alignment-Time

Ready Pen Waiting

The pen was ready; the paper waiting.

I planned on writing what has been going on for the past three months, not for pity or sympathy, not so people would think how godly I am or ungodly I must be simply going by the things that have occurred over this time period, but merely with the desire to assure others that they are not alone, that God is with us, true to His Word, never leaving or forsaking us, ever caring and ever faithful!

The number of times I began to continue in my writing so I could post an article has been lost because I couldn’t possibly count the times now. Nor could I count the times that I deleted what I wrote and started again; that’s been lost track of too. 

I will say that for the past two days, my old laptop has been crashing…suddenly and unexpectedly. Prayer went up (a special thank you to the sister in Christ who prayed also – thank you Donna L, [and Joy M., if you did also, my thanks to you as well].) It was almost like the exclamation point to the series of events that have been taking place these past months, but GOD is greater!

Even today, I planned on opening the file that contained the document of the article I had written in part, which I had begun a few months ago, but God has directed me otherwise. I will get to what has been going on another time, if it is the Lord’s will and when and if He so directs me.

For now, I have a word that I am to share. May it minister to those it is meant for; may it accomplish that which the good Lord has intended and may He alone be glorified. Part of this word comes from different days. The dates are given.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Be at peace! Calm down! Many need emotional healing, as it is termed these days. Yet I say, this “healing” comes first through forgiveness, beginning with forgiving yourself, and secondly, by renewing your mind in Christ (in My Word).

For with a clear mind that is focused on Me, you can then genuinely forgive others. It is written as a root of bitterness rather than emotional healing, in My Word. Anger produces bitterness when one feels that they’ve been wronged, even wronged by Me.

Are you wiser than Me? Can you counsel Me in My ways? Do you know the outcome or the end from the beginning in any matter? Can you change hearts? Can you predict the future? Can you stop the rain or call forth fire out of heaven without Me, without My Spirit? Can you override My Sovereignty?

Do you believe I have deceived you or allowed you to be deceived, when you have prayed that I not allow you to be? Do not allow fear to overtake you. Many are becoming afraid to believe what I have promised them because they feel I am too slow, too uncaring or not intervening. They wonder if they heard from Me or if they were deceived by themselves or the adversary.

Is My arm shortened that it cannot save? Am I not able to do the impossible? Is anything to hard for Me? Am I man that I should lie? Am I a trickster that I should deceive? Answer these and you shall see and know truth. I AM Truth!

Many allow distractions to take them away from the important things such as time with Me and time in My Word and prayer. Where has praise and worship gone? Where are the times spent together, being still in My presence?

Listen to Me, listen carefully (keenly). All I have told you is true. I asked you to surrender. I have told you to rest in Me. Am I not the Lord of the battle? Am I not able to subdue your enemies? Am I not able to deliver you?

Surrender your life wholly – REST in Me. I know you cannot do it on your own, but you must lean on My strength, on My Spirit. You must recognize pride and self-pity when they present. I have loved you with tender mercies.

Many do not understand the trials they go through (and some who are going through them now). There is a trying of the heart. Many feel like the least, yet I take the least and raise them up for My glory.

When you meditate upon My ways with you in the past, not only will your heart again be filled with thanksgiving, but you will again trust Me fully, even in the trials, even in the miraculous promises I have given you.

RISE UP and go forward. You will overcome, for I am with you. You will walk into your promises as you obey My leading, for I have ordained it to be so. Obedience has its rewards. Look to My Word and see if it is not so.

Repent, forgive, walk humbly with Me, walk in love, bear good fruit. Go forward with new hope restored. I have tried the hearts of many. I do this with all people.

Change must be desired. Going around in circles will solve nothing. Distancing yourself from Me through busyness interferes in our closeness and in My directions. I have not deserted you; I have waited patiently. Patience is something many have not yet fully learned, but it must be practiced – discipline the flesh.

Many must come into alignment with My will – obey in all I instruct you to do. If My people will set down all fear and walk confidently in faith; if they will set aside all doubt and unbelief and walk in trust, they will see the fruition of My promises to them.

Simply trust and obey. Rest and wait patiently for Me. Quit trying in your own strength for it will fail you. Take hold of My strong arm, for I will never fail you. In Me is your strength. Set your face like a flint when facing any giant. I am with you. The giant will be destroyed. Submit to me and the enemy will flee.

TRUST in the Lord and do good; so shall you dwell in the land, and verily you shall be fed. DELIGHT yourself also in the Lord; and he shall give you the desires of your heart. COMMIT your way unto the LORD; TRUST also in him and he shall bring it to pass.

And he shall bring forth your righteousness as the light and your judgment as the noonday. REST in the Lord, and WAIT patiently for Him: fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass. [Ps 37:3-7]

Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not yourself in any wise to do evil. [vs 8]

Let all BITTERNESS, and wrath, and ANGER, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, FORGIVING one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.  [Eph 4:31, 32]

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wait upon Me – wait patiently! Do that which I have asked you to do, My child – do and see what I shall do in return, for obedience has rewards.

For God speaks once, yea twice, yet man perceives it not.  [Job 33:14]

No one wants to hear it, just as in the days of Noah, but great trouble is almost here. The stench of evil is rising – that which has been hiding, lurking in the background is about to manifest.

People shall be shocked and angered. Many will become fearful, but those who trust their God shall not be afraid; neither shall they be ashamed. Each day that passes brings the evil closer. Yet I say to those who abide in Me that you will rise up and DO. You will overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony and love not your life unto death. [Rev 12:11]

He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?  [Micah 6:8]

Sunday, October 13, 2019
Obedience brings blessing – disobedience, a curse. I have not strayed or broken My covenant. I stand by My Word – it goes forth out of My mouth and prospers; it accomplishes the thing to which I sent it.

So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  [Is 55:11]

Obedience proves your love for Me and establishes your trust in Me.
Things are moving rapidly, more than most realize. Yes, many are in denial of the times (the time they are now in) and the signs which they see. “Not in our lifetime”; they parrot each other, yet I tell you things are indeed about to “explode”.

And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.  [2Pet 3:4]

Alignment – alignment – things have and are falling into place, both for the good and on the side of evil. My will shall be done. I hear the prayers of My people, yea, but I will only delay for so long.

Yes, there are things I can stop and will stop (and indeed have stopped), due to the prayers of the multitudes – devious plans plotted by wicked people, influenced and controlled by princes and evil ones in high places on the dark side.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  [Eph 6:12]

Yet that which is written shall be accomplished – so it is written, so it shall be. People have wearied of false reports, false prophecies and time setting, only to discover deception mocks those who believed the falsehoods.

I consistently urge My people to bring matters to Me, to try every spirit to see if it is of Me, to pray, to abide in Me, to stay in My word and to stay in My presence, and wait patiently for Me.

Yet distractions, hindrances and busyness have presented themselves as an onslaught to many of My people. Trials and tribulations have increased for the multitudes. The enemy has pulled out his heaviest weapons, deception and fear.
Many have succumbed (given in) to the busyness, these distractions and hindrances that take the focus off of Me and keep them from quality time in the stillness of My presence.

Turn again, and hold Me fast as your first love. Dedicate yourself to Me and I will keep you stable, balanced and on the right path. Pray, as led, for others. Pray about all that concerns you. Wait upon Me and I will answer, moving in wisdom and in My timing.

None trust in much of anything or anyone in these days, yet again I say, trust Me! I am not man that I should lie. I cannot lie for I AM truth.

Things are about to happen in the West that will astound the world. Things are about to happen (and are happening) in the East that should awaken even those in the heaviest and deepest slumber.

No one wants to hear these things. All want life to be well or them, but the dark days were foretold. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. [2Tim 3:1]

Hope is in My Christ, Jesus (Yeshua). Trust must be in Me. Without Me, people will stumble and stray. With Me, things stabilize and are balanced; your steps shall be sure and well guided by Me.

Obey My instructions. I have been trying the hearts of My people, including you. Did you not know? Many felt they were a failure, yet I say, more good work has been accomplished in them than they realize. There is good fruit and I am glorified.

As you obey and stay in obedience, then that which you have long waited for shall come to pass, suddenly and unexpectedly, as I have always said. Do not faint at this time; hold fast to Me and I shall strengthen your heart.

Obedience is the key. Faith must be solid (on the Rock) and trust must be undeniable. Your action, your overcoming, your obedience will bring it to pass – quickly. Do not measure things by man’s timeslot.

Prayer, earnest prayer for one another, mixed with faith and thanksgiving, is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

Trust and obey. TIME and ALIGNMENT – (these) two things I am solidly and consistently revealing to My people in these days. It is time for much to go forth (both good and evil); things are coming into alignment.

There will be those who hate you without cause and hate you as they see “Christ” in you (in those who die daily to self, with the help of My Spirit), yet all those who are Mine and abide in Me through My Son Jesus (Yeshua) shall experience this persecution.

Fear not. I am in control. I will expose the pretenders and shame the copycats for indeed, it is My glory that they trample upon. I have made each person uniquely. Thanksgiving is far from the hearts of those who do these things.
Stay close to Me. Rejoice, for the time is at hand.

I had fainted unless I had BELIEVED to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. WAIT on the Lord, be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart. WAIT, I say, on the Lord.  [Ps 27:13, 14]

I have declared the former things from the beginning, and they went forth out of My mouth, and I showed them. I did them SUDDENLY and they came to pass. [Is 48:3]

They are created now, and not from the beginning, even before the day when you heard them not; least you should say, Behold, I knew them.  [Is 48:7]

Lo, all these things God works oftentimes with man. [Job 33:29]

I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons. [Ps 16:7]

(End of messages)

It has also been placed within my spirit to be aware of the witchcraft, rituals, sacrifices, incantations and unholy prayers taking place at this time. Witchcraft steadily continues to increase. God is sending forth his holy angels who are at his command and immediately obey.

Words that have stayed upon my heart are: (PRIME one is: = obedience)) The other key words are: trust, pray, appointed time, time, alignment, division (sheep from sheep, but also revealing infiltrators, double agents, false ones, the reprobate), betrayal, transition, endurance, suddenly and unexpectedly.

Though He (Jesus/Yeshua) were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered [Heb 5:8]

penned by Bonita

for His glory alone